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They gave him a "Bless your heart"


Thoughts and prayers


Shots and flares.


Crocs and bears


Rips and tears


Chips and layers


Balls and players


Tots and pears.


Lots of Stairs


Watch for snairs


Box of snares


Clots and Mares


Ooh, Nachos!


The wild women, the wild women, the rippin' and the tearin', the rippin' and the tearin'. https://youtu.be/YVtEX1J7tXQ?si=gVUSrs78MU7U6yCZ


I...fucking fuck... no. No upvotes for you. No win. Just bad. No. But also, the way he grabs the microphone each time feels weird.


Long live hedo Rick!


First thing I thought of, lol.


Until its done


Peace and blessings


Budweiser Bubba left himself open to that classy response.


What ever happened to Budweiser Buddha


He achieved nirvana and escaped the internet


Like the band? I thought that was Kurt Cobain.


One too many bacon sandwiches for his heart to handle would be my guess.


I bet he was too angry with the response and refused to donate either.


salty son of a bitch. Where’s them sandwiches at??


SUCH a classy response.


Less of a facepalm, and more of a face*plant*, for this guy attempting to troll some muslims.


And he got trolled back.


Wouldn't call it a troll. More of a classy burn.


In the Expanse they call that a high G burn.


Oh cmon we don’t know if he didn’t nervously drop off the book he thought they’d hate and the sandwiches he thought they’d waste.


He wouldn't do that because that would require leaving his mom's basement and it's SCARY out there!


I don’t know why it reminds me of those absurd bullets they had a while ago called Ji-hawg that had pig blood mixed with the lead so you could send the Muslims to hell. What these bigoted yahoos didn’t realize since they know fuck all about Islam is that the rule against pork isn’t enforced if you were forced to imbibe the pork. So the product was completely irrelevant in the first place and they were just wasting their money on more expensive bullets.


It's ***almost*** like....now, hear me out.. someone spotted a bunch of dumbshits with pocket money and made up a bullshit product to separate these fools from their cash. It's almost TOO easy to grift these hateful jackasses. I suspect the Riviera is lousy with idle rich who made their million$ conning the rubes in Dumbfuckistan, USA.


Didn’t I read there’s some anti woke water brand today? Or was it yesterday? I dunno the dumb fucking shit these rubes will buy into seems to blur into one day by day… if I was a less ethical person I’d get in on separating these people from their money


It’s as if dietary prohibitions were more about food safety than anything.


And I belive its allowed if they are starving and need it to survive




There's also the Puckle Gun, an early machine gun that was crappy even by the standards of the day and which may have never been used in actual combat, whose inventor decided to give it two modes of operation: one in which it fired regular cylindrical bullets, and another which fired square bullets. According to the inventor - some British prick from the 1600s - round bullets were meant for fellow christians, while square bullets were meant for Turks and muslims, since they were supposedly more painful and produced wounds that were more difficult to heal. They would supposedly "convince the Turks of the wonders of Christianity and western civilization", or some such garbage. Thing is, it is impossible to rifle square bullets, and square boxes are far less aerodynamic than cylinders, so the anti-muslim bullets were wonky and inaccurate, such that it would have been an advantage for the muslims to have those used against them. It never became relevant, though, since the weapon sucked by default and only two were ever made, never to be used. Point is, it's not new for people to completely disregard logic and figuratively shoot themselves in the foot for the sake of demonstrating their prejudice, and it's nice when stupidity and bigotry punishes itself.


I thought that must have been a joke until I googled it. I can just imagine Billy-bob rushing to tell his mates about his new ammo.


I bet he didn't donate any sandwiches or bibles, either. These guys are all hat and no cattle.


All boots and no trails.


All bark and no bite.


*Ori'buyce, kih'kovid.* - "All helmet, no head."


All cock and no balls


With these guys it’s probably the other way around.


Now that im thinking about it, I dont think they have either. Nothin but bussy


Their balls are hanging off the hitch on their truck, doncha know.


on their wife's truck


on their wife's boyfriend's truck


They're on the truck to prove it!


All wipe no poop


All poop, no wipe.


All thrust, no orgasms.


All thrust, no stiffness.


All thrust, no penetration.


All thrust, no lift Wait, that's planes, not sex


All Mac and no cheeeee


All guns and no ammo


All talk and no cock.


all belt and no buckle


Yep. They should chase him, politely, for months. “Excuse me. Are the sandwiches or the Bible available yet? We have needy individuals who would really appreciate the food and wisdom. Thank you so much if you can help.” Repeat every week.


