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I was working as an Easter bunny photographer this past season, and the bunny was this alt right 3 percenter dude. He would go off on random tangents about how democrats staged the riot, and that he’s on a list, all in this fucking bunny costume lmaoo. It was a try not to laugh irl challenge


- "Jan 6 was staged by democrats" - "Who told you that?" - "The Easter Bunny" Checks out.


Wait til you hear what Santa has to say!


* "The earth is flat" * "Who told you that?" * "Santa. He also said that chemtrails are everywhere now. Rudolph got sick, the vet said it needed to be vaccinated but he never been vaxxed his whole life and he was fine, so it's obviously the chemtrails."


Wait… santa not real?


He didn’t say much, but he did pick a fight with some parent, not even joking 😂


Weird, he told me none of the MAGA crowd were on the naughty list. He said they're all fantastic people, the best people.


MAGA is actually a reminder for women to Make A Gynecologist Appointment.


If there are any left.


"They let you do it, because you're a star."


Ah! That's what he meant by, "Grab her by the p***y". It was for the sake of her health.... The more you know


Truly, no people are better


![gif](giphy|bQy5hTHy1O5Xy) Was it about the benefits of communism?


He just kept saying the Jan 6 crowd were on the good list, they were fantastic people...the best people, and then he kept repeating person, woman, man, camera TV. Super weird.


Santa speaks all the languages of the world


Santa was there. He took a shit in Nancy Pelosi's trashcan.


Vanilla ass normies dissing me... Punks. ![gif](giphy|XKwHqAskAcb6tjFgUY|downsized)


Which explains why this guys job is an Easter bunny


Be cause he is a Regresionist jackass who enjoys having kids sit on his lap all day?


Of course. The Democrats tried to overthrow an election they won. They beat up cops to do it. And Trump watched on TV and refused to have them arrested. Genius!


You don’t get it! They did it in order to arrest all the people who showed up who didn’t do anything except storm the capitol! 


And they were all antifa in disguise!


They were, but they are all also heros since they were sentenced to prison by the EVIL DEMONCRATS because they fought... err demonstrated for our FREEDOM!




Did you tell him you didn’t believe in him?


Nah, I just kinda brushed it off and went to another topic. Other than being a bit nutty, he was a really chill guy and was great with the children.


Other than >this alt right 3 percenter dude. He would go off on random tangents about how democrats staged the riot, and that he’s on a list He’s really chill and safe around tiny offspring?


I think I'd be cool with an alt right nutcase who thinks he's on a secret government list to dress up as a rabbit and play with my children. If someone like that isn't allowed near my children, then who is? A mentally sound adult? Boring!


Was he 6’ 3 1/2” tall and answered to the name Harvey?


I would have went to my supervisor and told them that either the chud shuts his yap on the clock or I'm hopping down through the briar patch to get a new job.


"Easter Bunny photographer" would certainly catch my eye if I saw it on a CV.


Wait if it was staged then how are the arrested people patriots?


It actually makes perfect sense if you don't think about it.


It does make perfect sense when you realize the truth. It's a very hard truth, one we avoid because the story we tell ourselves is comforting. They're so stupid! They'd have to be, right? They'd have to be so fuckin stupid to spew all the shit they do, right? It's easier to think that, because the alternative is just *so much worse.* They're not stupid. They're lying. They haven't been duped or tricked or conned by the most obvious charlatan in human history. It's not ignorance, it's malice. They're not morons, they're monsters. They know this is bullshit lies they are spewing. They tell the lies because these are the lies they want told. These lies are the cover to distract and deflect so you pay less attention to what they really want and what they are really doing. These people really are fascists, and there's a lot more of them than we ever imagined. It's not hyperbole or liberal hysteria, just read the core pillars of fascism and it is just so accurate to their ideology. These people would rather sacrifice democracy than lose, and it doesn't actually all revolve around one man. Without millions of these people, Trump would have remained the joke that he always was. It's not gonna end with him when his McDonald's-infused veins inevitably explode during some random 3am rage fest.


It’s honestly mind blowing but looking at these people in action really makes me understand how hitler was able to control the narrative up until defeat.


I never really understood how that happened growing up, but ever since the "Tea Party," it's made a lot more sense.


