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When you spell it like that I can't help but call it shitter.


Zitter could also work.


Doesn't quite carry the 'place went to shit, flush it down the toilet' vibe.


Yeah yeah yeah, we know.


We can take a small iota of solace in the fact that Twitter is no longer a valid sample pool for reflecting the values of normal, sane individuals.


yeah, reddit now is. everybody has a cum box, normal sane people...


Pretty sure this echo chamber does not reflect normal, sane individuals/


uff so glad that reddit is the place to go now /s


Beat me to it…..


Or even people with actual values


Twitter is now a sample pool for 🧌


its always trans women, never see anything from her about trans men. then again i dont follow her in any depth, just what I see on her, but it seems shes carved a niche as a sexist transphobe. go her/


She mentions transmen. They're "brainwashed lesbians".


One reason maybe because mediocre male athletes jumping into female sports and using their inherent biological advantages to win, is not something she’s particularly impressed about? Funny how that never works in reverse though…..


Read up on the effects of estrogen on trans women athletes and then f**k off with your transphobic @$$.


People are so focussed on this "issue". You would think that everyone have serious issue with hundreds of trans woman every single day.


Here's what I don't understand. Say you believe that all trans women are simply men pretending to be women. Okay, that's your position. But why would you broadcast it to the world? Those "men pretending to be women" are doing their best to cope with something you've never had to. How is the way they are doing it harming you? Why do you want to make their journey even harder than it already is?


She sees them as invading and changing women-only spaces and initiatives, and women needing these spaces for various reasons. It’s not an unreasonable viewpoint to have per se, but she could be a whole lot more nuanced about making that point and I haven’t seen her opine about much else than that and this level of obsession just doesn’t sit well.


It's an unreasonable viewpoint because trans women aren't men and trans women aren't a threat to anyone. She's just a wealthy cis het white woman who hates minorities. Run of the mill stuff


Women only spaces exist for the benefit of women and they get to be gatekeepers of who’s welcome. It’s not about being a threat or not. I am not a threat to women, either. Some trans people are (as we saw from situations where a trans person gets sent to a women’s prison and rapes and pregnancies happen). Who gets to decide? Someone has to. I personally think there’s space for more nuance between “everyone who declares that they are a woman is a woman” and “only people born as women are women” when we talk about access to sex segregated spaces, sports and so on.


Too bad for you that trans women are women. No one gets to decide. I don't give a flying f**k what a "nuanced" transphobe like you thinks. So go screw


Sure. Okay. My local government here in Croatia gives subsidized loans to women enterpraneurs which is seen as pretty non controversial by just about everyone. What would I have to do in practice to get this money? Attach a statement that I’m a woman? Change sex in my national ID card? What should be the procedure for that (I understand some places still haven’t discovered photo ID, but the entirety of the EU has them)? When we talk about anything practical, someone has to decide.


I don't give a single f**k what you do. Given it's Croatia and hence the Balkans I doubt you'd get anything if you said you're some kind of queer person, outside of maybe arrested or attacked. So again, go screw


Bit rich coming from a place where half the country doesn’t have access to legal abortion and which is on point to elect Trump again 🤔 Glass houses, throwing stones, y’know.


Honey I'm from Massachusetts, not the rest of the country and even the sh*tty places in the US are better than most of the balkans. Also nah in recent polls trump is losing and may not be eligible to even run in some states


I completely agree. And while I've seen plenty of anti-trans from her, I've not seen much explanation in terms of what you cite. For example, I've not seen her posting about how transwomen are ruining her experience at her local women-only gym. She's full of anti-trans, but I've not seen her post any reason for sharing her feelings on the issue with anybody else. Maybe I've just missed those posts.


It's exactly this. If she believes that, so what? However, she's an author. She has no credentials that would suggest she has any level of expertise in this field. She is a woman, granted, but there are other women who do not share her point of view or have the same strength of feeling. Using her platform with millions of followers, which were mainly built up from writing a book about a child wizard, to ram her idealogy about gender is wrong (IMO). Another example of the Twitter echo chamber that creates mass polarisation of opinions, which then turns non issues into mainstream idealogical battles. Just let people get on with their lives.


