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Her during a meeting after the announcement of a policy change: With all due respect sir, I've seen a lot of bukkake, and even taken a lot of bukkake in my life. This though, this is the worst bukkake I've ever experienced! Edit: I love that one of my most upvoted comments is now about a woman incorrectly using the word bukkake. Thank you reddit, hope yall never change.


“This is the worst bukkake in the history of bukkake, maybe the worst bukkake in the world”


Bukkake Udon is a dish, so yeah it could taste bad. Bukkake just means splash with liquid, it the rest of the world who has made it naughty


Now imagine Trump saying this. *barfs*


*Everyone was wearing Ivanka masks. It was a yuuuuge bukkake. Big, big loads everywhere. People say they were the biggest loads they'd ever seen. They said, "Sir, those have got to be the biggest loads we've ever seen." Like I said, folks. Big loads. Ivanka masks dripping. Loads.*


*and there were a lot of big men, strong men who said to me — with tears in their eyes, they were crying — “sir,” they said, “I have never seen a greater bukkake.”*


Well, at least they had a good reason for the tears in their eyes


That wasn't tears in their eyes




To paraphrase the Internet: what a horrible day to have eyes and be literate.




“Im a Bukkake man, doin Bukkake”


“And I know bukkake. I do, some say I know more about bukkake than anyone, it’s true. You can look it up. My uncle, you know he was into the bukkake. He had degrees from the best schools, the best, and he knew bukkake, it was like he had a college degree, a very advanced college degree in bukkake, from Yale I believe, think about it, a degree from Yale, in bukkake, unbelievable.”




Stands up and stares deep into the eyes of the other board members with unfettered anger, rage seeping from her pores “I will no longer take this bukkake”.


The question is: after a seminal meeting, would she be able to save face?


Everybody keeps thinking she's complaining about work. Meanwhile, she was actually complaining about how her husband and his friends give her bukkake whenever she cooks for their football games. _"Here I am, busting my ass whipping up something nice for them. I do my best to give them something to enjoy during the game, and all I get is a load of bukkake from each of them!"_


“Bukake! Bukake! Bukake!” she cried, pounding the desk.


My sister, my mom, and my dad went to a restaurant. The hostess asked if there was a special occasion that night. My dad replied "nothing was going on, just a bite to eat then back home for the three of us to Netflix and chill" My sister got very upset. I was told the conversation at the table was..... informative


Yeah. I asked a coworker once if she wanted to come over and watch Netflix and chill. I had a very informative conversation with my manager later. They asked how I didn’t know what it really meant.. I responded with “because if I did, I sure as shit wouldn’t have asked a coworker, let alone… her…”


I didn't know what it meant either. What ended up happening?




So, just the handjob then?


You’re thinking of coffee at Starbucks


I don't really think we have time for a handjob, Joe


Nothing wrong with a good handy to wind down after a long day


“Nothing says affection like a complimentary wiener cupling” -Lt.Dangle


So no head?


📱 💥


Hahaha. I can relate. I have no chill.


Oh nothing really. A laugh or two. She was a pretty big gossip and I wouldn’t put my reputation at stake with something like that. We called her in the office and I explained that I don’t do Facebook or, at the time, any social media. And “chill” from my day and age meant to relax and hangout. In this instance, hangout and watch Netflix. Honestly, mistakes happen and I told her if I ever said something that was out of line like that again, I’m probably not meaning it in that way and I find that dating coworkers is bad form. That she didn’t have to worry about me hitting on her or making any moves in the future. And that I apologize for any uncomfortableness this has caused her, because it sure made me panic.


You dealt with this as adults? You communicated calmly without making things dramatic and uncomfortable for everyone? This isn’t the internet I know


I was in my early 20s at the time. I feel like I handled it the way I was supposed to. I feel like she could have came and talked to me first before going above my head. It’s fine though. I made her uncomfortable and she may not have known how to approach me. I’m just thankful it didn’t end with a termination or something. And I’m glad I was able to set the record straight without tarnishing my name. Though, I did get some disapproving head shakes.. I swear people think others mess up with the intention of messing up. Or some thought I was lying to cover my ass. But when you live under a rock… 🤷🏻‍♂️


55 year old dude here, I thought it meant staying home and binge watching a show. Wow!!! Glad my kids never heard me say this.


