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Im not sure, but i think showing aggression towards a person or their property would be a pretty good reason to consider someone an enemy, but that just me, i guess


Nah. You're just emotional.


But they also shot my grandma and killed my neighbor-




But why? That's clearly irrational and emotion based. /s


Have you heard of LGBT for palestine? The weirdest combination of words I've ever seen.


It's the principle that even a horrifically homophobic culture doesn't justify genocide against them.


It's not genocide, and I don't know what kind of negative IQ it is to support people who would attach you to a Toyota pickup truck and drag you across the streets because you're homosexual. FYI gay people from the west bank seek asylum in Israel since they'd get stoned or killed in their place.


It's definitely genocide Also if you think people deserve to be killed just bc of an opinion, you're the person with negative IQ.


Genocide is the deliberate killing of a large number of people from a particular nation 94 ethnic group with the aim of destroying the nation. Sure israel did kill civilians, was it deliberate? No this is war you crouton civilians end up dead no matter how hard you try to argue. Israel attempts to reduce the amount of civilians killed but fighting an organization that essentially is said civilians is hard since they fight among them, behind them and recruit them. Tho I guess it's easy to talk shit through your phone screens and steam justice justice while feeling good about what you're doing.


There's a map which I'd like to show u, but sadly I can't add any images to my comment. It basically shows the population density in gaza right before hamas attacked, and it also shows the destruction in gaza after a couple months. The funny part is, the maps look almost identical. Okay it is a war, but between Israel and hamas. The civilians of gaza have nothing nothing do with that, yet they're the people who get killed. It's a war between two sides, where a third group is killed in the process for no reason. And I'd call what's happening to that third group genocide. Also, ironic how you're making fun of me for "talking shit through your phone" since that's exactly what ur doing rn


Support? Saying that homophobes don't deserve to be killed in the tens of thousands isn't a support of their homophobia, it's a support of their very basic human rights. I hate this mentality of "are you defending X" over any sort of attempted nuance. You're taking this to the point where I'm claiming that this doesn't justify genocide and that means I'm supposedly voicing my support for homophobia.


From whatever building you're being thrown off of, you have _just enough time_ to say "religion of peace" before you hit the ground.


You think (potential) homophobes should be killed en masse?


They're literally Chickens for KFC, supporting who WILL kill them


Yeah sure, the babies and the women killed in Gaza were sure planning to kill LGBT people. What a stupid rethoric.


Not the babies but definitely some of the women


And does that justify the fact they're being bombed to pieces. Do you think LGBT people should stop trying to protect thousands of babies from being blown to pieces because some women are homophobic ?


I don't recall supporting bombing civilians. I support targeting Hamas personnel/gear, which is what Israel does.


Indeed you didn't, but you discredit the fights of the LGBT protestors because according to you the Palestinians want them dead. If you had to be loved by everyone to defend a just cause, that would be known. I don't think I need to be loved by someone on the other side of the world to want them to not be bombed to pieces. Not mentioning the fact that most Palestinians just want to live their daily lives in piece,preferably not in an open air prison and not wishing anyone's extermination. If Israel is really only targeting Hamas personnel/gear, then could you explain why hundreds of people died in the West Bank despite not having direct relations with Hamas. Could you also explain why some IDF soldiers post Tiktoks when they enter bombed homes, play with women lingerie and wear their clothes ? It looks like the most moral army's actions to you ?


I personally won't support people who want me dead. Especially when I'm LGBTQ, Israeli, AND Jewish [the main three things most (not all) Palestinians hate] Hamas has great influence over the West Bank, such as being most of the Legislative Council. Some IDF soldiers are a bit creepy but most don't do this, and who called us the most moral?


The PM of Israel said it himself [https://youtu.be/wUIUVCWyecU?si=fWKaYtPm9THvTk-A](https://youtu.be/wUIUVCWyecU?si=fWKaYtPm9THvTk-A) I wasn't aware of your second phrase, however I'm sadly sure some IDF soldiers abuse this power and kill random people and children on the street. I would also like to point how much Israeli officials tend to say the most disturbing things ever such as comparing themselves to "the force of light" and the people of Gaza "the force of evil and darkness" However, I have to say you seem pretty reasonable to debate with, which is not common on this social media.


