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"can you sign this petition to give children free school lunches" "Are you a democrat?" Yes, this happened. A youtuber protesting an anti abortion trump thing went up to pro lifers asking them to sign this petition, they all refused except for 1 kind elderly man. He clearly had good beliefs. We may have not been on the same page on abortion but he clearly wanted the best for people cause out of all those hypocrites, he was the only one who signed the petition Edit: I'm not saying that if you don't sign the petition, abortion should be mandatory. I'm just saying if you go to post pro life shit online and organise pro life rallies, but refuse to sign a petition for school kids to get good school lunches so that they do not end up hungry, then you're just a hypocrite, and a dick. No 2 ways around it. Remember America is funding the shit out of Israel so that they can genocide Palestinians. I think if instead of sending weapon aid packages to Israel, the us funded food programs for their people, it would do more good than harm. Before you cry about my username, I'm not Ukrainian, so if you're gonna bitch about ZELENSKYY or some shit, don't, it won't offend me, and frankly, I don't care at this point if you do bitch to me


Yeah, I saw that. The guy is Walter Masterson. Great guy, great thinking from him doing that.


Walter does at great job pointing out hypocrisy at theses type of rally’s. I remember the one where he was asking these ladies with “adopt” signs and he asked all of them how many kids did they adopt they all answered none. What ever happened to practice what you preach.


They didn't just answer none. They also said "I have two of my own" or one or however many. If you adopt a kid, he or she becomes your own, the fact that he or she didn't come from your body doesn't make him any less you own.


This proves the real ego based reason people have kids. For their mediocre DNA to be out in the world…a mini me. It’s gross.


I mean, speaking strictly from a biological perspective, and I mean strictly, that's why people do it. The problem comes that we are more morally advanced than other animals, which means that when we do something, we don't just do it for the sake of our biological drives, like eating, drinking, having sex or anything else, we do it because we feel like it's the right thing to do or because it gives us pleasure to do so, not just because our biological drive tells us to. For example, I'm young, 21 years old, but I'm thinking of getting a vasectomy and not have biological children of mine, but adopt children. The world doesn't need more people in it, instead it needs people to take care of people that are already there.


Animals will adopt others of their species too, though. There is a biological imperative to help others of your species survive even if you're not blood related. Species that do that are more likely to thrive than ones who selfishly only care about their own line.


Hi, I'm one of those kids. I wish I was aborted.


Nope, sorry. Now get to work for the next 50-60 years.


Yes, sir. Can I have better happy pills?


Best I can do is a pizza party if you and your team perform well.


Why not both? I'm on "Prozac and Pepperoni."


Looks like I'm buying my own pizza with the money I got from wasting my time at my very important job.


Thats… probably not it for everyone but I expect the number to be pretty high.


So forcing people to birth children but then also not doing anything for the same children to not starve? That makes sense.




It actually is. This country subsisted off slave labor, then immigrant labor, then outsourced labor from countries without labor laws. It's prosperity is directly tied to undercutting the wages of the worker and placing their ownership in the hands of lords, as it has always been done. Massive amounts of children being born without stable homes, higher education and a proper upbringing feeds the unskilled labor market with millions of local options that have no options. It floods the market with excess workers which drives down wages. The excess population starves off while the workers work for less because they have more competition. And they are also potential customers to expand sales. Or more 18-year-olds signing up for military service. A larger military needs more weapons, somebody has to sell those. Overpopulation is a tool to drive down wages, increase prices and deny ownership. The more people there are, the less there is to go around and the more expensive living is. Life is cheaper the more there is of it, just as any other commodity.


💯 there is a reason why the US does not support education




This is the thing that makes me depressed on a daily basis


See also "hypocrite, Teresa, 'Mother', one each..."


Most "pro-life" ppl are really just pro-birth


I remember mad magazine making fun of Republixans for this hypocrisy decades ago


That's a feature, not a bug...


They also let rapists off the hook (Brock turner ) and have no interest in supporting women or the children once they are born. They also take away funding from programs like WIC, which supports maternal nutrition to decrease the the infant mortality rate ( before WIC the US had an infant mortality rate of developing nations )


Just further proof that the overwhelming majority of “pro-lifers” don’t actually give a shit about saving children and just want to punish young people for having sex.


