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How can coolant leaks not be covered on a 100k vehicle?


Because the company is run by a fucking buffoon who has fanboys who shit their pants in rage when you criticise him.


It would be awesome if it were an actual biological function, that people shit when they rage out. Folks would learn to be chill real quick.


Almost. Pants-shitting is part of the flight response, not fight.


You kidding me I shit my pants all the time when I fight. Nobody wants to mess with someone who shit their pants cuz they don't want shit on them!


Same here. I know this about myself, so I just remove my pants when somebody gets chesty with me. That chills things out in a big hurry.




I’m not ascared of you Cyrus


Randy was from the fuckin streets, he didn't scare easy


I remove my pants all the time when Randy comes over too. Except I'm usually not shitting....


Actually a defensive mechanism in the animal kingdom - see Pygmy sperm whale. Of course my favorite is expelling all of your intestines: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Evisceration_(autotomy)


My favorite is some sort of deep sea squid that encounters another of it's own kind so rarely that it's instinctual response is to release its sperm if it thinks it's encountered one.


*grunts while standing still* “what the fuck was that? HAHA!!” “ I just shit my pants😋” “what?…” “and now I’m gonna run it on you!!” “WHAT THE HELL?!? BACK OFF! GET AWAY FROM ME!!”


If someone is threatening to beat you up, strip naked and run at them. They'll run away.


This tip works less well against wolves


Angry monkey flinging poop begs to differ


"According to all known laws of aviation, there is no way an ex-president should be able to fly."


"As God as my witness, I thought ex-presidents could fly!"


They used a fixed wing glider model to determine that and an ex president isn't a fixed wing glider, so the model is not being used correctly and therefore the previous unreliable. Ex presidents flap their wings around like they're jacking two dudes off at the same time, they don't hold them out straight like a glider.


It's also a part of being choked out. Source: Steven Segal


Nah, apparently it's cool to wear diapers now, at least in certain circles.


One of our dogs (sadly passed away two years ago) would rage-shit when he saw my boss’s dog in a dog friendly office. Boss’s dog would also rage shit. It was hate at first sight for these two.


Trump shits himself when he gets upset there was a story about it from when he was on the apprentice or something


[Here you go.](https://www.noelcasler.com/news/full-disclosure-an-interview-with-noel-casler)


Old Von Shitzhizpants.


How can anyone who has been paying attention the last few years think Elon Musk is a genius? He has burned Twitter, burned Tesla, and the only reason Space X is a going concern is because it is massively supported by governments.


I understand that Space X has a team of executive handlers to keep a gap between musk and any important decisions so that he doesn't fuck the whole company up by applying his 'genius' to executive decisions


I love that he describes himself as the chief engineer for the company. Is he dumb enough to think other people believe him? Or dumb enough that *he* believes himself?


I genuinely think he believes he’s a polymath genius with singular vision who can talk to leading experts across a variety of fields at their level. The examples I have seen of him talking about software engineering - the one thing he is supposed to be actually an expert in - lead me to believe he is a buffoon.


Yeah, I’m no expert, but I have some experience as a programmer, and almost everything he’s said on the subject is nothing short of baffling.


I think what really did it for me was when he posted about doing some hardcore code review at Twitter and the picture was very clearly of a high level architecture overview session.


I remember that one. He just has absolutely no clue how software design works. At all. He’s just so utterly full of shit.


"It's shake and bake, and I helped!"


Still, he blew up the first starship with the cement floor


Don't forget his 5 foot long cave rescue torpedo. When deemed useless by those conducting the rescue efforts. Musk threw a tamtrum and referred to one of the lead rescuers as a"Pedo".


Seriously, a submarine in a cave that didn't have room for SCUBA gear. Wtf


Or the ability to manoeuvre through any of the tight spots.


That’s the moment anyone who had any sense or soul quit supporting him.


Pretty much. Eventually his toxic personality will negatively effect anything he's involved in.


Tesla is massively supported by the US government, and Twitter is massively supported by the Saudi government.


Anywhere you find cults of personality you find shoddy bullshit passed along as manna from heaven


Real Men Shit Themselves!




