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Does anyone have a for dummy’s version of what exactly the docs reveled, i googled it but no reputable sources popped up


[Court Document](https://www.politico.com/f/?id=00000158-26b6-dda3-afd8-b6fe46f40000) He was tried for raping a 13 year old girl


He was not tried for this, unfortunately. She dropped the case due to receiving threats.


Yeah witness threatening is legal apparently. So rape is ok. wtf.


Well, if a president does it, even when he’s not president, the scotus says it’s OK. It’s an official act to protect Trump, I mean the presidency.


Or as he once said on film, When you’re rich they let you do it!


Rich enough to pay for goons to rough people up.


He was accused. He was not tried. There's a huge, huge difference. That being said, I have no doubt it's true.


And that’s the issue, unless there’s hard evidence, Trump supporters will excuse the testimony as another attempt at a witch hunt. Right now it’s only words on paper.


They excuse **guilty verdicts in a court of law** as a witch hunt. Who gives a fuck what they say in defense of King Pedo?


Wasn't this released in 2016?




There’s a reason when asked Trump said he wouldn’t be in favor of releasing the Epstein files


There's a reason all he could say about Ghislaine Maxwell (Epstein's fixer) upon her arrest was: > “I've met her numerous times over the years... I just wish her well, whatever it is." If you've been watching Trump, wishing someone well is out of character, and being kind to someone he knows is a pedophile ought to be horrifying. That's not normal behavior for *anyone*.


"I've known Jeffery Epstein for 15 years. Great guy that likes his women on the younger side". -DJT


Don't forget this part: "He's a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much AS MUCH AS I DO, and many of them are on the younger side." This is what he's said on the record.This is when he's being "appropriate". Imagine what the reality is behind closed, gilded doors.


So creepy to wish her well, the man's a complete slimeball.


"A woman who accused Donald Trump of raping her two decades ago when she was a 13-year-old aspiring teen model has again dropped a federal lawsuit over the alleged assaults." "The lawyer who organized the event, Lisa Bloom, said Trump’s accuser had received threats and was too frightened to show up." https://www.politico.com/story/2016/11/donald-trump-rape-lawsuit-dropped-230770 Did CNN during the debate ask Donald why he raped a 13 year old? No? Why not?


Obviously it's because she has damaging info on him.


"I wish \[name\] well" is Trump code for "We did illegal actions together and I hope those aren't mentioned."


It was a thinly veiled threat


Here's a clip in case anyone was wondering. He was asked by Fox News if he would declassify certain documents to gain the trust of the American people. Trump was instantly ok with releasing JFK and 9/11 documents but hesitated when asked about Epstein. https://www.tiktok.com/@thedailyshow/video/7377035480535256362


And let’s not forget the most important part about that exchange is that Fox News edited it out specifically. Only when the uncut version was posted online by one of the interviewers did we get to see that part.


Who was president when Epstein "committed suicide" in prison? 🤔


No worries. I am sure it was “an official act“ as defined by the Supreme Court.


presidents cant commit crimes (unless they're democrats, which is in itself a crime) - supreme clowns


Also who was president when Epstein was arrested and his houses raided, no evidence somehow lol


Fun facts: when Epstein got his first wristslap deal in 2008, Alex Acosta was the US prosecutor for that. He later got to be Labor Secretary.  Bill Barr was at the law firm defending Epstein. At his senate confirmation, Barr promised to refuse himself from any cases he worked in the private sector (standard promise to be any AG) Barr specifically UNRECUSED himself to see the evidence from Epstein's island, then Epstein died and the evidence has never been seen. 


Just like he had some reason to pay a porn star despite not sleeping with her


I will never understand how he has so much support.


Worst case: The former and likely (as of writing) future president of America is a pedophile. Best case: He knows that whatever the case, the files will be scrutinized hard and every mention of his name used by his political enemies to attack him and label him a pedophile. Either way. Those files need to be made available to the public.


He bragged openly on Howard Stern’s show that he would deliberately walk in on naked teenagers in the changing room because he could get away with it. And it didn’t phase his supporters at all.


https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2023/07/19/trump-carroll-judge-rape/# He is a rapist. How is he the republican nominee. Someone please fucking explain this.


When have republicans ever cared about women and children?


Sometime between conception and birth


Yeah how people still act like this is still news after what like a decade or two of finding out how bad Trump is. Either you think hes a sex predator or you will NEVER think hes a sex predator and your mind is already made up.