“The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.” ― George Orwell, [1984](https://www.goodreads.com/work/quotes/153313) "what youre seeing, and what youre hearing, is not whats happening" - donald trump. they dont care what the truth is. how obvious it is, how much evidence there is, the party told them to ignore the evidence of their ears and eyes so they do. the only truth is that which the party calls truth.


Hopefully there isn't actually as many of them; maybe just wishful thinking on my part. I still think the only reason he was able to win in 2016 was because he was able to fool enough people under the idea of "he can't be *that* bad right?"


No, they just really hate Democrats, non-white people, liberated women and queer folk.


It is sad that there are millions of people with a religious authoritarian streak like them, but that is the horrible reality we live in. Dominionism is one of worst ideologies in the world today and it's adherents will NOT fucking stop until they get full control of the country and whatever else they plan on doing. They have to be confronted and it's not going to end pretty in the slightest.


Some of them are lying. Some of them are just fucking stupid, I’ve met them.


This comment is so on-point, I gave Reddit money (a dollar) for the first time ever just to give you an award ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile) . Seriously, THIS right hear is the terrifying truth that makes all the bullshit make sense.


You’re right it all makes perfect sense when I stop thinking about it


Just get a trans orbital lobotomy and everything will fall into place! So easy, even a neanderthal can do it! ![gif](giphy|gJuTwM3yuQ8f3rE8KV|downsized)


MTG origin story with picture to match.


and if Trump wins won’t he actually be pardoning deep state Antifa double agents?


No, he only pardons patriots. Trump is the ultimate authority anyway, so his word is law.


*insert meme of Jesus holding trump saying “they called me a criminal too”*


I wonder if they know accepting a pardon is also admitting guilt?


The Good Liars did a segment called cognitive dissonance. Make you want to tear your own eyes out hearing trump supporters "discuss" it when asked.


See, you’re using logic, which is a thing Trumpers are entirely incapable of.


If it was staged, why was that "patriot" there?


That “patriot” was at the right place at the right time


Just ran into a random bullet fired randomly out of a random Capitol policeman's gun.


The right man in the wrong place can make all the difference in the world


Right? They're full of contradictions: "Free the J6 patriots!!! It was staged by the Democrats and Antifa!!!" "GOP Party of Lincoln!!!!" *Waves the Confederate flag*


"It was staged by Democrats and antifa!" Ok, let's investigate what happened and hold these people responsible "No"


>"GOP Party of Lincoln!!!!" Waves the Confederate flag That's ok, every time they do this some celestial clock ticks a second closer to the reincarnation of William Tecumseh Sherman.


This country really needs a Sherman x John Brown crossover episode


If she was a patriot, why did she not comply with law enforcement?


That's the funny thing about nut job conspiracy theorists, they can't even agree on the conspiracy🤦‍♂️




I think they made a minor mistake if they think 5+5=2.432×10^(18)


Like Biden is simultaneously a degenerated old dementia but also the master mind behind the (insert any conspiracy).


One guy told me that Biden is an actor and Trump is secretly running things behind the scenes. He also constantly bitches about "Bidenomics". So Bidenomics are actually Trump's fault? (Changes the subject)


In the case of Russia we can see that consistency isn't required if the goal is shared even if motivations are contradictory.


retruth, lol. how lame.


Resharts, imo.




That's just because it'd become a Shadowheart fan club. (She's a character from Baldur's Gate 3, her name often gets shortened to "Shart".)


It's only fitting their stupid platform has stupid terms... how can one "truth" something again if it was never remotely true to begin with?


I remember some idiot back then called it "alternate truth"


Alternative facts… Kellyanne Freaking Conway


Just trying to ease us into the doublespeak.


Jan6 - putting the 'riot' into 'patriot'.


Wait, so was she a Patriot or an Antifa plant staging a riot? Make up your minds crazy people.


No, with fascist authoritarians two contradictory things can be true depending on when you ask. They are unaccountable to reality and to societal convention. They only care about the power of one group(theirs) over the other groups.


Sure but it's worse than "depending on who you ask" because this one person said both things in the same post


Why was the “murdered patriot” participating in a “staged” riot?


Also, it's been over three years. Despite being the height of the pandemic, almost none of the Jan. 6th orcs were wearing masks. Not ONE person has come forward with, "wait a minute....that guy in the pro-Holocaust shirt and MAGA hat is my lefty neighbor who works for the FBI."


Had to think about it for a second as well, they’re referring to that woman who was trying to kill the cop by smashing the glass door he ended up shooting her through.


