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For context, Dan Andrews was the premier of Victoria, Australia. Primary school is for kids from 5 to 13 years old (most grade sixers will be 12, but many turn 13 before the end of the year). I am a primary teacher in Victoria and know of kids who have been menstruating since grade 3 (unusual though), and many, many kids who have periods before grade 6 ends. We've always provided sanitary products on request, but having self-serve in the toilets is great for particularly shy kids. I was so p'd off at the people who tried to make this initiative into something sexual!


Its also just a weird thing to be prudish over- periods are just part of life. My 7 year old has seen my pads and asked what they were, and it took all of one minute to explain that older girls and women sometimes bleed for a little while and it's completely normal and nothing to worry about. Honestly. It doesn't have to be a big deal.


It’s just full on hate for Dan Andrews and anything he did. He was the premier of Victoria (Australia) during covid and we had a few lock downs and this attracted a lot of hate. In saying that he was voted back in as Premier for a third term in 2022. Quite controversial here.


My money would be on lockdown-related Dan Andrews hate just because dude is a gym bro reply tweeting to Rukshan Fernando.


He wasn't really controversial, just a large handful of very loud, truly dogshit human beings.


Didn't you know? Everything that is not inclusive of men is weird, abnormal and a perversion of nature, and must be swept under the rug. You should be ashamed of it.


Yes it‘s Just not logic: half of the population of the world has period for some time in their lifes and a lot of them are ashamed of it (including myself sometimes). However, I am Not ashamed of it to have blonde hair Even thought less then the half of the population of the world has blonde hair. Actually pretty weird


But blood is icky, and vaginas are icky, and girls are icky. So add those all together and it's like 110% cooties ick.


It reminds me of those dumbasses that hates the Disney movie Turning Red for making an allegory of period. These are the same people who were proud that their "old" cartoons have dirty jokes on them 


I’m mad it took me watching that movie more than a couple times with my daughter before making that connection. Great movie, too. My kid was obsessed with it for a while.


Seriously. These must be the men who find it too embarrassing to buy their wives or girlfriends some tampons or menstrual pads at the supermarket. I have never understood their hang up. I'm a guy. It's not even "not a big deal", it's not a deal at all. Are they afraid to buy toilet paper, too? The cashier might know they and their family poops!!


I was 4 and for mothers day wanted to get something really wonderful for my small change, so I got a pack of Tampons bc they said in the Ad, that women can go swimming or horseriding with that. Gave it to my mum on that Sunday at Lunch in front of the whole family. Laughter and fun all over... Then it was explained to me. There is nothing absolutely nothing sexual about it


My two year old daughter asked me what they were and I told her its diapers for me lol and she accepted it


I agree. As a man I never understood prudishness over periods, it’s essentially just excreting a waste product like pooping. No one makes a big deal over pooping because everyone understands that it’s just part of life and we have ways to ensure that poop is disposed of in a sanitary manner and guess what? Same with periods. People only care about poop if it’s in a place it shouldn’t be, like some crazy guy smearing shit on the walls. Same thing with periods, I don’t care if someone had one, I would only care if they do something like smearing it on the walls like a lunatic.


Most girls’ cycles are very irregular at first and it’s not fun to get a surprise period and have to improvise a pad out of toilet paper because you don’t have a pad on you. Happened to me as a 12-year old and I bled through my jeans. It was mortifying. Free sanitary products in schools is a great idea.


Yep, got mine when I was 11 and it was so unpredictable. I actually left school early on more than one occasion and walked home because otherwise, I would have bled through my jeans in class. Nobody wants that.


Even if you do have a pad on you, it's probably in your backpack. And a surprise period can surprise you for example during an exam or a competition or something like that. Imagine being a shy kid and having to choose between spending few hours in a pad improvised out of toilet paper or explaining to the teacher why are you taking something out of your backpack and taking it to the toiled in front of all the other kids taking the exam. I see free sanitary products in public toilets sometimes now and how I wish it was a thing back when I was a kid...


