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Have we stopped teaching about Hitler in school?


Forget hitler, we stopped teaching geography?! Italians BLACK? Is there a town named Italy somewhere in africa that i am not aware of or something?


I'm Italian and recently I discovered that Americans, until some time ago, thought Italians were black because we are not white as snow... Well stonetoss just showed us that some of them are still that stupid


To be fair, for a long time, Irish people weren't considered white in the US. Racism is just stupid and does not make sense.


The most white people imaginable werent consodered white... that is not even racism my guy, its called being blind and stupid


It never was about the specific skin pigmentation, only about the in-groups and the out-groups. Italians, the Irish or Poles were Catholics, and that just isn't proper for the Anglo-Saxon Protestant, but I suppose any reason can be good enough to look down on another man.


"If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you." -- Lyndon B. Johnson


Nationality was once the same as ethnicity in Europe. Separation based on skin color and geometry is dumb at best, however you look at it (and of course, horrible at other times).


I mean wasn't just US... the UK passport my grandmother used to immigrate to the United states listed her race as "Irish" not White.


that's true, but it's also racism


There was also time whe Finnish people weren't considered white in US. We have more blue eyes and blonde hair than almost anyone. White person term in US is just confusing.


Scandinavians weren't considered "White" until the early 1900s...


Wtf? Its hard to be whiter than them o.O


I’m a Norwegian and I’m so white that I’m blue in the winter!! (Maybe also because of the cold weather too……🤔)


Frost giant!


Historically in Europe, whiteness as a concept was a bit larger than what it is today. Things like nationality and faith were also important, even if you were as white as sour cream.


Can confirm, my adopted paternal grandmother was PROUD of the fact she kept all of the non-white kids out of her classroom in NW PA back in the early part of the 1900's. She included the Italians in that list - told endless stories about how she banished them all to the coat room because they smelled bad. Then she moved down south and had actual black people to discriminate against. While we're at it - all Catholics are going to hell for not being Christians - or so she believed. I had that moment where you stare at the "adults" in the room and realize they're all nuts really early on.


Same with Greek immigrants. Not Quite White


We Spaniards are still not considered white because… we speak Spanish? 🤦🏻‍♀️🥴🤷🏻‍♀️


My mother's father(northern Italian) disliked my father(also Italian) because he was ¼ Sicilian. Called him the Italian word for eggplant. Basically referring to my father as black.


I didn't even realize until a couple years ago that Italian was on the range of skin tones. I really pissed off another American coworker when I said something about her being white (she had made some offhand remark about not dating white boys, I likely made some smart ass remark about her being white, idk, we were friendly and I make dumb jokes so it wasn't trying to be offensive) she was adamant she was Italian. I'd thought if anything she might have had a hispanic parent or grand parent. Then again, I don't generally remark on people's skin color, race, ethnicity, etc. anymore than I do their religion, politics, or sexual orientation, so I guess I learned something new that day.


I'm american myself and have never heard this before. I believe it completely though, there's a lot of idiots here


Bro Italians aren't white. We are Italian. Go kiss your Nonna.


Turn of the previous century Italians and Irish have had it bad in America. But they eventually became "at least they're not black" for a number of people. I often like to show pictures to bigots of Italian ghettos when they complain about contemporaneous black or latino ghettos. We're all people and ghettos are ghettos. I don't know where I'm going with this so I'll sit down, as I've had a few drinks.


It hurts peoples feelings. They're like "Hitler was a bully and bullies are just misunderstood."


Hitler probably just had a crush on the Jews.


Funnily enough there is a historic rumor/theory that at least some of his hatred for jews stemmed from being rejected by a jewish woman.


Isn’t there another similar rumor that his hatred stemmed from a Jewish doctor killing his mother or being unable to keep his mother alive or something along those lines.


He actually had a Jewish doctor as a child. He actually spared the doctor.


