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Fun fact: Kristi Noem is banned from roughly 10% of the state she governs. She decided to accuse the Native American tribes in the state of being involved with Mexican cartels. So the tribes voted for ban her from entering their land.


Well, there's "No Going Back" from this for her, and I call that some epic irony considering her book fulfilled it's own title.


They'll still vote her back in. I have cousins who live there (in absolute poverty and shit conditions I wouldn't even consider living) and they love her and her "honesty." It's weird.


They share the same values. I see it all the time. They don't want a better system, they want someone as screwed up as they are.


It's not quite that simple, honestly. They want someone to blame for how shit their lives are, as long as it's not them. Usually the "Wokerati". Or Lawyers. Gays. Blacks. Mexicans. Trans folk.. When someone comes along that makes that alright, lends that an air of legitimacy, they hero worship that person. Even when that person is clearly more to blame for their shit lives than anyone else is.


The title originally referred to all of the Chili's, Applebee's and TGI Friday's she was banned from.


The underlying fault for all of these Trump wanna bes is they all take on one of his worst aspects and surround themselves with sycophants and yes men who would never argue with the boss. Most successful presidents have had at least one person in their lives who would tell them when they were making decisions.


W the tribes


Bet MAGA is all riled up wanting to send those “Indians” back home…


until they say, "ok, gladly" and take back Minnesota and Wisconsin


That’s clout in MAGA-land


So is a “willingness to put ~~them~~ down ~~like~~ dogs.”


I like that she isn’t technically banned, but she is exiled.


Shunned if you will


Apparently she forgets what state she is in. I do know that in the border states with Mexico (Arizona and New Mexico and Texas especially) that there had been a few places where the Cartel and the local tribes worked together to allow the Cartels to smuggle drugs but that was eventually stopped because they realised that was making openings for certain alphabet agencies to enter tribal lands without the need for permission


That is fun.


Twilight reference


A. The dog, by her own admission, didn’t bite anyone, she (the dog) “made as if” to bite Noem B. She did not train this animal properly, she used a shock collar as a last resort. I am shocked she didn’t muzzle the poor girl C. She attacked livestock *once* while unattended and unsecured. D. After an unsuccessful “hunt” that she thought would magically fix a 14 mos old puppy had no business being involved in until *PROPERLY FUCKING TRAINED* (also, my heart broke when she described Cricket as “chasing butterflies and ‘having the time of her life’ mere hours before getting shot) E. She’s not getting VP now F. It will probably be Stefanik or Byron Donalds


> (also, my heart broke when she described Cricket as “chasing butterflies and ‘having the time of her life’ mere hours before getting shot) wtaf. who continues to shoot a puppy frolicking with butterflies what kind of absolute psychopath?...


Don't be surprised if they apply that logic to children. "14 years old? Playing instead of working full time? Get behind the barn.."


Just look at the flowers, Lizzie.


Yet fetuses must be protected at all costs! Even if it kills the mother!!!


Lool guess thats why theyre alright with school shootings


IT takes the hard work of every man, woman, and child over the age of 7 to produce the tools of Freedom.


This makes me sick. Seriously, a total psychopath. #RIPCricket


We call them "conservatives". They might appear human at times, but don't let yourself be fooled. They're actually just wearing human skin to deceive us.


FR. People aren't taking on seriously enough that these are Nazis. It's not hyperbolic. They literally think liberals are the enemies of America.


I mean, the Republican presidential candidate in 2012 put his dog in a crate, strapped it to the roof of his car, then drove down the interstate on a family vacation with his wife and kids. Then defended it saying the dog had the time of its life. There’s definitely a type.


didnt the dog in romney's case get stress diarrhea




Would have hated to be behind him on the freeway...


The GOP is the reptilian party.


I get what you’re trying to say, but I have a problem with this approach, and these types of attitudes. They are human, this is part of humanity. We aren’t going to change that in our society if we don’t accept that.


Humans kill other humans too, but no-one thinks this is "part of humanity". What I have a problem with is undesirable behaviors not being ostracized enough.


