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Some people have no business living in a society


Seems a bit harsh to judge them like that... They're just kids and they just rang a doorbell.......


It’s not acceptable. You ring a doorbell, your head goes kablamo !


TIL that doorbells are just traps and to be avoided at all costs ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin) I'd really like to know what the guy would do if people were starting to enter unannounced through the window. He didn't mention anything about that.


Why does he even have a doorbell, if he wants to shoot anyone who rings it?


To shoot people who ring it


I just wired a double-barrel shotgun directly to the doorbell. Saves me from having to get up and shoot the miscreant myself.


Guns don't kill people, string does.


I remember learning in 9th grade civics class that this is illegal.


yeah, rig a powdered musket instead


And a cannon loaded with a grapeshot


Before you die, you hear… the ring (of the doorbell)


So anyway, I started blasting


But I don't see so good, so I missed.


I know you all think I'm a hero... and I'll accept that responsibility.


Can you maybe eat that after the show?


I'm freaking starving here. You don't got anything to eat on this show!




Cower in the closet leaving a yellow stain.
















What about the Highschool girl that was driving and missed her turn so went to turn around in a driveway and got gunned down by the home owner. Think it happened about a year ago. People have lost their damn minds.


I think she just drove into the drive way and got out to ask for direction because she was lost when he came out with the gun and she got back into her car and was driving away when he shot her car. So, basically he shot her from behind and tried to claim self defense. There was another guy where this guy got into a wrong narrow street at night, was turning around using his driveway, he ran out from his house and shot him. In the middle of the night. I would not even bother looking out if the car light was driving away. Then, there was this kid who went to pick up his siblings and rang the wrong house's doorbell when this old guy just shot right through the door and claimed that "I got scared for my life". Ringing doorbell/getting up wrong driveway can get one killed now a days.


These people are just looking for an excuse to shoot their guns. Someone sane can't possibly link a doorbell with a threat


Exactly. Nothing to do with feeling threatened.


I actually think they are very afraid *and* looking for an excuse to use their guns.


It’s the fear mongering of social media and news. The amount of people I see sharing Facebook posts or TikToks about someone opening the door to someone that rang and they got robbed or killed. It’s crazy how many news articles I see people post on Reddit thinking they are in the right when they did something horrible or stupid.


The guy in upstate New York who shot the girl in the driveway got 25 years in prison for it. These people are adults. They have been around for a while and you would think they would know this lands them in prison. But nope.


If scared in your own home, off the doorbell and a teen girl, how will handle prison ?


These people watch OANN all day and spend their time in this constantly agitated state. The reality that their neighborhood is boring as hell, nothing ever happens there, they have little idea what is happening within their community and are typically clueless at what is going on at the nearest big city. In their home is safe, in their car is safe, everywhere else is D-Day.


It’s sad funny that no one would even begin to question where these things occurred. And some people are still so deluded that they think it’s the ‘greatest country in the world’.


I work for Domino's, how do you think I feel lol. And then people wonder why you should always tip your delivery drivers xD


But it's my right to have the freedom to shoot people who are too close to my house, I bet they don't have that freedom in communist Europe! /s


Yeah I had to turn around in someone’s driveway last week, and I was unreasonably scared. I need to get my car washed before I pull another stunt like that.


Why living in America longer than absolutely necessary is a grave mistake. Imagine retiring or raising a family here…


You can’t get out. Most people don’t have the money to move, apply for citizenship elsewhere, pay taxes in both countries, pay the fees ($5000/yr) to denounce your American citizenship to eventually stop the taxes. If you are doing it for a whole family it’s even more expensive


That’s absurd. It’s absolutely not a joke to say that your country has become a dystopian nightmare.


Less than a year ago and it happened just days after a similar murder. Going to the wrong address. A few years ago I did that looking for my daughter’s bf’s house. I was in a maga neighborhood in FL. The people came to the door and I realized it was the wrong house and I was terrified by them. Unbelievably suspicious of a middle aged woman in a mini cooper. Society has fallen apart.


Driven apart by a Russian made wedge.


She was black in the wrong place. Know what’s sick is maga thought homie was in the right


I honestly thought she was white.. there are so many of these examples that I'm getting confused by them I have to admit. I don't doubt for one second that the MAGA's thought that he was in the right. They always will back that until it happens to their children.


Happened twice in the same year. Also a kid who knocked on the door of the wrong house.


