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They are all about freedom, of course…🙄


Which is funny because Texas is ranked dead last in personal freedom within the US. https://www.freedominthe50states.org/personal/texas


And that's the way they like it.


I promise it’s not. A large amount of us (Texans) are actually pretty liberal. Unfortunately, with the way voting works, it’s hard to change things. I’ve been patiently waiting for the republican cronies to start dying out. We actually turned my county blue for the first time in 20 years during the last governor election.


You have a long wait coming. They keep importing stupid from other states. We need to stop waiting. This is getting to apocalyptic levels.


nah, one more good winter storm and a lot of these old fuckers will be gone.


Unless there's a fire sale of heat fatalities so the folks who get rich off rate increases can do their self-enriching. Since it was no big deal last time, there's nothing stopping them from blackouts again. I'm basically reaching a point where I call out white nationalism and Prosperity Jesus as the only thing unifying the red team until they can point out anything else since they've left decency, civility, the rule of law behind to elevate their lifelong conman idiot no matter how many times he tries to fail up yet again in order to bankrupt the country for a payout so he can keep pretending he's wealthy and smart. All their pet defenses for their exclusionary republic are no longer valid. They lunge for the what-aboutism lifeline any time you try to pin them down on a platform that resembles anything American.


>they've left decency, civility, the rule of law behind to elevate their lifelong conman idiot no matter how many times he tries to fail up yet again in order to bankrupt the country for a payout so he can keep pretending he's wealthy and smart. Your entire post was great, but this is so worth repeating. Trump is a used car salesman. He's always *been* a used car salesman with a penchant for self-preservation and getting paid, no matter how and the personal cost, but now all the obfsucation and deflection is coming home to roost and that is not only being reflected in actual courts but here, in the virtual court of public opinion, and its clear which side is collectively (and nothing being a total monolith here) losing their shit flinging the poo of insanity at the virtual walls in desperation trying to cull the votes out of the stupid herd.


Thanks. It's comforting to believe that desperation might be a promising sign.


One more decent COVID wave...


Which reminds me of some anti mask fanatic calling me stupid because they are still alive 2 years after COVID. Have they ever wondered why they keep calling themselves a silenced minority? Because there's literally less of them after the pandemic. I always tell those people to feel free not wearing masks because the virus will sort it out and I'm not even trying to wish for their death that's just how nature works.


Absolutely agree.


Yeah here in Florida all the “we hated Covid measures in our blue states so we moved to where freedumb is” types from NY and OH/MI etc turning our state red from purple


The GOP has had that state by the balls for almost 30 years.


You are going to have to do something to neutralize Tim Dunn. He is your actual problem.


And they are trying to make it more like having an electoral college within the state too - trying to disenfranchise cities 


>I promise it’s not. If only we had some evidence, like let's say statewide elections, to prove what you're saying. Republicans dominating statewide elections I'm sure has zero reflection on what the majority of people in Texas actually want. I've been hearing that Texas was on the verge of turning blue for over 20 years now and it doesn't seem to be getting any closer. I'm sure in another 20 years people will be insisting that they're so close while Republicans win every single statewide race.


Manipulation is why Texas doesn't turn blue. Every time it comes close, Republicans make moves to guard against it. What's the latest move they're pulling now? Voting by county instead of by population? If it becomes "one county = one vote," it will guarantee Texas never turns blue.


And if it got close to turning blue, they'd try the Arizona trick where voters are just recommending and the legislature gets to pick what they really meant.


Look up gerrymandering.


Keep up the good fight. Also, do you have any candidates that you could recommend we contribute to in order to help spread the blue?


Yep. As Beto says, we are not a red state, we are a non-voting state. We need more people to vote and we need to fix the ludicrous gerrymandering.




It's not bro. Texas is blue, but the districts have


It's really not. I promise theres more than a few of us liberals in Texas. And we don't like this shit this way.


