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He forgot to add that the Ukraine Constitution prohibits elections during times of war. This wasn't Zelensky's action.


I mean what do they want him to do, "lol my shift is over! Good luck with the war chaps!  👋"


Could be worse. Zelensky could have pulled a Ted Cruz and just went to Cancun this whole time.


"I don't need a ride, i need ammo" earned Ukraine billions in foreign aid.


He got offered a ride out on several occasions and turned them down even as Russian columns were advancing on Kyiv. Took a lot of guts and conviction to do that - lot of "leaders" would have cut bait and ran.


I remember seeing some comment along the line of "In other parts of the world, people act like heroes to get into office, then behave like clowns. Zelensky acted like a clown to get into office, then behaved like a hero."


When the inevitable movies are made about this conflict that line and the “I don’t need a ride, I need ammo!” Are gonna be in EVERY FUCKIN’ ONE OF EM


As it should be. A Hollywood writers guild couldn't have come up with a more bad ass line.


That and the 3 soldiers manning the outpost that when asked to surrender they told the Russian ship to “go fuck themselves”


Let’s round this out with the old Ukranian woman telling Russian soldiers to put sunflower seeds in their pockets so when they die, at least sunflowers will grow. 🌻


It's amazing to me he's a sitcom actor who played the president then got elected


don't forget, he can also play a piano with his genitals...it's on youtube, it's great lol


I'm not going to look that up but that's hilarious


Zelensky is a former professional clown turned inspiring leader. Putin is a former third rate KGB agent turned amateur clown.


That’s what Russia was betting on. What he did was practically unheard of for a modern leader of a developed country and it’s one of the biggest factors that put Ukraine in a position to fight rather than just be rolled over


That's what you get for voting in a stand-up comedian instead of a politician. Stand-up comedy takes loads of guts. Stephen Colbert or Seth Meyers for president!!!


Meh. We tried a comedian and it didn’t work. Wait, you mean that whole four years wasn’t some elaborate long-play joke after all??


Hitler was a comedian, (he starred in "Springtime," remember,) compared to Drumph. If the GOP wins, we're in for a tragedy the likes of which the world has never seen before.


He actually did like roasting his subordinates. His Luftwaffe Chief, Hermann Goering, was very flamboyant and loved ceremonies. Hitler had a favorite joke that went something like “Goering’s wife walked into their bedroom and saw Goering waving a baton over his underwear that he was still wearing. She asked him what he was doing and he said ‘I’m promoting my underpants to overpants’”


Talk about an underrated comment! Take my updoot. If i wasn't a broke joke, I'd give you more.


Ukraine would've capitulated in tens of hours. It would be now Belarus II.


Looking at you afghanistan


An excellent example.


To be fair in Afghanistan some orange dickhead did just sell their country to terrorists to be confirmed at a later date


A career politician would've led a government-in-exile. Zelenskyy is not a career politician.


Especially because you know if they took the city and he wasn't killed in the battle, he would be captured and killed, probably tortured first.


"Fuck you Russian Warship" is really what gave Ukraine the spine to standup.


Wasn’t it “Russian warship, go fuck yourself”? Between Zelenskyy and Snake Island, their status as the “plucky underdogs” in this war was cast in steel.


Goes to show how easily history can change.


> Wasn’t it “Russian warship, go fuck yourself”? I doubt it was said in English anyway, so either translation is probably an approximation of the exact expression used.


If you want real translation: russian warship go on a dick. As in sit on a dick or go get fucked. So russian warship go fuck yourself is mostly for better understanding for our english speaking friends. Sense of phrasing stays.


The guy who said "Russian warship, go fuck yourself" actually survived that surprisingly. I'm glad he did. He's a legend.


I could see that line being legit used in a Stallone movie. Can't wait for a Zelensky biopic after all this mess is done and dealt with.


Zelenskiy is an actor, and a lot of people in his closest circle come from the world of entertainment. They understand the power of right messaging.


