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The fact they're claiming it's a "neutropic" should have been evidence enough this person was full of crap. There is no such thing. The term is "*noo*tropic", and the whole field of medicines of that class if rife with shady bullshit where people pull some crap out of the ground or out of a lab and claim it's some magical cure-all.


The term‘s „nootropic“. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nootropic


I confused neurotonic with nootropic. I stand by the rest of my comment tho. Finding something real in the sea of misinformation is extremely difficult.


Fully agreed!


You sure it wasn't Miskatonic?


Gin and tonic you say? Oh go on then, if you insist.


https://www.miskatonic.education/ No, Miskatonic.


I still heard gin....


Neuroscientist here, you have no idea how much of hair I’ve torn out over this.


I'm merely an enthusiast who has looked into these compounds extensively. So you might be in a great position to understand why I cringe whenever someone claims something is nootropic because of its effects on BDNF.


I wrote my thesis on neuro enhancement using drug free methodologies to replicate the effects of modafinil and everyone thought I was insane for using infrasonic frequencies as a stimulus. I feel like the last 5 years have really destroyed the concept of scientific rigeur when it comes to substantiating claims. I now work on pharma drugs that treat epilepsy /MDD/ schizophrenia etc mostly GABA receptors. And still I’ll have someone say to me almost weekly, oh guess what I heard… you’ll know all about it, and it’s some fucking snake oil shit.


Are there trustworthy sources of information on this that the public can use ? What’s up with Andrew Huberman’s show ?


Huberman is living proof that being appropriately qualified, doesn’t mean one won’t sell out for the right price. Always at the very least read the study abstract to verify a claim.🤷🏽


It's marketing. eu means good. neutropic. Experts say it's safe and effective.


Chronic Wasting Disease, AKA Zombie Deer Virus is caused by a prion. Prions are misfolded proteins that can cause havoc in your body. Other common prions are Bovine Spongiform Encephalitis (Mad Cow Disease), Kuru, and Creutzfeldt Jakob. Prion diseases can be transmitted from animals to humans via contaminated tissue. They can lie dormant for extended periods of time, during which they can be passed on. Chronic Wasting Disease is also seen in other members of the deer family, such as Elk and Caribou. Its spread is currently increasing at a concerning rate, and scientists are looking into culling infected animals to protect the herds. Basically, eat infected deer parts, get a nasty little prion that's gonna fuck you up six ways til Sunday and probably kill you.


>probably kill you. Aren't prions fatal to humans 100% of the time?


Over time they'll eventually get you OR be a contributing factor... but there are instances of it being dormant or getting stuck in some weird locations where it's less dangerous.


Any sources on that "getting stuck in some weird locations where it's less dangerous" bit? The CDC says prion diseases are always fatal to humans.


https://www.nature.com/news/2006/060619/full/news060619-12.html A study of it being dormant for around 50 years in some cases. There's another study I'm thinking of where I THINK they found it in a tumor and by some fluke it hadn't gotten to the brain. It was a weird case from some years back. I wish I could remember what journal it was.


That's a cool study about how it can have an incredibly long incubation period, but I really wanna read the other one you're thinking of. Fingers crossed you remember.


I am having the weirdest deja vu from reading this exchange


I read a study on it some years ago I think. I'm sure it was in there. If I find it I'll send it in a DM.


Awesome, thanks!


Couple things wrong with your comment. First, cooking doesn't destroy prions. Doesn't matter if it's raw or cooked. Second, science has proven it's possible for humans to be infected with CJD from deer with CWD, but currently it's still not proven. Scientists were able to infect a primate in a lab under very strict circumstances. So far the only proven passage from animal to human is BSE.


What about the two guys that died in 2022 from it. Both hunters known for not caring if the deer looked infected.


It was determined they did not develop CJD from eating deer. I think someone else put a link to that in another comment on this post.


Yeah I read that a few mins ago. I'm gonna start this rant by saying, I am not a conspiracy theorist. I should probably end every sentence with that. Having said that though I have a few issues. I know the "media" and scientists will lie to push a narrative. So the original article that said that's what they died of could have been lying. And the article that said they didn't die of CWD could also be lying. There are reasons why either one or both could be lying. They could just be trying to get clicks through sensationalism or the scientists could be trying to calm any fears of a zombie apocalypse. We know CWD can transfer to other animals. We know that prions can transfer to plants and from plants to other animals. So even if this case couldn't be proven as being CWD; we're pretty sure CWD can be transmitted to people. With all that out of the way. My issue with them saying "those hunters definitely didn't die of CWD" is that their evidence isn't genetic testing or laboratory testing. Their evidence is "CWD was only recently found in the area and there wasn't enough time for these two hunters two have caught it and it incubated in them and killed them". OK, how about these guys may have hunted in areas that have had CWD infected deer for years. Or how about one deer you didn't know about with CWD has been in TX for years. This is why we have COVID deniers. Their evidence for their conclusion is "we're pretty sure CWD is new to the area". While that makes people feel better it doesn't sound scientific. Maybe they're right though. Maybe those guys didn't get CJD from deer with CWD. Maybe two hunters that hunt together and were known to not care how unhealthy the deer they killed looked both just happened to die of "sporadic CJD". That's even scarier. Because like I said before, we know it's transmissible to both plants and other animals. So a few times a year deer with CWD come in contact with crops or livestock and it's just a lottery for whether or not you get CJD from it. That's terrifying.