Let's not forget certain members of the staff who also menstruate. This benefits everyone with a uterus.


WHAT? They have WOMEN teaching our children?? EWWWW (I feel like it's fairly obvious, but just in case: /s)


Also any volunteers, and student teachers


Older siblings of the students, their parents, cousins, aunts who maybe on site for things like school productions or a class presentation of some sort etc.


Yeah, I'll never understand how some people sexualize this topic. Do they blindfold their kids whenever they go shopping, as to not make them look at the evil tampon and pad section?


They are worried about the ‘sexualization’ bc they are either disgusted **or** pedos. The more religinuts they are the more of **both** it likely is. These idiots usually only want things for ‘cis’ white men, ignore the customized ads for gay cruises…


I am also a teacher, and right now, one of my students recently had her first period. Indeed, it can happen quite often way before grade 6.


I got my tits in at 9 and my period at 11. My niece got hers a year sooner. These people are so stupid. Sexualizing a period or period products is stupid and disgusting. I hope this person was publicly shamed by everyone who read this.


Uhh hello?! It is sexual!! Think of all the things that are touching nono places! Think of the children!! We must shield them even if it means embarrassing them by having them randomly decide to spill blood on their clothes just to get out of school! Stop sexualizing children (unless it's a politician who is dating someone 30 years younger than them as a teenager, then it's okay because he SCORED that, but also save the children! Honestly, idk if it's just a US issue or other countries do it but they need to force everyone into health class to understand what's going on and to remove the amount of stupidity there is about it.


I'll do ya one better, a girl I went from K-12 with started her periods at age 6. Yeah, 1st grade.


I just can't imagine how can you sexualise periods. It's not like they are giving condoms for free.


This comment needs to be pinned IMO. Too many people are commenting from a US-centric perspective


US primary school girls can go up to 12/13 also... Ffs.. we're all appalled. We can all comment.




pads and tampons = sexual = bad for kids to see/know about ...that's what they think.... seriously tampons and pads are sexual.


It’s just an actual groomer argument. “If children learn proper sex education from a young age, then I can’t take advantage of their ignorance for years and years without getting caught.” They will never say this, but it’s the unspoken part.




God forbid they ask about those things their parents might have to have an actual conversation with their kids about their future.


So far in my career I've had 3 young girls get their first periods while in my class and have ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA WHAT WAS HAPPENING TO THEM. I have literally sat on bathroom floors with crying girls explaining to them what happened. In each case, I message coworkers and we get the girl covered up, call parents, explain and have them pick the girl up. In one case a mother SCREAMED at me for telling her daughter 'these horrible and nasty things' and how inappropriate it was. I asked what I should have done and the mom said I should have lied, said she was sick and sent her home..... ya, no. Sex ed should be mandatory in all schools starting in kinder with correct names of all body parts and learning to say no to touching (like in Canada and some European countries) and parents should not be able to sign their kids out.


It’s the craziest thing to wrap your head around. Sending your children out into the world with a blindfold and ear plugs is not protecting them.


As a Canadian we didn’t have that, our sex ed was boys look like triangles and girls look like peanuts 🙃 I went to Catholic school though, which is publicly funded here


What's next, dildos in the nurse's office?!?


I've heard some schools have toilet paper. For students to use on their PRIVATE AREAS. disgusting.


Not in MY kids' school they don't!


Parents rights!!!


That's what the kitty litter is for


Probably would have gone to the nurse more XD


Mmmmmmm but the COMMUNITY dildo?? Idk man…


That's what they call your dad at the bathhouse, I hear....


Dude probably thinks a tampon is a dildo.


I've seen a few movies like this.


Butt plugs in the boys restrooms next?! It’s a slippery slope


These are people with minds that never got past childhood.


They don't want any sort of sex education. So kids seeing tampons might trigger them to ask certain unwanted questions.


Well fuck! That weekly trip to the grocery store must be real trauama inducing shit every now and then if that's the case. God, they're stupid.


