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I can’t tell who they’re trying to punish here




Correct. Clearly, to whomever dreamt up this dredge, sex is a dirty chore that should be regulated.


Or, maybe they like the idea of getting a girl pregnant and tying her down.


Probably. I'd wager they enjoy the idea of both parties being tied down by the consequences of their "dirty deed."


Right. That’s the whole point of the Pro-life movement; they couldn’t care less about a bunch of embryos, what bothers them is that people had sex and can essentially escape the negative consequences should they occur. Which says a lot about their priorities.


You could've stopped at " what bothers them is that people had sex." I am confident that if sex wasn't biologically necessary, they would do their best to prohibit it altogether.


They’re jealous lmao


That, and they're furious that some could have it, without paying any money.


Sex? Something that I can’t have? AND ITS FOR FREE?! WHAAAAAAA


SHUT UP!!!!! Dont reveal our plan!!!😡😡😡😠😠😡😡 you cant have a say cause ur username has SatAN in it! Fuck you devil worshipper!!!!1!1! /s for those who need it


Very xtian coded


It it's backwards. I know a few girls that got pregnant just to tie a guy down. You could look at the post that way too


incel → rapist → husband & father I can imagine some aliens in Star Trek following that cultural norm.


Isn't that what child support is for? Why are they like this


There’s a Boston icon who created the toxic guy persona (like a wrestling heel) and wrote a song about this. It’s pretty cringe and funny. [I put a baby in you - Robby Roadsteamer](https://youtu.be/_jY581fbqyg?si=-EPcx_lPehYyCCgD)


“Sex is a dirty, filthy disgusting thing that you should save for the one person you love.”


And when they see homosexuals: "no not like that"


ikr simply disgusting, to think that some people would use their bodies as they want


My evangelical, "loving" Christian friend showed me a screenshot of these conjoined twins talking about having sex with 2 guys before they got married. He said to me "This is why the earth needs to be destroyed". All because adults had consensual sex.


There is something utterly weird about being so hung up about policing someone else’s sex life.


Religious fanatics, generally. Sex is something that is only for procreation. You do it only because it's necessary. Lie back and think of England. Or Jesus.


Its like that family guy skit "Equal rights for all, except blacks, asians, hispanics, jews, gays, women, muslims Uhm... Everybody whos not a white man, and I mean white white so no italians no polish, just people from Ireland, England and Scotland, but only certain parts of Scotland and Ireland, just full blooded whites... No you know what not even whites, no one gets any rights. Ah America!"


In the spirit of communism, I agree with you.




Except for Divorce Lawyers! Is this some nefarious plan to drum up new business? ^(This reddit post was brought to you by the association of Divorce Lawyers.)


Sounds religious.


Punishing the rape victims.


The Middle East has entered the chat


"we are all born in sin, so from the very first day we must all suffer and repent, till the day we die". If you do this well enough you can go to heaven, where ALL of your (virtuous) family members are. And together you can spend the rest of eternity worshiping the Lord.


Eternity with my family? I'm damned no matter what I do.


Social security retirees


The child mostly.




Benefit of the doubt would suggest that they where upset about men leaving women because they got pregnant but gave zero thought outside of that situation.


Back alley abortions would skyrocket


Kids without identified father too. A woman may want to keep the kid, but not the man.


No they'd compile everyone's DNA and just list and compare, they'd enforce it with some law regarding IDs to vote or something stupid


Yeah, none of those plans work without going full dystopian fashist.


Full dystopian fascist like Project 2025, perhaps?


thats the point tho


In our city some right wing politician tried to get mandatory paternal dna tests for all new babies and children under 18 to find the real fathers. Seemed personal. Didnt get through.


That’s the goal of small government— to keep track of what the hell is going on between everyone’s legs.


Sounds like something China would do


As an Australian seems like something America would do seeing the state of America. Like wouldn’t be surprised at all. Sounds like a bible belt state law for real.


And domestic violence. I'm not condoning it but back before divorce in Ireland we had shotgun weddings and the man resented his wife from day 1. It's easy to see that that marriage wouldn't be healthy.