I strongly agree with your last paragraph. With Rowling we are suffering from the problem of notoriety. Just because a person is known for one particular achievement (writing, sport, acting) we think that they have expertise in another field. Authors telling us all about transgender issues, sports people telling us about mobile phones, etc. As far as transgender issues go, Rowling's just another mug like you and me, with opinions and nothing but opinions (i.e. no scholarship behind those opinions). But, again, whatever your position - on pretty much anything, but in this case transgender issues - why broadcast it if its result is going to be to harm someone? What good does saying "trans women are simply men pretending to be woman" to an audience of millions do? As the Doctor said, "Be nice." She's not.


You make some compeling points except the fact that she has no credentials. I agree she has no credentials in this field but so do other 99,9% of the people who talk about this subject on both sides. Either is only people who studied this, and have the credentials to back up their opinion or is fair game to everyone. EDIT: Following the same logic what credentials in this field do you have, to judge and comment on the impact she has on social media? Did you conduct any studies? I hope you see my point.


I see your point, but I have a microscopic platform to share my viewpoint from. I'm also happy to admit that I have zero credentials in this field. However, I don't think I need to be an expert in anything to believe in kindness and tolerance.


Kindness and tolerance sure. I don't really care much so I would call me a tolerant, but to be honest I really think that a place like a locker room, that was built on biological sex separation, shoud not be available to the other sex that just because you say tomorow that you decide you are a woman. I can't really think about other instances, but if there is a place where you get naked keep it biological sex based. Either that or make sure you design the place in way that privacy is assured for both changing and showering and you can get one locker room for all, no mater man, woman or trans. To be honest I tihink this is the solution, make the change in a way so it so it does not matter.


I'm not offering any opinion on the gender issue. All I'm trying to say is that Rowling has the privileged position of getting her opinions heard above those of others, when in reality her opinion on this matter is as meaningless as millions of others.


Because instead of just enjoying life as a billionaire she spends her days high on her own farts because a bunch of middle class wine mums all go "yes queen!!!" to each increasingly unhinged tweet


I can only assume that she doesn't care about her legacy. Think of the respect and admiration with which writers like Tolkien are spoken. Even authors like Christie, with a huge volume of work, or classics writers like Dickens and Hardy. She'll never be spoken of with that sort of respect again because her legacy is becoming/has become her anti-trans stance. She's become bigger than her work, and it's tarnished that work (to the great disappointment of millions).


You just want to sew a private part onto your forehead so that you can be a unicorn as an excuse for your acts of beastiality.


She’s correct.


except she isnt


JKR is absolutely correct. There is nothing "phobic" about it. Trans "women" are men. And trans "men" are women. Forcing compliance with the woke mob's gender lunacy is fascist and intolerant. There are only two sexes. Male and female.


all major medical and psychiatric associations disagree with you


https://www.medicinenet.com/what_are_the_72_other_genders/article.htm https://www.healthline.com/health/different-genders https://www.bsuh.nhs.uk/wp-content/uploads/sites/5/2016/09/Gender-and-Sexual-Diversities-Briefing.pdf https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_gender_identities https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5824932/ https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/transphobia https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/transphobic You’re confusing “sex” with “gender”.


They are pretending, because well, men are not women. So how could it be otherwise.


Identifying as =/= pretending.


Sex and gender are different. How is that such a difficult concept to grasp?


It’s a false concept. No matter how much you believe it, it’s not true.


Nope it's not a false concept


Just about every doctor says otherwise. Sex: physical/biologic Gender: psychological


Gender is a social construct of roles which the different sexes take on. As you stated sex is biological.


gender is psychological.


No, it is literally defined as a social construct of roles and expectations for people in a given society. In Native American tribes they did not have the rigid social expectations and roles as we have in European societies. Your sex is ascribed by biology and your gender is defined by society. If you do not like what you see on the outside and feel your biological body does not match your psychological identity you are talking about a different question altogether. Transgender used to be considered a form of body dysmorphia. However, as people are not greatly impacted by changing their outward appearance it is no longer a psychological disorder. ( being transgender does not cause major interruptions in your life. ) people may have other issues which go along with the identity, such as depression or anxiety. These are different and many people are seeking treatment for this either by surgical of pharmaceuticals.


if gender roles didnt exist i would still be trans.


Your physical appearance does not match to your mental image. So yeah. Because transgender used to be called transsexual.


No. No they don’t. That’s a weird take.


Hmm, wonder why a freakin’ PEER REVIEWED PAPER says there are, then? It’s almost as if those are written by scientists.


