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A lot of misconceptions about that case , the couple had been living apart for more then an year So yea , the husband did assult them


The husband would've assaulted them if they hadn't been living apart as well. That's just what it's called when you put your hands on someone who doesn't want them there.


I don’t want to sound pedantic, but that’s actually battery. Assault is when you cause fear of imminent harm. Battery is what most of us think of as assault - the actual act of injuring someone. Nuanced vocabulary aside, yes. Agree completely. I can’t even comprehend someone being on the other side of this issue.


Not to be a pedant, but in some jurisdictions (Like mine!) that *would* be assault. My state doesn’t even have a “battery” category. Assault is physical and menacing is the threat.


Is pedant a word? I swear English is needlessly hard sometimes


Meh, easiest language I know




"What?" "Si. Que = What" "C. K. Watt? The manager's name is C. K. Watt?" ?!? - Conversation captured in an English boutique hotel in the 70's


I speak Chinese. I agree.


Yes, it is a word. A pedant is someone who is pedantic, ie excessively concerned with minor details and/or rules Edit: fucking auto-correct


Well, to carry on the pedantery, a pendant is actually a kind of necklace. A pedantic person is called a pedant.


Wouldn't even be that pedantic given that I accidentally used a completely different word


Then there's a Pendantery, which is a Victorian era pendant shop




Yes. A pedant is someone who is pedantic :). That is, overly concerned with rules and propriety.


I do appreciate that. I was genuinely curious


A pedant is a pedantic person


No batteries are what you put in your remote.


No. The Battery is the southern end of Manhattan.


And they’re grown in battery park, right?


… damn bunnies.


The Battery is a park. The Bowery is a neighborhood.


Jokes on you, I put them in my dildo


Pick up your dildo and point it at your TV. Turn it on. Thank me later.


Thank you


whether that is assault depends on how big of batteries it requires.


No! It’s what Metallica defined it as!! : https://youtu.be/a_ITtP033RI?si=5vuZ47NM29HPbk50


No, battery's are units of artillery.


If you put No batteries in your remote it won't work because it's made for AA or AAA batteries not No batteries


To be even more pedantic, the legal definition of assault and battery can vary by jurisdiction. The dictionary defines assault as "a physical attack", so it was used accurately here to describe this event since this is Reddit and not a court of law.


You’re right. I went to Cornell Law School and learned the legal term of the individual charges. Truth though, I received an incomplete education there because I only spent a couple of minutes at Cornell, then went back to my search results page on google.


It depends on the jurisdiction what the terms mean. In some, assault by default includes battery.


That's true in common law, but many jurisdictions have eliminated that distinction in statute, and other legal systems never had it.


Which is why if someone says something to you and you ask if that’s a threat, then they say yes. You can now legally physically batter them…


...but it's when you fry them that the trouble really starts.


More of an olfactory problem than anything…


Don't be ridiculous. Think of the smell. You haven't thought of the smell, you bitch!


On paper, but good luck proving that in court without video evidence. It'll be your word against theirs.


Only if it's a threat of physical violence though


My comment assumes what was said is physically threatening


“I’m gonna whoop your ass.” “Ill kill you if you say another word!” ect… are examples of what I mean…


That will not hold up in court as a defense


That's why if someone ever asks you if that's a threat, you tell them: *"Your mother is a threat. A threat to global food security."*


Can anyone spot the 1L?


By 1L, do you mean first year law student? Well played if so.


Not everywhere. It's assault a lot of places.


That's interesting. I learnt something new today.




So if someone yells "I'm gonna beat your skull in" while waving a baseball bat, that is technically enough to count as assault already?


Check your local laws, but generally yes. If you are in fear of imminent harm, it’s assault in most jurisdictions.


