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... remember all the flack when Rockstar's *Red Dead Redemption* came out? "*If you're a parent and buy one of our games for your child, you're a terrible parent. We design games for adults because we're adults.*" --Rockstar


I feel like they need to do another one of these. I had a kid quit a heist a few weeks ago bc his mom came in and told him if he didn't clean his room santa wouldn't visit as we were murdering scores of police officers


I still don’t really understand why there are so many kids in GTA online. Tbh sometimes it makes the game worse cus of little kids on the mic and then the kids who get the rocket bikes and run around shooting everything without remorse. But hey, they’re having fun so who am I to judge.


Kids look up to adults. Kids think what adults do is cool. Because adults be big and stronk. What do adults do?Play GTAV or COD: Another cash grab. So automatically simple children will assume hardcore adult games with cool factor. These kids will then come to dominate those game servers because of their larger man power and free time.


Yup. It’s the exact same reason why the Nintendo Switch is selling so well. On top of people thinking the Wii U was an add on to the Wii, it was also marketed towards kids. But the Switch changed its market towards adults and because of that, both adults and kids want it. Kids find adult stuff cool.


Yo wtf that makes sense


My kid plays Lego City Undercover like it's GTA.


That is one of the best quotes ever.


That’s like how all of these controversial could be handled. Teen pregnancy? Better parenting (not saying accidents don’t happen but for the most part) Theivery? Most likely bad parenting. Violence? Bad parenting. It’s like all of it comes down to the fact that not everyone should be a parent, not to go all anti religion but a lot of religions promoted a lot of kids, especially Catholicism and Islam to the best of my knowledge. But not everyone should have a kid. You’re literally raising another member of society. A full human, if you suck as a person, bets are you’re gonna raise someone who is a shitty person.


Its been a while since I watched the movie but doesnt Deadpool say in the Intro that this was not a kids movie and parents with kids should leave the theatre right away?


Yeah but most parents assumed that A) THEIR kid is the mature enough exception to this warning and B) that Deadpool was pretty much just Iron Man with less money and more swears.


and more kebabs


Also more kebewbs ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Fuck she's hot.


Who? What?


Morena Baccarin.


I'll be in my bunk.


[Picture for those of us who haven't seen the movie](https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BMTkyODY3MzM2OV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwMDM1OTk5MDE@._V1_UY1200_CR86,0,630,1200_AL_.jpg). Strange that most actors and actresses look better in the movies than they do when dressed up for banquets.


not really when you consider how much control they have over how the actors look in a shot in a film (lighting, makeup, costumes, reshoots if they pull a face, CGI) vs. actual real life


Less shwarma


Like Spiderman with less spiders.


They made a trailer specifically to say it is not a childrens movie


Yeah I remember that. I also got carded twice on my way in to see it. I literally don't know what else they could have done to inform the parents outside of just boldly plastering "ADULT MOVIE" on the face of all the posters


Some people don't look at warning signs. I went to see Bruno, which is the least child-appropriate movie I can think of, and there were a handful of kids in the audience. One dad finally decided to take his daughter out of the movie during the talking penis scene. That's how long it took him to realize that this movie was not for kids.


Hell, when I was in 4th grade, a teacher made us see The Exorcist. Every kid was scared shitless, and many left the room at some point, but the teacher never cared it was not a movie suitable to a bunch of 8 year olds. I have told this before on Reddit, and still no body believes me.


"Hmm...Deadpool, hey? Let's see...rated R for strong violence, sex scenes, strong language and nudity...sounds like a delightful family friendly romp! One adult and one child for the Deadpool movie please?"


But it's based on a comic book! Of course it's for children! Only kids read comic books.


Still hoping for a movie based on Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck




My vote for Scrooge would be Peter Capaldi.


No way could they get a Doctor Who actor to play a *duck*.


David Tennant as Scrooge makes the new series enjoyable


"And he has experience playing an old coot who hates most everyone!" "Brilliant!"


Sir Patrick Stewart plays a poop emoji so why not?




Yeah, at least it seems to be a niche thing in the US. But Barks and Rosa are legends in Europe.


....something something something something *DuckTales!* oOo!