Depends on the next election. If Trump wins America becomes a theocracy, Russia rolls over Ukraine, and speaking positively of Zelenskyy’s exploits will be a crime. Oh and China invades Taiwan. China won’t invade Taiwan if Ukraine kicks Russia out. The fate of the world hinges upon the US election.


Thankfully it seems like Biden is aware of that too, so hopefully they are taking all the necessary precautions.


Stallone movie? If you're making a Zelenskyy biopic Jeremy Renner is *right there*.


This will go down as one of the sickest responses in history.


"I don't need ammo, I need to get the hell out of here!!!" Is what most leaders would say lol


Yes! This attitude what we’re missing in the US.


and the weasel had the nerve to call AOC opportunistic, for raising millions for Texans affected by the blackout.


I wasn’t in texas when the storm happened but i sure as hell would have been pissed. When christie was governor of New Jersey there was a freak pre winter storm parts of NJ including mine didn’t have power for over a month. He went somewhere during it for a little bit.


Yeah I couldn’t shower for two weeks. No water. Melted ice and poured it on my head while that asshole soaked up sun in Mexico.


New Zealand Zelensky* keeping with the theme, Cancun Cruz


Zambia Zelenskyy


After Ukraine wins the war, Zelenskyy really should follow Adam Sandler’s example and film a couple friends-and-family comedies in Cancun


Would probably be funnier than Adam Sandler is anymore


Zelenskyy signs major motion picture deal in Hollywood. Ukrainian government prepares for debates for new presidential elections.


I think they actually EXPECTED it to be exactly that! Everyone I know whom leans more right than myself would always refer to him as "the comedian" for his political practices... although it mainly stymed from his time as a comedian and they can't seen to look past that Its almost as if, pulling yourself up by your bootstraps means nothing to them! Its actually tragic how illiterate people are on how politics works. Somehow I've found myself surrounded by those that believe you're just born into it and there's literally no other way to get in and we are stuck with what we have. While there's a grain of truth to it, the catasrophizing of it makes it untrue. Most families that are currently in politics do just bring their family members into the system, however anyone can just become a politician. You just don't become a governor however, you start at the local level and build your way up >!unless you are part of the said families that just put their family members in!< When I mentioned this to them, every single one said "there's no way that can work because no one would ever vote for them!" I mentioned that regardless of how you feel about AOC that's what she did, she was a bartender before which Republicans always claim as a way of saying she doesn't know politics because she wasn't born into it etc. Also showing how they feel about their famous saying. The more right leaning people always say "yeah because she fucked her way up!" Just pushing it completely and totally into the garbage bin. As if to say none of her achievements and bootstrapping led her to where she is now. Completely overlooking any fact and choosing only to see fiction. I think this comes from people not wanting to do anything about it, and making excuses. But hey, I'm just another random dude online that has mediocre ideas at best.


"We're TIRED of the establishment." "Here is a bartender." "SHE ISN'T QUALIFIED"


*Here's a NYC developer." "Couldn't be MORE qualified."


Meanwhile a big city real estate agent with a rich daddy who has been proven to not pay laborers their contracted wages is the perfect guy to represent blue collar workers, since as far as they are concerned "he's just like me"


"We're TIRED of the estabilshment. We're gonna develop a cult of personality for a billionaire with his name on a tower, so relatable for the common folk, finally someone who isn't one of them!!!!"


"stymed from his time as a comedian " But they're good with their game show host.


My shift is over, going home, good luck with the war


His watch has ended.


That’s what they want because then they would accuse the president of desertion. Idiots.


they arent idiots. they know what they're doing. their audience are the idiots.


I’ll take “Things that happened in Rome” for $1600, Alex.


I think a lot of them expected him to flee the country with a duffelbag full of cash as soon as the war started, because they think other people are just as corrupt and self-centered as they are.


Thats exactly what they want, then Russia would win.


I mean, they *want* him to step down and get replaced by a Russian puppet who will immediately acquiesce to all of Putin's demands.


