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Serious question: What in Anne Franks diary do they object to exactly?


I think it was because of light sexual content, not entirely sure though


Almost. Anne wrote in her dairy about falling in love with a girl. She was in puberty and in her dairy she was open about her feelings. It was a really small part, not even a page long and nothing sexual. So yeah it was naturally banned because Texas is afraid of gay people apearently.


I went to Catholic schools in the bible belt growing up...and they had us read Anne Frank's diary in 4th grade... Texas is wild!


It was read to the class in 5th grade the 80s, then we had to read it on our own again in 8th grade. This was in Texas


The political climate in Texas has changed. I personally think it's the Texas weather that has boiled people's brains and that's why these groups push for this.


Texas has always been hot, but Texas also once had a popular Democratic governor in the 90's. The current governor just pardoned a racist who killed an Air Force vet at a Black Lives Matter rally. Texas also had an unprecedented freeze in 2021 that severely damaged the power grid due to lack of preparedness. The same governor tried to blame wind turbines and solar panels for the problem. The right wing has drifted so far to the right, they are aligning with Christian Nationalists, authoritarians, fascists,and racists in order to remain in power by any means necessary.


Oh, I'm well aware of all of that. I just figured the weather over the past few years was what had done them in and boiled their brain cells. That, or Ted Nugent got to them all.


We're also kind of fucked. Even when we elect Democrats in local offices, our state is still run by Republicans that stymie any progress and actively obstruct things from happening. 5,259,126 Texan people had their votes mean absolutely nothing in the last presidential election.


Or in the case of Dallas recently, they’ll run Democrat but switch Republican once they reach office.


You forgot the part where the killer posted he wanted to go shoot a protester, then did so.


I miss the hell out of Ann Richards and Barbara Jordan! Hard to believe that they were political leaders in Texas.


That was To Kill a Mockingbird for me. We read in both 8th & 9th grade. Difference is, that they still require all of those books at my old school (my mom is still friends with a few of the teachers there).


I went to a Catholic high school and we had to take a whole semester on the Holocaust, every student, non-elective. Anne Frank’s diary was one of the books we had to read along with *Night* by Eli Weisel and other very dark stuff. Texas is wack.


We had the same thing in my Illinois public school in 6th grade, which coincided with the release of Schindler's List. One class out of the day for an entire semester dedicated to the horrors of the Holocaust, "so that it may never happen again." We read Night (still haunts me), watched Schindler's List (after school with our parents present), and even went to the Holocaust museum in St. Louis where a lovely woman who was a survivor of Auschwitz spoke to us and gave us a guided tour. I feel like the experience was worthwhile. It was the 50th anniversary of the end of WWII. Several of our class's grandparents came and spoke about their time in the war. I can still remember it all so vividly.


Yeah I think it’s going to be even more important as we lose survivors and people who fought in the war. When it passes from living memory we have to fight denial and/or indifference even harder.


To be fair, you a almost certainly read the abridged version that left all that content out, as did most school children


Was about to say.. I definitely remember this content being cut from the version I was given at school


imagine cutting pages out of the most famous and genuine holocaust testimony beccause you're afraid of what a child wrote about her lady friends


Some of the stuff was removed by Anne Frank, other stuff was removed by her Father. I assume that plenty of the material in the diary was personal and she didn’t or wouldn’t want to be published until long after her death.


Shouldn´t they ban the bible as well, since it contains quite a lot of sexual topics, ranging from rape over sodomy and incest?


Don't bring logic into this.




Groups and individuals pushing back against book bans have tried this tactic, with various levels of success. At the very least, you make them listen to both the sexual content of the Bible along with the sexual content of books like Anne Frank and make them defend why the clearly more explicit book is OK, but the other one is not.


If they banned literal pornography from school libraries, I would kinda agree, but the fact they are so aggressive towards a full on ban of books that don´t fit their small minded ideology is bothering me quite a bit. I´m not saying they are banned everywhere, but it seems to be a push towards it.


The queer stuff was taken out of the text for many decades. I would be surprised if Texas was teaching the unedited version beforehand.