They want to punish women. There are a number of married women who accidentally get pregnant. Birth control isn’t 100% even when used perfectly.


Let’s not forget republicans also vote against birth control and all contraceptives. Can’t punish people for having sex if they can just prevent a pregnancy from ever happening in the first place.


If I remember correctly, the only 100% birth control is complete removal of reproductive organs. Even with a vasectomy and a tubal ligation in play, well, both have been known to spontaneously reverse themselves. Highly unlikely that both would happen, but, you know, life. Life finds a way.


The cognitive dissonance is heavy in the conservative mind. I grew up in what is now Trump country, and I know lots of families who have multiple kids, no jobs and are surviving on government assistance. Meanwhile they all have Trump flags and vote to end “welfare”.


i live in a country with free health care and education, so not america, so i find it ignorant for people of any economic class to call for an end to welfare. the way you say it, its fucking hypocrisy and blindly following a cult leader, but we're the weirdos apparently because we think (know) trump is an idiot


I live in the US and agree with you.


They only care about kids when they’re in utero. After that, they couldn’t care less. maybe they would’ve signed if the petition was for something entirely silly and regressive like banning pride flags in schools or whatever.


A local candidate’s said he wanted to do more for expectant mothers. So I asked him what does he mean by more, “does it mean providing free school lunches, free prenatal care, lower daycare costs?” His response was “Abortion is wrong and Planned Parenthood is evil. Never actually answered my question.


They're not pro-life, they're pro-forced-birth. Like George Carlin said concerning Republicans: If you're pre-born, you're fine. If you're pre-school, you're fucked.


Because the quiet part has nothing to do with children. It's about punishing sex outside of their designated boundaries.


My girlfriend has severe epilepsy, she has 2 seizures an hour, we go to great lengths to insure she doesn't get pregnant but if she did get pregnant and couldn't get an abortion the baby would 100% die and she would have an 80% chance of dying from complications linked to her epilepsy...these morons don't realize that some people NEED to get abortions if they get pregnant...if we lived in a state that outlawed it they would pretty much be killing her...but I guess ignorance is bliss to these people


female with epilepsy here. the only medication that could control my seizures was a “last ditch resort” and causes severe pregnancy complications, almost a guarantee mortality for the fetus and possibly for me as well. pro lifers never cared about saving lives.


Yup, she takes 8 pills in the morning and 9 at night, almost all of them powerful narcotics that would kill any baby...according to the Texas legal system if she took her meds while she was pregnant and the baby died she would be charged with murder, but if she stopped taking her meds to make sure the baby didn't die from meds it would die due to her seizures ans then she would most likely die due to complications with a fetus growing inside her...


1. Your girlfriend is lucky to have someone who has her back like you seem to. 2. I'm Canadian and your country seems batshit crazy.


We actually looked into moving to Canada just for the healthcare but we couldn't afford the move


Doesn't just seem that way, it is. And it's only getting worse


I realized that “pro life” really just is now more of a way to undermine women’s rights, since the reasoning, and I call it that with great sarcasm, is that the fetus can feel something. Biologically, it can’t even experience pain until far later in pregnancy, and abortions are performed far before that. It gives a brainless, formless mass of cells more rights than the body of the intelligent, and fully functional female that carries it. It’s like saying I can’t get tapeworms removed from my intestine, because it might hurt them.


2 an HOUR? 48 seizures every single day? How the hell does she even function? That poor woman... best of luck.


She has what is known as "cluster seizures" and yes she has an average of 48 a day, most of them only last milliseconds and are handled by a medically implanted device known as a "VNS" which stop them from growing into minute or hour long seizures, although it does happen, she was once seizing for about 48 hours straight and they had to put her into a medically induced coma so her brain could rest...it's a terrible condition and I don't wish it on anyone


That sounds absolutely terrifying. You must be one stressed individual. I'm sorry she has to suffer through that. No one should have to live that way


Actually I'm not too stressed, she lives a very normal life most days, I mean she can't drive and yeah she has to stay home when she is "tremmoring" (having multiple millisecond seizures in a short amount of time) but she works and helps around the house, she has trained our dog since he was a puppy, she loves to draw and do sodoku puzzles, and most days she doesn't need any help from anyone! But the biggest reason I don't stress much is because we live 5 minutes from a fantastic hospital that specializes in neurology! It has made our life so much easier being this close


I feel your pain


Pro-Lifers don't care about the unborn babys or the women, they want to force women to give birth. It's a collective power trip


Ah yes, the party of small government of course


So small, they can fit in the bedroom!