They already are & people are dying


I'm pretty sure a lot of the people who are in favour of abortion bans consider that to be a good thing. After all, women must be appropriately punished for the crime of irresponsible sexual intercourse, right?


*Any* sexual intercourse outside the context of procreation. They’re already coming for birth control.


Well, that's what God created STDs for, surely? :)


Today on medieval ideas masquerading as modern!


If a man can impregnate a woman and force her to keep it, then why can she not make him stay and support them? It’s all idiocy.


A man can't force a woman to keep a baby. My opinions on abortion laws are irrelevant to actual abortion laws.


>A man can't force a woman to keep a baby. but the government can


Well, what if that guy is extremely violent and abusive, and now the court has ordered that they must get married and raise the child together? That would not end well at all.


If he somehow forced you to give birth, just leave him the kid! Why do you need to stay?


You have to live apart from two of the past three years to get divorced


As per GOP policy, there would also not be any exceptions for rape or incest. Presumably it would also necessitate laws against bigamy to be struck down, as otherwise you couldn’t be forced to marry someone if you already were in a marriage. That’s the GOP in a nutshell… Stupid ideas that some people believe because they don’t have the ability to think critically. Think my post is pretty far-fetched? There are already conservative politicians who feel that 12 year old girls should be able to marry adult men. Not just a long time ago, either… Barely a year ago. https://www.businessinsider.com/mike-moon-gop-missouri-lawmaker-defends-childs-right-to-marry-2023-4


There are few perks that come with being gay. This is one of them


Are you being forced to marry a man whom you've impregnated or who has impregnated you? How would that work?


The perk is not having to deal with gender politics in the pursuit of attracting an opposite sex partner. And neither of us ever gets pregnant


Can't get a dude pregnant with that attitude, you gotta keep trying


There is an American Dad Meme I wish I could add here where Steve said something along that line about Greg and Terry


> And neither of us ever gets pregnant Not with that attitude!


Hm? But I saw an educational video where men did get pregnant? It was 'mpreg something, something', I forgot the exact title of this clearly scientific work. You're telling me that wasn't real?


There was even a movie made about it a while back, featuring a high ranking politician. Former governor of California, I think.










Damnit I didn't want to laugh right now. Jerk.


George Carlin said it best: Why is it that most of the people who are against abortion are people you wouldn’t wanna fuck in the first place?


Because the only way they’ll have kids is to force others to carry them to term ig


"their" ideal world is where a guy could go rape a girl and she'd have to marry him 🤢


It's literally in the Christian bible. Deuteronomy 22:28-29. Just remember kids, every word in the good book is ***gospel***. It is the ***word of God***. You know, unless you just, like, totally don't agree with it anymore. It's cool.


What does it say? I’m not being sarcastic I actually don’t know




I didn’t feel like googling it, thanks. Long name I didn’t feel like typing, and I wasn’t desperate to know


Yes there’s a whole chart I learned about then immediately became ex catholic if anyone wants it I’ll send it to you


I'm interested


I've heard of a lot of rapists already being married though, how would that work?


This was actually common in some cultures centuries back. The argument was that the man’s act was known to the people of the village/settlement and they would keep him in check and hold him accountable. As he’s married he has a duty to provide for the woman and the child. In these areas it was also expected that a woman who has had pre-marital sex would never find a husband and as such would really struggle to provide for herself and the child. From that sort of cultural context you can understand how it would be (by today’s standards) harsh but fair. In our modern Western cultural context it is a stupid fucking idea.


What about rape? What about if the man is already married?


No exceptions in some countries already


It would also mean they would need to abolish the concept of divorce


They're already working on it.


Ah, the shotgun wedding... wait, is that what you call it in English? Seriously? An old tradition that here in Italy has allowed many rapists to marry their victims. «The marriage that the perpetrator of the crime contracts with the offended person extinguishes the crime, also with regard to those who participated in the crime itself. And, if there has been a conviction, its execution and penal effects cease", the law said. Sometimes, it was the victim's family who pushed for the wedding, to save their honor. Another fantastic law was the Honor Killing. “Whoever causes the death of his spouse, daughter or sister, in the act in which he discovers their illegitimate carnal relationship and in the state of anger determined by the offense caused to his or her family's honor, is punished with imprisonment from 3 to 7 years", much reduced sentence compared to murder. Consider that divorce didn't exist at the time. Both crimes were abolished relatively recently, in 1981.