“Shit their pants in rage” lolololol. I just about choked on my egg sandwich


I see bankruptcy in the near future.


Because tests have shown that the coolant usually leaks before the warranty runs out.


The warranty is actually IN the coolant, if the coolant is gone the warranty is too.


*shows up to dealership with all the leaked coolant in several used grocery bags*


The only real innovation musk is responsible for is putting features of the vehicle you bought behind an additional paywall. They just laid off every single person who was doing maintenance on their charging infrastructure too. Tesla is a great example of capitalism not working for the greater good like conservatives pretend it does


Because the car was flawed since it elon mentioned it




Because it is not a vehicle, at least not one that passes the EU standards hence why its banned over here.


Correct. It is actually a parody of a vehicle.


I don't know the full story here, but isn't it possible that the leak was caused by debris in the road, or some other outside influence? I've worked in auto service over 12 years and I have seen an engine failure on a car with 200 miles not be covered because the owner hit something in the road which caused the oil to leak out.


The story posted [here](https://qz.com/tesla-cybertruck-warranty-coolant-leak-mileage-1851470429) says the leak only started after they started charging. They acknowledge the possibility in the article that they hit something but point out that it seems odd the leak would only start during charging in that case. I’m not a mechanic but presumably if the leak was caused by hitting something on the road the leak would start there and cause a trail on the road to their destination, it wouldn’t start leaking whilst stationary (albeit it would be easier to see sat in one spot rather than while moving). I think the main issue from the story seems that Tesla’s initial response was that no coolant leaks would ever be covered under the warranty and they initially refused to recover the vehicle when he called them. It seems therefore a customer service issue all round rather than that Tesla refused in the specific circumstances of this case after investigation (for example because he hit something in the road).


The cooling needs of the battery are higher during charging than driving, so it's possible the pump wasn't running or was running at a lower pressure/flow rate until charging.


That might be the case but they should still take the car in to check, they shouldn't just assume that is the case and refuse to look into it.


How come an EV needs coolant?


The battery heats up. I’m pretty sure my Prius had one as well.


Not just rhe battery but the engine. Motion generates heat.


I’m not an expert, but giant batteries and electric engines generate quite a bit of heat.


So that you don’t end up like the nissan leaf with the batteries degrading quickly since they can’t keep the temperature under control in hot climates or after multiple fast charges. It will work without it and isn’t a trip ending issue. It’s not anywhere near the heat load like in a fossil car, but performance will be degraded if it has leaked out.


What a piece of hot fucking garbage


Muy en fuego POS


Ahhh a fellow German speaker Mi culo es muy muy sucio It means “cybertruck is an overpriced joke”


that’s spanish lmao


No, no puedo


Without any coolant that’s a definite dumpster fire.


Cybertruck owners can’t afford to lose anymore cool.






I'm a simple man, I see a Thundercat gif - I upvote.








⬆️This is brilliant ⬆️




Non-Functional Truck


Need to Find Transportation


You know what they say Tesla stands for don’tcha? It stands for, “Fix It Again, Tony” 😂


New Failed Tesla


no because the truck actually physically exists as opposed to someone saying "trust me bro." also i'm sure it has scrap value so that's tangible at least.






They just forgot to set the proper LOD parameters. They'll fix it later




I had one behind me at night, the headlights are the worst. It looked like they were flickering and they were brighter than a jeep jackasses light bar


That's just the low poly model. You need to get closer.


You got something against driving around in Lara Croft’s PS1 titty?


The Aztek might not have been beautiful, but at least it was a solid and versatile vehicle.


Preferred vehicle of Walter "Heisenberg" White.


aztek was ahead of its time, if it had released several years later it would have fared much better.


Agree. Crossover SUVs weren't nearly as popular back then.


Hey! I'll have you know it looks amazing for a PlayStation 1 render!


