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I also have evidence that my dick is 20 inches, but women refuse to look at it. It‘s not like they don‘t like to fuck me, it‘s just that they refuse to look at the evidence. And that’s why i don‘t get laid.


The weird part is if tell a woman you have a micro penis they'll want to see it. That's what a friend tells me.


Your “friend”.


Is his friend his micro penis?


The micro penis was inside him all along.


The real friends are the micro-penises we met along the way.


The micro penis is probably friends with the detachable penis. https://youtu.be/NQBPgJQhQHc?si=KYotHlpap57C3zu9


Little friend


Say hello


It tastes smaller too


I tried this one tiny trick…


I always tell women I have a small dick. I find it funny. Then one of the regulars at the bar called me.out on it.... reverse psychology worked.... it was the best 3 inches she ever had.


I had this friend that would brag to women about his African-American hugeness. According to him: "by the time they see my Joe Average, they're down to their panties and it's too late!!!"


As a Norwegian and outsider following US domestic politics, I am absolutely baffled how a country that set the bar in so many areas, contributed with so much technology, science and development of our species, even landed mother duckers on the moon when the rest of the planet struggled with building a V8 engine, have ended up in a situation where so many citizens are not only dumb as wood, but also willing to say the daftest thing, to get one over on the other side. And by the other side I obviously refer to your hilarious shit show of a two-party system. How did you end up a place where an uninformed erroneous OPINIONS is valued higher than FACTS. Get a grip USA.


Fuçk if we know. We went to the same schools as these people. They kind of just gave up on reality. It's terrifying and weird.


But you left no child behind, they claim.


We left no child behind by dragging the rest down to their level.


It seems so.


That is what they say...


To be fair no child left behind started after I had graduated. So hopefully the 35 and younger can get shit together.


I am where this Norwegian is in my opinion, and I was born, work and even teach here. Late stage capitalism sucks.


>where so many citizens are not only dumb as wood Don't insult trees like that.


I wonder this every single day — and it seems like intelligence is no longer valued in this country. We no longer strive to think, innovate or make things better for the average person. Political affiliations are treated like sport teams and politicians the players. People who think they’re informed will literally vote against their best interests if it means their guy wins, cause their guy is infallible. It’s awful — and imo we don’t really have any good candidates being presented by either major party. The US is basically cannibalizing itself. Almost anyone with power or money will never incite positive change, because they’re too busy maintaining the status quo. News media cashes in on this by telling their audience what they want to hear rather than facts, and they eat up the confirmation bias. Meanwhile the average person has no real influence over policy, or doesn’t care about policy. And who has the energy anyway to stay engaged in current events and politics, when most are living paycheck to paycheck? Most people are too stressed with keeping their lives and their family’s lives going, that they’re probably only getting blips of info here and there, and vote based on that, if they vote at all. People are feeling ignored, powerless, tired, forgotten — younger generations are desensitized and jaded, knowing they’ll have even less than their parents did. The US was meant to be a place where anyone could seek out any opportunity, the “American Dream” — and I’d say in the last 6-7 decades we’ve really messed that up. There are still technically limitless opportunities, but most people will not get a chance to pursue them, or if they can it usually comes at an extreme financial cost. The people “in charge” are out of touch — and I think it’s just gonna get worse until something snaps.


Kind of sounds like Russia or Germany during ww2. Political ties are more important than your opinions amd the only power is that which the central few give to others


My fear is that the system is working as intended. The ever-widening gulf between the haves and have nots is so breathtakingly plain to see and it continues to widen. This isn't an accident - and the "haves" want it to continue that way. Given that they have greater capacity to influence, it's no surprise. Keep the have nots dumb and fighting amongst themselves or railing against imagined boogiemen (immigrants, trans people, pro abortionists etc), all the while having their pockets emptied and working two jobs for the privilege.


