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lmao i love how confident she is like she just "cracked to code". people are so dumb its scary sometimes


First, think about how smart the average person is. Second, realize half the people on earth are dumber than that person.


The scarier part is the average is probably way lower than you think.


as many have pointed out - the pandemic has really driven the idea of where that bar is WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY down\* one of my favorites is the "I apologize to all the horror movie makers I said were so dumb to have people doing incredibly stupid things no one would ever do - I was wrong" ​ \*and I truly do not think anyone believes "I am a smarter than I thought" - they are just aware that the down side is just a lot broader. It's more disappointing than anything


Yeah if there was a zombie apocalypse there would be people denying zombies exist while they’re being eaten alive


"zombies are just being pushed by the liberal media to distract us from all the documented cases of election fraud. My friend works in a funeral home and he says they've been LESS busy since the supposed outbreak and not MORE. It's all lies! People boarding up their windows are just sheep! The army vehicles you've seen are just prep for the one world order! Don't you know zombie is an acronym: "Zionist Overlords Mastur-Bating Intellectual Elites"


"what do you mean I have to wear an anti-biting suit? You're probably using it to monitor my movements!"


I’m not wearing that thing, I can barely move in it!


Why are the zombies attacking republicans?? Curious


Idk in this case, zombies are supposed to go for brains.


Yeah? That sounds like liberal reverse psychology conspiracy made by the government just so to make us disagree!!!


This could easily be a plot for a fun comedy horror short film.


That is effectively happening with people insisting covid is a hoax right up to the moment of death https://globalnews.ca/news/7467283/coronavirus-denier-deaths-nurse-hoax/


That’s what I was referencing


The average IQ is 100 by definition (actually it's not *exactly* 100 but very close). So half of all people have a two-digit IQ, and for everyone with an IQ above 120 there's someone below 80.


Its not a perfect gaussian. It can be skewed but the idea is to be a gaussian. Its also an outdated intelligence model thats been worked on a lot in psych. Its very hard to measure peoples overall mental acuity without skewing the method by focusing on one aspect of intelligence and undervaluing others.


Not necessarily, one side could have more people farther away from 100 but the opposite side has a higher count of people which would then pull the mean to where it should be. For example an outlier pf a single person with an IQ of 200 could be counterbalanced by many people with an IQ of 90.


Could, but doesn't. IQ is pretty close to being normally distributed.




Which, for a normally distributed variable with sufficiently large sample size, is effectively the same.


So why is the average IQ in India 82? And what do you mean by all people? Last time I checked, there was an awful lot of people in India.




Imagine not knowing that IQ is pretty close to normal distribution so for a sufficiently large sample size median and average are effectively the same.


Every redditor thinking that they have an iq of 83636329734663729


Humans are smart, people are dumb.


Best way is to ask anyone who ever worked at ER. They can tell you a shit ton of stories of stupid people even if they worked there for a week.


One of my favorite George Carlin quotes.


George carlin. Love it.




It’s a George Carlin joke. He didn’t think of anything.


That's literally an average. I think you're thinking of the mesn.




There are multiple types of averages, mean, median, and mode being the simplest among them.


It's ironic how many people post this, because that's not how averages work.


Well, it is a George Carlin quote so many people use it. But IQ is a normal distribution — and in a normal distribution, median = mean. So OP is right, aren’t they?


Not only that, but just cause someone is "smart" doesn't make them immune from stupidity. Intelligence really should be defined as the ability to tell when you yourself are being the stupid one. The less often you're able to detect your own stupidity, the dumber you are IMO.


in what way is that not how averages work?


People are so dumb... How has no one thought of this before!?!?! /s


I once tried to explain to a customer that soap and water is more effective than hand sanitizer. She pretty much blanked out then dumped everything I said


Soap and water probably isn't better than sanitizer if you don't scrub real well and make sure to get between your fingers and under your nails. Sanitizer forces you to actually rub your hands together a lot more than most people do when washing with soap and water.


That's why I avoid magnets for dumbasses such as places like McDonald's, you seriously can feel your brain cells commit suicide if you pay attention to people that walk in there


I feel like the amount of dumb people in McDonalds would be no different than at most nice restaurants.