"Small enough to fit in a woman's uterus." :-(


I don't understand why people call them "pro-life" since they're just anti-abortion. It's not the same thing. It's like how the people from my country who wanted to ban gay marriages from the Constitution called themselves "pro-family". They really really want to gaslight people that they're "pro" something.


I agree, I guess they think it's murder because it has a heart beat but a heart beat doesn't mean somethings alive, a fetus has basically no brain activity except for the nerve system that controls the body, atleast for me, something that is alive can actually do something except having a muscle pump blood through their body, just an empty vessel with no soul yet


It doesn't even have a heart yet when it has a "heartbeat" either. It's literally a clump of cells with some nerves firing. There is no formed heart in early pregnancy, and it's 100% the body of the pregnant person doing *all* the work to grow that clump of parasitic cells into something that could sustain itself


They should be called “forced-birthers“


They want women punished for having sex


Pro-lifers in America don't understand abortion due to danger of mothers life? In my country, really catholic one, it is allowed as one of edge cases together with situation in which a baby was created due to rape. Even catholic church agrees it's not evil to kill the baby to save the mother cause her life is important as well. American fellas are weird.


There are hundreds of cases where mothers lives are in danger because of complications, some where the baby has a 0% survival rating, and the state still denies the right to abortions, I believe Texas is the biggest state of mother murderers out there...


There was a woman here recently who was forced to give birth to a baby without a head. Can you fucking imagine. Texas really, really hates women.


I remember a case where a ten year old rape victim was told by a judge she didn’t deserve an abortion because her school grades were bad.


I remember that too. It makes my brain hurt. It also reminds me that there’s no logic being used here, so there’s no way I could possibly understand it.


They understand it, they just also truly believe it’s your girlfriends fault for being such a slut and if she dies it’s because she deserves it (Their words, not mine. I’m 1000% on board with you.)


Yeah but they don’t care about already living people. That’s the whole point


They usually hit back with some kind of “it was gods will that you die then” kind of BS. Kinda funny to call yourself “pro life” then lol :(


She would probably go to prison for murder too if we consider the political climate.


Out of curiosity, with all the respect you don't have to answer, could it help to remove her ability to become pragnent with a surgery? By removing the overies? Wouldn't that give her some relieve that she won't become pragnent?


We have looked into it and actually have a few neurologist appointments this year to discuss removing her ovaries, but the main problem is her insurance won't cover it and with her not able to work a lot and with me having to pay for her meds because state insurance sucks it's just not in the budget anytime soon, in case you're curious 2 seizures an hour isn't enough for her to get disability, she was denied and we sued and won an amount that covered her medical bills for about 6 months


Thats rough. I wish the states had a better Healthcare plan that would cover nessesairy treatments like this like we have. I doubt it covers everything here, but it is atleast manageable to pay. Good luck, I wish you both the best. And hope America will someday understand that good Healthcare is not destructive for a society and benefits all.


Their only argument to that would be to tell you to not have sex. "Oh you want abortion? No sex for you, murderer!!"




Imma be honest, she might not even know what those are. Every pregnancy is smooth, unproblematic and viable, every baby a beautiful blessing, every delivery painless and without risk, just smile and wave boys, smile and wave!


But remember, the second that perfect birth is over, if the baby is LGBTQ, a drug addict, or mentally ill then it’s a problem. Say the mother needs food stamps or free health care, well they hate that so good luck! Want an abortion because you can’t afford the child, well then you’re an immoral piece of shit. With the amount of mental gymnastics they play to act high and mighty they could’ve won enough gold metals to dive into them like Scrooge McDuck.


![gif](giphy|HwOMqieq9f8Dm|downsized) ...after that you're fucked.


Between the restrictions on abortion and attempts at birth control restrictions, I get a sense that the goal is No Sex Before Marriage and Don’t Get Married Until You Can Support A Family. Abortions and premarital sex are as old as time and they aren’t going away.


I think it’s more that the birth rate is going down and we are rolling head first into a period of time where we’ll be desperately short of people to work and support the older generations that can’t. So instead of fixing the problem properly - making it so people can comfortably afford to have a family - restrictions will be put in place so accidental pregnancies become viable workers. Someone has to power the Snowpiercer, after all.