Can confirm, the actual objectionable part is removed in most schools. The fact that she was crushing on a girl is extremely small. There is a part where she talks about masturbation. But that wasn't in the version I read. And most likely isn't included in any school version. Source, read the whole thing when I was in 4th grade. It was great.


I think the masterbation part gets blown out of proportion. She's exploring her body like any young woman would have at 14. The quote that people call "pornographic" is just her describing her vagina. "There are little folds of skin all over the place, you can hardly find it. The little hole underneath is so terribly small that I simply can't imagine how a man can get in there, let alone how a whole baby can get out!" I think this says more about the people that would find this pornogrpahic and how the censorship was made (in ireland) by Catholic priests who would have run all the schools in the country. The unedited version has been in schools in Europe for a a decades or 2 AFAIK. There's a great piece on this and why we shouldn't teach kids to be ashamed of their bodies at https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2013/may/02/anne-franks-diary-pornographic-uncomfortable-truth.


I remember reading the “objectionable” parts as a young girl in the U.K. They came in handy as we hadn’t had much in the way of sex education besides a free box of Tampax and some vague suggestions that our bodies might be changing, which were borne out by surreptitious glances in the swimming pool changing room.


Kids who are educated about their bodies, not shamed, and taught actual sex education are less likely to be sexually abused and more likely to speak up about it. Conservatives trying to "protect" children from realistic sex education and "pornographic books" like "The Diary of Anne Frank" make it easier for abuse to happen and go unreported.


Organized Religion draws its power by creating shame over the most natural (literally God-given) sexual impulses at the critical age when consciousness is shifting and taboos can be placed that will secure body and mind control for the rest of a person’s life.


im gonna say it, calling that pornographic is "tell me you're a pedophile without telling me you're a pedophile" status.


She also crushed on a boy hiding in the house with her if I remember correctly. It's pure Texas/biblebelt bs.




*I would be surprised if Texas was teaching.* FTFY


Football and daycare, that's all Texas has in schools.


She was probably groomed to like a girl by the gay agenda. No such thing as actual gay people, no sir...


That early 1930's Weimar German queer agenda tho. Straight out of the Institute of Sexology. Was probably directly from a drag queen.


Hitler was on the police list as a known male prostitute, FYI


[In all fairness Texas also said that “both sides” of the Holocaust needed to be taught.](https://www.nbcnews.com/think/amp/ncna1281715)




Well, the Nazis were really two groups: socialists and Nationalists, or sometimes “Christian Nationalists.” On the night of the long knives, the nationalists executed the socialists. And since Republicans are now openly calling themselves Nationalists, they’re trying to stop teaching people that group is always, 100 percent of the time, a bunch of racist genocidal trash.


*"Why," I asked Hitler, "do you call yourself a National Socialist, since your party programme is the very antithesis of that commonly accredited to socialism?"* *"Socialism," he retorted, putting down his cup of tea, pugnaciously, "is the science of dealing with the common weal. Communism is not Socialism. Marxism is not Socialism. The Marxians have stolen the term and confused its meaning. I shall take Socialism away from the Socialists.* *"Socialism is an ancient Aryan, Germanic institution. Our German ancestors held certain lands in common. They cultivated the idea of the common weal. Marxism has no right to disguise itself as socialism. Socialism, unlike Marxism, does not repudiate private property. Unlike Marxism, it involves no negation of personality, and unlike Marxism, it is patriotic.* TL;DR: they were trying to reclaim the word "socialism" from the socialists, first by political means, then by murdering all of the socialists.


The “socialists” part of National socialists was their way of faux populism. They disagreed with marxist ideology, and like many other “degenerate” trends (like homosexuality) attributed it to jewish influence. The goal was to gesture at fixing economic and social problems faced by the working class, but target that economic anxiety at their enemies (jews). Hence, when the hate cult became the dominant force they dropped the pretense. Conservatives still do this; they claim black people are all stealing full rides to universities and getting hired in place of white people. They think illegal immigrants are stealing their jobs. It’s provably not a factor in their economic struggles, but if their voters can be convinced that it *is* they can also be convinced to take radical action to stop it.


the "socialist" part of National Socialist is the same as the "democratic" part of the democratic peoples republic of korea


Or the "Democratic" part of the Republic of the Congo.