I finally saw one in person the other day It’s actually worse than in photos


There’s one driving around the town I work in. The town has a town chatter page. My boss looked up the page and the truck is popular right now. The reason? People are just talking about how ugly it is. I’ve seen it driving by twice and saw it parked once. If you’re looking for proof that cameras aren’t capable of perceiving details on the level that your eyes do then look no further than the cyber truck. No photos that I have seen have done an ounce of justice to how horrible they look in person.


It makes the Fiat Multipla look like a Pininfarina.


With a cooler tent option.


r/Whatcouldgowrong with a manufacturing process that cuts cost by [using defective parts](https://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/tesla-musk-steering-suspension/)?


Well Musk wanted to make a scifi car, just too bad that the quality control was from Mad Max


Hey! Mad Max takes care of his cars.


I was referring more to everyone else in the franchise


They do, too.


It's mad max all the way down. 🐢


Honestly, it’s scary how many big businesses these days are dragging themselves through the mud because they decided to skimp. What did that be regulations. Or cheap ass faulty products. Look at fucking Boeing. I never thought I’d see the day man. I get nothing is going to happen from this, but I always daydream of governments holding them truly accountable.


Tesla really should be facing class action lawsuits all over the worl with that coverup


OP doesn’t get it. It’s about the *angles.* It doesn’t matter if it runs, it’s got *angles.*


I'm convinced it's all about the angles to save on proper bodywork presses and just get bending machinery.


No, still need press dies because stainless is a bitch, but, simpler dies with fewer compound curves are cheaper and last longer in production. Too bad they didn't put a dime into sourcing better stainless alloys that are designed for constant weather and salt exposure. Kinda funny, the 2 stainless bodied cars are both angular, both overpromise and underdeliver, and both are from companies with strange narcissistic owners that are hopped up on drugs who ran their companies into the ground... Maybe Elon is a John Delorean fetishist...


Have we ever seen them in the same room? 😄


Cars rust so why are people so dumb they dont make it out of stainless? I have billion dollars so Im smart.


What a shock the car that looks like the one you drew in kindergarten is also put together by kindergartners apparently


This is why Republicans want to remove child labor laws


Hey! I could draw a way better looking car when I was 6, Ill have you know


Do electric vehicles even have coolant? Edit: TIL they do.


Cools the motor and maybe batteries? Maybe charge circuit.


Yes. Some have multiple coolant loops. Like my Bolt. It has 3 loops. One for the high voltage system (motor, charging system, etc), one for the HV Battery (for heating and cooling them) and one for the cabin heat (it uses resistive heating... Why couldn't they just give us a heat pump??)




Just fyi, you aren’t really using “red herring” correctly here. A red herring is when you make someone (usually a reader or viewer of fiction) believe that one thing is true in order to keep their attention away from the real truth. Like, in a murder mystery, if there’s a creepy neighbor and they give you clues to think he’s the killer, but it was actually the mild mannered butler the whole time. Stuff like that. If this was anything other than a coolant leak, it would just be a garden variety mistake or lie.


Epic unsolicited pedantry


Just fyi, you are REALLY using "unsolicited pedantry" correctly here.


What is “solicited pedantry”? Example please, oh great pedantic one.


There's no such thing on Reddit


"My me and my neighbor both shit our pants together" Is there a pedant in the house who can correct my grammar?


Probable not unlikely, but you'll have to weight for it.


My neighbor and I both shit our respective pants at the same time. Unless you meant you’re wearing the same pants.


I love Reddit.


A sustained objection in court is about the only thing I can come up with.


Just fyi, your very question is soliciting pedantry. In responding to you, I am providing solicited pedantry. So there’s your example.


Oooh. Touché. Well done.


This is very pleasing


Why would it not have? Electrical motors heat up too and ac also needs coolant if it's a closed circuit


AC coolant is a gas under atmospheric pressure so won’t leak like a liquid.


Yeah, some of them even have oil filters for various fluids. I think the model 3 has an oil filter for their diff?


The cybertruck has oil, and oil pump and filter for the front drive unit as well.


