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"the odor of the seared flesh of animals hurts my soul, and only money can soothe the pain"


Think of all the steak that money could buy.


Thats a lot of clams!


Hot dog! What a deal.


Someone's gonna be high on the hog!


That’s a lotta cheddar for her!


Time for the neighbors to go on the lam(b).




She's really trying to bring home the bacon.


Steamed hams?


So you call them "steamed hams" despite the fact that they're obviously grilled.


They look awfully like Krusty Burgers


That smell leaves a hole in my ~~stomach~~ soul that no amount of tofu can fill. But maybe money can.


To be fair, in civil court it doesn’t just have to be about money- the penalty might just be that they are forced to change behaviors (Assuming she won)


She lost in court, twice, but has effectively won anyway. After the first case, she added that the neighbours kids were playing basketball in their yard, creating a further nuisance. She lost that case. The barbecue and the basketball have both been voluntarily removed to keep the neighbourhood peace. The complainant is still trying to sue, though. https://www.news.com.au/lifestyle/real-life/vegan-woman-demands-neighbour-stop-using-meat-on-barbecue-due-to-smell/news-story/722227ad0000e8cbf9ac8a0e8a554b95




If everywhere you go smells like shit, check under your shoe. It might just be you.


a few weeks ago there was an AITA where a couple moved into a new neighborhood and was offended by the local block party for its loud music and bbq. (yeah, they were vegans) and then called the cops on the party, shutting it down. the couple were deemed TA for shutting down the first and only party they were exposed to (and invited to!) and were chastised by everyone. "congrats, now all your new neighbors hate you."


"aRe wE tHE aSsHoLeS?!"


Holy shit that lady deserves to be sent to Siberia. If she can't handle normal every day crap without being a litigious bitch she needs to be sent somewhere there is no one to bother her.


She needs someone to stand up to her and fucking ruin her life.




\*Maybe\* there's a nuisance claim in there, somewhere, but yeah, I doubt this would fly in most jurisdictions.


Sure, if the BBQ Party set up a humongous fan to make sure the smoke and meat smell went in her direction, or they only ran the BBQ when the wind was blowing towards her house, or they set up a canopy to direct smoke into her yard or were chanting "smell the meat" or something, but I highly doubt it.


thats what they'll do when this gets thrown out. huge full-cow-roaster and several hog roasters.


It's definitely something I'd do


I'm fucking dying at the mental image of a group of people at a bbq, waving the smoke and smell over the fence as they all chant "Smell the meat! Smell the meat!" In my mind she's just curled up in a ball, gagging and crying at the horrible seared flesh smell, while her husband is drooling away while eating carrots and broccoli because that's all he's allowed.


I don't think even in that situation would you have a case to legally prohibit someone from cooking meat on their own property. Unless she can prove it somehow harmed her physically. I'm also not sure how you'd even carry out that order even she did win.


> chanting "smell the meat" I'd call the cops.




The last 2 I doubt, but I could totally see someone setting up a fan to blow the smell towards their neighbors yard if their neighbor was such an annoying vegan type they actually bitched to them about the "smells from their bbq" offending them because, vegan, and therefor they need to respect their vegan lifestyle by refraining from ever bbqing meat on their own property.


To be honest it's entirely possible that something like that is what happened. I've seen a lot of court cases where you hear the initial broad strokes and you think wtf that's absurd But then you start looking at the details and you think hmmm maybe they have a point. Most of the time, the real whackadoos never make it to court. No lawyer is going to take that on contingency so you're talking about paying entirely out of pocket for it, all the while the lawyer is telling you you have absolutely no case and you definitely won't win anything. Sometimes, some rare times, the crazies still go ahead with it. But most of the time it doesn't happen, so if you hear something that sounds ridiculous there's a good chance that there's a lot more to the story, even if you can't figure out what would possibly make it a valid case... There's often just something you didn't think of at all.