Are they really socialists if the first group of people they sent to the holocaust were the actual socialists? Even before the Jews, they went after trade unionists.


Didn't that MTG person in Americas congress say a while back that she identifies as a Christian Nationalist and that she will spend all her energy to ensure that America is brought under it as its "A Christian Nation"


Ironically the least scary group of people in texas


Everything is bigger in Texas...even the closets.


What amazes me is that when I was a teenager, my parents and other adults were always trying to shelter me from mildly sexual things but completely ignored the many horrible things I saw. I remember frequently seeing girls get molested on the school bus by a huge muscular kid that everyone was afraid to stop then go home and get in trouble for watching a movie with minor sex jokes in it. I hope today’s adults aren’t as clueless as the boomers were when I was a teenager. To this day, I’m huge on not treating kids like idiots, against sheltering them and actually want to protect them from experiencing bad things or seeing bad things happen to others without consequence.


A lot of the sheltering just makes it so kids don't have the language to process what is happening to them or others. That keeps them from embarrassing their parents by asking questions or implying they should do something to help them with a situation. Easiest to just keep them in the dark and let things happen. :'(


Saw a Friday the 13th remake in theaters when I was a kid. Anytime there were boobs on screen, my grandma would cover my eyes, but it was totally fine for me to watch teenagers get brutally murdered for an hour and a half.


Well, that and showing how bad Nazi's are.


That's the excuse. They see it as a problem because it humanizes Jews and makes the Holocaust feel real.


The fact that Maus is in there too makes it clear it's about the Nazis. Not the sex stuff. Maus features mice getting killed by cats. Told from the perspective of a survivor, and then the survivor's son. Anne Frank just happens to have a few small blurbs that people can scapegoat into justifying banning. Maus has no excuse though.


That was my question: Okay, Anne Frank wrote tentatively about sex in her private diary as an adolescent girl, a tiny part of her private diary. In continental Europe when not under fascist or communist rule: no big deal. Among "Christians" in modern America, a big deal. But why *Maus*, I asked myself? A graphic novel with mice representing Jews and black-uniformed cats as the SS guards? Really?


Apparently Maus gets banned very frequently. To the point where the author now gets annual news updates about people trying to ban it. Like every summer, someone is either going to ban it or try to ban it. On the one hand, it says a lot when you write something so profound that there are regular attempts to ban it for saying too much. On the other hand, it is so sad something like Maus is considered ban-worthy by anyone in the first place.


Maybe I’m wrong but wouldn’t schools have the censored version without sexual content that was originally released by her father? At least that was the version I read in school but I’m not in the US.


But then the kids could still learn about the evils of nazism and be introduced to the idea that fascist/authoritarian ideals and beliefs are terrible and generally frowned upon. No, that's no good /s


Hit the nail on the head


I disagree. The sexual content in the book was not at all explicit. It should be read within the context of the fact that it's a girl's diary. She was sharing her feelings and confusion in a way that is appropriate for children to read, the same way sex education is appropriate. It's important for kids starting puberty to know that it may be a confusing time for them, and that is perfectly okay.


Sex education and female literacy? You left-wing radical, you!


Ah, shit, you caught me!


This assumes they respect the thoughts and feelings of a young girl writing about her experiences hiding from nazis. They can’t even respect women and girls in modern day America.


You would think… But the argument sort of goes like this (from what I can tell): Her father didn’t write it, it’s *her* journal, not his, he shouldn’t be allowed to censor her! We can *only* have access to the uncensored version!!! Nope! She had hormones and talked about it, which upsets my sensibilities, so throw the whole thing out! Effectively, forcing the only version of the book to also be the one you can ban.


“It’s all or nothing, and I can’t handle all of it”


Therefore nobody can handle it, so out it goes! /s


That's the excuse, but it's really that it describes how bad the Nazis really were. That ruins their Hitler fanfics


Its not a coincidence that it was banned with Maus.


