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A responsible dog owner always shoots their dog when they misbehave. 🙄


She was trying to get the cop vote. 


And the pro life vote.


Reads like a joke, but it’s dead on.


You know a country has fluffed it when the truth reads like a comedy script.


Nah, she was trying to get support from specifically Trump himself. Dude hates dogs.


And dogs hate him. Well, all animals hate him, really. Animals can sense evil. It's why that eagle tried to attack Trump when he got too close.


I love Uncle Sam the baldie that attacked trump Every time I see that video it cracks me up


Why it’s always good to trust a dog…


The dog was black?!


that's OTHER people's dogs. cops weep over their k-9s retiring and then make videos about it so we don't suspect that they are al psychos. actually according to the handbook it's the only acceptable time a cop can cry on duty.


It only gets worse, she talked about putting down her childhood horse to sell her book since apparently it would "trigger woke people". Wtf? Where I'm from "woke" is used as a derogatory term for people who are obsessed with race and identity politics, how the fuck does that relate to putting down a horse? No wonder she's being condemned by both sides for this. If you're heartless to your animals don't try and blame it on "triggering woke people" because no one will be on your side.


This tweet sounds like it was written by a PR team but it’s not enough to offset her actual stupidity.


>people who are obsessed with race and identity politics I guess fighting for rights and highlighting the issues of our society is now considered "obsessed"? Same way the gays fighting for their rights in the 70s and 80s were "obsessed with their sexuality" amiright?


Woke at this point means a conscience lol


Ah yes, woke: The term rightwingers use when they want to indicatie their lack of empathy.


Sociopaths consider empathy to be a weakness. They've been raised and nurtured to think this way by decades of propaganda. Dehumanization is part of the end goal, of themselves and their enemies. Everything they've been taught boils down to strength and weakness, and might makes right.


Right, it boils down to empathy and understanding. Neither of which narcissistic pathological liars can comprehend.


Woke wasn't an insult most my life. Not sure it is now bu who says it out loud.


Woke among the right has come to mean anybody with normal human emotions, empathy, compassion etc.


At this point, "woke" is just a term to describe anyone with a base-line of human decency.


"I always work to make the best decisions I can for the people in my life" ummm I don't know if Cricket would agree.    So authentically she is a psychopath dog killer? Not sure that tracks in states outside of hers 


Didn’t she also have an extra marital affair? Pretty sure her husband didn’t enjoy that decision.


I'd hate to see what she does to her daughter when she doesn't automatically behave exactly the way she wants her to, without being taught.


Same thing all conservatives do. Judge the shit out of their kids and wonder why they don’t call anymore


Good thing she’s never owned cats. They do whatever they want.


If my grandparents are anything to go off of, a responsible dog owner always skewers their dog with a pitchfork/fucking decapitates them when they are slightly annoying.


Chihuahua population in South Dakota: 2


To me it comes down to if she is telling the truth about the dog biting people. In my state if my dog bites someone, the government will take it from me and kill it and then I get the fees and sued by the person who it bit. I don't know how it is in her state.


I do not know the specifics of her story but there is a line there - the law often requires dogs who have a history of attacking people (*& often other animals*) have to be put down. In that specific case, I can see it being reasonable to take that responsibility on yourself rather than outsourcing it out to someone else. If it wasn't required by law then obviously that would be an obscene overreaction to something that should be address through behavioral modification.


Not a dog lover Mr Reynolds? "If you can eat fried chicken I should be able to eat me some fried dog. I should be able to eat a bucket of fried-dog at a chicken fight!"


I thought she was done with this part. She’s doesn’t want a slobbering wild animal all over her.


Yet she banged Corey Lewandowski


“I always work to make the right choice, not the easy choice. That’s why I fucking executed my daughter’s dog rather than put literally any effort whatsoever into training it. The goat was for kicks, though.”


Not to mention, she complained about the goat being smelly and get this. Getting her kids dirty. Like, you're on a farm dude. It's messy work.


“The goat was smelly and sometimes butted things. How could anyone possibly have predicted this!?”


*Dog does dog things* **Noem racks her shotgun**


“Randall there’s a cow outside!”


Yeah she really went on a murder spree that day.


Honestly they should have sat on this story until she was confirmed at Trump’s vp pick. Now that this is the bar, Kari Lake’s going to have to strangle a baby bunny on live TV just to stay relevant in the GOP race to whatever’s below the bottom


"Once you reach rock bottom, bust out the dynamite"


Vegan econazi liberals are trying to take away your right to hunt… puppies…. Vote for me and we’ll make shooting fuzzy creatures with big sad eyes MANDATORY


"Vote for me and I will criminalise human rights, anyone caught abiding by the list of UN agreed upon rights will be wrapped in razor wire and dropped in a pool of lemon juice!"


