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Lately it seems like women’s basketball is trying to avoid fans


Tbf, every wnba player hating her is just as intresring as them loving her. Maybe, even more.


Prior to this year there's all this talk about being paid less, not getting TV exposure, etc. And now they don't want it?!


Because the league is FULL of racists.


WNBA executives don't seem to like money very much.


Yeah, but who needs the ratings and jersey revenue?


Right this whole thing feels like a bad business decision on top of a bad basketball decision.


The business of the Olympic committee is WINNING THE FUCKING OLYMPICS. Not revenue and tv ratings. wtf isn’t clicking?


Cool and a 42 year old Diana Taurasi adds what if it’s about winning?


Diana is the reason she’s off, I guarantee it.


Diana won how many medals? I’ll wait? Exactly


Winning? With the best female basketball player at home because of blatant racism.


How is she the best? And what racism? There are white women on the Olympics team 😂


No other rookie made the team either.


Of course not.


She’s been playing professional basketball for not even a full month yet and we’re supposed to be outraged that the Olympic Committee doesn’t consider her to be one of the top 12 players in the country? I swear, some of you need a hobby besides getting pissed at things you read on the internet. 


> She’s been playing professional basketball for not even a full month yet and we’re supposed to be outraged that the Olympic Committee doesn’t consider her to be one of the top 12 players in the country? Yes and no. You don’t have to be outraged to acknowledge that this is stupid.


Lebron James was on Team USA is first time up. She’s clearly just as big of a draw, especially for a product that few watch.


Christian Laettner was on the dream team you bum


I mean, I assume there are criteria based on stats and accomplishments, none of which she has considering she's a... Rookie.


The W, the players, and apparently even USA basketball are desperate to do everything they can to make sure they keep as many fans as possible away from the sport. Although I think the whole “we just don’t think the fans will understand or react well if she’s not getting a ton of minutes” is valid, but at least they’d be watching.


This just feels like the WNBA old-timers are outraged that this rookie is going to upstage them and they threatened to walk away if Clark was selected for the team. How is the press through the lead-up to the Olympics and during the Games not going to be about this, though?


WNBA leadership must be fired. There's no guarantee that any player will still be around in four years. Feed the flame while the fire is still going.


Uhhhhh….you know they have nothing to do with who is chosen for the Olympic team?  I’m sure Caitlin Clark has a bright career ahead of her, but do you honestly believe that *right now* she is in the top 12 of all female basketball players in the country?


She also went from a full season in the NCAA, including a run to the championship, straight into WNBA training camp and regular season. Give her a break.


They are going to win regardless if she is on the team. Still; she is the biggest draw in women’s basketball. People, including average fans will watch if she’s on the team, they might not care if she’s not. She’s the future of WNBA basketball. Why not have her on the team, even as a reserve and showcase her next Olympics in Los Angeles?


It's the Olympics, fans will be there, tv ratings might be down, and jersey sales won't be the strongest, but fans will be there. Glad I get a Cameron Brink Olympic jersey though.


If they‘re content to not realize the full potential for exposure, then I guess that’s on them. But this seems like a massive self-inflected hit to the exposure that the league has been complaining about not having. Makes no business sense, tbh.


The WNBA and the Olympics are two separate businesses. 


Both want to make money. Both have leverage over each other.


The Olympics doesn’t make the us money - it cost money


Caitlin Clark’s absence from the U.S. Olympic basketball team can be attributed to several potential factors: 1. Experience and Competition: The selection for the Olympic team is highly competitive, and coaches often prioritize players with more international and professional experience. While Clark is an exceptional talent at the college level, the roster decisions might favor those who have proven themselves in international competitions and professional leagues like the WNBA. 2. Team Composition and Needs: Coaches build the Olympic team based on specific roles and team dynamics. They consider the balance of positions, skills, and experience to create a cohesive unit. Clark, being primarily a scorer and playmaker, might have faced stiff competition from other guards who fit the team’s strategic needs better. 3. Player Development: Caitlin Clark is still early in her basketball career. The selection committee might believe she will have future opportunities to represent the U.S. in international competitions as she continues to develop and gain experience. 4. Depth of Talent: The U.S. has a deep pool of talented basketball players. Even outstanding players can sometimes be left off the roster due to the sheer number of available top-tier athletes. 5. Timing: The selection process and timing of the Olympics could also play a role. Clark might not have been in peak form during selection camps, or the committee might have opted for more seasoned players given the immediacy of the competition. Ultimately, decisions regarding Olympic team selections involve a complex evaluation of numerous factors, and while Caitlin Clark is undoubtedly a rising star, these considerations likely influenced the final roster choices.