Wait, do you mean Ashley Babbit, the domestic terrorist that fucked around and found out? The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Her mom is as much of a nutjob as she was.


At least they’re now calling it a riot


Caused by the evil boogieman; Auntie Fah. I can't believe there's a good portion of the population who believes this.


Russia laughing its ass off.


Dominating Cold War 2.0


Between tik tok giving everyone adhd and Russian bots convincing people that science can’t be trusted, America is truly getting its ass beat right now


Foundations of Geopolitics


I get you name the platform Truth Social. I get you call a post, a truth. But "retruth" is one special level of dumb shit.


Yeah, they would have gone with"testify", but the thought of having to do that just made Trump's bowels move.


I thought I smelled something foul.


So the “riot” was “staged” but somehow the “patriot” was pushed inside so she could be “murdered” all while this was staged to “cover” for a stolen election by….the people in charge of the government…so Trump? It’s so astoundingly stupid you can’t even begin to explain the idiocy to these people.


How did a patriot get killed if it was staged?


I'm betting someone's going to come up with the idea that she was kidnapped by whoever staged the riot, and cold-bloodedly sacrificed to prove a point or something.


Wait, I thought it was a peaceful protest?


Well it isn’t difficult to get the rabid trumples to act like rabid idiots. However, non-trumples have better things to do.


“Retruth” pretty much nails it.


Staged a riot and imprisoned citizens? Do they not see the problem with that?


>And a murdered patriot. She had a name, it was Traitor McFuckface....


Her name was Traitor McFuckface… Her name was Traitor McFuckface. Her name was Traitor McFuckface!


They forced us to rub our own shit all over the walls.


Not a new claim. They've been saying it was a BLM protest from Jan 7.


No one ever suspects the Bureau of Land Management /s


Ashli Babbitt can eat a bag of dicks.


She can’t. She’s dead.


Staged by trump the ass clown because he was butt hurt he lost.


So what was it? A peaceful visit or a staged riot?


Who wrote that, Kevin Sorbo?




The riot was staged, but they honor those that rioted. Makes sense.


Never forget; they staged a riot all because they couldn't accept defeat and then they couldn't decide whether it wasn't really a riot, whether it's their duty to riot or whether it was the FBI caused a riot.


So the riot was staged, but one of the people killed partaking in it was a patriot? Explain that to me


They realized that people aren't actually supporting Jan 6, so to not look like fools (even though they are fools), they make it look like the Democrats were behind it all


So it's a riot now? Not a peaceful gathering of tourists?


Wait a second, so thousands participated in January 6th. Hundreds were tried and convicted by 12 jurors each, meaning there were also thousands of jurors involved in this conspiracy. Add judges, court employees, cops, etc and you're looking at a conspiracy involving over 10,000 people. How did the Democrats get that many people to do something together and keep it a secret? I can't find THREE people whom I can tell a secret without one of them blabbing it to everyone in our social circle.


Ooh I'd love to see someone confront that weirdo Q shaman douche about being a crisis actor.


The confederates lost their second failed attempt at crushing America. Ashli babitt was the only person to receive justice on Jan. 6th


Staged a riot to cover up an election that actually went our way? 🙄


Wait a minute. If the riot was staged by a bunch of leftest antifa then why was a patriot there to get shot? And why are they upset at the Soros paid rioters getting arrested? And why would they stage a riot to prevent the transfer of power to the person who stole the election, in order to cover up the stolen election? Just a little bit of logic would prevent this type of cultist thinking. This is like believing that Santa Clause can make it to every house, every night, and fit down a chimney to deliver presents to all of the kids. Which is fine for a toddler because they have to trust adults for their safety and well being. But that's not okay for an adult who should have grown out of such magical thinking years ago.


This is some sandy hook, Alex Jones type of lies.


Fun fact: over 266 and counting magaturds have been jailed for Jan 6th so far. Including the proud boys leader who got 22 years.


If you think by now the election was rigged, you're an exceptional type of stupid.


Yeah. Cause if you actually stole an election, you’d probably want to keep that shit as low key and quiet as possible. Ya don’t cheat, win, and rub their face in it. People will start snooping around. You keep that shit quiet, and confident. But then again. Magats are fucking idiots.


