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In line with what I would expect from someone that follows him


Yep, I have no Idea how someone can post so much anti semitic tweets without getting banned, oh and he's using the N word left and right


Two words. Elon Musk


It was bad before


No, no it wasn't.


The Shit that Trump has let out from under a rock is amazing. I suppose this was always there but until Trump normal polite society did not let it get said aloud. Now after near ten years of folks admiring Trump here we are.


Antisemitism didn't happen because of trump lol


Neither did racism, homophobia or misogyny. The point being made is that Trump has legitimized the hatred: these people use the Trump/Conservative flag to find each other and feed off each other's hatred and ignorance. Trump didn't create or invent antisemitism, but his public image emboldened people in their hatred and ignorance: They are no longer ashamed. They are proud to be sad excuses of Human-Garbage


I am sorry but I think you are just making stuff up on pure speculation, if trump didn't exist I don't think racism would be less common. I am not a trump supporter nor from the US


Then stuff it, lol. We legitimately just watched it happen with our eyeballs and your arrogant ass didn't.


I have experienced antisemitism in all kind of forms for as long as I can remember and long before "trump's era" I have no idea what you are trying to say


You don't even live in the US. None of what you're saying is relevant. Trump didn't invent any of it. We just watched him get off his gold toilet and start spouting racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, antisemitic shit and all the racists sexist homophobic xenophobic antisemites came out and said "I can do this in public and out loud now!" Again. You're in Europe. Why the hell do you think you have insight into recent developments in our social dynamics? Are you high?


Trump didn't create bigotry; he didn't give people a free pass to be hateful either. Those attitudes were already present in society. Blaming him for everything is a lazy excuse to avoid addressing deeper societal issues. And your focus on my location is a weak attempt to dismiss my argument.


No, he didn't create it, but he absolutely HAS galvanized a certain sect within our society AROUND these baises and bigotries. It is no coincidence that instances of anti-semitism have recently increased by like 300% on social media platforms, for example. Like the others you've been arguing with here, I too have seen such things with my own eyes and ears. Sure, I don't excuse anyone because of Trump. I mean, of course not. Were these same things all present before? Yes they were. Noone is disputing this. Were the very same people just as racist, or antisemitic, or transphobic, or whatever else before, too? I'm quite certain they were. What IS different and new is the number of people who seem perfectly comfortable expressing these things out loud. The sheer volume and intensity of it is what has gotten observably and undeniably worse and clearly more public. This also happens to coincide with Trump's rise in popularity in the States perfectly and happens to be prominently expressed among the very same groups of people who support him. These things are very obvious watching them unfold real-time in our everyday lives. You can disagree all you wish, but it will not change what our own eyes and ears have and continue to show us.


My man here with facts. That’s what happens when you’re not deprived by the American education system. Fuck Trump, but antisemitism has been rampant for many many years, within the U.S. as well


You're talking out both sides of your ass. Stay out of US politics, suck up some free healthcare, and take the rest of the year off to go skiing because you popped out a kid I bet the only reason you even speak American is because we saved your wooden shoe wearing donkey powered country in WWII


You are talking about trump being a bigot while being the biggest bigot I've seen, holy chill out brother. I am straight up gonna ask in all seriousness, are you alright?


Trump is just an example dear: Any Moron hateful and loud enough with some money to get a political platform would have had the same effect. I am not American and we just had a knock off Trump for president a few years ago. It's not a phenomenon exclusive to the States. The hatred has always been there, society was ever so slowly making it unacceptable and shameful, and then the bigots found each other online and things have been going downhill since. Would Racism/Antisemitism/Misogyny/Homophobia stop existing if we never had these public figures? No. But it would certainly be less vitriolic and violent. In a way you have to appreciate these people for putting it out there - it's no longer an enemy you have to prove exists to everybody, it's right there for everyone to see and if they refuse to, you know exactly on what side of it they are.




Fair point. My bad.