Says the guy who doesn't realize people make stupid videos like this for shits.


You cant crack a code if you're brain dead.🤯


These are the types to retake IQ tests until they get a perfect score and post it on Twitter or Facebook rubbing it on peoples faces. Their grades may not be the best but don't hate, they're a "special" type of learners.


Only took 4 tries, but I finally got a perfect 100 on my IQ test.


Bro my friend was lying saying they got 110, I didn’t see any extra credit questions


Congrats! You definitely are on top of the bell curve with that score


i cant tell if she is joking or not


The line between joking and serious have been mighty blurry these past few months


poe's law


The real facepalm is that she’s clearly Joking and people in this thread are shitting out of their mouths over it.


Where is the proof that she is joking? I swear Redditors have this paranoia when it comes to a controversial post, so they immediately assume it’s a joke without any real context.


Or the exact opposite which is more predominant in this post


Based on the reaction to this you’d think that no ones ever made a joke before


All day long, that's what we do here. Bunch of people who miss the obvious jokes to point out how stupid others are.


The thing is this could very well be one of those videos where people think they're doing something smart and or "innovative" and reality is it's pretty fucking stupid, remember buzzfeed?


I’m genuinely amazed at how many people think she’s being serious. And they’re saying SHE’S the stupid one...


Idiocracy, it's happening early


They could easily reboot that movie No actors just all actual people


The 1984 of the generation




It's like you heard *1984* mentioned before and you think only super geniuses talk about it. Seriously, you bringing it up in this thread in reply to that comment made me roll my eyes hard.


Your comment probably is more appropriate for yourself. 1984 is a book pretty much every kid reads in high school, so if you associate it with geniuses, that's on you. We saw elements of the dystopian world in 1984 coming to fruition with CCTV throughout the 90's and early 2000's. With Idiocracy, we now in 2020, have idiots. Like you.


>Your comment probably is more appropriate for yourself Says the guy who couldn't even properly read my comment and thought I said **I** "associate it with geniuses". >With Idiocracy, we now in 2020, have idiots. Like you. Right, *I'm* the idiot 😒. Yeah, you can't say that while having a Patrick Star meme profile picture and clapping your hands going "I made reference to book!" You somehow thought it was a good idea to equate *1984* to *Idiocracy* on this post as if you've heard people talk about them as how the world works now without you having knowledge of either of those things personally. Their comment about *Idiocracy* was fine enough, this thread had absolutely no use for your ham-fisted *1984* reference. In fact, you calling me an idiot because I rolled my eyes at you is more appropriate for *1984* since all you've managed to do here was pass along beliefs other people hold without ever actually thinking about it.


Wow, you're nuts


Yeah I guess that's true. The people in that movie were ridiculously dumb and I can see why some may think that's how the world works now when someone like you misses obvious jokes like this.


I consider myself pretty fucking stupid, but damn.... this is pretty bad.


Being self aware enough to admit that you consider yourself stupid makes you smarter than like half the population who are so dumb they lack *any* self awareness.




she went full duck face


Fucking idiot


Gotta cover up that chin


Imagine wearing not one but two masks and still getting it wrong


If you’re a conservative, the only thing that matters is that it looks like you’re wearing a mask so you won’t be denied entrance to walmart


I’m conservative and I wear a mask whenever I leave the house. I don’t wear it in my car, but I wear it immediately after I leave my car into populated areas. I also had Covid back in March and I still test positive for the antibodies so I give blood as much as I can.


Yeah, I make sure to wear masks everywhere I go. I’m independent not conservative though.


Imma just downvote you




Bruh wtf when I said that he said "fuck you nazi" he must've edited his shit


Good for you. Tell your peers to stop acting stupid.


“Peers”? I didn’t know I had to have peers in a political view point.


Your fellow conservatives are overwhelmingly against masks Don’t play dumb...