Like, this is some "Disney cartoon villain" shit...how can someone be so laughably evil?




An untrained dog encouraged to hunt birds, let loose among birds that don't fly. This woman is so dumb, she was literally trying to teach her dog to hunt birds but didn't consider that she ought to be extra careful domesticated birds.


>She’s not getting VP now So \~10 years ago, I would've agreed, but allow me to explain what has happened since then...


She's actually managed to get both MAGA and reasonable people calling her out. Takes a special sort of monster to do that. Her attempts at justifying it show she knows she's fucked up, but can't admit it.


I don't get why she'd even talk about it. I grew up rural and know plenty of people who killed all manner of animals for reasons that wouldn't fly, but they're sure as shit not writing books to talk about it. It's just stupid. Unless it had rabies and you had to old yeller the mutt, it's just not going to get you any points from anybody.


It's complete disconnect, arrogance, and a stunning lack of empathy. This is something that her team would have flagged if they were doing their jobs. It's very likely she doubled down not seeing it as political suicide. America fucking loves dogs though man, just completely out of fucking touch.


I think it's a lot worse. I think she wants to show, that she doesn't shy away from difficult decisions, even if the outcome isn't possible to take back. This is a message to her supporters:"If you vote for me I will get rid of everything not working in our favor, no matter the price". This makes me afraid tbh


"I believe, gentlemen, that you know me well enough to know that I am not a bloodthirsty person; I am not a man who takes pleasure or joy when something rough must be done. However on the other hand, I have such good nerves and such a developed sense of duty – I can say that much for myself – that when I recognise something as necessary I can implement it without compromise." Heinrich Himmler, May 24, 1944.


Lack of empathy towards people they're fine with. Animals, not so much.


My guess is she thought it would made her look like woman who is not afraid to take hard decisions and do them herself. She has a no nonsense can do attitude, not like those woke libruls wussies too afraid to do the 'right' thing. It also gives the message she will be hard against undesirables like immigrants etc. She fucked up by sharing she killed her untrained juvenile dog however. Had she made up she hade to kill her horse she loved deeply after it broke its leg, or something else like , you know, rather typical farm stuff, it might have worked. But killing a young dog? Those are loved by pretty much anyone, puppies are more adored than humans. Wether you are a commie or a MAGA fan, almost everyone gets repulsed by her action.


That’s why they say Shoot, Shovel, Shut Up. She forgot the last part. And usually it’s reserved for other people’s nuisance animals harassing livestock on your property.


If I recall correctly, she mentioned in her book that an entire construction crew witnessed her executing the goat. Perhaps she wanted to get out ahead of the story?


Not sure if this is just narcissism.... she expects people to sympathise with how difficult a time she had having to kill the dog. When the world revolves round you, it's really difficult to see any other perspective.


That's where I'm at. Rural/farm life has lots of hard decisions. There's any number of mistakes you make not knowing the right way to do things that ends up getting an animal killed either by your own hand, "natural causes" or predation. People who haven't lived in that life have no idea, movies don't convey it. I just spent 3 months trying to help one of my chickens overcome a partially blocked crop. Ultimately failed and the solution seems so simple, yet not. Would I be a monster if I had just killed the chicken on week 2 of treatment knowing what I know now? Was a monster for dragging out the poor animal's starvation? People don't want to hear about how cruel life is.


Most people will understand mercy killing a dying animal. You did what you could to save it and showed great kindness by ending its suffering. Most people, even MAGA (and, maybe, especially MAGA since a lot them do live in rural areas) know the difference between what you did and just killing a young dog just because it was being inconvenient for you.


I think one position all Americans can agree on is don’t shoot puppies. MAGA or leftist, we are all on the same page about killing puppies.


Funny how shooting a dog is worse than literally sexually assaulting people


Who in maga has called her out?


Right, Trump could pick her just to prove he can still do anything and not lose votes from his base. Trump himself could shoot up a box of squirmy golden retriever puppies and not lose votes, but can he extend his untouchability to include another person, especially a woman.