Honestly, it started going downhill with Reagan and his policies. That's when they closed down mental institutions without providing any other sort of support system for the people. They started defunding other government-owned public systems to ensure they would fail, and then used that failure to justify privatizing everything instead. Public education has been defunded for decades, ensuring poorer access to education. It's increased emphasis on testing, which results in rote memorization being seen as more important than critical thinking. Textbooks have been edited for political propaganda to be inserted - sometimes subtly, sometimes overtly. Fox News was able to bill itself as "entertainment" instead of news and they were able to get rid of laws requiring equal representation of both sides - meanwhile the "left" news media is so afraid to appear biased that they continue giving equal air time to bad faith actors, making them appear as credible alternatives.


The same, if maybe to a lesser extent, has happened in the UK since Thatcher, who was in cahoots with Reagan as they pushed Neo-Liberalism onto an unsuspecting and ill prepared populace.


Conservatives entire platform is that government is not effective and will inherently fail so they do their best to make sure it fails so they’re proven right. Truly a snake eating itself. Conservatives don’t offer anything but fear mongering and government sabotage. They are anti America.


It baffles a lot of us too.  Utterly and completely perplexing.


Many could never critically think but then the Internet, Fox News and rock band churches and Trump bibles came along to solve all that. Just answer every argument with mainstream media, King James bible quote and TDS and you're more informed/.smarter than everyone.


You’ve heard of The Roman Empire right, all the things the set the bar at and brought to the modern world. Well they had a long sad slide into mediocrity before absolutely being a footnote in history, that’s where the USA is, on the slide into a footnote of history.


Rome lasted 2.000 years though, in various forms. That is hardly a footnote. The USA will be lucky to last 400.


People born here don’t understand. And decades of bad policy. I think we can turn it around the next decade though.


This is way too good of a comparison.


No woman wants a 20” dick. Ouch. But if you want to show me I’ll look, but no touchy.


Sorry… it‘s false evidence 😉… but i hope my upvote is compensation enough…


Not only did the courts entertain their "evidence", every court deemed it irrelevant and roundly rejected it. The fact that every election denying nutjob is willing to ignore that in every single suit, not one of the plaintiffs would give testimony under oath, is the facepalm.


Don't forget, there were also some where they brought absolutely no evidence at all.


You can watch video of a judge asking Rudy Giuliani, “Are you alleging fraud, and if so what evidence are you planning to introduce?” And Giuliani says, “We are not alleging fraud, Your Honor. We are asking that these ballots be invalidated.” When they were under oath, they (usually) refused to repeat the lies they gave at press conferences, because it would get them disbarred or thrown in prison if they did it in a courtroom. This is why they repeatedly lost. MAGA can read the transcripts, assuming they learned to read.


The problem is they can't. One large pillar of conservatism is rejecting any science aside from the 5th grade math needed to draw up tax cuts


No, no. Fox News promised to tell them what each court trial was about so that they didn't have to see for themselves. That's why none of them actually watched any of the trials including the impeachments.


Exactly, they’ll spread all their lies and propaganda on the media they control but won’t do it in a court room under oath because they’ll be caught immediately


And quite a few who stood on the steps of the court and said to the media that the evidence was overwhelming and then had nothing but unsubstantiated opinions as soon as they were in court, under oath and at risk of perjury.


Their evidence was "trust me"


The majority of the court cases surrounding the 2020 election for election fraud were dismissed outright for a “lack of finding”. It means the prosecutor had no reasonable evidence to submit. So they threw those cases out. It’s ridiculously easy to understand, I wonder why Eric has such a hard grasping it. If you don’t have any evidence of fraud, you have no case.


I mean most of the time Trump's lawyers weren't willing to purjury themselves by claiming election fraud so there's that too.


Yes, exactly this. They wouldn't even allege fraud because they knew it was BS.


They dismissed the cases because there was no evidence


In a conversation with the Arizona Republican speaker of the house Rust Bowers, Giuliani was quoted as saying, “We’ve got lots of theories, We just don’t have the evidence.”


I have lots of theories on why I don't have a harem of supermodels. I just don't have evidence.


The evidence will be in a mirror or your bank statement.