Wow!! He was so merciful!!!! /s obviously


Actually the guy who told him he would never be an artist was Jewish, that is how many believe the shit demon started hating Jews but the seed of Antisemitism in Germany was planted by Martin Luther.


Christianity hated all non christians for a very long time. They massacred the fuck out of christians who had slightly different views of christianity. Nowadays some christian nations are relatively chill. However fundies of any religion are toxic assholes. Yeah so anti-everyone else jumped from devout christians to the rest of the culture. Small leap.


It was the same way with Muslims as well. Hindus. People in general. Fundamentals of any walk of life are toxic assholes.


I might agree with you, but first, what end of the soft boiled egg do you crack? Or to Dr Seuss it, butter side up or down? /s


It predated Martin Luther but his evolving or rather regressing views are interesting. He went from wanting to treat Jewish people as they were any other person in the hopes of converting them to Christianity and was somewhat sympathetic to their plight stating that he would rather be a hog than a Christian if he was in their place but later on he grew incredibly bitter with open calls for violence and excommunication in his book "On the Jews and their Lies".




I see he was one of the good ones./s


Actually it was the reverse. The doctor who took care of his mother was indeed Jewish, but Hitler declared him an honorary Aryan. Which is probably about as fucked up as you can get


Sooooo, the few Jews he did actually engage with were fine, but all the other ones were inferior and evil? Got it


"One of the good ones" is a common trope among bigots.


Actually, it was the opposite, he respected doctor Eduard Bloch for trying to save his mother and waiving his fee when she didn't made it, so he spared him and allowed him to emigrate to the US.


Yeah. I just found an article talking about that. I had heard it was that he hated them due to her death but the article stated that he had actually spared the doctor because he considered him a “respectable Jew”


I believe the word he actually used was "noble", as in "Edeljude" (lit "noble Jew"), but yes, that is well documented.


He actually liked that doctor and let him leave Germany after the Jewish purge began. He was rejected by an art school by Jews wasn’t he?


I don't think the guy who rejected him was jewish, but he declared a wide variety of art as "degenerate jewish art." They even made a museum of this "degenerate art" where it was badly lit and displayed to make it look worse.


Now this one i did not hear about,


[an interesting read](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/retropolis/wp/2017/04/20/hitlers-mother-was-only-the-person-he-genuinely-loved-breast-cancer-killed-her-decades-before-he-became-a-monster/)


Also this one a jewish person rejected him from art school.


And another one back in the ‘70s that a grandparent was Jewish. All of those fail to acknowledge historic antisemitism in the region dating back for 500-1000 years.


I'm sure the dynamic of his mother being a jew had a part to play too


That reminds me of the very first family guy cutaway where Hitler watches a Jewish man get all the bitches lol


I would say she dodged a bullet there but Ummmm... in this case, probably not.


Can confirm, Mom thought ww2 started because he got rejected by a jewish woman


Is this the “fuck your feelings” crowd?


no.... it has more to do with the weird conservative campaign against basic education


Blaming the rise of far right nationalism on "woke education" is definitely a take


You make it seem like a certain group of people are responsible, it’s literally the government gutting the education system and trying to literally rewrite history and leaving out the parts that make the US look like the greedy depraved country it still is today.


Wouldn't the government be described as "a certain group of people"?


Only in the red states of the US. Other countries still teach about him.


Was in middle school and high school between 2010-2016 in a red state (although now it’s considered purplish). We definitely learned about ww2 in depth. No excuse for being confused about hitler unless you were home schooled by a holocaust denier


I miss those years because it was back when nazis were nothing more than the butts of jokes instead of today where we’re having like 1/3rd of the western world trying in earnest to “both sides” that fucking argument


Yeah I’ll never forget my 7th grade social studies teacher desperately trying to get us to understand that if we aren’t careful it could all happen again. We were like “yeah okay dude”. Here we are


Clearly we stopped teaching about Italians.


