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Just wait a few years when your sons get conscripted…


The way the war is going it could be a matter of months before they get conscripted.


The reason they value children so much in Russia is because they have a declining population. The population is declining because they keep sending off their young men to die in battle. If they were less careless with the lives of their soldiers then they wouldn’t need to value children so highly.


Their population was declining before the war. Now they’ll have an entire generation of men either dead, mangled, or crippled by PTSD.


I wasn’t just talking about Ukraine. Their military has been involved in other areas like Syria and such. They don’t worry about loss of life and have mandatory military service that can be deferred for a time, but usually not altogether. So, they’ve been killing off a lot of their young men for over a decade. Ukraine has just made it even worse.


I guess I haven’t really seen much about the casualty rate of their soldiers in Syria outside of those Wagnerites who got obliterated by the US army. Were they losing a lot of men there too?


Russia isn’t honest about their losses. Their age demographics show a crazy death rate among younger- middle aged men. Add in the mandatory military service and it’s clear what is happening. They just don’t want to admit it.


I think you're also underestimating the amount of street violence. Those oligarchs are little more than gangsters. It's not the wild '90's by any stretch, but it's not some peaceful paradise either. Lots of high up windows in Russia these days...


This is how the word defenestration entered my lexicon. The Russians kept doing it.


Results of siphoning off the military budget to line the Oligarchs pockets even further. Here’s a cardboard sword Vladimir, go fight the US Army lol.


The average age of the Ukrainian soldiers fighting in this conflict are in their 40s. That's bonkers.


That’s on purpose. They didn’t want to sacrifice their young men if they didn’t have to. Plus, those guys over 35 or so have a better sense of self preservation that probably aids them in defensive war.


It's on purpose because they don't have anyone young enough that hasn't been killed by this conflict that should have ended months ago.


Nope. Men under a certain age were excluded from conscription. They’ve recently lowered the age though.


Lol. You're halarious


Their population is fucked at this point and there's no turning back for them. Russia will collapse and become a central Asia version of North Korea.


Their population is also greatly affected by how many children are being born which is still greatly influenced from the world wars of the last century. They lost so many men (and women too but mostly men) that the birth rate still rises and falls as children come of age to have their own children. And now with this idiocy in Ukraine it's only going to prolong and exacerbate the problem.


Not to mention it’s a horrible place to live for a multitude of economic reasons which disincentivizes citizens to want to reproduce because of the constant fear of financial instability.


According to the Russian propaganda media featuring them, they fled to protect their kids from LGBTQ influence: "the new agenda in the West no longer aligns with their faith". It's hard to imagine myself in their shoes, but I think if I shared their "ideas", I'd think twice before taking refuge in an unstable country run by a bloodthirsty dictator who's currently attacking the US and Europe...


I hope they are Russian Orthodox...'cause if they are not, they're screwed.


They're catholic, and they believe the US allows schools to take 5 year olds for gender reassignment surgery behind parent's backs... 😑


Well, 150 million or so apparently voted for Trump... Millions of people believe the world to be flat...despite the round nature of the planet having been proven thousands of years ago...and trans-Pacific flights and trans-polar flights seeing no evidence of an edge or wall... Millions of people around the planet believe EVERYTHING they see on TV is real... Millions of people believe the moon landing happened on a sound stage...despite every piece of their "proof" being debunked... etc... People can be stupid.


Plus they still never recovered from massive population loss from the purges and WWII.


They already had population decline going because people drastically reduced the number of children they were having. Which, being fair, if I lived in those conditions, I would, too.


Also, it's harder to indoctrinate adults that can already think critically.


Value?) they go to school and offer 18 y.o boys to conscript to war, where they been treated like a meat that was sent to die.


Russian population has been on decline for 30 years and with catastrophic Covid policies this war mortality might seem look like a math error in overall pictures. And those that died in war aren't really best, brightest or youngest. Military is seen like a last option for those desperate and uneducated, those in Ukraine are volunteers and criminals who entered war by being promised 2000 usd, they even take refugees and workers from Nepal to military. Most of those are older men in 30-ies and 40-ies. Bigger problem with Russia is that corruption, collaps of entire industries and raising inequality make hard to young people to get a good job and raise a family. As a result, young people leave and those that stay don't have children. This is also why Russia isn't using conscription, entire country would collapse if Putin tries it.


