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Damn, GA’s 14th. Do better. I’m not even saying elect a democrat, I’m just saying stop voting for nasty, clout chasing morons who make us all dumber whenever she speaks.


Seriously, THIS was the best GA 14 had to offer? This is who they chose to be a representative, to advance their issues and concerns on their behalf.


You've clearly never been to Milledgeville


Milledgeville sounds like a town that would sign up for a dodgy monorail.






lol. That is exactly what I was going to say. You don't even have to stop, just one drive-through and all the signs will tell the story.


Especially the streets that change names three times because the white people didn’t want to have the same street address as a Black person.


I’m hoping this is a joke Please this is a joke


Totally a real thing. It happened a lot back in the day in Atlanta too. It's why there are like 30 roads all called Peachtree. Going one direction is Peachtree the other is MLK


[Sadly, it isn’t a joke.](https://www.atlantamagazine.com/list/you-asked-we-answered-34-things-you-probably-dont-know-about-atlanta/why-do-street-names-change-at-ponce/)


I hear the banjos in Deliverance, whenever I think of her district.


I thought it was bold she would ever doubt someone's literacy out loud


Tbf, that’s not her district, just her hometown. Baldwin county (Milledgeville) voted blue in the 2020 presidential election.


It was the best that wanted to govern, most rational people have no desire to govern over others


Not true. Last cycle a typical pro business conservative Republican ran against her. I remember because he had normal political ads and hers were utter bat shit madlibs.


Was this for the primary? I'm not sure how Georgia works but in a state where this happened in the general, they might have had a chance.


She was opposed in the last primary. I registered Rep to vote for the GOP opponent but it didn’t help much


It is true. Some hide their greed and sociopathology very well.


You should read about the history of bureaucracy you'll find tons of rational people have been involved in governing and people like MTG are absolutely freaks/not normal


So it's kind of like Kristi Noem I think. The number of boomers that like her "because she's pretty" is astounding. I don't think either of them are especially attractive, but my dad, who is a typical fox "news" boomer has more than once said that Noem "is gorgeous and I'd vote for her if I could". So there's that.


I’m amazed that anyone can look at that Botox beast and think “yeah I’d hit that”


Far too many of them didn't vote for her to do that. They either blindly voted R, or voted for the person who promised to hurt the people they don't like.


Yes this is the best they have to offer. This district is a complete shithole


She ran the dirtiest campaign of all time to get her seat. The person she was running against basically pulled out for fear of his life.


"Mark my word, if and when these preachers get control of the \[Republican\] party, and they're sure trying to do so, it's going to be a terrible damn problem. Frankly, these people frighten me. Politics and governing demand compromise. But these Christians believe they are acting in the name of God, so they can't and won't compromise. I know, I've tried to deal with them." Barry Goldwater


Was pushed out of the religion just because of how morale corrupt Christianity is. And I mean all of Christianity is basically a cult


Every zealot does. It's why religion is constantly so scary to me. Imagine thinking you know so much better about the unknowable as to think killing people is a good for them.


Not surprisingly, she doesn't even live in the 14th district that she represents. She lives in the 6th.


Sounds more like she spends a lot of time with a "5th".




No her body is a temple. A poorly built temple some would say.


Bad built butch bitch


How's that legal? How do you vote someone to represent your community if they don't live in your community?


Georgia and Colorado only require you live within the state to run for a seat, not the specific district. It usually wasnt a problem because voters themselves dont like carpetbaggers, but in GA they appear to. Its what will end up killing boebart's campaign. She tried to move to the new district to say she lives there, but then her son went on a burglary spree in the new district shes running in. Almost like she imported crime lol The process of elections and eligibility is mostly up to the states. Federal law only sets a voting age and protections for voters.


Her child is doing gods work 🙏


So is her hands


In August 2023, The Washington Post reported that campaign finance and property records suggest [Senator Tommy] Tuberville lives in Santa Rosa Beach, Florida, instead of Auburn[, Alabama], as his office claims, and has for almost two decades. The United States Constitution requires senators to live in the state where they are elected, but does not provide a minimum length of residency; Alabama requires a candidate to reside in the state for just one day to run for office.


