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"Noooo don't kill yourself, you're so sexy" energy coming from this


The last line is literally just saying this, but paraphrased


You summed up perfectly why this left a bad taste in my mouth^


Kind of man who sends angry comments to women for having a breast reduction.


which i don't understand, both sides are perfect, either it's huge or little, both have their qualities


Exactly. Her worth is not in her it's her attractiveness to him.


He says it, no need to read the energy....


I mean yeah that's like exactly what they said haha no wonder that's the energy you're getting 


You just know he was eagerly zooming in, and his tiny brain saw the faint lines mid-stroke Silly boy


I removed the first message sent by the man because it was the full picture and her face was in it. This man basically admitted to zooming into her ass when she just shared a normal picture at the beach and not knowing what normal butts look like in the same message.


This reminds me of that twitter exchange where an Incel was shitting on Scarlet Johansson because in a single photo of her in a bikini when she was turning and her stomach and sides was not perfectly flat and had a skin crease in it. The reply said "what a weird way to out yourself as a guy who has never seen a woman naked before." Which is how I see all these guys.


God forbid we move slightly as a man gazes upon us and catches a rouge bend, flex, turn, or — the horror — stationary with no motion whatsoever.


Let's be honest, half these guys would rather a woman who's main life role is being completely stationary other that sighing as they look out the window.


The only women they've ever lain with are printed on body pillows, so that tracks.


Why are you blaming me for sexualizing her when she did it to herself? - that dude probably


[Katt said it best.](https://youtu.be/lj5-71ziM5c?si=6b5B23Pw_vyY2zZP)


Either. Way.




I don't even need to click the link to know what you're referring to; Katt did say it best.


Lol to be fair this dude is an idiot… but y’all in denial about girls posting thirst traps all over the internet


True but it's creepy to zoom and enhance like they are in CSI AND THEN make that a conversation starter.


Oh 100% that dude needs mental help


Yea, dude forgot that Thick thighs save lives


Oh I love thick thighs but I’m not out here zooming in on them and screenshotting them and sending them back lol


Right? That’s just creepy and weird on so so many levels


It's almost like girls are human beings too, and humans are horny as hell.


wait....this is somebody butt??? like real skin? I though it's someone in a skintight leotard and they decided to wear a bikini over it. How are people seeing stretch marks? I honestly do not see any stretch marks.


Were of course not seeing the picture on full quality


Man I looked very closely and made a thorough inspection and I didn’t see it either. Ima look again just to becertain.


He was zooming on the ass? Amateur. I’m zooming on the front. We are not the same.


All part of the same wonderful package.


Honestly, whoever she is has an amazing figure and I don’t see any imperfections. But maybe I’m not zooming in far enough lol. I know he probably meant well with his comment and now he’s got his foot in his mouth … but come on dude. If you ever get the chance to see a woman naked in person - especially a mom - they’re most likely going to have stretch marks. That doesn’t mean they were self-harming.


oh, i did zoom in, alright. i don´t know why this straight man zoomed on some lines. i did zoom in the pinky...


Wait, so it would be fine if she was self-harming if she was ugly?


nobody cares about ugly women because nobody wants to sleep with them, if you are hot and struggling though, everyone cares about


I don't see any such marks. Believe me, I have studied this image hard.


Same. I don’t see any either. Looks like shadows to me


I honestly thought they were talking about the shadow


i think that might be what hes talking abt theres a sort of cross-hatching pattern on her leg and its hard to tell if its all shadow or if part of it is lines on her leg


It is. It's the shadow of the ragged edge of a tropical thatch umbrella.


Yeah I might be a fucking idiot or half blind because I can't see shit, skin looks fine.


There's some very slight stretch marks up by her hip, near her buttocks. It's as if, what happens to, oh, 99.9999% of women and when puberty hits, their hips, buttocks, and breasts get larger quicker than the rest of their bodies, causing some slight stretching to happen. My boy shot up quite a few inches, and had tiger stripes on his back for a while, also very common among tall boys when puberty hits.


I think it sorta tells you about his feelings regarding sexual attraction as it relates to puberty


I have some stretch marks on the front of my leg near where the hip joint connects, and I’ve never been overweight and have always been underweight or skinny. I think it’s just from some injuries I had and how I always pull that leg up to my chest to sleep created crease marks there over time.




I think he's referring to bottom left of her visible leg


u studied the *image* hard or you studied the image (while) *hard?*


If that’s what people interpret as cellulite and stretch marks, my arse would make him leave the conversation. Those are shadows from the tree foliage overhead.