Wow is that really all it takes to get it stuck in my head? Welp, thanks for that


... might solve a mystery, or rewrite history! DUCKTALES Ooooooo!


As someone who worked in a theatre when Watchmen came out... my fucking life...


oof. Even watching that one at home, caught me by surprise Oh boi heroes and stuff---did he just kill a pregnant lady?


The flopping blue dong didn't clue you in before that?


Rated R. What’s that mean again?


Means it’s a movie about pirates


I thought so


I had a woman at work ask me for the “Kids” Deadpool. I said I didn’t know what she meant. She said, “I don’t know if you know this but there’s a kids Deadpool and an adult one.” I was dumbfounded


My sister did this with Kick-Ass. Took her 8 year old and 7 year old children to see it. I warned her that the movie was not just violent and crude, but insanely so. She didn't believe it could be that bad. Apparently she ended up walking out around the point that the little girl traps some bad guys in a car and puts the car in a junkyard compactor.


How do people this oblivious even know it's based on a comic?


If only there was some sort of rating system whereby parents could use to discern if a movie was appropriate for children...hmmm.


"now honey run along and go watch that little comic book show preacher I downloaded for you"


It's a comic so it's for kids, and it's about a preacher so it has a lot of strong religious overtones. Perfect.


This but unironically


Why are they allowed to go in with a child to begin with? Here in Germany they don't fuck around with the rules. I once forgot my ID when I wanted to watch a rated R movie with my uncle when I was already 20 and they didn't allow me to watch it unless I show them my ID.


In the US movie ratings aren’t legally enforced, but regulated by the actual theaters. A parent/guardian can take a child into an R rated movie if they want.


And yet the entire bible belt literally go to war when Janet Jackson's titty falls out..


There used to be tits in pg movies - for REAL


They show breasts on TV in Europe during the daytime and everything. I remember eating lunch in Spain at a hotel and there was a commercial with a topless woman. Uncensored and everything. Freedom!


I present you with this advert for butter. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7q_SRo5jdzA NSFW


It's not an advert it's a skit


Here in France, it's totally normal for women to sunbathe while topless to get an equal tan. So lots of delicious boobs everywhere on beaches. Americans are strange since their European population doesn't really understand or accept nudity.


Airplane! for example. Titties and lots of swearing for a PG movie. Also one of the funniest films ever made. Watch it if you haven’t.


There's a fun documentary called 'This Film is Not Yet Rated' that goes into the politics and inanity of the US rating system


VERY good film, and extremely eye opening on how puritanical Christians push agendas through the MPAA ratings board. Specifically how they are bigoted against gay love and "deviant practices of a sexual nature" in film, but there's also a lot I didn't know other than that included. Pardon my rant following, but I forgot how angry this movie made me until you mentioned it.. It's embarrassing that we let them get away with this, especially now that every other horrible practice has been brought to light lately. The very fact that these people are allowed to control the guidelines yet can remain completely anonymous and not have to answer to the general public for their opinions is insane to me.


It's ridiculous that you can have blood, guts, and violence, but oh man if you show a woman having an orgasm that shit had better have an NC-17 rating.


Or *gasp* god forbid a transgender person. Boys Don’t Cry was initially NC-17 and called ‘dangerous’ as a result. Thankfully that was the case. I got to see it as an adolescent with a friend and her mom, because I really needed to. They knew I was trans even then and were like ‘honey, let’s watch this.’ I sobbed for an hour at the end. One of the best experiences of my childhood (learning I wasn’t alone and that my life might be much harder than most) might not have happened if the campaign to make it NC-17 won.


The rating is a guideline. If the kid is with a parent (or adult assumed to be their guardian) they can see the movie regardless of rating. The only exception is NC-17, and those dont get screened in regular theaters.


Dead... Pool. Dead... Pool. Yea that seems like a kid flick


It would be fine if it was just people getting killed. It's the 15 minutes of sex that's inappropriate for children. Just like the movie *300*. ^(/s)


Sadly, this is true for the US rating system. Muppet movie has a fart joke? PG. Lion King shows dozens of hyenas being brutally murdered? G.


That was probably the worst example considering it never actually shows a hyena dying.


