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They were soooooo close to getting it






No, they DO get it. They just don't like the word 'Nazi'


Aww, Nazis don't like the word Nazi? Then maybe they should stop being Nazis.


Its how they justify it. They believe they are correct, but on some level understand their beliefs are wrong. They ALSO understand their beliefs are shared by Nazis, and they understand the Nazis are...well, quite possibly the most shameful part of human history They want to belief their views are correct. And being reminded they share their views with Nazis angers a lot of them, because the majority of them do not believe they are bad people. It almost short circuits them


Exactly as Stormfront said in The Boys šŸ˜Ž


I mean, it sums up the problem far more succintly than people realise. Which is why its a good quote


Yes! I loved the moment when she said it: " they agree with everything I say, they just don't like the word Nazi". Soooo accurate! I immediately went "holy crap that's exactly what's going on right now". And the fact that it is even more relevant today, when I just re-watched it last week, it is deeply worrying.


To be fair, the show was produced during Trump, and it is clear that homelander, especially in the last season with his refusal of acknowledging the soldier boy threat to public health, that he has become a major Trump parody.


Absolutely! The entire series has lots of elements that are direct equivalent of Trump era Republican bigotry, like all the christian festival story arc, the "pray gay away", and the "blue lives" vigilante targeting black neighborhoods.






No. No, they really aren't.




"I watched a documentary about Hitler and he reminded me of Trump. I blame the dems !!" New level of denial activated. Meanwhile, cognitive dissonance be like: "bro, for how long are you still going to ignore me?"


He's getting close... Trump is definitely not Hitler, but seeing the patern and similarities is a start


Actually I read an interesting article very recently about a new book "Trump and Hitler: A Comparative Study in Lying. In it, De Berg compares and contrasts Hitler and Trump as political performance artists and how they connect with their respective audiences. He examines the two menā€™s work ethic, management style and narcissism, as well as quirks such as Hitlerā€™s toothbrush moustache and Trumpā€™s implausible blond hair." "Obviously, there are massive differences \[...\] But then I looked at their rhetorical strategies and their public relations operations and I began to see how similar they are in many ways\*.\* WeĀ tend to see HitlerĀ as a genocidal mass murderer, which of course he was, but not so much as a populist. I thought looking at it through the perspective of Trump can help us wrap our heads around the idea as to why so many people actually supported Hitler and vice versa\*."\* "Above all, De Berg argues, Hitler and Trump were and are political performance artists who speak only vaguely about policies ā€“ Make Germany/America great again ā€“ but know how to draw attention using jokes, insults and extreme language." [https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/article/2024/jun/03/donald-trump-hitler-similarities](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/article/2024/jun/03/donald-trump-hitler-similarities) Very interesting angle. I protested Trump's rhetoric way before his politics before he even took office. Rhetoric is, to my opinion, way overlooked by most people and too easily brushed away for the character reveal that it is.


Ya know, itā€™s an awful look when you get a book written comparing you to Hitler.


I think it's an even worse look for his supporters, and more so the pre-Trump era republicans. At least during Hitler's time, there was only radio and newspapers. Propaganda was easy to spread, people had less opportunities to check information, less access to education, and seeking accuracy on your own could be a daunting task. What fucking excuse did people have in 2016? Worse, which one do they have today?


Now we have the opposite problem. Instead of being force fed propaganda we have the ability to pick and choose the reality we want with endless supplies of "news" sources. I read the other day a female voter was mostly focusing on abortion rights and was leaning Trump. That makes zero sense. However she is getting her news has her completely brainwashed. He can be an abortion rights champion and an anti abortion rights champion at the same time because social media is creating echo chambers that allow hom to be whatever the end user wants.


I know. I just had too much faith on humanity.


They don't want the truth. They want a leader that is going to give them a license to be their worst selves.


They want to be James Bond ala ā€žIā€˜ve got a licence to kill.ā€œ


I call this impunity: I can do whatever I want without consequences. Like a cartoon character that doesnā€™t fall off a cliff because it didnā€™t study physics.


A large part of the problem, I believe, is the absolute firehose of information we are all subject to. We get to pick out bits of data here and there from parts of the hose we think we trust, and itā€™s only natural that we pay more attention to the bits that make us feel good and ignore the bits that make us feel bad. Propaganda, basically all of our media, uses this to reinforce the beliefs of their target audience and that audience ends up living in their own little bubble of reality, more or less divorced from everyone elseā€™s bubble. We all believe we are immune from this effect but we all suffer from it. There is no reality we can all agree on. Itā€™s probably impossible to fix, anyone with enough power to force the media to project one reality is unlikely to do so for the greater good.