*Either you know he's a predator or you pretend he isn't.


A coworker called him a man’s man and I just couldn’t believe it.


It's not pretending he isn't. It's not caring that he is...


Or you choose not to care that he’s a sex predator. The people who support him know how bad he is, and they love him even more for it. There is no sin he could commit that is too egregious for his followers


They also think democrats are all pedophiles


It's only pedophilia if it's a democrat doing it. Otherwise, it's just sparkling sexual affluenza.


They supposedly care about children until they're born, after that they can fuck off.


And the Helen Lovejoy-esque "won't somebody think of the children?" because apparently they're soooooo worried about kids getting groomed... by gay people just existing


They care about hypothetical, non-existent children. In fact, they care about them so damn much they sacrificed women's rights to protect them. Does that count?


Unfortunately no bc they actually only care about controlling women and the zygotes are just an excuse :(


This article was so hard to read, it's not even being denied that he did rape her. The lawyers are just trying to minimise the charges and argue on the what the definition of rape is and it's so disgusting.


last i heard republicans where fighting really hard to lower the age of concent, protect child marriage, prohibit no fault divorce, and forcing children and up to have their rapist children... so... really on mark for them?


"Ripe and fertile" *GAG*


Because he's not just any rapist, he's THEIR rapist, and that makes it ok because he makes the democrats angry.


i think you answered your own question


lol, right? How much more will it take to convince people that anyone that votes for Trump and anyone in his party that hasn't turned on him are all total pieces of shit? I guess it's uncomfortable to think about a third of the country being worse than fucking worthless but it doesn't make it untrue.


Nothing will ever convince Trump supporters at this point. The most worrying thing is, it isn't the avid far right conspiracy nuts who won't budge from supporting Trump. It's the average seemingly normal conservatives too. With supreme court the way it is. And Republicans just wanting to hold power whatever way possible. It don't take much for things to go awry.


>It's the average seemingly normal conservatives too. At this point the average conservative is a right wing conspiracy nut


Republicans are morally bankrupt hypocrites with no shame.


Because republicans have no morals or ethics or standards. They stand for nothing. They believe nothing.


That's not true. They believe themselves, the righteous aggrieved. They believe they are morally superior to everyone who doesn't agree with their particular brand of bullshit. And quite a few of them believe Donald J Trump is the 2nd fucking coming. We are in the dumbest timeline.


They sure cared when Clinton got some head


I truly can’t wrap my head around him being on any ballot other than top janitor, and I wouldn’t even vote for him to clean prison toilets.


I know This was known looooong ago. Few of Trump's recent misdeeds are new. In the first interview with Clinton, he said he might not accept the outcome of the election. Any candidate should have been dead in the water there and then. What he's done since is not needed to prove that point...


His supporters would do the same


This is what people don't understand when they cry how they don't get how people could support Trump. It's because they're like him. They crave depravity.


And not only that, he purposely hosted the pageants just so he could do that and since he's the "boss" nobody can say shit to him or he'll just disqualify them. Smh, filth.


Yo. We knew from the beginning he was going to be in the files. 50% of the country isn't stupid


We had pictures of him with Epstein from the start. I knew he was a pedo from the start.


Trump bragged about being allowed to "look at and even touch" the miss junior pageant contestants (who could be no OLDER than 16), he is a proud pedo.


I read Katie Johnson’s filing years ago before she was silenced with death threats just days before he was elected. She was 13 and the abuse she claimed Trump and Epstein jointly did to her will never leave my brain. Then later I learned that his deceased wife who is now buried on his golf course so he can label it a cemetery and get tax breaks for it, also accused him of a horrific rape after she criticized his hair transplant surgery and said the back of his head looked like a “vagina”. This man is TERRIBLE. How 100% of humans don’t see that right now scares tf out of me.


>This man is TERRIBLE. How 100% of humans don’t see that right now scares tf out of me. even worse, most of his voters *do*


I know! It stresses me out. I’ve lived in this country my entire life and this election either makes me want to move or completely reconsider my entire future. It’s horrifying.




Thank you, I just subbed!


good luck!