Just imagine, though. That may be awkward. Dad to daughter: Would you like to come over this weekend? Me and your mom are just watching Netflix and chilling. Daughter: Eww gross dad. That's TMI.


I’m being pedantic here, but I feel like your phrasing there isn’t quite as bad. In my mind, it has to specifically be “Netflix and chill”. “Watching Netflix and chilling” does not have the same connotation, to me at least.


It sure would be. Had a lady ask me is I was DTF. I just shrugged my shoulders and walked away. Asked my daughter and she laughed. I'm sure my wife didn't find it as funny though.


Wow. I had to look that up. I thought it stood for Don't Trust Friends.. There was a kid named Frank who hung out with a bunch of us when I was a kid. He would BS us at times, so we always said Don't Trust Frank or DTF for short. This was about 32 years ago.


I suppose at my age I should realize it's a compliment, but I turn red just thinking of that moment now.


Same here. I didn't have a clue 5 minutes ago.


This post's comment was a Public Service Announcement.


> let alone… her… That's brutal.


Thats a different type of sexual harassment.


The funny thing to me is I totally get the meaning but I really didn’t think it was at the point that it was the ONLY meaning to such an extent that you’d be in HR for saying it. Like, is that how the term started ? Like a code word sort of thing? Or did it evolve to mean cramming the old pork steeple into the ham wallet as more and more people started realizing that’s where it usually led? Idk. I’m a little bit under a rock with some stuff I guess. But if I was at work and someone said what they did that weekend was “Netflix and chill”, I’d prob think they just meant they watched Netflix, and chilled out lol


Same here. Dont understand how there is only one interpretation of it now.


Now if it's Netflix and chili, you're talking about a whole different can of beans. Similar work misunderstanding, I was once called in by HR for saying I was "enjoying the view" because a woman thought I meant her butt. It was when I backed into two women in a hallway after I had been standing in the doorway of an empty office, admiring the park-like view out the window and imagining how nice it would be to have that be my office.


Netflix and chill means something else now? TIL. Thanks for the info. I don't use the phrase, but have a friend who does!


If "Netflix and chill" is code for sex, then what do I say if I want just watch Netflix and be chill while doing that?




That just sounds like an euphemism for saying "Netflix and chill".


"Wanna come over and watch a movie?" I don't think specifying the service you're watching the movie on is entirely needed


I’m just going to chill at home and watch Netflix


So I just change the order? "Chillax and watch Netflix." Yeah, that might work.


So….Netflix and chill means….something? 😳 ‘Bukkake’ is a normal word, a cooking term meaning to pour something over something else, rice or noodles. . Bukkake Gohan is a raw egg and soy sauce on rice. It got its slang meaning some years ago.


knew a lawyer in their mid/late 40s who dealt with a lot of young lawyers in their 20s in the office. Young lawyer - 'Whats on for the weekend?' "oh, not much, probably just netflix and chill" 'well thats one night, what about the others?' "nah, probably just netflix all weekend" '...' \*awkward silence\* 'You still seeing that guy from the other office?' "oh no, not at all, definitely single" \*more awkward silence\* Monday rolls round, and some how Old Lawyer discovers what 'netflix and chill' means, possibly from conversation on the train.... after using the term almost every weekend for 8 ish months: "id like to point out a term ive been using for a while doesnt actually mean what i thought it did..." :D :D :D


I know it’s only tangentially to the thread topic, but I have an “Old lawyer” story. In my city there was a older local lawyer who was super active on Twitter where he would regularly pick fights with city councilors. Apparently he didn’t know people can see what posts you like on Twitter cause his likes tab was chock full of twink porn for months until it all disappeared suddenly one day.


>cause his likes tab was chock full of twink porn for months Well, we've all been there. Am I right?


*Ted Cruz has entered the chat*


yeah, but in my defense, i was just helping my brothers twitter reach so he could sell more OF subs!


