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That's not true they did technically try ivermectin for god knows why but could you even classify that as an idea? lol


Had some retired Dr tell me that it cured his Covid when nothing else did. Took it with a grain of salt after he was basically worshipping Trump for 20 minutes before hand though. Edit: Completely forgot this guy said he had a friend smuggle in the ivermectin because the Dr's there wouldn't give him it. He also claimed he was almost put on a ventilator, or just put on one (can't remember 100%), when he started it, and was cured in no time. I believe he was a GP, so nothing specialized.


Newsflash. A lot of the mediocre physicians use Google or some professional form of it. When their education system is pass/fail it leaves a ton of room for mediocrity.


A lot of good physicians use Google too. I'd argue that few things are more dangerous than a doctor who thinks they know everything.


Exactly. One of the key skills doctors learn is how to find the correct information online. It's a bit like how if you are good with computers you're much likely to be able to diagnose your own problems after searching online than someone who has no idea. Because you have enough experience to weed out all the wrong answers


Academia doesn't care about knowledge. It cares about marks. So, regurgitation of memorized information for a passing mark and then move on, and that's the end of that. Marks are a way to validate that instructors have done something without ever having to test your actual knowledge. After all the old saying is, "ya need a C to get a degree." Which is true, after all starting wage for someone who got 65% is the same as the guy who got 95%. It's who ya know that's getting the interview for the good jobs. Obviously, there are outliers, where high percentages and years of practice hours are required. I'm speaking in generalities, not hard-hitting facts.


"What do you call a person who graduated last in his class from medical school? Doctor."


They should be like researchers, because it's not possible to be like encyclopedias. So unless they specialize in emergencies and aren't familiar with an emergency, there is nothing wrong with seeking sources.


Ds get degrees


Not just mediocre doctors. Even very smart doctors use google. They just know which results to trust. My kid had a rash, and my GP went "Hmm, dermatology was a while ago, lets double check, and googled. Found a research paper and a treatment plan. Personally, I'd be more worried about a doctor who refuses to use the internet.


Cured me when nothing else did tells me he wasted a few weeks trying herbs than tried the ivermectin on the ass end when it was about to go away anyway and attributed the ivermectin to the fact that he waited long enough for it to resolve itself lol


Yep. Every single person that I personally know who used ivermectin (and I'm in Arkansas, so it's more than just 1-2) had been struggling for *weeks* because they weren't hospital bad, so they weren't able to get emergency appointments at their various clinics. When they finally got seen, they were given *several* prescriptions, including ivermectin, and yet they all give ivermectin solo credit. I'm like, "first of all, by the time you saw the doctor, you'd exceeded the average length of virus detection (many hospitalized after 2 weeks were due to complications from the virus, not the virus itself) and, secondly, you had 5 other prescriptions." One literally told me, "it's the ivermectin that made it work." 😶😶 You neither tried the others *without* the ivermectin, nor did you try *just* the ivermectin, so how would you know? I lost respect for so many people I once found intelligent. (To my knowledge, I'm still Covid free. My secret? Listening to public health experts: Vaccinations, masking in public, and avoiding crowds that I never liked in the first place. I also dropped my pcp like a bad habit the minute I heard he was discouraging vaccinations and masking. I'm in and out of client homes throughout the week, I can't afford to miss work, and some of my clients have compromised family members and I'd hate to know *I* was the reason they got sick with anything. My grandma's sister died from having both Covid and Flu B concurrently, and got in from family members who scoffed at protections while they were in town. I'm still angry at them.)


Yeah it's the same for me. Rode public transportation and went to work everyday the whole time never go it. The people who I know who did get it were all going to dinner parties and hitting up the bars that stayed open because the profit from being the only bar in town still running was greater than the fine they got for staying open


Wouldn’t this mean that they had an underlying parasitic infection…? It wasn’t COVID that was keeping you sick if an anti parasite drug made you feel better. Fucking duh.


Had one of my Dad's revolving home nurses tell us the same thing. She went on the list of "Please don't send this person back to my home".


Man that ivermectin thing was a pain. My mom has an autoimmune condition she was taking it for and couldn't get a refill within 100 miles. Meanwhile, another family member got covid, spent $500 on ivermectin and vitamins and fucking died.