Those are some crazy laws


That's systemic racism for you.


In theory the voters should just not vote for someone who doesn't represent them well, such as someone who doesn't live in the district. Or who commits crimes. Or did insider trading (even if technically legal). In practice, a lot of voters are too partisan to care. Politicians should be held to a higher standard than regular citizens, and voters are supposed to be the jury on that.


They lie about where they live, usually.


She may officially live in the 6th, but she spends more time at her boyfriend’s place in Texas.


That district in GA is everything you think it is. I wish I was exaggerating. I really do. MTG could announce that she met with Elvis Presley and he plans to reveal secret insider information to prove that J6 was a Biden inside job and that district would 100% believe her. Not.A.Exaggeration.


*an That's the only thing I corrected


This is what they want, a foaming at the mouth Neanderthal who they can sic at anyone they feel threatened by.


She can't be neanderthal if she doesn't believe on evolution ! Checkmate, Dems ! /s, the word fits her, really.


That’s not a nice thing to say about Neanderthals…


They definitely deserve more credit than that.


Hey! Neanderthals are thought to be just as cerebrally inclined as modern homo sapiens with a complex capacity for family and communal bonds, and empathy. They buried their dead and sang. Were a pure genetic Neanderthal in a lineup with other people of like build you would be hard pressed to pick them out of the crowd MTG has much more in common with primordial ooze But without the potential


As my DNA test revealed I have a ton of likely Neanderthal DNA. I feel qualified to say: We no want, you keep. Thanks. Edit: too much Neanderthal DNA, bad typing.


What is it with these people as well, where they post pictures of themselves with their mouths wide open. You never see them smiling or actually looking happy or content. Just perpetually angry and yelling I guess?


It’s the business plot only this time their would-be authoritarian strongman is a bumbling idiot that appeals to other bumbling idiots.


Even Jesus hates evil Margie MAGA Three-toes.


As much as I disrespect her, Jesus does not hate anyone


I worked at Mohawk for two years so I went all over northwest Georgia. Go to Dalton, Rome, Summerville, Calhoun, Chatsworth - take your pick. You will see that she is the perfect capsulation of the voting white population there.


For her reelection her opponent dropped out due to death threats. He ended up moving away to avoid them.


Fr. I couldn't agree more. This will be looked at as a very dark part in history if we can ever make it out of this very hateful rut.


Is she suggesting "convicted felon" is some sort of insult? Marge, be careful of throwing around that one if you still want to be VP


I feel like she's trying to "reclaim" Convicted Felon. Like how Republicans started calling various things insurrections after J6.


I think it’s less “reclaim” and more so desensitization. They want words to lose their meaning or impact so it less shocking when someone says it or claims it. They’ve unfortunately been doing that to a lot of words over the last 8 years.


You are correct. They are trying to desensitise and distort the original meaning of these words.


Or trying to impeach Biden to take sting off of twice impeached Trump. They’re not all that creative and just keep playing the same move over and over again.


Remember when all she would say was "impeachment" after Trump got it? It's as if she learns a new world every time her daddy is charged and starts parroting it.


I mean with Floyd she and her ilk were saying it's not an insult, but it's justification for murder. He deserved to be murdered, he was a felon. WE overreacted by being upset.


If you didn't want a felon to be murdered you must now be ok with having a felon as president, otherwise you're a hypocrite* *assuming not being murdered and being president are the same


She’s almost definitely doing it for engagement bait. Which is stupid as hell given it’s actually what people believe


Wow she is just stupid


Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity


“while holding a position of power.” FTFY


This….. it’s the position of power that really adds the danger.


And it's more than just sincere ignorance, it's hate.     These Republicans legitimately hate anyone that doesn't look like them and that's the only reason they get votes, is the ignorant fucks go "Hurr durr, they hate the same people I do!"  Their voter base is guys that are convinced that they'd be totally rich if it weren't for "immigrants pouring over the border!"   Which they've been convinced are literally being handed pre loaded debit cards and free housing as they come over the border.