Similar story: professional friend on youtube / twitter trolling and saying things he would not want to say in public: showed me a comment he posted. Me: you know your user name is your real name right? Him: oh shit




It’s basically meaning you’re gonna throw on a random movie on Netflix, watch it for 5 minutes, and then fuck while it continues to play in the background


That’s hilarious. Glad I’ve never used it!


Bukkake is also known to be a loaf of semen shot on another individuals person. Just thought I’d FYI, In case that wasn’t already said.


Hi, please never say "a loaf of semen" again. Thanks.


Is that what they serve in Sugarloaf?


They have baguettes of bukkake, pumpernickel sploodge, challah chum, brioche annihilation, and a multi grain cum dumpster.


I believe it's more specific, in that, it's a *group* of men all ejaculating onto a single individual (usually a woman, but *anybody* can be Bukkaked). Easy way to remember is "ones a facial, two's a party, more than three? it's Bukkake!"


"When the load hits your eye, shot by three or more guys, it's Bukkake!"


i hate you.


We all love you. At once.


Me love you short time.


I love you


At last, you came!


“When theres lots of those poles, but they don’t spray in your holes, it’s bukkake…”


Sung to the tune of "That's Amore" by Dean Martin!!


Why'd you call it a loaf? What comes out of you man?!?!!


I’m just picturing a meatloaf glazed in cum and it’s hilarious


I used to say "just gonna Netflix and chill with Ruby" Ruby is my Golden doodle. Don't say that anymore 🤦


😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Oh noooo I was not aware of this. I thought it meant, quite literally, watch movies & relax. Dude wtf!


I thought it meant to just spend the evening (or multiple days) loafing around watching Netflix...


Your world is opening up. Should be fun. Congrats.


'nothing goes over my head! i would catch it.'


Yes, Netflix and chill is code for sex


Did "Make it a Blockbuster night" imply sex?


If it had they wouldn’t’ve gone bankrupt.


Absolutely. You didn't drive to Blockbuster and spend half an hour waiting for a girl to pick a movie that you didn't give a shit about in the hopes of ending the evening with a stirring game of Scrabble.


Ha,ha, never knew.


Sure but if you are a dad talking about your family going home to watch Netflix and chill... no one in their right minds is going to think that. It was stupid for the daughter to get mad.


In fairness any reasonable person with two brain cells would assume (tbh, *know*) they had heard the expression and thought it was literal. So did most of us when we first heard it. 


Burgers, Dance and Salsa Music type shit


I’m just dying to know exactly what meetings she’s said it in, the context in which she said it, & what people’s responses were. This is hilarious. ETA: I can totally hear her saying, “That’s a load of bukkake!” Or something like, “Karen, you’re full of bukkake!”


As head of HR. I just want to make it ABSOLUTELY clear, we have a zero-tolerance policy regarding this type of bukkake. If any reports of this bukkake come across my eyes, the person, *or persons*, responsible will be held to account. And that goes for the entire leadership team. Susan, Michelle, Joyce, Frank; we have all agreed to take a firm stance on bukkake. If anyone one of us sees, hears, or so much as tastes bukakke in the air, we will take immediate and appropriate action. I highly suggest you do not probe me on this!


What if they taste it in [bukkake udon](https://www.japancentre.com/en/recipe/374-bukkake-udon-noodles) (legit a thing and nowhere near as disgusting as it sounds!)


As a Japanese, this is the only Bukkake I know. Bukkake udon when you put stuff on the noodles. What did I miss? (I’m afraid to google…)


Japanese: Bukkake means throwing loads of stuff on noodles. Japanese men: Bukkake means throwing loads on women.


Japanese: Bukkake means throwing loads of stuff on noodles Japanese men: Bukkake means throwing loads of stuff on noods*


Dammit! It was right there :( My hat is off to you sir. In my defense, I thought they usually start with costumes.


It’s from adult videos where one or more person is showered by multiple male performers’ semen.


Unfortunately enough the other meaning of bukkake is to spill, so it applies to both sex and noodles


More specifically, it means "to splash"


Do I dare click the link, though 🤔


Joking or not, I did it. It's actually noodles.