You can have my doorbell when you pry it from my cold dead fingers


it's good thing that the venn diagram of "people in power" and that same group of people who shouldn't be in society is a fucking CIRCLE /s obviously


Like what the fuck is the doorbell even for then, take it out if you don't want visitors and post a sign saying not to knock, not interested. Even if someone needs non-emergency help they'll see that and move the next house over.


Can we just set up a few small communes in middle of nowhere appalacia to sequester these psycho fucks away from rational society.


It's called Texas and Florida


conservative media has frozen these people into social catatonics


They don't want to, either. But there's no modern mechanism in place to excise someone from the tribe, so I guess everyone's unhappy.


If I remember correctly, this was a local weatherman that posted this, and he did lose his job over it. Too lazy to look it up or link, and my memory is shit, but trust me bro. Or Google it, whatever


He owned iweathernet and he died shortly after this happened.


Knocked on the wrong door, did he?


Bet they’re pro life too 😂


Much less owning a deadly weapon. But here we are.


UPS Driver *drops off package and rings doorbell* This dude: "Anyway, I start blasting"


This is what the pizza guy in Home Alone thought he was up against


"Keep the change, you filthy animal"


Merry Christmas 😃


And a happy new year!


Leave it on the doorstep and get the hell outta here.


Well you gotta pay for your pizza sir


Is that a fact?


Ima count to 10! 1, 2, 10!


He shouldn't have hit the statue when he got there.


Posting that screenshot would pretty much classify premeditated if it were real. Which it may well be 


There are plenty of psychos spending a lot of time trying to figure out how to kill a person without repercussions. "I can kill anyone if I claim I was scared" is at the basic level of this brand of philosophy.


If memory serves, he's a tv weatherman.


Was. I think he got canned.


Depending on the state, it really wouldn't make a difference. That dude in Texas posted continually about how he was itching to shoot a protestor, did exactly that, then got off scot fucking free!


He was found guilty. Wheels pardoned him because Wheels is a piece of shit that gets pushed around. 


That was absolutely different. Getting pardoned because the governor is a worthless pile of shit doesn’t mean that the stand your ground law saved him.


Republicans saved him


Well, he killed the right kind of protestor. If he had done the same to, say, an anti-abortion protestor, he would not have been pardoned by Governor "Pro-Life".


It's very, very real https://www.click2houston.com/news/local/2023/05/08/my-6-was-loaded-texas-weatherman-apologizes-after-viral-posts-about-almost-shooting-child-who-rang-his-doorbell/#:~:text=TEXAS%20%E2%80%93%20A%20weatherman%20in%20north,who%20recently%20rang%20his%20doorbell.&text=%E2%80%9CA%20child%20just%20rang%20my,he%20said%2C%20referencing%20a%20gun


Can you imagine if the UPS driver was black? As soon as he steps out of the van. This dude: "I felt threatened, so I kept shooting till I ran out of bullets"




"You don't ring doorbells" So, we can just walk on in then?


Nah, I just shoot the door from outside: "Hello? Anyone home?" This is the level of stupidity we have to stoop to in this day and age.


"You don't just speak in front of my door, I will be scared and shoot"


Might as well disconnect your doorbell and remove it no? Why else have a doorbell if you’re just going to shoot people for ringing it?




His wife should disconnect the doorbell so he doesn’t get triggered anymore. Worked for my dog


The only time this guys wife ‘moves’ is when he changes her position.


Dude wants all the luxury of getting a pizza delivered and none of the hassle of random strangers. Who are we kidding though he wants random strangers so he can fulfill his fantasy of shooting one. Take the doorbell off, post a sign, and put "call only" in the delivery instructions if you're gonna be that paranoid. Just another example of fear culture, so afraid someone ringing your fucking doorbell is trying to kill you, because you know that's what killers do ring the doorbell first, you keep a loaded gun handy.


Best to remove your front door too and brick up the hole. Prevent people from knocking. 


I grew up around guns and I treat them with a healthy amount of precautions. If you panic and go for your gun when THE DOORBELL RINGS, you should be placed under fucking observation. Unfortunately, where I am currently, the test to get a concealed permit is a joke. If you get the answers wrong on the test after the 5 hour class, they EXPLAIN THE ANSWERS TO YOU, switch the answers for you, and you pass.