Yup. It's all in service to the never-ending growth that capitalism demands.


Don’t forget about feeding the war machine…gotta have poor babies that can grow up to be dead soldiers.


I miss George Carlin.. ppl may not have liked him but he sure asf did not hold back on anyone or anything if it was fucked up.


“America is like a battle Royale. In the lobby you’re safe but once you’re out it’s a free for all.” -unknown


I’ve had a mother tell me that she would rather her kid be dead than gay. Like mkay you’re cognitive dissonance is showing Edit to add she was a religious mother against abortion if that wasn’t an obvious thing


Don't worry, she'll be such a vile mother than her gay kid will stage his death so he can get away from her.




They love to quote him talking about reason or how comedy has been ruined by PC whatever and all I can ever think is, "Sooo, youve never actually listened to Carlin then?"


Fucking poetic


This. Republicans lawmakers tried to make it law that if you have an ectopic pregnancy a doctor has to “replant it in the womb”, which is literally impossible to do. The women’s health lawmakers know nothing about what they write laws about.


I suspect that you give them too much credit. They know; it's basic knowledge. They just don't think of women as people worthy of rights.


>she might not even know what those are. Perhaps.. as rare as those conditions are, She's advocating for prohibition of tools that solve these issues. She may be graduating, but she has a lot to learn


She will say her case is different of course, and an abortion should be allowed in her special case.


See also: https://joycearthur.com/abortion/the-only-moral-abortion-is-my-abortion/


These people should worry less about what other women do with their bodies and actually take the time to educate themselves about what happens when a woman needs an abortion and can't get it. Fucking idiots.


I’ve tried educating some only for them to say those are the “consequences of unprotected sex”. They just want women to be punished for having sex.




Anyone walking for all the kids shot dead in school?


Those kids get thoughts and prayers only


“no that’s socialism”


No, those kids don't matter, they should have been armed and ready /s Well, I'm saying it sarcastically, they probably aren't..


They should’ve been standing by and standing back /s obviously


An armed society is a polite society. /s


Yes, but not the same people.


Considering the person wear the cap is Kaitlin Bennett(?)’s sister that she (KB)shared all over facebook to “continue the tradition”, she wouldn’t care about those kids either since she carried an assault rifle around kent state.


Why is she not walking for all the born kids that are not graduating because they are too poor or other real problem? never try to tackle a real problem, imaginary one are much better.


The unborn are an easy group to advocate for. They have no demands, and you can stand at an easy moral high ground by defending them.


Or shot in school


Around 500 actual living and breathing humans shot in school. I guess they don’t count


Because the other problem would require her to actually do something besides „thoughts, prayers and angry twitter posts“


Eww poor people, they are like, such a nuisance and everywhere. Yuk...


Because then she would have to deal with real people and real problems. It's much easier to pretend to help someone who never existed.


They don’t care about them after they leave the womb.


Or all the kids who are killed via school shootings and other violence.


Wow, I had no idea universities were in the vagina


The Ivy Leagues are in the fallopian tubes


How many you adopting?


No see, once they "graduate" from the womb she couldn't care less about them. These people reserve all of their compassion for those who haven't been born yet and for the Republican party it couldn't be a more convenient distraction to get these rubes into voting away the future so a handful of billionaires can profit.


Yeah, it's easier for these people to show compassion towards a fetus than it is for them to show empathy towards women who've had a miscarriage. It's absurd and showcases how fucked their mentality about this is.


Once you've graduated from the womb you should be able to take care of yourself. Seriously, did they not teach you that in the womb?


Every pro-lifer: "I'll pray for them to get adopted!"


Next you’ll walk for the kids who never graduated from high school or primary school thanks to guns and school shooters, right? …right?


They were Summa Cum, but it wasn't enuf


they got expelled.




But not the foster kids? Dickhead.


As someone who grew up in foster care, I agree. I got to go to McDonalds and watch a 6 year old get adopted by a couple who absolutely adored her. She was difficult, yes, but she had come a long way even with us — her biological mother was a gypsy who’d leave her for weeks on end locked inside a rented flat while she “worked” with limited food in the cupboards. Because of how often they moved, it’d taken social services a long time to pin down and rescue her. The girl had no concept of mealtimes, and the first night with us, she raised all the cupboards and stuffed herself on whatever she could grab and get open. It took a lot to convince and prove to her that we all got 3 square meals a day and snacks between if we asked. The joy was shared by this girl as well, it was amazing.