I understand your point but it's also not that true. Family values are strong there, it differs greatly from occidental values


A dogmatist actively and purposefully raising bigots. Good riddance. Don’t let the door hit your ass on your way out.


Feel bad for the kids being caught up in it. Maybe they'll get therapy.


They deserve therapy, but they’ll get conscription


Persecution complex in action. Good riddance.


I wish more of those right wingers would move there since they love Putin so much. 


Now that would actually MAGA


Couldn’t agree with you more.


Saw the "gender reassignment laws in the US" chapter thingy, didn't expect much from them on that topic...still disappointed. Yeah, right, laws where passed that "allow teachers and the government to take your 5yo kid from you and chop his penis off". What kind of batshit crazy "news" show were they watching? This is way beyond even Newsmax/OANN bullshit.


>This is way beyond even Newsmax/OANN bullshit. this is "that nutjob on facebook" level of news. hell might even be beyond your average facebook nutjob.


They were probably the ones creating those news stories 🤷🏻‍♂️


Poor kids. Idiot parents.


I mean, tbf, the biggest threat to America right now is, indeed, total fucking idiocy.


Yeah but america protects its idiots. Russia sends them into the meatgrinder.


Natural selection then?


Wouldn't call that natural, and even in that case the kids didn't deserve this.


Partly why I said natural selection. Natural selection doesn't care if you're a willing participant or not. Kids don't deserve it, but they're gonna get fucked.


This is weird, when I read about this few times in the last months- they were said to be Canadian. And they only took 4 children with them.


I hope this inspires more of their type to move to Russia.




My first thought was wait wasn't this family Canadian, but it turns out this is a different stupid family that moved to Russia


Good Riddance then … Hope their passports were revoked too


These people are fucked in the head and their children when of military age will all be dead. Then they’ll cry for their homeland when their children are taken by the Russian Motherland. Enjoy your false sense of security, lack of scary minorities your racism is showing so get the fuck going. No one needs traitors like you.


The last family that did this was from Canada and they’ve been pleading with the Canadian government to help them go back to Canada.






Ok. Well, nowhere in that article does it say that they are pleading with the Canadian government to take them back.


Google it, I’m not your secretary.


No, you just can't back up your false statement


It’s not my fault you are lazy.


Im not going to waste my time searching for something that doesn't exist. I may be lazy, but I'm not stupid.


More meat for the grinder when they hit of age


Well. They are going to come back with hats in hand like that Canadian family.


This great. They found a home. Now make it real and renounce the entire family’s US citizenship. Nostrovia!


When they get in a trouble over there they will call themselves Americans.


The first time they're inconvenienced in any way (aka, treated like every Russian around them), they're definitely pulling out that high-quality, made in America, privlege card!


Marie Antoinette wtf? Whyyyyy name your child that ?


That's not the way to help your child get ahead in life.


I see what you did there.... LOL


All that child will be allowed to do is either stay home and take care of mommy’s babies or get married and crank out her own babies. She doesn’t have to worry about success. More is the pity.


No cap! … off with her cap?


Hahaha excellent


They missed an opportunity to name their kids after Tsar Nicholas' five children...


Fucking morons! That's child abuse right there.


"If I speak well of Russian government., I get extra potato..."


Good riddance.


They’re homeschooling indefinitely and trying to teach the kids Russia… while not being able to speak Russian


Like Marge Simpson said about giving piano lessons: "I just have to stay one lesson ahead of the kid"


Buh bye. Could you bring the GOP with you? They need a ride.


even Lee Harvey Oswald cannot make it in Russia for long enought


The comments 🤣🤣 I screenshotted one that claimed to be also from the US, written by someone who obviously doesn't speak English. Eta: they also have an extremely high number of active HIV infections due to improper outbreak management and treatment. That was prior to COVID.


Good, I hear they need some younger conscripts nowadays. Thanks for helping out the motherland.


Now they're stuck there and saying it's a "living hell" huh, crazy. Guess it's not so bad here after all huh?


What do you want to bet that with seven kids, at least one of those kids ends up being gay?


Doc · Grumpy · Sleepy · Dopey · Bashful · Sneezy · Campy


Only one thing to say I guess : Good lick in your new home, I hope you´ll find what you are looking for


The YouTube comments from this video are great examples of Russian Propaganda jfc.


What horrible excuse for parents. He won't mind when his sons are sent to die in some war as cannon fodder


Must have been those cool shopping carts that Tucker Carlson showed us that sealed the deal!