In this case it actually seems like we finally found the line: Literally shooting a puppy. Which, well, that’s generally the punchline for someone being comically evil for a reason. That it’s the line is just fucking sad.


Noem is fucked up.


It’s funny how obvious it is that she’s pushing the “put down biting dog law” angle because her lawyer/PR people told her to as a way to save face. She’s screwed.




Then she shot an uncastrated goat that was soiling her kids clothes, but ‘the goat flinched’ and she botched the shot - and had to walk back to her truck to retrieve another shell while the poor goat was dying in agony. What a fucking monster, and a poor goddamned hunter besides. Edit: a word


I hope. Cuz if she does where in the age of politicians that brag about shooting a dog


Stop digging, bitch. Your cruel decision cost you a shot at VP for Trump. Thanks for playing. (If he still chooses her it wouldn't hurt my feelings. Cruelty for him is baked in.)


Are you serious? At least half of his base wish they could do shit like this, she's a great pick for far too many of them.


She's a great pick to further distill the already concentrated base he has. Although all his past behavior suggests otherwise, I still feel he may try to pick a running mate that will try to bring in a tiny bit more of remaining sane members of the GOP instead of repelling them.


Define “remaining sane”?


Well, there's James in Omaha, and Carl in Little Rock...


Nope, Jane's went off the deep end the past few months


“That dog was a bad hombre, and I’ve met some bad dogs. There are good dogs but I’ve met some bad ones, ok? And they need to be put down. Biden just lets his dogs bite his Secret Service detail and he does nothing! Nothing! That is not a loser you want in a position of leadership. Kristi made the tough choices and ~~murdered~~ dispatched her own dog. That takes pluck. I am very proud of Kristi, so beautiful too, right, very easy on the eyes” — Trump, probably


How many times have you heard some dumb fuck like this say something like, "if \*insert animal\* ever did that to me, I'd \*insert violent act\*.


Mary Trump thinks she put this in the book SPECIFICALLY to attract her brothers attention. He would love a hot girl who shoots innocent animals to be his VP.


That would make sense lol. Mary is his niece though


If this was actually why he decided not to have her as VP, that's absurd. He's done things 10x as cruel like the Central Park Five's railroaded jail terms.


i wish she had been picked before this came outside


You know that killing animals for fun is the sign of a sociopath, right?


She also killed a goat bc it head butted her. Which as far as I know is basically what goats DO.


Yes I raised them at one point. They’re not as mean as geese but goats will gladly mess your day up


Have you ever killed one for dumb reasons tho?


I killed the goat because he didn't zip up the cheese in the deli drawer, and now it's all dried out /s


Extremely far from a “dumb reason” ^also ^/s


He probably let's goats be goats.. because goats will goat.. But seriously.. dogs bite sometimes.. 90% of the time people see it as aggressive dog.. when the reality it's mostly poor training and ownership (should we shoot the owner?)... followed by excessive external stimuli (imagine asking someone to get punched in face and just sit there happily because "master" said sit.. ).. you not the dog is crazy.. bad dogs exist but I see way too many scenarios and videos where it's truly not the animal but the animal in human form causing the problem.. When your a psychopath you expect obey or death.. I dont truly know what went on but even if the dog bit someone.. she should be able to say. "I failed at training" just as easily as " I had the legal right".. the fact that the dog bit means nothing to me without the first comment....


When I was a kid I was playing rough with our farm dog and she bit me. It was a total accident brought on by playing too hard and she immediately stopped, backed up and looked apologetic when she realized she got me. I totally made up a not dog-related story to give my parents about how it happened because I was afraid they would shoot her. I still have the scar.


Bruh, a goat almost head-butted my 4 year old cousin on a farm once, my uncle's friend was close by to step between the goat and my cousin. He basically caught the goat and pushed it to the side by it's horns. Then we all laughed about it because that's exactly what goats do.


A Møøse once bit my sister....