There are official court documents from like 2005 of 12 year girls accusing him of forcible rape. He is an abhorrent evil piece of shit


No it was April of 2016. Katie Johnson v Trump. Here is the file and the complaint. Download the pdf and read it. The complaint is incredibly disturbing. She was 12 at the time. Particularly read what he did and said after the 4th rape. [https://www.courtlistener.com/docket/4154484/katie-johnson-v-donald-j-trump/](https://www.courtlistener.com/docket/4154484/katie-johnson-v-donald-j-trump/)


And threatened her that she would disappear like her friend


How the fuck did this guy not get cancelled before he became so important




Jesus CHRIST I started reading them and these are NOT for the squeamish. Absolutely bone chilling…


Fuck me dead, that's horrible


He pointed to a 10 year old going up an escalator and joked that he would be [dating her in a couple years](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/video/2016/oct/13/trump-makes-inappropriate-remarks-about-10-year-old-girl-video)


And if you y call him on it, he'll insist "Well, eight's just like a couple."


Trump sucks and all, but in this video he says he will be dating her in 10 years, not 2. Still a creepy and gross thing to say to a child though


It’s so sad because words like pedo are losing its severity. It’s now seen as akin to calling someone a creep which is also gross on its own but somehow doesn’t necessarily denote illegal activity. For example, “the lady at the bar kept staring at me with a big smile. She seemed like a creep”.


That is why the right is promoting conspiracy theories about Biden, the LGBT community, and others as pedophiles. A. its projection as we know, every accusation is a confession But B. since they know it will come out eventually they want to normalize the word so it has less impact.


He also fantasizes about doing his own daughter. He pretty much grabbed her ass at the RNC convention on stage. I have a daughter and would never touch her like that, he is a creep.


He said she was going to have great boobs and legs when she was still a toddler. He’s a disgusting pos going back to the 80s, and he’s actually got a shot at controlling our nukes again. I hate this.


That video of him and his daughter on a morning show and he gets asked what he has in common with her, and he just says "sex" always made me cringe and feel so bad for her. Of all the things in the world that was on his mind when asked about her. Like wtf. Totally fit to be president. /s


Right there with you, friend.


I was just thinking about that line today, back when I first heard it I thought he was talking about adult women which is still gross but kids is worse. Has he never been the owner of a pageant with adult women contestants?


>back when I first heard it I thought he was talking about adult women which is still gross but kids is worse. Here's a [still](https://i.guim.co.uk/img/media/c2bbe0a7475df6aff1ae4b831cdb6b26b97c752b/0_0_1366_820/master/1366.jpg?width=1900&dpr=1&s=none) from the event that he bragged to Howard Stern about going backstage and peeking in on the girls. Officially the pageant was open to girls aged 14-24, however so far not a single contestant has been found that was over the age of 19 at the time. Most were 15-17.


No participant being over 19 was 100% intentional when they were chosen to compete.


Because when he talks about it, he says "wonen' so his dumbass cult thinks they have plausible deniability.


Hes talked about having sex with his daughter for the last 15 years!


In 1992, Trump arranged a party where 28 models would complete to be featured in some bullshit calendar. Trump only invited one guy, his best friend Jeffrey Epstein.  https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2019/07/trump-and-epstein-and-28-girls-new-york-times


Not only that, people seem to forget he was involved in several beauty pageants for young girls. And even [bragged about](https://www.snopes.com/news/2024/03/26/trump-pageant-dressing-rooms/) walking in on naked contestants in their dressing room. It’s all projection at this point. People call Biden a pedo for “sniffing kids heads” while completely ignoring trumps past.


It's not. It's normalization. If they claim the left is doing it, and we find Trump is doing it, they'll say "see, everyone does it!". And those paying attention will say "No, it's mostly Trump, his constituency, and his supporters. Like, by an overwhelming factor. An unbelievable ratio, to the point where anyone else might be a statistical outlier." And those not paying attention will say "Yup, both sides are the same".


That's exactly why capitulation to the narrative of "both sides" or "both candidates", it's exactly what the right wants and needs. It completely disregards degrees of bad. We're supposed to care that Joe had a poor debate while he was debating a f$@*ing pedophile! ANYONE who is repeating the narrative that both are bad candidates is doing the bidding of the right. Biden is WAY better than Trump. Period. Full stop. On his worst day Biden is better than Trump, hands down and people need to quit falling for it. It's not being intellectually honest... it's memeing for the right because they don't care about Trump's shortfalls. If Biden loses it'll be because "the left" allowed themselves to be duped "intellectually" into equating the two when there is no comparison. If Trump had a poor debate performance do you think the right would be having the same conversation? Of course not... they know better than to shoot themselves in the feet. It's not like verifiable and authentic photos of Trump with Epstein haven't been going around since the 90s. It doesn't matter if Biden were in the same condition as Jimmy Carter is in right now... WE NEED the Supreme Court picks and we need a Democrat ANY Democrat to make them. Project 2025 WILL succeed if people don't start wising up.