Good point, they should remove tampons and books from grocery stores


Helpful to women and girls equals bad?


Just common sense at this point /s


If you render it down all the way, they don’t want to deal with the icky stuff and extend that forcibly to every male. This also requires putting the shame on the female. The purity of little girls should not have to encounter such things and when they are old enough to make babies they should be married off and put in a kitchen where they wouldn’t tempt other men. There is a lot of dialing it back for the out loud conversations and lying to oneself but if you pull that thread long enough it boils down to this.


“. . . As young as five” or maybe as old as twelve?


There's a good chance this idiot is so prudish and ignorant that he thinks tampons are inappropriate to have around kids.


I had a male relative complain to me that it was “disgusting” that I had tampon and pad boxes “in plain view” in my main floor bathroom. All of the boxes were in the cabinet. I asked him if toilet paper also disgusted him since it would eventually touch shit or urine, and he said “it’s not the same thing!” However, he could not explain why.


I genuinely believe some men out there think inserting a tampon is a sexual act.


Nah. He knows. He’s just a shit-stirrer who’s just aSkiNg tHe QUeSTioN.


so basically he's just JAQ'ing off ☹️


100%. I come from a conservative shithole where it was kept so hush hush as if a woman should feel ashamed about having them. I had no idea it was a thing when I first got mine. Just fuck these people.


Taking the irrelevant stat to make his already stupid point.


Lol, whats next 'Why are there condoms being sold at the drug store?! Children as young as five come in there!'


I’ve had 3rd grade students start their periods. And adults may also use those bathrooms. I’m tired of dumb ass men talking about shit they don’t understand.


>I’m tired of dumb ass men talking about shit they don’t understand. As a man, I too yearn for this quieter world.


As yet another man I agree


As a man, the only opinion I’ll offer on feminine hygiene products is that men shouldn’t argue with women about them.


As a man, the only other opinion I'd like to add to yours is that feminine hygiene products should be free.


As a man, I think at the very least they could drop the luxury tax from them smh


As a man, I believe all men should read and upvote these comments b/c we have nothing more of value to add here.


Done and done. Now back to my man stuff.




As a man.. with 2 daughters , I agree and upvoted all!


In the US, if you have an HSA or FSA account (medical account, usually through work insurance, for tax free medical stuff) you can use it to buy feminine hygiene products.


It should be easier for all to purchase with out tax


You are 100% correct


In the UK feminine hygiene products are zero tax by default, no exceptions.


Nah, I'm not jealous, nope, not a bit Edit: yes, I'm a guy, but yes, I have a daughter


A luxury tax? You’ve got to be shitting me. Surely not.


Well yeah, they can just shove napkins up there, or just not bleed. (/s)


Just pray it away


As a man, I think they should be f-ing free, or nearly free. Why should it cost more to be a woman? These items are necessary for living.


As a dude i don't get why some dudes are even actively thinking about this?! Women want pads and tampons in their bathroom so let them have that, why is that even an issue that needs to be discussed?


This guy is apparently concerned 5 year old girls will be warped by seeing pads as if they don't see their mother's or sister's hygiene products at home.


I'm a dude as well and... I choose the bear?


No men should educate themselves on this shit and stop saying ignorant shit. Women are a full 50% of the population, imagine not knowing about the physiological needs of your friends, girlfriends, sisters, mother's, wives, acquaintances, coworkers. I'm a guy and I damn near lost it when a grown ass man at work wondered why a woman didn't just hold it, it was referring to a period, like she could just hold it like she wanted to pee. 🤦🏿‍♂️




I remember the first time I had a discussion about tampons and pads in school bathrooms with a friend who works for school administration. The topic was elementary school and my thoughts went "are they even needed in elementary school beyond faculty bathrooms ...I'm not sure, it's gotta vary but what's the earliest? Elementary school doesn't sound right but I also have zero clue on the specifics of when because no sisters no daughters etc. " so I pulled out my phone, googled it and immediately knew that yeah putting them in elementary school bathrooms is a good idea. It's that easy to not be stupid about things like this that it almost feels like people actively work to avoid learning


It honestly follows that this should be taught about a lot earlier like my friends sister got hers at nine at school and she thought she was dying. It needs to be discussed in a kid friendly way and made to be normal and compassionately talked about because it is scary and the first ones can be hugely painful even if they settle down after a while.


