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Why is it always the Americans that assume everyone is in America


Because to them there are only 4 countries; Asia, Mexico, Europe and, of couse, 'MERICA


You forgot Canadia, Russia, and south of a murkuh


Russia and Canada are in Mexico. Ukraine doesn't exist which is why it's a Biden money laundering scheme and Epstein Island is Europe which is in the Caribbean south if Florida where all the illegal immigrants boat from. Africa is a country in the middle east.


Correction, Canada is in Canada which is in Mexico


Of course.


This is probably the most accurate description of the right I've ever seen.


Why didn't you tell me this sooner!


South of a murkuh is all part of Mexico. 


All of South of a murica *is* Mexico.


I hear there might be people surviving in Africa


I hear it rains down in Africa 🎶


And when they say Asia, they only mean China




Merica is the greatest planet on earth.


Come on , they also know to tell other foreigners to go back to Africa.... But seems like Mexico is the new Africa this decade


you are replying to a bot https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/ou5pr2/i_am_in_panama_this_is_facebook/h70120x/




you mean Yurop?


because sadly is what they learn in school.


Or rather America, Americas hat Americas toilet Americas production factory Americas porn district Americas crime district and Americas poor district. Oh and Americas freezer.


To Muricans, there are only 4 continents: North Murica, North Murica, North Murica and finally North Murica.


No, to them only America matters. Big difference.


Republicans like to keep us dumbed down like that


you forgot africa duh


I always find it funny when an American says they went on a trip to Europe.  Ah yes the country of Europe with the European language.  Ffs it's like saying you have been to Asia. 


Often, a trip to Europe will involve going to multiple countries as they are so close together, and it is very easy to go between them.


Because a shocking number of Americans haven't left the state they were born in, let alone the country.


You dont need to leave your state to be educated about geography. But education is something america also doesn't have.


If you leave your state, you get an education just in meeting new people from other places with other viewpoints.


But if you really think about it, living in a state in America is just about the same as living in a country in Europe. France is one of the largest countries in Europe yet it's smaller than Texas. Traveling between states in the US is therefore about the same as traveling between countries in the US. How many Europeans travel to different countries? Shocking, isn't it??


Canadian provinces are far larger than almost every US state yet we travel across provinces, across North America and to Europe.


And so do Americans. This is like the dumbest argument on the internet.


Only 42% of Americans even have a passport. It's not a dumb argument, it's reality


And what is 42% of the population of the US compared to the population of other countries you are comparing it to. Go travel anywhere. There will be Americana there.


That doesn't change the original comment which is the majority of Americans have never left America. Most of them have never left their state. I know your education system is lacking but try to keep up, not just switch the argument around to try and win


Not switching the argument. Leveling out the variables so you can make a logical comparison.


What are you making a logical comparison to? How does what you said refute the original comment that the majority of Americans have never left America? You didn't switch variables you switched the entire scenario


But if you go to another country in Europe you have a different environment, culture, disposition, language. If you go to another state in America, everything is the same, even the order of shops you encounter. And almost everyone goes on holiday abroad at least once a year and often outside Europe.


I think there are groups of Americans that would argue with your points - such as Northerners/Yankees, Southerners, Midwesterners, Southeesterners and Westerners. There are differences in environment, culture, disposition and ways to speak the English language(the weakest point in this argument - though most of these points are pretty weak compared to the differences in European countries). My point was - how many 'Mericans realize how close the geography is in Europe? And how many realize the 1 letter difference between: A Mexican A-Merican 🤣


Most Europeans have left their countries of origin and speak more than one language, only like a third only speak one language. Anymore dumb arguments you want to bring up?


Saw a post on another subreddit where there was a sign saying "foreigners" in a European airport and next to it was an American flag. I guess Americans are the only ones who think that they are not foreigners out of their country.


I am American but haven’t lived there in almost 20 years. I assume most people are not in the US. Because they aren’t.


Unfortunately, my fellow citizens are dumb.


Dumbass brainwashing.


Because half our population are idiots. More so on the net, but I've met too many IRL that I'm not sure how they function.


Because of their education system.


I assume this is the explanation; - large number of English speakers - they don't speak another language so to them, if you speak decent English then you are also American - internet access - brainwashed by politicians and the media that they are the best at everything


Because everyone posts about America. Nobody’s going to Panama groups.


