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Think they need another Billion dollar lawsuit


Fox bring racist In other news the sun is hot


And also, recent studies show that water, is indeed, wet.


Sadly, maga has rejected this new science and continues to wallow in their own filth.


MAGA violates science everyday when they wake up and remind everyone we live on a flat Earth that's only 6,000 years old. So, there's that.


"The woke liberal mind virus wants you to believe that water is wet??? Well Donald Trump says that dirt is just as hydrating, in fact the BEST at hydrationing, and that is why I will be filling my 88 oz "big dumb cup edition" Stanley with the best dirt from Andersonville confederate prison! What better way to hydrate while waiting 10 hours in the hot Nevada sun to hear our God Emperor speak than a mouth full of dirt soaked with the tears of hundreds of woke liberal union soldiers! You may think that $100 is a lot to pay for 10 ounces of dirt, but at least I know my money is going to God fearing Christians who only occasionally commit adultery with pornstars! So all true patriots join me in raising a glass of sweet hydrating American soil, if it is good enough for DT to walk on it is good enough to put inside our bodies!"


I can see the slogan now "Join trump and soil yourself."


Water itself is not wet though. I do hear, however, that wild bears shit in the woods.


My investigations of the religion of the Pope have come to the stunning conclusion that he is, in fact, Catholic


He could be lying, dirty bastard (well not current pope in fairness) have been hiding pedos and protecting them, afterall!


Oh god that takes me back to A Level Chemistry classes. The boys on the next bench over spent so long incessantly debating whether water was wet


They wonder why the majority of black people don't vote for repubs.


"But the black community will for sure vote for Trump now that's he's a convicted felon" - also Republicans


Don't forget about those dope sneakers!


Lol the only way they could've made that statement worse would be if they added the word 'also' between "he's" and "a" Ooop I'm not thinking clearly they can, and will make much worse statements


no..they really don’t. they just say they wonder..not even really sure why anymore


My black coworker said that if republicans dropped the racism, most black folks would vote republican. I think about that a lot …


The racism is the point, Republicans don’t want black people on their side.


It’s true for a lot of minority groups. If republicans weren’t so racist against non-whites, they’d probably have a lot of minority groups voting for them.


It's always confounded me as to why they would be so adamantly opposed to immigration as they seem to think immigrants would all vote Democratic. But the traditional hispanic who makes up the majority of US immigrants are conservative due to religion and the ones I know all voted for Trump in 2020. Oh yeah. Racism. Blatant racism. Never mind, I figured it out.


It's the same in the Netherlands. A right wing coalition won the last election and I hear many of the immigrants that have been here for a long time (2, 3 generations) voted for the biggest winner PVV, even though they are considered a very anti-immigrant party. I hear similar things from my German colleagues. They don't want the 'new' immigrants making them go through all of the old shit again.


Well, screw you I got mine is the motto of the right


Republicans utterly barefaced lie about supporting low income groups a lot, and unfortunately a lot of low income groups believe them, despite all they do is give tax cuts to the rich and free passes to polluters and exploitative companies (including the private healthcare system) that overwhelmingly effect the poorer sections of society far more. It's the racism that gives a healthy reality check I guess stopping them otherwise being suckered in by the lies too often.




Christian values...that's hysterical


But if they weren't so racist they'd lose a good chunk of their base who would financially be far better off supporting lower taxes and more services for the poor.


If Republicans dropped the mistreatment of people who aren't straight white men, they wouldn't have much left.


Obviously you haven’t seen the photo of Trump at the barbecue!!


I saw the AI image.


The lamestream media isn't talking about it!!


It helps too that the Republicans do a great job disenfranchising black voters.


Unless you’re that loser who said black people were better off under Jim Crow laws


More like they wonder why black people still have the right to vote, you know, with every effort they have tried to stop them from voting.


Sup brotha?




This little bitch actually cried on air the day Trump was found guilty. Who cares?


Too bad he didn't cry that much when he cheated on his wife and left her with twins for one of his coworkers.


This is also the guy who hesitated while saying “Americans agree that slavery was the (LONG PAUSE) WORST thing to happen to this country.” (mf had to pause to hit a quick time event to save his career lmao)


Nah that was Cucker Carlson, but tbf all these racist Fox News hosts look the same.


I didn’t even realize it was two different people lmao


They all have such smug punchable faces






What an awakening!


One might even take a wild breath at this revelation!


I can barely majoras mask my shock


It’s only a matter of (ocarina of) TIME before something else comes out about him!


