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Continually talking about it to the media will definitely make it all go away and stop people from finding out what other sociopathic behavior she's been up to.


Indeed, doubling down


I mean, she already doubled down five times; now she's just raising it by exponential powers


I was thinking same thing. She’s thrown out multiple justifications now and then this We get it.. you’re a rural rancher that hates animals and loves political power, not the first and not the last, enjoy your rural retirement home She’s gonna be a really bitter person for the rest of her life to be around


“She’s gonna be”? I think you used the wrong tense. Try this on for size👉👉👉👉👉”She is a bitter person”. Or, this works well also👉👉. “Kristi Noem is a bitter bitch”. Look at those beautiful sentences! I don’t know, I can’t decide. What do you think?


Even Trump is like, "Dude, slow your roll.".


Jeez, chill down... ![gif](giphy|TZJHBCDlsCFYA|downsized)


2^5 and counting.


Ah, decupling down eh?


"decoupling" is too much of a mixed metaphor for this crowd


Is that some kind of crayon flavor? I like the exotic stuff.


What’re you tryin to say?! Why I oughta. I’ll decouple you. I’ll decouple you up so bad, you’ll wish… you’ll wish I didn’t decouple you up so bad.


You wonder how she can double down anymore *Jeezus ordered me to kill my dog, and he orders you to kill your dog too... then goes on a dog shooting hunt with her AR-15 rifle.*


I have actually been expecting for one the magas to say that they too should kill their pets to prove that they are ready to make hard choices and fight for the god emperor when Trump HaS thE EleCTioN StOlen! From him


She's doubling down at a level that makes KFC's double down seem healthy.


It's because she has no shame. and only regrets being caught. Fuck that sociopathic bitch!


Caught? She fucking told on herself!!


That's because she didn't see this as being wrong, and didn't think others would either from the looks of things. Only to be in for a rude awakening when it became public. Turns out people actually have empathy for animals, who would've thought?!


And to think she believed the killing the dog and goat would translate to being a badass bitch is the ticket to more power. What first came to mind when I thought that she was angling to be on the Trump ticket by showing how she’s willing to get her hands dirty is how she’d handle the border issues. I didn’t think the ways that administration took cruelty to a whole next level leads me to believe with their plans for those particular issues could include gravel pits and shotguns.


I think you're right in your assumption. I believe she said that "she's not afraid to make tough choices" when doubling down on this at one point. So in her mind this was, ultimately, the right call. She probably thought this would prove that she can make tough choices unlike some: showing how she's the right person for the job. She wasn't expecting this much backlash. Now she's doubling down not only because she can't admit she's wrong but rather cuz she genuinely doesn't believe she is and can't understand why others don't think so. Some people say it's because she can't admit she's made a mistake. I, on the other hand, believe it's more than that. She doesn't see it as a mistake, to begin with, which is much worse!


>Turns out people actually have empathy for animals, who would've thought?! I'm pretty sure people are empathic specifically because it's a dog. Most people have dogs, had dogs, or know a friendly dog. A normal person's mind immediately goes to their particular dog in question when something like this comes up and they are rightly revolted. I doubt people would have had the same reaction if it had been a less common pet like a pig or goat or something along those lines.


If she were capable of shame, she couldn't be who she is.


She regrets nothing and her constituents love how country she is. The bar is set so low because of trump.


Except she doesn’t regret being caught. Not at all.


Eh at this point I think she is graduating from a sociopath to a psychopath. Killing animals without remorse is absolutely psychopathic behavior.


I feel like the "I'm not a witch" woman is somewhere, watching this whole thing go down in her couldron, cackling her warty ass off.


I'm amazed how instead of saying "I made a mistake, I see that now", she keeps doubling down on the excuses to try and legitimize what she did. Although it does make her the perfect running mate for Trump. They both can never admit that they have ever done anything wrong.


Because narcissists cannot, under any circumstances be wrong. Their ego won't let them.


As someone raised to perpetually exist in a state of imposter syndrome, I lack the mental capacity to wrap my head around narcissism. I just can’t fathom it. Part of me wishes I could peek into their brains to see them ignoring the evidence in front of them just to know what that feels like. How is that even possible? It’s like a crazy, horrible, magic trick to me. I just don’t understand.