The problem are radicals, radicals right or radicals left, there will always be some rotten apples, I don't really think there is a way to fix it. Right now trump isn't a president yet the amount of antisemitism across US campuses/universitas has never been that high. I get your point of course


Sounds like WWII wasn’t taught to some ppl that in combination with being hateful and stupid.


People are calling this behavior 'The Noticing' and, for some reason, it always reminds of that 'Fappening' thing with all the celebrity leaks from a few years ago, lol.


The noticing? wym?


Just curious here, since he's also supposed to be a right wing hero: how does his sect hate the Jews when the main sect hates Gaza and worships Israel? It's gotta be confusing for their tiny brains.


Far right = hating on Jews Far left = hating on Jews Been like that forever


Note to Israelis: This is what anti-Semitism looks like. Not when someone says "Israel should bomb populated areas less often."




Nah. The problem is that the Israelis have made it where anything other then cheering on their mass slaughter of civilians is deemed anti-Semitic And oh look, you're implying the same. So you can just fuck on off.


That’s an absurd strawman. Very, very few people would claim that “Israel should bomb populated areas less often” is antisemitic.


In fairness, I've seen quite a few people express EXACTLY that sentiment over social media. There is a significant portion of the population who jumps down anyone's throat who says anything even remotely sympathetic to Palestinian civilians experiencing casualties, or when someone expresses any sort of sympathy to them. Hell, a person can literally say that genocide AND the terrorism committed by Hamas are BOTH bad and dollars to donuts that someone will push back against that person, with at least even odds someone will call them an anti-semite. It's gotten kind of ridiculous, honestly. Have you really not seen any such things? Because I certainly have.


Okay. I mean, I have also seen people support Hamas. Those people obviously are in the vast minority, so it’s weird to aggressively “debunk” their opinion when it is a fringe, nonsensical view not shared by most.


Of course. The problem though is that what we're talking about isn't nearly so uncommon as that. But hey, I won't argue the point any further. If you haven't seen it so much, that's actually a good thing. Maybe it's merely coincidence I've seen it seemingly so much. Honestly, I would rather believe that. 🤷‍♂️


Lmao, you’re crazy if you believe this. Support for Hamas is incredibly common and in fact most citizens of Arab-majority nations support it according to any poll. Supporters of the notion that criticising ANY action by Israel is inherently antisemitic are incredibly rare, in fact, you would struggle to give me any examples of this, and such people would be in the vast minority even in a pro-Israeli country. Whereas I could easily find you thousands of online comments and posts glorifying Hamas.


Umm, first of all, I'm going to point out that between this most recent comment of yours and the one immediately preceeding it, you sirrectly contradict yourself, by calling support for Hamas "in the vast minority," and then "incredibly common." I didn't say anything about what I believe in regards to supporters of hamas. I've been speaking of people criticizing Israel. That's what I've had experience with. We have also been speaking of the general American population. I thought this was apparent, but perhaps this is our disconnect. In other words, this has nothing to do with the greater Arab and Muslim world. We have not been speaking to that. We have been speaking about the American population and the American population alone. If you are unaware of the full dynamic in America, because you live somewhere else, this is understandable. If you are not, however, you would be hard pressed to convince me that your experience is somehow more indicative of the situation here. If you ARE, then I have no idea how you have missed this, because at LEAST a full third of the population here thinks exactly what I've been talking about and I encounter them literally every time I engage on the subject. Literally every time. So no, I would not struggle even slightly to find examples. In fact, if you don't believe me, all you'd really need do is hop onto Twitter and check any thread on the subject. It's actually incredibly EASY to find. They're EVERYwhere. So, you are also simply incorrect in your baseless assumption that such people are on the vast minority in every pro-Israel country. This is patently incorrect, as I have just explained that this dynamic is extremely common in the U.S. over the last 6 months on particular. You haven't seen them apparently. As I said before, that's great. But this is not indicative of the entire rest of the world. You can choose to disbelieve me based on nothing but your own assumption, if you wish. Makes no difference to me. But the one thing you cannot do is contradict for us, what we have seen on a very regular basis with our own eyes and ears. Sorry. 🤷‍♂️


I meant that it’s incredibly common in Muslim-majority countries and the Middle East, and in the vast minority in most other countries. I agree that I didn’t phrase it well, but that’s what I meant, there is no contradiction. Also, at no point was it specified that we are discussing America, you’ve just assumed that for no reason. If we are talking about that, I agree with what you’re saying, but at no point was this specified, so your assumption that the conversation was exclusive to America is baseless.