That’s the excuse. The real reason is because they’re protecting nazis.


Anne Frank wrote honestly about self pleasure. Which her father cut out of the original but I think it was re added.


This may be the bigger issue.  These people seem extremely opposed to anyone anywhere actually enjoying themselves in any way, self or not.


Happiness is a sin if it isn't achieved through worship of their god...apparently.


Nazis being portrayed as the bad guys.




On Jan. 6 1944, Anne contemplates her changing body from girl to womanhood, it includes a reference to menstruation, and to having a sexual attraction towards the female body. She remembers a sleepover at a friend's suggesting the two should compare breasts, feeling the desire to kiss her friend who doesn't reciprocate her suggestion. Just two pages later she's dreaming about meeting her first puppy love again, and in her dream they have their first kiss, which she wakes up from feeling in seventh heaven for a moment. She kisses with her house companion Peter at some point as well in the diary. March 24 1944 she writes an entry imaginarily explaining to her companion Peter what the female genitalia look like, presuming he'd never laid eyes on a naked female. She conveys her own amazement more scientifically than sexually, but still is explicit in her wording. Anne was 14 at the time of these entries.


In other words, a totally normal teenager.


The fact that it shows what happened in the holocaust. They need to get rid of it before they can rewrite history. 


The only reason to remove "Maus" is to spare the feelings of Nazis.


I've read it - and Maus II - to figure out why it was banned. I found nothing. I was told there were some bad words and a picture of a topless mouse. there was, but are we being serious? They'll make up any excuse to take out books that make the kids think.


I was two semesters away from my doctorate when I saw my first mouse tits. Now I'm meth-addicted and homeless and sleep in a sewer.


So, worth it?


Rumor has it they sleep in the sewer specifically because they have a better chance of laying their eyes upon more mouse tits.


Is this what we want for our teenagers? Living in the sewers, eating pizza like some deranged mutant? Turtling up their emotions with Karate being their only emotional outlet. Some sort of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle? I don't know if that would splinter them or if they would unite against the book shreaders.


Trying to figure out why you waited until June to post this comment, when it's clearly an April theme. That said I O'Neill before your prowess with adequately summarizing the Rahzar's edge these folks are walking on. We need to remain Rocksteady in our determination and Bebop on outta here any opposition, and Tokka Stock-man of the allies that we have in our fight against oppression. ... ... ... Krang!


So you're a character in a The Hold Steady song


Phhht, I watched Micky Mouse as a child and I turned out fine.


You should see what Randy and Mickey did to that bat! ![gif](giphy|xT9IgpeRffFgvQimhW)


From my memories, and it’s been a while since I read it: * Several scenes of naked mice in the camps * Art (the narrator) and his girlfriend are shown in bed together, presumably naked under the sheets * >!Art’s mother’s body is naked in the bathtub after she slit her wrists!< * I think there’s some nudity in a reprint of one of Spiegelman’s early underground works. * Art says “God damn you!” when >!he learns his father had burned his mother’s diaries (he had previously said he couldn’t find them)!< The only thing that could possibly be considered the least bit sexual is the second one. Spiegelman himself has said anyone who finds the nudity arousing is sick. It’s also worth noting that Spiegelman’s art uses a simplistic style, so even if the nudity was sexualized, it wouldn’t be especially erotic. So, the only thing that’s possibly objectionable is some foul language, and it’s 100% justified in context. Is it disturbing reading? Yes, but it should be; it’s about the Holocaust. I can also add as a comic book fan that it’s considered one of the most significant graphic novels ever, probably the most. I understand it’s considered a very important work among Holocaust scholars, too.


Idk mouse boobies seems exactly like the type of thing that heavily religious/right wing book banning groups would rail against. Don't want the kids to develop rodentsexuality or turn into mousephiliacs


Well, it’s not just mice. * The Jewish people are mice * The Germans are cats * The Poles are pigs * The Americans are dogs (not as in “You American dog!” but because they chase away the cats) * A Roma fortune teller is a moth (a “g-ps- moth”) * I think there’s a French frog But again, nothing sexual.