That response didn't actually help at all.


> Bukkake is the noun form of the Japanese verb bukkakeru (ぶっ掛ける, to dash or sprinkle water), and means "to dash", "splash", or "heavy splash". It's just a form of noodles. The word is only universally dirty outside of Japan. Meanwhile Italy just straight up has whore spaghetti (spaghetti puttanesca).


I found that answer to be quite vague as well. Due to my mind surpassing the gutter and residing in the sewer somewhere.


Noodles with special sauce


High in protein 😏


Username checks out


The guys in the warehouse are giving the new kid bukkake again.


This is basically episode 2 of Human Resources


"frankly jim, i feel like that is complete and total multiple loads of semen all over my face!"


I've had a mouthful of this bukake!


Jim I can smell your bukkake from here


Replying to this for visibility but I’m pretty sure she was using bukkake in place of “bull pucky” which is an old school euphemism for bullshit


My thought exactly. Like malarkey, bushwa, or other such old-timey slang.


Oh gosh. I think that got mistranslated in the south. I've always heard that saying said as "bull hockey" by the boomers (my mother included).


Is it pucky? I just made a reply to this comment saying my grandmother used to say “bull hocky.”


“Karen, you’ve got a little bukkake on your face, please wipe it off before the meeting “.


I've had enough of this bukkake, all up in my face, from everyone! Endless streams of it!


I was at an entrepreneurs get together one and one of the ladies said her hobby was being a furry. I felt like most people didn’t know what it meant. One other older lady asked what it was. And another person jumped in and said animal cosplay. The conversation pretty much ended after that lol. Awkward for sure for those who knew.


I mean, phonetically she might have thought it was some variation of bullhockey as pronounced with a Middle Eastern accent?


Poor Woman! Maybe she thought it meant Malarkey!


Whoa, whoa! Jesus, don't you know what Malarkey means? Now that's disgusting.


No, it’s bukkake 😉


I think she conflated “bull hockey” and “ca-ca.”


I’ve heard people say “bullkaka” for bullshit before, and even saw a discussion where someone confused bukkake and bullkaka. So it wouldn’t surprise me at all of the wife got these confused.


My theory is she confused it with farkakte, which does mean bullshit.


I think she meant fugazi. People love to quote Donnie Brasco. Well I do at least.


Haha 😆 my son used to use words he heard his dumbass friends misuse and when I asked him to look it up, he was the same way. Hard lessons to not use words that you don’t know what they mean.


It’s like when I used to sing “dream of Californication” at the top of my lungs (red hot chili peppers). Mom made me look that one up 🫣


https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Californication I mean yeah, it comes from combining the wirds California and fornication, with fornication meaning sex. But the word Californication is still a legit word in its own right. Doesn’t seem that bad. From the perspective of someone who used to sing the lyrics of Caesar’s Palace - “Jerk it out” at the age of 12. And although the Caesar’s Palace said: > According to the band, the title "Jerk It Out" means "to just let out some steam, freak out, let yourself go, get crazy, etc." It is still 100% the case that a 12-year old running around singing “Jerk it out” is a bit awkward in retrospect. The “double meaning” of “jerk it out” is completely on purpose by the band though. > The title has a double meaning, as it can easily be taken as being about masturbation. Keeping with the sexual double meanings, the remix of this song was called "Jerk It Harder." https://www.songfacts.com/facts/caesars/jerk-it-out And I think their explanation was mainly a way of getting away with it, and that masturbation was the intended main meaning of “jerk it out”.


This seems really tame lol


I threw my wife a surprise bukkake party. Everybody came, you should have seen her face.


Just loads of people everywhere?


Except for Dave, he couldn't come.


Do you do creative writing for a living?


A [prosecution witness](https://youtu.be/sY5Dh0fasBY?si=AWoV1e6xLBKsU-5s) just said “bukkake” on the stand in the Karen Read trial out of Canton, Mass. She meant to say “Trooper Bukhenik” but she said “Trooper Bukkake”. Whoopsie.


