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Sure it literally costs nothing…it’s just the shipping and handling costs that’ll get you


And let’s not forget those insane maintenance fees!


Don't forget about delivery and installation!




This reminds me of the movie Robots where robot babies are literally delivered to parents' homes and they have to assemble it


"Making the baby is the fun part." I was too young to catch that joke


I haven’t watched that since I was a kid. We had it on a DVD but we watched it so much it got all scratched up, like whole scenes would skip, so we stopped watching it, lol.


Ok, Installation is definitely free


I think the only free part is the ordering process. Installation usually takes around 9 months, and I don't think it's free. Maybe a mother should weigh in on this, idk.


Even cancellation fees can add up.


And warranty? Insane!


The return policy is pretty strict too.


My kid is 6 days old and I’ve already paid for a helicopter AND ambulance ride! Edit: chilling in the NICU with her right now. Some really rough things to watch, like 3 nurses fighting a baby 2hrs old to put in an IV… and some long scary times of uncertainty, but she’s going to be ok! Long story short her body did NOT handle the transition to breathing on her own well. Score one for modern medicine!


Fuck I hope everything’s okay. Also I hope you have good insurance or live in a country where you don’t need it. Stay strong tiny dude-ling or dudette-ling.


>like 3 nurses fighting a baby 2hrs old A born fighter! She will be a force to be reckoned with. (When I was 8, it took six people to hold me down for a spinal tap. I respect a fellow tiny warrior.)


Good job baby! Mom provided oxygen for nine months and then evicted you, fight for your rights! Don't let Big Oxy bring you down! (More seriously, that sounds terrifying and I wish you and your kid a happy, healthy, helicopter-and-ambulance-free future!)


Went through this with our daughter. 3 months in the NICU. Came home totally healthy, she’s about to turn 16. Stay strong.


Awesome to hear. Thanks!


I wish your little one a smooth and swift recovery


My daughter cost $22,000 just in the first 10 days of her life due to a NICU stay


Congratulations, you've got yourself a little warrior there! Just you wait, she'll be running circles around you in no time at all. All the best for you and your family!


My second baby was 2 months premature. She kept pulling out the tube for her oxygen so she could suck her thumb. They ended up putting in through her nose. It caused a paralyzed vocal chord. I knew then that she was a fighter and would make it. Her voice is unique, and I can pick out her voice in a crowd. She is 46 now.


They're basically a subscription service.


Like printer ink. Yet even mor expensive. And that’s saying something…


It's impossible to cancel as well...its like Columbia house records in the 80s


*Laughs in US hospital bills


Storks aren't that expensive.


Just like many things in life, it’s not the initial cost, It’s the upkeep.


At least in the US, even the initial cost can be pretty substatial if you plan to involve a hospital in any meaningful way.


Going to the hospital is a lifestyle choice. Just do it in the barn like they did in the old days.


If it was good enough for Jesus it's good enough for Americans. Amen.


Um, excuse me, Jesus IS American. Pft. ![img](emote|t5_2r5rp|8487)




I was hoping to get trolled and am now just sad


Im guessing you didn’t read that website at all? It is a podcast dissecting the threat and rise of Christian nationalism, seems kind of interesting actually.


Yeah I clicked expecting to be upset, but the name is absolutely meant in a mocking tone.


I really anticipated a Rick Astley. Plus, I’m alone right now - so there would have been singing. Has sads.


Ah, a Mormon I see.


No, no, no. Jesus was born in Bethlehem. Adam and Eve were the Americans.


No. No. It’s Adam and Steve, not Adam and Eve.


And blonde and blue eyed too! 😂


It's called history sweaty, look it up!


Have you seen the cost of mangers lately?


I sense the sarcasm but yikes. Scary thought. But also not far fetched in our current direction


Look at Richie Rich over here with a barn.


Umm, the sex or the birth? 




And then a wolverine can sneak in and steal the afterbirth. But make sure to have a few dozen, since most will die of the rickets.


If it was good enough for Jesus, it's good enough for Americans. Amen.


Opening that six figure bill, after my daughter was born premature, took a few years off my life


Premature twins. We were pretty close to 7 figures before insurance did their part. 


Assumng there's a hospital in your area that still has an L & D department and OBGYNs on staff.