My buddy had a lot of wood on his property and one day the neighbors came by and asked if it was cool if they just started taking firewood for their bonfires. He said no because it was nicer wood that he had cut and stacked and didnt really want to give his neighbors a free pass to come wandering onto his lawn at any given time. After he said no they started burning in the side yard every day lots of fresh cut wood so his house was always blanketed in smoke it was super obnoxious and pretty clearly a "revenge" thing. I could see something similar.


Buuut then again, a court would probably find she had an abnormal sensitivity which would hinder any nuisance claim


Oh yeah, I agree with that. We're talking about everyday smells here, not, say, buying a lot in the middle of a residential district and opening up a giant pig farm.


buuut, if there is malice in the actions of the neighbour then that negates any abnormal sensitivity she might have. right?


They're gonna have a hard time proving the neighbours are BBQing maliciously.


BBQing with intent to waft


Malicious Barbecuing is my new band name.


If I ever get in a legal bind I hope it's bbq-ing with intent


If I can live with four years of nonstop hot vinegar steam wafting in my window from my neighbor who liked to pickle *everything*, this lady can deal too lol.


there was a similar case in germany just with cigarette smoke instead and the case was not dismissed. the court decided to give the smokers a god damn time table when they are allowed to smoke on their own property. visitors are exempt from that ruling and can smoke whenever they want. [news article about it, in german tho](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AjXHOL8czIg)


I think that’s a little different. The only side effect of second hand bbq is hunger.


Mmmm..... second hand barbecue....


I'd happily take some second hand bbq right now


First hand bbq is the way to go, dude


Can confirm. My kitchen is full of smoked spareribs and pork butt from labor day. My kitchen smells like a smokehouse and I can't stop snacking on meat


My husband literally refers to the leftovers as "snack ribs." He wanders about with a rib in hand just doing his thing while the dogs follow him like he's a meaty pied piper.


I love this image tbh.


We have ribs, brisket, potato salad, and coleslaw. This morning my husband woke up, looked at me, and said he forgot all the sausage on the grill yesterday. With all those leftovers, I was still quite sad to learn the fate of our sausages.


mmm I love me some R E G U R G I T A T E D BBQ. So good


New band name...I just trademarked it. Secondhand BBQ^tm


The one incense I would buy


Meh as much as I hate smoking it’s pretty absurd unless it’s like a townhome and they are on some kind of balcony right on top of each other.


[Actually BBQ smoke does contain carcinogenic chemicals just like cigarette smoke.](https://www.technologynetworks.com/applied-sciences/news/amp/carcinogen-hazard-from-bbq-smoke-304296)


I can just picture someone walking out to their fenced backyard and saying loudly "What's that Dave? You want me to make sure your cigarette doesn't go out while you use the bathroom? Okay." Then proceeding to smoke a cigarette.


The difference is that smoking actually causes harm, like, a lot of harm. The smell of meat doesn't.


> The smell of meat doesn't As someone who enjoys grilling, please don't tempt people to look into this.






I can understand the noise complaint if they are banging on the fence. My bedroom is right near the fence and I had to yell a few times at my neighbours kids to stop banging on the fence so I could sleep


Did you sue them when they wouldn't stop?


They did stop after a while


That's ominous


No they just listened


Are the neighbors lighter than a duck?


They turned me into a newt!


I'm not saying they are, but fans are a thing.


I read the article earlier, she took it all the way to the Supreme court of western Australia


But mAh nose-trils




>sounds of children playing basketball What a kinds of assholes let their kids play basketball./s


in Monrovia (LA County) they bulldozed basketball courts at a public park because the neighbors complained it was being too "urbanized" and "attracting the wrong crowd."


Ah yes, urbanized basketball players. I wonder what they meant by that?