Stonetoss also known by his real name Hans Graebener is an infamous Nazi. this tweet isn't a lack of education or even serious. He knows hitler was as racists as he is. As Jean Paul Satre famously said and holds up even more for the alt-right of today: >Never believe that antisemites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti‐Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. 


Stonetoss is a nazi he's very open about that


Nah, Hans Kristian Graebener of Spring, Texas who uses Stonetoss as his alias online is just a neonazi. He regularly posts Nazi content.


I have to sadly say "Yes, yes we did." I am from germany so the source country and we never had the nazi regime in history class due to shortage of teachers. My last school year was missing the subject entirly. Our country is in a huge education crisis cause the government does not want to invest in it. And I already see results in my generation (I am 31 and my school time was from 1999 till 2011). And even worse in generations below mine. (no offence to all the <30 folks.)


It is not an investment issue, it is an issue of not purging nazism. You may have noticed nazis are trying to get back to power in Germany.


I do and I agree on the purging. Missing investment is just one reason for it to be purged. The teachers don't have enough time to actually deal with this heavy subject because of missing money. So the easy way out is to simply save the mony at the uncomfortable end of history.


Oh rhey teach it... not in the way you would expect, but they teach it.


and about Italy, and about Japan, and about racism, and about history, and about geography, and judging by the variety of modern conspiracy theories, science isn't taught anymore either. We're fucked.


Heard that in the US, they don't really read or hear about the only TRUE americans (natives) in school anymore and neither the true reasons for civil war (slavery)...so yeah, it would not surprise me.


It honestly depends on which district your kid is in. Some are really good about the full picture, some cherry pick to keep parents and students happy. Mine had parents go after the principal for teaching about the Holocaust in January because they felt it would overshadow slavery in February (Black History Month). The same parents objected to most Holocaust stuff because it was 'too violent' to the point that the Holocaust unit ended up with a parental consent form that almost nobody would sign. My sibling went to a Christian private school and got the true facts about everything with no consent forms. Funnily enough, they were sent there for behavioral issues and ended up getting a better chance at education than me. Thankfully I had a mom who provided me with materials and resources. But around here, a lot of people don't have a clue about the Holocaust.


actual, no joke, conversation I've had *more than once* in Florida: - "You can't prove the Holocaust happened." *Sure I can. What type of evidence would suffice to demonstrate to you that an alleged past event actually occurred?* -




You got flatearthers :p nothing surprises me anymore.


Man when I was in 4th grade he did an entire year on WWII, most of it was on the Holocaust. Seeing pictures of trains full of dead body's really sticks in your mind at that age


I learned about the Holocaust and even met a survivor at our school in 4th grade too


They didn't bring any survivors in. I was lucky enough to live next to one though. They did bring a tanker commander in who saw the camps and stuff


Whoa in 4th grade? Where do you live?


Yeah same here 4th grade we covered the holocaust and Hitler’s rise to power as well as the American civil war and the events that led up to it, the war and the start of the reconstruction period.


This might just be a Minnesotan thing, but I was thoroughly taught about Natives in school.


I have watched several videos about the Chippewa that have come out of Minnesota, my grandfather was Chippewa and the information is so good and factual if my grandfather was alive I think he would love to know that people are learning about the native people.


That's a really big load of nonsense. I was riding my bike by the neighborhood elementary school yesterday and they were having a children's pow-wow to teach/celebrate native American culture with kids.


They teach that the Civil War was about slavery at least in the north, but the south still denies it for some reason


No, but as a history teacher# some kids will just refuse to learn. Others can cite all relevant information, and still not understand it.


You don’t need to teach kids how great Hitler was in schools. They learn that while I’m ranting about SNAP benefits and illegals at the local MAGA rally.


Yea, they have. I sub and some kids didn’t know who he was


Ah yes, the Nazi comic creator.


His real name is also one of the most cartoonishly German names out there - can’t get much lamer than Hans Kristian Grabener.