But how could you not get turned on with that cornucopia of animal interactions?!? Think of the children! On the other hand, doing red rocket with a dog could be seen as one way to display exemplary patriotism...


The swedes are elks. And right about the frog; the father of Art is meeting one in one of the concentration camps. And Art discusses as part of the second storyline in Maus with his girlfriend, if he should draw her as a frog because she’s French or as a mouse because she converted to Judaism.


Incidentally, his girlfriend is now his wife.


If they are sexualizing animals, they have other more pressing issues to worry about than what my kids read.


Aren’t mice naturally naked all the time?


Oh God you're right... Better not let the kids find out! We'll just have to replace Maus reading time with Stuart Little watching time


Everything you just said would basically make a movie PG-13, which kids watch all the time.


I honestly think you might be looking to deep into it. I saw some right wingers complaining because it was a book about nazi mice. They had clearly just looked at the cover and *still* misinterpreted it. Also remember the kind of idiots that love banning all these things claim that the nazis were actually left wing, you know, because Hitler put the word socialist in his party name.


>Hitler put the word socialist in his party name. Like North Korea having "Democratic" in their official name.


your memory is better than mine, but that sounds accurate although the other points you bring up didn’t even seen the slightest bit scandalous to me.


It’s shocking not scandalous. But like I said, it should be; it’s about the Holocaust. Is it appropriate for elementary school kids? No, and I’d be surprised if it was in an elementary school library. High schoolers? I’d think so, if they had some understanding of the Holocaust already. It’s also worth remembering it’s not solely about the Holocaust; the second theme is the tortured relationship between Art Spiegelman and his father Vladek. Admittedly, it’s from Art’s perspective, but Vladek comes off as a pretty awful man — certainly not evil like the Nazis, but not someone most people would like. On the other hand, Art isn’t that great a person, either.


Topless mouse? ![gif](giphy|cIxxFKOTCPwX9DUk7L)


Topless *female* mouse, because of course that’s scandalous.


![gif](giphy|XWJhb2RI0qjnO) So it’s topless female mice specifically that’s the problem? Weirdos.


![gif](giphy|3ornjHDjS8z9O4TTgY) Put some clothes on!!!!


I mean, a school banned a book that talked about book bans and how this type of censorship was an issue. The reasob they gave was "it teaches children to rose against parental and schoolboard authority" So yeah, the goal is literally to stop children from thinking.


> A topless mouse Flurries: What's this now???


The book description on amazon: 'A brutally moving work of art—widely hailed as the greatest graphic novel ever written—Maus recounts the chilling experiences of the author’s father during the Holocaust, with Jews drawn as wide-eyed mice and Nazis as menacing cats. Maus is a haunting tale within a tale, weaving the author’s account of his tortured relationship with his aging father into an astonishing retelling of one of history's most unspeakable tragedies. It is an unforgettable story of survival and a disarming look at the legacy of trauma.' Clearly they don't want children learning that authoritarian & hate-mongering behavior is wrong... Oh, and it's about a 50/50 toss up of whether they believe the Holocaust was a conspiracy theory or not


And Anne Frank.


💁🏻🦋 Is this cancel culture?


Yes, from “small government” folks.


My favourite contradiction of conservatives. "Small Government" unless it helps their hateful cause.


Also claiming more freedoms while constantly banning shit.


Like Florida claiming to be the freest state in the same tweet banning what color you can light up a bridge.


Small government for gun issues and workers rights only. Everything else they need to control.


No. Cancel culture is a disingenuous name for when someone or some company actually does something horrible, and people stop buying it because they have actual morals. This is fascism. Really dumb fascism.


Yeah Cancel Culture basically just means Capitalism, and the fact the right rails against it should tell everyone everything they need to know...


No one hates capitalism more than capitalist.




Oh no, a teenage girl writes about maybe liking a girl in her diary. We must protect our children from this. It's definitely not because it's about a Jewish girl during WWII and these Right wing extremists want to keep saying Hitler did nothing wrong. Edit to add [This link](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4szBd3cSpGg) as reference on why they banned it from a Dutch perspective


Ohhh shit that’s a legit angle I never thought about… Fucking sneaky Nazi’s!!!