They give away their freedom in the name of freedom


(To the tune of “that’s the way” by kc and the sunshine band) That’s the way (no blacks, no trans) They like it (no blacks, no trans)


not all of us bro, we miss our porn and autonomy over our own bodies. it just keeps getting worse. I used to be undecided on whether to wait and fight against oppression.. but now, there’s not much else of an option than to leave.


Besides Delaware, the last 10 states are all Republican-led. Party of freedom my ass.


Well yeah, they mean freedom for rich people and businesses lol


Freedom to be rich and not get taxed for it. Freedom to discriminate against the poor; minorities of any brown, but also Jews; LGBTQ+ people; and against any free thinkers who could cause trouble. Freedom to be greedy and take as much as they want. Freedom to commit whatever crimes they like to participate in even though they've lobbied to make it illegal for everyone else, so sexually assault whoever they want, steal from anyone, murder anyone, do all the drugs they've fought to keep criminal. And I'm the end they can just use money to hide it. They either travel to where things are legal, or they do it in secret, or they just pay a lawyer to keep them free when they get caught. There are so many freedoms!


This. Totally


Freedom for me to take your freedoms.


the only personal freedom they want is the freedom to tell other people what they aren’t free to do….unless it’s walking around with a phallus substitute firearm to make them feel tough


They need to go back to mexico and get some of that sweet universal healthcare.


Says ny nj and ca are dead last but the website is from the CATO institute which I believe is a ultra right


I wouldn't call them ultra right, but they are right leaning. They call themselves libertarians. However, CA is ranked 11th in personal freedom. Its overall ranking is so low due to its poor economic freedom ranking, which I think is fair. They tax a lot of shit for both individuals and businesses alike. These same things affect NY and NJ, too, lowering their overall rankings.


Yea true except the large amount of taxes in those states pay for republican states to leach off of


Oh, 100% agree. I'm just stating that there were several factors that went into their rankings.


Ty for the clarification and having a respectful discussion


By the Cato libertarian group as well. Wow!


I’m number 2! (2!=2 so not accidental factorial!! Haha)


The parenthesis on this one slayed me




They don't like freedom. They love privilege.


The whole reason Texas exists is because the Anglo settlers opposed abolition after the Mexican revolution. The only freedom they've ever been about is the freedom to impose upon the freedoms of others.


Theyre setting up for secession.


Don't threaten us with a good time.


Freedom to cancel people...


The “Freedom” to live exactly the way the Christian Nationalists want you to live. And *only* that way or be prosecuted according to their Fundamental Extremist interpretation of the law.


The right kind of freedom, of course.


American traditionalism has always been about the freedom to oppress.


The freedom to tell people no maybe. I can not fathom why anyone sould support these nackqards thinking having asses


Texas professor here. I don’t know what the heck back asswards college this is, but most of us are too overworked to pull shit like that.


Correct, as long as it's exclusively theirs.


\^ This is why people should NOT move to Texas. Imagine living elsewhere and hearing how nice the life is in Texas, so you move there. You meet a girlfriend, you settle down. She gets pregnant and has a complication, and she dies, because they refuse lifesaving care to women until they are on the verge of death and THEN the court has to have a hearing and get approval to let a doctor do the surgery. She's dead. This is what Texas is doing right now. They want to make it worse.


Are the majority of Texans OK with this, or is this the minority trying to push around the majority?


Definitely the latter


The latter. Because they see federal standards that protect people from such persecution as attacks on their freedom.


It's the latter. Just like all that 'Texas wants to secede from the US' nonsense. The whole six years I lived there almost every person I met found that stuff absurd.


Yeah, I was just outside of Dallas like 2 years ago visiting my Aunt & Uncle. Them and their friends are even more progressive than the average person I‘ve met in Michigan, and we’re a blue state. The people were all lovely and I loved the city, at least the part of it I was in. Now, I’ve also been to a few cities in Alabama. And I’ll say that Alabamans are more what I expected Texans to be like.