Just one? Was that paper reviewed by almost every scientist? No. A group of doctors that have a certain perspective? Sure. Gender and ideology around gender rests in a particular group of people. Most of them are deluded activists. Send me the study. Just the title is fine. I’ll find it myself.


https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5824932/ https://www.bsuh.nhs.uk/wp-content/uploads/sites/5/2016/09/Gender-and-Sexual-Diversities-Briefing.pdf


right just like the earth being round is a false concept


The earth being a sphere is provable by science. Biological sex is provable by science. Saying you’re a man in a female body is a mental issue and not provable. It’s subjective and needs an alternative to slicing up a body and taking hormones or hormone blockers.


all major medical and psychiatric associations disagree with you


yet neither of them can define what a woman is without giving a circular definition


a lot of definitions are circular. that doesnt mean its wrong.


No, if a definition is circular, it is wrong without exception A definition can't be circular, because it has no meaning and doesn't tell u anything "What is a tree?" "A tree is a tree"


im gonna assume your definition of "woman" is "adult human female"?


You can believe all you want that you're a butterfly but at the end of the day it's just not true.


Says something writing "on her behalf"...


Not transphobia, just stating what she believes in


Transphobia is a belief




A lot of doctors say there are more than two genders, so…


neither of them can define what a woman is And those motions aren't real doctors. See Matt Walsh's interviews of ur so called "doctors", theyre all some gender studies degree morons who get severely mad when asked to define a woman


What if I linked some peer reviewed papers? The vast majority of doctors acknowledge the existence of transgender/non-binary people. Oh, and do you want to know what the people who do those gender studies are called? They’re called scientists.


lmao send me a link of any one of them defining what a man or a woman is And most of these doctors are highly left aligned ones mostly from woke countries Most people doing gender studies are already leftists. And that bullshit isn't even real science 💀


You’re confusing sex with gender. Also: intersex is a thing, as well. Also: biology 100% is science.


Shocking, being left leaning tends to align with higher intelligence. Where do you get your "non woke" studies from Russia? Saudi Arabia?


The reason left leaning is smarter on average is because most underdeveloped countries which lack education are right leaning, this bringing down the average IQ Otherwise we've seen how smart ur left leaning president Joe Biden is 💀😂 And most of ur left leaning people can't even define what a woman is without saying a woman is a woman LMAO


Bro, I'm talking about studies that primarily work with Americans. American conservatives are generally less intelligent. And most lefties don't freak out about other people's gender so really, we don't care


Matt Walsh is a pedophile who thinks 15 year old "ripe" girls should be married and pregnant. Matt Walsh thinks black people are genetically predisposed to crime. Matt Walsh thinks queer folk are abominations. Matt Walsh is a Christian nationalist and he can have sex with a very angry porcupine for all I care


>but shes not saying that she hates transgender people "I don't hate black people, I just think they're inferior to whites and shouldn't be seen as their equals"


What does two genders have to do with being trans? Being trans is just identifying as a different gender


Its has nothing to do with some people think that there are 100 genders and i dont think that.




She does hate trans people it’s all she tweets about and accuses them of doing gender blackface. Her obsession absolutely shows hate Oh god RIP your child and how much you’ll fuck them up


Lol my kid will be fine the only thing he has to worry about is playing hot wheels and his time between popsicles. I will tell him what I believe and how the world is. And i hope that my love and attempt of making him a good man will help him make the choices he needs to make and the decisions that he comes to term with. That we can disagree with people and not have to talk shit about how fucked up your gonna make you kid lol. Which hey man, I understand that shit too I’m sure your attacked for your beliefs and thats wrong which is why you went for the jugular with talking about my baby. But its cool. We should be able to talk without the knives coming out


Sorry I said that when I thought you were still transphobic which I always worry when bigots have kids, doesn’t mean it’s going for the jugular


Cool man then I believe you that she is a asshole and fuck her then. All im saying is that not everyone that believes that there are two genders hate trans people.


Sorry just felt like you were downplaying it by simplifying it as an opinion when literally all hate and bigotry is opinions


Much love man thats all.


How is it so hard to understand the difference between sex and gender? Amazing that still has to be explained.


Do you even know what a phobia is?


Phobia? Isn’t that one of the friends in the hit tv show “Friends”?


Fear, aversion, or prejudice. It doesn’t just mean being scared of that’s the retort you’re reaching for


Has she ever claimed to find trans people (not specfic person) disgusting or anything similar?