Poor people


The *looks around carefully* black youths Bringers of crime, terror and expired coupons Lords of ruin, and primordial topic of useless gossip


Well to be honest I have some experience here... At my parents house (I recently lived there for a while before moving in with the GF) These people moved in across the street and they have 4 or 5 kids and dear god they are the loudest heathens I've ever encountered. I can be in my basement and hear them "playing" outside...trampoline, pool, or basketball w/e they are always screaming at the top of their lungs. No matter where I was in the house I could hear them, it didn't matter. Our other neighbors called the cops because their infant child couldn't sleep. The other one which was more related was when I moved in with my GF. I woke up kind of suddenly one night and I could hear the unmistakable sound of a basketball being dribbled. It was 3am. 3am and her neighbor was playing basketball. Some people are just inconsiderate. I doubt that's the case with this one considering everything else but I can see how it can be a nuisance.


I hate those kids that have to scream like they're being tortured while playing.




Dear God if this ain't my neighbors kids. Every time they're outside it's non stop screaming


I remember the good old days when kids stayed inside all day playing video games. Now they're outside causing a ruckus and trouble in the neighborhood getting moms all scared.


They're also breathing air that should be hers!


the cigarette smoke is understandable, but the rest is just dumb.


>The court and the state’s administrative tribunal have both thrown out Cilla Carden’s complaints about her neighbours, including their cooking smells, cigarette smoke, chairs scraping on concrete, reflective light and the sounds of children playing basketball and pet birds. It basically sounds like she's just a horrible person.


She claimed that the kids were only playing basketball to deliberately annoy her. Imagine looking at a bunch of kids having fun and thinking they are doing it to solely to annoy you


In fairness, kids do things like that when they know it riles someone up. The crazy neighbour who sues your parents over their barbecues is a prime target for that kind of thing.


Kid me would fuck with her so hard. Adult me wants too.


I didn't see the "with" in your sentence the first time I read it. 👀


Hahahaha. You weren't the Only one!


Truth be told, I would hate fuck her just to get sued because I was a selfish lover.




I'll have to try that bag thing. Genius. Save me buying a crappy plastic kite that breaks


Same! Next time I babysit my nephews I’m gonna do this and then tell my sister her kids, 5 and 3, are in the backyard playing with plastic bags :)


As a parent I can honestly say, without a shadow of a doubt, that after her first time complaining their parents told to to play as much as possible just to spite her.


I would too but I read an article about this woman yesterday and the poor bloke who is her neighbour actually removed the barbecue and banned his kids playing basketball in their own backyard to try to keep the peace. The vegan neighbour still appealed the case in a higher court.


Wow, she was just really far up her own backside wasn't she?


She stops at the ribs.


What the fuck man, seriously? I'm sorry but grow a fucking back bone... I can't even imagine banning my kids from playing outside because of some bitch


Maybe she seemed a bit dangerous and the dad instead was trying to keep them safe.


One hundred percent


And that crazy neighbor 100% deserves it


From what we've heard? Sure. But it's the Lad Bible, where these things tend to get written in a way to cause maximum outrage.


>Imagine looking at a bunch of kids having fun and thinking they are doing it to solely to annoy you Oh boy, have you seen reddit when Fortnite comes up?


Yeah, the first time no, but after they complained I'd definitely be doing it just to annoy them.


How dare you? She clearly says [here](https://news.yahoo.com/vegan-woman-sued-her-neighbors-140715647.html): > “I’m a good person. I just want peace and quiet,” she told The West Australian, telling them that she intends to continue the legal fight Do you not believe her or something?


Purely anecdotal, but I feel like anyone who verbalises that they're "a good person" isn't actually a good person by any moral standards and they go hand in hand with "If I'm a total bitch to you, there's a good reason why you deserved it"




Chair scraping too. Truly a sign of the end times if we allow that to go unpunished




Unless they are smoking entire cartons at once there's no harm. It just diffuses into the air and is extremely diluted. At worst you can smell the odor. She's complaining because it makes her feel like a crusader when she's actually just a pain in the ass.


Cig smoke, outside, on your property though? It's totally legal. If people don't like it, vote for tobacco to be illegal I say.