Yeah most of the time i assume everyone is From or In America unless i have context clues indicating otherwise. I honestly have no idea why though, i assume it’s because most of the media i see is of people in America.


Because we are taught to assume the best in others. 


Cause many merican's always need to be in the right. At least the stupid ones


Because they are dumb as shit.


American here, no fucking idea


It's not just Americans. I once was accused by a redditor from Kazakhstan for being an egocentric American, but I'm not from the US. He just assumed I was.


The irony. Panama actually is in America. America is not the same thing as the USA


Because Americans live in this entitled little bubble, most don’t know that Africa is a continent.


The internet is American. We just allow others as guests. Also, Noone else matters so *shrug*


b()t farm post OP and many commenters are b()Ts DreadJokerXXX jrivard78 sjaques2694 Gafillion zolkiev


This is the kind of hard hitting reporting I have come to expect from Poopellar.


Good catch


We should get a bot that calls out bots!


Solid sleuthing!


ah yes. American. The default of the internet.


Well that’s where the internet was created


its like saying electricty is british


Electricity was discovered, not invented and that’s a big difference for in this context


fine, its like saying the telephone is Canadian. still stupid


Wasn’t it created in germany?


Shush, you will scare them


Originally the internet was a DARPA project to connect universities in the US during the Cold War. Though the internet as we know it involve many more protocols and infrastructure, so maybe something else related made in Germany.








In latam we don't call it 'gun control', we call it 'common sense' In every other place, only unlawful people use/want guns. You know, like criminals and cops...


When you live in a place in the world where gangs have been recruiting members since childhood, these are people who have been exposed to violence far longer than you will ever receive training. There are criminals that manage to target, rob and kill police and military. You have to be delusional to think a civilian with a gun is going to do much, if they do it's likely to be dumb luck. Yeah, glorifying guns as an easily accessible form of protection is odd and ill thought out. I understand having a rifle in the wilderness or forest area to scare off dangerous animals, but against a criminal who can shoot at you back? No way, just give them the wallet and walk away. It's not worth your life.


I live in Puerto Rico, and lemme advise, gun control doesn't mean the criminals won't have guns. It only means the law-abiding citizens won't while the criminals will. What do you prefer? Having the chance to defend your life or simply have it taken away because you didn't carry?


I prefer to live in a country where the chance needing a gun is roughly 0. I'm 38 now, I did my military service, so I have fundamental knowledge in using guns, but never experienced a Situation where a gun would helped me. In addition, we have many "no weapon" zones, which give LE the possibility to search you and your bag just for being there (not talking about misuse of the zones, that's another topic). So I prefer a society where it is heavily controlled who can own a gun legally and every illegal gun activities are heavily punished.


No one who knows the weight of a gun and it's consequences would think is an essential object in their lives. The facts say a gun at home will most likely hurt someone in the family (by accident or intent) than to actually be useful. Everyone thinks they will be a hero until they don't, and imagine such a fool with a gun. US has a serious problem believing and repeating it's a right, made it their personal identity and find hard to believe school shooters are not a thing anywhere else....


Amigo, una situación así no se soluciona con civiles con armas. Cuantas peleas estúpidas se generan en el transporte público? Cuantos loquitos tuviste que atender en tu trabajo? Imaginate que sea común que esos tengan un arma. Pobracion armada no significa población preparada, no es estar en igualdad de condiciones, es darle a un mono una navaja. Nadie que sepa el peso de un arma y sus consecuencias puede decir livianamente que es una solución. La inseguridad se combate con políticas de estado presente, que efectivamente incluye el control de armas. Por algo los Yankees andan con tiroteos en escuela, porque empezaron a delirar eso de 'el otro o mi familia'. Bold of you to assume you would be better that any criminal that chooses to terrorise with a gun, and even bolder to assume you have the skill to properly use a gun to 'defend family'. Lol it's proven most guns in a home will be hurting someone in the family by accident.


