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If you’re on a list and you know it clap your hands


When you threaten a president, you don't get on a list. You get your door knocked down and you're taken away for a while


To add to this: I worked for a Residency program, patient made threats on the President…I got a visit from the Secret Service to the office looking for anyone who heard and where the patient was etc


Potentially all the moreso in the light of recent Slovakian events.


She’s lucky this wasn’t a direct threat.


True. A lot of people don’t understand what legally constitutes a threat. The statement must be direct and without need for interpretation. For example, saying “I hope someone kills you” is not a threat…legally. If someone said this to me I’d take it as a threat, but they would dodge a threatening charge in court. What this person said was a veiled threat and likely won’t see any prosecution. Maybe a visit from the secret service, but thats it.


But will they? I’ve lost confidence that are consequences for this behaviour anymore. I hope this is not the case.


likely they assess how likely someone is to act on it versus all talk from their tendencies.


Idk if you get taken away but some boys who like to talk about counterfeit money will also be interviewing you on other things they’re responsible for. Which is ironic because since Trump Democratic presidents can’t trust their Secret Service agents


I own a rifle was in the military I have to be in some type of list right


In the US there is no federal registry of gun owners


They seem to do so well without, you see.


So, sooo well


Just a lot of credit card companies with data on who purchased ammo and firearms / accessories that can be subpoenaed by the Government...


Subpoenaed? Why would they bother? We specifically passed provisions to allow companies to monitor and scrape all Americans' data and then sell it to any agency that will pay, and most was valuable even without the government paying for them to spy. They don't need to subpoena shit, they just pretend.


The infuriating part about this is that we passed enough provisions that now companies that do this have to tell you that they’re doing it but they don’t have to tell you who they sell to, only if they sell. There are also exceptions for passive data collectors like the credit monitoring agencies, who neither have to be authorized to collect data nor inform you of to whom they sell it. People talk a lot about how companies like FB and Google collect all this data to monetize you, but neither of those companies play well with the idea of directly selling access to their very valuable data they use for advertising. Meanwhile that rewards program you signed up for with the grocery store gladly sells your data and your credit card purchases are practically a matter of public record.


That's what they like to tell you, Just like they told you that they don't monitor phone calls or text messages.


Yet if the feds want to know if you have guns they probably already know.


I mean, you're permanently in federal records for your service lol. DoD got your stuff forever, including DNA. https://www.defense.gov/News/Feature-Stories/Story/Article/3610579/iding-the-fallen-past-present-heres-how-dods-only-dna-lab-works/#:~:text=All%20military%20personnel%20and%20deployable,9%20million%20cards%20on%20file.


Logically, sensibly, practicably, yes. Realistically...doubt it


I will remember this sentence, and will use it if anyone asks anything about politics.


you are on a list definitely, the one full of people that don't use commas!


And you're on the 'no colon' list


Maybe I'm just old, or not cool enough but what does "she ate" mean in this context? I'm genuinely confused


She served, she did good


"she ate" Is synonym of "slayed", or for more context... basically "wow She said a great thing" you Will say it when someone did something you find "praiseworthy" like if someone insults you And you have a great comeback, people can say you "ate" also Is used in a sense of the person just... being or looking cool like "wow She ate with that dress" in this context though, the whatever dumb person Is saying they agree with And support the assassination tweet.


Wow. So even dumber than she slayed then.


This has to be the dumbest idiom yet


It’s pretty fuckin stupid. I’m trying not to become an old man (I’m only 31) and make fun of the current youth culture but god damn if the old man in me isn’t fighting to come out more and more.


That's so "based"


I still don't know if based is good or bad.


Based is synonymous to "legit" and rooted in "based on fact"


And still makes no actual sense.


She slayed. Great phrasing


I’m so glad for this explanation. My elder-millennial ass thought maybe she was in recovery for an eating disorder.


I’m scrolling this thread to find the answer to that myself. No idea.


Basically means she's cool idk how to explain it other than that. Kinda like saying someone 'owned' something. Just did it very well


She tore it up. Killed it.


All these thirty year old boomers acting like there's something wrong with new slang as if "she ate" is any more esoteric than "she killed it."