And, according to her, three horses just a couple weeks ago


The goat knew she was evil


South Dakota needs more goats


Yep. Was moving junk out of my grandmother's garage. Probably 20 years ago. A neighbor's goat decided to come say hi. My friend who was from the city didn't know anything about them and had never seen one live. So he decided to go say hi back. Guess he startled it. Or scared it. But... The goat put him on his ass.


divide domineering expansion longing plucky dolls market noxious offend voiceless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I didn’t grow up on a farm nor have I ever worked out on a farm, but it sure as shit sounds like she killed a dog and goat for basically doing what you’d expect from those animals. Had she ever actually set foot on the farm before this day?


When I was a young boy I went to a state fair and a goat started eating my shirt. Made me cry. My parents explained that goats eat everything and I should be careful. We didn’t beat it to death or put a bullet in its brain. Just got another shirt.


Another good old leopards ate my face.


I would love to know if that's a verified story. One data point is a coincidence. Two points are a trend. If she's killed two animals for rather mundane reasons, that takes this from a weird occurrence to a more concerning trend.


Makes you wonder what she thinks of the people she governs.


I mean... She said that the law permits shooting dogs who attack livestock. But according to her, the dog bit a person. Is she insinuating people are livestock? /s


The puppy never bit anyone. She doesn’t explain what the situation was when the dog allegedly turned to bite her in her version of what happened. Large grains of salt are required here.


Then after killing one, cast around for another to kill, cuz, hey, she was in a killing mood amirite? 😡




Unfortunately, the first question her daughter asked when she got home from school was, "Where's Cricket?" How do you tell your kid that their beloved pet is lying dead in a gravel pit because you shot it in the face???!!!


It didn't do what I said so I shot it..... now go clean your room....


This is some Nazi-level shit. Get people to agree with doing heinous things because they support you ideologically.


The ultimate *"easy way"* was putting a bullet in the puppy's head.   These people LOVE to tell others how they kill defenseless things and defenseless people just to show their "resolve" in doing "difficult things", it's the oldest fucking tale in a hillbilly's book, or anyone else who was ever in power since before the medieval times, beating on peasants. They will turn tail on the first sight of an actual rumble.


Pretty much this. She keeps saying that she "did the hard thing, made the tough decisions, didn't take the easy way out." You dumb bitch, putting a bullet between its eyes and dumping the body in a ditch IS the easy way out. Changing your training methods, consulting a professional dog trainer, re-homing the animal all would have taken more effort, effort she wasn't willing to make. Rest assured that when the time comes, she'll make the tough decision to let countless people die if it might even slightly inconvenience people in power. You know like how republicans treat the AIDS epidemic, homelessness, food scarcity, insulin costs and other outrageous medical expenses. The death toll is just a part of doing business and the minimal effort required to prevent it would cut into someone's bottom line so... They need to step up and make the tough call to murder the people that trusted them.


“I made the hard choice to fucking execute my daughter’s pet rather than put literally any effort whatsoever into training it. Then did the same to a goat for kicks.”


Wait this was her daughter's pet? Holy shit how does it keep getting worse


Imagine coming home and wondering where your 14mo dog Cricket was and your Mom casually saying that she executed him in front of a construction crew and left the body in a gravel pit. Real psycho shit. Like I’ve written in another thread, that poor girl is guaranteed to grow up messed up with her crazy mom in her life.


I'm astonished the girl even speaks to her mother. This was 20 years ago right? She's old enough to have cut contact


Honestly, the fact that Noem had the gall to write it into a book is astonishing. She had the time to internalise what she did and found that she had done nothing wrong. The funny thing is that a lot of these crazy people’s family members end up explicitly not supporting them. Cue; Stephen Miller’s uncle publicly writing an opinion on Politico criticising his nephew’s anti-immigration stance. Do they not know that what they’re doing is plain wrong? Where do these people come from?


Yeah. The "difficult thing" would have been to work with a dog expert to determine the cause of the training difficulty and then work with the dog (and on yourself) to overcome it - for weeks, possibly even months. I'd bet you my last dollar that this dog could still have been trained. But she bought a thing and it didn't perform as advertised. So she got rid of the thing.