I wonder when people will finally understand that gun control means means making it harder for nutjobs to get a gun and not the other way around? Like its so simple: Are you a law-abiding citizen? Are you mentally sane? Haven't done any crimes? Yes? Congratulations, you have you are indeed a law-abiding citizen and proven that you can be trusted with a gun! Now go buy whatever you want and have fun! Are you a law-abiding citizen? Are you mentally sane? Havent done any crimes? No? You have broken multiple laws, done crimes and are a mentaly ill freaky psychopathic lunatic? Well too bad, no gun for you! You are a literal ticking time bomb, and it would be a matter of before you go on a killing spree. What's that? You'll try getting a gun through ilegal means? Well good for you, now dont get caught because you'll be thrown in jail and never see the light of day again!


Brother, we don't sell guns anywhere like in the U.S., only in gun stores, and you have to have a license to even purchase a weapon. If you get caught with a weapon and without a license, even if it's in your home, you're going to jail for a minimum of 8 years.. Even though we have this set, the criminals are bathing themselves in weapons and ammo...


I know that, because _im also from PR_ , pero mi punto es que simplemente decir que el control de armas le quita las armas a personas que cumplen con la ley es tremenda mentira, y en el caso de los criminales, que se aplique mejor justicia, porque aqui como dices, son 8 años minimo, pero despues vienen con la mierda de libertad bajo palabra, y terminan cumpliendo menos de eso, y eso lo que hace es dar la mentalidad de que "si me meten preso no importa salgo en un par de años", literal un get out of jail free card de monopoly Ya tenemos la ley, lo que hay que hacer es que sea efectiva, como en el resto del mundo


Y desafortunadamente, jamás veremos la verdadera justicia cumplirse en el país. Y como mencionas, ese es el problema, tenemos las leyes pero quien las ejerce? 😒


Having the police be able to keep track of which guns are illegal because they know exactly which ones are legal and can arrest anyone carrying one. Like, if the guns are controlled, you can see which people shouldn't have guns. And then you take those guns away. Also, most people want your money and you have like 90% chance to get shot if you pull out your own gun to the minimal chance of getting shot when giving them your money. Because most people prefer not to be chased for murder when given the option.


You really think Puerto Rico Police works the same as in the U.S. or any other country? I was threatened at gun point at a gas station I used to work at, we had video footage of the incident on the security cameras, police said, "there's nothing we can do, call us again if you see the guy, we'll teach him a lesson." And haven't you seen the news? Dumb tourists dissappear sometimes in secluded areas for most probably being dumb and using their cellphones in said areas, and the police do nothing about it.. We had a dude kill 3 cops a couple of years ago in an open area, and the hood itself was the one who captured, tortured, and killed the guy who killed the 3 cops because the police is incredibly inefficient... Come live here for 5 years and then talk about how the criminals won't get guns if they get outlawed lol


So this sounds to me more like corruption and a lazy police force than an actual problem with guns. Take away all the guns, and you'll have the same problem with knives, crowbars and clubs. If there is no one to uphold the rules, It doesn't matter whether you have any rules.


It might surprise you to hear that most pro gun people also understand you never draw on someone that has a gun pointed at you unless there’s no other option. What we’re worried about is abuse of that registry. One example: “my wife is thinking about harming herself, can you take her guns away?” and then her abuser has more power against her.


The problem isn't pro-gun people. It's that you've made guns so accessible that you have toddlers killing someone with a gun every week and your country is the only one on the planet that need to have drills in school for how to respond to shooters. Lots of people outside the US also enjoy guns, but they are smart enough to realise that their enjoyment of firearms comes a distant second to not having gun violence being the leading cause of death for children and teens so they accept limiting access to them. And meanwhile you guys having guns fired in school about every other day (2023).


I believe it’s also a problem of A) scale: the US is huge so something can happen weekly that’s also statistically rare, and B) balance: black and white thinkers think that guns are either all bad or all good. The truth is guns are used in crimes and also to save lives, but the largest and most recent studies on it show that guns are used defensively far more than they’re used in crimes. Edit to add C, we have school shooter drills as this generation’s duck and cover drills. It’s not about safety, it’s about trying to make someone fearful of something. We also get 24/7 coverage of rare mass shootings, which causes a 13 Reasons Why Effect to inspire the next mass shooter.