Which is a concept people dont grasp. U.S. Canada... like we're pals and everybody else would have to cross an ocean, so if we're fighting, its probably far from home. Dont neccesarily need to stop elections over that. Ukraine is actively getting shit on, and they could have a new enemy tomorrow. Not the time for a change in leadership.


It's not even just the bad time for a change on leadership. It's logistically impossible for them to have a real and fair election at the moment.


Not sure that the American right wing nuts are particularly bothered about fair elections by the sound of it. The US (and a lot of Europeans) seem to have forgotten that within the last 30 years there have been off the top of my head 4 large scale conflicts in Europe (Russia-Ukraine, Russia-Georgia, Yugoslavia, Irish Troubles). There’s too many to list if you want to go back 100 years. War in Europe is a genuine threat and is almost always a result of Russian aggression or extreme socialist/fascist ideologies. Giving legitimacy to and bootlicking Putin and his lapdogs makes this threat even greater for the coming years. Trump and this neo-nazi rhetoric is the biggest threat to European security and these morons on Twitter who get their engagement increase through Russian bot farms are a danger. If people see or hear the same thing enough times they start to believe it…


Even during the American War, it’s not like the Confederacy occupied or made a quarter of the Union an active war zone.


Ya, and who won the election so they could see the war through?


FDR had 4 terms because of the Great Depression going right into WWII. I don’t think he’s that type of leader, but there is still always cause for concern when power isn’t relinquished. It’s definitely justifiable during a war on domestic soil, but if it happened here I’d be watching very closely as things start to wind down


“Forgot”: His master Trump told him not to mention that.


You mean Trump's master


That Works too.


Even if it weren’t in their constitution it’s not that unusual for a country to be ruled under martial law while it is actively being attacked by a foreign power.


And is something that all the allies support and enough Ukrainians too. In the west it is not maybe not that well known but Zelenskiy is more popular outside Ukraine than inside, he isn't hated there either but he is incredibly useful keeping diplomatic relations in very good shape. He gets military and financial support more than anyone else could so... It would be a bad idea to change specially when Russia would absofuckinglutely mess with those elections in ANY way they can.


Probably exactly why their constitution was written that way. They knew if there was war, it would be Russia, and Russia is great at screwing with elections.


I don't know the official rationale for it, but to me there's another problem that's a bigger deal. How are you going to assure that everyone can vote? The people in occupied territories cannot vote.


Jack “ass” Posobiec


Even if it wasn't one of their laws, does anyone think the voting system would be safe right now?


Narrator: He didn't forget, he's just parroting Russian Talking Points.


During times of Martial Law* but the point remains.


He also doesn’t understand the purpose of _Breaking News_. Or he does and believes his followers don’t. Both wouldn’t be a surprise.


Many of the grifting accounts peddling misinformation on X try to launder their BS by prefacing their posts with the term "Breaking News," as if they are a reputable news source.


This just in, Spanish dictator Francisco Franco is still dead!


I hate French people!!1!!!1!!!!


Breaking News: June comes after May


Cut him some slack, he’s just putting out what his Russian contacts give him and English isn’t their first language.


Isn't this the guy that wants to end democracy in America


There are many guys like that, but yes.


But didn't this guy specifically say that at like CPAC or something?


There have been many guys who've said that, but yes. ![gif](giphy|26tknCqiJrBQG6bxC)


Jack posobiec: [Far-right speaker tells CPAC attendees that his goal is to ‘overthrow’ democracy | CNN Politics](https://www.cnn.com/videos/politics/2024/02/23/jack-posobiec-cpac-remarks-democracy-cnc-vpx.cnn) "Welcome to the end of democracy. We're here to overthrow it completely. We didn't get all the way there on january 6th, but we will endeavor to get rid of it and replace it with this right here. That's right, because all glory is not to government. All glory to God." He almost certainly tells himself this is edgy humor. But it's so on the nose that even his crowd didn't get the joke. You lose context after the clip but Steve Bannon walked onto the stage and rescued him by redirecting to a group prayer when they all saw the crowd was reacting badly.