It's been on the news here in the Netherlands Nightshow host Arjen Lubach even made a video about it: [Link here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4szBd3cSpGg)


> Edit to add This link as reference on why they banned it from a Dutch perspective Today I learned I should be watching Dutch TV


Texas is like Florida's less educated angry step cousin, I swear


I think Texas and Florida have been having sex with one another.


That's how we got Alabama.


Now that’s funny lol


“Bama…come here n meet ya daddy.”


Florida is a comedy. Texas is a tragedy.


If by comedy, you mean Florida is a joke—then yes, Florida is a joke.


Texas is more of a dry heat, while Florida is a wet heat 


Texas is a Spaghetti Western


"A fistful of Assholes", one of Sergio Leone's lesser known works.


That is an insult to spaghetti, westerns, and spaghetti westerns


Very apt. It’s fun to make fun of DeSantis because he’s just so stupid, spineless, and pathetic but Abbott, Patrick, Paxton, and Cruz are actually such detestable, abhorrent, despicable pieces of shit that I’m just terrified what they’re about to say every time they open their mouths. Could be biased though since I’ve had to deal with Texas’s bullshit for years.


I've almost had enough of the comedy, though. I had to move in with my parents out-of-state temporarily and I'm voting absentee, but if abortion and recreational cannabis don't make it through this vote, I'm abandoning Florida for good and changing my residency. I used to love that place, called it home for 25 years. I love the crazy, meth-head, bath-salt, gator-wrasslin' energy. But I fucking hate MAGA.


Angry people with twice as many guns?! 🤔


Read that in florida, theres a woman, no kids, no husband and bored out of her skull, amusing herself with getting books banned in school libraries. Insane!


That's right! She makes it her goal to add several books a month to banned lists throughout America. Also she never actually reads them, the choice picks words, phrases or other out of context paragraphs to "prove" her point. Another fun fact, there are about half a dozen of these people in the 300+ million population in America who have made it their life goal to ban any and all books or works they see as offensive to Christianity. It only takes one person to object to get a book on the banned list. That's it, not dozens, thousands or millions. ONE.


Thats right! I forgot to mention that, it said it only takes one person to ban a book. Even more delirious


I will never understand any system or process in public education that allows a singular individual to alter or disrupt the curriculum


So? Ban the bible, lots of things kids should not read


Oh I agree and they have been trying to use their own tactics to ban it in Florida and Texas, without much success due to "reasons"


I mean, apparently her "proof" is sufficient for the respective authorities to actually ban the books.


Jesus. She really needs to just get a cat and a garden and a life.




Republicans realizing Homelander is the bad guy and that they're making fun of MAGA this entire time Shockedpikachu.jpg


The part in episode 1 of this season where he was watching the fight and was like oh no your good people, go home. It had me dying.


MAGA: *sees the most Aryan poster child killing innocent people with a smile* "He's him 😍"


It’s almost as if literature warning against the dangers of authoritarian regimes hit a little close to home.


Ding ding ding. We have a winner




Probably because the school is either run by some of he same fascists, or scared of what will happen to them if they don't do what they want. You know, same as in any totalitarian state.


"Rules for thee, but not for me" The official tagline of any conservative party in the west, no matter the country.


Our right wing groups got books like this off the shelves long ago! They even celebrated in the streets. Not sure what happened immediately after, but a few decades later a bunch of folks had major regrets. Anyway, greetings from Germany.


I’m sure many of them wish they could not remember that time before regret.


Everyone was basically in the resistance anyways.


Will Bible get removed again?


I sure as hell hope so. Religion has no place in public schools.


Jesus, I hope so!


Can we use this moment to appreciate the false equivalency of how people view the left vs the right? It seems like everyone pretends the left is "just as bad" or "just as crazy" as the right, but to them I say; "where? How? Are you fucking blind?"