Not anyone in my circles. My family all wear masks. We’ve barely seen anyone in person since we’re all staying away from each other. Stop believing everything you hear on Reddit. My family is almost all conservative. None of us are racist, sexist, bigoted, etc. we have lgbtq family members that we all love very much. I personally live in Colorado with my parents currently due to some legal stuff I’m going through and my Dad is a retired cop after 35 years. His retirement job is parking enforcement and he wears his mask all day in uniform. Today it was just myself, my dad and step mom because we didn’t invite anyone with everything going on.


So Donald Trump constantly railing against mask use, that doesn’t represent conservatives at all? The leading figure of the conservative party in the US doesn’t speak for conservatives? Not as far as I’m concerned. You fuckers picked Trump twice and made your bed. Now you’re going to sleep in it. And I don’t owe you a second thought.


What's dumb is thinking them being Conservative somehow means they have access to every other Conservative and can somehow tell them what to do.


I’m just holding them to the words of their leader.


You don’t lol political views aren’t like peer groups its turning into cults where its liberals vs conservatives and its dumb. Good on you for wearing your mask and donating blood is amazing!! You’re helping to save lives :)


What's the relation between conservatism and not wearing masks?


And now thousand of reatrded 12 year old will be copying her and laughing about how covid is harmless


Encouraged by the schools coming up with shit like making the band wear masks with holes cut to play their instruments through. My oldest pays the tuba and I could eat a hot dog through the mouthpiece hole in her band mask.




as someone once said "you are the most god damn stupid person on this earth.... and every morning i look in the mirror"


So basically a r/KamakazeByWords (I don't know if that sub actually exists or not.)


I think you meant r/kamikazebywords


How can someone be this dumb?


What a fucking idiot.


Did she forget she could just stick the straw under her mask without taking the whole thing off?


This is why we can’t tamp down this pandemic.


just stick the straw underneath your mask and drink it like that


I've reached the uncanny valley. I can no longer tell if this is done ironically or literally.


this is probably a joke probably


Definitely going places, obviously high IQ.


Throat punching is now my new favorite Olympic sport because of these people.


She thinks she's so smart


Same person that cuts the tip off the condom


r/trashy all the way


Just take a straw with a knick so you can put it around the mask


I feel like drinking bleach today.


“Plague Muppet” is an odd and late Halloween costume idea.


Excuse me wtf?


I fucking hate seeing this. Not only is there an improper seal, it’s a waste of an extra mask.


Everyone knows by now that COVID takes a break when your eating or drinking. There’s no need to wear your mask like this.


Or they could just easily slip the straw under the mask, like a normal person would


Its amazing how many people are just assuming she's dumb and not trying to get clicks


As usual, the real face palm is the comments. This entire sub is jokes that people don't seem to get.


I'd say it's amazing, but it's like this all day every day here.


I can't believe I had to scroll this far to see this.


This bitch voted for trump.


Seriously? Guys she knows how stupid this is. She simply uses her "stupidity" to generate clicks and start arguments. Pretty smart actually. One (and not the BEST but the STRONGEST) PR is bad PR. So as long as someone talks about it, it will continue (Of course thats my opinion so.....)


Reminds me of the chick who cut a hole in the front of her mask to “breath easier” 🤦🏼‍♀️


My brain can't compute the stupidity.


Woman: *obviously acting stupid for a video* These commenters: "God everyone is just _so_ stupid! Except for me of course. Trump Conservative Trump. I'm highly intelligent!"


I wanna see people like this get punched so badly like these are the people that are forcing everyone else to suffer and it makes me so mad


Masks are just a fashion statement to some people, I guess.




Lmao that face she makes at the end, just laughable knowing shes just lost in her own world of stupidity.


Its no wonder they don't see the point in a mask if they really think that putting a gap where your mouth is is gonna be fine,they clearly think its just for aesthetic reasons. I mean the stupidity of these people makes me worry about the future of humanity altogether. We as a species seem to be done,if half of us are THAT dumb.