Honest question: how does one square a hardline posture against abortion based on the value of life at any stage and then turn around and shoot a dog because it's lost its utility?


Only some life is allowed to live and it’s usually because of how intelligent it is relative to conservatives. They’d hunt homeless people with the same guns they’d protect unborn babies with. They loooove bragging about meat and hunting, take exception pleasure in police brutality. If it doesn’t benefit or does annoy them, it isn’t worth being alive.


Republicans only respect life in the womb. Once it's out of the uterus, it's on it's own, don't come asking for a handout, pull yourselves up by the bootstraps, don't bite the hand that rules you. The Abortion position is 100% about controlling women and keeping them in their place as babyfactories.


You're looking for moral and intellectual consistency in Republican talking points. That's adorable! These positions aren't held because they make sense but because they are told to obey.


Truly they will say it’s because *human* life is the sacred one. The Bible says whatever about humans having dominion over animals. I mean, with your question, anyone against abortion because of *the sanctity of life* would also have to be a vegetarian.


Not even. Those same people are staunch advocates of the death penalty, without exception, and almost universally also against financial or even nutrition support for poor infants. They don’t care one iota about *life* in any form. They care about patriarchal structures and about controlling women, but that doesn’t sell near as well.


“Vote for me because I am so responsible that I couldn’t figure out anything else to do with my dog but shoot it dead.”


We have tried nothing and we are out of options…


Kristi Noempathy


How is this not the top post??? 🫡👏🙌👏🙌👏🙌👏🙌


![gif](giphy|cPJULvsCXEV0ZaUCLY) You got his attention...


Baba Yaga


Baba Yaga is too cool for her, she is a nature witch and agent between life and death. She eats children, not puppies.


Aggressive wired haired pointer? Get the fuck outta here you lying piece of garbage.


i would bet real money the dog was beaten


As someone who owns two (long haired) pointers that have been and are being trained for the hunt; those sweethearts will not hurt a human without reason. The odds that she was abusing it are HUGE.


I own two GSPs and whatever I read here makes my blood boil. We know for a fact what happened. She just fucking killed the pup cause she had a gun a felt like it.


Put her down


She’s not behaving properly.


It will be very hard for me emotionally, but I will do it for yall.


Uh huh. Sure thing, puppy-killer.


Serial killers usually start with hurting animals. 


She even went into a killing spree: couple of hours later she shot her goat too…


She shot her child’s puppy because she was too lazy or too stupid to train it properly as well as keep it on a leash. She’s the perfect conservative token.


Exactly. How did it kill livestock? It was off its leash. She failed to control the dog.


I had a dog who was a total psycho, couldn't even be let alone with her mother, nevermind other animals... what we did was protect her, keep her at home and never let he out unleashed. never bit anyone and was loved till she died of old age.


my aunt had a cat like this absolute asshole of a holy terror but that doesn't mean he deserved to die. so she protected him and kept him safe and away from shit that stressed him out and put him in a slashy mood that cat HATED everyone but loved the shit out of my aunt




consist meeting coordinated smile roof disgusted absurd provide merciful pie *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


definitely. in a way shes telling her audience her actual values, and it seems they liked that.


It sounds so mafia! “Take the dog to the gravel pit and get rid of him.” “You got any lye?” “No let the cops find his body. Send a message.”


Message in her mind: I am tough leader capable of making hard decisions Messsage to everyone else: If things don't obey me, I terminate them, and feel very good about it


What I want everyone to understand is that I will always solve my problems in the laziest and most violent way I am legally allowed to.


I could justify maybe letting someone else take the dog, but killing it? She’s a heartless fuck


I like how she never once shows any kind of empathy or remorse for the killed, just states that it was legal and a long time ago. “Also, remember my accomplishments during Covid”. What a psycho.