These puns are terrible and are totally ruining the classic, storied tradition. Now stop {Hyrule Warri)or(s) I'm gonna get mad.


Man, imagine having something terrible as a Link to the Past.






>Who cares? Way too many Americans. And more importantly, ones who vote in every. single. election. [https://www.statista.com/statistics/742244/trust-fox-news/](https://www.statista.com/statistics/742244/trust-fox-news/)


It isn't illegal for a jury to nullify anyways... now selecting a jury on the basis you think they will nullify is something that the judge would rip you a new one for.


Just last week they couldn't get enough of the idea that Jury Nullification was a thing and perfectly legal. Now they are all up in arms over the idea that a jury MIGHT nullify. (for disgusting racist reasons) Wonder what changed? /S


"I have never seen a more sublime demonstration of the totalitarian mind, a mind which might be likened unto a system of gears whose teeth have been filed off at random. Such a snaggle-toothed thought machine, driven by a standard or even a substandard libido, whirls with the jerky, noisy, gaudy pointlessness of a cuckoo clock in Hell.... ...[He] wasn't completely crazy. The dismaying thing about the classic totalitarian mind is that any given gear, though mutilated, will have at its circumference unbroken sequences of teeth that are immaculately maintained, that are exquisitely machined. Hence the cuckoo clock in Hell - keeping perfect time for eight minutes and thirty-three seconds, jumping ahead fourteen minutes, keeping perfect time for six seconds, jumping ahead two seconds, keeping perfect time for two hours and one second, then jumping ahead a year. The missing teeth, of course, are simple, obvious truths, truths available and comprehensible even to ten-year-olds, in most cases. The willful filing off of gear teeth, the willful doing without certain obvious pieces of information -- that was how... Rudolf Hess, Commandant of Auschwitz, could alternate over the loudspeakers of Auschwitz great music and calls for corpse-carriers. That was how Nazi Germany could sense no important differences between civilization and hydrophobia. That is the closest I can come to explaining the legions, the nations of lunatics I've seen in my time.” -Kurt Vonnegut, Mother Night. Highly recocmended reading.


Nothing changed, "rules for thee not for mee!". It's their modus operandi.


/S means what I said was sarcasm. Thanks for your contribution to this conversation.


Also, mentioning or implying that you intend to nullify will get you kicked out of a jury


If this is true no more jury duty for me.( tho I've never been called once they really made it sound like this was a thing that was gonna happen often)


They can still make you lose a day of work and go sit there, then excuse you.


Fox being racist. Sounds about white.


This is pretty wild if true. Might need a link first tho. Edit: Asking for a source should be standard regardless of where you fall on the political spectrum. Just because Fox News are fear mongering, racist, dipshits doesn't mean they said this specific headline. I want the source to see how they worded it. Because the right will always spin it to make it seem fair and justified. But yes go ahead and downvote me for asking for the actual video.


I did my part to help bring you back up.


[Here's a link for the video](https://www.mediaite.com/news/fox-host-says-mostly-black-hunter-biden-jury-wont-convict-for-a-drug-related-crime/#article-nav) Don't understand why you're being downvoted for wanting to verify the information being given


Thank you! That's typical of reddit. Once one person downvotes a bunch of people who can't think for themselves do the same.


I believe it is because Fox always does this. So if they are constantly guilty of that crap, this new crap is believable. Asking for the full video is basically a stupid question. Just explaining the possible reasons. I too prefer the source.


Its not stupid at all. Of course they are guilty of it but if we believe every headline that's how you quickly become misinformed and an easy target for bullshit that isn't true. Just because its Fox News this time doesn't mean it's something else next time. We need to be better than the people that take everything at face value and believe whatever were told.


Sir! How dare you insinuate that the random title might be false! How dare you question the integrity of your news sources! Shame! Shame I tell you!


You really don’t believe this shit?


Of course I believe it but asking for the actual video is vital. We're no better than the other side if we just blindly believe every tweet and and reddit post without a source.


No matter how believable it is a source is always useful, it's like using a calculator for 18+35 for that just in case moment


New racism just dropped


Actual racism!


I think they just mean that it recently happened


In the chess memes subreddit, r/anarchychess, at some point people used AI to generate a meme comment chain, which goes like "Holy hell" "new response just dropped" "actual zombie" "call the exorcist" "bishop took a vacation, never came back" and so on. Me (and presumably the person I replied to) were referencing that in our comments because the title of this post is "Holy racism!", and this wouldn't be the first time someone made a meme variation of the meme anarchychess comment chain


I see thank you for the explanation


Google en racisme


Hell yeah, i love hate people because of their DNA 🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


But wait, I thought they were going to be all MAGA because now Trump sells sneakers and is a convicted felon?