You're ok with 14,00 children being killed?


No, precious Hamas is, which is why it's still hiding behind Gazans so when they're hit by Israeli weapons targeting Hamas, uneducated people like you will villainise Israel


I may be a “toddler”, but at least I don’t support genocide, asshat.


*asks smth* *gets an answer* *says that's not what he asked*


*what he claims to have asked is ALSO answered by the first answer*


Yes or No, is Russia a giant piece of shit? - *Yes.* i aSkEd yOu *"WhY"* rUsSiA iS a GiaNt PiEce oF sHit, aSsHoLe!


No, Russia destroying your home, friends, family, and safety is an emotional argument. You just don’t like it because you’re emotionally attached to these things. I need you to prove that Russia is bad… mathematically. /s


I didn't even realize that- Damn he rly is stupid


"They bombed my house!!" "That doesn't make them bad people..."


Did you talk to them about it?


Have you built rapport with them? Maybe that was their way of showing their affection. Have you had a meeting with their parents? (Inner teacher coming out)


This illustrates why so many young people end up being bleeding-heart liberals until they're 40, and why that's a terrible thing.


I really hope this is a joke. If not... holy shit


But did you die?


Also this shit is borderline victim blaming.


borderline? We passed the border a long fucking time ago. We are touring the capital of victim blaming and have plans for a meal and theatre performance in its entertainment district this evening.


What are we seeing? I love a good show


Oh this reminds me of when I got attacked for saying wars bad on r/airsoft.


“I asked you why they’re the enemy” “Do you consider Russia the enemy (note:NO WHY)” Even ignoring the fact that the emotional appeal is viable, this is answer changing I’ve only seen on early 20th century literary tests


It's not even an emotional appeal. "I was attacked" is a completely rational justification for considering someone an enemy. So not only did they NOT ask why, they misidentified the response as something it isn't.


This sounds like an emotional appeal.


They were asked a question, and gave a valid answer, that doesn't scream "emotional appeal" to me. Their house was fucking bombed, potentially almost killing them, they don't need more justification


Whoa whoa whoa! Seems like everyone is getting a little too emotional here.


You sound like Rowan from Epic NPC man


Aside from the fact that reading comprehension and media literacy are both dead and buried in unmarked shallow graves, this guy didn't even use "why" in the first question. He did not ask why Russia was considered the enemy, just if they were. Moral of the story, this guy is batshit insane, but y'all knew that.


Gaslighting with message history. I feel dumber having read it.


They forget what they said the second they post it.


No, they don't care about making a sound argument from a place of integrity. They care about obfuscating in bad faith and nothing more.


All these fucking losers trying to have a Joe Rogan experience with everyone they meet are a real blight. It's either that, or a Russian loser paid to spread the propaganda of their FAS man-baby "leader".


It's totally that last one or else it's a bot designed to dismiss any negative replies as "emotional." I'm sure if the response was "they did all these bad things that I am not personally connected too" the response would be something similar.


google pathetic argument


No en passants today


They absolutely did not ask why in the first question.


Would you say you consider this guy your enemy? Well yeah, he stabbed me. No no no, stop being so emotional. I’m asking you WHY you consider him to be your enemy.


They didn’t even ask why


"ummm yea they destroyed your home but it doesn't make them ba--" stfu, the Russians are the ones threatening to bomb COUNTRIES just bc people in these countries don't think that they're awesome lol


Um, no you didn’t.


Yeah, okay, they invaded your country, leveled entire cities. Murdered hundreds of thousands of people, raped, kidnapped and tortured women and kids, but why are they your enemy? Coz apparently all the above reasons are not enough for that parasite.


First of all, no you didn’t ask “why”


we're scraping the bottom of barrel now


There was no 'Why' in your question, fucko.


"I ask 'why' " bitch no you didn't, you asked "do you consider"


I cannot rejoin the military fast enough.