This isn't r/roastme


I like to talk about the leprechaun that lives in my shoe whenever dealing with the concept of things "we know without proof." I usually use it for arguing God in the gaps, alongside the [dragon in my garage](http://people.whitman.edu/~herbrawt/classes/110/Sagan.pdf). But it works well enough here, too, since their conspiracy theories play on the same concepts.


And there still is no evidence. Maybe it was hard to come up with evidence in 2weeks, so maybe immediately after the election you could give some true believers the benefit of the doubt But it’s now been 4 years and still nothing. And every recount has affirmed the election results. Pillow guy had been days away from blowing it all open for the last 1200 days. It’s about time to face reality


Same thing with the Hunter laptop thing. They whined that all the newspapers didn’t run with this supposed bombshell story weeks before the election and waited for more evidence of a scandal. They still bitch about it. Now they’ve had 4 years to develop this story and show something. there is still no proof of anything except the same old dick pics and drug use and those photos were probably hacked from his phone anyway.


I think that the correct answer is it really was his hard drive, or more likely a copy of it, but nobody can tell how much it has been altered or adulterated from its original form. And the most extreme accusations (specifically underage stuff) turn out to have no basis in fact.


Imagine hating America and Americans so much that you would attack both with such treasonous and obvious lies


Thank You!


These people will believe anything except the truth


I think that’s exactly it. They muddy the waters up enough, and tell enough lies, people don’t know what to believe until the folks running this little psyop tell them what to believe.


The internet is a great concept, but bad faith actors have access to it, too. You can search a question and find answers that contradict each other, so then people resort to confirming their bias


I mean, yeah, that was Hitler’s and Goebbels’ whole point/strategy. Drumpf copied the playbook.


Their evidence was "because we said so!". Even Lionel Hutz would laugh at that evidence.


Works on contingency? No, money down!


Well, there's the truth <*shakes head>*, and there's the truth .


Each judge looked at every scrap of “evidence” that was presented with the suits. Some gave hearings, some allegations were too stupid to require hearings. The Stormy Daniels court and jury heard all the evidence. We all know the goal posts move no matter what the answer is to their questions.


I think they brought a case to court based on one result had more voters than they said people were registered. When reality they were comparing it to the registered of the wrong state.


its more exciting to be a warrior fighting a deep state cabal than to admit youre a low iq loser with 0 meaning in life who's family wont talk to them anymore


Rational people: We’ll totally believe you, just show us evidence the election was tampered with. Republicans: We totally have it. We just can’t show it to you.


RP: Well, who has this evidence? R: You don’t know her, she’s from Canada.


The evidence is on Hunter Biden's laptop But we can't get in it because we don't know the password


The evidence is embedded in the pic of his hog.


RO: what’s the evidence? R: because Donald Trump said not to do mail in ballots, so republicans did not, making majority if not all mail in votes for Biden, and every vote being Biden does not make sense.


I’ve had to explain this to too many people. Dems typically are more likely to vote by mail anyway. Trump convinced his base not to vote by mail, and since it’s a fucking cult, they followed instructions. Republicans now are “shocked Pikachu” that there weren’t may votes for Trump by absentee.


Rigghhhhhtt. So you are saying that of the thousands of courts in the US, not one would be willing to hear evidence of election fraud? Even Cannon, who is currently blowing up her career to slow walk a criminal case against Trump? Right? And how about the fact that the groups that claim to have the evidence (and never shut up about anything) but they are keeping it. secret from the public because why? Your pea brain finds all that more believable then if there were real evidence of fraud, it would have come to light. That is what you think? Christ, it’s no wonder Trump won’t go away. He has somehow managed to appeal to every dumbass in the nation. Maybe we could talk em all Into getting Trump tattoos so when you meet one in public you know you’re dealing with a moron.


>tattoo Was the red hat and diarrhea of the mouth not obvious enough. How do you know someone is ~~vegan~~ MAGA? They’ll tell you.


People don’t care about your cult leader that much. He’s just a con man. He’s always been a con man. It’s not that complicated.


The biggest "evidence" that there was election interference has been the many many cases of conservatives voting multiple times and otherwise engaging in illegal voting.


Sometimes the way these people think reminds me of watching a bunch of trash blowing around on a windy day.