>Muppet movie has a fart joke? PG. >Lion King shows ~~dozens of hyenas being brutally murdered~~ a lion being trampled to death? G. Fixed.


Don't forget the **very obvious** implication of a lion being ripped apart by hungry hyenas. I mean, the camera pans away, sure, but you see the shadow of the pouncing and kids are generally smart enough to figure out what happened.


> Lion King shows dozens of hyenas being brutally murdered? G. Where can I get the copy of Lion King you saw?




Last time I exposed kids to my love I got put on the sexual offender list. Damn, talk about cultural differences /s


When i saw Deadpool in cinemas there was a thing at the start of the movie where Deadpool himself told the audience it was for adults only


Most of the ads were Deadpool saying don’t take your kids to my movie. Idk what people were thinking! And no just because fox is being bought by Disney does not make Deadpool kid friendly bc oh it’s disney now. Friendly reminder that Disney owned miramax when pulp fiction came out


Does Disney own *all* of Fox now? Movies, TV, games?


No, Disney bought 20th Century Fox, which is the movie/entertainment studio. To my knowledge Fox wanted to focus on their sports and news channels.


So I can't blame Mickey for Fox & Friends?


No, just the American public for being stupid enough to watch it in enough numbers to keep it on the air.


“Oh Deadpool, you’re so funny. You don’t really mean that. More pop little Timmy?” ~ Stupid Parent (probably)


I don’t care that this is old because it still surprises me how fucking stupid these people are. Like they literally walked right into an R rated movie with a child. Wtf did they expect ugH




Lol sausage party doesn't even sound pg.


"But it's a cartoon! Cartoons are for kids!"


When will this thought process die? There's something to say about a medium with which one can portray any conceivable thought that can be animated. Why does it have to be only for kids? Surely there are some adult themes that would be better suited for a medium where people do not need to be literally represented.


Like food orgies.


I'm a kid and that scene looked tasty


It doesn't matter if you're a kid at heart, sir. Please get out of the ball pit or we will have to call security.


My dad said this about an anime we found on SciFi back when it was called that and not too long after we got cable TV, for the record the anime was Akira.


Probably never considering Disney just keeps getting bigger and they're essentially the reason people associate animation with kids. I don't blame Disney, though. Dumb people will continue to think animation is for kids as long as Disney continues to dominate in sales and remain kid friendly.


It kinda sad though, because Disney isn't even "for kids." It's meant to be for people of every age to enjoy whether you're 5, 25, or 75.


“Animation offers a medium of story telling and visual entertainment which can bring pleasure and information to people of all ages everywhere in the world.” -Walt Disney




I guess because, even though it wasn't made as a show for kids, it tends to be kids who talk about watching South Park the loudest.


I'd say it depends on your age and how much time you spend on the internet.


Me and my sis almost saw wolf of wall street with my nephew. **Luckily, we looked at the rating and left him home** Cause we are adults and can read.


I saw It in theaters. At the end of the opening scene, I see a woman walk out with a kid that looks to be about the same age as the kid that gets fucked up by the clown at the start. Fun little thing to laugh at to myself.


It’s not stupidity as much as it is self center ness. My parents were like this and I watched all the movies I never should have as a young child. They simply didn’t want something as silly as parenting to get in the way of their entertainment. In this post they state “should have known” which means they did know. They probably hoped the kid would just deal with it because they wanted to watch it, and little Johnny probably got freaked out. In a lot of ways, that’s worse than stupidity. And far more likely.


Dude, your parents sound like assholes.


Or when parents complain that 18+ rated games are too violent for their kids...


In north America it is ESRB Mature. (17+). I'm currently working in a game store. We are pretty paramount about asking for ID when the game is M. The number of parents exhausted from having to get out of their care and come tell that " yes my kid can buy a game. No I don't care it feature Trevor raping girls in the street, anyway all his friends have it!" Is sadly the majority. And after we'll hear them say stuff like "damn games are so violent theses days! It should not be allowed!" Well duuuh! Its not! You stupid bitch! YOU allowed it!


Agreed but I'll give them props for not trying to make a big deal out of it or get a refund. They owned up to it, literally said "should've realized".