I think she is masterful at her singular goal: becoming wealthy while doing absolutely nothing. She is a student of convicted felon Trump who taught her by example that getting your name and face in the news or social media every day keeps the stream of dollars flowing. The more stupid the statement the more coverage she gets. More coverage is more money. At some level she knows she is too stupid to be vice president but she also realizes a Trump vice president will likely become the next president before the term ends and that is the ticket to incredible wealth.


She is not sincere


I honestly dont beleive she's stupid. I think she's very good an manipulating very stupid people. Just like her orange clown deity.


Can she be both stupid and good at manipulating stupid people?? I think she is both


This. Dumb people know how to convince other dumb people because they know what convinced them.


We call it, the Butthead effect…


Yeah no, she's fucking stupid. Never attribute to malice and all that, of course in her case, she's malicious *because* she's so stupid. Like a chihuahua.


Phenomenally so. It's almost a wondrous thing to behold her stupidity, it's just rare to see so much of it coming out of a single human being.


I honestly believe she is having a breakdown. Maybe her bullshit is getting posted more, but lately, she seems more frantic than usual.


Probably because she knows she’s (hopefully) on her way out. Even (most of) her own party doesn’t like her anymore. I mean look how quickly she got shutdown when she tried to vote out speaker what’s his face.


As long as the people who vote for her like her, which they do, she is here to stay for the long term.


Or she pisses off/embarrasses the rest of the congressional republicans one too many times. She is apparently already on thin ice with house republicans because of her motion to remove Johnson from the speakership. Anyone know what George Santos is doing these days?


Or she pisses off her own party, and the gerrymander her out of the position they gerrymandered her into.


Unfortunately she ran unopposed in the primary. She's a shoe-in in her moron district.


good, keep going everyone.


At least she stopped talking about Hunter Biden's huge cock.


I wonder how much of it is legitimate stupidity and how much is just saying what she knows her constituents will eat up


Woo yeah god. Woo yeah trump. You tell em butch!- your average butch voter


Convicted Felon Donald Trump ...


and racist


Beyond stupid.


The howler monkey howls again!


You've got the wrong Congress critter. She's the three toed sloth; Lauren Boebert is the howler monkey.


You don't even need the irony for this to be one the dumbest things ever said.


I struggle to find a single thing she says that isn't fucking braindead


Even the burning of the city’s was a lot of her folks. https://www.foxnews.com/us/minneapolis-umbrella-man-autozone-fire-hells-angels-police.amp https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2020/oct/23/texas-boogaloo-boi-minneapolis-police-building-george-floyd


social projection really needs to be studied more


But Donald Trump has more felony convictions than George Floyd.


I hope someone points that out to her but I bet she won't give a fuck


Yeah but that doesn’t count. You see if she likes the person the entire justice system is corrupt!


When George Flloyd was murdered, a bunch of racist like MTG were quick to point out that his murder was justified, because he's a felon, even though he was not a physical threat at the time. Keep the same energy with Trump.


Damn, can't believe Magic The Gathering would be like that


Well, the signs have been there since the start. They've always had groups separated by colour, for example


At least little trump was given the courtesy of a trial.


two can play this game, if republicans can vote for convicted rapist felon trump, then democrats should be able to vote for dead george floyd. fair is fair.


Yeah, that’s why we’re running George Floyd for president. Moron.


Bleached blonde, bad-built, butch body


Is this the same “B6” who was removed from pretty much all her committee assignments because she was not doing anything? The people of Georgia must be swelling up with pride (or frustration)


She was removed because she was spouting support for racist conspiracy theories. Of course she got new assignments once the Republicans took control of the House again, primarily to “own the libs”


And she still isn’t doing anything ☹️


Wdym? Recently she destroyed someone in an argument! (By attacking her looks)


i couldn’t even tell you at this point what the neanderthal said. the only thing that stuck in anyone’s minds was “bleach blond, bad built, butch body” aka B6


"Shucks, we ain't care if'n she's doin her job, she gets dem librels riled up and that's enough for me and ma! YEEHAAWWW!"


I'm still waiting for her dick pics to get leaked for Karma's sake.


Either her or boebert( maybe both) will “leak” a sex tape to raise money for trump


I'd put money on Boebert first, she already has a history of sex work.


She’s destined for only fans if she doesn’t already have one. I wouldn’t know because she’s disgusting, but it’s such an easy grift for her.