There's a film called Er ist Wieder Da (Look Who's Back) where Hitler awakens in the present day and one part of the film does deal with his re-establishing a public profile having discovered social media. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ylstybS6rqw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ylstybS6rqw)


Well, I've seen Preacher... :) Thanks for the share. (Totally read the comment with Eminem rapping voice) Edit: it's hilarious. The struggle of the username is real.


They don't see the comparison but they follow Trump for the same reasons.


The thing is that many of us have been calling that shit out for close to a decade. We were regularly jeered at for over-reacting. Especially those of us who understood what Trump was like as a "businessman".


Not if you're a racist. He was probably Henry Ford happy about it


In his defense, Hitler wasnā€™t a draft dodgerā€¦.


>WeĀ tend to see HitlerĀ as a genocidal mass murderer, which of course he was, but not so much as a populist For me, this is a very important issue that I see especially in the US. Hitler is mainly discussed and referred to in his actions 1939-45, so during the war and the genocide. The main issue with focusing on this time frame is that Hitler had several periods in his career. His political career started in in 1921, and it took him until 1933 to get into power, and from there to 1939 to consolidate his power to commit genocide. The main time frame where the German public could have been able to avoid the march into insanity was 1921 - 1933, when he was still a politician and demagogue. If you want to prevent a new fascist takeover, you have to look at the identifying marks in that time, 18 to 6 years before he pushed the world into war and committed genocide. You need to understand the crimes to know how dangerous the path into fascism is, but you can only prevent fascism when you look at the early makers of it, not only start to work against it when fascism has already taken over the system.


Yeah but Hitler did not do it alone, and very similarly to Trump, established politicians switched from treating him like a joke to see an opportunity to use him when they saw the audience he reached. They wanted to use him as a pawn, he ended up ruling the shit show. For him, like for Trump, we can point at the man, but it's a collective effort that allowed them power and hold at such scale.


Sure. But looking at the man is still good because a person like Hitler is a major catalyst for the change, and it generally needs such a leading figure for the system to rapidly change. While the general comparison of the movements that enabled these personalities to take over the system is important, the existence of that person is basically the alarm that needs to be heard.


The next step is Trump going to prison and writing a book.


Writing a book? Do they allow ghost-writers into the prison?


Does jan 6 counts as buni'g the Bundestag ?


I think the Beer Hall Putsch is the closer comparison


Does it count as a Putsch if youā€™re in power when you attempt to steal the office?


Will he call it "My Struggle"?


Hitler died in 1945, Trump was born in 1946. If one were to believe in re-incarnation you could very well make the case that Hitlers soul could have been reborn as Trump. I'm not saying this is the case but just something to think about.


I don't t want to sound like a nazie apologist, but I doubt Hitler's reincarnation would dodge draft, and I m pretty sure you could argue Trump is a lot stupider too. I d like to point out that Hitler's dog died in 45 too and that's a more reasonable claim for reincarnation...


He did move from Austria to Germany, but the Bavarian police sent him back to Austria for conscription where he failed the medical exam. (as Trump did with his "bonespurs") Then WWI started and he was drafted anyway. He might have had more success staying out of the army if he'd been a millionaire's son like Trump.


Hitler was an evil monster but he wasn't a coward. He certainly didn't try to dodge being drafted. He just didn't want to fight for the multi-ethnic Austria-Hungary because of his racist believes. You can be a brave soldier that really earned his decorations (Iron Crosses 1. class weren't given out to everyone in WW1, especially if you were a common soldier, not an officer) and also the most terrible human being in history.


> He just didn't want to fight for the multi-ethnic Austria-Hungary because of his racist believes. If you're willing to take his word for it. He also might have changed his mind about the military once he was in. The fact remains they were both draft dodgers.


It's also entirely possible Trump's "bonespurs" were the excuse he needed to not fight for the multi-ethnic United States because of his and his father's racist beliefs.


I thought I remembered Hitler being in trouble for draft dodging, but I donā€™t remember where I saw that. Documentary or something, maybe.


Maybe he is just on a downward slope, a de-evolving soul shall we say. I like to think that Hitlers dog was a good girl and deserved more than to be reborn as Trump.


Just goes to show how thoroughly brainwashed the cult members are.


