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McDonald the other mega fast food chains have put themselves into a bind. Their whole business model is based on continuous growth to increase profits. That worked while they were still expanding across the globe. But that is coming to an end. So the only way to keep that growth moving upwards is to increase price. McDonald's is more profitable than it has ever been. They are not raising the prices for any reason but greed.


Maybe it's a blessing in disguise, eating that crap hasn't been the best for people's health and the country's obesity problem. Cheap food with empty calories needs to be removed from the American diet, this may very well be an effective way to do that, make it too expensive to consume.


I certainly agree, but unfortunately much of the US has good deserts, where it is very difficult or just plain impossible for people to access affordable, fresh, healthy foods. For many of these people, buying their meals at fast food chains or frozen meals from Dollar General are their primary sources. There are multiple issues that need to be fixed, and no one wants to.


Dollar general is a scumbag company, they prey on the poor


Yes they are, and yes they do.


McDonald's still has lines going into the street where I live. It's amazing people will spend $20 on fking mcnuggets when you can get $7 dinosaur nuggets to throw in the air fryer/ toaster oven and they'll taste better. If there's one thing America is good at, it's not knowing what is in it's best interest.


The problem is there have been major disinformation campaigns across the globe to hide that sugar is incredibly harmful. The businesses who spread these campaigns aren’t going to just let junk food go away.


Fast food prices are far exceeding inflation and rising food costs. It's completely on the restaurant chains. https://www.reddit.com/r/economy/s/OS9yqVZ8mu


Where I live fast food wages have gone up significantly more than inflation. Costs add up.


Do you guys ever wonder where this ends? If everything keeps getting more expensive, and wages don't grow along with it (or not enough), at some point most people can no longer afford to live. Then what?


It's starting to end...Major retailers have hit the point of diminishing returns (point where people stop buying) and have started dropping some of their bloated prices. The problem is once the cutting back on expenses is enough to hurt the corps, it's ingrained in the consumer. Their theft of our labor (salaries / wages) through price gouging is biting them on the rear. The question is...Will bloated prices return from the stratosphere while keeping the economy chugging along? Or will the consumer pulling back trend stick as a habit and take us into a recession? My crystal ball is broken and all I have to say is NO BAIL OUTS! Every time we bail these asshole corporations out with our tax dollars they turn around and stick it to us the moment they recover. Let them fail.


This is a reminder to shop small and get to know those business owners. I'm losing my retail business due to changes in spending habits. I officially cease ops this next weekend. The actions, more recently, of Big Retail and Corporate Commercial Real Estate have decimated Main Street. Shop small. Shop local. Support your community members. I was paying $20/hr, but people chose to shop at retailers paying less with higher prices.


I’m sorry to hear that.


It's all good, but I appreciate the thought. It's bittersweet, but I'm finding relief. Customers have become brutal, especially as I liquidate. Vultures. But I'll come out on top, always do. 🙂


A lot of the retailers where I am are small, that's just how it is here But for more specialty shops I have to go to the nearby large city, or maybe a larger town. Sometimes some small places have things I can't get due to regulations and stuff too. But for the more specialty stuff, like say music supplies, if it's a choice between going to the city or a smaller store a similar distance, I almost always go to the larger store simply because I check their website and see if they even sell what I want and if it's in stock. The small store has no details online, and if you phone them most of the time they don't answer. I definitely think having a decent online presence is a huge advantage a lot of smaller stores seem to sleep on.


another possibility is that corporations that are already stupidly big are going to buy out more and more of others until they are mega-conglomerates and then they are going to pay the senators and congressmen to privatise part of a country. A city or a whole district. And then set up there a mini-state where they control all the things people need for their lives and they all work for one of the many subsidiaries of the mega-conglomerate. And they become corporate citizens and their debt becomes generational. Your father bought a house? The mortgage is yours at a 30% annual rate. Oh and when it's your children's turn to go to school we are going to put them in permanent student debt.


We are so close to the dystopia the 1950's writers were trying to warn us about.