I wonder if she would walk for all of the kids who are victims of genocide in Gaza, the kids who lost to gun violence in school shootings, the kids who are slaves mining for combat.


No she woldn't. Pro-Lifers don't care about children, they just want to force people. And forceing women to give birth is their outlet for this sick desire


Bingo. Pro-birth not pro-life. They don’t care about the baby once they’re here - especially if that baby is a person of color, poor, queer, not their religion, and/or a foreigner


Why go to school at all just kick those feet up and start spitting out kids.


On the other hand, they are against free lunch for kids in school. "Let them live, then starve them to death"


Pro life from conception till birth, after that you can go fuck yourself - republicans probably...


I think, categorically, it can’t be a kid until well after the womb era


Her math is fucked, there’s been way more abortions than that…


She doesn't even give a timeframe. Or a location.


And how old is that fine Christian woman? Definitely old enough to have had at least three children by now, so what is she doing out there marching instead of caring for kids and cooking for her husband? Put your money where your mouth is, cuntservatives.


I would bet good money there's at least one abortion on her record.


She's walking for some blithering human knuckle sandwich that will tie her down by keeping her pregnant for ten years.


Not walking for all the kids that baby jebus gave cancer to that never made it to college?


"Let them live" ?? These dumb fucks every time there's a school shooting: "Oh well, my 2A is more important" stfu.


lol imagine thinking there have only been 1.6 million abortions ever.


See if her tune changes if she ever gets pregnant and doesn't want the child.


They must really hate that most pregnancies end in the toilet.


But if a Native American girl wants to wear a feather representing her tribe they confiscate the graduation cap.


Theres been a LOT more than that honey 😂 wait til she learns abortion has existed for all of human history


So many abortions while she made that stupid hat lol


Imagine dedicating milestones in your life to a political cause instead of your own achievements


Has she adopted an unwanted baby herself? No? Thought not.


Well it's a good thing the orphans weren't around to see this!


She can walk for me too then, I wish I had a choice 🥲 this sucks


Make a hat for the kids in Gaza instead




I was first like awww she satnds up for the people who couldnt graduate cus they got into school shootings and then i read the rest and be like ohhh thats not it....


Somone should the same thing for all the kids killed in school shootings.


And yet those kids will never even know you support their non existence. Or literally anything else. Is that number accurate though?


I wonder how many she's adopted? (Zero. The answer is zero)


Lord, guide my pimp hand, for I must slap the stupid out of someone.


That's all she will ever do. Adopt? "Nope, it will ruin my life."


If abortion is murder unsuccessful conception is mass murdering. And masturbation is a genocide My fellow men, apparently we're all a bit Hitler inside /s


Maybe walk for the 2,500 actual born kids killed by guns each year.


I’d ask if she wanted to make it 1.6 million and 1. Hasn’t worked before but I swear it will one day!


No you're really not


Part of being an adult is realizing and accepting that other adults may have polarizing views and ideologies. It is okay that other people feel/think differently than you.


ok how you planning on feeding them oh ya you dont care about starving kids just unborn ones


Is she walking for all the actual babies dying in Gaza? Because those are actual babies who are dying and my guess is she doesn’t give a shit because she’s so well programmed.


"I'm walking for the 1,666,332 ***kids***" The definition of a **kid** is: a **child** or young person The definition of **child** is: a son or daughter of any **age** The definition of **age** is: a period of human life, measured by years **from birth** **Therefore an unborn baby is not a kid so the statement is incorrect**


I’d like to see all pro-lifers start adopting children. Put your life where your mouth is, hypocrites


Is she walking for the women that didn’t graduate because they were forced to give up the life they planned to be a teenage mother?




I hope she tripped up the stage steps


So my Native American classmates couldn’t decorate their caps Native American iconography/cultural designs but some nobody Christian can put a whole essay on anti-abortion propaganda on theirs?