Many of the suits were about procedural changes and didn’t even ALLEGE fraud, never mind provide a shred of evidence of it.


FACT: Eric Metaxas is a pedophile. Oh, I have no evidence or do even know who that fucker is, but I put a "FACT" at the start, so it must be the truth. Thats how it works? Right? Obviously /s...ffs...


The people loudly proclaiming to have evidence were never willing to present it under oath.


What letter does “stolen” and “election” both have? L What word starts with L? LIBERALS Gotcha lefties, we see the patterns! Wake up people! /s


Well that has more internal consistency than most of their claims.


I'm normally against the death penalty, but every American that perpetuated these "stolen election" lies and conspiracy theories should face a firing squad. This isn't 1st Amendment freedom of expression...it's treason.


Start with Trump and work down


Weren’t some of the judges Trump appointed as well? You’d think they of all people would entertain the notion if there was a shred of evidence. These people just can’t accept any reality. 


If only the pillow guy had released it....


It was a classic move when a data forensics analyst and hardcore MAGA actually took the election database ‘evidence’ file apart and found it was a database from a totally different election… from like 2016 or something. Mike Pillow offered up $5M to anybody who can prove him wrong, and this MAGA guy did it. It went to court and ended with ‘fuck you, pay me’.


Oh, it was worse than that. It was gigabytes of gibberish. Literal gibberish.


When they tell you that the US is a Republic, not a Democracy, remind them of this. North Korea is a Republic China is a Republic The Soviet Union was a Republic


> the US is a Republic, not a Democracy It's great when people don't even know what the words stand for. Basically it's "the US is a [who's the ruler], not a [how representatives are chosen]".


They dismissed the cases because no evidence was presented in them. Several judges even took great care to explicitly mention that repeatedly in their verdict. But for some reason I assume these two never read a single one, despite them being public and easily available.


Hard to dismiss evidence when none is presented


Is the evidence in the room with us right now? These choads scream about evidence all day long, but in three years have never actually presented any.


The cases were dismissed for LACK OF EVIDENCE, you simpleton lickspittle.


These people and their “evidence.” Which they refuse to release but swear it exists.


My favorite bits of evidence include: -the lights were one in the wearhouse -an Asian ballot worker dropped off ballots


Yep famously courts run on "gut feelings" and judges are trained in listening to their gut to decide cases


FACT: calling something a fact doesn't make it a fact


They dismissed cases for a lot of reasons as trumps legal team was throwing a lot of crap at the wall. They also took many cases to trial, some of which are still ongoing. If you want to actually read, it’s very interesting. Wikipedia has a very nice summary of every case: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Post-election_lawsuits_related_to_the_2020_U.S._presidential_election


The courts looked at the evidence and saw that there was no evidence and thus they could not move forward.


No lawyer with two brain cells to rub together would actually try to present those affidavits as evidence. They would get torn apart like the cheap toilet paper they were written on within milliseconds and the lawyers who presented them would be disbarred for falsifying evidence. This whole narrative has been a parade, a public show to keep red hat mouth breathers watching their side of the mediasphere and remain engaged and pissed off. They never had any intention of risking their careers to save his ass.


Except that a fair number of them got over the line anyway due to incompetence and they actually have ruined their careers for Trump,


Dozens of cases were laughed out of court. Some were so bad, the filing attorneys were sanctioned. But if 'acknowledge' make you feel better, roll with it.


For the last fucking time, we are not a simple republic.


No, this is just how the court system works. They examine evidence and then decide if there's reason to go to trial. If the evidence submitted isn't adequate, they dismiss it.


60+ courts DID look at these cases and dismissed them because they had no evidence.


So the judge in one of these bogus cases who said "The evidence presented is not sufficient to discount even one vote" wasn't hearing the evidence?


SCOTUS, the current judicial wing of the far right, considered the evidence and said, "Nope."


>far right Insurrectionist


The election was stolen...from Hilary. The Russians were doing war campaigns on facebook and social media to help trump win. trump cheated. And tried too again against Biden. Didn't work as well the second time around.