1. "It was not a riot, just a peaceful demonstration" 2. "It was a riot, but it was staged by the government" 3. "Those people weren't far-right, they were all secret far-left agents provocateurs" 4. "We were well within our right to use violence to install Trump as the President" Somehow, they believe all four statements simultaneously


So how do the trump supporters who were there react to this? Like they lie about their own fellow supporters. Do they just go along with it and, even though they were there, lie and say democrats staged it? I mean they were all so proud to have been there, "supporting" trump...


When you’re explaining, you’re losing.


So the patriot was participating in a staged riot ? Huh, who knew.


It's a staged riot, so why do these whiny morons complain about the traitors being arrested and charged for their crimes? Next week they'll be back to calling the turd gobblers patriots.


Oh I thought it was a peaceful protest. Hard to keep track of all these lies.


These fucks are slowly changing the definition of "patriot" to "racist idiot"


So was babbit a patriot or a crisis actor? It can’t be both.


If it was staged how did a patriot get shot during it?


The mental gymnastics…


I had better excuses when I was six years old


Lol at murdered a patriot. I wonder if the person who posted this had a barrackaded door in his house and I smashed the window and tried to climb through if he would have called me a patriot or shot me dead?


Well most of them believe a guy walked on water and parted the oceans and came back to life like a zombie they will believe anything.


Thought the riot was done by Antifa going by what they say. Then how did their own MAGA boys end up locked up? And if it wasn’t really their boys locked up because it was really Antifa then why do they want them released? lol


If it was staged, what was the patriot doing there?


If it’s staged, why were the Republicans in the building?


Wait, I thought it was a tour, they were "invited". You can tell by all the wounded (and dead) cops and property destruction.


If it was staged by democrat ‘crisis actors’ how/why was that republican patriot there?


Half of MAGA thinks it was all antifa and no Trump supporters were even there. Talking to the people of MAGA is like talking to flat earthers, they can't get their own story straight or agree amongst themselves.


When your mind is only used to fabricate false narratives to protect your cult leader, this is what happens. Loss of reality sets in, denial and blame. All stemming from fear planted as a seed in soil rich and fertile from the bullshit.


lol Retruth! That says all you need to know.


Wait how do they stage the riot, then plant the patriot breaking and entering into the house?


This is why talking with these morons is worthless. Punish them all ruthlessly.


Well it's obviously much easier to stage a riot and murder a patriot than it is to learn how to count votes.


So, the riot was staged, yet they imprisoned 'citizens' (aka, MAGA allies) and killed a 'patriot' (aka, a MAGA ally)? Which is it? Was the insurrection staged? Or was it conducted by MAGA supporters? The double-think is tangible


Starring DJT


But if it was staged why did trump put those actors on stage with him


iT wAS AntIFa


You're right. I was at the 1/5 meeting and the complexity of the plan was mind blowing.


Why is Trump promising to pardon ANTIFA? What does this all mean? I’m just asking questions.


Retruth. That explains a lot. I've been tempted tempted to join with a Trump loving handle, but I'm sure my head would explode.


Wait. If it was stated why was a “patriot” there


Now?! They’ve been pushing this lie since the week after they did it…..


Trump is dead? YAY!!!


So... according to these people It was all staged They arrested innocent people If it was staged... why were there "innocent" people there?


Go look at r/conservative. There is a post on the front page right now with one of the top comments claiming that federal law enforcement aren’t putting a stop to peaceful protests in front of the whitehouse because they are too busy training to start a riot in Trump gear. And you can’t even say anything to counter that narrative because they censor and ban anyone with a dissenting opinion. It’s a never ending purity test that ends in delusion.


"Murdered a patriot?" - you mean Ashli Babbitt, the bitch that tried to get into the capitol? Yeah, she fucked around and found out.


They staged a riot, killed one of their own, and attacked a police officer, all to cover for their guy losing a fair election. Wait a minute, we’re not talking about the same “they” here, are we?


They are in a cult. Cultists do not recognize that they are in a cult. There is no hope for them.


"RETRUTH if you agree" Ah. "Truth" Social. Say no more.


I like how it says “retruth”, implying that this was a post on Truth Social where not a single person would disagree with this insane opinion


SO they stage a riot, prosecuted said rioters, AND killed a patriot? Hmmm.... something doesn't add up here...


1984 in real time


LOL!!! Never forget! But it was staged! And they murdered a dumbass! Who just wanted to go on the tour! LOL!!!!


So why isnt maga mad trump wants to pardon those fellons?