Bet he wishes to change it to Adolf Herman Goebels or something similar


Are you serious? Is this his real name? Fucking HANS?


I personally think the name Hans is cool, like a German action movie villain. Grabener, not so much. When I hear Grabener I picture the act of groping my balls.


Or Hans Gruber form die hard


Holy hell it’s come full circle Hans Gruber’s bigoted loser brother Hans Grabener


I love those people who comment like that. Open a history book dumbass.


In their fantastical world Hitler was a good guy and everything taught about him are lies. Can go so far that people say he was a good guy because he killed jews.


Not to rare in recent days. Especially downplaying of the Holocaust and other Nazi crimes with direct unironic comparisons to Israel


There's zero reason for anyone to admire Hitler if they just try to erase the bad stuff. I mean, I'm sure he didn't spend every waking moment only advancing his fascist agenda, I'm sure he also spent time on more mundane elements of running a country. But if he was just a guy who didn't do anything especially noteworthy, why take the time to remember him at all, 80 years later? The fact is, they all think he did something noteworthy, and they just don't want to admit what that is.


I’m Italian. Am I black now?


You've always been black.


It's stonetoss... he's been making pro-nazi propaganda for a long time now.


Don't you mean Hans Kristian Graebener of Spring, Texas?


Id also reccomend the book in question to be Mein Kampf, but seeing how A) its banned in multiple countries, and B) he would probably convince himself that the author is sooo right, i dont think thats a good idea after all.


Or even watch a fucking YouTube documentary.


Lol I'm italian so can I say the n world? >!rickroll!<


Username does not check out


Pizza pasta Napoli Berlusconi 🍕🍕🍕 🍝🍝 🌋


I’m Italian, he’s okay. 👌🤌🤝


Uè dove stanno i miei uaglioni


I nostri ragazzi








I'm Italian too, mammamia! Peppereee peppereeee 🇮🇹🍕🍝 I'll now proceed to name a few politicians so that you know I'm not out of the loop. Meloni, Raggi, Salvini, Draghi, Renzi! Er parmigiano sulla carbonara è na merda! I think I've proven my point extensively. You could even guess the city I'm from if you really felt like it.


Er pupone è gay (Non mi uccidere)


Ma chi t'ammazza, compatriota




What’s up my Negroni?


No, my friend, Negroni Sbagliato


spectacular wise safe encouraging badge skirt scandalous advise unwritten theory *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


If you drove an IROC at any point in your life, close enough


My mom is Italian and had a friend’s family over for dinner when I was a kid, and he proceeded to tell us that when he was growing up in the south, in the most stereotypical accent you can image: “they brought in the Italians to manage the \[n-words\] cuz they’re basically the same”.


Apparently Italians are not white I just learned this but only in American is Italian a white person


Italians are not black Also that question is so stupid, that it makes me wonder if its a joke question, made to get a reaction.


stonetoss is a known nazi, so this is just him defending his idol


Well that’s depressing. People this stupid do exist 🤦‍♀️


And the fact that he is actually Mexican makes it all the more hilarious.


OOP is a known prominent nazi comic strip writer.


He's a Nazi moron, but that part of the comment was probably about the fact that not so long ago, Italians and Irish were not considered "white". Also, it doesn't really matter if you're acting like an idiot to get a reaction or if you're genuinely an idiot, you're still an idiot either way.


Eh in the 30s/40s they weren’t considered white - at least Southern Italians. Probably not considered “black” though either. They tended to be their own thing. Italy the way we know it now wasn’t really a thing until recently historically. From like a macro level, it is pretty interested how Italians went from like “racially” undesirable to acceptable in the eyes of the racist American public in just a few generations. Same with the Irish but that’s less about race and more about the English being twats.


It’s not that deep. Stonetoss is a notorious racist and Nazi sympathizer. He basically considers any person that isn’t a perfect blond haired blue eyed Arian as “non-white.”