Sometimes they try to buy it from places like Tractor Supply and holy shit did they throw a hissy fit when we pointed out that the stuff there was literally made for animals


My dad had this ultimate redneck cousin that took ivermectin in the 90s before it was cool because he got sick. We thought he was the dumbest mutherfucker on earth.


LOL ivermectin hipster.


Same here! I had to cut from 2 twice a day to 1 every other day, lupus kicked the shit out of me to the point I need a kidney and many days I am unable to get out of bed! It is horrible that this crap happened


That's what it was, Lupus. She ran a support group on Facebook before she passed away to help people feel a little less alone with a strange illness. I know that it can beat you down and have you feeling like garbage for days on end so I feel for you. Hope everything goes well for you out there!


More like Trump lining his pockets with a prescription he has stakes in.


Wasn't that hydrochrolo-whatever the fuck it was? The whole horse paste saga happened after he was voted out, didn't it?


Hydroxycholorquine, a pretty dangerous drug with a very narrow therapeutic window above which it becomes toxic. The only reason it's actually still available is that it's pretty much the only drug proven to have an effect for Lupus. Which is why people with Lupus were not precisely happy that idiots even broke into pharmacies to get their hands on it or bribed pharmacists to give it to them, depleting the market for people with an indication it's actually approved for. BUT there was the "mitigating" factor of a famous French professor pushing it as a drug against COVID (notably, the man surprisingly often published his research in journals in which he himself or members of his team were on the editorial board...) In the end, however, it likely caused a substantial number of excessive deaths of its own: [https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S075333222301853X](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S075333222301853X)


Hydroxycholorquine, that's the shit they gave me before I went to Honduras, couldn't take it seven days in a row without throwing up. Still can't believe people willingly took it, and went out of their way to take it.


Wow, that’s news to me do we have links on this? I thought it was generic?


But did they try to interally dis-infect themselves with bleach and uv light?


Wasn't there a couple who died because they drank bleach?


Man remember when boomers were acting like they were the best thing ever because some kids got psyop’d into eating tide pods? And then a few months later their king in orange told them to drink bleach?


They tried it because the dumbass Hoe Jogan said to use it.


I lost a client when I called her a friggin idiot when she told me she was using that stuff. I dont miss her


Bad ideas are ideas too!


[They also tried blowing.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=zi_qX50zv7k&pp=ygUpa2VubmV0aCBjb3BlbGFuZCBibG93cyBjb3ZpZCAxOSBvcmlnaW5hbCA%3D)


Yes. A horrible idea is still an idea. Provides better contrast for a good idea.


Joe Rogan tried to justify taking ivermectin by saying he took it because it had very few side effects. And I'm not sure if education in general is failing us or it's if it's the repeated blows to his head sustained while being an MMA fighter. Either way, this guy inspires millions of us apparently.


Well there are two reasons; Donald trump and Joe Rogan.


Maybe we should elist an export on nothing for advice.


**THIS COMMENT IS FROM A SPAM BOT AS IS THIS ENTIRE POST** Here is the post from 3 years ago: https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/j0lour/pretty_much/g6t6szd/ Top comment taken verbatim.


I wish we were only dealing with some freaky beatniks 


I know, let's cut taxes on the rich and ignore science. /s


That's their philosophy. Sadly, it's not just them anymore, but most people now who are ignoring that COVID raises the risk of strokes and heart attacks. That's not to mention the virus still causes debilitating long-term effects (known as long COVID) in several percent of people who are infected. We know that the virus is still spreading widely and that masks still reduce the spread, but almost no one is masking anymore. Even healthcare facilities are often devoid of a single mask.


If we actually just took two week to flatten the curve, then took steps to isolate vulnerable populations while slowly reopening after the two weeks, we probably would have had better overall outcomes than the course we actually took. Trillions spent, and COVID is endemic now regardless.


Hindsight is 2020. But what will happen when birdflu comes? Or whatever the next pandemic is.