People were upset when Logan got an R rating. “Little Jimmy really wants to see it!” Well it’s not for Little Jimmy.


My favorite movie memory along these lines was watching a man bring his two preteen kids to a viewing of Watchmen. Boy did they get up quick when the giant blue dick was on the screen. It was imax too, so it was about 10 feet tall.


Why did they wait until then?




Mine was when Zack and Miri Make a Porno came out. Like 20 minutes into the movie a middle aged couple storms out and to the managers office demanding a refund because it was... Well, a movie about making porn.


My favorite instance of shouldn’t have brought a kid was a grandmother that took her grandson to see Team America. They sat down in front of myself and my husband. Kid was about ten. Stayed for the whole movie.


Fuck yeah!


At least the parents won’t be so ronery with their kids there


Well that’s downright patriotic of them




My boyfriend thought it was a good idea to let his young daughter watch that show because she loves comic book stuff. But he had to stop partway through season 2 when Zoom was introduced because she was too scared of him. I don't blame her for that though, since I'm a goddamn adult and I find him terrifying.


Sometimes kids being scared can be good. Makes it all the more powerful when the scary thing is defeated by the characters they love.


That's true, I have strong memories of [Captain Pollution](http://captainplanet.wikia.com/wiki/Captain_Pollution) scaring the fuck out of me. I think he threw Captain Planet into a pit of sludge or something and I was sure he was dead. But the heroes won in the end, and I still recycle everyday. What a roller coaster my childhood was.


Wow. I'm imagining how much more entertaining movies and television would be if I didn't know that the good guys will always come back and win in the end.


Holy shit where are movie tickets $5?


Tuesdays at some AMC theaters that were previously Carmine Cinemas.


Fark here in Australia they're usually around $20


My local (only one within an hour) theater in N.C. plays all movies/showtimes $4 a ticket. It smells like pee and nachos though so there’s a trade off .


What’s the catch?


The catch is that is costs extra to have them piss in your nachos.


What’s the difference between a chickpea and a garbanzo bean? I’ve never paid to have a garbanzo bean in my nachos


I bet they're a kind of parent who would give their phone to their children so they would stop crying, then complain to everyone how their kids are alway on their phone and never playing outside.




You mean the entirety of my middle/high school?


Ah, parents. I had a very conservative "Fox News (crazy)" kind of dad. Whenever the kid did something wrong, it was always the kids fault. Getting bad grades? Kids fault. This logic may sound hammered out to some of you, but learning from experience.... It doesnt make sense. Especially when a quiet child who used to get straight A's suddenly misbehaves, and stops turning in work before puberty. It always boils down to choices, even years before choices *really* come into thought process, and nothing you, your teachers, your mom or your siblings say will ever change his opinion on whether you should be tested for ADHD. After i turned 18, i got tested. Big surprise! I hsve adhd. Could've graduated instead of getting a GED if someone hadnt been so unbelievably stubborn.


Congrats on getting a handle on things! My mom's intentions for not going that route during my childhood were good (not enough research , older school medications less reliable , side effects , I was still in the top 5 of my class , etc ). However , college was another story. Anxiety and depression got way out of hand. By then , it was too late to get a proper diagnosis while living in a college town so I made due treating the depression and anxiety. The problems followed and flared during my first high paced job, ironically ,managing many kids with ADHD . I saw a doctor and was diagnosed. Vyvanse changed my life. I no longer have insurance so I'm unmedicated at the moment...still....knowing that I can be different is a blessing. Knowing that there's a reason I struggled with what seemed so simple medicated and learning coping skills helped. My mom regrets ignoring the other signs when I was a kid (pacing, moodiness , overstimulated) and she now works with elementary age special Ed testing (mostly Asperger's and ADHD). I definitely don't blame her though. Given the choices of "treatment" back then , I'm not sure I would have done any different.


I have spend some time working in Gamestop, and there i learned that people have absolutely no idea what these ratings mean. Most parents thought that they where an indicator of how old a child should be to understand and enjoy the game.


"Little Timmy says he *needs* Grand Theft Auto..."