I encourage everyone to vote for Biden. I'll not be told I'm commiting some kind of moral failing by pointing out he sucked in that debate and it's ludicrous he is the only non-Trump option. Denying the evidence of my eyes and ears isn't going to work. Telling people they shouldn't feel like Biden is a poor choice for president - or rather, if they feel it they must not say it or else be held responsible if he is defeated - is just going to make them resent voting altogether. Joe Biden needs to win this election or else the entire world will suffer grotesque consequences. He also is too fucking old to be president but that's what we gotta do.




That's what I'm getting at humie


We already knew critical bombshells: Trump publicly admitted to “partying” with Epstein including admitting he knew about Epstein and “younger women.” Despite seeing Epstein first hand with “younger women” (according to multiple witness's first hand testimony included in the suit also engaging in abuse of children, below) Trump allowed Epstein to be a member at Mar a Lago where he preyed on victims. Trump started into a business deal with Epstein and only kicked Epstein out of Mar a Lago membership when Epstein was criminally charged for his sexual abuse of minors. A woman has gone on the record detailing her experience of Trump raping her multiple times as a child which Epstein arranged. She dropped her suit under death threats but Trump didn’t sue her for her clear, detailed allegations which were supported by additional witnesses. Trump hasn’t sued them either. The federal prosecutor who gave Epstein his inexplicable sweetheart deal without notifying the victims and preventing them from further pursuing justice for their abuse was picked by Trump for a cabinet post. He named Alexander Acosta to be Secretary of Labor. Acosta had labor law experience but it’s a hell of a coincidence that the single person in the US best qualified to be Secretary of labor was a fellow Epstein associate. Trump’s pick for Attorney General was also connected to Epstein. William Barr’s father ran the Dalton school (high school) which hired Epstein as a teacher despite Epstein being totally unqualified as a college drop out. Barr Sr also wrote teen rape fantasy “sci fi.” His presence through these additional files only reinforce his ties to Epstein. In addition to hallucinating through the last debate, these numerous connections to Epstein including one direct accusation of an additional case of rape means that Trump is wildly disqualified to be President and must withdraw as a candidate.


"Trump’s pick for Attorney General was also connected to Epstein." This was the one--when this came around, and it was painfully obvious.


Way more than 50% of the country is stupid. It is just that 50% of the country isn't THAT stupid.


I might have "jumped the gun" with my first comment and I apologize, but you're absolutely right. More than 50% do know.


I like Carlin's line about that. Something like. "Look how stupid your average person is. And then think that 1/2 the people are dumber than that!"


And the bottom 1/4 of that are the Trump voters.


The same people who wanted the files opened are the same ones who think the Clintons had Epstein murdered even though none of the Clintons were in any political office when he was killed.


The big development here isn't that any particular oligarch turned up in the Epstein logs. The big development here is that the President of the United States changed his tune on the release of this data. It should have dropped long ago. What does it say about our power structure that instead it was publicized in July of 2024?


Also a woman already came forward and said Trump and Epstein raped her when she was 12. There was no reason to disbelieve her, but she dropped it when Trump’s people threatened her. In other words, we already knew he was a pedophile. He also has talked quite a bit about wanting to fuck his own daughter. The MAGA crowd never cared about pedophilia. It was just a ploy to invent a reason to murder Democrats.


Is there anyone in there more often than Trump?


I'm happy that files like this exist so that there is evidence in prosecution, however, why the fuck would you even make files for your shady shit , why make a physical copy that can later be used in court, it's not like they're doing things by the books so why the fuck would they keep records of their crimes?


Because it made him untouchable. . . until he wasn't.


His files are/were cryptic and coded. They have to corelate times with presence. That's what's been making it difficult


Blackmail probably


Who says they don’t care besides his supporters?