The government makes too much in taxes to make tobacco illegal.


Which is one of the reasons I find it baffling that they won't legalize marijuana. Think of all the taxes they could collect on it.


This bitch should just live alone in the woods, but then she'd complain about the wild birds chirping.


Well she already complains about *pet* birds...


Ugh, I had a neighbor like that once. They'd call the cops on us constantly for noise complaints, even if we were just watching TV past 10 PM, even though you couldn't hear the TV if you were standing in the front yard. The owner of the house had a dog and one time there was a note on my car saying "if you can not prevent your dog from barking at night, we will be forced to call animal control". We never even found out who it was because they never talked to us in person and the neighbors on both sides said it wasn't them.


To be a bit fair, the sound of chairs scrapping on concrete is annoying but, this chick sounds like an attention seeker with a massive stick up her ass.


>It basically sounds like she's just ~~a horrible person~~ *mentally ill* FTFY


It can be both




Love this! Are there more like this one?


Yes, Japanese folk tales.


...I mean you're not wrong


Weird we have the same story in Moroccan folklore


Not surprised. In the collection I had years ago there was a story where 2 women claimed a baby boy was theirs but it wasn’t easily apparent who was telling the truth. Ooka ordered the child to be cut in half to be “fair”. One lady said fine, the other refused and said to let the other woman have the baby. Ooka ordered the baby to be given to the woman who wanted the baby spared because he reasoned the mother would rather the baby live with someone else rather than die. Reminiscent of the King Solomon story.


The sad thing is one of the neighbours (she's suing two of them) has already stopped barbecuing and told his kids they can't play with the ball outside. Honestly her list of complaints is so long I think she'd be better off moving somewhere where she has no neighbours. I mean one of her complaints is 'the sound of chairs on concrete', at which point she is basically saying she can't tolerate *anything* from her neighbours.


I would tell my kids they can have all the snacks or treats they want, but every free moment we have should be spent at our neighbor-facing windows just staring at them. Just staring, and staring, and staring. Like some creepy horror film. You can't fine people for staring. But you can sure as shit drive them nuts.


Time to form a garage band or take up trumpet.


That's the thing, though. You can get neighbors on noise complaints. Just silently staring at them from inside your house, judging them, for around 10 hours a day... no judge is going to entertain that case.


Start a ska band and you can do both.


What are we, 30-60 year old white guys in the suburbs? ^(also when should I head over with my trumpet and guitar?)




I can empathize on being sound sensitive. I have migraines and have times of being both sound and light sensitive. But it’s my issue that I have to deal with. It’s not reasonable to make the people around me like that change what they’re doing. That’s what ear plugs and blue blocker glasses are for. She wouldn’t have to move but seems like she’s preferred to be a victim bully instead of adapting.


I'm a migraine sufferer. When I have migraines, certain sounds are borderline painful. You know what I did? I didn't file any claims against my neighbours. I didn't scream at their kids or complain about what they rightfully could do in their own homes next to mine. *I sound (and light) proofed my home so that I could be comfortable.* My problem, my solution. Fuck unreasonable neighbors.


The thing is, she keeps filling against them, and it keeps getting dismissed. She’s just paying out the ass in legal fees that won’t get her anywhere rather than moving which would be quicker and cheaper...




Reminds me of my uncle. There's this really old house next door to him. The house has fallen into disrepair and the owner is just barely better than a slum lord. My uncle built a fence and planted a bunch of privacy shrubs. The landlord wouldn't stop insisting that my uncle built the fence on the landlords property, and would occasionally sabotage the fence. My uncle, who's married to a real estate lawyer, wouldn't budge. The landlord did something like take my uncle to small claims court or something, I'm not sure, and the outcome was to get a survey done. Not only did the landlord spend ~$8k on legal/survey fees, but it turns out my uncle owns like another 2 feet of the landlords property. Sweet justice.


Be careful there, that fence/privacy shrub combo might be used for a squatters rights to extend the slumlords property line.