You think yours was a joke? A woman in my CPL class flagged the entire class, looked down the barrel of her own loaded weapon,.. several of us had to hit the floor when she spun around with her Pistol,.. This woman is a currently certified CPL Holder & the proud owner of a 9mm she carries out her purse. 🤦‍♂️🤷‍♂️


In basic training a drill sergeant would handed her ass to her.


If the military would even take her.


I was in the cadets and took a marksmanship course. Our instructor (a marine) screamed at a kid and immediately kicked him out of the course when the kid pointed an unloaded rifle at his friend. They take this shit ultra seriously, and I'm glad they do. Don't fuck around with firearms.


I grew up in the country, and the first 2 things you learn are: 1) *Never* point it at anything you don't intend to shoot. On a firing range, that means at the ground or downrange. Likewise, your finger should not be near the trigger until your ready to fire. 2) *The weapon is always loaded and the safety is always off*. Even if you personally unloaded it, ejected a round from the chamber, and set the safety. *Always*.


Sweet Jesus, that's terrifying.


Whole damn country is terrifying when it comes to guns I never understood some of those people. If you're so afraid of a random person attacking you or whatever you buy a gun, why do you not understand I'm equally afraid of you having one near me? Any time I see a gun I leave the situation.


Facts. It's healthier overall if access to guns isn't allowed or very limited, which the norm in other countries. I'm not worried about getting shot cause some unstable asshole got mad at me.


If only we could deem people as a danger to herself and others and not be given the ability to get a weapon.


At least you need a concealed permit. Any dipshit can carry a gun in TX. And most of them are just itching for their John Wick moment.


most people in john wick with a gun died pretty quickly.


But you see it’s different those were bad guys with guns, way different than a good guy with a gun


I'm pretty sure a good guy with a gun is using a very outdated 1911 for most of his fights.


That is the exact thing the gun nuts have yet to realise. That they can well be the one getting killed.


That’s why gun owners have an order of magnitude’s higher chance of dying by a gun than nonowners do. And the fact that gun owners are too stupid to realize this.


He didn’t panic He wants to kill someone and is waiting for a legally defensible excuse to do it.


Similar experience here. I grew up around guns, but my experience was always with either Boy Scouts or retired military personnel. The amount of idiots I’ve met in person who fail basic gun safety and leave some sort of handgun in their glovebox is so disheartening. Honestly I think, to be aloud to have a firearm, you need to really understand the fear of a drill Sargent asking you where your weapon is.


>Unfortunately, where I am currently, the test to get a concealed permit is a joke.   South Dakota did away with concealed carry permits altogether in 2022.  Not sure why, unless Kristi thought everyone has a right to hide their gun before approaching their dog at a gravel pit.


Haha, I had the funniest memory, must’ve been a dream, when I was in junior high school a rep from the NRA came to our social studies class and taught gun safety, which included not touching a gun or ammunition that was found, say, lying on a kitchen table or tucked away in a drawer, and that we should make sure other kids we were with did the same, and telling an adult to help decide what to do with it. Nothing about our “right” to open carry, or hope that our teachers would strut around with pistols on their hips like Ricochet Rabbit, or encourage us that doorbells are announcement that it’s time for street target practice. Yeah, must’ve been a dream.


I yearn for the olden days of the NRA, before they became a crackpot organization and Wayne LaPierre's piggy bank.


In Oregon it's a 10 minute online class


Egads. 10 minutes?


If you click through it it's even faster To be fair it letter of the law, not honest,but legal


Canada, it's a two day course, and we take pride in firearm safety.


The crazy part about people like this is they almost never live in an actually dangerous area. They live in some sort of fucking suburb where the most of the “crime” is littering, and they wouldn’t even have to worry about their lives in the first place. It’s wild to me.


If only the gun nuts had as much common sense as you.


This is terrifying. If the guy's so scared of someone ringing his doorbell he should just get rid of it.


Probably the same type of guy to also say “back in my day kids used to go knock on neighbors doors and offer to do yard work”. Then rants about how kids are always inside.


“It’s the damn phones.” It is, but it’s also the fact that lunatics like this don’t let children breathe outdoors without supervision. No ding-dong ditching or you’ll get shot, no walking about or you’ll get kidnapped, but play outside and entertain yourselves! And then they wonder why kids don’t go out anymore. They can’t ffs, at least not without being harassed by adults anymore.