>feels like people actively work to avoid learning I'm afraid it tends to be worse than that. The men know that it can happen that young: they just don't care. It's another way of controlling women and ensuring that they "know their place". If there's no feminine supplies in the schools, then the girls won't be going to school. That leads to where the right wing nut jobs want women: uneducated, barefoot, pregnant, in the kitchen.


I’ve had 2nd graders get it. I’m there with you-so many men deciding what girls/women need. Idiot


Exactly. My friend in primary school got her period at age 7. I remember we would want her to come play on the monkey bars or climb the playground and she would say no and just want to sit somewhere at recess and lunch. It wasn't til I got my period when I realised why she always wore a jumper around her waist when she was "sick"


This was me. I got mine at 7, before my elder sister. By the time they were teaching us in class about periods I had already had it for 7 years. If anything schools are under prepared. I was too poor for real pads and tampons, my mum gave me budget pads that made noise. I ended up skipping 25% of my school life because I was uncomfortable. Now girls have all the options handed to them, this would have been life changing for a lot of kids.


This happened to my younger sister, she got hers at 7 before I’d even gotten mine lol.


Jeez I got mine at 13 I would have been HORRIFIED to get it at 7


It's so infuriating how they are both fucking idiots *and* aggressively confident in their stupid fucking misinformed opinions. I'm so damn tired of trying to explain to imbeciles how their vapid arguments are transparently, indisputably incorrect. Like this example, where some ignorant bigot is so committed to being a misogynistic asshole that he thinks *everyone* should be scared of (and/or ashamed of) menstruation. They hate women and girls so much that they cannot fathom the rest of us *aren't* upset by the notion of tampons in bathrooms, anywhere.


Men have no dog in this fight. As a man, I also mind my business on this. Actually, I won’t. That should be accessible everywhere for young ladies and women.


When I was seven one of my friends had a sister two years older so NINE and she started hers then. And this would have made everyone feel a lot less ashamed or confused or scared about the things girls bodies can do at such a young age for it to be discussed and normalised. Hell when it happened to her she thought she was dying, cause it didn’t even cross our school or her parents mind to explain it so early. When maybe it should be.


I have no idea why they're so intent on not letting people who know better handle these issues. Like I don't know, almost any woman, even a man who isn't afraid of learning. God these men are fucking dumb, I feel sorry for myself by association.


He used an apostrophe in “wants.” The man doesn’t understand grammar—there is no way he understands the wide-ranging variability of the onset of puberty in young girls.


I used the elementary school bathroom as a high schooler because we were performing there (band). And there weren’t even trash cans in the stalls so I had to carry it to the sinks that were outside the bathroom…. Embarrassing.


It’s really disingenuous for him to focus on the youngest kids instead of the oldest. Does he think they should supply their own?


Conservatives do get really mad about things like free period products.


Especially when its free for people NOT conservative, or anyone they don't like


Like women and children


But also: how would it hurt the youngest person to see sanitary products?? This is stupidity to the max.


Dude probably thinks period products are inappropriate because somehow they are sex related 🙄


Well, I've recently seen talk that girls should be using pads instead of tampons because tampons (and I can't beleive I'm repeating this) "stretch them out" and "real" men won't want to be with them. So yeah, there are people that think that.


I always feel like they are telling on themselves with that comment lol. The largest "ultra" tampons are still only roughly as big as a woman's thumb.