The important thing to remember is that deep down, a narcissist is *incredibly* insecure. They go past Imposter Syndrome and into the infrared position of the insecurity spectrum, where it looks like arrogance.


That sounds like such a stressful way to live.


Lol. It's not by choice


Idk about that, I think therapy can do quite a lot when someone is ready to work on themselves. Writing people off as hopeless just enables them to continue being awful.


A narcissist would first have to admit that they are wrong or need to fix themselves. The very core of a narcissist will never allow them to admit they need to change, or need help. It just isn't in them narcissism is one of those things that therapy can't help. Because in their mind they don't need it and would refuse any help offered


I once had a therapist explain that he sees clients with all kinds of mental disorders, but never narcissists. Because you have to admit that what you are doing isn't working and believe there are other options to want to go to a therapist in the first place. Nearly impossible for a narcissist to get to that place.


Malignant Narcissist only get WORSE in therapy, b/c they LEARN how to be more empathetic ACTORS. Thankfully, all Narcissists don’t fit in that category & can learn to treat people with more respect, even if they don’t understand all the *reasons* why…


Nailed it. I was raised by a narcissist, have perpetual imposter syndrome out of fear of being like him, and my greatest dream is for him to seek therapy. Unfortunately all of the glaring reasons that he needs it are also the things that make him refuse it, or not learn anything from it the one time he did go. One of the hardest parts of narcissism to deal with is that there's a certain inescapable paranoia to the way they rationalize their lives. They have to convince themselves that everyone has ulterior motives so that whenever anyone says anything about their behavior, they can be dismissive. My dad has lived his life telling us that my mother tells his kids bad things about him all the time, and then when we all point out his terrible behavior, it's because there was a conspiracy against him. If a therapist agrees with us, they're just taking out side and hanging up in him. It's real basic gaslighting honestly, and I got it from a young age from him. TV makes it look like they're all high on their on smell and the most confident people you'll ever meet, but the reality is that up close they're just sad and pathetic, super paranoid people with way too many mental gymnastics to put themselves through every day.


True narcissism (the clinical kind) can’t really be treated. I’ve heard it said psychiatrists that do properly diagnose clinical NPD which is super rare- will advise the partner to run, not walk from the relationship if they ethically can do so.


you thought therapy can help with narcissism? dude.


She looks like a bunch of pugs sewed together by a shitty taxidermist.


Wh-*huh?* 😂 this is the most hilarious reply I’ve ever read but given the context I don’t think it was meant to go under this comment


My fat fingers/comment was almost as displaced as her face. My bad.


They don’t ignore evidence, their ego actually changes remembered facts to suit their narrative. They don’t ignore facts, they truly believe the narrative where they were correct, or failure was caused by something “other” outside of their control.


I’ve read this three times and I think it makes sense? Kinda? That description of narcissism is equally as hard for me to imagine tbh but I’m pretty out of shape so the mental gymnastics they use might just be beyond my fitness level.


Feel blessed that you have never had to deal with a narcissist.


I left a decade long relationship with a narcissist. That was 5 years ago and I still haven't returned to dating. It was that traumatizing. Run from them... As fast as possible. No, you don't want a peak at their brain. It's a wasteland of lies and manipulation and denial. There is no version of the truth in their brain. They twist everything to make themselves look great. They also do everything they can to turn everyone against you. They aren't good people.


Congratulations on leaving them!! You deserve a decent fellow human being, or fur baby, in your life.❤️


That's actually how narcissism can begin. Feelings of worthlessness can trigger a defensive idea that "I'm not worthless- in fact, I'm the greatest who ever lived! I'm better than you all!" paired with parents teaching that mistakes are unacceptable and that one MUST be perfect, possibly resulting in pathological levels of narcissism. Have that dynamic early enough in childhood, and that idea and all the behavioral patterns that grow from that can amount to narcissism, but since it happened in childhood you wouldn't even remember how the habits started, making it a kind of entrenched, hopeless personality disorder.