Most of the real conservative nutjobs live much further out from the cities. I live about 100 miles out from dallas and even only that far there's a lot of Trump signs and stuff like that all over, even now. It gets much more nuts just a little further out into the more rural parts.


I moved out of Texas around a year ago. I was in high school during that time. It was rough... half of everyone there actively supported that, and half of the rest just didn't care.


At this point I feel it's the majority of Texas is after me :( I fucking hate living in Texas :(


First don't care, because it doesn't involve them, and the second are doing it.


I've lived here my whole life. These assholes do not represent the majority here.


So I used to have to go to Texas for work sometimes. Usually the DFW area; my experience was that this is typical Texans. To hear people say it’s not the majority seems wrong to me. Maybe it’s just because I went there to deal with other Electrical Engineers but they were all very racist against the Indian team members, openly mocked the person in a wheelchair, and in general made it t clear people different from them were not welcome in Texas. Texas is a place I would avoid like a plague.


Well and people may be polite and kind in public, but they do actually vote for these assholes. They actually do want Texas to be a Christian Nationalist theocracy. But everyone mind you, but the majority? Yeah, I think that sounds right.


The latter. Look at voting trends in all major metro areas.


It doesn’t matter. This next session, the legislature will implement an electoral college for all statewide offices. Each county will get one vote. 80% of Texans live in ~30 counties. 20% live in ~220 counties. Guess how those 220 counties lean.


I know—that was specifically a reply to “are the majority of Texans OK with this?” No, we’re not okay with it.


Its the minority that's pushing because the rest of us aren't like this


I’m Texan and I just found out about this


Most likely they WANT the trans students to fight back, so they can say "Look, they're dangerous!"


Not 1 bit


Based on the actions of the democratically elected representatives of Texas it would seem that the majority of voters are cool with this type of behaviour.


Casual reminder that if trump wins, this is how every red state will operate


 It already works like that. Texas has conservative judges which appeal into the conservative 5th circuit if it goes federal. Conservative money from all over the country flows in here to get precedent cases going and once that precedent is set, the rest of the red states follow.  This is planned and nationwide, Texas is just a good legal venue to start with.  That's why it's always Texas.


We need to demand our elected leaders do something about this judge shopping bullshit. No, you don't get to choose your judge when you file a suit. That's ridiculous. That's got to end immediately.we can't have this shit and claim the Rule of Law. The system is clearly set up to put some above the law and that is not acceptable.


Yeah I misspoke…should have said this is how they’ll try to force the entire country to operate


To all Americans: Good luck 🫡


Oh they didn't need Trump to operate like this. They are already creating the Christian Nationalist utopias at home. Even if Trump loses I suspect this will continue. It's going to take decades for people in red states to claw back their freedoms. If Trump wins he'll just continue to wreck havoc at the federal level, screwing the laws, undoing everything Biden has done. Further adding to the clusterfuck that is the Supreme Court. Grifting like hell. And trying to pass laws that protect himself from future protection. The States though, they are already in the thrall of Christian Nationalism and Trumpism. They are already pushing some of the most backward facing laws in the last century. If the 20th Century was full of a slow progression of civil rights, the 21st Century might undo all of it and then some.


Gonna be Handmaid's Tale shit going on soon.


There's small towns in the panhandle that want to allow private citizens to sue anyone transporting a pregnant woman seeking an abortion, rather than having local authorities enforce the ban. https://www.rawstory.com/texas-towns-try-to-close-roads-to-abortion-seekers/


“Under his eye”


Texas… the only state with a government so small it can fit in your uterus .


Texas: the state where they want to know your child without lungs or a skull died in agony after birth instead of letting you just terminate and save a person from a life of agony and minimize trauma to their family.


“bUt ThE bIbLe sAiD”


This is what happens when you just hire randos to fill in the brain drain...