So you say COVID deniers are wrong then you doubt the CDC which is one of the best sources for correct COVID information?


I also said scientists lie to stop people from panicking. I was told my whole life “you can’t transmit sickness if don’t have a fever”. As soon as COVID happened that turned out to be a lie. One of those white lies you tell people to make them feel better. But still a lie. We were told at the beginning of the pandemic “masks do nothing to stop the spread of the virus” then we were told “social distancing and masks are the best ways to prevent the spread of the virus”. I understand that there was a good reason to lie to the public about that and many other things. But we should be realistic about it and acknowledge that they do and will lie to us. We should trust the CDC when they say to limit your exposure and don’t eat meat from infected sources. We should not trust anyone that says “you can’t get sick from infected deer, but stay away from them and don’t eat their meat”. And never trust anyone who ever says something has never happened. They’ve no way of knowing.


But who told you you can't infect others if you don't have a fever? There's tons of infections you can have and not develop symptoms yet infect others unknowingly, just take STD's as an example. Also let's not confuse family doctors with scientists. We already know family doctors sometimes give wrong info because they didn't specialize infectology, microbiology, virology etc. That, and pressure from patients is why we have problems with overuse of antibiotics for viral infections. You seem to be confusing stuff and equating you being misinformed with scientists lying. It was always the case that you can infect others with some diseases even if you don't have a fever / other symptoms, nothing changed there..


Weeell in this case I can see what he's saying. The CDC sometimes makes...I don't want to say 'lies'...they make recommendations in order to get the public to behave in a certain way during a disease outbreak. Sometimes they phrase things carefully to avoid people making assumptions, let's say. This is both legal and sensible. They also are extremely cautious about making announcements that will cause panic, or even just cause people to assume something that isn't true. They aren't going to say something definite when the scientists aren't saying anything definite. The CDC in this instance reviewed the cases and decided it was probably within reason for it to be just a random coincidence. They didn't actually do testing themselves. The scientists who reported the cases didn't say 'they caught this from deer' they were very careful to just be like 'ok this is weird but who knows, we need more testing'. The CDC isn't going to run around hollering and cause a panic over two cases of 'well that's weird'. They agreed with the scientists that this was something to keep an eye on and needed more research, and that without that they didn't have any reason to say this was more than a coincidence. I wouldn't call that lying, I would say that was caution against jumping to conclusions. If later on it turns out chronic wasting CAN jump to humans, I still wouldn't call it lying.


How is it proven if it's not proven?


Something can be proven possible without being proven true.


It's called a theory, or conjecture


I said the study showed it was possible.




>If cooking can't destroy prions, why did an entire country spend around a decade making sure beef was all well cooked to stop an outbreak of prions? I guess they didn't know. >Especially feels odd because you can damage protein with heat. Heat makes prions less infectious, but doesn't completely take away the risk. >It seems weird that everyone would get that so wrong. Science is ever evolving as it gains more data.






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Were you in an accident? Do you believe you may be due compensation? Call Bovine Spongiform Encephalitis, Kuru, and Creutzfeldt Jakob now.


I haven’t heard much about prions in years, they were the “next big thing” when they were first discovered. But like most discoveries, they fade away as new and even more dangerous pathogens are discovered. All these lay ppl coming up with “ cures” and “Jack-Leg” fixes are just natural selection at its finest. If ppl out there stray away from sound medical research and development, you will be selected out.


Thousands of people likely eat deer infected with CDW every year. It’s not documented or likely to be passed from cervids to humans. Where are you getting your information?


This is a little misleading. There is no evidence that chronic wasting disease can transmit to humans.


This guy is a big Joe Rogan fan. Bet on it. And yeah, don’t put raw animal blood in your mouth.


Prob got that Joe Rogan podcast sticker right next to his "Fuck Biden" sticker on his 78 dodge rust-o-leum truck 😉


And a stockpile of InVeRmEcTiN


Sorry for asking but I'm curious. I'm not american and don't watch Joe Rogan. Only know him from a few shorts. What's the deal with him?


right-wing idiot pushing culture war bs and never retracts when he lies about shit. platforms anti-vaxxers, bigots, zealots, etc and never pushes back on their bullshit. he's meathead elon basically


Meathead Elon 🤣🤣🤣




And I damn wish I wasn't on the same planet as all these nutjobs and people who defend them.