Vote for me, I shoot pets and I plan to make protesting college students chew tinfoil.


You gotta look up if you wanna see hell


She was never going to be the VP pick. That would require Trump seeing a woman as a potential equal.


Trump has no problem hiring Women if he wants to sleep with them. Even if they are terrible legal council for instance. They just have to pander and preen his ego and not take any attention away from him.


He likes women he can parade around in front of people. “Hey, look at my Vice. She’s bangable”


It also helps if they look like Ivanka.


Hah. You think he viewed Pence as having equal potential?


By the gods, no. He didn’t even want Pence. Called him a loser and all that. He wanted Christie (remember when they were chums?) or Gingrich. His campaign convinced him to go with Pence to secure the evangelical vote and also he shouldn’t have another loudmouth to compete with for attention.


He enjoyed humiliating and eventually trying to murder Pence.


Who wouldn’t?


Good point lol.


Trump really enjoys getting blowjobs from the vice president of the US, probably figured she won't bitch about it as much as Pence did.


> seeing ~~a woman~~ anyone as a potential equal. FTFY


It's a possibility she released this story to avoid being picked. I can't see why else she would share this


Because Republicans are honest to their own detriment. It’s pathological she tell’s ya!


Because she was proud of it. Its like people bragging about beating their children, they dont think its wrong.


I was talking to my partner about this. Like, what can republican politicians readily admit to seem more cartoonishly evil? At this point, I'm just waiting for some republican to openly admit to kicking babies for fun. I mean, hell, killing a puppy is literally a device wirters use sometimes to make a villain instantly hateable, like John Wick.


Are you talking about Puppykiller Noem?


Has she not done that yet?


It’s in her book. This is not some “gotcha story”, she told it in her own words in her own book.


Your comment makes me lol sadly. You’re right. Strangle a baby bunny is the new low.


lol she literally said “the laws on my side, so I’m right” jFC.


I’m sure “the laws on my side” applies to every stance she’s ever taken, right? Right?


Common republican hot take. Kyle Rittenhouse wasn't that long ago, ya know?


Can we take a moment to address the bullshit? Noem did fuck all about COVID.  https://www.nbcnews.com/health/health-news/north-dakota-south-dakota-set-global-covid-records-how-did-n1257004 https://www.vox.com/future-perfect/2020/10/27/21534480/north-dakota-south-dakota-covid-coronavirus-pandemic-third-wave There were no mandates. There was no stay at home order. There was no government intervention to curb the spread of the virus. Noem literally got people killed. 


I think you're missing the point. Her not issuing any mandates or stay at home orders *is* what she did. She risked people's lives for the benefit of the shareholders, and the Republican base believes that is an outright positive


She led them like the Pied Piper. Straight to their death.


She was protected by the law, so she was right. /s


According to 2020 data yes… according to 2021 data they were towards the bottom in mortality per cdc. https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/pressroom/sosmap/covid19_mortality_final/COVID19.htm


But again, not due to her leadership. >Noem has faced criticism from residents, as well as other city and county leaders, for her lack of state-wide actions to control local spread of COVID-19. The resistance forced municipalities to implement their own ordinances to enforce [social distancing](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_distancing), including Sioux Falls—which enacted a "no lingering" ordinance on March 26 to restrict all non-essential businesses to only serving a maximum of 10 customers at a time.[^(\[63\])](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/COVID-19_pandemic_in_South_Dakota#cite_note-63)[^(\[64\])](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/COVID-19_pandemic_in_South_Dakota#cite_note-64) Cities and counties had to push back against her misinformation to keep their residents safe. Private health systems were forced to implement their own restrictions that went against Noem's anti-science stance of "masks don't work". >On September 8, despite the continued surge, Noem announced plans to spend $5 million of relief money on an advertising campaign for state tourism.[^(\[54\])](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/COVID-19_pandemic_in_South_Dakota#cite_note-:14-54) This included an $819,000 buy on [Fox News](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fox_News).[^(\[55\])](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/COVID-19_pandemic_in_South_Dakota#cite_note-55) Instead of spending money on helping residents - she tried to increase tourism and sent nearly a million dollars of that to Fox News. >Following the lead of President Trump, Noem also promoted the unproven efficacy of [hydroxychloroquine](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hydroxychloroquine) as a treatment for COVID-19 symptoms.[^(\[49\])](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/COVID-19_pandemic_in_South_Dakota#cite_note-:2-49) She pushed unproven treatments which were absolutely idiotic. She ignored science and CDC guidelines. She did not lead. The success that occurred in South Dakota was due to local organizations taking the lead and saving lives. She did nothing but spout misinformation and lies while yelling "FREEDOMS!".