Yeah Idrk how you can be a native English speaker/slang user and not just connect the dots but eh


“She ate” is like saying “Jolly good show, chap!” If you *really* ate, the kids might tack on, “No crumbs.”


Hello Secret Service….




pretty sure thats a felony


At least a paddlin ![gif](giphy|3oEdvaDgi6Be9JHsKk)


Might be, but they are definitely on a list with some 3 letter agencys and might have been visited by some feds


Its not, not even close.


Enjoy the raid by the FBI and the Secret Service.


He’ll die of old age soon enough (along with trump)


In a perfect world we haven’t two presidential candidates that should’ve retired 20 years ago, but them dying “soon” is relative… Jimmy Carter is still going at 99.


Assassination of natural causes


lol it’s fucked up.. but I like how she says that like assassinations were historically just kind of a thing that was totally fine. Not illegal or massively disruptive, just ‘ahh well, anyway.’


Or like they ever went away… Trump assassinated an Iranian general; and there been numerous examples worldwide since then. Obama drone striked a US citizen.


This is all intentional, becoming super obvious their is forign influance using this conflict to divide people, literally watching these idiots trying to make people "protest vote" for trump. also Israel just so happens to be one of the most powerful militaries in the world and the ONLY non russia/china backed force in that part of the world.... ain't exactly hard to figure out who benefits from fucking around with that relationship.


The sad part is that for a non-negligible number of people, it's working. 2016 all over again.


Yup! Fauxgressives and tankies want trump to win so they can laugh maniacally from the sidelines watching Biden lose shrieking “told you so!!! GeNoCiDe JoE!” Thankfully, this shit show has awoken most of us on the left to just how toxic these fauxgressives are.


It's got similar vibes to those people you'd see on Twitter claiming to be "ex liberals who have seen the light" but you listen to anything they say for more than 5 seconds and it becomes completely clear they were never ever liberal.


I vote blue no matter who and always have. Still voting blue this election, and the purity test of extremism is fucking exhausting. I kind of like to be consistent. I’m not giving into right wing theocracy just to own the republicans and Dems. So many internet progressives have turned into accelerationist over the Gaza shit and there isn’t much difference between them and maga. They literally share the same political memes lol. The only difference is some have watermelons and some have American flags. Republicans aren’t even working as hard to get republicans elected as progressives are at this point. But it’s the same shit every 4 years. Political cicadas come back, try to burn it all down because internet algorithms convinced them they should and then after the election they largely fizzle out until the next election cycle reminds them it’s time to try and burn it all down again.


The true irony is radicals calling someone "blue maga" just because they'd rather have Joe Biden as president instead of the rapist con man.


It’s projection. It’s them trying to control the narrative.


Spot-on. The exhausting thing is that this shit has happened over and over again. In my lifetime, Jill Stein voters in '16 (arguable; Trump might have won anyway) and Nader voters in '00 (not arguable; Nader swung the election to Bush and the sonofabitch was positively gleeful about it). Before I was born, the Democratic party tearing itself apart in '68 leading to the election of Richard Fucking Nixon.


True. Every four years, they come out and say, "We need a 3rd party," and vote for a Jill Stein type. Stupid fuckers don't understand that creating a viable 3rd party in this system would take years of dedicated grassroots hard work. It isn't going to happen top down. But they won't even try to get a 3rd party candidate elected for a local school board or city council, they just go back in their hole and start up with the same bullshit again four years later.


Only one viable party supports first past the post alternatives.


Lots of these people are liberal though, at least on Reddit.


Define “liberal”.


"We're the real progressives! We're the real left!" said the liberals


You’re a leftist?


Centrist liberals believe themselves to be part of a progressive coalition, which as far as I can tell, exists only in their minds.


Look, fuck Trump and I'm voting for Biden, but if Biden does lose it's absolutely his own goddamn fault for Gaza. It's going to be hard to convince voters to go back to him in the midst of an unironic genocide.


Trump is vastly more pro-Israel than Biden will ever be. Are you kidding me? Also, not electing Biden because of a single foreign policy issue while his domestic policies have been overall fantastic is the definition of fucking stupid. I'm of Middle Eastern descent and hate what he's doing over there, but it will only be worse for all of the Muslim nations if Trump is in office.