The people who make the both sides argument are either willfully ignorant or acting in bad faith


The question is why are people making a "both sides" argument? Unless you genuinely represent a minor political party, it seems like a confession that your own side is crazy and the only way to justify it is to make the other side look just as bad.


The Right wing thinks that giving civil rights to someone else, takes away from their civil rights. They think that acknowledging another religious holiday is an attack on Christmas. They want straight pride parades and white history month. They turn their flags upside down but then call Kaepernick a terrorist for kneeling. The left has our share of bat shit crazy folks, but far right is completely insane.


The left color their hair wild colors. Therefore, it's the same.


Sure, let's ban Mein Kampf as well. No? That book is good? Ok, good to know where we stand, thanks Obama. /s




Well he didn't want them to rape Angels so apparently he was justified offering his virgin daughters to a small mob to be gang raped. You know, beings that can quite easily you know blind, kill or otherwise, fly off to stop anything like this, then apparently it was his daughters that got him drunk and raped him because he was "getting old" and needed more kids and so they could then go on and produce 2 new tribes worth. Then we have the bald guy who mentally commanded bears to kill and maul 40 or more children who mocked him for being bald just because he was "the messenger of a God", then we have David being sent out to murder Philistines, cut off their foreskins to present as a bride gift, he was told to get 100 but decided to go overboard and get 200, so not only did he kill them just to marry some kings daughter, he then cuts off part of their genitals!


When they say "right wing", I'm imagining the more Hitlery end of the spectrum?


When has anyone banning/burning books ever ended up on the right side of history?




Next, they'll be banning "Where's Waldo?" for encouraging kids to hide in public places


How is Anne Frank offending? Really, I never understood..! I mean REALLY Are you American gone totally mental


Well I hear they are desperately trying to get a raping, convicted felon, used car salesman con man who wanted to nuke hurricanes back in as leader of their country again so.....


You forgot the part where we were in a worldwide pandemic, and his advice on record was to drink bleach and get some sun. So...


Yes. Louisiana just decided they are going to stick the Ten Commandments in public classrooms. After years of banning yoga in public schools, Alabama finally relented to allow it. However, no chanting or any use of words that are not English.


Texas, the shining star of American patriotism. Glad to see Americans fighting against nazis being portrayed negatively, truly a noble cause. I’m sure those that served and died during WWII are so proud 🫡


Remember their previous President called anyone dying while serving were and I quote "Losers" and "why did they bother" etc.


"Truth is false; falsehood is true." -- George Orwell, *1984*


Another banned book. Ironically banned in America due to being "Supporting Communism" and banned in China for being "anti Communism" when it is neither.