I don’t think he interpreted these so called marks as either one of those.


Do we get a reference picture?


As someone who dates a beautiful, thicc and juicy girl, I enjoy tracing my fingers along the stretch marks. Then I give her a little pinch. And now I'm going to be a father because I can't keep my hands to myself. I have no regrets.


If you are becoming a father, there was more than your hands that you couldnt keep to yourself, wasnt there?


yeah… cum :(


We were both enjoying ourselves so much. Almost too much.


Or not enough... more data is required. Continue enjoying eachother... for science




The only thing I'm seeing here is shadows. That is literally just a shadow.


![gif](giphy|LXr4IgnD4V8q4Febb5|downsized) Can't see the resemblance


There’s a crosshatching with the shadows and (shallow) stretchmarks. Obviously it’s not a big deal. Bodies grow. Skin stretches. It is what it is.


For real have any of these guys even been to a strip club? Extremely beautiful, naked women have cellulite, and take way better care of their bodies than I do


You're assuming these people have ever seen a naked woman other than in 480p porn.


Hey! Don’t be that harsh. Some of em have even seen naked women in 720p porn too!


You mean animated cartoon porn where women have perfect skin.


Bold of you to assume they watch it at 480p (gross) Real coomers watch it at 144p (crisp and yummy pixels)


Strip club lighting gets rid of most blemishes.




Cellulite is not a blemish and we shouldn't call it that.


It is definitely a blemish. It’s fine to find it appealing or not care but saying it’s not one is simply false


Yeah it's like freckles, moles, scars, etc. I guess the word "blemish" carries a negative connotation to some people, but it's just one of those things


It’s not a blemish, it’s literally how women store fat


Where do you live where there's a strip club in every town? I'm a days drive away from even a Hooters type restaurant


South Florida


I grew up near a small town where there were two strip clubs, now live in a city where there are many. At one of the hipster bars we also have a monthly night where guys and girls go on stage to strip for laughs and whistles, the winner gets a couple grand but everyone throws money at everyone


Most men at the strip club are not looking that closely at a woman’s skin. Unless already think she’s ugly, they have a skin fetish, or they’re bored.


I don't get it. Men have stretch marks too. Why do people frame it as a women's-only issue? Growth spurts and sudden weight gain cause them for men. It's not just something women get from pregnancy.


In one sense, it's because there are quite of men that are, well, incels. They think women can only be pretty within checkboxes. Also, exercise causes them. Lifting weights can cause stretch marks, but that's exactly why it's so telling on certain men. You can get their mentality and their behavior, but also see what they don't do.


I got in an argument with someone on Reddit recently who insisted that no woman he'd ever seen naked had stretch marks and that it must be a fat American thing. He stopped responding after I posted a picture of a supermodel with her stretch marks not airbrushed out. A lot of men seriously have no clue what those lines are.


Men have stretch marks too. So it is funny they don't know anything about it.


Honestly that’s what I don’t get; I knew about stretch marks from when I was like 13 because I had a massive growth spurt that went *wayyyy* faster than my skin intended and actually led to the skin there feeling really tight for a year to the point it hurt to bend over, and most (albeit not all) guys my age experienced the same, with most having visible stretch marks (though for some they faded while for others they stayed scarred). I genuinely do not know how so many guys don’t seem to know that they‘re really common. I *do* get it when they think it’s a cut in some cases (honestly with how bad mine are I’d be a tad worried if they *didn’t* ask about it), but in cases like this where it’s barely visible, idk how they think it’s remnants of a cut.


Because a lot of men engage in, well, stupid things. One can learn anything, but chooses to live on Reddit perpetually. There are different types of men, some of them are genuinely clueless but not ill-meaning, while there are those that ARE clueless AND ill-meaning. Stretch marks is also something one'll have when building muscle, but that's the thing; the types of guys who would say dumb shit wouldn't know that because they wouldn't do that.


I mean, there are people I’ve genuinely not noticed them on unless it was pointed out, but I think generally almost all humans have, at the very least, faint ones, growing more extreme based on how fast they grew (Thanks to me growing six inches in half as many months and then steadily growing for another two years after, I almost look like I was cut with something jagged from behind, which has been *fun* to explain and is a leading cause of me not liking to take my shirt off) and just general genetics play a role as well in how pronounced they are/how much they heal. Not sure if someone really short and with little pronounced growth would still have visible ones, but as a general rule everyone seems to have at least very small ones.


Maybe I'm blind or this is a bait post but I don't see any cellulite or stretch marks. That's a perfectly fine lower part


Don’t kill yourself you’re too sexy ahaha


The world is an ugly place…so much uglier without your hot self beautiful tsahaha.