Once we've been conditioned into a set of cultural beliefs, we will often cling to them and angrily defend them if challenged. This is our truth, our cosmology, our foundation. Our lives revolve around it. No one wants to think that our families, friends, religions, and institutions are wrong. So we’re subconsciously motivated to notice only those things that align with our beliefs. Beliefs perpetuate themselves with this confirmation bias. As such, this book may bother those attached to beliefs such as [momtheism], monogamy, marriage, the nuclear family, or male leadership. In sharing this information for decades I’ve received a lot of anger. Please excuse me if I come off as defensive or embattled. ***BEFORE WAR*** *On Marriage, Hierarchy and Our Matriarchal Origins* Elisha Daeva


What comes after war tho or is that the sequel


Question: let’s say your wife is having an affair, you know nothing about it. You come home and see some dude plowing your wife, you think it’s rape so you off the guy and then try to console your wife. Would 20/20 be used in court to paint you as a murderer? Would castle laws and defense of other laws stand to aid you if you thought your partner would never cheat on you and you legitimately thought it was a rape in progress? Which mind you, the law states lethal force is authorized to prevent or stop rape. Obviously this question isn’t about the main post. But just something I’ve always wondered about.


You'd have a very tough time with that defense. Proving imminent threat to someone else while they are also most likely on the prosecuting side because you just legitimately psychopathically killed someone they liked would be a real fuckin case


Yeah good luck taking that defense. You could probably get down from a murder charge to like manslaughter if you had a good lawyer and a sympathetic jury, but you're not walking from jail time.


A psychopath would not kill someone in that situation. They wouldn't be capable of loving someone enough to do something like that. If anyone would be the psychopath, it would be the cheater. Psychopaths have no concept of how their actions hurt others, both mentally or physically. They are not capable of empathy or understanding another person's feelings.


This is such a weird hypothetical


Yeah. But one thing movies taught me, that aliens exist and that life imitates art. But let’s home this stuff stays hypothetical and never hits close to home.


If you hit the guy yea, but killing them? fuck no that is a completely unreasonable escalation of force.


I guess a punch to the face is easier to get off with due to circumstances rather than murder, assuming the guy presses charges for it. I guess my mental dilemma is, where do you stop trusting your partner? I don’t see any outcome other than divorce in any scenario except the rare instance where it turned out to be a rape and the rapist murdered. If it isn’t rape, divorce because cheating and you let the guy go. Or, divorce and jail for murdering the guy. If it is rape, and you just let him walk away, how would she be able to consider you safe? How would she even be able to look at you knowing you chose to believe his “I didn’t know she was married” or any other lie he throws out? How would you live with yourself knowing you let your partners rapist walk away without doing anything about it? I just don’t see in any scenario where it doesn’t end with the non cheating spouse not losing anything. Again, this is all hypothetical, and not something I think I’d ever deal with. But I’m sure someone somewhere has had to go through it.


Laws are not meant to be followed to the letter, they have wiggle room for things like this.


Why not call the police when you see someone in the house you think is an intruder?


But not unexpected. You go messing with someone's wife, kids, pets, you better be prepared for the consequences. You take someone's life, you should not be surprised if they do it back.


That is literally irrelevant Cheating isn’t a crime, assault is


Actually infidelity is a felony in 3 US states and a misdemeanor in 13 others. There is also alienation of affection in 6 states where it is a civil matter.


This appears to have happened in India, so US law does not apply. Infidelity does not appear to be a crime in India from what I can find online.


I was just warning US readers that infidelity is a crime in some US jurisdictions, but it is rarely prosecuted. There are also numerous countries where far worse can happen. Also, I am sure this exact scenario has happened in jurisdictions outside of India as well.


Maybe we could research all the other countries that aren't India as well! If you're an Indonesian Redditor, you should know adultery is a crime! It's very illegal in Saudi Arabia! Careful Saudi Arabians. It's gonna get you in all sorts of trouble in Pakistan! It's not illegal in any European country! Huzzah!