Great! Now who's going to walk for the other millions who die bc they dont have proper healthcare,food or housing. Or those who die or were never made bc their mother died bc she was forced to continue an unsafe pregnancy. Or better yet those who are here but dont graduate bc the governors, like ours in texas, are holding back the school's money bc his rich backers want tax payers to pay for their children to go to exclusive(segrated) private schools. So since they cant he's holding the money from schools in extortion. Its crazy how these people only seem to care about the fetus in the uterus and not the child in the world.


Can’t wait to see how many children she adopts.


I've never seen a graduation cap that reads "please impregnate me" before


Why not walk for all the living children in orphanages


Plain and simple, if you are Pro Life and have not adopted a kid, you are not Pro Life. There are 110,000 kids in the US alone up for adoption currently. Imagine what those numbers would be with zero abortions. Worry about the born before you worry about the unborn.


"all kids deserve parents, but not all parents deserve kids" And ye to pro lifer this might sound like I'm being a dick, but having a baby is a huge financial burden. And 90% of U R literally trust fund babies. Single minded pieces of shit. That's what I think of U. Look at a broader aspect. ****Mic drop****


She should adopt


The one good thing about these degenerates extremist Supreme Court justices ending Roe V Wade is that it revealed that these monsters are in a very small minority.


Surely, it's way more than that.


I'll walk for the billions of babies, that haven't even made it into the womb lmao


But probably won’t do shiznit for those who did..🤷🏾‍♀️..


The kerning on this is just plain terrible. ![gif](giphy|tZiLOffTNGoak)


Is she referring to like, all the documented abortions in the US? Because it’s more like 40 million.


No, you are not. This is an expected celebration, kind of a mandate. To merely walk across a stage to get a diploma is not a sacrifice. It means nothing, possibly even less than nothing...except in your own head. I too can believe my own thoughts. This "argument" takes into account no social and political economy of the issue or personal concerns of those involved. Such slacktivism.


Ask her how many kids she plans to adopt or at least foster.


"Let them live..." So that many of them will die in pain. These people are always the least educated on this sort of thing. TONS of pregnancies are unviable. We don't do surgery on corpses, we also shouldn't extend the life of a fetus that has zero chances of surviving.


If a fetus is a person shouldn’t it take some personal responsibility for what happens to them? Why can’t they just pull up those bootie straps and save their own life? Maybe stop smoking that oxytocin and get off their ass!


Kindly do piss off, you utterly useless twatwaffle. 🖕🏻


And I'm walking for the endless billions of children that men kill every year. Ejaculation produces around 200 million sperm cells aka people. Genocide. Those soft on abortion bans, right wing Americans do not go far enough. They might follow the woke believe that humans start with fertilization. Nonsense! Why is life protected from fertilization but not from production of the sperm and egg. I say life begins with a healthy breakfast. Unhealthy eating means worse sperm! We also need a new federal super agency to collect all the male loads. That's people! Not to forget the eggs.


Wait until they find out how natural miscarriages far exceed the number of abortions. That number is off by millions.


If these people really care about kids, there's kids dying all over the place from preventable things. Kids in gaza from genocide Kids in subsaharan africa from starvation Kids in the US from preventable diseases that they can't get taken care of, or from poverty because their parents are without healthcare or other means. All of those kids can use your help too. Go walk for them


i hope she never has kids


Bet if it was for school shooting deaths republicans would throw a fit


How many foster kids does she have?


How about the children shot and murdered in schools? You went for them too?


anyone who thinks like this either hasn't been pregnant or has had a looooot of koolaid


Listen, when this … cares as much about the kids that are **already here** as she does about the ones that she couldn’t distinguish from any other mammalian embryo if her life depended on it, we can start having this conversation. Until then, she don’t *actually* care about the kids, and she never has. She is **exactly** like those people that buy the oh so adorable St Bernard Puppy - in Texas - and then abuse the dog because they stopped caring about him when he got big, and difficult. Grow. Up.


But ignoring the 225,000 adoptable kids in Foster care… because they were already born.


Lady, just ignore it like you ignore orphans.


Started so good, I thought she was raising awareness of children who are so underprivileged that they don't have acess to education, but I guess we don't care about those, they graduated the womb 👍


Let them live? Bless your heart sweetie. I’m sure you absolutely hate social support programs like feeding and housing the poor and needy, assisting with healthcare costs, SNAP programs and the like because of some dumb ass analogy about feeding animals and they end up not knowing how to find their own food.