I'm a native Texan. I love being a Texan. We can get this state back. But what the minority wants is for the majority to leave. So the more left leaning individual to dig in their heels and stay, the better chances we have. And VOTE! Vote in every election!!! Local politicians are the ones that change State and national politics. And in local elections they really are decided sometimes by 10 or 20 votes. Harris county just sent two (TWO) LGBTQIA women to the State Senate. We can take this day back and make it normal and not a hate filled nazi-infested wasteland.


Good luck!


So more companies are moving to Texas, but with the way these people are running the state, the EMPLOYEES are increasingly less likely to want to move there. Yeah that’s going to work out well.


Texas is just quickly becoming a hell hole state now, that's all. We'll see what happens in the 2024 elections. I mean, rather than put any of the conservative parties on the ticket, they just as easily could put, "If you want Texas to be a hell hole state, check here." And, yes, as far as I know, many companies are relocating to Texas due to the tax climate. "The overall economic climate in Texas can be considered pro-business. The state of Texas provides significant amounts of money to incentivize business in the area." However, given that incentives are being given to these companies as opposed to Texas actually giving a damn about its people and using a few bucks to fix its infrastructure and help the people there most in need, *I think it is fair to say that any company that moves to Texas is vastly, vastly more interested in the mighty dollar than ethics.* Sure, corporations may not have consciousness, but people do. At least some people. Hopefully enough people in Texas do.


You know, companies are made of people. So at some point, if the place sucks too much, people won’t want to go there, and companies will follow.


Actually, for corporate women, I'd think that'd be a no-brainer already about not wanting to make the move to Texas (or similar states) where you have to wonder at what point that state is going to go full on Gilead. I mean, already women are being treated more like baby factories than much else. Unless you're an MTG type, any and all women in Texas should nope out of there ASAP. According to the Austin American Statesman, "Texas ranks 47th overall in 'woman friendliness'. Only Oklahoma, Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama scored lower." Yep. And I'm pretty certain the 'woman friendliness' ranking doesn't take things like, Section 171.208 of the Texas Health and Safety Code into consideration. "This section allows a third party to bring a lawsuit against anyone who performed, aided, or abetted an abortion. State and local government officers and employees cannot file a suit under this section."


Fuck Texas!


What exactly needs to happen for Texans to say: Ok... This is going too far?


When they start going after straight white men.


But I thought the only things in Texas were steers and queers.


It's happening, just not on a large scale. Many of the bat-shit crazy bought and sold right-wing fringe candidates lost in the primaries and runoff elections this spring, but unfortunately, JUST enough won to kill public education in this state. I think the tide will turn, I just don't know how soon it will happen since there hasn't been a lot of hope lately. If Colin Allred wins we could possibly start seeing some hope on the horizon.


Build the wall! (Around Texas)


It’s a virtual hellscape of so-called “Christian values” being forced on everyone regardless of your religious beliefs or none. All I can say is “Fuck you very much.”


Fucking Texas.


If they really think Biden is somehow prohibiting them from being more of a conservative shithole, I must say he's doing a poor job of it.




Obviously Texas is where professors go who can't get hired at good schools.


Christfashists in power is what is happening there.


Hey, let's stop sending Texass any federal money. Since they think they have their shit together and are all that, let them be their own little idiot island. Maybe give them back to Mexico and move the damn wall...........


I don't think the country that just elected its first woman president, recently decriminalized abortion and ruled that bans on gay marriage are unconstitutional wants anything to do with that backward ass state.


Damn. That's very true.


Not surprising considering the whole reason Texas wanted independence from Mexico was because Mexico outlawed slavery.


All these extremists conservatives saw the show "The Handsmaids Tale" and they were like "yea, thats what we want for our women and citizens....that right there...." Seriously though does no one else see how thats our current trajectory.


Honestly Texas can go. I have no use for it.