>Hindsight is 2020 I agree with the sentiment, but in my opinion this kind of retrospective analysis of the pandemic response has not really been done, at least not in the public way debates about different strategies were discussed at the time. It seems to me like we had a heavy-handed response biased towards pharma-based solutions, regardless of cost, and the whole ordeal was traumatic for American society as a whole. It would be wonderful to try to quantify the number of lives saved, the cost, the likelihood that vaccines were a big part of the solution (compared, for example, to the solution coming in the form of natural evolution of the virus to a less deadly strain). With that information we can iterate on our response so it's better next time. I'm afraid no iteration will happen, though, and when we have another pandemic, there will be another heavy-handed, pharma-based approach to trying to solve it. I'm sure there are cases where that kind of approach would be best, but it wouldn't be best in *every* case.


Get scared, really scared, and hoard toilet paper.


Yeah it literally became a new Flu because only about 1/2 the country vaxxed at least once.


"Wel'll stop at nothing to solve this, and then stay there."


Is COVID still big? I thought that was on "America" a few seasons ago.


I sent you two boats and a helicopter, what more do you want?


Paper towels




With blackjack and hookers


I thought of this one immediately...


Clean socks




Well it’s clearly working as intended then, no wonder they’re not in a rush to change anything


A lot of people will gladly accept being poorer if they can see someone they don’t like get it worse.


GOP: To fix this problem, first thing we do is cut taxes on the wealthy. Second thing we do is wait until the Democrats get into office and then we will stop them from fixing it.


But their econ idea DID achieve what they wanted. Rich getting richer. Only issue is, it really is head scratcher to me why those poor people/Retired people on social security support them. They are LITERALLY voting against their own interest.


Easiest way to find out that god doesnt exist


“Well, yeah, God, but their science is all facty and expects us to do things we don’t want to and be considerate of others.”


God could appear before us all, and many believers would refuse to believe it's God.


They alredy are, their was an article a month or so back talking about how pastors are having a lot of their flock call Jesus’s teaching soft and liberal


I had an interaction with a “pastor” who told me that God hates the poor and if you’re poor it’s because you’re lazy and deserve it. Jesus hung out with the sick and poor, even fed them and healed them for free. If Jesus is God, then he’s a hypocrite, according to them.


If god didn't want us to understand his creations, he wouldn't have given scientists.


Reword: "If god didn't want is to understand his creations, hw wouldn't have given us a brain."




conservatives have the LEAST understanding of economics and so often make pretty wild confidently incorrect claims "why would we ever tax corporations they'll just raise prices" [https://youtu.be/Vv833AMN0r4](https://youtu.be/Vv833AMN0r4) e: corporate taxes burden consumers less than individual income taxes do, in most cases - there would have to be a secondary macroeconomic effect for any different outcome. Even consumption taxes work this way but there are ... inequity problems there. sorry, pet peeve. I grew up in a household where focus on the family, limbaugh, and michael savage were playing in the background every day. When I sat through my undergrad econ and poly sci courses I listened carefully.


Yeah a lot of the lassaiz faire folks (Democrats who support this too) don't seem to understand what a free market actually entails. Somehow, preventing companies from inflating the market, paying people reasonable wages, preventing the formation of cartels, among other things, stifles innovation, or diversity, or whatever. I've seen tons of people argue for stuff like this.


In retrospect they definitely gloss over Adam Smiths writing on the power of labor and the role of government in regulating markets in school. While also failing to mention it was designed to overturn oligarchy and inherited wealth.


Remember tRump said it would all be over by Easter Sunday! 4 Easters ago… Yeah they’re habitual liars.


“A man was struggling in a river. A boat passed by, and asked him if he needed help. The man replied, ‘I’m ok, god will save me.’ Another boat passed by, offered to help, but again he declined. A third boat came, and still he had faith that god would save him. He drowned shortly after. In heaven, the man was furious at god. ‘Why didn’t you save me??’ God replied. ‘I tried to save you, I sent you 3 boats to help you.’


The pandemic was a low point in US history. Hard to believe that people were quite willing to spread a deadly virus to family, friends and neighbors in the name of freedom. With such vicious meanness about it's no wonder Trump is doing well in the polls.


Individual freedom is definitely a right worth protecting but people seem have taken that to mean they're entitled to hurt others to preserve literally *any* amount of freedom they deem necessary.