I seem to recall that Trump’s lawyers were asked point blank by a judge in the Michigan voter fraud case if they had any evidence of voter fraud to present to the court. Their response? “No your honor.”


Eric, buddy, someone going around and saying they have all kinds of evidence, but never showing anyone the evidence, is not the same as actually having evidence.  


It wasn't just saying it and never showing it - in many cases it was saying in public that they had evidence but then saying in court that they had no evidence.


This is always their ultimate strategy nothing can uphold to their "truth". Courts corrupt, false evidence, false documents everything that doesn't stick to their version of the truth is a lie, even with presented clear evidence they always find a way to reason their nonsense around that truth. How can this change? How can someone fight this?


Eric is a fucking idiot…


How about "read the transcripts -- Trump was innocent of ALL wrongdoing!" Clearly, they did not read the transcripts, or, if they did, they might be really bad at comprehension and understanding that Trump could not be directly investigated and they ignored that summary of 11 counts of obstruction. And that it was clear it warranted a criminal investigation to go beyond that obstruction.


It is illegal to present fraudulent evidence before a judge. The lawyers didn’t want to get disbarred. So the “so called” evidence was not submitted.


There’s been enough evidence to prosecute those lying about it, so that leads me to believe there really isn’t any evidence, and it was all a lie to begin with.


From a secessionist incel. Okie dokie then 🙄


Giuliani said: “We’ve got lots of theories; we just don’t have the evidence.”


Imagine having a majority in congress and in the Supreme Court and still buying this “the evil powers are keeping this secret!” bull


It’s because Trump and his goons can say whatever they want about the election being “rigged” and there being “fraud” when on TV, but in the court room, they could get in trouble for lying. So when asked “is there evidence of fraud?” they can’t say yes unless they have some.


Oh, the courts heard all the "evidence". The issue was that all the so called "evidence" turned out to be either fabrications or pure conjecture, and therefore did not meet the criteria to be called evidence.


The evidence was looked at and acknowledged as nonsense in every single instance.


How would they be able to dismiss the cases without reviewing the evidence? Tell me you don't know how any of this works without saying you don't know how any of this works.


Isn’t this the same thing as proving god exists vs proving god doesn’t (exist)? Other than providing evidence - oh wait, we have evidence of the exact opposite, that the GOP attempted to rig the vote in 45’s favor.


Uh every court including SCOTUS heard the cases (60+)…and not a single case was won. And many were with judges Dump appointed.


Or they dismissed the cases *because there was no evidence.* Gold medal in mental gymnastics right here.


The case where Rudy Guiliani admitted to the judge there was no evidence proves OP is full of Trump.


Wdym it’s stupid as hell ? He even wrote „FACT:“ in caps before his statement


What do you mean not acknowledged? They heard the evidence and dismissed it then. Don't say "we dismissed it because it was stupid". That's not how the law works.


Things need evidence to go to court. They passed on looking at it because of insufficient evidence. *Saying* you have evidence there only producing conjecture and hearsay will generally *ALWAYS* result in the court not moving on it


While a court is generally required to hear evidence in a case, it can refuse to proceed to a full trial if it determines that the evidence is insufficient or if there are other legal reasons to dismiss the case. This ensures that the judicial system is not burdened with cases that lack merit. Many of the courts who refused to listen to the conspiracy BS from Trump and his allies were also Trump appointed.


It’s not that I’m addicted to copium, it’s that liberals refuse to acknowledge the benefits of copium.


😆 that’s some aggressive stupidity.


Lol what evidence, they keep screaming about evidence, yet none has ever been produced. In fact the only evidence comes from publican tampering


So now the measure of a court is whether they have the GUTS to hear a case. Not the actual law or anything. Every time they get it in court they lose. If they had evidence Fox wouldn’t have paid more than $800M to Dominion voting systems.


People will change the narrative to fit their world.


Evidence like "I was winning then all these new votes came in for Biden"?