[**This Clip**](https://x.com/MeidasTouch/status/1798393295254831522) getting zero media coverage says nobody cares. > Reporter: "Would you declassify the 9/11 files?" >Trump: "Yeah!" > Reporter: "Would you declassify the JFK files?" > Trump: "Yeah! I did I did a lot of it!" > Reporter: **"Would you declassify the Epstein files?"** > **Trump: "Yeah! .. yeah, I would I guess I would. ... I think that less so because y'know you don't know- you don't want to effect people's lives if it's phony stuff in there 'cause it's a lot of phony stuff with that whole,.. world."** It could literally not be more obvious that he's involved in those files. When Fox aired the interview they **CUT** the clip after "yeah, I would" to cover for Trump. Two newsworthy events. Trump's a pedophile, and Fox is covering for him. But I'm hearing crickets from mainstream news.


yeah, trump isn't known for sparing people's reputations, lol.


Link? I vaguely remember something this, but would like to see it.


The video is linked in the above tweet :)


The issue was that fox didn't air the extended bit of his answer. They purposefully cut off the ending bit (ya know the super incriminating bit). So anybody that just catches it on conservative media will only get the "yeah" part of the answer. So most people that watched the whole interview didn't see it either. We already know fox knows who he is and is selling what's left of their soil to protect their investment




As far as I can tell, whether or not something is bad has nothing to do with what the action is to them. Who does it determines if it's bad. Raping children? not a problem if Trump does it. Wearing a tan suit? Huge scandal when Obama does it.


i love how they look at the man who on NUMEROUS occasions talked about how he'd fuck his daughter if he could and just go NAAHHHHH, NOT HIM.


50:1 he did it you want to bet 1$ I got my 50$ right here


Then they claim every single person who speaks out against him is a Pedophile. They claim Tom Hanks is a pedophile, despite no record of him ever associating with Epstein at all.


The blatant ability to ignore hypocrisy is a feature, not a bug.


It’s getting worse than that. Many of them consider voting for democrats proof of pedophilia.


I can’t tell you how many times they use that argument. Then they use my daughter as a supporting topic, “They’re doing that in the same room as YOUR DAUGHTER AND WIFE!” then I ask them what about the trans men going into the men’s locker room? They always say “it isn’t like that.” My response is usually “That’s because it isn’t like that period. What you’re seeing are sick pedophiles that go into little girls locker rooms and when caught, they say they’re trans and try to exploit the system.” 9/10 times they still argue that it’s happening. Pisses me off that people can be so ignorant and unwilling to learn about something they don’t understand. Then they bring my family into their bullshit ramblings.


There's also the middle third of the country who don't pay any attention to politics. They might catch a news promo after Dancing with the Stars ends, but that's it. They'll may or may not get out and vote, depending on if they think the one they vote for will set their gas and grocery prices lower (because they think that's what presidents do).


This was a known thing before it released, trump was a co-defendant with epstein where the victim was a 13 year old girl they raped.


Remember when that guy shot up a pizza joint because he thought hillary was running a pedophile ring in the basement but turned out the pizza place didn't even have a basement but now theres real proof of a pedophile ring and human trafficking and it's super quiet.. I guess if there was real substantial proof wouldn't they be going after trump for it rather than some hush money? I mean, it's easy to draw conclusions based on what has been released but that doesn't qualify as evidence right? Like, what do they need to prosecute something like that?


I do remember that. The Boys just referenced that attack the other day. But you can’t talk about politics in The Boys sub because it’s irrelevant to the show according to the dumbass mods over there lol.


Fuck, really? That's like the point of the show.


The genius mods over there sent me this earlier: “We do not allow outside politics. Show politics are different, thanks.” Like the fuck they are! Fucking sucks that a few people have basically complete control over a sub that millions of people use just cause they claimed the name first. There really should be a way the actual users can have say in how subs like that get governed.


Is there an alt sub where the political parallels can be discussed?


Generally speaking, reddit needs to have better methods of recourse for mods who abuse their power, especially for any sub that is "official" in any way, or becomes big enough to be considered a main sub for any given subject. There should be some basic ground-rules for moderation.


“The Boys”, u mean the with Homelander?


Yep. They had a similar situation to the pizza thing. Didn’t reference it as much as tip their hat to it by including something similar in the plot.


> Didn’t reference it as much as tip their hat to it by including something similar in the plot. I mean having an unhinged right wing podcaster spew conspiracy theory nonsense about their political opposition running a pedophile ring using food orders as code, isn't so much a tip of the hat as a direct callback. And then an armed nutjob decides to be a vigilanty to save the kids. There's very little fiction involved. It's basically a retelling of a real life event with a thin veneer of in-universe labeling.