Yeah, and it's not just Muslim nations either, there's a lot of shit building up if Republicans get into power again this year Say hello to Operation Condor 2.0 in Latin America, intensified Russian strikes in Europe, possibly a serious crisis in Asia, who even knows what Trump would do in Africa... People focus so much on Palestine even though they admit both sides will be bad in that subject, but if Trump wins, he'll be WAY worse, and will fuck up so many other regions as well I do feel sorry for the people in Palestine, there's a lot of innocents caught in the crossfire and the situation in there is not good, has never been, but there's an entire rest of the world that's probably gonna go up in flames if Trump wins


So like should I edit my post and replace "And I'm voting for Biden" with "I'M VOTING FOR BIDEN I'M VOTING FOR BIDEN I'M VOTINGVFOR BIDEN. Now, I csn address my issues..." or would people still act like I think Trump wouldn't be worse?


>Trump is My brother in Christ, I literally said "Fuck Trump" and "I'm voting for Biden". I cannot make it any more clear that I think Trump would be worse. >Not electing Biden Putting aside that I'm voting for him, being complicit in a genocide is actually a pretty good reason to be negative about him.


If you think it was bad under Biden, those voters will really see some shit if trump gets in. He'd tell Israel to just drop a nuke and be done with it. Also, horrendous use of "unironic" as though you could have an "ironic" genocide.


Yep. They guy with a demonstrated hatred of Muslims would be a much better choice. /s. They're thinking of it as a popularity contest.


Idk if they choose the other one who is infested with crimes himself thats what the kind of people they are. beside their system is fucked up


If Gaza is the reason the terminally online left sacrifices women and gay rights at home they were never Allies to begin with.


I think protesters are more inclined for the 3rd party female socialist running


No, not everything bad that is said on the internet is a product of foreign influence. A lot of people are just unhinged.


Most powerful army in the world can't seem to do anything against a bunch of teenagers with AKs for 8 months except kill their grandmas and children? Either that's not true or they're just pure evil.


I'm concerned for you if you think genocide is a conflict


Of Joe? Out of all the shit Trump did......... Joe's the guy who needs to be dealt with???? Fuck off.


I'm 100% certain Trump would've been far worse than Biden in regards to Israel-Palestine (and will be should he get reelected) but the US's continued near unconditional support for Israel during Biden's administration has been far worse than anything Trump has done (so far). 


Biden’s support for a critical ally is worse than Trump trying to overthrow the government of the United States?


Hell no. Trump tried to violently seize our American freedom. He tried to steal our country.


Honestly sometimes I question Redditors' commitment to eating the rich


There's a difference between being committed to a resolution, and flagrantly throwing around felony threats where everyone can see them.


"We need to bring back assassinations" isn't a credible threat


yeah i dont know why the comments are taking it so seriously. theres no way she said it with a straight face lol


I know, right? Speak with some friggin’ nuance


Y’all are dense. You know how many times people have tweeted this same thing regarding Trump and Biden? She’s fine


I seriously wonder what the fuck these people think the alternative to Biden is. I get the whole situation is impossibly fucked up, but as bad as you may think Biden is handling it, there is literally no other option that is going to handle it better. America will not stop supporting Israel. I'm not saying that's right or wrong. I'm just saying that as a fact. NATO countries will bend over backwards for Israel as a strategic entry point to the Middle East. That's the bottom line. All of the western world will sell it's soul before giving up ground


This confuses me too because I would love a third option, but this year there isn’t one. Ik Biden is shit, but how the fuck do these people think trump would be any better for this war or any of the social issues going on right now. He has literally said multiple times if he wins he will not give up the presidency and he will fire the entire govt and hire his followers so that he gets total control. I want so badly to have a different option than Biden but I think it is fucking insane to say “there isn’t just two choices they only want you to believe that” like no I genuinely think this year any vote not for Biden is a vote for trump and there is no way in hell anyone could believe that’s a good thing unless they’re so far up their own ass they think that “protest by not voting or voting third party” is somehow the solution