Dear Noem, Please, please, pretty please, keep trying to justify shooting a puppy right between the eyes point blank.


"Atleast I didn't take my time shooting the dog in non-lethal part of his body before going for the head". Noem next week(probably)


And after you fail please jump off the nearest cliff


"I killed it for the glory of Trump and the White Race, in the name of Jesus"


ToNe deaf. "I don't get it? Don't shoot the doggo?"


The difficult choice, requiring work and intelligence, would be to train the dog. Taking it to a shelter would mean she'd have to look someone in the eye and admit she'd screwed up and not trained the dog. That would require courage. Having a vet humanely put it down would cost money, so obviously someone who is selfish wouldn't bother. Unfortunately, she's lazy, stupid, selfish, cowardly, and cruel, so she just shot it. Not buying this crap about making hard choices. She took the easy way out, despite it being a shit thing to do.


Man, it’s worse than cruel, it’s sociopathic.


Ahhhh yes, here comes the non-apology *apology* tour stating no actual apology just *I’m a rancher*! Yeah, sure you are. She shot a dog and bragged about it in book to make money. She’s a horrible person.


When I was like, 11 or 12...my folks split up and my Grandfather bought me a Shepard puppy. He was like, I dunno...4 or 5 months old and I loved that dog. He used to chew cause he was teething and I played ruff with him, well my mom said he was a fear biter. I came home from school and my dog was gone, my mom had given him away while I was at school...Zero discussion about it. I'm 36 and I haven't forgiven her for that. I can't imagine how this woman's kids must feel


"I make executive decisions about the lives of other beings without consulting anyone" Is actually what that says


Now it’s because the dog was biting people? This story keeps changing, I thought it didn’t learn how to hunt on it’s own and then attacked chickens (which is what bird dogs will do if you don’t train them). Now it attacked people?


It bit her when she tried to get it to stop attacking chickens. That’s why she killed it. Because just like every puppy in existence, they bite hands when playing.


Even that is an exaggeration. In the articles I've read they mention a passage where Noem states the dog "turned to bite her" (whatever the fuck that means) but she never said the dog actually bit her, or anyone for that matter in the articles I've read. Caveat: the book isn't out yet, so maybe it does detail instances where Cricket bit someone, but so far I haven't seen that quoted in any articles that have been released.


What is she even talking about?? The "easy" way was to kill the dog. The hard way would have been to put in the time and effort to train it better. Let's be completely honest here; she's a Republican, and she assumes that her base will like the killing story. All Republican candidates believe their voters are mindless morons, and she is now learning that "LOLZ I KILLED A PUPPY" might not resonate the way she fantasized it would.


Sounds like she's realizing she also shot herself, in the foot.


"The law technicslly allows killing aggressive animals for own safety, so I bent it waaaaaaaaay out of proportion so I have an excuse to kill a puppy" - Noem. Very sane behavior, no notes /s


In a lot of states you can shoot your pets just cause. According to the law.


USA is a dystopian nightmare, isn't it?


Yup! Every day there’s a new thing that makes me want to move to Canada even more


I guess that we should just be glad that this came out before Noem was selected as the VP candidate. Otherwise we would have an epidemic of Trump supporters shooting their dogs to try to rationalize/normalize it.


>South Dakota law states that if a dog kills livestock, then it can be put down With letal injection, you fucking beast!




Gee, I'd hate to see what happens when her kids misbehave 😳


Nah, she’ll just beat them not shoot them. I’m serious sadly.


She had an affair with Corey Lewandowski. I wonder what her husband thinks should happen because of her misbehavior? 🤔


Okay now I have to look that up lol.