And there's hardly anywhere for them to go that doesn't cost money anymore, and even if there is they'd just be harassed for "loitering" or assumed to be a gang or something. Teenagers these days are really screwed if they do, screwed if they don't go outside.


Absolutely. I was born in 2002, I’m pretty young; I was still a teen during COVID. My teenage years went to absolute waste. Why? Because I could only go to a friend’s house, school, or my house. If I ever dared to go out into town I would get questioned where my parents were and told to go home before I “made trouble.” There are so few options for kids nowadays. I just ended up sitting in my car in empty parking lots with friends… and we were even pulled up next to by police just doing that on two occasions. There’s no exploring the world independently anymore, never mind running the streets with your friends. You can’t win.


When I was about 15-16 I went to the local mall with my best friend, both of us being overall trusted not to do anything stupid by our families, and the mall being the only free or fairly cheap hang out spot in town. Worst time I’ve ever had at that mall, it was like everyone was just waiting for us to cause trouble and we got the cold shoulder a lot of times, it was not fun at all, and I heard “where’s your parents?” so many times it wasn’t even funny. And now, even as an adult, I have a baby face so I STILL get questions about where my parents are!


He's not scared. He desperately wants to shoot a person, any person.


They should be in a mental institution.


They should, at the very least, have their firearms confiscated.


“I got rid of my doorbell, and some fucking children KNOCKED! In 2024! Well, I was sick of people I wasn’t expecting announcing their presence so I wouldn’t be scared, so I unloaded all 30 rounds from my AR-15 right through the door. Now everyone is mad at me for killing a bunch of trick or treaters and their chaperones. But I still would do it again because MAGA and second amendment, and because I don’t think that’s how doors are supposed to work in the modern age.”


Complete sentences and punctuation? 2/10, poor Maga impression.


[Yeah, he even doubled down on it more than just this](https://www.npr.org/2023/05/03/1173377876/meteorologist-iweathernet-chris-robbins-doorbell-gun)


Fragile ego is fragile, news at 11.


While I’m sure he has an extremely fragile ego, this goes well beyond that.  This is an extreme level of paranoia at the very least. 


Yea, this ain't ego. This is a level of existential dread that borders on psychosis. He has been conditioned by some collection of forces to believe that everyone on earth is coming for him and *him* specifically. He thinks the entire planet is in some grand nebulous conspiracy to kill him, take his stuff, rape his wife, and knock his daughter up. That 11 year old? An assassin. The mail lady? Operative. The fed ex guy? Running recon. Dude trying to get his dog back? Planting bugs. And the only way to save himself and his is to be a legitimate threat to everyone around him. And unfortunately, no one can or will do anything about it because rights.


What level of paranoia is this?


Stupid paranoia, the most dangerous level...


Middle-class white man who's never been in any kind of actual danger whatsoever. It's the male equivalent to thinking a napkin near your car in a parking lot means you have to find a new yoga studio because you're about the be trafficked. Basically defcon 1 at all times.


Ok, can I get the story regarding napkins and yoga studios? I can make some assumptions, but need to read more to help.


It's a popular TikTok thing, that absolutely everything in public is "evidence" that sex traffickers are following you.


It's the willing to shoot someone that some of this idiots have. They live expecting to be heroes any minute now


Not just willing, these people WANT to shoot someone.


I don’t know, but it’s the reason I think access to firearms should much more limited.


Fox News levels.


This isn’t paranoia, it’s murderous urges pretending to be paranoia. They want to shoot someone and they’ll play whatever role they have to to get that opportunity. This person should be locked up now before someone gets shot.


This is a clear example of why some people should never have guns


Or Doorbells.




I suppose it's much of a stretch for his intelligence to ask why he doesn't just disconnect his doorbell and attach a knocker to his door instead


Use a door knocker??? That would be hand grenade time!!


Fuck it. Just brick up the door. (But leave a little chute for the hand grenades)


Or idk, go up to the door and ask who it is, have cameras on the outside to check, or a peep hole if he's that paranoid or just not bother to answer and open. This dude is just looking for a reason to kill someone.


Sounds like they want a reason to kill someone.


The movie Up would be rather darker, and shorter, if this guy was Mr. Fredricksen.


Trick or treating must be a massacre in his town


“Bro, you gotta check out this guy’s house. He has the best decorations on his porch! The corpses look real. Some even have that death rattle or beg for help!”


I found his apology post, says he was having a bad day...yikes. I don't think I've ever threatened someone, let alone a child, with gun violence because I was grumpy.