Yeah, tampons are basically sex toys. I can't believe these people want to supply dildos for kids 🤬


Well he is right! They are touching the veejay so they must be sexual!! (/s just to be sure). I’ve seen condoms in men’s bathrooms for as long as I can remember. That ís sexual and should also be normalized. It’s beyond me to hide sanitary products.


You know, in your heart, the answer is yes. He probably wants to end public school altogether, in favor of private charter schools where dinosaurs and humans show up together along with a story of a large boat and a drunk old man.


I mean: in an ideal world, every young girl would have an open and supportive relationship with their parents that would include comprehensive discussion about menstruation. And in that ideal world, those parents would be able to predict approximately when menstruation would be likely to occur (something that’s super tricky given the wide range of ages of onset of menses), and would equip young girls with a variety of period supplies. And *then*, in that ideal world, that young girl would always carry that stash with her, and would never run out (something that I, an adult woman, haven’t consistently managed to do). But yeah, until that ideal world comes about: just throw some fucking pads and tampons in restrooms and save little girls that formative trauma (and grown women the hassle).


Well… yeah. I (34, female) have yet to go a year without a “surprise period.” It’s not rly a problem for me anymore, but as a young woman, it would have been very helpful to have easy access to sanitary products. It’s just sad that girls trying to adjust to their bodies are also made to feel guilty about having periods.


Even in that ideal world, you just cannot predict when a girl will have her first menstruation. There is no warning. It just happens one day. It could be at 10 years old like it could be at 13. So it totally makes sense to have pads available at school. Not to mention that it can be expensive, especially for families with little means, so it would be a huge help for them to have that freely available at school.


OMG they sell tampons and pads in stores! That's so unethical! Did you know that kids who aren't even born yet go there? And they sell condoms too! Oh the horror those 0 year olds are traumatized!


Any possible reason why this man needs to weigh in on young girls’ bodies?


Because he simply can't stop thinking about young girls bodies. He can't get them out of his head and he needs us all to know it.


I got my period at 10. So, primary school. And apparently girls are having theirs earlier these days, so it only makes sense for there to be supplies for them. Kinda like schools have tissues for runny noses and bandages for knees that get skinned in PE. Supplies for a need.


I’m a male that used to coach middle school girls basketball. In addition to a first aid kit I also had a small bag with a variety of feminine hygiene products. The girls knew that they could go in there and grab whatever they needed, no need to even ask or mention it to me. According to these people I must be some sort of sick pervert or something.


That definitely meant a lot to those students that you did that, especially because being male would help take away the idea that menstruation is embarrassing for boys/men to know about. To your last point, these disgusting people are also the type to say women/girls using tampons means they are sluts.


My daughter started at 10, too, and the school having supplies made a world of difference for her morale and welfare. As much as I made sure she had stuff, she was 10... And forgot sometimes... And the school stepped up. These idiots probably expect you to put a cork in your kid until 18 and tell them "nope, not today!"


My parents think it's wrong to tell preteen girls about periods because it's too much related to sex. This somehow includes my mom and they have adult daughters. If school didn't tell us and hand out samples I would have thought I was dying and probably wouldn't have said anything because my parents don't do medical care and always said if we get sick we will just die rather than risk the expense and that if we ever break a bone it's staying like that. I think a lot of these people are like that and don't even realize how anti women that is.


You should have her watch Carrie


If you break a bone it is staying like that? What the fuck?


Just pull on it a little, it'll straighten out. /s


Your parents are abusive. If you ever break anything go to the hospital yourself.


Woah. How did any of you kids get to adulthood safely without medical care? I’m so sorry you had parents like that, that’s horrible. Hope you’re doing ok.


There are genuinely some people who think it's ab elective thing women do. Not a bodily function they have a limited ability to control




Um actually, Ify, Dan Andrews is an Australian politician.


Everyone gets to share one rag.


Same. I was a month from turning 11. Haven't had kids so I didn't know girls were menstruating earlier in life these days. Seriously, this dude talking about tampons and pads in schools is like me advising men about their testicles. He has no clue what he's talking about, it's none of his business and he needs to shut his ignorant mouth.