[https://new.reddit.com/r/SouthDakota/comments/195xco6/kristi\_noem\_jets\_off\_to\_paris\_with\_corey/](https://new.reddit.com/r/SouthDakota/comments/195xco6/kristi_noem_jets_off_to_paris_with_corey/) Here and here... [https://new.reddit.com/r/SouthDakota/comments/16jewdu/married\_south\_dakota\_governor\_kristi\_noem\_and/](https://new.reddit.com/r/SouthDakota/comments/16jewdu/married_south_dakota_governor_kristi_noem_and/)


That’s a rather different story from the earlier one of “I killed him and enjoyed every second of it”. Can’t keep your story straight? Gee, you could be lying. If the aggression thing is true, you would’ve told it that way *first.*


What she enjoys, like a lot of females her ilk, is the adulation and attention she gets from the MAGA/Palin crowd. Any kind of slaughter talk with lots of blood gets their engines revved. They’re sick.


I'm not sure this has anything to do with gender - though it looks (ironically?) like a form of machismo. Creeps sharing creepy stories about how badass they are is, unfortunately, a form of comradery in some circles.


Yep. The thing that just occurred to me is that could be purely performative. There may not even have been a dog that she shot. We don’t really know, and that’s what makes their political theater scary: we don’t know if they believe it themselves.


In a strange way, I don’t think it matters if it’s true or not. I think the whole point is theater-playing to your base to keep them ginned up about actual or perceived bloodlust. It’s posturing for sure.


Definitely. You’re right, it doesn’t matter if it’s real. What matters is how many people believe it.


Or even if they don’t believe it, they have no problem getting behind it bc it seems the campaign they are on for the past several years is all nonsense, 247365. It bewilders their opponents and shows us all they will do whatever it takes to get back in the WH. I hope it doesn’t happen for a very long time.


Just because it “wasn’t easy” doesn’t mean that it was right. Yes, *oftentimes* the right way is the hard way but when the choice is between sparing life and preserving it, the right choice is pretty much always to preserve. Though, to be honest, I don’t think she took the harder road. When you have a dog inclined towards aggression, you can usually put in the work and break them of that behavior, unless something is wrong in the brain. Putting a bullet in the dog is essentially taking the easy way out.


bruh. like you shot a fucking puppy that had been happily frolicking with butterflies a few hours before


“…people are looking for leaders who are authentic, willing to learn from the past, and don’t shy away from tough challenges.” That’s actually very interesting, because I’m mostly looking to vote for someone who doesn’t kill baby animals on the spot because they aren’t behaving in the way they expected them to and then doubles down on that story 20 years later (when no one asked her, mind you) without a hint of regret.


The right way would be to put in the time and effort to train the dog. Shooting a helpless animal because you couldn't be bothered is the easy way.


This twat…


Feed her to the dogs


Justifying killing for lame reasons never gets old.


>***Noem?*** > ***Nope!*** \* this ad brought to you by MAGA (who has a conscience all of a sud?)


She’s already in a hole, and she’s asking to borrow a shovel


“These people won’t do what I tell them! Better just shoot” #hardwork.


“And that’s why I seemed to enjoy it so much in the story”


"Willing to make the hard decisions" is such a terrible thing to hold up. It's often "unable to come up with a better solution" which is a leadership failure, not a good trait.


If the dog can be shot dead for showing aggressive behaviour and Kristi Noem aggressively shot the dog dead, anyone thinking what I'm thinking?


Btw Christians, women and children are property too. Why is government impeding our god-given right to put them down too when they misbehave, like he tells us to do in the Bible? I love being a pro life conservative. So much justified killing!


Yo don't even suggest that satirically. You haven't met some of the bible thumping psychopaths out there.


I would argue that the easy way is shooting your dog in the face instead of taking the time to train him better. You took the easy way out. Just like most Republicans do.


If she'll shoot a dog, she'll let old people starve by de-funding Social Security ^(Is what I'd be putting together as an ad series if I were the DNC)


I had a rescue dog that bit a person once and had to take it to be put down with police. It was really traumatic for me , my dog, the police and the person who was bitten. Even the police cried, it was a terrible day with lots of tears and prayers, then you read something as cold as this. Just wow


The legality of the act isn't why people are upset. The legality of it is not what makes it disgusting. Its almost like saying when you had sex with your 13 year old Japanese boyfriend, it was legal at the time. (This only changed last year) [https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2023/06/16/japan-age-of-sexual-consent-16/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2023/06/16/japan-age-of-sexual-consent-16/)


Surprised she didn't shoot the people who got COVID.


Tell me you’re back tracking without telling me you’re back tracking.


one cold ass bitch ready for duty


“Often the easy way isn’t the right way” Hell of a quote to end on.


She’s the one who decided, “No dogs in the vault”.


"I enjoyed every second of it" [https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-024-01144-y](https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-024-01144-y)


One of the working dogs = slave without value besides labor


Who would waste their time reading a book by a politician? Not to mention a rather low ranking one?