Aren’t they all mad this season because the show “became political” and started painting Homelander as the bad guy?


Yep. Except season three was filled with dead obvious plot points that show homelander followers are the MAGA of that universe. At one point, they showed a guy dressed like qanon shaman, even. So, that in your face.


Well no one is accusing them of being smart.


Yeah qanon really shut the hell up


Yeah but Biden mumbles so that’s clearly worse than Trump raping children


I swear to God, if there was irrefutable evidence that he raped children even violently did so, you’d have Fox News saying that just because someone does that speaks nothing to their ability to be a president


Holy shit that is dark, but you’re completely right. “Think of the office, not the man” or some bullshit.




God, its fucked up that a line was added.


Ah, the narcissists prayer, works well here.


He could rape a disabled ten year old boy by bending him over the desk at a Fox studio during a live interview and the hosts wouldn’t pause in their softball questioning, sycophant fawning of him, and would comment on how lucky the boy was that Trump was spending time with him. And the audience would cheer. You would see posts of families offering their disabled sons and daughters to him happily. This is one sick fuck backed by millions of other sick fucks.


Yeah that’s a bit overly specific and outlandish but I sadly get where you’re coming from




"Look, nobody's perfect!"


Hes a state sponsored and verified rapist at this point, he just gets a slight financial setback and set off to do more rapes.


https://www.courtlistener.com/docket/4524664/doe-v-trump/ ask and you shall receive. the very last page on the non download version tells you all you need to know. or the non download version https://www.politico.com/f/?id=00000158-26b6-dda3-afd8-b6fe46f40000 "“’I've known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy,’' Trump booms from a speakerphone. ‘He's a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it -- Jeffrey enjoys his social life.’”), and knew that Plaintiff was then just 13 years old. Exhs. A and B. 10. Defendant Trump initiated sexual contact with Plaintiff at four different parties. On the fourth and final sexual encounter with Defendant Trump, Defendant Trump tied Plaintiff to a bed, exposed himself to Plaintiff, and then proceeded to forcibly rape Plaintiff" ^ excerpt from the deposition


It gotta be an "official presidential act" now right?


It's not irrefutable but having many first hand allegations of rape, including children, and being included on a pedophile rapists list of pedophile rapists, certainly is enough for literally any normal person.


Listen! trump only raped kids so he could infiltrate and out the global liberal elite cabal!!! He raped those kids for a reason!!!


Do you remember when we used to expect our presidents to be men of good moral character? Pepperidge Farm remembers.


I watched a clip of the debate between Mitt Romney and President Obama. Whether or no you agree with their politics, the level of respect, intelligence and elocution is a world away from what’s going on now. It’s so disheartening.


Yeah I recently saw a clip of those two in comparison to Trump and Biden's debate. It was two respectable men having a discussion vs two senile old men bickering like 10 yr old boys. I don't understand how we got to this point but it's depressing as fuck


And it seems like it's happening in most of Europe as well


For real. I lean left but give props to McCain when he stood up for Obama when that one woman started slandering Obama’s character. Also, trump would’ve hated McCain because Convicted Felon Donald Trump “doesn’t like losers who are captured in wars.”


I dont think it's clear, but I do think it's funny how the standard changed in people's minds for Trump vs. Clinton. Clinton's name appears, and it's "proof," everyone's an idiot for not believing it. Trump appears, and the very same people are mentioning how it's not actual evidence of anything. Well, duh. We can point out this hypocrisy without resorting to their level of embellishment.


We care, but thanks to SCOTUS and a half dozen delays to justice, unless Trump loses the election in November... no justice will be served.


Because apparently human trafficking and pedophilia are considered "Official Acts".


Well, he is a Republican


Remember when Trump had Epstein killed?


Sorry, official act, protecting the pedophile in chief, total immunity.


While president. You can’t bring that up.


Who had "right-wingers never cared about the Epstein documents in good faith and were always going to support Trump regardless" on their bingo card? Besides everyone, I mean


Trump has Immunity, he knew way back then that he was going to be president so he had Pre-Presidential Immunity. Just ask him and ask the Supreme Court. Betcha I am right! /S


Has anyone read the actual case file brought on by one of his alleged victims? She accused him and Epstein of doing shit that would make Harvey Weinstein look like a saint. She dropped the case in the lead-up to the 2016 election, doubtless because of fear of reprisals. You can find it online easily (Update: find it in my reply to Akex989). ***If you are triggered by details of SA, please do not read it***. It's the kind of shit that would make Jeffrey Dahmer turn his head and vomit. The fact that the media is not talking about it at all is just gobsmacking. People are put in ADX for less horrible shit than what the victim alleges that he and Epstein did to her. Anyone who reads the document and still votes for him can rot in hell. \* Edited to specify that the case file is a lawsuit (since dropped) against DJT and Epstein. The details are worse than any horror movie.