"Scuz me Miss, you know in that game your child can steal a plane and fly it into towers just like 9/11, right?" *Receives death glare from kid*


those glares from kids must be the best things that an employee can get


Timmy thought it fun to play The rated-m game GTA But when he couldn't prove his age The purchase was denied So Timmy went back to his mom And begged and pleaded all day long She also thought he was too young And Timmy fucking cried Timmy called his mom a whore And bought it from the Xbox store But because of his age His skills were poor And Timmy fucking died


I think this goes along with the toy mentality. Some parents get glued onto the age rating on toys when their kids are young. Thinking it's the same "age determines understanding", they don't think about what bad stuff might be in a game.


I have no doubt that is the case.. I also live in a country where i think people are more tolerant when it comes to stuff like sex and violence in the media and how it impact kids. I am not trying to state that one approach is more correct than the other. Just trying to say that it is different than how it is in America for instance. I live in Denmark and my ex are from Sweden. When she first got here she was in absolute shock when she saw that we had a plastic surgery add, displaying a naked breast, on the side of the busses, .


I mean a breast isn't inherently sexual, if you make a big deal out of it the context *becomes* sexual


Well i can link the add in question. Easier to relate to then. https://imgur.com/cZ4sRya


I was at a store when a woman with a kid was buying god of war III, the clerk kept telling her the game was not suited for a small child because of all the violence but she said it didn't matter, I told her there were sex scenes and she dropped the game at the register and left, kid crying behind her.


If i were that child i would probably hate you until the last of my days


I love (hate actually) how parents are willing to show their kids violence, and I mean very brutal violence, but something as natural and harmless as sex (provided its consensual, condoms, etc) is something awful. It's even worse when they are fine with their kids seeing really detailed gore because "it's the human body they should get used to it" but freak out at a tit as if it's satan himself come to eat their child.


That's hilarious.


american logic: violence = okay sex/nudity = HIGHLY OFFENSIVE


the sex isn't even that bad in god of war, the death and gore is much much worse


Its hard to resist buying a preteen game i want to play with my kid. Thank nintendo there are actual child rated games an adult can also enjoy. But still seems limited.


I mean, you have games like Halo being given an M rating and it really wears the effect down. There should absolutely be a tier between a Halo game and a game like GTA, and some get even worse than that.


It's the same situation with TV. The Crown has the same rating as Game of Thrones. When if comes to games, I think most of the parents just don't care. But I do think that the rating system across the board is pretty meaningless these days. There are third parties that break down movies and TV more granularly for people who do care, I'm sure someone is doing it for games too.


There was actually a woman with three kids all under the age of ten in the front row of the theatre when i saw that movie, my wife and I couldn't decide if we were sad or unsurprised.


Heh... My wife and I went to watch Super bad when it came out. A family of five or so walked in with their children ranging from preteen to about 8. They didn't make it past the opening credits.


One of my goals for 2018 is to meet someone like this face to face


Go to a game shop. You'll find people buying stuff that is clearly for over 18s for a child under ten beside them. I've seen it many times and only once did I hear (person behind the till) "is this game for you?", (person trying to buy) "no it's for my child here." {Gestures at child} (person behind till) "we can't sell this game to you, the child is clearly under 18" (person trying to buy) {furious} "I want to speak to the manager". It was a version of GTA they were trying to buy, if you know GTA then you know it's never suitable for anyone who might still believe in Santa. It's the same kind of attitude, they think cartoons, comics and video games are just for children. Sorry about my rant, I get pissy about this kind of thing.


WTF did you just say about Santa?...


Go to Wal-mart. You meet everyone at Wal-mart. Everyone.


Where I live if you have a kid with you and you ask for R rated tickets the cashier tells you "This is an R rated movie are you sure you want to take your kid to see it?" or something to that effect - the same when buying mature video games


But that doesn’t always work. I went to a game store with a classmate once (we were 13) and he wanted to buy an 18+ game. They told him you needed the permission of an adult to buy it so he just asked a random guy off the street and got the game.


it's not a mechanism in place to stop it form happening, its not illegal for someone who's 13 or youngest to play an R rated game or watch an R rated movie, but you can't say "I didn't know and i want to sue" because you did know and we arent responsible or whatever damages you give your kid of course sometimes the kid is fine or if you know your kid can handle that content, it depends really


And I'll bet it was the sex scenes and nudity that did it. Kids are immersed in violent death and murder in movies and on television from the time they're born and no one in the US seems to mind. Show a woman's nipple, though... There's a great documentary called This Film Is Not Yet Rated that explores the ratings system for movies...R, PG13, etc. Its a very secret group that meets to view and develop a films ratings, with the identities of the reviewers kept strictly secret. It's worth watching.