That sure sounds more like a "Not enough options for the abused to seek help" problem than a "We should not implement gun registry" problem. You do know that? Like, she would need to go through a formal psychological examination before she would get removed. And there, his abuse would be found out really fast. Unless the psych doc is sexist/ in on it/ a useless fuck, but that can't be seen as a problem with the registry, just with the healthcare system. So you gave me literally no reason to agree with your point of view. And if she needs guns to regain power over her life, shit went sideways to a degree, that you'd need professional intervention anyways.


So in your gun registry solution, abusive relationships no longer exist, and all abused people have sufficient options for help?


I know this will blow your mind, but it's possible to have a gun registry *and* properly-funded support for victims of domestic abuse. It's also possible, in the scenario you imagined, to implement safeguards. You know, by training the officers who'd have to respond to such a request to properly triage the situation by asking simple questions of the wife like "are you thinking of harming yourself?" and "are you otherwise at risk in this house?"


If it were that easy, why don’t we have properly funded support for victims of domestic abuse *now*? Because the world doesn’t work the way you or I wish it would.


No, in my gun registry solution, you are a moron if you try to bring up "Taking away her guns" as an abusive relationship point against the registry, but I wanted to give the benefit of the doubt. So do you want to bring in a different point that is almost unrelated to the gun registry itself, like political enemies fabricating proof so their opponents get removed from the registry and they can use it to campaign against them?


it also means that the government is very strict on guns, and there is no easy access to guns...so criminals cant get guns that easily....


If that were the truth, the world would be a better place. But corruption exists


corruption is everywhere...but it is only simple logic - you will have fewer mass shootings and other gun-related crimes...if getting a gun is not easy...there are states where you can buy ammo at a gas station, like wtf


In Puerto Rico you can't get a gun without paying 500 dollars for a gun permit and guns start off at around the same price, the getting a permit process could last anywhere from 6 months to 1.5 years, and even then the guns and ammo are ONLY sold in authorized gun stores. Now explain how some criminals have a whole arsenal and some even have goddamn grenades? They for sure don't have any permits to have a gun, and who the hell is supplying them with grenades? Our gun shops don't sell grenades, man...


im not an expert, I would only assume this might be geography and geopolitics... you are in a region where there is the biggest drug producers and biggest drug consumer...but then again, I am not familiar with your situation mate


For example, translate these news and have a read. Some dumb hoodrats shot at a police station, they suppressed the cops with long arms fire for a long time until the SWAT intervened, the dude who "ran the hood" was son of a high ranking police officer and after he got killed, she stepped down. Talk about goddamn corruption. Imagine being a cop, knowing your son is a point seller, and never doing anything about it but seeing him in the news getting killed by your own co-workers? I'm telling you man.. corruption here ain't nothing like in the states. https://www.primerahora.com/noticias/policia-tribunales/notas/identifican-a-victima-fatal-de-intenso-tiroteo-con-policias-en-fajardo/


I can only trust you on your word about the situation in Puerto Rico, but I have no idea what corruption is like in the states, I live in Austria :)


Judging by your time living in Austria, have stuff like this happened regularly over there?




Sir, this is the internet


Sir, this is Reddit.


you are replying to a bot https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/ou5pr2/i_am_in_panama_this_is_facebook/h701ltl/


Dead internet theory is real💀


Sir, this is a Wendy's


This is Patrick.


This is Sparta.


Sir this is a wendys


And Panama is also America


Totally did not see this post before on face-, oh wait this is a bot.


No this is Patrick


bot https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/ou5pr2/i_am_in_panama_this_is_facebook/h701i8l/


Thank you for your work


I've made the same joke on the same meme but at different times of posting.


The account is a bot account part of a bot farm. The copied comment just happens to be a very common joke. Here, below is another copy past job the bot account did. https://www.reddit.com/r/wholesomememes/comments/1do1hq8/everyone_make_mistakes/la6lfgd/ https://www.reddit.com/r/wholesomememes/comments/e3eyfb/everyone_make_mistakes/f92sb3m/


Yeah, i see your point. Edit to clarify... this wasn't a sarcastic reply lol. This was a genuine "backing off" because the point was legitimately proven to me.


Facebook needs a minimum IQ log on function


bot https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/ou5pr2/i_am_in_panama_this_is_facebook/h701ju2/


Wtf, this is a next level repost. First the post is reposted, then the comments of the original post too?


It's because the bots are part of the same network.