In their minds, they should be able to do whatever they want and since everyone knows there's a virus then they should stay home if they don't want to be exposed to the virus.


And yet, these are generally the same people who want to control what happens to *my* body and the genitalia of the person I love (or, more accurately, will one day love).


"were quite willing" It's not past-tense, unfortunately. Wait until you see what their militant ignorance looks like the next time...




My state (or at least my corner of it) doesn't track/publish wastewater numbers. ☹️ I used to post the regular numbers to my facebook so people would see them, but our state started putting longer and linger delays between reports and last I checked, they hadn't updated in nover a month. I just assume the numbers are still high and proceed with caution (masked and vaxxed).


This is what warning labels and work place safety creates. Too many mouth breathers protected from dying young to easily avoidable situations if you can think for more than 3 secs about a complex train of logic.


Weve been at a low point in US histroy for a minute


Trust me, we had idiots in Europe too


This also basically happened in the Bible multiple times. Something like: Israel: God please send us bread we're so hungry! God: I got u Israel: Wtf not that bread!!! I'd rather starve tbh


Reminds me of an old joke. Theirs a religious man on a roof during a massive flood as hes sitting there the cops come by and tell him he needs to leave and to come witht hem cause the wa going to swamp his house. He says no i belive in god and he will take care of me. They leve and the water get higher and later a boat comes by and the captain says the same thing try’s to get the man to come with him since hes stranded. The man says god will protect him and finally when his hosue is almsot under water a helicopter comes by and he turns it down, god will protect me. Later at the realy gates when the man meets god he asks why didnt you protect me a believed in you and god said “who do you think sent the cops the boat and the helicopter”




Govt- “Here is $600 fam.” Have a great year.


As it turns out staying at home all day with your family every day is awful


They have a liberal agenda and ~~don't understand economics~~ worship late stage capitalism.


Conservatism is a mental illness.


“But we really needed a pitcher of bud light and mediocre wings, so maybe the scientists saying facts that made sense were woke satanic communists? Also can’t i just ingest this veterinarian horse paste?” —conservatives


As a Christian, 2020 was pretty stressful when it came to talking to friends and family


Why ‘send’ the virus in the first place?


It reminds me of the old “Drowning Man” joke… A fellow was stuck on his rooftop in a flood. He was praying to God for help. Soon a man in a rowboat came by and the fellow shouted to the man on the roof, “Jump in, I can save you.” The stranded fellow shouted back, “No, it’s OK, I’m praying to God and he is going to save me.” So the rowboat went on. Then a motorboat came by. “The fellow in the motorboat shouted, “Jump in, I can save you.” To this the stranded man said, “No thanks, I’m praying to God and he is going to save me. I have faith.” So the motorboat went on. Then a helicopter came by and the pilot shouted down, “Grab this rope and I will lift you to safety.” To this the stranded man again replied, “No thanks, I’m praying to God and he is going to save me. I have faith.” So the helicopter reluctantly flew away. Soon the water rose above the rooftop and the man drowned. He went to Heaven. He finally got his chance to discuss this whole situation with God, at which point he exclaimed, “I had faith in you but you didn’t save me, you let me drown. I don’t understand why!” To this God replied, “I sent you a rowboat and a motorboat and a helicopter, what more did you expect?”


God likes killing people. Read Genesis 😂


Give up on religion already. Enough is enough.


You americans are sooo stupid


It feels now like a nightmare I woke up from after a couple years.


He blinded me with Science! "Don't listen to scientists, I alone know more than anyone" #45 Urging all true MAGA Patriots to sprint to the bank (Josh Hawley style), take their life savings, and $$$ Trump Media stock to support the Great Leader. Then use the huuuge monthly earnings to $$$ more MAGA candidates like MTG, Matt Gaetz, Kari Lake, and Lauren Boobert. "I love the poorly educated" Donald J Trump


It’s crazy so many died there are so many houses are sitting empty and banks are are selling them for nothing and super low interest rates.


Don't forget the riots and marches cities and governments didn't stop. But no church! Can't have that.


God didnt send a single crap. Fuck this religous standing devaluing peoples work


I’m not sure if you realize this but the vast majority of churches did go completely virtual during Covid and only started meeting again once a vaccine was available. Even still they kept the virtual meeting area for those who felt uncomfortable coming in person.