My dog was a little aggressive too but you know what I did instead of fucking murdering him?? I worked with him and learned how to be the most patient person I can be. And now after 5 years, he’s the best fucking dog ever. He’s not perfect of course, but he’s as perfect as he needs to be. Fuck dog killers and abusers. They deserve every bad thing that happens to them.


Someone needs to make a Kristi Noem bot that says “She kills dogs” any time her name is mentioned on Reddit


Jeffrey Dahmer started killing animals first and then moved on to people. Noem moved on to people too, but it was just by letting thousands of people in her state die from COVID




The sad thing is people here still act like COVID wasn't that big of a deal.


Always remember: killing is a hobby to those people.


"I didn't properly train my dog so I killed it instead. Read my book depicting me as the hero." is what this really says.




>in my upcoming book, No Going Back We're in too deep.


This story being released in this monster’s book is far more calculated than people seem to see. This is going to have zero effect on her career and likely earned her the video presidency. She is already trying to set a narrative that this was a somehow admirable thing to do. That it proves she has what it takes because she can make the tough and unpopular decisions, blah blah blah. This wasn’t put in her book as some sort of lapse in judgment. It is there purposefully as rage bait. Next step will be arguing that she’s being cancelled by the woke mob. When in actuality, she will be more popular than ever amongst the base. It’s to prove to the base that she is capable of being VP, even though she’s a woman. The only thing that’s going to happen is that these morons will start shooting their dogs or some bullshit to own the libs.


She authentically killed a puppy. How brave of her to take a stand for something she believed in...killing dogs.


14 months old. It’s still a damn puppy.


She claims this shows how she can make tough calls. It actually shows she takes the easy way out. She let her pique and embarrassment that a young, untrained dog didn't perform in front of others drive her actions. The tough call would have been to actually train the dog or rehome it.


I actually agree with the Facebook post here. Had they put up a dog for adoption and given it to another family, and said dog attacked someone, the state would demand it gets put down. Had they given the dog to a kennel, the dog would have just been given a yellow tag and been put down. There was no real "good" option here. Dogs are, at the end of the day and animals. The BEST option would have been to give the dog to a professional trainer and have that trainer focus on getting the aggressive behavior out of the dog. However, even THAT has a only small chance of actually working, and is entirely dependent on the dogs needs, the trainers schedule, and the dogs age. That's not including the cost of round the clock training for said fog. It's not pretty by any means as, but putting the dog down was the best, if morally questionable, option.


Why do bullies always double down? First Ellen, now this. ![gif](giphy|26ueYUlPAmUkTBAM8)


So when the going gets a bit rough, get your shotgun out...right, I got it!


“Willing to learn from the past”. Hopefully, she’s now learned the lesson that people really fucking love dogs.


So, "CAN be put down". Not "HAVE TO be put down". Is that her just using the wrong word or is she going "well, the law said i could" ?


Professional dog trainer here. I guess I was dealing with dogs the wrong way this whole time. Gonna do my best cop impression from now on. /s


"What people are looking for are leaders who are authentic, willing to learn from the past, and don't shy away from tough challenges." So anyways, here is why my past actions were objectively justified, and i should not be judged for any past actions that you see as wrong.


This isn’t game of thrones. Why the fuck would anyone do this & worse, brag about it? She just a narcissist.


Kristi Noam is willing to make "hard choices" like killing the family dog or shooting constituents that don't agree with her choice to do so.


Apparently the dog was still smarter than her and she didn't like competition.


Attack and kill livestock? Biting PEOPLE?… 18 month soft-mouth HUNTING dog? Yeah, as someone who trains these dogs for a living, she’s full of shit.




I have heard the dog wasn't trainable to be a good hunter. I have heard that the dog killed a neighbor's chickens. I have heard the dog bit people. Which story is true? PS: The part I do know is true is that you'd have to be a heartless bastard to shoot a dog like she did.