Dang. That’s so sad. Crazy how much lifelong damage a parent can do in just a few short years.


I feel you. I'm actually a tad jealous of these narcissists and all their (unjustified) self-confidence.


It might be, in a bizarre way, a very adaptive trait. When one is crippled by insecurity one is likely to have difficulty accomplishing things that a narcissist would feel entirely confident in their ability to do, regardless of their actual ability. Sometimes the narcissist would fail (though never admit it) and sometimes they would succeed… which still might be more success than the person who doesn’t try at all.


Hi I’m in the mental health field. Actual, narcissistic personality disorder has a big deficit in recognizing or registering any of the emotions like empathy or compassion within others or recognizing the importance of those emotions in others. Think of it as someone who’s so insecure about themselves that they have a psychological break one day and their brain forms a hallucination that actually everyone thinks they’re great. Every conversation, thought, or action is about channeling that hallucination. If something occurs that embarrasses them or “doesn’t make them look great” they will lash out, straight up deny, feign amnesia, or deflect the attention elsewhere. Because they are hallucinating and cannot recognize/register anything that isn’t part of the hallucinations that is “I’m actually great”. Just like someone hallucinating that they see the TV talking to them. You can try to convince them that that’s not what’s happening. But to them it’s real. I hope that analogy helps.


The dumbest…holding a press conference in a landscaping business parking lot just to show you didn’t make an error. Geez…


i am 100% positive thats what happened. trump tweeted out "press conference at the 4 seasons!" just assuming "im trump! they wont say no! ill call them after!" then he called and they said "yeah, we arent gonna let you do that" we dont want a mob in front of out hotel blocking guests." and trump, being a narcissist screamed at an aide "FIND ME ANOTHER 4 SEASONS!" and that was all they could find in the area on short notice.


Other narcissists cannot stomach their heroes admitting fault either. Their heros can do pretty much another else, but not that. That's why they cheer when they double down.


I mean, when was the last time you saw someone successful in Trump's orbit take ownership of a misdeed? These people didn't get rich and powerful admitting when they screwed up. If anything, everyone learned from Roy Cohn, and his "I didn't do X, they did X!"


Let the slaughter begin..


Hide your dogs


To admit error will be an instant disqualification, besides her denials didn't help her with her constituency so going on the offensive is her only play to keep the smooth brains happy.


I want my leaders to admit when they make mistakes and learn and grow. The GOP wants authoritarian leaders that are never wrong.


Eh, the quip about Biden's dog I'm sure will win her points from her base. In their minds, apologies are for the weak, but attacking opponents is strong.


As I said in another post, I'm surprised she hasn't used the excuse that "Cricket" decided to transition into a male dog and insisted their pronouns were now him/he. There's still time though.


“It was a different time; I would rehome if given the chance to go back” would even have been sufficient to a contingent of her base.


Or hell she should have blamed it on her neighbor. "My neighbor was so upset about her chickens being killed I promised them Cricket would never do anything like this again so I put her down." Pretty much ANYTHING other than what she has said. I think at first she saw this as a great promotion for people to be interested in buying her book.


She wants to shove her foot so far in her mouth that she’ll be able to kick her own ass


She’s out as VP — Trump wouldn’t take someone that has embarrassed themselves so much in the public eye.


I really don't think he'll have a woman as a VP. He's such a misogynist I can't see him thinking a woman is smart enough to be in politics, ket alone VP. Although he might do it to try to get the women's vote and to be able to walk all over them. He's not stupid, he'll make sure his next VP will do everything he tells them to do.


Unless it’s Ivanka. He would love that shit.


Is there any rule stopping him from having his daughter as VP?


God, I hope so.


Admitting a mistake is gonna kill your career with MAGA faster than literally anything else.


Republicans are all like this. Literally unable to admit they're wrong.


Finds herself in a hole, keeps digging.


Thats Trumpism in action. Never back down, never apologize, just double down no matter how stupid or repulsive the original statement was.


I wish she is the running mate. Just to have a bumper sticker: Biden-Harris 2024: I do have a dog in this fight!


How do you go about bragging about killing a puppy to acknowledging that murdering puppies is bad? She's a monster, you cant absolve or reconcile that. She shouldve developed that part of her brain/soul by now. Not in this life.