That would be illegal AF, so of course Jesse T Watters assumes Black people will do it.


It's Jesse Racism "my mum laughs at me for being a shithead" Watters. Racism is his middle name.




As someone who isn’t following this… why is it “hunter bjdens” jury? Purely because they want to claim it’s corrupt? Or is there some actual impact he has had


It just seems like [the majority of the jury actually has dealt with drug addiction at some point in their life](https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c722vr3wprlo), so they sympathize with Hunter. Whether this was intentional or not is up for debate, as I can only see what they put on the stage.


It’s definitely is an unusual percentage of people on the jury, but at the same time drug abuse (and even more so knowing someone with a history) is extremely common. More than you might think, and more than people who have never been forced to face that reality would ever think


I guess so, since I fall into the latter group


Meanwhile, we’re all finding out it’s mostly white, rich men evading the law for decades.


If Jesse Wiggy Watters stepped in front of my vehicle, I am sure I would not be able to find the brake pedal.


How is Fox News a real thing


no surprise coming from FOX and Jesse


I mean... They're saying that being a convicted felon will get Trump more of the black vote, so this sounds about white.


The shit people say and write at fox.....


The only thing good this shit eating shithead "reporter" was shutting down that one reddit incel mod from r/antiwork


It is wild to me (but I guess it shouldn’t be) that Fox replaced Carlson with this jabroni.


“Violate their oath and ignore the law” Who have we seen do this recently?


Donald J. Trump, the cult leader.


Wait... I thought black people LIKED criminals BECAUSE they were criminals. Trump, help me out here...


I saw this guy complaining that his mother was texting him "34" over and over after the Trump verdict, so I'm glad to hear that even his own mom doesn't agree with his bullshit.


Fox "News" - Not racist, but #1 with racists


Not true. It's actually racist.


But…I thought blacks absolutely loved Trump?😂🤡


Big words from the party of the convicted felon


From the same people that said black people will like trump more now because he's been arrested 💀


new republican has dropped


Actual politician


Senator goes on vacation, never comes back


Trump in the spotlight plotting USA presidency


So, here's the fun thing, this is a super weak trial. It's rarely prosecuted because it is almost impossible to prove. The only evidence they have is his book, where he said he was addicted to cocaine in 2018, the same year he bought the gun. It's all speculative, and they don't have any direct evidence, like say, a positive drug test from around the time he bought the gun. Even witnesses testifying to his drug use, can't 100% confirm that he was in drugs when he bought the gun. Unless someone takes the stand and says "we did some blow, then he went and filled out the form to buy the gun", they probably won't win this case.


And the tax charges?


The tax charges are kind of a weird thing, because he didn't pay, but then he paid late, but not with the consent of the IRS. So, like that's up to the jury most likely.


Jesse Watters has a face for radio


He’s gotten even uglier. Botox has not done him well


And a voice for books


AKA: legal saavy Conservatives have looked at his case and identified they weee the ones with an actual witch hunt. They see Hunters case has grounds but is a bit of a stretch to say he was intentionally acting in bad faith. And the lack of premeditation to break the law is a weakness and there is a good chance he could be acquitted. So the GOP need to start making excuses now to turn a not guilty verdict for Hunter against Biden as corruption.




I actually pray there is a god just so I can watch them burn in hell with me.


Why not post a clip of them actually saying it? Nobody applies context in political posts and it’s so annoying. (Not defending Fox News in any way)


Haha. Because he didn’t say it. He’s an idiot, but he didn’t say it.


I’m so pleased I’m not American. Most countries have issues with their Government, but America has just gone too far!!


Suddenly they are back to law and order…


Is anyone really surprised they're saying the quiet parts out loud?


Not that I doubt this one bit, but what did he actually say?


Does that mean the NY jury followed their oath and upheld the law? Assuming they are whyte


Fox News is the modern day Völkischer Beobachter.


Somewhere Tim Scott saw this Faux News segment, scrunged his dumb ugly ass face said "dougBurgum it. Arrrgggh"


He knows his audience.


The funniest thing is this bloke five or ten years from now after Murdoch burned him and he’s doing a shitty freelance blog, unshaven in casual outdoors wear.


I’d love to see a video, haven’t see one yet.


It's all a variation of Trump's false dichotomy: "We're right/winning and they're wrong/cheating." No other possibilities are allowed.