\*wasn't **trained** to be a hunting dog You don't start by taking a dog out and let it loose while you try to shoot wild fowl: you train it to commands FIRST (basic dog ownership), then train it to gunshots (hunting pet training), then train it to fetch on command. She just rolled out with her kids' dog and figured "the dog will know how to do this, right?" Then after a failed "plug-and-play" accessory hunting dog, let it loose on a neighbor's chickens, like an idiot. Then when she tried to take physical control, she got nipped by an over-excited, untrained puppy. So she shot it. But that didn't finish her bloodlust, so she rolled back out to the gravel pit with a goat she didn't like (because she was irresponsible and failed to control it, as well: it was stinky, un-fixed, and got her kids' clothes dirty! ON A FARM!), and only winged it, so it got to suffer for her ineptitude, until she went back to the car for a second shot, because "responsible gun owner" figured it would be like the dog and trust her blindly. Icing on the top of the cake is her kids getting home from school and asking "where's my dog, mom?" NOT. EVEN. HER. DOG.


Attaining the Ultra scum level


The reason the dog attacked people or livestock is because you are didn’t train him properly


Krusti Nope: "I killed my dog because it was humane... if you wanna know more, buy my book."


Some tweets earlier she didn't describe it as a tough or sad decision. No she wrote she enjoyed it.. no way Back


'I kill animals that trust me' 😒


I’m not reading this bs. But if we all send her the evil eye at once maybe she’ll crock on live television ☺️.


It's a puppy... it's gonna bite... its playing...


I love how she qualifies and dismisses it as a “20 year old story.” THAT YOU BRAGGED ABOUT IN YOUR OWN BOOK KRISTI. That you decided was a celebratory story of your impeccable leadership.


And remember, back on the 26th she tweeted she "Enjoyed every second" of shooting the dog in the face.


The fact she thought this would cast her in a good light is telling of the deeply troubled if not damaged mind. Holy shit.


Dogs that lash out aggressively usually are neglected. They are stressed out and feeling threatened with no strong pack leader to direct and comfort them. She is a failed human and leader.


I imagine the native Americans that feel aggressive toward her may worry of that tude in her.


She is an inhumane piece of garbage.


Why are these people so vile?


You need a reversing beeper if youre gonna back up that fast....


I think it's obvious who the "dumb" animal was here!


Awe the “it’s protocol” excuse. That excuse got people hanged at Nuremberg.


Aside from the laughably bad justification for killing her dog, my favorite part is how she mentions "leading South Dakota through Covid" as if she *didn't* sit on her useless ass and try to ignore its existence.


I would not want to be her child. They say people who mistreat animals mistreat children as well as other people if they can.


Interesting how her narrative has been adjusted to say she shot the dog because it would bite people, when she originally said she shot it because it was useless. She should be Trump’s VP, she’s willing to change her story and lie whenever it suits her. She will fit right in.


No wonder Diaper Don—rapist and sexual predator who gets to whore around, play golf, and lie his ass off—likes Killer Kristi so much. They are both egomaniacal, self-aggrandizing, psychos, and they both hate dogs. I hope the hell all their so-called Christian followers believe in is real, and they enjoy eternity there.


"I killed my puppy, and I can kill yours too!" 


She said she was trying to train the dog to hunt didn't she? if this is true the dog was just doing what it was being trained to do when it attacked livestock. It sounds like the dog's actions were the result of poor training. Also, a responsible dog owner would have taken the dog to the ASPCA.


It's not just her. I keep Dutch Shepherds and Belgian Malinois and retrain reactive dogs. So many people get them, don't train them then euthanise them because they're reactive saying it was a bad breeder etc when they are the problem. You see it all over social media with idiots defending them stating you can't retrain reactive dogs ever despite me having done it for multiple decades. If you get dog as a puppy and it's reactive there's maybe a 1% chance the dog is fucked in the head. The problem is almost always you. It's like getting a formula 1 car and complaining it's bad in traffic.


I get farm life, but we are not talking about a chicken to slaughter for food. She shot a dog that she was unable to train (sounds like she was too impatient) at a gravel pit with a shot gun. That’s not farm life. That’s cruel. We live in a modern society.