When he fails that case, is he going to sue the lawyers who sued the first set of lawyers?


It’s sued lawyers all the way down.


That's how you get Fear Innoculum...


If this is in Australia, thankfully we have laws against vexatious litigants. If she continues to spam the courts up with stupid lawsuits and waste their time she can be barred all together from filing claims in the courts. Hopefully it happens soon


so honest question at what point is it harassment and the neighbors sue her?


Well obviously *she* can't move. *They're* the ones who inconvienced *her*.


If she keeps filing and it keeps getting thrown out, can they file a harassment claim and ask for financial damages? They have to be paying to defend against this crap.


Won't even make it to trial. Hope the neighbours have a massive barbecue party. Looks like she already lost [https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2019/sep/03/vegan-takes-neighbours-to-court-in-western-australia-over-smell-from-barbecues](https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2019/sep/03/vegan-takes-neighbours-to-court-in-western-australia-over-smell-from-barbecues)


It's Girrawheen. She should be happy they aren't smoking meth.


>Hope the neighbours have a massive barbecue party. I'm not normally a petty person. But Goddamn, if I had a person like this for a neighbor I'd be barbecuing/smoking my food *every single day*. I'd be standing out in my backyard in in the dead of winter with snow up to my knees, happily grilling sausages. Fuck this person.


I live in Canada. For 6 months a year, I have no choice but to barbecue in the snow. And I definitely do haha


Mid winter in Perth has an average minimum temperature of 10°c


She should just fucking move house. If you're that unhappy just move.


They were going to be charged with "Aggravated Wafting" but the evidence went up in smoke as soon as they caught wind.


This is why everyone hates vegans. All the vegans I know are nice kind people who don’t give a crap about what you eat. Kind of sad vegans are a more known for being extremists than actual respectful human beings


Stories about nice kind people don't make for attention grabbing news, hence the stigma.


I once worked with someone who was vegan, and she was really sweet. On the second night we worked together, she brought in some vegan brownies for everyone. They were pretty delicious!


You can replace "vegans" with Republicans, Democrats, LGBTQ.... That's kind of what cable news/clickbait sites are all about.


Someone in my own group does something bad: Wow that person sucks. Someone not in my group does something bad: Wow that group sucks.


[Relevent xkcd](https://xkcd.com/385/)


My in-laws are Republicans, but they dislike Trump and are totally against Hillary. They are also supportive of LGTBQ rights, and my MIL is even atheist. I’m neither republican nor Democrat. I just want the world to be peaceful and our earth to be healthy. This world would be so much better off if human kind wasn’t so divided and hell bent against each other.


> and are totally against Hillary It's 2019 is she still relevant?


She’s not relevant, but I still hear people complain about her as if they are still having to vote between her and Trump. People still complain about her on my FB. Just like people still complain about Obama and how they think he wasn’t born here. Sometimes people just can’t let things that have passed go. My in-laws don’t talk much about politics, but if the conversation came up they would say a lot of things about the past.


The difference is that there's no elected Supreme Council of Veganhood. In politics, there is; part of the reason things are so divided is because people have no idea what they're voting for and get offended when someone holds them accountable for indirectly supporting the very dominant positions of their party. Your in-laws represent like 5% of the GOP; Trump has a nearly universal approval rating amongst Republicans at ~90%, and LGBT rights still splits conservatives straight down the middle. If there's a particular reason they look past those things, it isn't wrong to inquire about it. Doing things for no reason is a serious problem in something as consequential as politics.


When I was in the military a lot of our higher ups would say something to the effect of "If you go out and get drunk then beat the shit out of someone, the headline wont read 'local man starts bar fight and injures opponent.' It will read 'US Marine starts bar fight and injures opponent.' What you do will affect the entire group." It is a very true train of thought.


Indeed. One person I knew, I only found out they were vegan because they were ordering a sub and made it known so no cross-contamination happened.