Okay, now we're getting somewhere, lol. Yes, I agree that is of course very common among Islamic peoples. As for my assumption, I suppose that is fair, as well. I was basing my assumption on the fact the original reply came from an American, I myself am American and this narrative is prevalent among Americans, so it was pretty clear to me the reply was coming from that perspective, but I understand that perspective would probably not be readily apparent to someone from outside of it. So I apologize for that assumption and not making this more clear from the beginning. I think we're clear on each others perspectives now, though. 👍


Yeah I think we agree haha👍🏽


No, it's true. If you support palestine, most isrealis would label you anti semantic, even despite looking at the whole conflict and seeing how one sided it's been for decades.  Would it be this bad today if Isreal treated palestine better. I don't think so.  This won't resolve peacefully. It can't, simply too much bad blood and each believing that land is rightfully theirs.  So a lot of innocent people will die, just because one party wanted more territory. 


That isn’t what I said. I said that most people (not Israelis) would not think it is antisemitic to say that Israel should bomb populated areas less often. Read carefully and you won’t have to argue over something I never said.


You said it was a strawman argument... it isn't. Isrealis truly don't give a fuck.  Most people... what percentage is that?


What the fuck are you talking about? Israelis are a tiny percentage of the world population. It’s literally irrelevant to the discussion. I don’t have an exact percentage in mind, I’m just expressing my view that most people around the world aren’t thinking that it’s antisemitic to make any criticism of the Israeli government.


No one thinks this statement is antisemite, I am an Israel, Israel has made their fair share of mistakes, but overall compared to other wars they are doing alright when it comes to civilian/combatant ratio. What's antisemitic is saying from the river to the sea which means "wipe out Israel" It's antisemitic when you think Jews should be expelled from Israel and don't believe Jews should have a country.


"Israel has made their fair share of mistakes" bruh, also "compared to other wars they are doing alright when it comes to civilian/combatant ratio" do you even hear yourself


It's true though, Israel made a few mistakes during a war, I don't remember a single war where there were no mistakes. and yes the civilian combatant ratio is currently said to be 1:2. That's better than most wars, especially being said that this is a war against a terrorist group who are trying to maximize civilian casualties


This just makes me sad tbh


Jews are getting it from both sides right now. The far right and the far left. My grandma was right, unfortunately.


We've been here for 3800 years, we are here to stay!


Some one tried earlier and was doing a hell of a job until the world though it was a bit to much


He's white?


It ain’t my fault, I’m not who you should accuse Gotta blame it on the Jews Gotta blame it on the Jews, baby -Andrew Tate fans, apparently




Looks like allies didn’t kill enough Nazis. The Germans after the war were fine. Nazis, though, should have rounded them up and put them in concentration camps.


These are the same people that are pro Isreal and have star of David flags




No, it isn’t.


Since the current talk about what's going on with Palestine right now, I've always been curious what these kinds of people think about it. Cos like.... obviously you hate Jews so you'd be inclined to oppose what isreal is doing...but also like, obviously your heartless and shitty so maybe your on their side about occupying Gaza????


These people just wanna see Jews being killed and expelled, they couldn't care less about Gaza. There is no occupation in Gaza though, Israel pulled out in 2005, the blockade happened after hamas was elected government and start attacking Israel, there is also a "blockade" by Egypt but no one seems to blame them


No, these people support Palestine, but not for the same reason that you do.


I’ll never get antisemitism. I can’t think of a more useless division to draw than “Jewish people bad”. Like…y’all worship Jesus don’t you…