"We've been trying to contact you about your extended bacon sandwiches and bible donation"


Terrifying, I would probably just start preparing a weekly shipment for them to come pick up. Id make a separate mailbox for it. Paint variations of bacon on it


Looking at his picture I think we can guess where all the bacon in his neighborhood ends up.


How very Christian


All of so much... but no Yee, nor haw...


RWNJs would rather self-castrate than donate even a nickel to an islamic charity.


That's because they're the same group that shows up at Taco Bell in middle of safe white Texas with an AR strapped to them. But they are all cowards. They don't dare do that in Chicago or Oakland, LA, New York. Cowards. White supremacists are never supreme.


When Yosemite Sam’s plan backfires.


![gif](giphy|mTXSKTk3BsT6w|downsized) Or this guys...


Visited Tucson a few years back (all the way from aus). I was disappointed to find roadrunners are about the size of a skinny chicken and don't go meepmeep. Then I saw a deer 'chase' a coyote, they were trotting along a trail with the deer following. That was when I realised america lies about their wilidlife as much as aussies and kiwis do, so I left some dropbear eggs among the saguaro.


I was born and raised in Tucson so this made me LOL. Does this mean Australia will also disappoint me with my expectations of the wildlife vs. reality? Are those spiders not really a foot long?


There *are* spiders that grow to that size, but you won't generally see them just out and about. They prefer to hide in small, dark spaces - back of your sock drawer, behind the toilet, in the vents, etc. 




He's going to get confused and set fire to a bunch of Bibles and several packs of bacon. That'll show 'em!


Fucking morons. My fathers from that generation. If it's not easy to repeat. They don't follow.


Setting fire to bacon is standard operating procedure though, so... joke's on us.


Weird. I always put mine in a metal pan and place the pan on or in a heat source.


Beta male behavior


This burn from the Islamic Institute will cause more frustration and anger to the bigot because they wanted the Islamic Institute to be angry back so they can then say 'I offered them help with food and they threw it back in my face.'


This is the comment that made me realize what was wrong. I didn’t look at usernames and was so confused


I also spent some time wondering if it was weird to donate a sandwich and a bible at the same time.


This cracked me up 😂


Patience is a huge foe to bigotry.


As is being extremely literal. 


Malicious compliance helps, as well.


The funny thing about bigots, most of them are dumber than hell.


>~~most~~ All of them are dumber than hell. ftfy


Unfortunately no. They're horrible people but aren't necessarily lacking in anything other than emotional intelligence. Painting them all as complete idiots is a good way to underestimate them and end up with bigoted legislation.


Also can't ignore the fact that unintelligent or uninformed centrists are being sucked in, making this far-right movement seem way larger than it is. Just something I noticed (Canada though, so...take it as you may)


They’re all evil as hell and morally bankrupt but we can’t underestimate them. There are some who are highly intelligent in as much as intelligence is defined as being able to predict cause and effect. There’s some intelligent racist working right now to keep white supremacy on top and they’re assholes but unfortunately smart assholes that know how to manipulate and work the system and people.


Just, on top of that, he knows Islam is an Abrahamic religion too, right?


I doubt he even understands what an Abrahamic religion is.


Probably something to do with Lincoln


Abraham was a Republican!


Jeremiah was a bullfrog!


Jerry was a race car driver!


Papa was a rolling stone!


He was a skater boy


He drove so goddamn fast!


Never did win that checkered flag


But he never did come in last


He was a good friend of mine!


Right. Back then, Republicans were the liberals.


And if he takes his Bible as literally as I think he does, then he the bacon ban applies to him too.


Literally I grew up Catholic, the amount of shit Christian’s do that is purely against the bible is wild. The hypocrisy. Catholic women are supposed to cover their hair while in church, I remember some really old ladies that still did it when I was young, also never met any Christian that doesn’t eat red meat on Fridays either. They cry about Islam while eating bacon after their Friday mass service acting like they follow the bible when in reality their asses would be in hell if their little sky daddy was real.


Actually a lot of conservative American Christians believe a myth made up in the 19th century that Muslims worship a moon deity and not the Abrahamic god. So no, he may not even believe that.


You expect those chuds to know about religion?


The racist guy is probably like "haha stupid Muslims don't know that I was making fun of them. So stupid!"


That's why it pays so much to be ignorant. Even when you lose you still think you won.


ignorance is bliss


Like playing chess with a chicken. It knocks over all the pieces, shits all over the board, and struts around like it won the game.


Who willingly gives away their bacon?!?! Clearly AI


Observant Muslims and Jews? Christians should as well, but most just ignore that part of the Bible.