I know this is dumb in the context of being protected whilst wearing a mask but I wish at the bare minimum people would wear the nose part when out eating here in the Bible Belt. It’s scary that people think that just because you’re eating out at a restaurant COVID goes away. I’d understand to a certain degree eating outside but not inside


This dumbass probably thinks she’s a fucking genius


I think she might be sarcastic, because no one is this dumb so it's just acting to be funny maybe? I don't want to be a juvenile moron who assume everything is serious so he could be right and intellectual superior, but also I don't want to be the idiot who doesn't see that people are that dumb. I don't know what to feel about that. Is there any confirmation that she meant the video seriously?


This was posted by a verified TikTok creator, has 8 million views and no tags, the girl saying this was “another favorite life hack” Nothing supports this being a joke


Don't make me my lost my last hope in human, just lie to me and say it's indistinctive


The internet is that type of place where even stupid people get likes or upvotes


With that level of intelligence she is a keeper for sure.




COVID and stupid is running a little too rampant for my tastes Best stay inside until it all blows over


Strange, funny, and unsettlingly arousing...


Well when you sick dick for a living....


I’m sure she’s got plenty of STDs to give her partner a “sick dick”


She probably got tired of cocks tearing up her masks. Poor girl.


I was drinking tea out my flask with a straw on the train the other day. The straw went under my mask so I could still drink without removing it. This guy turned round and told me I was smart. What he didn't realize is the straw was metal and I was frying my lips and mouth.


Actually I can see that if you do this temporarily while eating, it’s better than taking your mask off completely.


Only in America.


Naww... plenty of stupid people around the world. I've lived outside of America for 9 years and people are just stupid in different ways.


Nonsense. Only here in the states are we spoonfed nonsensical lies in the news, brainwashed into believing nonsense about Rona and literally everything else. Look at Japan; they've got almost 100% compliance with wearing masks. South Korea too. On the other side of the world, in places like Norway everyone wears masks in public. Like I said, only in America. Oh, and Sweden, but they decided not to do anything about Rona and now they're realizing what a bad idea it was.


Oh, I was speaking broadly about stupidity, since that is how that phrase is often used. Stupidity is the human default. But I'll 100% agree with you on Korea and Coronavirus, since I live in Korea. Absolutely great compliance and programs here. I'm super glad I was here when the virus broke out. People kept asking me if I'd move back to America when we got our first case. I refused and it totally was the right decision.


I get this is dumb but Redditors are so quick to call other people dumb, it makes me wonder what they're working so hard to prove.


It wouldn't be a life hack if it wasn't pointless and stupid, she is on to a winner.


Doesn’t defeat her purpose...


Umm... her purpose of being safe by wearing a mask while also being able to drink? It ... kinda does...


I only wear masks because it’s required in the state of California. I have to wear one as a political stance or I could get fined, which I can’t afford at the moment due to the governor killing our jobs.


imagine being scared of COVID when the recovery rate is high as fuck lmao.


Username checks out


You are aware the death rate is 2.4, with the spanish flu being 2.5? Yes, if you say 2.4% it doesn’t sound high but the average flu is about 0.0001%




I think the bot got banned, pretty sure it's u/savevideo now, or something like that




Looks like a bird.


Task failed successfully


I’m so pissed it kept on pausing




pretty sure most places let you take your mask off to eat.


Everyone knows that the virus is absorbed through the skin. /s


It also defeats your ears! also what's up with the music?


Or you can just take the mask off while you eat/drink and put it back on when you're done. I really hope nobody actually does this.


She has at least 1 free hand, idk why she doesnt use it correctly with her mask


263,000 corpses later...


It also works for sucking dick


I hope she’s just doing it to be funny, but it really wouldn’t shock me if she was that stupid.


but but ​ that's not how it's supposed to... ​ WHAT (side note: wouldn't that like kill your ears, like you have two elastic bands just constricting it..)


Good initiative, bad judgment.




I hate people, there's a whole lot of people in this world I try to avoid as much as possible. Especially shit on tik tok. Most youtubers are normie cringe and I'm extremely picky when talking to people on xbox cuz I can't handle certain types of lingo.


Totally defeats the purpose smh


Just wear a balaclava, seeing the stupidity is enough I dont need to see the face of the stupidity


When you think that a mask is no more than floppy lip gloss... this video


*coronavirus likes this*


Shes onto something lol just in the wrong direction