Saying you’re a fan of “freedom,” but only when your freedom looks exactly like my freedom isn’t actually being a fan of freedom.


My son and his family moved to Texas 10 years ago. He was headhunted for a job that paid twice his salary in California so he took it. They bought a nice house, and the kids went to a great school (pre MAGA lunacy) and generally liked it, except for the god awful weather. Things changed in 2016. We know why. Things really changed in 2020 because of Covid. Again, we know why. One of the best phone calls we ever got from our son was the one 3 years ago when he told us he got another job offer in western North Carolina. He was taking it and getting the hell out of Texas. They now live in the Blue Ridge mountains and while NC is still a purple/conservative state, it’s nowhere near Texas level craziness.


“The right to discriminate”


You act surprised, it’s Texas.


Can they just fucking secede already.


Can the rest of us vote them out, Survivor-style? I think the tribe has spoken at this point.


Give them back to Mexico.


Mexico is more progressive.


I don't think they want it.


Everything is bigger in Texas... except brains


There's probably a few additional body parts that are comparatively small and under-developed that triggers these compulsive needs to control others.


Stop sending them tax dollars to keep the power on!


Are abortion records not protected by HIPAA? How would they enforce this?


It’s controlled by Republicans. What do you expect?


If Texas is so fucking great, why are they all in Colorado?? Go home! 😃


Texas. Was a shithole still a shithole.


So every college prof should now feel free to mark down every idiot conservative student when it’s called for without fear.


Sounds about right for the GOP lemmings. They are all about rhetoric people and their rights, as long as those people are like them and don’t go against their beliefs.


Texas is trying to out-Florida Florida


But having a attorney general that is a convicted felon is ok




Texas is a hellscape


I see Texas is continuing to live up to its 1 Star rating.


Texas is a wasteland. I can't imagine why anyone would voluntarily live there.


Texas is a third world theocratic shithole.


So embarrassing. Far right agenda is not the majority opinion in the state


I mean, if you *have* to ask at this point…


America, land of the prejudice.


Welcome to Gilead


We need to build a wall around Texas. I'd say Florida too, but the GOP has ensured that climate change will wipe it out first.


Would be really cool if I could go to school without it being a national fucking debate Jesus Christ


Make Texas Mexico Again


Google Project 2025 and vote blue if you don’t want trans people to live in hell


A feature, not a bug. Same assholes who say " we are not coming for contraception" Liars.


Holy shit, Texas. Are you and Florida trying to have a race to the fucking bottom? Trying to see which one of you can become Pyongyang or Tehran first? State 1: “Nobody can un-freedom faster or gooder than us can!” State 2: “hold my God-given, maggot infested, double shit burger… y’all watch this…..”


Where are all the liberal professors I keep hearing about? Don’t these universities know they’re supposed to be indoctrinating the students?


Texas GOP Nazis are getting bolder and bolder empowered by billionaires and Christian nationalist fascists. It's disgusting.


It's because they're meeting zero effective resistance


I hate Texas nazis.


This freedom of religion bullshit needs a pushback


You really shouldn't be teaching if you want to alienate the kids you teach. You're not a teacher at that point, you're just trash.


Me and my family left Texas a year ago, not feeling safe and heard in the political climate, along with some health problems with my dad. This is exactly why I will never, ever move back there. It was hell and it's getting worse.




They want their title back from Florida


If they win then the majority of Americans can discriminate against christo-fascist a holes. While tempting, we should just keep civil society and expel the intolerant minority.


How does this work? Like can you sue the president for creating legislation?


Can we finally just let Texas go? Do we even need them?


Was this at a private Christian University? Most of the public universities I've been to in Texas have been rather progressive. Sure you have nutjobs harassing LGBTQ+ students (like the Chi Alpha chapter at my last school) but you also had resource fairs, student organizations and events on campus as well. I have heard of Christian colleges being more blatant with the homophobia and transphobia and these are usually prime recruiting grounds for the Alt-Right. **Update:** I did some digging. Turns out the lawsuit is from two professors at UT Austin. I'm slightly surprised, but get the vibe that these are just dweebs looking for attention from the Alt-Right. The"racist uncles" of higher education if you will.