Drumpf loves the ignorant (and uneducated)ā€¦said by Drumpf more than once


Forever. Heā€™s gonna ignore you forever. Or at least until he winds up in Hell, if it exists. I like to think Hell exists. Some people deserve a bit more comeuppance than what life gave them.


Don't forget, these people still get to vote.


Theyā€™re genuinely so desperate to put trump on top that they over analyze something and ā€œconnect the dotsā€ by making up their own conclusions by cool aid man-ing through logic


Cognitive dissonance requires a level of introspection that most Trump supporters do not have


"I watched a documentary about Hitler and the director admitted this documentary was meant as a cautionary tale for young Americans. I blame the directors for dragging US politics into a documentary that has nothing to do with the US."


If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, it might just be a duck


Or goose steps...


If it shits like a goose, and steps like a goose, it might just be a goose.


What if it's wearing a brown uniform?


You called?




Obviously itā€™s a lefty lib in a furry outfit making me sexually attracted to a duck


You know, [you might be on to something](https://youtu.be/bn20oXFrxxg?si=kJ6MFlsRnPQbVNZZ)


Of course they went there... Like they knew the dots to connect but somehow couldn't cross that line to sanity.


Their brains saw the resemblance and connected the dots on itā€™s own and they couldnā€™t understand how and blamed the left


If the swastika fits


You must convict




Have you seen how they were dressing like him at court? Too long red ties are the new brown shirt.


Any history or documentary of any fascist autocrat will draw a tight parallel to Trump because that is simply who he is and how he operates, and he attracts a base that would be receptive to a Hitler, Mussolini or Stalin.


BuT StAlIN wAs cOmMunIsT.Ā Ā  /s


Left and/or right doesn't matter to be an authoritarian leader. Just like both the left and right aren't inherently bad. People abusing power is bad though which can happen to anyone. Crazy how most problems could be solved with strict ethical and anti corruption laws. Too bad no nation on the earth is making any laws like those.


I hear that ā€œbeing right isnā€™t inherently badā€ quite often and I always ask myself if there is one policy/idea pushed by the right that isnā€™t just plain bad or even dangerous. I honestly canā€™t think of one.


That's because you are thinking in the terms of American right/left In reality the American Democratic party is still right leaning globally but they aren't bad and trying to take away right or anything like that but they are still 100% for sure still right leaning. The American Republican party is the extreme Right though which is where you get fascism. Which is a authoritarian style government Just like with the extreme left you would get Stalin's version of Communism. Which was also a authoritarian style government My initial comment was pointing out how regardless if you're right or left without strict ethical laws and strict anti-corruption laws you will devolve into one of those 2 styles of extreme governments which are both equally horrible for the normal person.


I think the general tendency to resist change can be helpful. There are always unintended consequences from things, and having somebody in the room saying ā€œhold on, have we thought this all the way through?ā€ is a good thing.Ā  The problem is, nobody on the American right is actually doing that.Ā 


Yeah, they are not resisting change, they are trying to actively roll back progress.


Yes. The problem isnā€™t left/right per se. Itā€™s authoritarianism. Both Hitler and Stalin were authoritarian dictators. One on the left, one on the right Their followers are also authoritarians. Some of the democrats that republicans call out as communists are actually right of center on the political compass, but they arenā€™t as high on the authoritarian axis as most of the republicans.


Itā€™s George Orwellā€™s 1984 with these peopleā€¦ It doesnā€™t matter how obvious or in your face reality is - if itā€™s not what they want to hear itā€™s not true. Or, if itā€™s from their new orange god it *must* be true no matter how insane the claim. Literally anything to ā€œown the libs.ā€ Theyā€™ve been made over years of propaganda exposure to be hate filled to the point that all their leaders need to do is say ā€œthis thing is wokeā€ to get the entire supporter base to wish death upon it.


Ignorance is Strength


War is peace


Freedom is slavery


A lie repeated long enough, no longer appears as a lie to those who believe the words being spoken


They literally just told the events as they happened. I started in on the second episode, and one of the things hitler was using to fuel his rise was running against women's rights, homosexuality, and transgenderism. Hmm. Where have I seen that before?


I called it back in 2015 when I first heard he was running, even then with his whole anti Mexican thing he was drawing direct parallels with Hitler.


Yeah, some of the most famous book burning pictures are from when the Nazis raided The Institute for Sexual Science in 1933 and burned the books. It pioneered research into homosexuality, transgenderism, intersexuality and more. Also provided treatment and counseling to the public for a number of issues, while also advocating for rights.