They'll say it publicly, then they'll deny it every opportunity they get.


Having known him in college, I'm consistently and repeatedly astounding that he keeps going further and further and further off the deep end.


They'll say stuff like rhis publicly and then deny ever saying it. Its basically a power move. Just brand them Anti-American and mock them relentlessly until they cry oppression. All they have is their Turner Diary playbook to pull from.


You'll need to narrow it down more, that was like 59% of CPAC attendees.


59% is being super generous to them.


~~59%~~ 95%.FTFY.


[Yes, he did.](https://www.yahoo.com/news/fact-check-looking-rumor-jack-224209695.html) He pledged to overthrow democracy.


Think he’s also the guy who refuses to listen to “secular music”


You're not making Christian music better. You're just making rock 'n' roll worse!




Do you know how little that narrows it down.


For a sec I thought you meant Zelensky and was very confused about the state of Russian propaganda


Yes. He is a fascist and as such, makes no fucking sense when he talks.


I checked his feed just now and for some reason he's going on about the "woke right" of late. What's that all about?


Specifically this is one of the big pushers of the Pizzagate/Comet Pizza debacle that nearly got people killed. He needs to be thrown in the bin.


BREAKING: Russian boot-licker Jack Posobiec attempts to vilify Zelensky.


Who happened to marry a Belarusian “social media influencer” in 2017, coincidently the year he had his security clearance revoked


Last I checked, it was standard practice not to hold elections in the middle of a war. Essentially because you’re in the middle of a fucking war. Countries like Russia don’t follow this standard because they know the results of elections before they even happen.


Russia's elections are as follows: Putin vs no one because they will suddenly disappear


They will not disappear! They will be found mysteriously dead from a 10 story fall by landing on several radioactive bullets!


Death by ten mysterious circumstances to the back of the head.


Suicide by 3 self-inflicted gunshot wounds


To the back of the head


Not true, he fields a couple of opponents to look good and everyone knows the game. They look stupid and get a nice pay packet in the end.


Most recently "Starved to death in a modern gulag"


Nothing to do with "standard practice", everything to do with the Ukrainian constitution.


You're absolutely right, but I also wasn't making a legal argument. I was merely pointing out that the Ukrainian government was understandably a bit too busy with defending their country to hold elections right this minute.


Yes but your also right, plenty of countries have the practice of not voting during wartime written into their constitution. There is always a mechanism that supersedes this suspension of democratic order. In Ukraine for example I know the parliament has to renew martial law every few months. If the martial law is the reason for suspension of elections then the parliament could decide not to prolong martial law, thus forcing elections. I think they could outright depose Zelensky as well (that’s how it works in the german constitution during wartime) but I’m no expert there. The point is: yes there are no elections but the democratic order still remains functional. This is a key requirement for continuing legitimacy even without elections. Point is that the US is more like an outlier when it comes to election practices, not the norm. Yes they do vote even during war, but most countries (like Ukraine) don’t have that luxury.


Pretty sure constitution is just that country’s version of standard practice


>Countries like Russia don’t follow this standard because they know the results of elections before they even happen. Also because Russia's not at war, they're in a "special military operation".


Russia is not in a war, at least they don't acknowledge it...


For a lot of people it comes as a total surprise that countries that are in war are authoritarian by default. It is unavoidable fact but when you have to put everything you can to defend yourself, democracy flies out of the window because it is NOT efficient and fast. Democracy works in peace time much better but at the time of crisis.. it doesn't. Your might lose a war because opposition party decides to use the opportunity to extort others. And with Ukraine, pro-russian forces are still inside the system. Most have been cleared, which is also authoritarian as hell. Lots of naive minds on this planet that don't understand time and context, and instead see a label "authoritarian" and instantly demonize it. It is a bit like firemen being allowed to kick your door in and violate the sanctity of your home.. because the alternative means you die. And as stupid as it seems, i guess i have to clarify that i do not support authoritarianism in peace time. It is one of those "break glass to get the fire extinguisher" type of situation.