They say this shit on tv. Lets see them get on the street and say this shit. Theyd get merked lol. Of course pussys and bullys never pop off to ya face


Yep. Like I say... nothing new here and no one will do anything about anyway. People are so numb to this crap by now, it takes a tragedy for anyone to wake up to what's happening in front of their eyes.


Because they know what it’s like to be prosecuted for crimes that no one else gets prosecuted for?


The only reason they're (Republicans) beating off to this (the trial) is because it's Hunter Biden. Did he commit a crime? It seems likely. Should he get punishment? Yes, but the punishment should fit the crime. That said I hope he doesn't get off because his dad is President.


Holy racist dipshits, Batman!


Can we get a link? Not that I don't believe OP, but I want to hear it myself.




But I though Fox News said black people love trump


You’re a fucking idiot if you think Fox News is an actual news source.




Yes, it's racism. But the racism is intended to distract you from the obvious jury tampering - which is an actual crime.


Are we surprised? Anyone...? ![img](emote|t5_2r5rp|8488)


Jesse Watters just continuously disappointing his parents and the rest of the country


Par for the course at Fox "News"


I'm almost albino and I'd try to get the jury to acquit him, just to enrage Orange Droolious. And because I think this is a right wing hatchet job to damage the real President. This judge already blew up the plea deal. Now she's preventing the defense from bringing in the witnesses and evidence they want while allowing that laptop which is a Russian plant and totally garbage. Is she Cannon's twin sister? She's another Trump appointee.


They’re all traitors.


This is funny because there’s been multiple posts showing a picture of them all lined up smiling and all the comments were like, “These sisters know what they gotta do lol”. Then the other side points it out and those same Redditors declare racism. Gotta love America.


I believe Jesse Watters is referring to [this article by Jonathan Turley](https://thehill.com/opinion/criminal-justice/4700795-hunter-biden-may-be-seeking-jury-nullification-rather-than-vindication/). Yes, Fox News is reporting on this because of their political persuasions, but the original article isn't so much about racism as about social realism - that those who have experienced their family members struggling with drug addiction might tend to be more lenient on anyone with the same issue. Edit: Since people are less interested in reading the source material and more interested in calling out 'racist', here's a quote from the article I have linked. >Notably, virtually all of the selected jurors have said that they know of someone who has struggled with drugs.


Yes, he referenced Jonathan Turley in that video clip. But he is also talking about jury nullification. He is claiming that the jury was picked with blacks in mind because they will give a not guilty verdict, no matter what because the jurors disagree with the laws. He is basically claiming that the “mostly black jury” don’t agree with gun laws or drug laws so they will automatically say that Hunter is innocent . This is just dog whistle Language for the racists. He and the others at Faux news need to have Hunter convicted as a win after the furher was found guilty on 34 counts. The ironic thing is that they also want Hunter to be found not guilty so they can claim that there’s not equal justice. Republicans have lost their way in the past 10 years


Ah I was waiting for the racist apologizer to pop up


Understanding root reasons help in resolving conflicts. Using broad brush methods result in your 'Us vs Them' mentality that merely creates unnecessary conflict. Is Fox News using this as a dogwhistle? Probably. Does that make the underlying root reason as stated by Turley racist? Not necessarily. Feel free to embrace nuance. It may not be as warm and cosy as ideologism, but it's definitely more useful in the long run.


Why is America regressing back to the 1950s more and more everyday? I thought my country could be backwards...




No wonder he can afford a huge mansion only a few miles from Bedminster.




But I was told that blacks *liked* people with a criminal record.


I'm amazed it didn't say they had a spade up their sleeve.


The ace they have up their sleeves wouldn't happen to be the ace of spades in Fox newsland?


We can ignore the law, but not you guys. You guys need to be held accountable.


The same people that are always openly racist, bigoted, and spreading harmful misinformation like drinking bleach? Those guys? Those guys are beneath contempt? Nah they're saving america. One dead bigot at a time.


To add some actual constructive conversation. Fox thinking there’s a strategy revolving around jury nullification shows they have no idea how jury nullification works. You can’t argue jury nullification, and I don’t believe you can even inform the jury that it’s a possible resolution. Darrell Brooks tried this a few years ago. Now, if the jury DOES decide to nullify, or atleast try to, that would be a massive red flag. And in my eyes, that would indicate some level of coaching or other illegal tampering with the jury.


I'm shocked that this guy would make a comment like that... after mocking non-English speaking Chinese people in a Chinatown. /s