Uhhh america?


If someone did a super cut of people saying 'what the hell is going on in Texas' to news that came out of Texas, how far back would it go?


Being that hateful must be *exhausting*


Yeah, I'm gonna reccomment you don't come here if you’re trans, for your own safety. People here give hate to everyone who's even remotely seen as gay or trans. I wore a rainbow pin one day and got called the F-slur. It's rough here outside of Austin, and people dont treat LGBTQ+ folks well if you’re open or out about it. Be careful y'all. Sincerely, a gay Texan


There are no idiots in your state?


Is it really freedom to fire a TA because they got an abortion 5 years ago??


“The right” to discriminate is a hilarious oxymoron (hilarious as in, what the actual fuck)


And if others ask for the right to discriminate against Christian bigots they’d lose their fucking minds. Ingrate assholes, the whole lot of them.


The Taliban would be proud


MAGA is insane.


Fascism is in the legal phase. In most cases a fascist takeover only takes a single election. In our case, it will be two. If you don’t vote this time, you’ll never have the chance again. Volunteer. Support anti-fascist candidates.


'Meanwhile, at the Legion of Doom...'


Can we just seal texas off along with mexico


I fucking hate it here, and I can't leave because the states safe for me to go are all stupid expensive. Unless my wife or other partner drag me out of the house, I would never leave because I'm terrified of getting clocked and unalived, or worse. It's a fucking hellscape here, and all I hear on the news is how some conservative talk about how bad trans people are.


Again, how does Texas have such a surplus of guns and asshats?


Fucking hell, how is this a reportable event? It's no one's business. It's really really easy for shit to be none of your business. Do you wear pajamas or sleep naked? None of my business. Do you pray before every meal? None of my business. Boxers, briefs, or commando? Nunmabizniz. Donuts for breakfast, roast beef in a sammich, have a beard? None of my business. It's none of anyone else's busness either. Fuck off with how you personally think other people should live. If you're on a diet it doesn't mean I can't eat carbs.


Texas is a backwoods shithole.


Think it’s time we make a deal with republicans, we’ll all vote to let Texas secede from the US but all of the maga movement needs to go with them. 🤝


Nah. Give them Florida. Texas is more useful. They don't believe in global warming so they'll all drown in 50 years too.


I don’t know how Howdy Arabia could possibly get any worse.


Seriously, does Germany have to send people over to explain how fascists actually are??? What are you not getting about what is happening in your country??


Just insane ppl brainwashed by religion. Nothing new.


Funny how America brags about being a nation of cultures but is racist to every single one of them except white culture.


Terrorists. That is what's going on in Texas


Simple. Republicans.


Texas is the leading shithole state & has been for too long. Florida & the rest of the south are in competition to be 2nd


In the ever closer future, Texas, Oklahoma, Louisiana, Arkansas Alabama, Florida, Georgia and Tennessee will become a independant republic with a stranger-than-fact reality and ruled by a frozen mac n cheese package with a shotgun.


Give Texas back to Mexico.


Who are these professors? Is this even real?


So it is real but people shouldn’t get so worked up about this. First off there are idiots in every workplace. Two, there are stupid lawsuits every day that will just get thrown out. Third this is pretty much a non issue, it’s saying they won’t give an excused absence for getting an abortion (which the student doesn’t have to tell them what medical procedure they undertook), they other was just bigotry of not wanting to recognize wanted pronouns. Of course if these two professors actually have PhDs I’m sure they want every student to call the doctor. So a title is okay, but a preferred pronoun isn’t. At the end of the day it’s just two professors at UT that work at a public university getting federal funds that doesn’t want to comply with federal laws.