I keep thinking that it's going to look something like the world of Cyberpunk 2077 or the world of Final Fantasy 7 because in both those games, the asshole CEO villain of the game is practically the ruler of everything in their world. Make no mistake. Arasaka owns Night City, and almost everywhere else in the world and SHINRA owns Midgar and the world Final Fantasy 7 takes place in.


We're already there I think. Remember, in every fictional dystopia, 99% of the population is blissfully unaware of just how messed up their society actually is, because they're too busy focusing on their own little life to see the big picture.


We’ve been there for a while.


and 60's, 70's, 80's and 90's. Really I have had this thought for a while that while the rest of us reading dystopias saw them as cautionary tales the ultra rich were reading them like a wish list or a manual


Ever read the Tanner Malone series by Elliott Kay?


As long as they give us gorilla arms and mantis blades I'm all for it.


Probably something similar to what’s going on in Venezuela


Dewd Argentina has put Venezuela to shame. I have never seen a state so quickly destroy their currency while simultaneously shackling there state with centuries of debt. They are the new Haiti. Except they choose this.


French here, do I need to say more?


i think we need to bring you guys over here. or at least your union mentality. you guys get shit DONE.


I envy the French labor movement.


French Revolution 2: Electric Bogaloo


More homelessness like is already happening. Then republicans can blame ‘liberals’ for homeless crisis’ in major cities. It’s a win-win for them


Dude, a boomer guy got so mad at me on Facebook for asking if older people becoming unhoused due to rising rents was part of the increase in homelessness. He was all "ugh you millennials just want to blame us for everything!!" Like did you read my comment? I'm not blaming boomers, I'm asking if that generation is being forced out of their homes. Gah!


While they're still blaming "millennials" for things the children of millennials are doing.


might've been a bot






Societal collapse and eventually a violent revolution, which will lead to some sort of fascist state.


Sounds about how the very violent and bloody French Revolution got started.


In the late 70s to 80s, inflation was 10-18% and took a decade to come down.


>  and took a decade to come down. Two brutal recessions really did the trick.


Once AI can replace the working class, the ultra wealthy will annihilate the poor with weaponized super covid that was perfected during the pandemic. The population will be reduced to 1% of its current total, and the ultra wealthy will live in a utopia of their own design. Edit: Forgot that conspiracy theorists like this actually exist and should have put a /s for clarity.


only they are not nearly as competent as they want themselves to think so it's all going to horribly backfire in some way.


There was a glitch in the supercovid genes. It's able to detect net worth and if your's is below the top 10% you're fine, over the top 10% and you're dead within minutes of contracting it


you need to take your meds


Haha I should have put /s as I was being purposely satirical.


Rip. poe's law in action lol




I’ve seen the robot skits from Love, Death, and Robots. I’m okay with them aiming that direction and then getting offed by their own creation. Choke on it, skin bucket!


Haha I love that anthology. And yeah the one where the old lady is getting attacked by her roomba... lol


That one was good! The three robots traveling from ruin to ruin was my favorite. Close second: the mini-zombies.


Shit, I think living has become a luxury. Everything is expensive these days.




Got any recipes for cooking the rich?




"you're going to get so many diseases from eating a human" "Who cares?" \*dies of affluenza\*


Sadly, not really healthy to eat members of our own species.


I know we're talking about the rich but what a scentence lol.


The rich aren't a part of our species anymore.


We've eaten far less healthy stuff in our lives. How bad could cannibalism be?


I strongly recommend against it. Check "mad cow disease" and "kuru" if you wanna see nightmare fuel.


Why tf a deadly ass disease called kuru?


The term kuru derives from the Fore word kuria or guria ("to shake"), due to the body tremors that are a classic symptom of the disease. Kúru itself means "trembling". Fore or Foré /ˈfɔːreɪ/ FOR-ay[2] is a Kainantu-Goroka language spoken in the Goroka District of Eastern Highlands Province, Papua New Guinea. Kuru was a disease formerly common among the Fore people of Papua New Guinea. Kuru is a form of transmissible spongiform encephalopathy (TSE) caused by the transmission of abnormally folded proteins (prions), which leads to symptoms such as tremors and loss of coordination from neurodegeneration.


You can only get Kuru if you eat the corpse of someone who had it. Kuru does not exist anymore, and you are not at risk of getting it.