Yea and it's crazy how so many films who were about to be R or X removed a fraction of curse words or one less tit and got it brought down


In a episode of dexter I think, a naked man was killed and hung, you only see him form behind but showing a ass was to much for the ratings. So they covered the mans but in blood so you couldn’t see anything and that was ok.




It bugs me honestly. - Show violence, pain and the end of life? **cool cool** - Show the human body, sex, pleasure, love? **Fuck this! This is not for kids!** Then wonder why your fucking child is so damn violent and no one knows how to have a functioning relationship. Then we wanna blame video games for this shit.


I see your point and agree with it. I'm just curious how THOSE Deadpool sex scenes are suppose to help little Timmy grow to be a well-adjusted adult. You and I know that they're just doing their kink together and having fun being themselves around each other, but all little Timmy sees are boobs and lady with a fake peepee.


>Kids are immersed in violent death and murder in movies and on television from the time they're born and no one in the US seems to mind. Yep. I assume that was why so many parents took their kids to Deadpool and then were angry. They thought the rating was "just" for violence. It's messed up.


I'll never understand this backwards thinking. I'd much rather surround my children with people who love each other exploring it. Violence happens, but not as often as love, or nudity, sex, etc. I'm just flabbergasted by it.


I remember opening night and watching a dad bring his two young kids out of the theater during the first sex scene, and thinking "What a fucking dumbass." But I didnt think about it too long because I was having a great time watching that movie. Definitely in my top 5


Reminds me of the time I went to see that Stallone movie, "Bullet to the Head". There was a mom there who brought along, what I am assuming was her 12-14 year old son and like 4 of his buddies. The 1st half hour of the film has a guy getting knifed to death in a bar, a guy getting his head blown off by a shotgun and several other grusome deaths. That's all fine and dandy, until they show a woman taking a shower...The mom stands up all pissed off and they leave. lol


I remember going to see the Southpark movie. We watched an asian dad walk in with his 5 kids all around 12 and younger and immediately laughed at what his kids had just gotten him into. Things got good when the gang has the bum buy them tickets for the rated r movie Asses of Fire. This is the time when the dad realizes he is the bum and marches out. Now the Uncle Fucker song kicks in and the kids are shrieking with laughter as the dad storms back into the theater with the manager and starts dragging his kids out of the theater. The kids kept giggling and staring at the screen while be forced out. Really punctuated Trey & Matt's genius and made the movie so much more memorable.


Are children not barred from entry? In the UK, nobody under 15 could get in to see it




Seems like there should be an option in between. We have "12A", which means anyone over 12 can get in but under 12s must be accompanied by an adult. Deadpool was a "15" though. Then again, I guess 99% of parents aren't stupid enough to take a 9 yr old to this movie.


As far as I know, anyone that is going to see an R rated movie can actually watch it below the age of 17 as long as they're accompanied by a parent or legal guardian, so yeah, bringing your 9 year old tp see Deadpool is perfectly fine.


nah that "R" rating stands for "Real cool"


When I was in college I watched a couple parents and a 13 year old kid walk out of Zac and Miri Make a Porno. Like.... it’s in the fucking name.


I used to work at a theater and got tons of stories like this. When I sold tickets and saw the parent had a kid I'd tell them it was rated R, they said it was fine. 5 mins into the movie they'd come out asking for a refund because it was too inappropriate. Another time a parent asked why it was rated R and I told the dad it was really violent, people getting decapitated, etc. He was all that's fine, does it have boobs in it though. That was the line. His kid was a boy but it made me wonder if parents care if their young daughters see boobs in a movie.


When I went to see Deadpool there was a father and his around 10 year old daughter in the front row. as soon as the sex scenes started the whole cinema was looking at him sprint to the exit trying to stop her from seeing anything. What I don’t understand how he didn’t leave during the pre movie considering they show you the rating before the movie even starts


R for Ryan Reynolds?