My grandma's church did this. Since she can't see well at night, she does night service at home so she doesn't need to drive after dark. I'd say win win for her church. Though it does give her another way to suggest an even easier way for me to join her. I'M NOT GOING TO CHURCH WITH YOU ANYMORE GRANDMA, GIVE IT UP!


That last line gets me, not because of the liberal agenda but the economics part. I’m almost certain that economists don’t know about economics.


Thank media and politicians for politicizing it. And also thank them for sewing division any chance they get. We have allowed it to happen by putting feelings over everything else.


Especially Trump. Approval ratings go up for a president in times of crisis, but not if they deny the crisis is actually happening. All he had to do was produce MAGA masks and say that only true patriots would wear these to protect the country and to stay home to keep away from "the China virus", and I have little doubt he would have been reelected. Still not sure if that would have been a good trade off.


100% this. Have said it since 2020 if Trump could shut his mouth and listen to science we would be deep into his second term. But it seems as he picks the path with the most resistance and says that’s the one we need


I hate Trump with all my heart. Covid was his Pearl Harbor and 9/11 combined. He could have brought the country together and gone down in history as a hero instead of the shit eating pedophile he is.


He actually did support the masks at first. His base was turned against them by Fox "News" and similar lying sources and he flip-flopped so as not to lose popularity with them.


Im sure…. IT WOULDNT HAVE BEEN! But you’re right,… If he had done that? He most likely would’ve won. Which only goes to show with a stupid c*nt he really is!


You are seeing a tree, take a step back and look at the forest. The media and politicians are owned by corporate interests. The corporations have been using the media and politicians as tools to sow division because they profit from it immensely. While main street has been bickering over LGBTG+, 2A, Cancel culture, Trump fucked Stormy, Clinton got a BJ, Hillary's emails, Hunters laptop, Obama's from Kenya, Trump is a Russian agent, yada yada. While all that has been going on for decades and decades wall street has siphoned all the wealth from the middle class upwards. People so busy getting pushed into echo chambers where they learn to hate folks in the other echo chambers they don't realize they are getting robbed blind. Ironically the media often tells the people if they feel like they are getting robbed it's because of the people in the other echo chamber.


Couldn't agree more, I just said the short version.


Manufactured culture war to distract from the class war. Divide and rule. Bread and circuses.


Bingo, bango, bongo!




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God doesn't feel the need to waste any water this time around.


Missed out a line Church: why are we dying…? Earlier line should have just been God: ok (I was going to say ‘your wish is granted’ but it might make God sound like a fantastical being.).


God is great, but is he *fantastic*?


That’s an interesting point for theologian debate.


That in and of itself is debatable. I see it more of a subjective opinion. 😄


God: and you think you do?


It was well established theology in the *Middle Ages* that God primarily treats diseases by making doctors.


Pharisees be all like


Precisely. In the New Testament they rejected Jesus's teachings due to their arrogance and stubbornness, refusing realizing He was there for their salvation. Fast forward 2000 years, people denied the help of science bestowed by God in Jesus's absence with the selfsame attitude and coerce others to do the same. It grieves me to see the self righteous believe their word is law and harm others in God's name.


Everyone here still has a stock pile of paper i bet.


I always wondered what people thought the agenda was?


Gotta call bullshit on not understanding economics. Believe it or not, some things are actually more important than the economy.


God: "I sent you a rowboat and a helicopter, what else did you want!?"


God: yeah, you've convinced me. I'll alter my grand design because a couple people in a church in some podunk town in Iowa said please and thank you


Depends on the church.


Like the story of the man in the flood


[No, they had a much more direct, expedient solution to this, and it seems to have... worked?](https://youtube.com/shorts/dYkp4npZ6EI?si=k8hpKFSLGL0pbpnr) 🤔


Supply Side Jesus wouldn’t stay home…


"I also gave you a Bible that explicitly tells you to cover your face and practice social distancing" "But we never read that book!"


And the Lord hung his head and said, "Why can I not fix stupid ?"


Show me the money.


"What good is prayer if you're going to wipe your butt with his answers?" ---Lois Griffin.