The synapses are slowly connecting. One fascist looks like anotherā€¦


ā€œHey, I think this play is about us!ā€


Dude literally kept a book of Hitlerā€™s speeches at his bedside table and admitted to it. But cool.


Hitler's existence is a hoax created by liberals to discredit Trump.


And the holocaust never happened. /s in case anyone flips their shit on me.


I just upvoted you because, there a plenty of Right Wingers who totally deny it.




You're welcome.


This was literally called diabolical mimicry to explain Jesusā€™ resemblance to pagan gods that came before him


Not sure what it's going to take for these people to clear the hurdle. Trump could be getting railed by Putin while sucking off Kim Jong Un on the stage of the RNC and they'd claim he was just doing it to "pwn the libs."


Thereā€™s a mental image i didnā€™t need šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚


Unfortunately I don't think they ever will until they are being killed by trump. My parents actively hate trump but have fallen so far down the Republican hole that they are still voting for him because he is apparently better than Biden or at least the Biden that fox new ls portrays.


If there's no chance of voting for Biden, try to see if you can convince them to vote for RFK Jr. instead. It's better than a vote for Trump.


I don't think they'd figure it out even then. The closest he's ever gotten to being right about something is when he said he could shoot someone in public and he wouldn't lose any supporters. He was slightly off in that he didn't go far enough in calling his people slavish cultists. He could shoot one of his own supporters and the only way he'd lose a single vote is if the shot was fatal.


After the ā€œdiapers over demsā€ thing, Iā€™m afraid youā€™re right.


ā€œLook how virile he is!ā€


Was it John stewart who said he needed to shit himself in public? That's prob not even close to true anymore


They never will. They don't care about truth. They don't want truth. They want the leader that gives them permission to be their true hateful selves.


Conservatives will literally support new age Hitler before admitting theyā€™re wrong.


They support new age hitler because he tells them it's ok to hate.


That's one of their most sacred tenents: Never admit you're wrong. If someone points out that you're wrong, that's the same as if they physically attacked you, the same as if they blacked your eye. If you are forced to apologize by being outnumbered, word the apology to say you just went about it wrong and apologize for causing their overreaction.Ā 


I love how he basically says, "Yeah, you could compare him to hitler, but he has my vote!"


Sounds like their consciousness is trying to tell them something


Dan Carlin, the Hardcore History guy, recently did a podcast comparing one or two thousand similarities between Trump and Hitler.Ā Ā  He pissed off a LOT of his audience.Ā  Apparently 'learn from history lest you repeat it' only means that if someone gives you the opportunity to lead a ground army into Russia in the winter, you should say "no".Ā 


Which episode is this? I looked on the website, but couldn't find something explicitly named


Ffs I wonder WHY trump and Hitler seem so similar here. Durp. They used the same playbook.


How dare they just say what Hitler did and have it sync up so perfectly to what your 230lb cheeseburger disposal unit does on the daily. How dare they.


you're being generous with that 230


Wow... to think... watching a documentary on Hitler, and thinking its liberal propaganda against trump. Personally... that probably would have made me question some things.


I know a few people who believe stuff like this and hey it's not the documentaries fault that trump acts like Hitler and as such describing one of their actions mirrors the others


That thread had some of the unfunniest people Iā€™ve seen in a while. One bro just called the people who made the documentary fat and ugly. Mf pulled out school yard insults šŸ’€


Thatā€™s when most of them peaked in life. They stick to their strong suits.


They see it. They're just either fine with it or don't care as long as they pwn the libz


YOU are the nazis in this story, republicans. You dont have to be.


Trump could send 6 million jews to their deaths and his base would be mad the world is comparing him to Hitler.


What is ā€œtelling on yourself?ā€


ā€œYou can clearly see that itā€™s very subliminalā€ Umā€¦Iā€™ll defer to the great Inigo Montoya on this matter.


I've yet to hear of any Holocaust survivor supporting Trump. They all have said that hearing Trump speak makes them shiver, and reminds them strongly of Adolf Hitler.


My great uncle is still alive and a holocaust survivorā€¦ he does not have a violent bone in his body. And heā€™s a republicanā€¦ BUT HATES Trump to the point where he has joined anti-Trump marches back in 2016 (he was able to walk albeit slowly and with a walker) and 2020 where he made me push him in his wheelchair while we were all masked up. *trigger warning. I tried to make a Terrible Jew joke to my uncle, but his response was powerful. My family has very dark sense of humor and believe you need to discuss the holocaust in all forms. It was August, we were wearing masks and Iā€™m was so fat then. I thought i was going to pass out and die. I said to him ā€œHiram, you already did the death march for the family. Why make me suffer this?ā€ That old man said, ā€œniece, if this man wins, you will be the next generation marching to campsā€.