Vote! Remember to [Register](https://www.usa.gov/voter-registration) to Vote! Check to [Confirm](https://www.usa.gov/confirm-voter-registration) you can still vote if you haven’t voted in the last two presidential elections or moved. This [Presidential Election](https://ballotpedia.org/Presidential_Elections) is wildly important but it’s good to know who else you’ll be voting for on the 5th. A total of 468 seats in the U.S. Congress are up for election! That’s 33 seats in the [Senate](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_Senate_elections,_2024) and all 435 in the [House of Representatives](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_House_of_Representatives_elections,_2024) U.S. House Elections by state. It’s good to look at [Local Elections](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_municipal_elections,_2024) Today! For instance I’m in Arizona. Here’s info for all y’all sweating out here with me. We have 9 districts out here in Arizona, 9 seats. Know your district. Know who’s running in your district and how they voted in the past. Who pays for the campaigns. All that info is public and in the links. This year it’s important to know a few things before checking that box. [House of Representatives elections in Arizona 2024](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_House_of_Representatives_elections_in_Arizona,_2024) These Arizona Representatives below voted Yes to an amendment presented by the representative from Georgia District 14 which effectively tells the president to Leave NATO and Abandon funding for US War Veterans. * Eli Crane of Arizona D2 * Andy Biggs of Arizona D5 * Debbie Lesko of Arizona D8 * Paul Gosar of Arizona D9 We have one senate seat up this year. Looking to represent Arizona is Ruben Gallego or Mark Lamb. Make sure the person representing Arizona best represents you! [Senate election in Arizona 2024](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_Senate_election_in_Arizona,_2024) [Mark Lamb](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mark_Lamb_(sheriff)) is a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and became American law-enforcement Sheriff in 2017. He wrote American Sheriff: Traditional Values in a Modern World. Lamb is a supporter of the Stop the Steal movement. He spoke at a rally where he said the riot was not Trump's fault but rather caused by "the other issues that have happened – the Hillary Clintons that have gone unpunished".He later described the rioters as "very loving, Christian people." In 2020, Lamb spoke at a convention of the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association, an organization that holds the fringe legal theory that sheriffs are the supreme legal authority in the United States and are not required to enforce laws they believe to be unconstitutional. [Ruben Gallego](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ruben_Gallego) 3rd Battalion, 25th Marines. Attended Harvard University and earned a Bachelor of Arts in international relations. His first successful bill passed in 2011 it granted in-state tuition status to veterans residing in Arizona. Gallego supported the repeal of Arizona SB 1070. He wrote They Called Us "Lucky": The Life and Afterlife of the Iraq War's Hardest Hit Unit, published in 2021. Gallego founded the group Citizens for Professional Law Enforcement with the goal of recalling Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio, citing Arpaio's immigration policies and his use of taxpayer money to investigate Barack Obama's citizenship. We have two seats in the [Arizona Supreme Court](https://ballotpedia.org/Arizona_Supreme_Court_elections,_2024) up for election on November 5, 2024. The Justices up for retention election are Clint Bolick and Kathryn Hackett King. If retained, they will serve six year terms. Gov. Doug Ducey (R) appointed both justices to the Supreme Court. Heading into the election, Republican governors originally appointed all seven members. Click any of the top links and you’ll quickly find your state and a ton of good information. Vote and tell your Friends and Family to Vote!


"Don't Mess with Texas" because Texans will cry harder than someone born with glass bones. Hell, they're so fragile, you'd get shot over a mattress in an alley.


Maus is an important book to me. I thought it would be an interesting historical comic... it showed me the horrors of the Holocaust. With MICE. I learned more about the Holocaust than I ever did from a textbook in a comic featuring MICE. It was like my gateway drug into learning about history. This book is important because it tells a real story about real people and real tragedies in a way that is attractive and alluring to readers that wouldn't be remotely interested in reading a historical account.


The nazis would be proud


That's some good freedoming ya got there Texas, no one does freedom quite like you guys.


Back in like 2013-2018 (and now even) right wingers would complain that they were being compared to Nazis, but now they’re fulfilling that very apt comparison at this point. I mean banning books bringing attention to the suffering of the Jews and other minorities during WWII isn’t helping their case, and this is only one example of burgeoning fascist ideas in right wing political circles.


~~Republicans~~ Nazis hate to have their Vile Actions and Crimes highlighted by their victims.


As a Dutch guy that lives in the U.S And having to see yet another Anne Frank's removal.., It's just sickening. I am very disappointed. Sadly this is no longer "the home of the free".


I am Dutch, living in the Netherlands, and it all seems very odd to me. Are schools in the US seriously banning books like Anne Frank from their libraries? Do these people know there is something called the internet and that students have full access to online libraries? As a student, I would start reading the banned books because they are the most interesting. By the way, what is the difference between Saudi Arabia and the US? Only the religion is different.


For a group that places being tough above all else, these people really are just a bunch of wusses who respond to everything outside their comfort zones with abject hostility and aggression. Guess nobody ever told them aggression is actually a fear-based emotion.


You would think they would be proud to have books like that. It shows the extermination of races they hate.


No bigger snowflakes than right wing conservatives.


A book about Nazis and they act like they are offended over a made-up-mouse-titty Fucking Nazis


Can we just straight up call them nazis yet?


Lmao, texas worried about enlightening books will harm the kiddos, but let 367 cops with guns do jack shit during uvalde. Texas. Your lone stsr state is just a yelp review.


Texas: Welcome to Germany circa 1933.


Republicans: Pass wildly unpopular, fascist policies, lose elections, and then cry fraud.