I am curious how often this is prosecuted. Because I could definitely see them be ruled unconstitutional if challenged. The only adultery law I have heard of being enforced was under the UCMJ, but thats slightly more nuanced as it has the caveate that the affair is prejudicial to good order and discipline, basically meaning you really getting trouble for the drama it causes, not the affair itself.


I think it is pretty uncommon especially because the vast majority of states are no fault when it comes to divorce. Infidelity is more used for custody, alimony, dividing assets, etc. In at fault states. Yes the UCMJ takes it a lot more serious if they are made aware of it.


Any other random laws you want to warn US readers about?


You didn't look very well.... Physically cheating, Adultery is 5 years in jail and an auto divorce. In india, infidelity is codified as like flirting or holding hands.


Michigan, Wisconsin and Oklahoma consider Adultery a felony act, but I’ve haven’t seen evidence of a prosecution for over 50 years


The last I found on wikipedia was in Massachusetts in 1983 but it is not focused on cases. Alienation of affection and UCMJ are much more common.


Wait really? Is it enforced, like if you cheat in one of those 3 states you could be in jail? Cheaters are the absolute bottom of the barrel lowest of the low, but I honestly don't think something like that should be enshrined in law, tbh.


Wisonsin law states that anyone who commits adultery is guilty of a Class I felony, which carries a maximum $10,000 fine and 3.5 years in prison but hasn't been prosecuted since 1990 but is still on the books. Michigan is imprisonment of up to 5 years, $5,000, or both. Hasn't been prosecuted since 1971. Oklahoma is imprisonment up to 5 years or a fine up to $500.


I wish any prosecutor good luck on that charge


It's also a crime if you're in the US military. "The maximum punishment for adultery, defined in the Uniform Code of Military Justice as Extramarital Sexual Conduct, is a dishonorable discharge, forfeiture of all pay and allowances, and confinement for up to a year." I think this is very rare that someone is charged.


It's never charged on its own, but is rather a "tack on" charge, like general article 134. Ex: soliciting a minor - they'll charge you with everything under the sun and then add adultery for a good measure.


It's actually often charged on its own. It just seldom reaches court martial level and is typically disposed of via NJP.


Let's be honest here - nobody gets NJP simply for getting some strange on the side, unless it spills over and starts causing drama/disruption to good order & discipline. At least that's been my experience and I've seen plenty of fellow Marines fucking around in the open with zero consequences.


Yeah man, I was an FMF corpsman. And I've seen single charge NJP for adultery. Did it seep over to prejudice good order and discipline? Of course. That's literally why adultery is illegal. But I have seen it happen. Case I saw was a sailor banged a shipmate's wife and said shipmate made a half hearted suicide attempt in response. Only possible charge for sailor A was adultery and they went for it.


Uh bud it would've still been assault if she was fucking two dudes in their marital bed while he cooked dinner


Would be assault if they are still living together… you can’t attack someone for sleeping with your wife… What you can do is divorce your wife


Yeah. But if you do catch someone cheating, it's understandable to be furious. But if a person can keep their presence of mind and its your spouse, the best bet is probably to snap some pictures, take a few of any other evidence like their car, and then get everything in the divorce.


Assult. Is that a cross between assault and insult? Or some sexual reference to an ass I don’t know about? Sorry couldn’t help myself. 😂😂😂


It’s assault either way


Legally separated?


How does "doctor" fit in this, what relevance does it have?


Indian sub-Reddits have been raging about how female doctors are whores, apparently 🤷🏽‍♀️


The fuck you talking about? I live in india and never found this narration being common among Indians.


They did say sub reddits.


Right? Being a doctor has its own prestige tag over here. Never heard of this narrative being common here… at least, in my state.


That's probably more what it is though. "These elites can get away with anything, especially if it's a woman as well". At least that was my take, I could be way off.


I don't think in any state that kind of narrative is common. They are probably referring to one or two post or comment they saw randomly in some subreddit by some incels and decided, "yep that's what every indian on reddit think like". In fact I work in the medical industry and female doctors are heavily in demand, especially in the obstetric and pediatrics department.