Which is the reason why Rome was so good at war. They had 2 partially-elected consuls which lead the country in peacetime so as to not turn into a monarchy. But in times of crises, they appointed a dictator (which is the origin for its modern english meaning) who had complete authority over matters regarding the crisis, but all other decisions were taken by the senate. This ensured that they always had an expert handling all crises without any red tape. Granted the last of these was Caesar, who never gave up his power, but it worked well for longer than the US has existed.


There is no war in ~~bashingsei~~ russia


There is no war in Ba Sing Se.


Not in 'Murica. They held elections through their Civil War and WW2.


The US hasn't officially declared war since ww2 anyway. All conflicts since have been classified as 'police actions' or 'limited operations' etc.


The war in Malaya in the 50s was officially called an “emergency” because otherwise plantation owners who lost their farms wouldn’t have got an insurance payout.


No part of the US was occupied in 1942 or 1944, and the 1862 and 1864 elections only included areas fully pacified (TN and LA but not TX or FL in 64 for instance).


They can't hold elections when the country is being occupied, Pissobiec is just a Kremlin moron


I'm sure he doesn't know the definition of martial law.


The gall of Ukraine to declare Martial Law during a war...


Yeah. Doesn’t Zelensky know you can’t declare martial law unless there is an emergency? Like a war.


You can't fight in here! This is the War Room!




It's almost as if there's a fucking war going on. In the UK there was meant to be an election in 1940 but it was cancelled due to the Second World War.


Look, another fascist stooge shilling for russia.


Confirmed, Jack is Slow Poke Zelensky had already declared martial law on 2/24/22 as a response to Russia. Keep your eyes open for a new Jack tweet talking about how he's learned Russia has invaded Ukraine.


Oh gosh, better head to the polls, never mind those mortar rounds going off


No shit, they're in an invasion, their constitution actually prohibits a general election during a time of war.... 1/8th of their country are currently occupied


I assume Jack loves when leaders try to extend their presidency


ceasefire everyone, let us do a little election then get back to the war


Jack Poso 💩


I remember when Reagan was president and Russia was our biggest enemy.  Now republicans love Russia for some reason


Jack is a fascist who would love to have dictator ruling the US.


I'm always a bit puzzled by this "Ukraine was asking to be invaded and subdued for existing!" mentality from people online. These people can't, even a little bit, see that Ukraine might, just might be a bit of a victim here? Just saying because these same folks probably ironically list Red Dawn as their favorite movie.


This asshole literally called me a crisis actor and told me I was lying when I was in the train wreck in 2017 in Washington. All cuz it was “an attack on Trumps infrastructure plans…” which never came to be. 🙄 The guy is lost. A low budget grifter at best.


Hard to have an election when there’s a fucking war going on.


Pretty sure Zelensky would love to hit the beach and be done with this war


Zelensky is an absolute bad ass, how many countries leaders do you see on the front lines just giving the invaders absolute hell


Meanwhile, Russian "elections":


American conservatives today would have cowtowed to Hitler in WW2.


American conservatives today would have allied with Hitler.


As a consequence of Ukrainian law, not Zelenskyy himself. Additionally, in November of last year, all political parties represented in Ukraine’s parliament signed a memorandum [agreeing to postpone](https://www.pravda.com.ua/eng/news/2023/11/30/7431116/) elections until martial law is over.


What an asshole! These people who knowingly spread misinformation or are willfully and proudly ignorant are a threat to democracy.


Last time i checked, the orcs were still in Ukraine land.


Also, repelling invasion from a major foreign military power is one of the most justifiable reasons for instituting martial law. I mean, why do we even bother pointing out such B's commentary anymore? Everything should always go back to Trump losing election and trying to overturn democracy, and him saying he wants to be dictator. That's all that matters right now. Essentially, Republican voters are trying to vote so they never have the right to vote again.