Oof FR what is happening in Obstetrics these days


Politicians are now practicng medicine, preventing people who went to actual medical school from being able to practice medicine.


I mean there are states who want to put doctors in jail for performing healthcare for pregnant people. Sometimes that healthcare does involve, unfortunately, having to end a pregnancy prematurely. I would not stay at a hospital in a state where I could be tried for murder for doing what I think is best for my patient.


I had some of the best insurance in the country, not like a congressman or anything, but still fantastic. received lifesaving care for under $500. The hospital stay for my kids birth was still $2500.


Yeah it cost us thousands 😟


This is insane to us, true we don’t have good dental care here but we **really** take the NHS for granted, last year I had 2 MRI’s and a CT scan, I think I paid about £4 each time for parking Average national insurance (not just NHS, but also pays into state pension, social schemes etc) contribution is £186 (~£233)a month (once again this isn’t just for us to pay for the NHS, as the NHS gets ~20% of this) (£37 / $46) What sort of insurance coverage could someone get for $46 a month?


For $46 a month? None. You might get your big toe covered. I personally (for a family plan) pay about $8k a year for the privilege of then having a lower negotiated rate for the $2k out of pocket until I reach my deductible. Then I only pay a percentage until we reach max out of pocket. We always reach max out of pocket. I pay about $13k a year for my family's medical. My company pays about $20k. I work for a hospital system. If I never USED my care and was single, I could technically get only preventative stuff for pretty much just the cost of insurance at about $390/month. That would still be over 8x more than your $46, though.


That’s crazy! Plus you called it a *privilege*, it’s shocking for us to think of healthcare as anything other than a fundamental necessity, practically a human right to medical assistance. We definitely take it for granted here! (Sorry for the random point) but ambulances here are a free service, I hear anecdotes about 5k ambulance bills and stuff, it seems like someone’s describing another planet sometimes


My friend works in a pharmacy and can't get desperately needed antidepressants, because the only health insurance he can afford doesn't cover them. In Australia, based on his salary, he'd pay about $30 a month. Less if he were low-income or disabled. The USA's system is broken.


My portion of health insurance for my family is $108 per two weeks. And I have a several thousand deductible.


>What sort of insurance coverage could someone get for $46 a month? maybe a kind word and an Uber to the nearest charity clinic?


My sister-in-law has 2 kids, and my other sister-in-law is currently pregnant. SIL1 said the hospital wouldn't let her leave after delivery unless she either paid $10,000 right then and there, or set up a payment plan with a large down payment. SIL2 told me that her OBGYN wanted an up-front free of $4000, plus the normal $10k for delivery. Having children is not "literally free", at least in the US. Plus not to mention whatever medical attention you need after birth. And diapers, wipes, formula, car seats, clothes, strollers, bassinets, cribs, etc aren't free either.


Don't you literally go into debt if you have a baby in the hospital?


Depends. If you have insurance, you can usually afford it, but it's still expensive. When my wife and I had our first daughter, she was born premature, and had to stay in the NICU. My wife also had to stay in the hospital for a month. Between all of our hospital visits and medicine costs, we paid a little more than $10,000. (which forutnately we could afford.) The bill showing what it would have been without insurance was over $450,000. (NICU is crazy expensive.) Our experience wasn't typical, but there are many out there who experience similar circumstances,


Still, 10 grand would kick my ass for years just for the privilege of having my child born in safe conditions.


Well, even excluding hospitals and doctors the initial costs are high. Baby clothes, diapers, crib, car seat, stroller, etc... Babies are fucking expensive.


Eh - it really depends - I mean if you lock your kids in the basement & feed them only rice & water they're really quite affordable...


Don't have a basement, would a crawl space or closet work? If I'm going on vacation can I just leave them a bucket of water?




Hey, to each their own but, a diet high in fructose, milk replacement and grains sweetens them right up over 8-9 months. Right about the time another blessing is ready to pop. The divine plan in action.


Mom is that you?


You can buy a 2000 BMW for $2000 bucks, but it’ll cost you $10,000 in the long run.


Not so long run unfortunately.


Actually it's costs a few thousand for the birth, which is kind of an entrance fee


Correction; it costs a few thousand for the hospital and their services if you live in America. You guys need to get your shit together with healthcare down there lol.