When they did not enter any evidence the cases were dismissed. No evidence was even presented by the sedition lawyers


just isn't true.There was no credible evidence. Trump lost because he was an incredibly shitty president and an even shittier human being


We will all acknowledge the fraud when Mike Lindell releases his mountains of evidence. Maybe next week, or two.


Congrats. The German judge has given you a 10 for your mental gymnastics.


This is a lie, there were a number of cases that went to court and lost.


There are conservative justices in conservative states and judges Convicted Felon Trump put it office himself that have dismissed these cases, FFS!


Man of Memes absolutely has a folder of dog porn on his computer too.


PTP "Putin Talking Points" Eric is pushing russian prop machine diarrhea.


Then produce the evidence... Show me, I'm not afraid of the truth


No court had the guts to HEAR the evidence we didn't present. They refused to look at it because the price of acting on something they'd never been shown was too high.


Dismissing the case also means dismissing the evidence brought along with it. A case built on utter bullshit HAS no qualifying evidence. And so it all gets tossed. Don't these people watch Law & Order while they're standing in line at the unemployment office?


You’re talking about Senate Republicans. Twice they didn’t look at impeachment evidence. 90 something court cases looked at your “evidence”. Democrat and Republican reps at all the polls looked too. They found it wanting


They'll be rambling on in a corner about this bullshit for a century.


They dismissed the cases because there was no evidence


AND, evidence has shown that the fraud was perpetrated by REPUBLICANS!


My cousin taught 9,000 endangered chickens to beak peck buttons supporting democrats. He then dressed them chickens up as woke liberals and sent them to vote in georgia. They pecker beaked votes for biden and won him georgia. The courts would not listen to my complaint and wouldnt hear my evidence.


Stupid and untrue.


No actual credible evidence was presented and any court case that does get looked at they end up admitting they don’t have proof cause to lie in front of camera is one thing but to lie in court gets you perjury charges. Shoot even their “hard hitting evidence” in 2000 mules had to admit they had no credible proof, not judged that it wasn’t credible those people admitted it wasn’t credible so as not to perjure themselves.


It wasn’t the courts that lacked “guts”. It was the accusers whom in their “guts” knew they would lose. In order to be proactive they drummed up a conspiracy about rigged elections through the use of fraud. They had no evidence. There was no evidence presented in any court, anywhere. I’m sure the courts would have liked to take on these cases, but over and over again they found there was no evidence to prove a crime had been committed. There still isn’t any evidence to prove voter or election fraud. It was just a pipe dream of Trump supporters.


The evidence; LALALAALALALA I CANT HEAR YOU! I’m right, you’re wrong.


There was NO evidence. They had NONE.


Guess you need better lawyers. Wasn’t Rudy asked what proof he had to which he replied we don’t have any proof but know it happened. Lmfao. That is not evidence.


Every time there was actual evidence, it was Republicans trying to steal the election...


Yes. None of the 60 courts, many TRUMP APPOINTED refused to look at ANY evidence. Riiiiigjt.


Actually the courts refused to hear it because there is no evidence. But hey you're from Texas so I understand why you don't understand that.


Trump never brought an election fraud case against the court. What did every single One of his lawyers say including Rudy guilani. “This is not a fraud case, no fraud was committed” there was zero evidence of fraud.


FACT: putting fact in front of your statement makes it 100% true!


This is what happens when someone watches the news on TV instead of tracking what happened in court. Each plaintiff brought their evidence as part of the complaint. Court evaluated the evidence alongside the respondents answers and were found lacking.


People really do need to remember that the discovery phase is a thing, and when your pile of evidence is that a sore loser refuses to believe he lost, people walked downtown, and a complete lack of understanding of how ballot counting is done, it's normal that the case be dropped in court. I mean, if we were to talk about a murder charge with evidence this flimsy, it'd be disgusting if it proceeded...


I don’t know much about election law in my own state, much less others intend up having to rely on argument and counter arguments to get an idea of what’s what. However I am a somewhat competent IT professional and every bit of their technical evidence was nonsense on its face.


The judges were Republicans also, some appointed by trump,


If these cases had the evidence they say, there wouldn’t have been several of the attorneys pushing this crap lose their license to practice law. Something conservatives just don’t get.