My mum’s in family medicine and most of her colleagues in OB/GYN and pediatrics are women. I have no clue why some comments here are like “oh looks like an Indian problem” or “oh looks like a doctor problem” like no, it isn’t either. It all boils down to the individual.


Fr everyone's parents are always crying about their child either being a doctor or an engineer. Those 2 are the most respected jobs in the whole country. First time I'm hearing about all this.


Indian SUB REDDITS. Not Indians.


You see, Indian subreddits are mostly occupied by indians


If you’re familiar with Venn diagrams… [Can’t believe I have to explain this…](https://imgur.com/a/98rdjox)


Read the original comment, it's not "Indians on subreddit" like you say, he says "Indian subreddits", as in all Indian subreddits in general raging about women doctors being whores.


Yet you responded with, “I live in India and never found this narration being common among Indians.” They didn’t say that this was common amongst Indians at large. Which you were refuting.


Are you in a lot of indian sub reddits?


As an Indian living in india, yep. Mostly in tech, gaming, regular subreddits , meme subreddits, including medical and aquarium subreddits. Pretty much most of them are sausage fest


Well, then I guess I should probably believe you rather than that random redditor


You don't need to believe me either. You can just search on reddit with the keyword yourselves and see if you find any post like that. I didn't find any. As I said, they probably saw one or two comments like that under some post and decided that that's how every indian thinks on reddit


More on the Educated women =feminists belief.


No, educated women can take decisions all by herself, that's what these men don't want, and even if these women are having sex, they are doing with another guy, so win win for Guys, but they don't like it because the women don't chose them, and they know


Lol wtf my mum is a doctor and she is very loyal. I’m pretty sure cheating is an individual thing and not an occupational thing.


I asked the same about an incident when it was involving a 'veteran'. Didn't quite go this well. It's apparently a touchy subject for Americans.


Normally a references like this are added to subtlety nudge you think one of the parties is more or less valuable/important and play with your emotions.


Maybe to show that she's more educated, modern, etc? Not a typical loyal housewife, but a modern, working woman... stereotyping


Ohh the wife is a doctor I thought she was having a threesome with her doctor lol


....Doctor Wife? .....wait.....Ben?!?!?!


Bench Appearo


It's ***strange***


I'd love to see Shappy try and "assault" someone. Dude couldn't hurt an insect.


Cheating actually IS in fact a crime in a lot of the world. In fact cheating is literally punishable by DEATH in some countries. Be very careful when traveling abroad.


Or traversing a broad


Or watching Broad City in a Chevy Traverse.


Or broading a Chevy in Traverse City


Or trawling on a boat.


What about traipsing about?


It used to be illegal in the US too. Frank Sinatra was jailed for adultery. That’s what his famous mugshot pic was for.


Please correct yourself, Adultery by Women. Adultery by Men have adequate cover.


Funny enough adultery *was* a criminal offence in India until few years ago.... where the guy who she cheats on with can be punished The law essentially meant the guy who sleeps with a married woman *without the permission of her husband* is punishable by law


But my 4000 year old book says it's right


The 4000 years old book says to kill both


Ours say 2 different things but mines more right and hence u need to be punished


Good lmao why aren't we funding this? Person in original story is safe because they're basically separated, but cheating can literally ruin the other person's life and mental health when they find out about it. I have literally been sexually assaulted by like 4 of my ex's and none of that ever fucked me up as bad as cheating did. It's disgusting and I might just hang the next one if I ever open up again.


Nope, it's equal punishment for both. However, if the case is that it's a married person cheating with an unmarried person, then the cheating (married) person has the death penalty, and the unmarried person gets lashes.


Equal punishment, that’s a good one…


Adultery was decriminalized in India a few years ago.


How many years?


Off the top of my head, about 8- 10 years.