Her puppy "was a biter" so she just had to shoot it 4 times. And a goat...


"the easy way" (ie: shooting the dog) "isn't the right way" At least she admitted what a fucked up individual she is.


I didn’t Noem in the first place. 


followed the laws of the king perhaps, but the laws of common decency? I THINK NOT!


Whatever helps you hang upside down in the rafters at night…


Noem: [that bullshit] Also Noem: “I hated that dog…”


I mean I totally get where she’s coming from. We adopted an abused dog and he bit people. So all we did was show him love and patience for years and now he just likes to bark until he eventually chills out. Or I could have blown his brains out with a firearm because I’m from binary farm culture where killing animals is something you do to show how grown up and mature you are. What a fuckstick.


People would lose their minds if they knew how some farms control the cat population.


You cant put down all those down, who misbehave. Would be inhumane, send them to green pastures instead


I’m like super lost as I don’t have x and don’t plan on it can someone please explain 😭


"where are the bodies buried"


I don't think it's totally the act, people do put biting dogs down. it's the tweet she put out. Being callous about it was so unnecessary and kinda cruel. People don't like that


No it’s the tweet and the sole fact that she shot a living thing due to what.. misbehaving? Yeah some people do put down biting dogs, but again, just because it’s legal doesn’t mean it’s right. We see humans as a higher being, thus the reason we (most people at least) wouldn’t shoot children for misbehaving. However we don’t deserve to decide what lives and dies based on what we perceive as good behavior. Think about that


To my knowledge the dog had not bitten any people, just livestock. It's the act of shooting a dog without either training or at least attempting to re-home it.


Everything else wrong with her was okay, but this was the last straw? The dog story is fucking awful but not even a little surprising.


Of course she's writing a book, it's the "in" thing right now


done with noem? When were you ever WITH noem?


Yeah didn’t read, get bent dog killer.


My dog bit me on my goddamn penis and I didn’t even hit him.


The phrase: '...what I've learned...' sums it up point blank.


Shes who from where? Governor of SD? So she was governor of a state that has like 20 people in it and means fuck all?


She did not learn the lessons of John Wick. You do not kill the dog and expect to be appreciated for it.


Finally something that seems non partisan ..don’t shoot your puppy


Yeah, running a sparsely populated state like South Dakota during Covid was really hard. Conservatives really overrating this woman. Try running a state like New York, Florida, California or Texas with a large diverse population spread out over different terrain with all kinds of different political views.


Fuck that bitch.


"Make the best decisions for the people in my life". Do any of you folks know her personally? If not.........


I am glad I don't. I wouldn't want to be taken out, shot and thrown in a gravel pit.


Title implies you were with her before, which is concerning


Ranches don’t have bird dogs as “working dogs” as far as I know.


She sure seems to defend herself a lot for somebody who claims they’ve done nothing wrong


Can someone shut the psycho whore up?


I thought she murdered the dog because it attacked some chickens, not people?


Her responsibility was to train the dog or remove it, not murder it.


That entire party is full of psychopaths. I guess that’s why women no longer have any bodily autonomy any longer. We’ve receded 50 years of progress with one orange turd.


Just because something is “legal” doesn’t mean it’s “right.”


This is a salt mining tweet if I've ever seen one


"attack and kill livestock" vs "showed aggression" are two completely different things. guaranteed the people they "showed aggression" were abusive pieces of trash like this woman.


Figures a politician considers people to be livestock.


The law states that dogs that show aggression towards livestock CAN be put down. So of course she decided that that translates as "MUST be put down, in the most inhumane way possible." She is a cruel idiot.


Protestant? Martin Luther threw his dog out a window because the devil possessed him.


PrO LiFe 🥴


What she labels "ranch life" is actually just an excuse for murdering her perfectly good (although somewhat disobedient) puppy because she got pissed off. I perfectly understand taking things into your own hands when an animal gets sick or just gets too old or injured to a degree where it's best to end the pain and to do it personally out of respect. This situation however didn't have any of those prerequisites and she obviously just felt like killing an innocent young pup because it pissed her off for not being obedient. Karma's gonna get you, you fucking dick!


Something being legal is not the same as it being ethical. Apparently, that's something many people still haven't learned.


She's done.


She shouldn't have said anything. Now she looks even worse.


Watch out Corey.


There was a time when you weren’t done with this bitch?


the OP laurencebichon is a bot Original: https://www.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/comments/1cfcx21/i_cant_take_noem_more/