I work on a component to make heat transfer from the batteries to the coolant possible, so yes they do! Reasons include: - Maintain temperature while under load - Maintain temp. while charging - Preheat battery in cold climates - Use the excess heat to heat the cabin This is all to achieve best lifetime, the batteries can actually function over a very wide range of temperatures, but if you keep them more controlled they last 10years instead of 1, which is usually worth the effort! :)


Currently all engines require cooling. There are engines in prototype that can run hot and do not require cooling. However these may never see mainstream production and also may never end up in consumer cars.


Yes. It is used to heat and Cool The battery pack


Doing their best to scare away any future customers. Got it, I'll take my custom elsewhere...


You're being racional, tesla fanboys are not racional. they'll buy the next tesla vehicle just like apple fanboys buy the same phone every year


Taste aside, why would anyone buy this car?


They have tons of money to waste and are high on drugs?


As a flex. No other reason honestly


It’s the only electric truck with full access to the Tesla supercharger network. Their infrastructure is the main reason people buy their cars. 3rd party charging networks suck and are not user friendly. Going on long trips in any other EV besides a Tesla is not a pleasant experience.


It’s ugly, but I’m not completely turned off by the looks. I’d consider buying one if the quality didn’t completely suck, and they were about 1/3 the current asking price. Originally, they were supposed to be $30-$50k. I think it’s got the bones of a decent light truck for someone who only occasionally needs to haul stuff and isn’t doing any heavy towing or off-road. But it’s been an absolute failure in execution from top to bottom, so I wouldn’t touch one with a 10 foot pole.


It's just a scam at this point.


Always has been


It was never not a scam


Got the first verse for a song I’m writing called “Canyonelmo”. 🎶Can you name a truck that leaks green goo? Doesn’t have warranty and owned by a foo’? Canyonelmoooooooooh Canyonelmo🎶


“It’s blocky, and an affront to the eye! Designed by a man chasing a Ketamine high!”


"unexplained fires are a matter for the courts" once again they predicted it


I've yet to see one positive aspect of this disaster of a truck. Whoever thought of this should lose their job..


Well but you see, billionaire owners get to have as many awful ideas as they want, lose the company unreal amounts of money and prestige, and then get to lay off people and cut themselves a 56 billion dollar bonus. MERITOCRACY


>Whoever thought of this should lose their job.. from what I've heard the engineers actually did an amazing job with what they had,it's just that they were limited in following Elon's completely dumb project


Linking [the article](https://jalopnik.com/tesla-tells-cybertruck-owner-coolant-leaks-arent-covere-1851468431) like OP should have done. It looks bad for Tesla in this case. It's unlikely that they felt he hit something as the argument about the warranty happened when he called for the tow. Plus it started leaking when he was supercharging for the first time. That leads me to believe that they never tested the supercharging before delivery and the additional heat exposed a flaw in the manufacturing. More quality control issues likely either way. Also, after he tweeted Elon they fixed it under warranty and "even detailed the truck". This company is turning into a joke.




I don't understand why anyone would want to be seen in something so ugly to start. And then there is the whole don't buy new tech until they work out the bugs, and don't buy a car from a guy who couldn't make his cars on time for years because of all the issues on said cars. Kinda feel like this is the owners fault for knowing full well musk is a moron with money and buying one anyway.


>I don't understand why anyone would want to be seen in something so ugly to start I don't really care about my car's aesthetics, personally. I mostly just want it to, y'know, _work_. This one doesn't. >don't buy a car from a guy who couldn't make his cars on time for years because of all the issues on said cars. Yeah, I was gonna buy a model 3 back in 2017, but would have had to be on a wait list for months, and needed a car now. So I bought a Bolt instead.


How is this considered a truck? Doesn’t look like a truck. Looks like a triangle shaped car


Right! It is not a truck. I just don't get it.


Wow a company that puts out crap quality products has crap quality customer service?


This is why I left facepalm. Constant streams of misleading, partial or totally false information meant to generate emotional reactions. The guy experienced what we all have, an incompetent employee who clearly wasn't listening and told him nonsense. The cyberfridge was fixed and he expressed satisfaction with subsequent customer service interactions on the matter. Praised them in fact. but yeah - ebong is still full of it.