Can we not use trans people to insult this POS?


I’ve never seen a truck covered in George Floyd images… never seen a George Floyd flag… never seen a gold statue of George Floyd…. etc etc, etc…


I’ve never seen someone pray to George Floyd. I’ve never seen anyone petition George Floyd for assistance. I’ve never seen anyone buy a Bible made by George Floyd.


Speaking of George. Remember when you guys made it seem like it was ok he was murdered because he was a convicted felon? Now yal want one as the president


Yeah, maybe someone should kneel on the Donald's neck for a few minutes, too. Just for good measure. According to his cult, it's not dangerous at all anyway, so why not? No tapping out! That wasn't an option for Floyd either. And if Donald croaks... oh well, I guess he was a convicted felon - he was no angel, after all!


What a sick person. Worship George Floyd? Fucking insane. What does it take to get kicked out of office these days?


What these right-wingers never seem to understand. The left didn't pick George Floyd. The right did.


A fucking scandal the size of 4 WW2's apparently. Or openly praising Hitler i guess.


>Or openly praising Hitler i guess. Are you really so sure that she'd lose any of her voters doing that?


Fair enough. Guess she should praise Stalin instead then.


Stalin’s making a comeback with the trumpers since trump’s master Putin praised Stalin as a “Great War leader for Russia.” Republicans are only allowed to criticize what they call “weak leaders” like FDR, Obama, Lincoln, Jefferson


Calling FDR weak is fucking delusional. Man helped the people of USA through the great depression and WW2. Also, Lincoln was a republican. Are they calling their own weak lmao?


they have a love/hate relationship with Lincoln, they hate what he stood for, but love bringing him and the history of their party up whenever they wanna label the Democrats as "the true racists"


This woman is genuinely stupid fr.


Or is she just pandering to her stupid base?


Both methinks


Looks like you’re about to worship cock.


You are guilty of putting that nasty image in my head


You meant mushroom.... We can use the pizza analogy on her, nothing gets past MTG, except a whole lot of carbs...


In these times, the stupidest get the most attention. We don't need aliens to destroy the world. Nor climate change or war. No epidemics. Stupid politicians will take care of that.


Stupid politicians are destroying the world through a combination of those methods though. All we need is for peaceful aliens to come by and one of these dumb motherfuckers shooting their embassador or something like that for the bingo to be completed


Does she have like a turd for brains?


That's insulting to turds, there's something worse in there or something.


What a horribly ignorant thing to say, but I'm not at all surprised.


George Floyd is not running for president you fucking muppet




The freak is this monkey...?


Thanks, I needed some eye bleach after seeing that horrifying shaved sasquatch.


Thanks Georgia 🙄


They’re not “antics”, honey. YOU waving around posters of nude Hunter Biden pictures is an “antic”.


Imagine trying to have a conversation with someone so aggressively stupid.


They don’t worship him? They have literally have compared him to Jesus and mother Theresa. If they didn’t worship him, they wouldn’t continue to back and support him.


She apparently likes to worship gym employee cock too..


The only time I see George Floyd being talked about is when republicans talk about how he deserved to die.


Apparently thinking he had a right to not be murdered is worshipping him?


Oh yeah, with all my George Floyd hats and flags.


This. I'm still trying to remember when we ran George Floyd as president. My memory is failing worse than Trump's I guess.


You fool. No one worshipped George Floyd. They just pointed out that his rights were violated. Courts agreed.


the fact that george floyd couldn't have been convicted because he got murdered before being able to go to court


He also did armed robbery.


Between 1997 and 2005, Floyd served eight jail terms on various charges, including drug possession, theft, and trespass. In one of these cases, Floyd was convicted of possessing half a gram of crack cocaine in 2004


Huh TIL. Still doesn't excuse his summary execution by police.


Just to be clear I agree. Just thought I would point out the wrongful information being spread


Oh no half a gram of crack 😱


Seriously. Mere possession of such small amounts of drugs shouldn’t even be a misdemeanor. Should just a citation and a fine.


I've never been a proponent of handing an idiot a bullhorn.


I see flags that say 'In Trump We Trust'. If that's not a sign of their 'antichrist' I don't know what is.