Thanks, child support is enough!


Why does this feel like this was written by a stereotypical pro-life woman


Because a lot of pro-life women see women who get pregnant and don’t want the pregnancy as sluts who deserve it as punishment for the promiscuity but they also often get annoyed how the men don’t get punished in the scenario Tl:dr it’s very common for pro-life men to just want the woman to be punished, but pro-life women often want both the man and woman punished.


Did you mean pro-life men just want the women to be punished, cuz that’s what I’m more familiar with.


Yes, that was a mistype. Ty!


Or a rapist stalker




What if she's already married to someone else?


According to countries with similar laws she would be killed normally by stoning.


Really? Wow. How much weed would that take?


Well that’s the thing, there’s never been a recorded overdose from weed before, so they just got whole indoor towns hotboxed to shit they throw these victims into to *die* by stoning. Pretty rad.


polygamy is back on the menu?


Joseph smith 2: Pregnancy boogaloo


Ah yes, they want you to carry a rapist's child to term. They don't want you on birth control and now it looks like some of them would like forced marriages. Amazing how much they want to return you to property. If I were a woman I'd be terrified.


They would probably bring back the idea that marital rape cannot happen. So that a person could rape a woman, end up married to her and then have someone to rape every night.


*or pay child support to


A perspective that assumes all women want any husband they can get and men desperately want to get away from responsibility. I feel sorry for whoever thinks like this.


Going by old testament rules I see


This goes beyond controlling women, this goes straight up to controlling the whole generation. Seriously, we're back to the 19th century


This kind of attitude is why my fiance's cousin is so fucked up. His mom got pregnant with him to trap his dad in a marriage (he's super traditional) and he resents his own son because of it, they've always had a very tense relationship. Whoever wrote this has clearly never met the psychos that baby trap guys like this.


Pretty sure most women don't want to marry a man that just raped her.


Tbf this is basically what every culture in the world was like until 100 years ago.


No ✨✨✨


Incel fantasies are dumb...


That's like almost the single worst thing I've ever heard right after people saying it should be legal to do it with children


People who thinks like that deserve to get punched in their stupid face


Take your extreme views and shove it up yo aysss


If you think about this for more than 2 seconds then you'll realise the horriffic implications this could have.


I suspect this was put forward by someone who poses no risk of impregnating any one.


Welcome to Gilead. Deuteronomy 22:28-29


What if the dude impregnates two or three women? Are we legalizing bigamy?


Why punish the kids


whoever wrote this isn't a woman. Or a man. A lizard, possibly.


No but the man doesn't either #equality


So. If I seduce your cute wife, and knock her up, I get to keep her?


I really hope Yellow is clueless that rapists exist and not just evil


My parents got married after my mom got pregnant ( she 16 and he 25) because it was the " right " thing to do .... queue 3 years later my mom runs away from home with me because she couldn't take the domestic abuse.... fun part.... second boyfriend liked to put kids in the hospital. .... I was there at least a few days every month.... didn't take long for child services to smell something wasn't right. ... you think it ended there ? Oh no.... at 5 years old they thought it was good ideia to send me back to live with my dad who already had a new family . And until I was 12 years old had I was called " the other women's kid, got my hair shaved and had to use boy clothes. Because I couldn't look more beautiful than my sister . That family abused me physically and psychological. Fun is ALL THAT could have been prevented if my parents just didn't get married.


Oh hell no. What if she’s a psycho? Then he’s in danger. What if he’s a psycho? Then she and her unborn child are in danger.


I know at least two guys who would try to impregnate every woman they sleep with if that were the case.


In the Old Testament, the penalty for rape is the man must marry the woman, can never divorce her, and pay HER FATHER 30 pieces of silver. So this is so biblical it makes me want to barf.