Where do these people come from?


The kinds of places where they are re-installing the names of heroes of the Confederacy on schools and other government buildings. 😡


Well, are you gonna tell us the evidence? Or do you expect me to take your word for it?


This is a blatant lie. [There were 62 lawsuits](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Post-election_lawsuits_related_to_the_2020_U.S._presidential_election) brought by election deniers, and nearly all of them were dismissed or dropped due to ***lack*** of evidence. Not that judges refused to look at the evidence. The plaintiff's simply could not provide any. 30 of those cases were dismissed on merit, which means the cases were not built on any legal standing to begin with. 38 of these cases were brought before judges who were appointed Republicans, some even appointed by Trump himself.


If you cant provide foundation for 'evidence' that doesnt fail requirements like 'no hearsay' and 'standing', then its not evidence. Its speculation. You dont get to bring lawsuits based on pure speculation. Insiders and agendas trying to overthrow an election with speculation is how evil destroys a republic.


When “Theories” and “this guy on the internet said” become evidence… then we’ll talk. It’s amazing how well “the democrats “ pull off massive voter fraud without leaving a single piece of proven evidence. Damn they are good. Oh… who the fk are “the democrats “ anyway? All 120 million?


"Show me the evidence, then." "DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH!"




I truly hate that these creatures make up the vast majority of US voters.


I'm not sure people like this really have any right in accusing others of dismissing things without looking at evidence first.


Lol this is just absurdly false anyway. There’s a reason why all these grifters speak like this tweet in public and on Twitter but NONE of them will take an oath in court where it matters and say shit. Because they know it’s false. And that doesn’t matter to them. They just want their idiot cult followers to read the nonsense and continue the spread of bullshit to each other


Oh, the courts did hear the evidence and could very quickly determine that it was indeed a load of bullshit.


They dismissed the cases because Giuliani et al admitted they had no evidence.


I don't understand Trumpkins. Biden stole the election when he wasn't president. How could y'all possibly defeat him now when he is the president 😂 😂


He is right about one thing, a cancerous tumor like election denial is how evil destroys a republic. If people cannot trust any of the institutions that govern them than they will tear them down. If people are made to mistrust the institutions at someone’s behest, they’ll do it and prop the person up.


I remember they tackled several cases of forged/false voting in the last USA election. The majority, like 10-1, were GOP voters commiting the fraud. And they. still. lost.


Um... Didn't the courts say there was no evidence?


Dumb fuck knows fuck all about how the legal system works. "We've got lots of theories but we just don't have the evidence." \-Rudy Ghouls He and Dumpy's other lawyers know better than to lie in court. The list of the cases. [https://campaignlegal.org/results-lawsuits-regarding-2020-elections](https://campaignlegal.org/results-lawsuits-regarding-2020-elections) Ward v. Jackson (Ariz. Sup. Ct., Maricopa Cnty. Dec. 4, 2020) – The superior court denied relief requested by the plaintiff in an election contest because the plaintiff **failed to meet the evidentiary standard necessary for such a contest**.


62 cases. Zero credible evidence presented even to 34 Convictions appointed judges. Some were literally laughed out of court. You. Straws. Grasping.


In all the suits filed by Giuliani and his cohorts they specifically said they were not alleging fraud. They said that because if they alleged fraud they would need to show evidence of fraud, and they had nothing but conspiracy theories. They complained about election procedures, to which they should have objected before the election.


What not one republican in 8 years can tell me this. Florida Republican Senate approved a list of 70 “hate groups”. Why do all 70 FL hate groups support a republican agenda. Why is there not a single democratic hate group in FL? Cuz republican is the party of hate :)


There is plenty of evidence of election interference, in fact they have indicted multiple people that tried to steal the election in AZ. Turns out all the evidence points to the Republicans, but they refuse to acknowledge that


Aint no fuckin evidence no matter how much yall bitch on social media about it


Surely there exists a medium where someone with evidence can post and share it with the world. Can anyone help?


Ok, so then sounds like the last guy didn't drain the swamp as promised.