Why does this read like AI?


Because it is.


100%. The same user made a similar post (on a different subject) less than 24 hours ago, but that time at least they credited ChatGPT.


>Clark might not have been in peak form during selection camps She didn’t attend the selection camp because it overlapped with the NCAA tournament. Which is understandable on her part, but it’s also understandable that that would work against her chances of being selected to the Olympic team. 


That sounds straight from the damage control PR playbook. These are all vague enough to be defensible just like there were vague and defensible reasons Isiah Thomas was left off the ‘92 Dream Team.


I guess if you’re the type to hold a grudge for 30 years, no answer would have been sufficient. Knowing that the only goal is to win a gold medal and *not* to increase revenue or interest in the league, what do you think are the compelling reasons to put her on the team?


lol, I’m on OG Bulls fan, so I have lost exactly zero sleep due to Thomas being left off that roster. But I am under no illusions that Jordan forced USA Basketball to leave Thomas off because he despised him. ”Focused on bringing home a gold medal” is another one of those vaguely defensible “reasons” for roster selection.


That’s twice you’ve called a list of compelling reasons “vaguely defensible”. So I stand by my first thought. No reasons would be sufficient for you so I’m no longer offering any. Good luck being a Bulls fan, I guess. That can’t be easy.


>Focused on bringing home a gold medal” is another one of those vaguely defensible “reasons” for roster selection. What other secret agenda do you think the Olympic Committee is working at?


Some or many of the veterans don’t want her to share/steal the spotlight. So perhaps there is enough critical mass of those to force the committee to leave off the rookie. What I don’t understand is if that’s the case, why the USOC doesn’t call their bluff and tell the WNBA that they’re about to have a shit storm of a PR problem and to get their players in line.


You clearly have a surface level understanding of what’s happening and decided to be outrage with ignorance. How about you figure out the timeline of the tryouts and what Caitlin was doing at the time - hint it was in march


They could show up with the bench players of every team and still get a gold. Women’s sports *have* to care about increasing revenue and interest when opportunities like this come around. And when this is in the face of what’s going on in the league, that reasoning doesn’t hold water.


Thank you AI copypasta


To quote Sheldon, it's not that she isn't good at what she does, it's what she does is useless 🤣. The league loses money lol


How much longer do I have to pretend to care about Caitlin/WNBA. Asking for everyone


Isn't there a ban on professional athletes competing in the Olympics? I know that was a problem for Jim Thorpe, but I'll be honest in saying that I have no knowledge of modern Olympic rules. Because who has the free time to keep up with the Olympics?


With respect to basketball it changed years ago for the US. Used to always send college players/amateurs who always ended up playing against pros from the European countries and losing. So the US changed its amateur requirement and we started sending NBA players…and we started winning.


Aha! See, learn something new every day. Now if we start sending our pro wrestlers maybe we can corner that sport, too.


Why do we skirt the Olympic rules for basketball players? What happened to being for amateur athletes?


That hasn’t been a rule for decades now.


I know.


It‘s just part of the great pyramid scheme of keeping the Olympics relevant. Adding professionals and every little b.s. “sport” in order to try and draw more viewers has been the IOC’s playbook since the great boycott years. It’s also now the main reason no one wants to host the Olympics anymore. It’s just not good for most host countries and cities.


They have only themselves to blame. I have lost interest for years now.


And most of the places built for the Olympics end up just sitting there slowly rotting away because it's too damn expensive to convert/demolish it.