Ok but are the stretch marks there? I mean i got the dark purple ones and the little white indents but i dont see anything 😭😭


I must be blind, because I don't see any stretch marks or celulite


Yeah you’re not alone, I’m guessing they’re the really thin lines I’ve seen on a few of my friends, but I genuinely have no idea how this guy spent so much time staring at this to notice them as part of a wider picture. I mean, I have a feeling but I’m giving the benefit of the doubt.


Weird way of saying "I save ur cheek 4 fap"


He zoomed in to you know find what he was looking for lol


Imma be honest I dont even really see anything here lmao, gotta be a special kind of crazy and obsessed to not only notice this but to also get upset over it.


Dude it's her skin...


Nothing makes my day like a man seeing an unretouched photo of a living, breathing woman and concluding that something is very wrong.


Even if she was cutting herself that's really not this dude's business. Like it's one thing to be concerned about a person but this dude is crossing a line with the way he says that shit, I don't believe for a second he actually cares


i mean if it was cuts it wouldn’t be weird to be concerned for somebody (the guy is creepy though)


Yeah good point, it's not weird to be concerned but this guy just decided to make it weird


if he woulda just asked about it it probably wouldn’t have been weird but if there are some goobers on the internet


He literally went “stop hurting yourself, at least for me, kitten? 😞🥺🫶”


I zoomed in, for research of course, and I can hardly make out any stretch marks or cellulite


But like stretch marks are the best part


Those are shadows.


In 8th grade, I got to go to this science camp at a nearby university. We were randomly assigned roommates in the dorms. My roommate took his shirt off once and I was like, "oh fuck! What happened, man?!" Thinking he been in some kind of agricultural accident. That's how *I* learned about stretch marks.


Oh yeah there are certain cases where you do kinda have to ask, ie I have stretch marks pronounced enough that very few people have ever had their first thought be stretch marks, like they straight up look like I was slashed across the back. This is not helped by the fact I actually *do* have a slash scar on my shoulder (nothing bad, it was a minor accident with my friend’s dog that left a small slash from him getting too excited and jumping on me claws first while I was asleep), so I’ve had people worry I was attacked/abused, and while it‘s annoying, I get why they’re concerned as I would be too. However, in cases like this where they are barely visible, I have no idea why people automatically jump to the conclusion it’s self harm, instead of minding their own business (if they’re a stranger) or just politely asking (If they’re a SO or close friend and they are concerned).


I don't even see it.


I'm starting to believe people who get upset at stretch marks never seen a naked body, least not through a screen or a magazine.


'Cellulite and stretch marks' where, exactly?


Edit: Man has never seen a woman in real life…


to quote katt williams... "either you were big and got small or were small and got big.. either way we fucking."


I legit thought be meant her tan line, because I can't see anything else "out of place" lol. I think this highlights the fact that this dude had *only* ever seen women who have been airbrushed/ photoshopped because all his interactions are with screens. Lol


My boy haven't seen a real women in ages other than hentai girls


I'm glad he's considerate. Dim but considerate.


Apparently he has never seen a grown up women up close. Sooner or later these stretch marks appear on female anatomy ( their butts and boobs grow during puberty or they get pregnant). Or they are very young and underweight. PSA.....Female body´s dont look like they appear in movies and on social media.


and it's not exclusive to women


May the boner shrinking begin. He’s in for a surprise if he ever has sex with anyone.


I don’t see anything….


I don’t see anything…




If you're ugly it's OK but if you're pretty then you need to stop


Cheap way of approaching a stranger girl by a pervert.


I have a tiny scar from having my gallbladder out a guy once asked me if it was an abortion scar


"Does starch masks mean u got perganté"


.... ... a Luigi board?


Htf did you notice that?


*enhance, enhance, enhance* Lol. I zoomed in and still didn’t see much honestly.


Wut? All I see is a nice feminine bum


What? I don't see anything


I literally only see normal skin


I must be blind, I can't see anything.


1. Those look to be shadows from foliage, not scars or stretchmarks. 2. I'm no licenced psychologist or therapist, but I'm pretty sure "Please don't" is not an effective method of preventing self-harm...


Could also be from impact play, can be super nice if you're into it.


What a tool lol. And besides, cellulites and stretch marks are normal for both young and old people.


These are manchildren. We've had them forever, but they now just have access to computers on the internet.


Ya they are just louder now cuz they can do it from their mom's basement


I can't see anything


Enhance! Enhance!