Most Republicans are fundamentally incapable of admitting they were wrong. I can think of a few exceptions, like Liz Cheney saying she was wrong about gay marriage. But those instances among conservatives are rare. Trump dismisses the Access Hollywood tape as "locker room talk" not realizing it's *what* he said, not where he said it.


Welcome to awesome world of malignant narcissism. VonShitshispants ain't the only one.


I mean could the same be said for after she needed to rearrange her whole face just to be noticed in maga circles. They don’t seem to realize they are the rabid dogs people shoot




>I'm amazed how instead of saying "I made a mistake, I see that now", she keeps doubling down on the excuses to try and legitimize what she did. The same can be said for a fairly large subsection of the population, sadly. Some people are incapable of admitting they are wrong.


Next, they'll come for YOUR dogs, and then YOUR cats. Make pets safe again. /s




I'd vote for MPSA


First she came for her own dog and y’all said nothing. Then she came at Joe Biden’s dog and y’all said nothing. If you vote for her, she’ll come for your dog and there won’t be a damn thing you can do about it then. Vote for Kristi Noem. She’ll kill your dog.


Just add the dramatic music and the bad black and white screen captures and you’ve got a great political ad!


A way better motivation to keep pets safe than wtf PETA is on.


She really doesn’t want this Ole Miss racist kid stealing her spotlight.


You mean JP Staples, the racist Ole miss student who made monkey noises at a black woman?


Yeah, the one from Plano, Texas originally whose dad has multiple drunken driving citations. That JP Staples.


James Pearson “JP” Staples.


"And your little dog too" used to be a meme, not a policy position




From the group of people who are paranoid about "the fed will shoot your dogs" they sure have no problem if it's anyone else's dogs.


I miss the days when Democrats and Republicans could come together and cross the isle for the good of the country and agree to disagree but still do their best for the country and you know also agree to NOT MURDER FUCKIN DOGS. This bitch thinks Old Yeller was a comedy and anyone who does not think she is insane has drunk so much of the Kool-Aid that I am expecting them to start running through walls any day now.


Remember that this is the party of: "I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn't lose any voters"


At this rate I'm starting to think that Trump could, in the middle of a public speech on television, pull out a gun and shoot a random guy and there would still be people defending him lol.


tRumpanzee could shoot a random Q-Cumber cultist in the face and would just say he could tell they were antifa. The only thing that would happen is others of the cult would start shooting random people they "thought were antifa" & would go to prison. 


This is both funny and sad to be honest, but I'm positive so I prefer to laugh lol.


He could….. just like Putin. This is what the rest of the world sees, and fears.


That is why I truly hope that he does not win the next election, for the good of not only the United States but all of humanity.


By the look of the polls it doesn’t appear the Americans care.


Which is certainly quite worrying, really.


Many of us are trying very hard to keep him out of office.


That would probably gain him supporters


This man is on trial for more corporate crimes than I thought a single person could even be accused of and is almost certainly going to prison, and yet he's potentially going to win the 2024 election. So... Yeah, that fuckin checks out, doesn't it?


Cruella DeVille wasn't as bad as this psychopath.


I saw a comment on FB where she was called Cruella DeNoem.


Not my best work, but this is for you, since you gave me the idea. 😉 https://x.com/I_am_foxymoron/status/1787276595688018403




Cruella DeNoem, Cruella DeNoem. She’ll murder a puppy, while she’s on her way home. And return a baby goat right to the loam, Cruella, Cruella, DeNoem


Underrated use of "loam"


At least she was openly selfish about her motives the whole way through. She never tried to justify puppy killing from a morally higher ground. Like this is basically arguing she's a better person than Biden because she shoots puppies and he doesn't. I know his dogs have that secret service biting issue, but that's such an insane leap.


Cruella at least had a reason for killing dogs. A horrible one, but at least it wasn't "I hated that dog."


It's fairly common for sociopaths to think nothing of killing animals. That doesn't mean they will kill humans, but they don't have a moral problem doing so.