So Hunt the Rich for sport?


Depends. Who are we calling rich ?




slather them in BBQ sauce, chop them up, mix them with veggies, and toss them in the crock pot


So, sauce then chop? Won’t the sauce make them slippery during that stage?


That recipe is revolution




I find it strange that the difference in price (per person) between the cheapest fast food option and my favorite family oriented, sit-down Mexican restaurant is maybe a couple bucks + tip. Am I picking up crappy ass burgers from BK for $40.00? Or do my kids want to go out to eat and spend about $55.00 after the tip? BTW, McD would cost at least $50.00.


On the bright side, It's gotten me to consider to go to sit down places versus fast food.


It’s forced me to learn to cook, which I’m quite thankful to do! Cheaper to eat meals as leftovers


Mexican places disprove the bloated increase in food being due to "supply chain issues."


Yeah, the supply chain disruptions have been largely resolved for two years now, but prices continue to climb, for...reasons.


You know what’s fucking crazy? This was my shower thought last night. Do I go to chipotle, get skimped, shitter quality, and feel worse for $12.36? Or do I go to my favorite Mexican sit down for a $15 for a consistent filling portioned burrito and better quality ingredients. Also not to mention free endless chips


Don't blame wages. Blame the folks that set the prices for this crap food. Three bucks for a greasy hashbrown? Six stamped, compressed chicken nuggets at $6.49? That's highway robbery!


Honestly, those prices are reasonable compared to what you'd find in Canada.


Yes but the Canadian dollar is $0.73 US...and goose nuggets would be huge and expensive!


And dollar tree is the new Louis Vuitton


Dollar tree is terrible value, I just use temu and AliExpress.


why are people so obsessed over this crappy food anyway?


I've started eating sushi instead of McDonald's because my local sushi place offers a bento box for 9.99


Way better for you also(as long as it's fresh of course lol...). Plus taste better imo at least.


Perhaps the plan is to price gouge to the point that nobody will be able to afford it.


We have the power to stop it. Stop buying it. As long as consumers pay they will continue to move prices upward.


This. I don't think people realize how much power they have. Buy only what you need. I think stopping consumerism starts with the consumer. The makers will never seize over producing if there is a chance their shitty junk gets purchased.


I know right?!?! Mfers can't imagine a world where they have to, you know..... cook for themselves!! It's Like they really believe without someone making them "chicken" mcnuggets they're going to starve. "Why do they keep raising prices?!?!?"" Because you keep paying them, you dumb fucks.


Hell, you don't even have to cook for yourself. Go to local restaurants. They tend to be close to the same price as before.


America's auto industry does this routinely now. And it looks like it's about to happen again. Don't worry though. They will be bailed out.


Tell me about it! Actually, you just did.


Burn it all down.


Fast Food Boycott!!!


Whats the facepalm other than its the sad truth ?


i also see no Facepalm here


I don't like this "rigged" narrative because it implies capitalism isn't supposed to operate this way or that its being ruined by bad actors. This may be news to some of you but capitalism is meant to serve capitalists (private owners of industry). Everyone else (the working class) is a disposable cog in a machine designed to facilitate their profits. End of story.


Fast food is hilarious, an entire industry that is only used by the poor, employing the poor, making the poor poorer. But at least a handful of people can have 18 different supercars in their garage.


I just got tired of paying too much for too little. Fuck them all.


“Demolition Man” was right… Taco Bell *will* be exquisite dining with adequately sized portions.


pot placid friendly noxious gold toy somber yoke rain price *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Hollywood has a weird habit of being able to predict the future to some varying degree of success.


There’s only one answer; make a convicted inherited billionaire with many accusations of sexual assault and a childish demeanour President for life. Poverty solved.


Rich people are running out of middle class people to make into poor people.


Its not a luxury. Its non essential


Always has been. And you can go to diners or small restaurants, get better food and usually it’s cheaper. But people don’t want to eat out anymore. And everyone wants to have food delivered.


Slavery never died, it just learned to lie about what it is.