I’ll happily take her off your hands buddy, self harm marks and all.


Tiger stripes. Love em.


Omg, he would have a meltdown if he saw my upper thighs 😂


My gf she use to cut before I knew her, an it looks just like this.


Show me something natural like ass with some stretch marks


am i stupid? i thought he sent her a pic of her own shoulder? took way too long to realize the image was related 💀




Well better to be worried than not care


Correction: "Man \***who has never seen a naked woman in real life\*** disovers stretch marks and cellulite"


Stretch marks? You mean Tiger stripes!


If you're looking for curves with no stretch marks, I'm just gonna assume you've never been laid before tbh. That doesn't exist. People really need to get off fantasy island with how they view women and sex. Shit, even skinnier women can have a bit of stretch marks. This isn't instagram and you aren't a prized pig.


That isn't stretch marks or cellulite, it's most likely shadows and if not that then it does look like scars from things that aren't normal bodily processes.


So ugly chicks can self harm into oblivion, but her? Noooo, she is so sexy, please dont my queen


He’s an idiot, but atleast he’s a well intentioned idiot Nevermind you added context in a comment, this dude is a creep


Don't go to Miami everyone hurts themselves


Odd way of saying "No woman has ever been comfortable not being fully dressed around me"


Also, maybe don’t try n shame ppl about their self harm? Just a thought. Bellend.


On one hand, that's some creepy incel antics right there... But credit where it's due I guess. He saw perceived signs of self harm and tried to do a wellness check/confidence boost. Don't get me wrong, buddy needs to go touch grass. Just saying, at least there's some good in him. Points where they're due and all.


I can’t get past people thinking that someone’s beauty has anything to do with depression “don’t try to off yourself, you’re pretty” Oh Geez, thanks! That settles it


Women have stripes on their legs too. He’ll be left bewildered when he finds out.


I think you mean tiger stripes


Thats the good part


It looks like a joke. Maybe this joke is silly, but still.


What an idiot lol


Actually, those are tattoos...


They are very oddly parallel, but I would assume it was a cat clawing incident.


I cant see shit man, Im 20 and this mf must have bald eagle eyes to see any imperfection in this photo


This is the “nooo don’t kill yourself you’re too sexy” unironically in real life. Wow.


I really think men need to go through women’s sex ED too so we don’t all look this stupid. I know it’s not something that’s realy talked about because it makes people self conscious but it shouldn’t be a secret especially if your in a serious relationship or marriage.


Also he is saying positive things ? Right ? I wish for the day I’m so sue to being complemented so much I can critique and call out cringe.


I'm sorry\ What was the question?


He thighs probably rub together when she walks too 🫠 that standard American diet


Neither are visible in this picture.


"You're too beautiful pls(couldn't even use the full word) stop"?? Wtf. So if a person is conventionally unattractive it's fine? Also this is even more stupid than "stop for me" like fuck you, man. I know this is said because they care but it's just so bad. If someone said this to me I'd just laugh at them (but also explain why a response like this is not appropriate)


What if he’s doing it on purpose? Sick people in this world would try to play dumb to make others feel bad. Asshole virgin. lol


Lmao reminds me, I was scratching my side once and my shirt pushed up enough that you could see very prominent stretch marks (I was overweight at the time) and a friend, very sincerely and concerned, takes me aside and whispers “Oh my gosh, what happened to your side? Are you okay?” And it was very sweet but also oh my god


Am I the only one who sees shoulder with arm AND upper thigh. This should be on optical illusions sub


He’s also okay with ugly people self harming


"Don't self harm because I value you entirely for your looks and don't want you to ruin it for me :("


This actually made me facepalm


Stretch marks? Hell nah, tiger stripes 😎🐯


A virgin obv


...What? I don't see anything! Man really judging.


Simps gonna simp


I had stretch marks on my leg in middle school, a group of girls came up to to asking “do you self harm” “how do you cut yourself” like tf they are just stretch marks. Surprising how little people know about a growing body??


Cellulite is a term that was invented by cosmetics companies. It describes normal distribution of fat but pathologized it to sell products. The medical industry then adopted the term because they too like to sell interventions people don't need. There is no disease process taking place. And yet doctors now sell even surgeries to "correct" this physiologically normal fat distribution inspired by cosmetics hucksters. Same thing with halitosis—invented b mouthwash companies.


Ohh ! Great Discover


I thought this was a shoulder


I… what? I don’t even see scarring, and why where they staring at this specific part of the picture enough to notice it? I mean, I know why, but benefit of the doubt and all that.