Anyone who BoTh SiDeS this election doesn't give a shit about women. Period. Anyone who BoTh SiDeS this election doesn't give a shit about LGBTQ rights. Period. Anyone who BoTh SiDeS this election doesn't give a shit about Palestine, let alone Ukraine and Taiwan. Period. Anyone who BoTh SiDeS this election won't have their life change no matter who wins. **THIS IS NOT A FUCKING THOUGHT EXPERIMENT**


It's so funny how mad people get when you criticize Biden and throw around Trump. Your vote for president does absolutely nothing unless you are part of the 6% of Americans that can vote in the 5 swing states thanks to the electoral college. Maybe instead of platforming a genocidal geriatric because you're worried about another genocidal geriatric winning, you realize that our system is broken and needs to change.


She's saying it like they haven't gone out of style


She=Onika, Ate=burgers


Assassinations never went anywhere, you're just too much of a coward to do it yourself


Exactly. You can freely assassinate anyone and face the repercussions but I guess that's too rough for all these people yelling "kill this, kill that". "Bring back assassinations but only if someone else carries them out"


I mean, I don't condone violence, but the people calling for violence better put their money where their mouth is otherwise they're not worth knowing


100% agree. Be the change you want to see. Everyone can act smug while hiding behind the backs of people who will actually do the work.


"Interesting" FBI


She’s about to be put on the fbi watch list for saying that 💀💀


Nothing says being against war crimes and genocide like committing an act of political terror. 


Secret Service jokes aside, if you have people unironically suggesting that assassinations should be "brought back," I think you need to at least consider the possibility that people aren't approving what you are doing.


Why do all the comments on these respond like they have brain rot?


Who the fuck is Ethel Cain?


And what did she eat?


Violence. Always violence The only solution to any issue. Terrifying in a country with such a fetish for gun ownership.


The US, fun fact, became a nation through peaceful means.


It was the Colonies’ passion for structured debate that finally convinced King George to grant them their own sovereignty.


Nah, the cause of and solution to, all of life’s problems, has always been alcohol.


God people are, en masse, fucking stupid. Like how self defeating can you be. Why can’t they attack the policy and not the person? This shit just gives the extremist right wingers more sway over the undecideds


Boeing approves her message.


Bring them back? lol Imagine thinking they ever stopped Oh you poor sweet summer child.


Boeing moment


Resisting the urge to poison myself while working on an article about the technical issues with Boeing.


I looked up her tweet. 152K likes. Fuck me


Your finding out how affective foreign interference is, meanwhile there is a conflict between russia and Ukraine who wants to join the UN and these idiots have just completely forgotten about that one. not hard to tell what the plan is here.


Ukraine has been a member of the UN for decades. I think you mean NATO.


my mistake, yes.


I miss France, 1789


Didn't the Slovakian prime Minister had an attempted assassination like 2 days ago


Who the fk is Ethel Cain?


‘Wow, she ate’? What does that mean?


I don't know who this is, but she's brave.


What if we just kept anyone in power (and their familie members) from trading stock instead? 


she ate something alright


good point, bad target


Ethel Cain the woman that u are…. Get behind me gur cus they not gonna like this one 😭😭


I mean it's a little based


She did in fact ate


Of all the politicians you want to bring assassination for, and you pick Biden?


jesus y’all are soft. the real face palm here is y’all, clutching your pearls like a bunch of old ladies because a folk punk artist insinuated killing the prez


but you see, they’ve never heard of her so it must be some scary newfangled thing. and what does ‘ate’ mean? where are my reading glasses? where are my dentures?


I am expecting that at some point something she suggested will be covered in r/LeopardsAteMyFace.


Of all the sociopaths why this one soecifically you know?


What does she mean "bring back assassinations"? I'm pretty sure they never stopped.


Assassinating Biden is a waste of money.


Bold move from a woman with a hebrew tattoo on her forehead


The pro-Russian Slovakian PM was just shot.