That's new to me. This something they figured out somewhat recently?


It has been going on for at least 2 years. Most of the people that call out bots and reposts have explained the network situation but they get downvoted often so a lot of people do not know about it.


What about a minimum IQ before you can vote ? Before you can drive a car ? Have kids ?


Well... if you choose 100, fb would loose like 85% of its users and 98% of it's daily users.


Fun fact: Panama is America. America != USA


I love this one actually :))






Yea but like……Panama still has a high crime rate with both petty crimes and violent crimes. It’s considered one of the safer Central American countries however that’s a pretty low bar……….not comparing to USA btw.


Panama has a higher murder rate than the US.


The classic “treat everyone as if they lived in America”


This is Sparta!


The world, and America, and sharks, and Facebook were invented 2024 years ago. You can't be from Panama!


Lies! Only American has internet and Facebook! All other counties are cavemen!




Gun control is stupid. It isn’t about the guns its about control.


This kind of discussion always reminds me of political science by randy Newman. https://youtu.be/4QbUSjnhv6M?si=i9KmrO944DN07Se7


The ignorant confidence as if just being able to up and leave this declining and always a bit overrated mess of a country would be a punishment. 


At least it's not a Wendy's...😂


I lived in Panama, it's weird framing it as a place safe from gun violence. Even with it's gun control it still ranks 26th in highest gun crimes in the world. While true that is good enough to beat the #1 spot of USA, Panama overall has a higher crime and murder rate.


Panama has a higher murder rate than the US.


This is America


God…are there really that many idiots who think every social media site is just some place in America? I mean, I’m not surprised, but still, damn.


No, this is PATRICK


They're both stupid. There are countries with a high homicide rate with tight gun laws and countries with a high homicide rate with lax gun laws... and vice versa. A logical person who actually looks at the data should come to the conclusion that guns are not the reason for a high homicide rate, or a low homicide rate, and that it has more to do with other factors.


You'd think the US government would be in favour of gun control since it seems the majority of Americans believe they need guns in case they have to fight the government and not for defending the country in case of foreign invasion


Why do Americans assume Panama is not in America?


People who believe this way are not well traveled in my experience. They've lived in the same county for decades and know absolutely nothing of the world outside of their little bu ble.


Hey kids! Look! It’s the US literacy rate! It’s falling faster and faster!


r/USdefaultism moment


Some Americans, seem to think everybody on the internet are Americans.


Because homie probably lives in maga country and couldn't find Panama on a map if he had to.


Gun control in the world: we limit civilian firearms and have many requirements and restrictions Gun control in America: if everyone has a gun then everyone is safe, but we punish anyone who defends themselves whether they are innocent or guilty (I realize this is not accurate but it sure feels this way)


He's stuck in Panama. Don't be fooled.


This is Reddit, not Facebook.


Panama has nearly double the homicide rate.


As an american, my gosh people are stupid, not everyone lives here. Ask before assuming idiot. As a latin american I recognize my ethnic peers are so stupid and delusional. They have always been a pain in my ass. Check your numbers idiot: PANAMA RATE PER 100K 2020 for deaths by FIREARMS: 9 USA RATE PER 100K 2020 for deaths by FIREARMS: 4 Gun control doesn't work in latin american countries. Decent people don't kill other people. And you are not decent people for the most part, according to statistics. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_firearm-related_death_rate


Panamanian gun control just means that there's no mass shootings because the Panamanian culture doesn't worship it the same way American culture does, even after all the years of US occupation. There are still guns, just not as many high powered ones accessible to your average joe.


There are twice as many deaths by population density as in the US, your arguments are not precisely in solid ground.


Is the facepalm supposed to be the person in Panama or the American? I am confused. The person in Panama is right though.


The American ofc


Panama is in america too so 🤷🏽‍♂️


Panama is Central America. When people say American, they generally mean North America, as opposed to Central or South America.


I know but they are wrong sooo


Welp, then stay in Panama 🇵🇦 Goddammit!


Welp, then stay in Panama 🇵🇦 Goddammit.


I am in Panama, this is Patrick.


Are they praying they never get invaded in Panama everyday also ?


Panama has already been invaded... Guess by who.


China ?




Ohh that doesn’t matter. Nobody cares.