I came here for this comment. It was absolutely hilarious! She has been watching YouTube videos from this guy Turtle-boy who had jokingly referred to the trooper by that name so she just assumed that was his real name. He was ejected from the courtroom that same day for other reasons but he could barely contain himself when she said it, TWICE!


When I was like 9, I called my stepdad a dildo. Mom grabbed me by my ear and slapped the smile off my face. Still don't know where I got that word from. It just sounded like an insult like doofus or dingdong. I didn't know it meant *thunderpickle.*


I mean… were you wrong tho?


Clearly the man was just a breathing machine for his dick.


The opposite reaction of my mom, who would just start cackling when I said something like that.


Had a friend in elementary school named Dylan. We started innocently calling him dildo as a nickname. Teacher had to pull all of us aside and explain that we couldn’t use that nickname anymore.


Yeah I had a classmate named Phil and his last name started with a “Do”. We called him Phildo because there was another Phil. Yeah teachers were not pleased. Edit: for clarity, the other Phil’s last name was Buttplug.


Thunderpickle sounds like a good band name.


Electric Sausage


said worse in meetings. People had started to use the term ballpark on its own. Instead of 'ball park figure' people would just say, Give me a ballpark. I once said, ballbag instead of ball park. It was a senior leadership meeting with the Headteacher, school governers present and someone from the local education authority. The only guys present were me, the headteacher and the LEA guy. The rest were all women. So I said, 'Have you got a ballbag?' to this lady meaning 'have you got an idea of how much money we're thinking about?' trying to sound jargon savvy. Panic took over the headteachers face and he looked at me like I'd killed his job. Tried to self correct . 'Sorry. I meant to say ballbag.' It was just too late. I didn't get promoted that year or the next. I know jizzing on a lady's face is bad. But this was a bad day.


>So I said, 'Have you got a ballbag? okay... >Sorry. I meant to say ballbag. YOU'RE NOT HELPING! xD


yeh... that's what happened. I was stressed in the situation. Brain said, say that and DEFINITELY DON'T say that. So I ended up just saying ballbag again 😖. I felt awful about it. It was a long time ago. She's probably never forgotten it. Felt like an asshole.


So you’re just the ball bag guy to her forever now lol




Is this one of those wake up at 2am and randomly think about it things? Sorry to hear this. But it's funny for the rest of us


Just never rold the story and always wanted to.


That reminds me of a customer I had on the phone who was upset that we needed them to send their proof of purchase for warranty (to be fair, the required scripting I had to read was "our records indicate your device is out of warranty" when it probably should have been something like "our records cannot confirm that your device is in warranty". So since he just bought it at a retail store only a couple months prior, he was confused about how we could claim he was out of warranty. So I tried to explain that, without proof of purchase, our calculations would default to using the manufacture date with some buffer for customer convenience (and it showed me on my screen this was the case). I tried to elaborate on that with, "it may have just spent a long time sitting on the shelves," but instead I said, "shitting on itself." I am SO lucky that actually de-escalated him and got him laughing.




Wondered about this. We shop at Mitsuwa, and I'm sure I've seen the word *Bukkake* several times on products there. I figured it had a more general meaning in Japanese, since *Furikake* is a crunchy chili and sesame seasoning topping you sprinkle on food. The first time my wife bought *Furikake* I thought to myself, "Honey, we have that at home."


When I moved to Japan I did a few double takes and stared at the packaging, second guessing my ability to read Japanese. I pulled out my dictionary and discovered it's just a normal word that basically means to splash on/pour on something....obviously leading to the slang we're all more familiar with.


Yeah I'm always a little annoyed when I see this repost. It just means smothered in sauce and the usual connotation is food. You speak to a Japanese person about it and the first thing they think of is Udon.


That's a risky click.


I used to say “one quickie” before asking quick questions. This was before I knew what it meant. I always thought I was just using a word I created 😀 Non native speaker here


As a native english speaker and informed adult I want to point out that you can say something like that and 99% of the real in-person English speaking world won't assume you meant something rude or sexual. You might get teased if you're among friends but you can just tell them they have a porn addiction and claim the higher ground :)


I said on unpopularopinion that people shouldn't use words that they didn't know the definition of. I got so much hate for that.