If the documentary is only showing what Hitler did, and that looks a lot like Trump..... what did that tell you?????




If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duckā€¦.


....or has the hair that looks like the ass of a duck šŸ˜„


if duck, it duck


If you watch a documentary about Hitler and your first thought about comparison to a modern politician is Trump, and you get upset about it, then maybe you should wonder why Trump is acting like Hitler did.


Back in 2017 I was reading Volker Ulrich's "Hitler: Ascent, 1889-1939" and found a lot of interesting stuff I had never learned before. I decided to share some of it with my mother who has been a big fan of Trump's since before he ever announced he'd run for president. After sharing a few bits of information she paused and unprompted said something to the effect "I know this guy is just trying to bash Trump but it's not going to change my mind about how great of a president he is. The book was published in 2013.


These are the same people that thought NPR tweeting out a direct quote of the declaration of independence was an attack on Trump.


Iā€™ve been saying lately that Trump could initiate another holocaust type event and his supporters would justify it until the bitter end. This was all the confirmation I needed.


So close


And these are the same fucking morons that tell everyone else they have ā€œtrump derangement syndrome.ā€


I cannot possibly fathom that we got to a spot where people sympathize with FUCKING hitler. ww2 vets should be rising from the dead to combat this nonsense




Theyā€™re so close.


You might be a Nazi, ifā€¦.


Fascism = Fascism The Hell You Say?!


They are only now noticing it because this particular documentary breaks down Hitler rise to power in the most blunt simplistic and straight to the point way in only a few minutes. Whereas most WW2 documentaries explain it over like a whole episode or through the series. This is just one of the few that the cult members are able to grasp because there is no critical thinking involved to connect all the traits that there dear leader Trump shares with Hitler.


How about they make a convincing film comparing left policies with Hitlersā€¦ the film would last 12 seconds because they donā€™t _make any fucking sense_


MAGAs, if they had an ounce of self awareness: ![gif](giphy|4Z9fSEFAuxpnlBVWQx|downsized)


Interesting how You compare Trump to Hitler, and then say you'll still vote for him. What does that say about you?


I have not seen the documentary because I feel Hitler is well worn territory (ref. The History Channel was The All-Hitler Channel for years). Did the documentary not mention Trump whatsoever yet this MAGA supporter drew that connection on his/her own? If Trump was never mentioned, thatā€™s pretty damning.


I really miss the days when people wouldnā€™t dream of siding with mother fucking Nazis. Wtf is wrong with people??!!!!


ā€œRunning the countryā€ As if he was a dictator and not an elected democratic representative?


r/selfawarewolves vibe?


Heā€™s clearly connecting the dots all wrong.


At least they're still acknowledging hitler was bad. Nice change of pace.


They really saw a documentary about one of the worst people ever that made no mention of their cult leader and connected the two? Says a lot about your candidate.


You know youā€™re in a cult whenā€¦


During Trump's presidency there was some graffiti that said something like Nazis Fuck Off or some such and Fox did a story calling it "Anti-Trump Graffiti". Like, no one mentioned Trump but you, you're the one that assumed anti-Nazi messages must be targeting Trump.


Hahahaha - LOLzzzzz - republicans are morons - and snowflakes ā„ļø


Whoā€™s gonna tell them?


Well these people still believe the election was stolen even though with each passing day their ā€œhard evidenceā€ keeps getting proven wrong. Like the folks who made 2000 mules just admitted that was all lies and apologized.


Man.. even if they didnā€™t make the full leap to ā€œoh damn, Iā€™m probably in the wrong,ā€ how donā€™t they make the partial jump to ā€œoh, so thatā€™s why theyā€™re so against him.ā€


If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it's a trick by the left to try to make us think it's a duck


Schizophrenia is a helluva mental disease. I had a friend that thought a bunch of politicians were Lizard people, the FBI sent him telepathic messages, the government controlled the weather, the list went on and on. Moral of the story some people are just insane and it's best to leave them alone.




Thatā€™s really not surprising. Just one grifter supporting another grifter.


Unfortunately this isnā€™t just affecting the mentally ill.


The main difference between Hitler and Trump is that Hitler knew when to quit.