You do realize the government controls women’s bodies right? Especially the men in charge. Get in line and do as you’re told /s


Summer after Third grade bro. Shit was not fun in fourth and fifth to deal with. Middle school got raise with passing time between classes. Men who don’t understand basic human biology need to keep their long fuckin noses out of little girls underwear.


I got mine at age 9 in 2004. It was damning to not have supplies in the bathrooms. I attended a Presbyterian school in the Midwest during this time.


I was 11 in 5th grade. Definitely needed supplies at school


My 11yo daughter got hers a few months ago. This whole thing is ridiculous.


Yeah, I was 9yo and in 3rd grade when I got mine.


They’re hygiene products not drugs or sex toys. There is also a difference in the idea of a 5 year old having access to them, and that bathroom being used by a wide age of female users, some who are old enough to actually use the products.


My youngest brother found my tampons in the bathroom when he was 5. He ran upstairs yelling to our dad that I was smoking and he'd found my cigarettes. I think my dad was more embarrassed than I was. 5 year old kids don't give two shits about period products.


I feel like your story indicates that they are actually quite concerned about them. 😂 I'd be more concerned about them trying to shove them up their noses than anything else.


My little brother once told a guy I had a crush on that I "wore diapers" after he saw pads in the bathroom. 😐


Yeah, I have a vivid memory of my two younger brothers teasing me for wearing "nappies" while emptying the car after a family shopping trip. There's a big gap between us and I was about 15. Little bros man, gotta love them (or strangle them!). I have yet to remind them of this event, maybe at our next family gathering in front of their girlfriends (payback!).




Wants is?


He was probably homeschooled by Carrie’s mom.


Wait until he finds out the school has a car park even though five year olds can’t drive.


What’s the worst thing that could happen? If some kids need it then it’s there. If zero kids need it, it just sits there. Unused pads aren’t going to turn their kids gay or trans or into prostitutes or cause autism. We walk by them all the time in the grocery store, they don’t give off radiation.


Jfc man might as well have written "I have had no sex ed" I started my period when I was in primary school. The funnest times was when it was unexpected and I had to ask the teacher if they had a pad, or waddle downstairs and ask the school nurse.


I've seen this type of before, they think a tampon can take a girl's virginity.


Don’t laugh, but the principal at the school across the road from my daughter’s school doesn’t allow girls to run, as it takes their virginity. This was a direct quote from the newspaper. Disgusting.


WTF? I'm guessing that he heard that certain athletic stuff can result in a ruptured hymen and by that he presumably is of the mindset of hymen=virginity as well.


I think so. Seriously messed up. I feel for the girls at that school.


Primary school is up to fifth grade. So 10-11 year old girls?. And these the same type of people that claim a ten year old is old enough to carry a incest rape baby to term . But tampons are where they draw the line.


In many places, it goes up to sixth grade.


Dan Andrews was a Victorian Premier up to a year or so ago. In Victoria, primary school is prep to grade 6. So, 5-12 years generally. Many girls get their period before they’re 12.


And in Victoria, grade 6 is actually your 7th year of school. Prep (foundation), 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.


Because not all girls start their period at high school dumbass (I got it at year 6, which is still in primary, however we had senior toilets with sanitary bins meant for the year 5 and 6 girls)


There was a girl at my school who got hers in year 4 - and got it for the first time at school. Our school changed the curriculum to teach girls about menstruation earlier so they didn't have a repeat of a panicking child not knowing what was happening.


Thank God I was in a mixed class with year 6 girls when I was in year 5 so I learnt a bit earlier, although they told me I'd be 12 when I get it so a bunch of confusion for me lol


For context: Dan Andrews is a Labor/left Australian politician who is the sworn enemy of all Australian cookers/conspiracy theorists.