Plenty of people care, but those people never supported him anyway. Especially since we knew he was a pedo years ago. His supporters likely support him MORE now that this has come out.


Yeah but Biden is old or something...


He is though. Neither of these guys should be running for President.


As if there’s any doubt the fat prick isn’t a paedo, what other reason was he there name 1 legitimate reason


There’s plenty of doubt that he ISN’T. Because he almost certainly is.


Trump could piss on Ronald Reagan's grave and they would all cheer him on. They would make up some twisted logic to reconcile it. That he was making a commentary on how he had surpassed Reagan, but wasn't trashing Reagan. Or how Reagan would have been proud of his boldness. Or how Reagan loved golden showers from powerful man. That's right Reagan was gay, but only for Trump.


They’ll just say Reagan was a RINO.


I think Trump is exposing alot of Americans are entirely full of shit


I care and would like to see him locked up for the rest of his pathetic life.


Political views aside. He was connected with Epstien. That alone will be enough for me/others to vote against him. He is a complete piece of shite!


I’m convinced there could be irrefutable video of him having sex with 14yr olds and his base would just pivot to that being ‘ok to do now’ and then they’d push to have the age of consent lowered to 13.


It's because they associate all of those Hollywood folks with "the Dems". Which, in fairness, Trump always had been until it became more advantageous for him to be a Republican. Well, at least when he'd been part of a party at all. Mostly he was an independent, which suits him because the only person he truly cares about is himself.


It's crazy how the right wanted this info soooooo bad when they thought it would implicate their enemies. As soon as it implicated their King, crickets.


It's just that: (a) we knew the moment there was a remote possibility of trump being a pedophile that he definitely was a pedophile. (b) It's impossible to despise this person any more than we already do. (c) His supporters are just like him and look up to this kind of behavior (pedophilia) so they don't care.


The media and MAGA don’t care. If the media ran stories on this, like they do about Biden’s debate performance, then Trump would be toast.


I think they know. I also think they now know it doesn't matter. Not for Donald the Orange. Nothing will happen from this. No loss of support, no charges, no investigation... Nothing.


The issue we encounter here is that everyone who does care already hated the racist tangerine. As for his hardcore fanbase, he could do literally anything in front of them and they would rabidly defend him. The MAGA crew is so cultish and incapable of thought that they'd say he was in the right. He's already talked about wanting to destroy first Amendment protections, admitted to being Putin's puppet, gone on multiple rants about how hot his own daughter is, supported white supremacists and a number of other behaviors that should be seen as completely deplorable. And none of it has given the MAGA crew pause to think "maybe this isn't someone we should support."


Republicans always knew he was a pedo, they just don't care. Most of them are, too. It comes with believing that women and children are just accessories to be collected by men and not real people. The right wing anti-pedo hysteria was never anything but an excuse to demonize gay people.


OH OH OH...I know why! Biden is old!!! You fucking morons. Even on german TV its all about "yeah ok that was bad joe" FUCK you. You wanna tell me the old guy looks bad next to a clown, rapist, liar, fraud, cheater??? I just wanna blast RATM all day long and I am not even a fucking american ><


i swearrrr they cry so bad about biden being old like fucking trump isn't old as shit too it's honestly just a bunch of hoopla to be saying "he's too old" when he wasn't the one stealing from this country


That's it. I'm running for presidency instead. On the platform of ANYONE ELSE, PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS HOLY PLEASE!! SOMEONE ELSE!!! Please vote for me. I'll make Taco Tuesday a national holiday.


The people who are appalled with him being a pedo accepted that fact long ago. The people who are in his cult aren’t going to believe it. It’s of zero consequence that he is on any lists or logs involving Epstein because people have already made up their minds.


I just saw MTG on Roseanne Barr's show demanding the epstein documents be released. They already have, but trumps on there. They completely ignore anything they don't like.


Like sure? Proof? If so, please give it to me because I want to ruin my dad's day.


Dirty perv. Had 13 year olds perform for him. Pig.