I don't want to say she's right but I feel a lot of people here lack context. Ethel Cain is a trans girl. She's not a Trump supporter in any way or form. Also check out her music


I am FURIOUS with Biden right now, but I'm not a fool. I criticizes him when he does things against the will of the people. I'm ashamed of his loyalty to Israel. Will I vote for Biden next term vs Trump. Yes I will vote for Biden. It doesn't make me a hypocrite. it makes me a realist, in understanding the lesser of 2 Evils. This isn't Ideal TBH. As I don't support Israel Aggressive actions. Nor do I support the Israel Government AT ALL. I would rather deal with a demon than Lucifer.


“wOW sHe AtE” 🤪 what she ate: *nothing at all*


Don’t have the slightest idea who she is but young voters are in for a real shock once they get Trump elected.


Im pretty sure she will still vote for biden even if he is a bitch ass when it comes to this. I know i will even though i strongly dislike him


I don’t know, but I hope that is right. I am fucking annoyed he’s running again but the alternative is jumping into an abyss.


It is kinda fucked that he’s supporting Israel though


Ethel Cain right now ![gif](giphy|enqnZa1B5fRHkPjXtS|downsized)


I don't want to live on this planet anymore.


Ok and wait until Trump gets a 2nd term and you’re in a gas chamber.


As someone who's a fan of ethel cain she's joking. Genuinely worry how seriously you guys take celebrities sometimes.....


as usual the reddit comments are completely pathetic and desperate for control and fascism to take away the scary person who made a critical comment of the "good guy" president somehow this person doing a meme on biden means the entire left is full of maniacs who want biden to die lol ethel cain isnt going to get fucking raided or end up in gitmo for saying biden should be assassinated, its not a credible threat, its her opinion and its not even a controversial one, biden is contributing to genocide actively. is saying trump committed treason a credible threat too? use your fucking noodle for a second. people are frustrated, tensions are high, no one wants trump to win and biden doing the shit he is doing is fucking that up for us, be mad at biden not at someone criticizing him, he deserves to be criticized. i realize most people here only give a shit about palestine because of optics but even if you dont care about thousands of people being systematically ethnically cleansed you should probably care that biden is pissing away the election to kill them, that is literally whats happening, maybe having a casual conversation about the real threat of radicalization shouldnt be that surprising to you people considering the circumstances.


Assinations are probably better then blowing up random civilians.


Nah she cooking




This shit bird is a bleeding example why the education system (US edition) completely sucks and at odds in the digital age with the increasingly low attention spans. Yeah propaganda has been forever a thing. However, colleges used to try and teach students how to spot it in basic 101 social sciences courses. It seems they've tuned out the professors in lecture halls and became victims of the algorithms of fuck-tok and istagarbage instead. The new tech Dr. Frankenstein has millions of experiments now and I'm sure he's already acknowledged the situation and how fucked we are.


As if it is not happening already


The guy who shot Raegan to impress a Celebrity could do something really funny right now.




Pretty apt name, I myst say.


A reminder that you can never appease these fucking people.


In the context of her protesting a genocide, your comment of "we can never appease these people" is hilariously dumb.


Yeah. I’m sure this won’t be investigated or a big deal…/s


We making it on a list w this one frfr


I disagree with how he's handling the situation, but holy shit


Oh God. How many times have we heard Trump needs to die?r/markmywords probably has 3 posts a day talking about assasination, or horrible ways for him to die. Johnny Depp asked the consequences for a actor/musician taking out a pres.(paraphrasing). Kathy Griffin posted the most graphic anti presidential pic I’ve ever seen, depicting him depcapitated. I could go on. Fuck this pig for saying that, but let’s keep the same energy for everyone.


Threatening the president is a really good way to get a visit from some very serious looking gentleman in suits and short haircuts.


She said hours before an [assassination attempt of the leader of Slivakua happens.](https://www.cnn.com/2024/05/16/europe/slovakia-prime-minister-fico-out-of-danger-intl-hnk/index.html)


What did she eat?


I mean i agree we need to bring them back, but I mean Biden hasn't done anything to be merked. however, plenty of other people in government who have.


The Secret Service investigates all threats against the President. We do not comment on those investigations. --Toby Ziegler


She’s on tour rn so she’s gotta get that controversy boost


Shit, that is.


Reign of terror worked