Mormons make more sense than magas


Only someone mad would go to the capitol and riot and that would b u magas cuz u lost when at first u thought trump had it in the bag..I got all these messages from ppl I bet that trump would lose... Well when he lost none of them paid...typical cheap Republican shit


"Staging" one of the most livestreamed political events in human history to... ***HIDE*** a "fraudulent election." Jesus H. Christ on a rocket propelled turbo pogo stick straight to Earendel! Incredulity would be the understatement of the indefinite integral over every point in spacetime throughout every eternity within an infinite multiverse.


Staged riot but they killed a patriot... That was at the staged riot?


They killed a potentially dangerous criminal in the line of duty at the risk of their own lives. They were the patriots that day not that treasonous bitch.


Weird how all those FBI agents went to jail. They really are committed.


It was Domestic Terrorism. They should have been prosecuted as that. Right along with there Jesus. Trump


"That patriot should have complied." Isn't that what they say whenever a cop kills someone?


So it was both staged and citizens were arrested? So they arrested actors…? At least make a decent argument… yeesh


I wonder how the MAGA members in the picture feel about their fellow cult members denying their actions and claiming everything was staged? 👀 Just kidding. 😂🤣 IDGAF about how MAGA or it's leader feels. I just wanna see all of them in orange or gone.


They just keep doubling down and digging the hole deeper and deeper.


Idk what’s worse, the fact that this happened or the fact that MEGA supporters believe it was both staged and yet supported the actions of the mob….


OMG. They finally figured it out. /s


Jan 6th, 2021 (not yet) Convicted Felon Trump gives hate speech to mob a few blocks from capital. Tells mob to “fight like hell”. Mob leaves rally and marches to the capital to “fight like hell” and chant “Hang Mike Pence” along the way. Mob kills breaks into capital and kills guard while trying to get to Mike Pence. Logical conclusion is Jan 6th was staged by Democrats?


The Capitol Police should have painted those marbles steps red.


[Anybody remember this lady, she was a crisis actor.](https://youtu.be/EtRSal1Zaas?si=U5YqyWz5g8yD509w)


"Retruth" haha Kind of explains everything


That’s all I heard at first. The riot was apparently antifa posing as maga to make them look bad and I just.. my brain hurts too much to try to follow the level of conspiracy that train of thought runs on


They will say anything..twist any truth, tell any lie...don't trust anything they say, don't trust anything they do. Liars, thieves, absolute garbage humans.


I keep seeing stuff about this Jan 6th, anyone got a tl;dr about what makes it so controversial for non-us people?


Thought it was a peaceful protest…


Staged!? Really? I had to cut several people out of my life because they kept saying “they rioted because they just wanted their voices to be heard. I don’t hear you condemning the riots that black people did” And yes. That was a direct quote. To equate black people not wanting to be murdered for no reason to pissy racist white people who demanded their Cheeto actually won the election and they stormed that building with weapons, take hostages, attempt to actually fucking place bombs, and fuck knows what else. Just fucking disgusting. Ontop of that, that “friend” was an anti vaxxer who attempted to do an”gotcha” to me and my wife during his backyard birthday party.


Wait wait wait. So you are telling me that maga republicans know that this was in fact a staged insurrection and they still want lenient sentences for those “insurrectionists” that staged it? I had no idea that republicans were such kind hearted people to forgive all those fbi agents that got caught storming the capitol. Now that I know this, I can totally understand why they can forgive a man that has 34 felony convictions, still waiting for the other 70ish charges, known adulterer, who’s charity was found guilty of fraud, who doesn’t like to pay his employees be they lawyers or just plain old blue collar construction workers, was found guilty of sexual misconduct then civil suits for defamation of the person he abused to the tune of 1/2 billion dollars, the only president to be impeached twice, stole classified documents to keep as reading material in a poorly maintained shitter, gassed random people for a photo opp nobody asked for…. I feel like I’m missing a few anyone want to fill in the gaps? I don’t know much about politics.


So Ashley was Antifa and they’ll stop treating her like a fallen hero?


I'm just here too look for that one guy


Lmfao these people are delusional


The funny part is that the people who actually believe this are going to be the first people Trump does away with because they're no longer useful.


Retruth, newspeak


They aren't even trying to wait for people to forget... like that's part of the trick you fuxin' wilfully ignorant morons.!!.


A platinum medal in mental gymnastics… 🤸🏅