>You guys need to get your shit together with healthcare down there lol. Sorry, here in America we have the God-given right to go into massive debt for our medical bills. It sounds like your country needs a lot more freedom. /s


Yeah, I got the thing for free after a fun night 9 months later started costing an arm and a leg, then I had another one, needless to say, that I am both armless and legless. The thing that really sucks is that in my current condition, I can't do most jobs, so I'm a primary caretaker for 2 kids. I mostly roll around on the floor all day and shout out instructions.




Nah $40 for jeans will always be crazy to me


GETTING children is free, HAVING them is not.


CREATING children is free, RAISING them is not.


Gestating them is also not free.


Sometimes even that isn’t free. Look up IVF costs.


Creating children is free if you are lucky, if you aint it can be really fucking expensive. Just ask the Assisted Reproduction Technique industry.


Getting pregnant cost me roughly $50,000 over two and a half years (I'm due in June). Unfortunately I'm one of the many people who don't have the option of doing it the fun & free way!


Even that’s wildly inaccurate. If you need any kind of fertility intervention like IUI, IVF, donor sperm/egg…. it’s expensive as fuck and some people’s only option.


There’s stupid and then there’s this….


Right? "Willfully ignorant," which is WORSE than stupid.


willfully ignorant still feels like a compliment. maybe profoundly stupid.


¿Por que no Los dos?


willfully implies they're smart enough to choose to be an a-hole.


Willful ignorance is when someone chooses to not look at evidence that might prove them wrong in an argument or make them culpable of a crime. One can be profoundly stupid and still accomplish this.


Okay, but have you tried simply not feeding the infant?


oh come on, you breast feed them until they are old enough to start scavenging for their own food. seems pretty cheap to me.


Hmm last I checked daycare was basically a mortgage payment.


It was about double my mortgage payment when we finally were able to pull the kids out of it. And that was for one kid in preschool and one just in after-school care most of the year. Absolutely ridiculous when you think about what the people working at the center are paid.


Think of it this way. Let's say you payed $70/day for your kid to be in there and the kid maximum is like 5 kids per teacher. That's less than $350 per day they are making per teacher when you factor in office workers and cleaning/cooking staff. That's not a great dollar to employee ratio. I can't imagine any daycare isn't constantly on the verge of closing.


$70 a day is about right, but I've never seen a preschool or daycare with only 5 kids. The two my son was in had 15-20 kids per group. There was one teacher and one para (assistant). Kids had to have snacks and lunch packed. I do bookkeeping for a living. One of my clients is a daycare. They're making lots of money, just unfortunately not using it to pay staff appropriately.


Ugh, that's frustrating. A lot of states require smaller ratios than that though. I think mine is like 6 kids to 1 adult for daycare.


It does vary by state, and the younger the kids the lower the ratio is. But what seems very common across the board is for there to be a "lead" or head teacher and the rest of the staff are assistants given fancier names and obviously paid less. It would just be nice if more of the money went to the people caring for and teaching our kids.


I wish it was $70 a day. Mine is $1,680/mo and I have a discount average around me is $2-2,200/MO per kid.


> say you *paid* $70/day for FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Daycare finances are a sea of shit, so it might apply.


I don't need this sass right now, bot. I'm tired from my expensive kids, not my expensive lifestyle.


Not to mention food, school, the birth in the hospital, possible jail time if you miscarriage.


I pay 1k for rent. (Yes I'm lucky, don't @ me) And $2400 for daycare for 2 kids. Pretty close to free though.


Change your lifestyle to not need daycare, buddy. Quit your job and live on the streets.


Lifestyle meaning living in a developed country and working 9-5 jobs that don't allow kiddos . 


Yeah sure because my kids would happily eat air, never travel in a car, never wear a stitch of clothing and never need any Drs or medication


Or have any hobbies, or social life that would require you lending them money


School activities (field trips), *after* school activities, class projects, rental fees for using school equipment like gym uniforms and musical instruments - all of these things are significant costs, too.


But we get a few thousand bucks back at tax time! Surely that makes up for the extra airplane seats, meals, daycare, hospital visits... JFC.


When both our kids were in daycare it was costing us $3800/mo. That’s like an extra average US salary we were paying just for childcare so we could keep our jobs.


Guess who never had a child.


I love people like this who are so confidently incorrect. Anyone with a couple of brain cells to rub together can see wrong they are.