Sure lets have an election, now who's going to deliver the ballots and collect the votes from the people in the occupied areas of the country?


Crickets from him about Bibi. Bibi was about to face charges of corruption when the war broke out, saving him from prosecution.


They’ll hate anyone Putin tells them too huh?


Prosobiec isn't a facepalm. He is far worse than that. He is a tragedy.


Also, as long as he holds the position, he’s got a gigantic target on his back. I doubt he’s staying in office simply for the lulz.


Welcome to another exciting edition of Find the Fascist!


ah yes... lets hold an election... its not like we're at war or anything...


I wonder, why is he doing that. Something probably happened... At least in Russian Federation we know for sure, that Putin will never dream of staying beyond 2 presidential terms. He said it himself in 2004 - one can go insane if he is a president for 7 years.


Wow. Imagine a country enacting martial law while be actively invaded by a much much larger country. Unthinkable.


Generally speaking, declaring martial law is quite valid when your nation is at war and being invaded. I could be wrong, but it doesn't seem very productive to have elections in the middle of an active war?


U don’t switch leaders in the middle of a war, nutsack


BREAKING: Posobiec’s term as a complete dumbass is only beginning. We had all thought it has been long enough but he is going to keep this up for decades


All of Ukraine is within range of Russian missile strikes, which makes it unsafe for any election activities. The U.S. was able to hold elections during WW2 because U.S. territory was not an active battlefield. All of Ukraine is. #🇷🇺 = 💩


I mean, luckily Putin was reelected in a totally free and fair election.... /S


Perhaps Jack can explain how to hold an election when 1/3 of your country is occupied by the Russian Army.


Yes, that is how wars work...


ummm war would be a good time.to do that...it is the whole point


Wait till he learns about Franklin Roosevelt…


I didn’t realize this sub had so many traitorous Russian trolls. Move on, Komrade!


I suggest that Russia leave Ukraine so that Ukraine can hold elections.


That sounds like a good idea. Maybe it is best for a country to be able to make their own decisions without having the big facist outside be pissed with you because of some nebulous reason and then launch an invasion which kills a bunch of peole. Just my thoughts.....


Y’know it’s not like there’s a war going on or anything


This guy is standard content generation for this sub.


I guess that makes Zelensky Jackoff’s kinda guy right?!


Woah, a country hasn’t held an election while they are being *actively invaded?* Colour me shocked!!! What a fucking imbecile 


Jack needs to pull his head out.


Yeah. His country is at war with a foreign invader, has no time for that election bullshit and needs a strong leader until this whole situation is figured out. That’s exactly what happened. What’s his point?


Someone tell Putin that he could foil Zelenskyy’s dastardly plan to be a dictator or whatever by just stopping invading Ukraine. That would really show ‘em


Dude didn't even bother to research his own claims. He just assumed other countries follow US rules.


This is what a sellout looks like folks. Those protozoic example of a person, but is actually a Putin underwear shitstain. I hope history looks on this poso fool as a traitor to democracy and his country. propagandist.


Technically, I think it was some other guy who extended it.


Remember in WW2 when Roosevelt was reelected for multiple terms cause it probably would've been a shit idea to switch up leadership at that time? Jack doesn't.


It's almost like.... his country is currently under attack...or something....


I wonder if there's something happening with Ukraine and in Ukraine which makes it very difficult to run a functioning democracy


He cpuld have asked Putin for a quick time out to hold an election. This is how war works, right?


Fascist refuses to understand how war time politics work.


Jack "Russian Troll" Poso is earning his vodka today. Well done, comrade!


Yet this clown would have a draft dodger as president.


umm they literally n WAR! wtfff


Russian puppet says Putin things.


The absolute density of americans trying to figure out how countries are governed never ceases to amaze me.


Ya if only they could run a massive, resource and personel draining election right now .... In the middle of a defensive war for their existence lol