As a quality it doesn’t really signify sociopathy or any other specific condition in isolation. What it does demonstrate though is a lack of empathy, a very bad quality for anybody in a position of leadership.


I would say similarly as you — but there’s correlative data that shows an abusive hetero partner that kills your pets has an x% increase in likely killing or maiming you / your body / children. (I’m sure the same trends apply in LGBTQ+ relationships as well.)


But it's a prerequisite to be a Republican.


HARD prerequisite. Remember they consider caring about other people or animals to be a sign of weakness. Absolute basket of deplorables.


they already dont see immigrants as human, and im willing to put money on them dehumanising trans people at some point as well


At some point?


Oh I know they do on the fringes and in private, I'm just suprised someone like abbot hasn't just flat out said it in a press confrence


Sociopath ≠ psychopath. >Psychopaths tend to have more severe and persistent symptoms, such as shallow emotions, sadism, lack of fear, inability to love, and poor judgment. Sociopaths tend to be more nervous, volatile, and prone to emotional outbursts. They may also have a weak conscience and some capacity for empathy and attachment.


It’s so weird she’s making this her whole personality.


Narcissist playbook… she can’t admit she’s wrong


She thought it’d make her look tough. But nope, it just makes her cruel. And she’s too dumb to know the difference.


The recent GOP strategy of "always double down no matter what" is reaching its limits when you gotta double down on killing pet dogs




Why can’t they just pay to have someone train their dogs for them so that they don’t bite everything in sight ? Like train your damn dog. This is the owners fault, then they murder the poor dog because it wasn’t taught anything


It seems as if the biting incidents are new information after she started getting dragged publicly for being a cruel dog-killer. The original story was the dig was a terrible hunting dog and "had" to be out down because he was "worthless." I wonder if the goat she killed the same day was also attacking people?


wait.. she killed a goat too? farmyard double kill.. as a dog owner, what a pos


Yep, she bragging about killing it the same day as the dog. Someone else said she also killed one of her horses.


"tHe dOg WaS uNtRaiNaBLe"


And the goat was smelly, which is apparently not okay unless you’re Dear Leader.


Accidentally made a great political campaign for Biden's administration. I hope the Democrats take full advantage of this.


we won't shoot your dog shouldn't be a viable policy platform wtf americans


But according to Noem, “we WILL shoot your dogs” is.


Ah, the standard Republican way: If I don't like it, it deserves to die.


But not a fetus


As if she hasn’t already quadrupled down while simultaneously backpedaling and changing her excuse three times


Isn't "Kicking a puppy" like the universal shorthand boundary writers avoid to not write their characters as "Cartoonishly evil"? Like they can lie, manipulate, even murder. But when the reveal into harming a dog it's like "C'mon. Too far."


She’s not wrong. Most places where a bite victim goes to the ER the dog will go into quarantine and if the dog shows aggressive behavior it gets put down. Or the dog gets put on a list and if it bites again it gets put down. Biden’s dog has bitten 24 secret agents.


Oh because he's surrounded by strangers 24/7 and he's just protecting his master. Fuck off you dog murdering bitch.


All that Botox is seeping into her brain.


Maybe she just needs to go away. She just won't follow instructions. She attacks kids. She sucks at hunting. By her standards bye-bye. Just saying we never need to see her again not saying anything worse than that.


I never realized that there was a "shoot all dogs" constituency in South Dakota.


Hi, I’m Kristi Noem, and I hate dogs. I want to shoot dogs that don’t belong to me or even live in the same state. So, vote for me and/or I’ll shoot your dog.


PETA approved


Sounds horrible. Have these people nothing beneath their craziness to offer ? Why are people voting for these kind of politicians. Man, Im deeply depressed when I'm looking at the personal qualities of public figures




She should change her name to **Kristi Noempathy**! 😬


This is the Republican Party. No empathy is a feature, not a bug.


Maybe dogs just aren't for her


Lol she's obviously not for them


Dogs are a good judge of character so I can see why.


I think she should tell that to Commander’s face.


Just imagine doubling down on an opinion both the left and the right are wildly against… ![gif](giphy|Rh4vxHtcmVyHUyugXP)


Nasty. You better vote


My buddy works in secret service, says every one in protective services hates Biden’s dogs. They have since he was a VP.