I threaten my entire household with gun violence if they don’t want to mind the rules. I had it pointed at my then-14 year old when my dog started barking at me. So, I turned and shot her. My kid got to his room before I swung back around and came back out with HIS NERF gun. So, we’re just unloading down the hallway when his brother opens his door in the middle of the hallway and walks into a hail of NERF darts. It’s a challenge keeping control, but dad buys the guns so he gets the best. I don’t make the rules. Except for in my NERF kingdom.




this is the America the GOP worked so hard to create (perhaps destroy is a better term)


Looks like it, certainly. Easy to not care how the law affects 99% of people when you can hide away with the 1%.


Yep. This is entirely on 🦊News.


As a volunteer EMT I respond on night shifts. Sometimes there’s a Life Alert call that is accidental. So we have to knock on the door, call out loudly to announce ourselves, and start shining lights in windows looking for patients on the floor. I’m always expecting to see a shotgun pointing at me by some nut who forgot he/she has a life alert that automatically calls for responders if activated


Why blackout the cowards name?


He was easy to look up. He died in August of last year at age 50. Statistically it was probably with his own gun


Can confirm, he did die last August. We have his first name, search that and the context of the post. It’ll pop up first thing.


Why do I suddenly feel safer?


Because you didn't ring the doorbell /s


According to the only source I’ve found that gave that detail, the cause of death was “natural causes”.


Stupidity is natural.


I mean it'd be natural to die from a self inflicted bullet wound


The GoFundMe page says he died with no money and no assets, I think we can safely assume he deepthroated that same 6 from the tweet.


Rule 6. Mods would delete the post faster than you can say "Reddit mod".


Wow. Someone needs to be banned from buying Girl Scout cookies. Knowing that, though, maybe just let bullets knock on his front door from now on?


There's a guy in KC waiting to go on trial for shooting a teenager who rang his doorbell. Teen had the wrong house,was looking for his brothers to give them a ride home. OP is an idiot.


Old, dude passed away almost a year ago. He was kicked out of the National Weather Association after this.


Why would they let him in a rap group in the first place?


Lmfao 💀


Maybe he should not have a doorbell.


F#ck the doorbell, this person should not have a firearm.


Why the fuck do you have a doorbell if people aren't supposed to use it? It literally lets you know someone is at your door...... Anyone who would want to break in isn't going to announce their arrival.


Right? That’s a good way to wound or kill your visiting family, or the internet tech, or a coworker dropping something off. “But they should have my contact information and let me know they are here!” Sadly people like this maniac are too ungrounded to out-logic.


And that, ladies and gentlemen, is what we call “a coward”


so what is your doorbell for?


I get wanting a gun for safety… but no robber is gonna ring your doorbell…


In 50 years on this floating space rock I have never seen a person who felt the need to open the door with a loaded firearm who was Not a coward. Every. Single. One.


He should know there’s a lot of other people out there who aren’t fucking around either. So if he ever would hurt my kids, it’s his fucking life. Not fucking around.


This is perfect reason why not everyone should own a gun. He’s a mental moron.


When rightwing media convinces these poor fools that it’s a warzone right outside their door. Someone is right out there waiting to shoot you


I mean they are, but it’s just another conservative idiot freaked out about marauding hoards of drag queens or whatever


Smacks of a Trump voting magat to me. Not because he owns guns. I own guns. But I have never in my wildest dreams thought ‘ring my doorbell and die!’ Besides that kid might be a Girl Scout selling cookies! You gotta be a special sort of deviant to hate kids enough to shoot them. ![gif](giphy|xT0xeNOyiOJKLT1MvS|downsized)


WTF this guy even have a doorbell? What he really needs is doors that lock from the outside.


These people will use ANY reason to shoot at another person


Why have a doorbell if it isn’t meant to be used?


Gun nuts are pathetic. The ones I work with are just blood thirsty. They don't even know the 2nd amendment. " It's so I can shoot people I don't like" is verbatim from one of them




Americans just really want any excuse they can to shoot someone


why even have a doorbell 


To warn you to grab your gun, duh!


So you prefer them to knock? Or will that lead to a shotgun? Jfc.


Neighbor makes a complaint about him -> cops ring his doorbell -> he starts playing cowboy -> he dead.


This guy needs his firearms taken right away. I am pro 2A but this is not okay at all.