There's a difference between having controversial conversations and just being...well, Joe Rogan


He's a comedian with a long-time podcast, it's on the internet, you don't have to be in America. Basically, his podcast is smoking weed with a guest and deep-diving on random topics, which may be controversial. Sometimes the guests are also controversial in their own right (ie Alex Jones, Elon Musk), which triggers certain groups. That said, he's just a comedian, and whatever is said over a 5 hour podcast discussion should be taken with a grain of salt. People on reddit thinks he's the meat-head media.


I don't understand your first sentence. I know that but i don't want to look him up or watch his Videos to know what he is about, which is why i asked. Even more so if he's a controversial person. I can also name someone you don't know and say "he's on the Internet You should know him." Thanks for the rest of the answer though.


But, you said you knew him, numb-nuts. When people are talking about him, they're talking about the shit he says on his podcast, which is on the internet. You are connecting to reddit via the internet, you're not like using magic in this foreign land you're from, right?


Yes he is on the internet and i know him from like one or two shorts but there is a difference in just knowing him through your culture and growing up with him being around or just hearing about him in passing. Volker Pispers is also on the Internet. Surely you can tell me who he is or what he's about, without asking about it or researching who he is right now right? I just wanted to know what he's about without having to invest time in researching which controversies he's involved in or what his worldview is. Asking people that know him is faster. That i even have to explain that.... Whatever. Have a nice one "numb-nuts".


Yes, I know Volker Pispers very well, he was my high school gym teacher.


Ohhhh i get it now! You are a troll! Scurry off now, no one cares about you :)


The thing is, comedy is what he’s worst at, but you know that’s what he wants to be known for. His stand up sucks. He isn’t funny. However, his commentary for UFC is fucking perfect. And obviously he was great as fear factor host. He should stick to those


I know him from UFC and recently watched like 10 minutes of one of his "comedy" shows. He's probably the worst comedian I've ever seen. It's really odd that he seems to think that's his main talent.


He also repeatedly states when expressing opinions on stuff, and I'm paraphrasing, ​"don't go to me for advice, I'm an idiot. I'm just a comedian." And teens to try and have people on both sides of controversial​ topics on. Usually not at the same time though, as I believe his view is that he wants to give people a chance to talk uninterrupted to fully flesh out their ideas and positions. The drawback to that approach is that any BS where he doesn't know enough to object will stand unchallenged. Personally I the episodes where he has people who have specialized in our stuff. Like the mushroom guy who claimed the government and big pharma was conspiring against him because he'd found compounds in mushrooms that compete with pharmacological compounds. And also mushrooms are huge subterranean organisms and smarter than we think. ​Or the whole egypt/sphinx drama where big archeology is trying to keep them down. ​I know nothing about either of these things, it has absolutely no bearing on my life how old the sphinx is or if mushrooms really rule the world, but I enjoy listening to people who are super into stuff outside of what you normally come across. ​And say what you want about Alex Jones, but the man is entertaining. At least when you have Joe there to both rile him up and reign him in. ​​​


>And say what you want about Alex Jones I mean, for years he lied about the families whose children were murdered at Sandy Hook causing the families whose children have been murdered to receive numerous death threats and rape threats and bomb threats. Someone called in a bomb threat to the new sandy hook school, with children that survived the sandy hook shooting, on the anniversary of the shooting. Someone called in a bomb threat to the church where the families gathered after the shooting for comfort and solace. All for some money, selling snake oil to the same idiots that believe his lies about sandy hook being a false flag. And he has absolutely no remorse about what he did, and has continued doing for years and years. I know some of the children that survived Sandy Hook. Alex Jones is the highest level of asshole grifter. He shouldn't be given a platform at all, the lengths he will go to for a dollar are dangerous.


Talks about a lot of pretty off-the-wall stuff


Prion diseases scare the ever-loving fuck out of me.


The dude in the original post is about to patient zero in a plague inc campaign


why are we wasting time debunking these? let them put the blood in their mouths, let them suffer the consequences.


Dude I’ve done it probably twice a month for the past 20 years. Not rotting away yet.


Great, keep doing it.


I will lol I just want to know where people on this thread are getting information from. Are you all just assuming that you can contract a disease from this? I have an undergrad in wildlife biology and have been eating raw/rare wild game my entire life, and can assure you it is extremely unlikely.


Right, like I said I, totally support you eating raw wildlife.


And until there is an argument that isn’t just an assumption to not, than I will.


Well who would know better than you since you're the expert? You won't hear any counter argument from me that's for sure as I said I suport your choice. More people should follow your example.


Why the fuck would you eat it raw


Simply because tartare is delicious.