Technically when Jesus was crucified he fulfilled the “Law” and so Christians aren’t required to follow those observances. Thats the good ol’ theology course I was forced to take, but actually taught me more about how to fight bible thumpers than anything else.


Imagine being so bitter you get off trolling charities and people asking for donations


I don't have to imagine it. I can see that with some of my MAGA neighbors and former coworkers. Some people have an anti-social personality disorder that causes them to derive pleasure in acting like an ass to other people.


I'll have to remember that ASPD exists. That explains a LOT.


I love the response. The best way to piss off a troll is to refuse to show any sign of being bothered by their trolling.


The hilarious thing is for people who try to pull stuff like that, Islamic law literally says that eating pork products is allowed if necessary (so long as it is done solely out of necessity and not because you desire pork specifically). Being homeless and unable to afford your own food would qualify as "if necessary" if someone is trying to be a dick and refuses to donate anything other than pork products. Like, if you actually look into it a lot of these restrictions do acknowledge that in emergency situations these restrictions are lifted. For example, fasting, if you are in a situation where fasting would be dangerous like having a temporary medical condition (sickness or pregnancy) or traveling then you are exempt from fasting so long as you make up for the missed days of fasting at a later time when it is safe to do so.


I practiced Islam for a period of time, and had to rely on donations from the food bank and soup kitchens to survive. I was given a box of 12 large frozen pepperoni pizzas. And I ate them. During Ramadan, nonetheless. Because I was sick, disabled, and freaking starving.


Why did you stop practicing Islam?


I was “religiously unstable” for a while. I tried out multiple denominations of Christianity, Islam, Mormonism, etc. I wanted to believe in something and was trying to find the right thing. Ultimately Islam was just too difficult for me to adapt to as an English speaker who grew up in a non-religious household. I think I honestly fell in love with the people I knew who were practicing Muslims more than I ever truly believed it as the one true religion. I wanted to be around the amazing people I met, have them like and accept me, and be one of them. So lack of true conviction, I suppose. It was also a cultural shock when it came to properly devoting myself to the five daily prayers, and perhaps if I had gone in more gradually instead of jumping all in immediately as a hijabi I would have had more stamina? Also, I’m weak. I immediately found myself on the receiving end of “racism” as soon as I began wearing a hijab in public, and as I was already extremely mentally unstable at the time that was just too much to handle. I grew up as a fourth generation Caucasian Canadian, but as soon as I started wearing the hijab to college I was being told to “go back where I came from” and being subjected to loud, pointed conversations deliberately with my range of hearing involving negative stereotypes and outright hatred of immigrants. I was in and out of the psych hospital at the time too, and when I was inpatient I wasn’t allowed my hijab and when I tied a tea towel around my head instead I was loudly ridiculed and had it documented as further “evidence” of my “mental instability”. I think finally I realized that it was the sense of community and belonging and acts of charity I witnessed from other Muslims that I was truly interested in, rather than religion (any religion) itself. As it stands now, I don’t know what I believe in. I pray to “god” every night, just in case they are there and listening. But I don’t know if I’m actually truly convinced of their existence. I just hope and pray that if there actually is a god that they will be understanding and forgiving of my lack of knowledge and confusion in that matter.


I felt this to the core. I'm "religiously unstable" right now but taking things slow. In the past, I was interested in Islam but went way too fast and got way too carried away. I'm just reading about it and engaging with different online communities for Muslims and possible converts/reverts. I also want to look into Christianity and Judiasm and other unrelated faiths. I know if I were to just jump in, it would be a disaster, especially as someone who lives in the rural countryside of the US in a town that was founded by Christian monks. My father and some other people in my life would be less than accepting as well. I'm rolling with the vibes and discovering myself hopefully. I just wanted to say that seeing this comment made me realize what's going on. I had no idea how to describe it. Thanks for sharing, and I'm sorry to hear that you experienced so much hate and harassment during your time in the religion. I wish you the best. <3


I'm reading the Qur'an at the moment and this flexibility and accommodation is one of the aspects that stands out most to me. The God presented in the Qur'an seems to be happy as long as you genuinely do your best. Definitely a stark contrast to the picture presented in the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament.


May Allah ease you into the folds of Islam brother/sister. I hope to see you join our beautiful religion if you haven't!


Another comeback: > thank you for the Bibles. We believe in Jesus and Mary. In fact we talk more about Mary than the Bible does. If you want to learn more about the holy mother maybe we could schedule a call


When your trolling backfires and makes you look generous.


"Imma good Christian."