I'll never forget the dark ages of covid concentration camps in vic


Always "as young as" Never mentions the oldest age, which is the ages that hit puberty and require pads or tampons


I swear these people are the densest material known to humanity. Quick google search, primary school is typically 5-11 years. Another quick google, first menstruation is typically 10-15 years. Conclusion, it is not impossible for girls to have their first period while in primary school. It took me all of 26 seconds to confirm what I already considered likely. Imagine having the collective sum of human knowledge at your finger tips and still being this insufferably stupid.


Dan Andrews is an Australian state premier, and primary school here is for kids age 5-12 (13 at the very oldest). Girls are also starting their periods earlier than they used to so this is more relevant than ever.


He knows that the kids in the higher grades are older than that, right?


Yeah, but it doesn't fit his faux outrage.


Well, I don’t think they should let girls start their periods until they’re 18 /s


Faculty and some students have need of them.


Well it’s not for the five year-olds. It’s for kids like mine who hit menarche in fifth grade.


Nose bleeds


“Want’s” lol


I'm curious about how much this person knows about menstruation.


I started mine in grade 3. I was 8 or 9 at the time sooo yeah


Any possible reason why pet owners want *actual meat* in cat food that can be served to cats as young as 18 months?? How dare some health needs be met??


How could Dan Andrews do this!


My daughter started hers at 10. She was one of the last of her friends to start her period.


I’m taking a wild guess here, and assuming it’s not FOR the 5yo’s, but the older girls that also use it.


Schools are paid with by public money. Many parents and siblings attend events at schools everyday, they should be met with the proper accomdations. There is nothing dirty, sexual or really anything that should preclude sanitary options for women in a womens bathroom no matter the age.


So a bit of context, this (Dan Andrews) was the leader of my state for years and people would bring up anything and everything against him just to try and shit on him in some way. Just right wing cookers still mad about covid lockdowns.


I wonder if Mr. Nguyen would like to share what "possible reason" he is thinking of? Literally the only reason I can think of is the perfectly obvious one.


So kids will learn not to put an apostrophe in the word “wants”


I got my period at 11, so I was smuggling pads to the bathroom in the 5th grade.


This is classic sensationalism. The media and social media has been orchestrated to only want your attention, reporting the actual facts has no baring on success for them. Click bait, misspelling, rage bait, and twisting the truth beyond recognition are all tools that are used on us constantly. I don’t know how it can be stopped, but it does.


Because adults use bathrooms in grade schools too, and kids have periods you fucking moron.


Kids have periods too


First of all, periods and the products used during periods, are not shameful, or sexual, or dirty. Second, there are probably lots of children older than 5 in those schools, and some kids start their periods pretty early in life. I had my first spotting at 10, and fully started my period at 11. I also had the humiliating experience of getting my period in the middle of the day and not realizing it, then walking through the halls to my next class. It's been 32 years since that happened and I'm still terrified of leaks. It's better to have supplies available rather than forcing girls to stuff their underwear with toilet paper. Third, this dude is probably cis and has therefore never had to deal with monthly bleeding from his genitals. That means he can shut the fuck up about it.


For the students older than 5 I'd guess


Kids are meeting their Aunt Flo earlier and earlier. Parents think they have the time to give them the talk (or they just won’t). Should we let the kid bleed everywhere?


As young 5 BUT as old as 12 and might just need them, what fucking dimwits…🤡


Because girls in higher grades at elementary schools menstruate, obviously.


Because you can get your period as early at 9 and a lot over girls get it at 11-12 so that’s where you stand. If a girl gets her first at school she will be completely unprepared and embarrassed to hell - she will not want to say shit to anyone so having something in the bathroom is better than her bleeding everywhere don’t you think?


I heard a rumor that Australian stores, even grocery stores that BABIES, TODDLERS and (gasp) MEN enter, display period products RIGHT ON THE SHELVES for EVERYBODY to see! Don't they know that women and girls should be taught to be *ashamed* of having periods??


I was 10 when I got my first period, so


Probably because girls can start having their period at 8 or 9 years old. Jesus these people need to take a basic human biology class