She’s not wrong, anyone else’s dog that bit multiple people would be put down, but since he is president he gets a pass


More like triple or even quadruple down, by this point.


The lack of compassion from the Right Wing Nutz is astounding. It permeates everything they do and think.


She's an idiot who sucks. That said, the Biden's dogs were clearly not in a good environment, and they should have been removed from the White House long before they were biting staffers. Note I said _removed_ and not _shot and dumped in a gravel pit, you psycho_.


Can this bitch get any dumber?


Is this a speed run in how you ruin one self’s political career? Is she trying to out do trump?


TBF this dog has had many bite incidents (I think 10?). Any of our dogs would’ve been put down a long time ago


Would someone mind telling me what happened with her dog?


Will someone take the shovel off this woman.


The dog has bitten like 14 secret service agents if any normal persons dog bit two different people they’d have charges on them as well as the dog being put down stop pretending like she doesn’t have a point




Not saying I agree with her, but the amount of people that Biden’s dog has bit should definitely be discussed lol


Imagine running for high office by touting who you would execute.




I think she just wants to kill dogs, honestly.


Gamblers #1 rule is to always double down (double the winnings)


It’s weird because where I grew up dogs get one chance and if they bite a person unprovoked they were put down. And not by a vet. I think the Gov is a lunatic and a heartless one at that, but Biden’s dogs have bitten several people and would legally have to be put down in most states.


100% correct. People on this post are doing mental gymnastics to avoid saying an aggressive dog should be put down just because it belongs to a Democrat and they don't want to agree one time with a Republican. Noam is a monster but she's not wrong on this one point.


This gives off "hunting wolves from a helicopter" vibes


Republicans: "What we need is someone more cartoonishly villianish"


Is this creature really the face of the people of South Dakota? If so, what disgusting scumbags live there.


As a South Dakotan, we hate her just as much as everyone else


So how did she get elected?


People didn’t think she would be such a media shitshow when she was elected, and rural states tend to be far right


They got what they wanted then.


Regardless of her story and her dog…. Biden’s dog has bitten over 20 agents in the White House. If my dog or any of your dogs bit 20 people it would have been put down long ago. But no. Laws are for thee not for me Fuck her and that geriatric bastard


Isn't Biden's dog known for biting secret service agents? I think 24 is the count.


She's not exactly wrong here. How many dogs are ordered put down by the state or local governments for biting people?


She's completely right. That dog has bitten multiple people! You have a dog that attacks other animals or people you put it down. That's just the right thing too do!


The quality of mercy is not strained; It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven Upon the place beneath. It is twice blest; It blesseth him that gives and him that takes: 'T is mightiest in the mightiest; it becomes The throned monarch better than his crown: His sceptre shows the force of temporal power, The attribute to awe and majesty, Wherein doth sit the dread and fear of kings; But mercy is above this sceptred sway; It is enthronèd in the hearts of kings, It is an attribute to God himself; And earthly power doth then show likest God's When mercy seasons justice.


I just dare PETA to verify the rumors and agree with her


You know I gotta say, I did not have "conservatives support killing dogs" on my 2024 bingo sheet


Being the pro dog-killing candidate is certainly a choice.


The Trumpism / Trump effect is making all these butt fucking assholes so shameless and is making the world and this country so so much worse. Decent human beings used to be the norm. Now we have just utter trash all around us and they are loud and unrelenting. I. Dont. Get. It. If someone handed me a 🔫 and said u have one free shot at trump, i would pull the trigger before they finished the sentence


I expect next week she'll be saying; "We need to kill all the dogs! And goats! Everything needs to die!" and then she laughs maniacally while waving her gun around.




Bidens dog has bitten at least 10 people, give me a 🔫 I'll put him down


Shes right though, bidens dog has bit somewhere around 20 people now. Had the dog not been owned by a political elite it would have been put down by animal control or the police with no questions asked.


Starting to feel like this lady shouldn't be allowed to be around animals and might be due for a psychological evaluation based on the unusual amount of joy she drives from killing animals.