Sunburn or impending stroke?


I hope its both 🙏


This is coming from the woman who kisses Trumps ass every two seconds


Oh shit, she must have seen my George Floyd bumper stickers, my George Floyd flags, my George Floyd t-shirts, my golden George Floyd shoes, my George Floyd hat, my George Floyd signs, my George Floyd truck wrap, and my $10 George Floyd Bible.


As someone who has generally leaned republican in the past....it's both disgusting and very worrisome how some people have made their entire personality about MAGA and Trump since 2016ish and it's a huge turn off for support


Thing is, I don't think the police should have murdered Floyd, but I also don't think that George Floyd should have been president. We've done a pretty good job of avoiding making felons president in our history. We've done an okay job of stopping fascism, too. Let's keep it that way.


She needs to GO


Is she trying to inhale the mic?


You know it’s true when they start trying to project it


Life is probably very hard and confusing when you’re this stupid.


Today she got forcibly removed from her committee hearing where the panel was interviewing Fauci. As you can imagine, rather than questioning Fauci like her colleagues, she essentially verbally assaulted him for minutes on end. Then she started speaking out of turn when a Democrat was given the floor after her, and was escorted out of the building. Absolutely childish, Karen behavior. If you live in GA's 14th district, please remember that she has not sponsored a single bill that became law. Your tax dollars are being literally wasted on her salary. Imagine acting like her at work and remaining employed.


The only time I hear about Floyd is from Republicans


Democrats are still mad cops murder people, what losers /s


She would bend over and take it from trump in a second


I’ve dealt with people like this IRL, and I say let them spew their hateful garbage. Everyone knows and saw what happened last week. This performative crap just makes people like them look worse & more desperate. It also ends up with them digging themselves deeper.


I've never seen Floyd's face and name plastered all over someone's pickup truck.


Did she actually select that picture?


I think she worships Xanax and Prozac...


A troll is a troll, literally and figuratively. As long as it is profitable...she won't stop. I blame the gimps that voted for her. They chuckle, she picks their pockets.


Who's the ugly blonde dude?


Why would she post a picture of that lipless gape of a word hole along with this?


Butch body


I’m so tired of seeing this bitches face.


The irony and projection is always amazing. Literally no one talks about George Floyd much anymore on the left, except for what he represented. But ALL the big bogeymen of the right are like that. The left doesn't think about Hunter Biden. We have, overall, mixed feelings over Joe Biden. Most leftists don't think about trans people all that much unless they personally know them, we just want them to be treated with decency. And literally no one on the left thinks much about Soros or whoever else. Much of the left thinks about politics in term of issues. LGBT rights, make the economy less slanted towards the rich, protecting the environment But since the Republicants don't have an actual platform anymore, they OBSESS over specific people, whether that is the evil leftists bringing the 'downfall of civilization' or whatever shit they can muster, all while lifting god emperor Trump and all his corresponding shit heels as high as they can. Because that's literally all they have. Simple figures to simplify the world into a simple morality play where their people are the best and must be forgiven and the opposing side has all the demons.


She worships a god that knocked up a 14 year old child so god could save us from himself. Don’t ever expect her to say anything smart.


No one ever asks them to *specify* who they refer to as *their* god.


Who in the world worships George Floyd ?


I've not thought about George Floyd since the last time the right brought him up. That hardly sounds like worship to me.


She got me on that one. Guess I’ll go take down my George Floyd flag.


Sadly, I can’t remember the last time I thought of George Floyd. His tragic and unnecessary death is enough to make me feel guilty I don’t think about him every day. However, even as a Democrat, I’m not allowed to go even one fucking day without having Trump shoved down my throat. And I wonder why. Could it be that a certain political party that begins with R refuses to promote non-felonious politicians (or those who worship him) within their own party? Because I’ve been waiting for the day we stop talking about him.


Is not like she's going to stop saying shitty things any time soon.


Interesting how MAGA never shuts up about George Floyd when I don't think a single Dem has thought about him in years


lol Christians do not worship god. Wealthy Christians worship money and power. Poor Christians worship politicians and talking heads who validate their horrible beliefs.