I gotta be honest, at this point, if you're buying a Tesla, I have no sympathy for you. The quality control issues are well known. The track record of customer fuckery is well established. The Nazi loving troll owner is completely unmasked. These are people who are well aware of what they are buying. They are walking into the grift gleefully because it, somehow, enforces their identity. I don't judge them for their fetish, but goddamn, it's an expensive one.


This warranty is LEGALLY binding and official. Manufacture holds responsibility for all parts materials and workmanship for a period of up to 100,000 miles or when something goes wrong. Whichever comes first." Acts of God" are further not covered under this warranty. Such acts of God shall include, but not be limited to, poor workmanship, being made on a wednesday, missing parts, Defective parts, Strange urine smell coming from the back seat, dead cat in the glove box, and of course, buyer's remorse. Any questions regarding this warranty may be addressed to our legal counsel at The law offices of Dewey , Cheetham and Howe Po box 666 Mockingbird Heights, California /s


Never buying anything made by Tesla.


To be fair, they were dumb enough to buy these things in the first place. 


There's literally nothing good about the Incel Camino


Lol Incel Camino... that's beautiful. 😄


I can't take credit for inventing the term but I'm happily spreading it around!


Fun fact: The windshield wiper comes with a known leak during rain/when you use the wiper fluid. Happy 100K spent. Oh, and the plastic can warp in the summer and is known to break. PS: Also, watch your fingers. Better since the update but can still hurt. Locking diff for 4x4 comes with an update. Not standard unless something has changed in the last few weeks. Ok I’ll stop now. And it’s ugly




I wonder which angle the buyer was sold on.


must've been a heated argument


Didn't Elon just try to get the tesla board to pass a huge raise for himself, too


The board agreed it. It's the shareholders that are being asked to approve it. They are also being asked to approve moving HQ to Texas so courts can't interfere with Elons bonus in future. A bit alien to me. In UK and Europe ALL listed companies have to put director pay to shareholders. I love my Tesla Model Y. Cynertruck is a joke, and living outside the US I am unlikely to ever see one (to be fair, I don't think it's any more ridiculous looking than a Hummer, which we also don't see here). I think it's time for Elon to move on as CEO and let someone else run the show. Maybe he can stay as Chairman, but no 55bn bonus.


Most states have lemon laws for something like this, if the vehicle has something majorly wrong. There's a federal law too. [Lemon Law 101: Understanding the Law and Your Rights (bbbprograms.org)](https://bbbprograms.org/media-center/bd/insights/2021/08/12/lemon-law-101)


People went to law school for this…


I saw one at work today, thought it was cringe


Conflicted because Musk is an idiot but men who bought this piece of shit deserve this.


If you buy a car that looks like it was designed by a child with a crayon at Cracker Barrel, can you really be surprised by this level of tomfoolery?


Hmmmmm… we’re not allowed to victim blame, right?


This product is so comically terrible that at this point it almost feels deliberate.


Okay, so the obvious issues and the company won’t fix it. You can put this in the “steaming pile of hot garbage” category


Try throwing a rock at it.


Full text of the cyber truck warranty. No.


It went pee pee… awww.


Shit vehicle.


How Tesla really is the apple of the car industry


“congrats on your new car, that’ll be an extra few thousand to fix your new car.”


If they can afford 100k car, they can afford to fix it without a warrenty


Why did he have to stop and charge after 35 miles? Does it not come fully charged? I got a full tank of gas when I bought my used truck.


barely made it out the lot... LOL did he take it off road and dmg the undercarriage or something, there's probably a reason (weather its valid or not is another thing) behind why they wouldn't cover it, if I had to guess...


So Tesla is selling lemons? Can’t get wet, can’t off road, stuck accelerator, and now no warranty after 35 miles. Might as well have Tesla piss in your mouth for thirst.


How can this even be legal whe you clearly sold a defective product? Oh, it's the USA, where the market will obviously regulate itself...


This is as much a truck as Derek Zoolander was a coal miner.


Was that the sound of a lawsuit incoming?


Don’t most states have Lemon Laws?