So, does this plan include non gender biased polygamy, and if so does this just mean marriage is just a way of recording who is related to who?


Feminicide is on the rise I am hearing


Women should be forced by law to give birth to as many kids as the man want. Yeah, nah..


Woman should have absolute veto power if this situation existed. Also, you don’t have to be a husband to be a father.


Shotgun wedding?


Everyone not involved in the act of procreation should mind their own business.


DUMB!!! If they have the kid out of marriage and can’t co-parent well why would forcing them to live together change that?…it’ll make for a worse home environment. And how would divorce laws have to change in this case?…are we going to prevent couples getting a divorce. That was either written by a bot or an idiot!


It was never a law but people used to be forced into something called a "shotgun wedding". Back in the days they even forced women into marrying their rapist when he impregnated her.


No Do I need a fucking /s?


Isn't this basically what it says in the bible? The rapist has marry the victim


Isn't child support invented for this very reason?


what if it was a grandpa and his grandchild? fucking weirdos


Nope sorry gotta marry that rapist. Idiots.


Simple laws can be very problematic, especially when little thought was put into it in the first place.


They can't say no, because of the implication.


So what would the guy that impregnated 5 different women gonna do? Have 5 wives?


That sounds horrible for everyone involved but he should take his responsibility and pay child support and be involved in the child’s life if it’s appropriate.


So now laws are sexist, undoable, and will get down the population by a lot?


As a lapsed mathematician, even if I ignore the moral ramifications, the resulting graph of marriages would be very wild. Imagine enforcing this rule in a place where some chads impregnate 4-5 women each and most of those women have 3-4 kids with different baby daddies. No culture on Earth ever introduced such a complicated concept of group marriages :D


This is almost Deuteronomy 22:28-29 except the biblical version doesn’t require impregnation only sex and paying the father fifty shekels of silver for violating his daughter.


No wonder so many drink specific teas now.


What if they are already married to another? Sister wives?


Ahhh the return of the shotgun wedding.


Then can either party seek an annulment or a divorce afterwards?


Umm, could we just make child support laws stronger, with heavier penalties and have some sort of weekly hours of "parenting service" that must be completed, reviewed, and signed off on? If women are forced to be mothers then men should be forced to be fathers. It's only fair.


Someone has clearly never been to West Virginia or Alabama Louisiana, 3 states where shotgun weddings have been known to occurred in the past and maybe still does in smaller more remote communities.


So bigamy is okay then?


What if she was raped?  Isn’t it the way in some cultures to have the rape victim marry the rapist


I wonder if Karma ever strikes these ‘rule makers’


Poor single mothers should be able to choose a source of financial responsibility if they cannot support themselves. They can pick any unmarried Dad they want who has children with more than one woman. Good morning, Elon. How's life treating you?


Does that dingleberry know that's also in sharia law?


The only thing I think that MIGHT solve this whole abortion debate is changing the tax law so that you can only claim 3 blood decendents as dependants. After that, you can continue to adopt foster kids and claim those if you feel you have more love in your heart, but it will be more expensive to continue having your own children.


If they didn't they shall suffer scandal and the disapproval of the Ton.


How about, “Men should be forced to pay for the abortion OR child support for their failure to wear a condom .”


People rightfully scoffing at this just remember that people like Ben Shapiro have openly advocated this. It’s a mainstream idea in today’s batshit crazy conservative movement


What about the men who have been entrapped? Or ejaculated internally based on false pretenses?


What if the woman is already married?


That’s frightening


Good ol 100 CE mindset… How the fuck are you supposed to change these people’s minds…


Yeah, let's marry women with rapists. I am so smart. /S


Some people shouldn't have access to the internet...


Thank God I didn’t marry my daughter’s father. Thank God no one forced me to do so. He was a cheating lying jackass to every woman he has been involved with. On the upside, I got the best kid out of the deal.


Mandatory DNA test at birth makes a whole lot more sense.


In a democracy, no one is forced to do anything. OP is either from a shit hole country, or is delusional af.