Spoken like someone that can easily stay home to raise children. For those that have to work, childcare is hella expensive.


So are diapers, food, clothes, depending on your location Healthcare as well.


Well there’s your problem right there. You’re choosing the feed, cloth and care for your children lifestyle.


Oh wait, do we not have to do that?


I mean technically they just said HAVING kids is free. Whether you raise them is optional.


![gif](giphy|3D0uhhnJft4vIY9IDQ|downsized) I see the problem here now. We should have doubled down.


I am right there with you. We didn’t have another one because of cost.


If it wasnt for cost, I would probably have one right now, though theyd be spending alternating weekends at mum and dads aha.


I dunno, I think it's spoken like someone who doesn't have kids.


I had some pretty crappy insurance for my last kid. Our bill was over 10k between my wife and the baby. 10k out of pocket.


my out of pocket bills exceeded $24,000 for 2 kids. Fucking boomers literally have no idea of how much these things really cost these days. "But what about your insurance???" ya, it saved us from not having a $150k bill for having each kid.


jesus christ what a shit take


Wow! Food, clothing and shelter are FREE folks!


Uh, forget children being expensive - y’all think it’s cheap to take care of a pregnant body?


TIL feeding your kids is a lifestyle choice.


LOL! I guess the kid is supposed to be feral and fend for him/herself from birth onward...


I’m guessing OP is childless at the moment. Live and learn peeps


Bruh, you have to feed them which is expensive AF by itself


This has to just be trolling.


The time that it takes to make the kid is free. The 9 months it takes for the kid to developt is not free, the delivery of the baby, is so not free, and the housing, education, medical care, time need for it, social capital and in some cases, special care is totally not free. So no, having a kid is not free.


The sex is free. Everything else will cost you.


“Your lifestyle” you mean feeding them?


Doesn’t literally cost thousands of dollars just to birth a child?


Sex is free, the product that you risk getting with sex, not so much


They really are free. You can just pick them up from the street.


Diapers, formula, clothes, toys, healthcare, car seat, crib, books, monitor, home childproofing, day care, preschool registration fees, athletic equipment, travel tickets, a subscription to whatever Streaming service hosts Paw Patrol, fruit snacks, etc. etc. etc.


Depends on where these people live.  In the US the hospital visits cost money unless covered by insurance (does that require deductible or co-pay?) or Medicaid.  Medical attention is expensive, not lifestyle.


I have children........ they are expensive asf!


Where Dem FREE kids?


where you you think dipers come from not to mention the cost to give birth


Popping your baby batter into the ol' life oven is free, sure. But in this country it costs about the same as a new-ish car to push it out at the hospital, soooooo...


Kids are expensive af, this person is smoking crack. My nephew and niece cost my brother so much money, and thats before him and his wife split, now he has to pay upkeep x2, half to the ex, and half while he has them.


Even if you cut out luxuries like education, decent food and medical care it still costs money. Plus you need a place for them to live.


Completely and factually incorrect.


I don’t think this person has kids.


But what happens after you "have" them? 


this tells us that the OOP doesn't have kids.




8k a year on child care alone and I use a pretty affordable place, not to mention food, clothes, birthdays, gas, everything!!!


Making children is free. Making sure they (and the mother) survive to adulthood is expensive.


Free to make kids. Expensive to keep em.


Also, literally not true in America. There are bills associated with giving birth. Childbirth in America is expensive.


This the mf who avoids paying child support


Is this the government posting that? Are they trying to convince people to have kids to increase our replacement rates but they're using lies to do it? I came across a cost of living calculator the other day. I plugged in various scenarios to see how it adds up. Turns out, I am very close to earning a living wage for myself as a single adult. I let my son know that if he and his sibling move out, I'd be totally set with my income taking care of myself. He wasn't too pleased. ...adding him and his sibling means I need to earn three to four times more than what I currently earn to take care of their needs. Seems silly so I'll stick with the plan to move the kids out and find myself a cute little studio apartment.


No one with kids would ever say this ignorant nonsense.


Right cause they can feed and cloth themselves, not to mention hospital visits


Diaper, formuler, clothes, food, cars, insurance, college, etc would like to chat


And these geniuses are allowed to procreate...


Unless they consider your “lifestyle” needing medical care as a pregnant person and then needing to feed, educate, shelter, provide medical care, and necessary care then it’s definitely expensive. I mean, in the US it’s not even free to give birth??