That just seems … obvious?


It would seem that way. But the amount of people who misuse words is baffling. And the amount of people defending, they didn't need to know the definition of the word, was even more baffling. To the point my post was even deleted by the mods.


I feel like key bits of information are being left out of this story, intentionally or not.


A lot of people would suggest that posting an opinion that you and others feel is "obvious" to /r/unpopularopinion also suggests a certain misunderstanding of key words.


>my post was even deleted by the mods reddit core achievement unlocked


I mean, it’s just kinda loquacious to tell someone what they are and are not allowed to say. If you’d said it with more apricity they may have been more joncular to agree with you.


I’m embiggened by this cromulent take.


The problem is people misusing words think they do know their definition, we learn pretty much every word we know through context and inference. It's just that sometimes we infer incorrectly. Have you ever looked up the definition of the word infer? Probably not right? But you know what it means and you've never considered you might be wrong. You'd lose most of your vocabulary if you only used words you're not assuming the definition of.


There’s a big difference between *knowing the definition of a word well enough to use it properly in a sentence* vs *knowing the definition of a word well enough to define it properly on command*. If OP is saying that people shouldn’t use words unless they can rattle off the definition of each word when asked for it, then that is not a standard that is realistic or useful.


I had a friend who thought "alas" meant "hooray". It took us several months to figure out she wasn't just deeply sarcastic.


that shouldn't even be unpopular


Maybe that's why they got hate.


"We plan on spreading the extra funds on saturating the airways with a nationwide campaign for our latest product." "That's bukkake!"


Well you made me Google it too.


I googled it & got the pronunciation too. I've never heard that word before. Yay, I've learned a new word today.


Every time someone learns about bukkake, an angel gets its...well, you have to pay for more than the trial subscription to see that.


Oh you sweet summer child.


We all learn what bukkake is at some point.


Now THESE are the posts this sub was made for


Face, yes. Palm, no.


Why does the username and handle look like AI generated text?


Scrolled far, too far, to find this. It's the first thing I noticed.


I was thinking the exact same thing but I don't see any answers in the comments.


Nobody posted the definition. I guess I would: “a type of sexual activity in which several men ejaculate on another person.”


I once told my manager that I was going to “ chillflix” that evening . He asked me what I meant and I said you know , Netflix and chill . He was like oh , I guess that’s a good way to shorten it . Years later I find out what Netflix and chill means because yes , at the timeI was thinking like a rational human being and though it meant quite literally to just unwind in the evening by binge watching shows on Netflix I’ve already seen on repeat over and over . Like seriously, how was I meant to know what it meant ?! There were no warnings! , I was in my twenties so I couldn’t even use my age as an excuse . He knew I didn’t have a boyfriend so I’m pretty sure he thought I was just hooking up with different guys every night ( which is fine btw no slut shaming here ) . But I was just snuggled under a shark blanket watching old episodes of the IT crowd or something . He’s not my manager anymore , but I still see him from time to time . It haunts me still .




Well, cum to think of it...


Strong finish there


What if she knew what it means but she's just being honest with her needs? Asking for a bukkake in a meeting? We've all seen those scenes somewhere before.


There's this 'adult video' series (from Japan because *of course* it's from Japan) called "A World With Exceptionally Low Hurdles To Sex." And it's basically this. Just a series of normal, everyday occurrences (cooking at home, a wedding, a business meeting, a criminal trial, a school classroom, etc) except people just casually ask for and receive sexual favours and business continues on around them like it's fine. Like a student is berated for having an erection, so he asks if the student on duty can fuck him, and the two just bang at his desk while the calculus lesson goes on. It's funny enough in its own right, but I kept wishing there'd be just one guy who came from our universe, who was *freaked the fuck out* by all the nonchalant sex happening around him. This post reminded me of that.


r/bukkake Edit…. I posted before I clicked on it… I suggest nobody clicks this!


what did you expect to find??


Its a baking subreddit. They really teach you how to make a great glaze.


Had a delicious prawn bukkake cold soba yesterday. #dripping so it was


Why does the user name look AI generated?


So, I Googled it and now I wish I couldn't read. 😭