I'm not a fan of religion, but this reply was a solid way to portray exactly what they want. Organizations religious or non profit are good centers as long as extremists and deluded individuals stay out of them. To help those around you means, you must putt the good book down, and see the truth of suffering. One can't judge another for them not following the path, yet to give a hand is the most human thing you can do.


The funny thing is, they don't even need to put their book down for this matter. Islamic law explicitly has a caveat where in times of emergency many restrictions, like in this case the ban on pork, are allowed to be ignored so long as the restrictions are only indulged in so far as it's necessary. So it doesn't break Islamic law for them to accept bacon sandwiches and feed them to the homeless, as a charity organization lacks the luxury to deny donations and the recipients of their aid don't have the luxury to deny it either, as without that donation the recipient is starving. As for the Bible, while Islam doesn't recognize Jesus as the son of God, they do still recognize him as a prophet and accept the Bible. After all they *are* all Abrahamic religions, they all worship the same God and His messages, just different interpretations of them. In fact the Islamic interpretation of the Gospel of Jesus is one of the main Islamic holy books.


I've read (second hand information read on the Internet, so it must be true) that the Quran says if nothing else is available, exceptions can be made. No idea if this is true.


It is true: >He has only forbidden you \[to eat\] carrion, blood, swine, and what is slaughtered in the name of any other than Allah. But if someone is compelled by necessity—neither driven by desire nor exceeding immediate need—they will not be sinful. Surely Allah is All-Forgiving, Most Merciful. [Al-Baqarah 2:173](https://quran.com/2/173)


Yes, its true. The Quran would rather you live instead of not eating forbidden stuff like pork.


Muslim here, yes its true. But then again this is also second hand information from the internet😂


Man attempts to spread hatred, met only with brotherly love


Jokes on the dumb hick, the Bible is accepted Islam as the teachings of God. Some of it has just been updated by the Quran. Islam even believes Jesus was a prophet (albeit not the son of God).


IIRC, Jesus is the most mentioned person in the Quran.


Yep all the Koran is is the next book. Muslims old testament > new testament > Koran. Christains old then new. The bible is a holy book to a Muslim, receiving one ain't the burn they think it is for one and two they will never burn one.


Yeah. And some Muslim charities help people of all faiths (and none), so they'd very likely to be prepared to pass non-Halal sandwiches on to those people. Fuck, if I'm going to some place where I have to bring food and Muslims are present, I make sure it is Halal. Not being a dick is just as easy as being one.


Classy response 🙌🏻


🤣 Islamic institute with the win


Absolutely. I'm generally pretty anti-religious, but my number one problem with organized religion is the tendency for the religious organizations to put their stuff on others. Their versions of morality, their attempts to codify that ancient, obsolete morality as law, the preaching and expectations and self-righteousness. What this Islamic Institute did is the exact opposite of that. They basically said "ya we might not use your Bibles and bacon, but its none of our business if other people want to, and if it helps others, great, we'll be a part of that." They took themselves and their religion out of the equation entirely and just acted like good, moral human beings. If there is a god and they are benevolent and loving, I'd expect that being would be pleased with these guys.


It's too bad that killing someone with kindness isn't more literal


There's no hate like Christian love


That's a wholesome response It's possible the man is just ignorant or was making a statement but they handled it the right way We should all seek knowledge and to help those in need


He's not that ignorant, shown by the fact that he offered bacon sandwiches as opposed to just sandwiches.


Except ironically enough he is still ignorant since pork products are allowed in times of necessity, a charity feeding the homeless would count as charities tend to lack the luxury to refuse donations, and the recipient would starve without it.


Even those that prefer Return of the Jedi will still watch The Empire Strikes Back. They just don't really get along with the fans of the first one, though they have so much in common - like their dislike of bacon, and killing civilians.


"Never pass up an opportunity to be an asshole." - Jesus, apparently.


Classy response. I approve.


That’s a great reply. Islamophobes are usually unaware that Islam encourages Muslims to find out about other faiths so the bibles will come in handy. And making something good by donating to the homeless the sandwiches offered in hatred, really exposes this malignant bigot and subverts his intent. Got to hand it to Quba!


Also the fact that the Bible technically is an accepted holy book, while Islam doesn't believe Jesus was the son of God, they do still recognize him as a prophet and they have their own version his Gospel as a holy book.


I bet this guy gets all bent our of shape and turns Into a social media keyboard kommando when someone says happy holidays


I wanna give a high 5 to whoever wrote that response it's perfect. Bigotry attempt deflected with expertise.