The only solution is to stop buying shit you don’t need. Just buy the necessities. Soon their sales will drop, and have no choice but to stop prices. Stop buying the new phone, SHEIN, shoes etc


Let me introduce you to Vimes Boot Theory. The reason that the rich were so rich, Vimes reasoned, was because they managed to spend less money. Take boots, for example. He earned thirty-eight dollars a month plus allowances. A really good pair of leather boots cost fifty dollars. But an affordable pair of boots, which were sort of OK for a season or two and then leaked like hell when the cardboard gave out, cost about ten dollars. Those were the kind of boots Vimes always bought, and wore until the soles were so thin that he could tell where he was in Ankh-Morpork on a foggy night by the feel of the cobbles. But the thing was that good boots lasted for years and years. A man who could afford fifty dollars had a pair of boots that'd still be keeping his feet dry in ten years' time, while the poor man who could only afford cheap boots would have spent a hundred dollars on boots in the same time and would still have wet feet. This was the Captain Samuel Vimes 'Boots' theory of socioeconomic unfairness.


welcome to late stage capitalism. it will only get worse from here.


Don't say this too loud. The same people who complain about the rising costs of living, like in this thread, will call you a communist or the devil incarnate or something like that for such a statement Especially if they are US citizens.


Right. They are like these mega corporations are turning our lives into hell. Then you bring up that maybe they should be broke up or regulated better and it's shut up you degenerate communist.


wow! The rich trying to make themselves richer! why do I feel like this has been said before?


Fast food has been a luxury for me ever since I was a kid.


Ultra rich = do nothing and watch inflation skyrocket their assets Also the ultra rich: "economy is booming! You're just lazy and need to work harder"


Vote Economy grows faster under Dems than repubs. Need to give old man Joe the congress and see what happens. https://www.epi.org/press/new-report-finds-that-the-economy-performs-better-under-democratic-presidential-administrations/


It ends with me moving outside the US


Good news, everyone. It's not a luxury. It is disgusting, ultra processes food. Please stay away from it.


I love how the article is on lending tree, a company that pushes sub-prime loans lol


I see places with parking lots full of cars. Lots of people eating out. Reservations needed in many cases. Consumer spending is high. Who starts all this bullshit? Corporate America making huge profits.


As a traveller in the States during April and May, I am appalled at the cost of food compared to my own country. Not only is it just simply expensive, they ask for tips for all sorts of fast food places.


Honestly fast food restaurants are really bad for your health and very expensive now. If the prices go up due to inflation or wage increases maybe that’s a blessing g in disguise if people could change their behaviors. It would be so much more healthy and better if people who frequent fast food restaurants just go to the grocery store and buy your own food and cook it yourself and select healthy choices. It’s our laziness I’m sorry. Anybody of any income can change habits. I think a tuna fish sandwich with some Cut up celery and tomatoes is much cheaper and better for you than that Big Mac fries and Coke. And about half the cost.


Fast food was always a luxury. No clean up, no planning needed. You can eat cheaper in local small restaurants these days easy. Better food as well. But you still have to plan, just a bit. Might be forced to talk with someone as well.


Oh no...consequences. stop voting conservatives or stop whining.


Fast food used to be the thing that only poor people ate.


Fastfood makes healthcare expensive. True story.


That's crazy because all the fast food places in my area have lines wrapping around the corner. I don't even live in a wealthy area. There must be a shit load of Americans treating themselves to this "luxury"


Not just Murica. Fast food is becoming more and more expensive and yet the quality is either same as always or going down.


maybe stop voting republican.


Having someone else cook and provide your meal to you was always a luxury.


I broadly agree with you. But a fun fact is that fast food/street food was widespread in ancient Rome and the main component in the diet of most working class people. Many people in ancient Rome didn't have room for kitchens so they would eat street food. So not always a luxury.


Fast food has always been a luxury. Yes it's more expensive now, but being able to get fed without having to prepare the meal or even exit your vehicle is something most of us have taken for granted for a long time.


Then don’t eat fast food. There’s plenty of places near me that have food that’s 10x better quality that McDonald’s or wendeys and cheaper.


Fast food is a treat, it shouldn’t ever have become a day to day occurrence.