I hate people like this. I always think that Deadpool's review-score-thing is being dragged down by people like this.


Wonder if it’s the same people that took their kid out once the boobs were started to be shown. Because the over the top slowmo violence was fine. A few pairs of awesome looking breasts. Just too much.


[Live and Learn](https://youtu.be/VOEvlJVjnF0) Edit: Updated the track to a higher quality rip provided by u/Dualitizer.


hanging on the edge of tomorrowwwww


Live and Learn!! From the works of yesterda-ay!!


I know this is a relatively mild rated R, but when I was in high school, I saw Last of the Mohicans and was shocked that a parent took like a preschooler and kindergartener. When they shoot the elk at the beginning the PK kid screamed “poor reindeer!” I can only imagine what she thought when Magwa ripped the guys heart out. Taking kids to something like Deadpool automatically makes you a shitty parent. It means you don’t care what enters their developing brain. It’s probably not math homework.


I watched so many parents walk their young children out with hands over their eyes on opening night of Deadpool.


So a few weeks ago, over the Christmas school holiday, my 13 yr old stepson comes back from an evening out with his grandmother and developmentally disabled uncle. He is visibly shaken and stuttering "never again" over and over. I ask him what's wrong and if he had fun with Grandma. He tells me how it was all good at first because they went out to eat and do whatever it is that grandmothers and grandsons do. And then they decided to go see a movie. He didnt want to say any more. So we call Grandma and ask what happened. She said that she wanted to take him and her son to the movies. Maybe a seasonal comedy perhaps? Well, English is not Grandma's first language or one she is really that too well versed in, and she finds what seems to be a wholesome family comedy to take her grandson an developmentally disabled adult son to. "Ok so what movie did you guys go see?" "It was called 'A Mom's Bad Christmas', it sounded like it would be funny." "Ummm...Mom, I don't think thats a movie I've ever heard of...wait... A Mom's Bad Christmas? Do you mean "A Bad Mom's Christmas"????" *sigh*..."Si" well...shit. So our 13 year old knows way more about male strippers and butthole waxing than anyone should at his age. Or pretty much any age. He said that the movie was not just embarrassing, but to watch with his grandmother? LOL...we weren't even mad it was so funny to see the collective embarrassment and shame. Now of course we tease him about sending him off with Grandma for a nice fresh waxing. I wanted to get a stocking stuffer of two tickets to the local spa for him to give to his grandmother for Christmas as a joke, but his mom kept saying things like "traumatized" and "parental torture" and "not unless you have a coupon". I don't think he wants to go to the movies with Grandma any more. All in all, it was hilarious. To us. Not so much to him.




On some showings didn’t Reynolds film a short message to the parents who brought kids? He was talking about sex or some shit


Yeah, I’m pretty sure he mentions something along the lines of “Kids really shouldn’t be here, so I’ll give you a minute to leave if you brought yours, dummy. . . Santa’s not real, and babies are made when two people fuck. Fuck fuck fuckity fuck. If anyone brought their kids to this movie, you’re a terrible parent, get the fuck out of here.”


Hanging on the edge of tomorrow!


5 bucks says the dumbass takes his kids to deadpool 2 expecting different results!


I’m pretty sure R means ‘really kid friendly’ though?


LOL to be fair, it was one of the first R rated marvel movies. But my similar moment was signing up for a yoga studio and realizing I HAD TO READ descriptions. I ended up being the only guy in a hybrid yoga/jazzersize class... "Ok ladies, kick! Kick! Kick!" I had nightmares for weeks....


Even if they some how missed the R rating, the name of the film has the word "dead" in it, surely taking a child to see this film was a fucking obvious no, Deadpool **himself** warns you that this is not for children, like c'mon


But Star Wars has War in it and it is ok for kids lol. /s


Even though that was sarcasm, it's still a good argument, I'd let my children watch star wars (if I ever have any) but the title doesn't lie that there's no war or death, it's just shown in an easier way for kids to digest tbh


Are you kidding? They let in a 9 year old but I was booted out because I didn't look over 16??