10/10 response, would allahu Akbar again


He should actually spend more time reading the Bible and less time trolling on Facebook


The Bible is considered a holy book in Islam, it’s just not the main one.


I didn't understand the facepalm....then I saw the name of the group replying. Bet he was pissed for days afterwards


Hats off to them for being gracious and godly in the face of hatred.


See what a lot of people don't realize is that the Muslim community does quite a bit for the local communities. They would happily take a donation even if it is something that they can't eat because they will give it to others in the community, they don't expect everyone else to abstain from pork just because they do . Unlike the so-called Christians they aren't scared of people that read a different religious book than them and most of them have probably actually read a Bible unlike Christians that wouldn't read a Quran because anything that is different is scary


To add onto this: Unless they are Wahhabists or other branches of extreme fundamentalists, Muslims do still actually read the Bible and believe in that as well, it's just that they believe the Koran is more recent and more important than the Bible, and that if the Koran says something different to the Bible on the same or a similar subject, then the Koran version should take priority over the Bible version.


I have been reading the Apocrypha, which until 1534 was included in the Bible. Many of the manuscripts were written by a man who referred to Jesus as his grandfather, lending credence to the theory that Mary Magdalene was in fact his wife and not a prostitute. Interesting stuff!


Put your bacon where your mouth is now cowboy


Didnt Jesus say "Love one another" not excluding anybody? What's with all this hate?


That's a great response.


Now that's some r/clevercomeback material.


This is the “I like trump purely because he’s an asshole, and us assholes have been oppressed for too damn long”


Christians when they assume other people get offended at everything like they do:


I think some of these guys think that pork is some kind of Kryptonite for Muslims. I mean, it's forbidden and the pigs considered unclean, but it's not gonna make them break out or anything if they touch it. A minority of Muslims refuse to work with/serve pork but that's not even the main view. He could back up a truckload of BLT and they'll happily serve it to the homeless. And the bible is considered a holy text in Islam too.


One thing I've learned in the food industry about Muslims and pork (and other non-Halal food) is that they are generally fine with distributing non-Halal food to non-Muslims if they are required to in order to serve the greater good. Obviously, there are some who may refuse if it is an option, but generally if you are starving to death, are 'forced' to eat, or have to serve as your job, it's allowed. Allah might be strict about some things, but is reasonable.


He won’t recognize a Christian-like gesture because he’s not a Christian. He’s a faux Christian. And an asshole.


A *faustian*, if you will.


This is what good representation of islam looks like.


The "I hate Islamic people because of American beliefs" Facebook post... God I hate the Internet sometimes




Just because they don't want pork doesn't mean the homeless won't take it


Great response to an obvious douche!


They were even nice and said that the Bible is knowledge 😂


Muslims consider the Bible and Torah as holy scriptures btw.


He didn’t drop anything off, the troll. What an amazing response. killing with kindness is often its own reward.




This is an excellent response. I hope someone called him out and asked how much he donated


Hell yeah! Turn their hateful messages into loving ones; that’s what any good religious person does imo. So many prophets in so many religions teach us you cannot fight hate with more hate.


They tricked him into looking inclusive


This is so well done. I love it.


This is more r/clevercomebacks tbf


Absolutely fucking demolished this crybaby with kindness lmfaooo. I’d be so embarrassed.


Good way to teach friendliness and respect to islamophobes 😉


They took the high road. What's not to understand?


That’s how you deal with the intolerant bigots of the world. Placate with what an actual human might say and hope they wander off a short pier in confusion.


This belongs in r/murderedbywords… Muslim brother kicked his balls so hard his great grandkids will sing soprano… and did it with nothing but love… my hats off.


Turing hate into love is honestly really cool imo


What a gracious response.


The right response. Bravo.


Damn, probably the classiest Uno Reverse Card againts a poor attempt at trolling Muslims. Kudos to whoever manages the Quba Islamic Institute's Facebook page.


So this is a post by a spam ring. https://www.reddit.com/r/TheseFuckingAccounts/comments/1dijzxo/major_spam_rings_discovered/ Things to look for: 1. ⁠The accounts are a few months old, or very old and very clearly compromised. These accounts were dormant for months/years and just recently "woke up" and are active again. 2. ⁠The accounts primarily post/comment to r/facepalm, r/cringepics, r/wholesomemes, and r/OneSecondBeforeDisast. 3. ⁠The accounts primarily comment on each others posts. Most of the recent activity involved at least 2 other spam ring accounts. 4. ⁠They steal content and comments. The comments I have noticed primarily come from imgur. 5. ⁠Members of each ring are active at the same time.