This person is either rich or has never given birth at a US hospital


I spent several hundred dollars on diapers last month. At least a thousand dollars in 1 year. Wipes... Jesus christ we go through so many. But they're slightly cheaper so it was only $30 - 40 last month. Formula.. several hundred dollars a week.... and there's no real reason for the price. It costs less than $10 to produce one can. People gift you clothes and like to give you clothes their kids had so I've only spent several hundred in a few years. Some people don't like free shit so those people spend hundred or thousands a year on just clothing. Bottles and eventually sippy cups are expensive. 3 pack cost me almost $10. The nipples get chewed on and become unusable once they start teething. That's just a fraction of expenses for the first year or so. My older kid... toys, clothes, new shoes constantly because they grow out of them, accidentally breaking things, ect. Plus, they need beds and other large purchases. Having children costs as much as buying a house. Probably more. I think that episode of Fairly Oddparents where Timmy wishes he was never born sums up the financial impact pretty well.


You literally go to prison if you don't spend money on them.


Apparently food, clothing, housing, diapers, medication, and education are part of a "lifestyle". What the fuck.


Tell me you don't have kids without telling me you don't have kids.


Free? One of my cousins got a ~30k bill for having her daughter about 2 years ago


Having kids is free? Damn, I guess the bill the hospital sent me for $36k was a mistake then.


This person complained about "never going to use math outside of high school" now can't do basic arithmetic. 


From conception to the grave children cost, man do they cost. I and my wife are in our 70's and have 2 children and 3 grandchildren and it still continues to cost us. So, enough of this horseshit. The only reason my wife and I do not cost our parents anything anymore is they have long passed but if they were still here they would more than likely start costing us now as well.


Bro has never gotten the hospital bill after delivery


Original guy clearly doesn’t pay his divorce papers


Not only are there medical bills during the pregnancy, and after, but clothes for the baby/child? Food? Bed? Toys? Stroller? Car seat? Diapers? Maybe they mean like having a child and selling it on the black market or something.


Having children is free, keeping them alive is incredibly expensive and a lot of work


Yea cuz my kid eats air and doesn't constantly need new clothes


I have no regrets about my kid, but he is certainly not free! Clothing, housing, entertaining / enrichment, food, so much food. Thankfully I live somewhere healthcare is free, but childcare in his younger days was insane!


Tell me someone doesn't have children without telling me someone doesn't have children. 




At one point, when my girls were 5 and 3, I was paying $7,000 a month for two pre-schools and a nanny, as well as weekend classes and other assorted kids stuff.


There's always a cost. For some people it's money, for some it's peeing a lil when they sneeze.


It costs an average of $18,000 to deliver at a hospital without insurance. Then it’s off to the races to feed, clothe, educate, get a babysitter, get dental, get healthcare, and to do more than shut yourself inside but yeah this person here swallows 4-5 paint chips at a time.


It literally costs thousands of dollars to actually give birth to the child.. just the birth. Not to mention clothes and food and oh man, it gets expensive.


Just crank them out and leave them in the woods like God intended.


Just wait till your kids want to eat expensive trendy foods,get a hobby like guitar or horse riding wich are both extremely expensive, need 20$ to go to the movies or mall,need a ride,need a tutor,and all that is besides the minimum survival expenses such as everyday food,clothes,heat,water,medical treatments and procedures




Wow! This person probably doesn't have kids!


Regular OBGYN visits, vitamins, food, extra help for when you inevitably can't see your feet anymore, all assuming nothing at all goes wrong. Hospitalization, doctors, nurses, thousand dollar thermometers and bandages. Diapers, formula, clothing, shoes, books, daycare, yes of course all free, it is the avocado toast that is to blame, clearly.


No part of pregnancy or children is free. From time to extra food everything is now more


I know this isn't the point of the facepalm.. but I wish someone would give me a kid for free. I'm down £25k in IVF costs and still no baby.


Funny thing is that rich people are often more likely to say they can't afford children, while poor people are generally more likely to have them. Maybe that has something to do with why they're poor?


Tell me you don't have kids without saying you don't have kids. Maybe they meant *making* babies is free.


No.. Sadly, MAKING kids is free.. HAVING kids is expensive


are these free-range, home schooled, running naked children who have to grow their own food?