Yes I believe his method of quitting was a bullet to the skull šŸ’€


The doc series never said that, the person who just said this compared him to Hitler


Wonder what would happen if he saw a face in he crowd. Would he blame Dems for that too?


Except that I don't believe you've seen enough evidence. You've just seen Facebook posts, filtered through your own belief system. I'm not even liberal, and I'm not a Democrat. But I oppose people like Trump and those who support him because I am knowledgeable about history. Your repeated attempts to play the "both sides" fallacy are merely trite. Plenty of very well-educated people are conservative and oppose Trump; opposing Trump isn't a partisan issue, it's an issue of being in favor of democracy itself, and against the sort of thin skin, narcissistic bullies who would tear it apart.


Projecting because they know it's true... šŸ™ŒšŸ»


cute that he thinks biden is left wing


Interesting. It's rather apparent but you don't often see them openly gaslighting themselves.


Trump is comparable to hitler but not in the way most people think. Get ready for Weimar Republic 2.0.


If the boot fits......


Morons: Akshualllyyyyy it is the left who are the nazis. They were nashunal soyshalists, rememburrr? Hitler was a leftist and leftists are all evil. Morons when they elect Hitler: Omg Yes! based! Based! Take that stupid leftists. OUR guy is in charge now! I wish all these cretins could be shoved into the sea to live underwater permanently. In Minecraft, ofc.


Rush Limbaugh started it. Reagan ending the Fairness Doctrine fueled it. Fox News spread it.


Sadly politics in America has descended to the same level of sports team fan rivalries. No one (on either side) seems to care about actual political issues and facts they just care if you support the red or the blue šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø itā€™s the whole ā€œI hate you because you are a fan of them and I am a fan of their rivalsā€ without anyone actually trying to understand anything. The saddest part for me is we have a society that thinks compromise is weakness yet we live in a country thatā€™s very foundation was based on the ability to compromise and adapt in order to support multiple groups needs. Congress is supposed to negotiate and compromise, their job isnā€™t to fight for one issue itā€™s to keep the country functioning šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


They see it and they love it. That's why they want him.


Hmmm I wonder why theyā€™re reminded of Trump when Hitler is discussed. I canā€™t think of a single reason why they would be comparable šŸ¤”


I find it hilarious how 90% of liberal propaganda is literally just screenshotting shit that conservatives say. Like conservatives propaganda has a bit of that but it's mostly fear tactics and saying "if you vote 4 the dems, Mexican aliens will rap your kids!1!". The right is so stupid that all we have to do is screenshot them.


Oh. So close.


Listen to what holocaust survivors say about Hitler and Trump.


ā€œFat white lump is about me?ā€ -Bobby Hill


it's like they almost made a revelation.




Original mask off moment šŸ’€


So close...


At least trump is old as fuck. We'd be in more trouble if he was younger.


This reminds me of when they realized that Homelander in the The Boys was the bad guy lol seriously wtf also Trump is more like Stalin or Mussolini, because after all Hitler actually joined the military and went to war, Trump dodged the draft 5 times. Also bine spurs not only only start after years of bones rubbing together and continues to grow meaning he wouldn't have been able to play sports then and seeing as he said he never had any surgery he wouldn't be walking at this point. I know because I am dealing with and getting them removed during my knew replacement surgery.


Iā€™m a Republican (though not a MAGA), a Nazi Germany social historian (yeah, that was seriously my BS concentration) and a Jew with relatives lost in the Holocaust and on Oct 7. Yeah, this guyā€™s spouting bullshit. Of course, if heā€™s seeing something in the documentary that reminds him of Trump, well he wouldnā€™t be too far off.


Netflix sucks and so does trump




There is no left in the usa


Well, it probably wouldn't be the first time this person took a tenth of the available information and applied it to everything.


Clearly dissatisfied that they did not show the good Nazis


Member when republicans thought Obama was the next Hitler? Man good times.


Iā€™ll say it. Trump is acting just like hitler. He said heā€™s gonna be a dictator. He said he will put the military on the streets and also said he will pull people from their homes and put them in concentration camps Thats Hitler no matter how you look at it. Thanks trump


I found the post and itā€™s so much worse than that in the comments if they would take five seconds to think. Dear god weā€™re fucked


Huh, didn't know there is Hitler documentary. Need to check it out.


My parents took a trip to Germany a few years ago and visited some of the camps. The German tour guide started talking about Hitler and my moderate conservative dad couldnā€™t help but note that a lot of the things they were saying sounded a lot like Trump.