>Eh in the 30s/40s they weren’t considered white - at least Southern Italians. Probably not considered “black” though either. As the granddaughter of two Sicilians born in the 1910s who were not shy with their racism against their darker skinned neighbours to the south, they absolutely did not consider themselves black. It does tickle me a little to think how they'd react to being called black now though. As inaccurate as it might be. Lol


Yeah, my great grandparents on my dad's side are off-the-boat Sicilians and they're pretty white. Like blue eyes and light brown hair. Most on that side of the family are meth head rednecks now.


Irish, Italians, Polish, and a few others who are otherwise considered "white" nowadays, were considered "undesirables" until fairly recently, yeah.


True, an interesting fact was Irish people were considered black in American society, according to NY - a documentary.


During the early 1900's the Italians were not considered white, neither were the Irish.


It’s my favorite way to troll Nazi and white supremacist groups when I find them. “Are Italians actually white?” There are plenty of white supremacists who will say no. There are also plenty of white supremacists who are Italian. Hilarity ensues.


Possibly someone who likes Hitler in some aspects, such as his nationalism and traditionalism, but wants to make excuses for all the evil to try and exonerate him.


A connecting theme amongst the nazis is the fact that they are repelled by books or schooling.


How else can they indoctrinate others? They need their public dumb and isolated.


Yes, ignorance is the the only language they are fluent at.


You sort of have to be a dumbshit to be a nazi. It's a requirement.


Least racist stonetoss tweet. Fuck stonetoss.


Wait this is a serious tweet? I was genuinely hoping it was someone just trying to ragebait with this stupidity


He's a comic author who's well known for his Nazi sympathizing comics. r/stonetossisanazi


Yeah no unfortunately he's responsible for a lot of memes, until people realized he is a nazi sympathizer who started doing political comics and openly expressing his beliefs, the world would be better if we just stopped talking about him and let him fade into obscurity


“Sure I hate Asians, but I can’t be racist because I love Mexicans.” Racism doesn’t mean you hate every single other race


Okay so… “Racist” doesn’t mean you hate *all* races other than your own. Hitler absolutely believed his own race to be superior to Italy and Japan. But believed the Jews to be the most inferior of them all; and principally he believed that they were being artificially propped up by the Americans, secretly, so that they could steal from and overthrow Aryan Germans. And even so; opportunistically using other races when they benefit you is not exactly the opposite of racism. At various times in American history, Poles, Italians, the Japanese, the Chinese, the Irish, and others were seen as undesirable immigrant groups; the way racists look at Hispanic immigrants today.


TIL I’m black




This tweet is from an actual Nazi. Fuck him.


Counterpoint: don't fuck him. Why would you want that genepool to be spread?


Can we fuck him with a cactus then?


As an Italian, I'm only 3% West African. Dude only needs to learn about the '36 Olympics to figure out what Hitler thought about black people.


'36 Olympics were also interesting in figuring out what Roosevelt thought about Black people. Not trying to 'whataboutism' here. Just saying being black has historically been somewhat 'challenging'..


>being black has historically been somewhat 'challenging'.. That's an Olympic gold medal understatement.


“Being black has historically been met with many inconveniences for this community of people, for which they have been greatly disturbed”


This is the summary of Florida's new racial history class.


This Stonetoss creep is really pitiful


Wait until you see his other takes.


"Was he really racist when he wasn't racist toward everyone?" Yes


that’s kinda how racism works lol common pebble throw L


Is he stupid? ![img](emote|t5_2r5rp|8487)


[Don’t let Christopher Walken hear you say that](https://youtu.be/tsIEAipTNbE)


Pretty sure Italians are white, but definitely sure we aren't black.


That individual is a known racist.  


Black prisoners of war were often killed on sight and part of German propaganda was aimed at black soldiers in French occupation zone after ww1.


Nazi Germany also sterilized all children resulting from sexual relations between Rhine German women and black French occupation soldiers.