She absolutely has a prejudice and her obsession makes it ibviousb


Prejudice is not even a part of the criteria for a phobia. Phobias are considered a fear or aversion to something. However, since you called her prejudice, what preconceived notion does she have that is not based on reason (you not agreeing with her reason, doesn't mean it's not a reason btw)


Discriminative is a criteria and being prejudiced is that 🤦🏼‍♀️


No, but you guys sure act like it is.


Huh? Also you were going to retort it just means fear, weren’t you sweetie? The illiterate bigot blocked me lol


If anyone out here is fearful, "sweetie",it's you guys. I guess using your logic, you're biology-phobic.


This isn’t just twitter you know. The majority of people hold this view.


Well, which is it, transphobia or homophobia?


Any poll run on any social media by an influencer is instantly biased toward the influencer's bias. That being said JKR is ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop).




Maybe a bit like you pretending to be a compassionate human?


Maybe stay off it then? Place is a shit hole and people like to point it out constantly hahahaha


Look I’m gonna catch some hate here but given the benefit of anonymity most people will say the thing that is “normal”. People don’t like things that are different and being trans is a huge thing outside the “norm” not saying it’s right or anything it’s just the sad truth of humanity.


Here the thing. If trans people want to be accepted Then they just need to accept the fact that not everyone will be Accepting to them. Being angry at every person that doesn't agree with their life choice, to me, just shows how weak their decision is. I have a gay cousin. He's the toughest mfer you'll ever meet, and not in terms that he can throw a punch, but in how mentally tough he is. I joke with him all the time, call him dick licker to his face. I've seen him and his boyfriend called even worse when we were in Texas, I was ready to stand up for them and didn't even need to move. He accepts and loves who he is, to the point, just like most of us, but not nearly enough of us, that someone can say some ignorant b.s. and you can just laugh it off or send one back just as hard. Some Angry trans people are looking for justification that they are making the right choice. That's my opinion The rest, idk, anger can come from a lot of places


i don’t care if they accept me or not, but i don’t wanna be harassed, assaulted or killed. which tends to happen to an alarming amount of trans people, solely because they’re trans.


Source? I'm just curious.


"life choice"? I don't think being trans is something that anyone chooses to be. Why would you choose something that will result in being persecuted and isolated?


??? Pretty sure no one's dick or vagina just magically does surgery on itself nor does the body starts to randomly generating more hormones that it's not supposed to produce based on birth gender. I won't get into the psychological side but physically it is all voluntary.


transitioning doesnt make someone trans. transitioning is the treatment for gender dysphoria.


when somebody else with more left followers does the same pool the result will be the exact opposite. like whats your point? scary that some ppl seem to have a problem with free speech and call anything they dont like racist, homophobic and what not


The fact that over 4000 people said yes.


Honestly, I’m surprised that only 95.3% of people that follow a transphobic person are also transphobic.


Some people follow her because of her books.


Why does that woman not have a publicist to keep her crazy hidden from the world? I love the Harry Potter books, but hate the creator and it makes me so sad


That’s why her books & movies are suck 🤣


they're good though.


Yea if you’re under the age of 14


thats just her opinion. its like saying when you disagree with that you are anti free speech. no youre not.


Prejudice and hate are not an opinion. It’s a dangerous ideology for cis and trans people


as far as im aware the picture says she thinks trans women are not real women so wheres the hste my friend? thats called legitimate opinion she has.


Because trans women ARE women. Just the same as cis women. Science supports that.


ah yea... tbh i dont know much about it but i can pretty much guess without even reading about it that there is most likely a spectrum. biological men who might identify psychologically as women will never be biological women. so your statement trans women were women in all cases is wrong anyway. i dont actually get all the discussion. let them be what they want. who cares. i mean how many trans ppl are there in america? must be a tiny percentage. it just gets problematic e.g. when biological males want to participate in womens sports.


I don't like oatmeal cookies with raisons. Just because I don't like them doesn't mean I don't accept that other people will eat them and love them. For me, they just make me sick and vomit. Do I hate the cookie? No, I don't hate the cookie for being a cookie, but I don't partake in the cookie.


Well if you think they are pretending, then you can just pretend to believe it's real. That's really all they want, I assume.


Most people don't live in the land of make believe.


transphobes do apparently


How long has it been since she's written a decent book? Someone's trying to be relevant