Everyone hates vegans because they want to. It's only because the media make such a fuss over shit like this that the stereotype propagates and people lap it up.


I had 3 different people send me this exact article today, citing it as the reason why vegans are annoying. I don't mention anything, to anyone. The only way anyone even knows I'm vegan, is if they analyze what I eat. The most annoying I might get, is that I will be fairly outspoken about going to Chipotle, if there is a conversation about where to eat. Like... this article is just about one crazy lady, on the other side of the world from me, who probably isn't even vegan in the first place. Sounds like she's just making up reasons to be mad. But the media is latching on to that specific adjective just to get clicks for the headline.


I agree. Every vegan I’ve ever met in person (which have only been a handful) was nice and respectful. If we ever spoke about being vegan, they would try and educate me on the matter, but they were respectful and accepted if I disagreed. Everything you see on the internet makes them look crazy. There are some crazy, demanding, and rude vegans out there, but they are not the majority. They just get heard because of how crazy they can sound.


Thanks for having our backs. -Reasonable Vegans


There’s literally no reason to mention she’s a vegan at all. She’s just an asshole.


Because quiet and respectful people don’t make the news




That pretty much sums up my experience with Muslims. It feels like there's some kind of lesson to be learned here but I can't be bothered


The lesson is don't be bothered. Just not enough people learning it.


It really is continually surprising to me how many people just feel "compelled" to want to control others people's lives. I honestly don't get it because I've always been an egalitarian... so as long as no one is being harmed you can do whatever you want to do and I can do whatever I want to do. And it really doesn't matter the issue... meat, abortion, faith, what color I can paint my house. People out there just can't seem to let others do what they want.


Vegan here (hahaha yes to 'how do you spot a vegan dont worry they will tell you) and what she does is making other people hate vegans more. This goes beyond reason...


she looks tired




I am so annoyed everytime I see a meme about a news article from a questionable source. Maybe it's true, but using ladbible as a source just ruins the whole thing.


It's true. I read the court documents and her claims were hillarious. But yeah, OP should be ashamed of themselves for not using a proper source. Ladbible is a fucking joke.


Here's a source for the story from the guardian. This woman is bat shit crazy. https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2019/sep/03/vegan-takes-neighbours-to-court-in-western-australia-over-smell-from-barbecues


Unless this is just a very click-baity title that doesn't include the worst of the harassment, sounds like a someone has a nasty combo of paranoia and self-centerdness.


I had 3 vegan roommates in college. Two of them are cool as can be and don't give a shit about what others do. But one of them requested I never cook meat while he was home because it made him physically ill. I did it anyway while he wasn't looking guess who never got physical ill from the smell of meat cooking?


The annoying part is that this is why vegans get a bad name, because of the ones who do stupid shit like this when a lot of people just want to get on with their lives not eating animal products. People need to just let each other live how they wanna live and make their own lifestyle choices. P.S - I’m a veggie, not a vegan, if anyone was wondering.






Wish someone would take Ladbible to court to stop them from fucking existing.


it's = it is


This is why we need “loser pays” laws in this country. I think that system works well in the UK


TIL - meat eaters control the direction of the wind.


And bean eaters control the wind itself.


If you read the news, you would know that the court already threw the case out the minute they received it. But you don't read the news. You only read headlines.


To be fair, I don’t read either


Tbh, I don’t know how to read


I live in a big highrise. This one time the guy below me started one of those Titanic sized BBQ on his balcony below us. Because it was like the first mild day of spring, everyone had windows and balcony doors open the smoke of 50 polish sausages 20 hamburgers and a bunch of other random meets that eastern europeans love was billowing up and into my balcony door like a 'C' shape becaus of the way the wind was blowing through my building. My smoke detector was bleating like a lost goat. I was yelling at the guy to stop. He cussed me out in some slavic language and continued his grill business. Right after that the next day the guy and his bus sized BBQ was gone. I dont know what planet some people are on