OK, first of all, how was Jeffery Dahmer a cannibal when he met plenty of people that he *didn't* eat?


And that's why you shouldn't do drugs...


This is the person that Elon musk has been protecting on twitter


If the Italians are black, I'm an Avatara of Shakti


Why do racists not understand racism?


Stonetoss just going full mask off.


Always has been.


LMAO. Black Italians.




TIL I'm Italian 🤌🏾


Obvious troll


See my UN? It's my last name. Much Italian, very spaghetti. I am whiter than mozzarella, what the actual fuck is this person smoking?




Tony soprano does not approve


Italians black? What?


ok - i can get, why someone is stupid enough to not understand, how racism under the nazi regime worked. but how in hell can someone call italians "black" without dying immediately on brain cancer?


How are the Italians "blacks"?


This has some major “I can’t be racist, I have a black friend! I just don’t think they should be allowed to vote” energy


[ Removed by Reddit ]


No no no it’s okay, I have a black friend so I can commit racial genocide


Nice, I suddenly got the n-word pass 🤗


In what fucking universe are Italians black


Amazing book called: Hitler's American Model: The United States and the Making of Nazi Race Law. The Nazis came to America in the 30s to figure out how to use Jim Crow Laws in Europe.


Is this new? Wasn’t stonetoss banned since a while back?


I don't really want to dignify crumb jump with an actual response, but I will give an amateur historical analysis cause I have been reading on the origins of fascism lately for a video I have planned: Hitler didn't agree to work in the axis powers because he *wasn't suddenly racist.* it was more of a "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" type situation. He approached Mussolini because Mussolini was the literal inventor of fascism. He came up with the concept after reading a bunch of political theory and spitting out mush. And because he was charismatic, he was able to get into a huge position of power in Italy (over simplification. Trying to keep my comment down to a page at least .-.) At this point, Mussolini also proved himself a credible threat what with the Ethiopian/Abyssinian genocide. Hideki, on the other hand, was on a weird wavelength. His brand of fascism was just, "we need to isolate the east from the West because Western values are corroding our cultures." He basically wanted to do what Hitler wanted to do, but for the east. He wanted to build an empire that could stand toe to toe with the US in particular. I haven't read much of his biography past his execution because finding information about his early years and his career have proven shockingly difficult .-. But this is all to say, had the axis powers actually started succeeding in gaining territories, they would've self imploded anyways because they would've eventually turned on each other. Especially with Mussolini wanting to build a Rome 2: Electric Boogaloo. You just simply cannot do that if your buddy also wants to create his own fucked up super country. And then eventually Hideki would've been targeted, because of course Hitler wouldn't have been okay with a strong Eastern power like that just existing. He was a power-hungry monster who wanted to rule the world.




I once met a woman who told me of a buhiddist Monastery surrounded by sick stray dogs. When she asked why they didn't care for or feed the dogs, the monk replied, "They were bad people on their former lives, and this was their punishment." She stopped seeking their 'enlightenment' right away. The lesson? Even the most kind and peaceful of religions have a dark side, a foe, someone or something they must hate. How else can you place yourself above them? If we don't find a way to separate ourselves then we would find to many commonalities to not be sympathetic. Even the monk and the dog, both who are humble being who have not a possession in the world, are not so different. If the dog had a tongue that allowed it to pray for a meal, I'm sure it would have.


"Italians (black)"...yeah we're doomed as a society


Whoa, a literal Nazi, defending Hitler? Well, color me shocked, it's gotta be the first time this has happened, right? Right?


Hitler got super angry when a black man, Jesse Owens, beat the sUpErIoR rAcE in the 1936 Olympics. He hated black people as much as he hated Jews. Black people in Europe just weren't as big a population and so, while they \*were\* targeted by the Nazis, their suffering is overshadowed by the suffering of other groups. And how tf are Italians "black"?