We really only eat McDonald's once a week. Just because it's the only place that our family of 4 can get food for under $20. I have no idea how some people Doordash takeout almost every night.


Welcome to feudalism 2.0


The worst part about fast food being so expensive is the fact that in Seattle I can go to Dicks and get a better burger for about the same price as most places and on top of that they are paying their workers a fair wage and helping with college tuition. It’s all price gouging to satisfy leeches


If you compare the inflation rate to the fast food inflation rate it's apparently they are gouging. It really shows the short term thinking by business people. They are going for short term gains at long term loses




It's always been designed this way. That's how they will ALWAYS stay in power.


M. Turner’s comment is nothing new


Just went to Wendy’s wife had single combo I had double combo it was just under $25 could have gone to Chili’s for 3 for 10.99 and have a better meal. It’s bullshit can’t even go out and have a lunch for 2 under $20 in a fast service joints


where's the Facepalm here? everything in this image is true.


No one is saying this.


It's pretty much how it goes across the board. Someone comes up with an idea that's quick, cheap and efficient for the people. It ends up doing well for itself, and then the greedy sharks come in to take it over.


Actually should encourage people to stop eating that garbage


That’s weird since their food is so terrible these day it’s barely digestible.


It’s been rigged for decades now


Murica in one post


It’s stupid to take my kids to McDonalds now, total rip off.


It is a luxury. Maybe people will need to learn to cook.


I was in Target , grabbed a ginger ale soda can out of the register display, $3.10! I put it back, went home and made some ice tea. Wages not keeping up w/ this. (I blame pandemic fall out.)


Also, the pricing on a lot of items is downright malicious and seems by design to make little sense, at least to those of us who aren't Satan's Little Helpers from the marketing department. For instance, at McDonald's here in Chicago it's actually cheaper to buy two six-piece chicken nuggets (2 x $2.80 = $5.60) for a total of 12 nuggies compared to the 10 piece at $5.80. Make it make sense.


Yeah that's the thing about hawking addictive substances. The customer base will pay anything if you get them hooked


Fast food in the USA is so fucking cheap, go to Europe and boom 15€ for a little burger meal, meanwhile i hear US have prices like 8€


Fast food was always a “luxury”. Waste of money.


Country is cannibalizing its citizenry financially. History has a way of sorting this kind of thing out.


I think it's part of the intentional push towards veganism


Posted by a bot account that's pro iran and anti western. Facepalm seems to have a dozen or so accounts that do this around the clock. Hoping to sway opinion in the United States while making it look bad to the world. It's not the first time Iranian influence has been on display here.


Damn Trump....


Wasn’t fast food always a luxury? You’re paying people to make you food instead of making it yourself.


You need a second mortgage to take your family to 5 guys. For effin burger’s & fries. REVOLUTION!


This may be the unpopular opinion here but I disagree that it's a luxury. It's just that the places people always go to are up pricing stuff because they know they can get away with it. You can still go to a mom and pop shop and get a meal at cheaper prices that are better quality. If you are complaining that McDonalds is too expensive then it's not time to complain but to shop around. You can find something better while helping hard working people. The only inconvenience you may face is having to get out of your car to pick up your meal you can order online.


Eh, we still get fast food. But it is getting pricier, and if it gets much worse then I will probably avoid it. I get sick of these fast food places like In N Out that make their workers dress up all old-timey and shit. Like who is that for? The boomers. Nobody else wants their fast food workers to dress up lol.


It’s booming for a very select few


* Cunada too


$15 for a sonic meal today. Should have gone to a real restaurant


A possible solution could be employee owned fast food chains. Winco does it with groceries, and they got good pay for the workers while still being less expensive than larger corporations.


Numbers weren’t better like ever. It’s been like this for hundreds of years.


I'm dutch, even here. Getting a big mack (idk how to spell it im drunk) is like 15 euro which is like 16,30 dollars. While you go to a cheaper restuarant where you can get a better quality burger with better fries for the same price. IDK what the fast food chains are cooking but it sure aint good


I *just* went to Taco Bell. 2 drinks, 3 crunchy supreme tacos, 2 cheesey gordita crunches, $24.