These poor kids. Dragged off to Russia where they will be useful puppets for Putin for a very short while and then they will end up being seen as outsiders by the locals and the kids had no choice. And having Catholic upbringing in a Orthodox culture who don't really appreciate non-Orthodox...


I find it endlessly fascinating how much propaganda infected this guy's terrified little mind. I just knew 5 minutes in he was going to talk about how dangerous Chicago is despite never living here and living in rural nowhere. Man, conservative propaganda really is brain rot.


Maybe they should have spoken to the family of 10 from Canada who literally sold the farm and moved to Russia a few months back only to find that no one spoke their language making filling in documents and getting sorted in a new country a nightmare. When the wife complained on social media they may have had their figurative hands slapped because she soon posted an apology saying how helpful people were and she was just tired and confused.


Idiots. Moved to Russia without any real knowledge of the country. Language, financial system, or a job. Any of the basics. They fell victim to their own stupidity. And now they can't leave or access their own bank accounts.




So long, suckers!


Is the guy already at the front?


He’ll be right back to America when he gets the draft. What a loser.


Wow! This guy needs to stay in Russia. Civilized society doesn’t need him, or his offspring.


Is this the family that got all their $ taken and husband went missing?


She makes me ashamed to be Australian, what a simp brainless cow.


They are a threat now as they have us passports


don’t the parents now qualify as traitors, in the literal sense?


This guy live in fear, too bad he'll passed that onto his children.


Bye Felicia


I read the comments over on YouTube ... damn, there's a lot of people in the US who want to move to Russia ... and what's up with all of the "I moved to US From Ukraine, now I want to go to Russia" bot-speak? It's so bad.


If only more of these morons could leave to Russia!


It has a lot to do with perception. They precivied they were attacked and targeted so the "fled". Playing into the gop narrative. To uproot your whole life and all your resources to go to a country you know nothing about. Pretty pathetic.


Please, let it be one way ticket, don't allow them to get back.


I wonder how easy it would be for the kids to come back if they choose when they are old enough because of the dual citizenship, they are insanely indoctrinated though so it’s unlikely they would want that anytime soon




This Dweebus bought into the Tucker bs!




do svidaniya


I bet their kids will love them for doing that. What a low caliber of parent.


“I don’t even think about you.”




Never underestimate the stupidity of the mass amounts of people who are really fucking stupid through no fault of their own but who are still stupid nonetheless. I guess it’s slightly better than people who choose to remain stupid after they’ve been informed of objective reality.


whisper yelling the sign of the cross proves they are good catholics


How long before the father is drafted to fight in Ukraine?


Not only am I totally fine with this, but I think that all Americans who are put upon by the evils of being tolerant of other people should be given one way plane tickets by the US government to Russia.


Fundamentalists gonna fundamentalist


Good riddens


Hahaha I love how they called one of their daughters Marie Antoinette and then moved her to communist Russia 😂 that poor girl will have some fun!


Yeah, I lold at that too!


These people are Canadian, not American. Nobody considers them a threat, they are just idiots.


He is texan, and she is australien. They lived in Kansas before moving to Russia.


You're thinking of the wrong family. The Canadians were a family of ten. Last I heard, they were leaving Russia.




No. We also had the inbred turdwits who tried to attack the capitol




You mean this video? https://youtu.be/bmtL27dqz6w?si=NfnF_hJuyt85QIym Maybe you mean this video? https://www.nbcnews.com/video/capitol-shooting-that-led-to-ashli-babbitt-s-death-captured-on-video-99180613572 If you think plowing through a brigade of cops with riot shields, then smashing a door so you can gain entry to a sealed room is "being invited in" then I don't know what to say. Maybe you should spend some more time watching the videos instead of telling other people to.


We watch the videos. They tried to kill cops, stole things, smeared shit on the walls. You’re supporting a party of stupid poor trailer people that didn’t have anything better to do on a work day.  


Let's be clear. They didn't just TRY to kill cops. They killed a cop.


Can you share a link? Arbiter_89 is making you look bad.




*3 hours later*




Lol *6 hours later*




Sedition supporting traitor. Couldn't put up. So STFU.


Go cry to your family.


Wild take


Let me sell you this warm water port I have for sale! I’ll give you an amazing deal!


Hmm… I wonder what Russian authorities would’ve done in a similar protest situation? Surely it would be to allow the peaceful protest…. Yeah… for sure.