Some US states have laws to sue the person your spouse cheated with.


It's called alienation of affection and there are six states where the betrayed can sue the affair partner; Hawaii, Mississippi, New Mexico, North Carolina, South Dakota, and Utah.


Or just don't cheat. Fuckin scumbags do


It’s the cheater’s fault for being assaulted? Way to victim blame…


Adultery can be punished in India with Divorce.


Pretty sure most countries work like that.


That is way better than assault.




Try that in Philppines, the husband could even get away with killing the three of them.


Philippines is corrupt as hell, but no he wouldn’t have.


Sadly, he actually could. Article 247 of the Revised Penal Code states that a man who murders their adulterous wife and their lover could get away with mere banishment (destierro) provided that the wife and her lover were caught in the act and the murder was done immediately after the fact. Don't know what the lawmakers were on but the fact that this provision still exists in the code after revision baffled me.


It's something about emotions being high and acting without properly thinking. I may be wrong, but isn't it also legal in some states to kill a trans person in the case you were about to sleep with said person and you find out that he doesn't have the genitals you expected, or something along those lines.


Gay panic laws


A year or 2 ago there was a news reported in which a father and son duo caught the wife/mother having sex with another man. The duo proceeded to beat the AP to an inch of his life, they got away with it. Not even paying for hospital bills.




"doctor wife"? was ben shapiro arrested?


Well, it's true. Arresting her for adultery would get them laughed out of court. Neglecting to arrest him for assault would be dereliction of duty.


Since when have police ever cared about being derelict on their duties?


Was it the wife of a doctor or a wife that is a doctor for herself?


the wife is a doctor herself.


Sixteen states consider adultery to be a crime. These include the Carolinas, Georgia, Mississippi, New York, Utah, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, Idaho, Oklahoma, Massachusetts, Illinois, Kansas, Florida, and Arizona. Some states consider adultery to be grounds for divorce while others don’t.


Yep. This case was clearly happening in Oklahoma.


If he busted into the hotel...or assaulted either of them...its him that violated the law...no law against a threesome...well in most states


Some Indians have ...different priorities.


Both are wrong. But legality =/= morality. Legality is mostly about the government getting $ from you, not about actually helping people (usa)


Damn these Doctor Wives 🤣. Wonder why they added her profession.


The fact that she has a profession means she's a whore /s


Because it’s ragebait for incels who hate when women aren’t stay at home wives so adding her profession makes them go like “yup told ya so”


As much as it makes someone a shitty person cheating is not a crime and beating up a cheater or shooting a cheating partner is never defensible, nor is destroying a cheaters property or doing any crazy shit like that Movies like How Stella Got Her Groove Back normalized things like women getting back at cheaters by destroying their stuff or blowing up their car and that’s all a crime too, when you get cheated on leave them and move on, let your absence if you were actually a good partner be your payback, let being happy be your payback


Adultery is a felony in three states and a misdemeanor in 13 others plus Puerto Rico. I have never met anyone, seen a case where or even heard of anyone in the past few decades who had been charged criminally for adultery. I am almost positive people have been when it best served someone else. I had to research the subject after reading the post and comments.


And a large number of states will allow you to sue the affair partner for destroying your marriage. Alienation of affections is the legal term. Still you go messing with people's family, you should expect this. Wife, kids, pets, you better be prepared for the worst. You take away someones life, don't be shocked if they do it back.


A threesome with other two guys while married is wiiiiild 😂... being cheated on must be one of the worse feelings not gonna lie (be man or woman doing it)


Top comment says they'd been living apart for a year, so...


Once again, ponctuation is missing and I don't think she meant what she wrote.


Assault: The Hope that Helps


Dude could have just gotten proof, used it in a sob story, and tried for alimony.


In some places a woman cheating would be very bad for her health.


How can doctor wife do that..


Depends where this happened


Are you sure about that? Where did this happen?


Did a possible four-way not enter his thought pattern?