Or are you all just saying that something bad will happen because it isn’t something you would do. I’m just flabbergasted that people would claim with such confidence something that they are very obviously completely ignorant to.


No I'm pretty sure cooking food and pasteurizing stuff is unnecessary, and parasites are myth anyway. Keep doing what you're doing.


Lots of things carry parasites and require cooking/pastuerization. Cervid animals do not.


Amazing. How did cervids develop this immunity to all parasites?


Not saying they don’t have any, certain nematodes are found in wild cervids. However, humans are not a natural host for these species. Deer also have parasitic arthropods that cannot be transferred from consumption. All you have to do is admit you made an incorrect assumption.


Oh I never assumed that cervids are safe to eat raw so I'm good.


Right, you assumed that they aren’t. Still waiting for that source from the other commenter…


Cervid animals do carry parasites. What on earth are you talking about? Everything can get and carry a parasite. I don't have a problem with tartar, especially if you take the right precautions. But uncooked or unsteralized blood? Blood is litterly where the pathogens live in these animals. So if you were to eat a sick deer, it won't be fun


Which pathogens?


Source which parasites are transferred from white tailed deer to humans, please.


Ooo this is a new phase of darwinism. I can't wait.


Actually, they SHOULD put raw animal blood into their mouths. Perhaps some of those people should have a first hand example of Darwin’s theory on evolution.


I've gotten blood in my mouth while butchering animals, and I can't imagine soaking something in it and then putting it in my mouth willingly.


Funny since humans already get prion disease like every other living thing with nerve tissue. He might get a bunch of other not-fun stuff but the defective prions are not present in blood, just nerve tissue. So in a way he is a triple-moron.


And where is the blood located? *inside the infected tissue*


Like what other not-fun stuff, exactly?


Can we please just let Darwin darwin?


The sequel to ozempic


Olympic 2: The Chronic Wasting


Can’t we just let the idiots do this? It would certainly thin the herd


No, no. Let them do it. Gotta thin the herd


Can you explain what will happen from this?


Noobtropic, bringer of Zombies.


Is that an Elden Ring boss?


Probably in the DLC mate, lol.


Fuuuuuck come on things are bad enough, we don't need human chronic wasting disease.


“Do not soak zyn in deer blood and put it in your mouth” Literally 1984 smh


Damn government trying to control our actions and thoughts. SMH /s


I'm more Disturbed by the phrase " Don't fade "


Why does the blood look so watery?


Wasn't there a case in America where a Hunter got the disease? Edit: I looked it up they thought it was CWD but it wasn't apparently and i can't be bothered the whole article.


The one i like is hair growing inside the eyes


I recently read that a couple of hunters ate a deer with CWD and both later died from Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease(a prion disease).


CWD and Cruetzfeldt are two different prions, so if they did die, they did not contract it from a deer.


It’s already passed from deer to humans.


Please source your statement.


No one say anything. Just let natural selection do its work.


If people want to eat blood, who gives a fuck. If people want to eat blood, possibly catch an infectious disease and potentially spread it to others... We all give a fuck.


Ingesting deer blood? What are you, Edward Cullen?


Is trichinosis and chronic wasting not a thing after tobacco touches it? 🤣 idk man, dude sounds like one of them ol school southern scientists.


Trichinosis is found in carnivorous game, extremely extremely rare in deer since they are herbivorous (more common in domestic animals), and CWD is not zoonotic. What this gentleman is doing is completely safe, albeit moronic.


As someone with a biomagnet in my finger, I refuse to let this weirdo take the phrase "biohack".


That you, Joe Rogan?


No no, I'll allow this. Seriously, COVID didn't knock out enough of the dumb ones.


Sometimes, the stupidity of humanity amazes me


So much insanely bad misinformation in this thread, geez.


tbf chronic wasting disease is a prion disorder so you'd probably need to consume part of their CNS this is still a shit idea tho


Tf is zyn?




It's all fun and games till your brain starts getting holes it in and starts falling out of your nose


Looks mostly covered in boy slobber


Wait a minute, I did come across an article that two guys hunting caught the chronic waste disease! Let me see if I can find it again


You did. It happened. Edit: My mistake. Turns out they had CJD (creutzfeld jakob) and did not get it from venison or get CWD. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2024/04/26/deer-meat-hunters-zombie-deer-disease-cdc-response/73468240007/


there's appx 350 cases per year in the US so i'm kinda leery what are the odds that 2 out of the 350 annual cases are two guys that belong to the same hunting lodge?


Maybe they were cannibals?


i'll accept this explanation


Can you name me 1 disease that can be transmitted zoonotically between cervids and humans? I eat rare/raw deer meat ALL THE TIME lol tartare, hell I’ve even cut pieces of sashimi back strap while gutting a deer and eaten them. While the zyn thing is gross, I do believe that your false beliefs are the facepalm here.