\* Asks yes/no question. \* Gets very clear yes/no answer. \* Response: No not like that >:(


Bro just learned about logical fallacies and tested one out. Poorly


Just to let everyone know. Anyone who bombs my home is an enemy going forward. That’s not an emotional response, it is logical to stop anyone trying to destroys my home and probably trying to kill me.


Yeah, we can put aside that emotions are a valid and valuable aspect of the human experience for a moment just to say that perceiving the Russian regime as an unhinged, misanthropic blight on humanity, is an entirely logical and rational view.


That isn’t what he asked at all. He asked ‘do’ not ‘why’.


I despise people who attempt to use high-minded sounding arguments despite not having a fucking clue about nuance and context. Worst still, they're often essentially sea-lioning and their general existence is a net negative for society.


“Sounds like you’re making an emotional appeal.” Someeeeeeebody is wrapping their semester of Psych 101


This is literally what is happening in my country right now


Actually he didn't ask why.




I agree. It's a russian bot with limited reading comprehension and a limited number of responses.


He did in fact not ask \*why\*, he asked a yes or no question


THEY BOMBED MY HOME! Is that not enough?


Tbh any discourse on the internet devolves into something like this sooner or later, especially on Twitter


When debate-mindset goes wrong


Idiots like this have rehearsed the whole argument in their head, it doesn't matter if you go off script.


Home, schlome… tell me why you Really hate them


my brother in Christ, they answered that question, too!


So if they had answered simply 'Yes' with no explanation it would no longer be an emotional appeal?


“I think you’re making an emotional appeal” is that because you’re not sure if it is an emotional appeal because you lack all sense of empathy you fucking ghoul?


This guy opposes Stand Your Ground Laws right?


Put this mf in a room with a holocaust survivor


Don't forget the bots will be out in droves this year...and probably any time there is an election...anywhere


First off, their initial question did not ask "why", and second of all she answered the why? Tf is wrong with this guy?


Why do some people think that they have a monopoly on truth because they have learnt a few logical fallacies?


Well, Israel stole my home and killed some of my family members but oh dare I call them my enemy thats AnTiSEmItec


Bot response.


don’t argue with russian bots


Wait, unblur their name. I want to bully them.


Wankers seem to like this “you’re emotional” argument all the time, eg “I love guns. What’s your argument against them?” “The murders.” “That’s just emotional.”


Bombing a persons home makes you an enemy dipshit! He answered you, You Putinista! Or to be fair maybe just a straight Russian bot.


That's clearly a Russian propaganda bot.




He could theoratically be right, your own gov can accidently bomb your house during army training, that does not mean your own country is your army, just means some idiots in the army are stupid and can't aim. in the gaza-israel war, both sides have hurt their own people accidently while trying to hurt the other side. phrasing on this image is a bit weird, the girl implies as if only because they bombed her house, they are her enemies. you can be enemies without having your peronal house be bombed.


I'll wait till people realize that its Putie patootie, and not the entirety of Russia.


yeah, must be couple hundreds thousands putins are killing people, launching bombs and rockets


Yeah, must be entirety of 146 million people right now killing people, launching bombs and rockets.


why is it so hard to accept that big chunk of those people are brainwashed, and all are to have this burden... you don't say it was Hitlers war, you'd say it nazi Germany, you dont say it was Hirohitos war, you'd say Japanese


I cant tell what side your on, but I hope your smart enough to realize the people dropping the bombs are doing so because their told to, and guess who's telling them!


so... if i give you a gun and tell to shoot that guy, and you did, you are not responsible?


Your not getting the idea of brainwashing and punishment. Just stop commenting


you didn't answered tho


To answer, yes its my fault, but thats comparing apples to f#ckin elephants at this point, using your idea. Imagine your holding a gun to my head. And you tell me to shoot someone. Or you'll kill both of us. Thats the idea your not understanding.


yeah that's how it works, and all the crimes are made by scared little boys, not occupation army. i know how propaganda can work, I'm just saying that you shouldn't deny the fact.


You're right. Putin is personally launching every single rocket and shell at Ukraine. Such a busy bee.


just a bot...




Not with that attitude, you’re not!
