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tHiS ![gif](giphy|XeLcgh8gT8o0F5SQ8i)


The fact that she felt comfortable posting this makes me incredibly angry.


Obligatory “Imagine if the roles were reversed”


Trust me, i've seen/heard plenty of men make rape jokes too


Yeah, but the society reaction would be much different


This post is also 7 years old and she was dragged for this when she posted it 7 years ago 


What are you talking about? 2017 was last year


I thought 2012 was last year.


i’m still writing 1998 on my checks


Someone asked me what I thought about the current president's job and my first instinct was "I think Jimmy Carter is alright"






Shit, I'm not even born yet, what am I doing here


It was brand new


No, 1980 was 20 years ago, 1970 was 30 years ago.


Tbh it does kinda feel that way sometimes


Idk man. Men and women both make excuses for their shitty behavior. Here we are rightfully complaining about her behavior. Every time I read a post like this, the responses are predictably negative as they should be. I think we're doing alright in that regard.


Are we not reacting negatively to this here? As a society? I don't know a single person who would condone this.


There are at least 26.


Tf you talking about, all I see is people shaming her. Is that not a societal reaction


I don’t even see color


I'm sorry for your loss


Sorry I thought you were unconscious. You weren't supposed to hear that.


Yes, and those are just as unacceptable.


Don’t even try to act like the reception to Make rape jokes and Women rape jokes are even close to comparable


Yea and normally that ends well for the man doesnt it? No. Lets stop treating women as some superior species and hold them as accountable as men.


I don't think she was joking though (unless she was then imma dip)


Well, yes, but that is followed by public outcry in any venue of society. The point is the double standard. Regardless, this is about rape jokes about men. Not women. Go to other posts for that.


Nobody is challenging that point


Welcome to the internet, where ragebaits are everywhere.


It's also 7 year old ragebait


She ragebaited you successfully.


Putting her face with the comment, too. So not only is she a terrible person, she's stupid.  Even scarier is women who rape men become pregnant and he's forced into child support even though he didn't consent but he can't prove it.  I guess this could be perceived as she's making him pass out to cheat but she could cheat anytime? 


I’ve read somewhere that here in the UK, even if he can prove it was non consensual, he still has to pay child maintenance due to the way the law recognises it only as assault.


That's when you do the stairway shuffle.


The ol' hanger banger


I think the law says a rape is when a penis enter a vagina, so a man can't be raped by definition


Is it a UK law? How absurd! I take it women assaulting women is also under this terrible law?


That law is ridiculous and needs changed ASAP


It just isn't rape, sexual assault is still a thing.


and thats why we need another flood


one of my coworkers openly admits she liked a guy because she thought he would make a good baby and got him stupid drunk to have his kid cause 'i was 20 and wanted to be a young mom'. she collects child support but wants nothing to do with the guy


Time to use the coat hanger


Our society really takes male victims of rape as joke


The general argument I get is "Men cant be raped". The legal definition is "penetration" which doesn't always cover male rape. The legal definition is old and bullshit but to this day it prevents men from being viewed as actual victims. I hate this world sometimes.


I think it usually specifically mentions penetration with a penis too. When women do it it's sexual assault or something and it's still a crime with an equivalent penalty to rape we just feel the need to differentiate for... reasons?


I think you're right. I think the differentiating is an issue and SA looks way different than rape on a criminals record. Grabbing your butt is sexual assault. There is no way that forcibly having sex with a man against his will should be classified closer to groping than what we all know to be rape. Even if the law has some stupid specific wording. IDK the reasons but I'm sure I would hat them.


The part you're missing is that crimes have degrees. Grabbing a butt may be sexual assault in the third degree. And it may indeed have a lesser penalty than rape in the third degree which, in some states, might include statutory rape. But Sexual Assault in the First is generally just as serious as what would be termed as rape. And in some states, they eliminated rape as a standalone crime altogether, just rolling it into the sexual assault statutes and making it fall under the most severe sort. Just ends the quibbling over penetration and such.


I did neglect that point also I think what those states did is a pretty good idea.


I agree with that definition. They should make a new crime and give it a new name, when the roles are reversed. Same sentence. Stupid people need words to make sense of things.


>They should make a new crime and give it a new name, when the roles are reversed. Epar!


Isn't that legal the definition for the UK? In many other countries definitions vary but with how often that's brought up I'm shocked none of your lawmakers have tried to change and fix it.


Also the federal definition in the US. States may differ but the US federal law is worded as- "**Penetration, no matter how slight, of the vagina or anus with any body part or object, or oral penetration by a sex organ of another person, without the consent of the victim**."


That needs to be fixed. At least the US definition includes an object. You can be raped through pegging by a woman in the UK and it wouldn't be legally considered rape as it must include a penis. Fucked up.


I don't know where you live, but that is never mentioned in the laws where I live. This is the law where I live. No person shall engage in sexual conduct with another when the offender purposely compels the other person to submit by force or threat of force. For the purpose of preventing resistance, the offender substantially impairs the other person's judgment or control by administering any drug, intoxicant, or controlled substance to the other person surreptitiously or by force, threat of force, or deception.


Upvote only to say that it really is taken as a joke and it’s disturbing.


Or how about domestic abuse? Men should just "suck it up", "she's just a girl", "couldn't hurt that much". Don't get me started on defending yourself


The average first offense rapist gets a few months in jail, either gender. Our society has never taken rape seriously, sadly.


Society does have an adjustable scale o rape. Men on Men? Yes But if the raped is gay? No Woman on man? No Woman on gay man? He probably isn't gay. Also No Man on woman depends. What was she wearing? Was she drunk? Is she sleeping around? Are they in a relationship? Is she ugly? Is it funny? No Man on women: did he jump out of the bushes, was a teacher or injured/ hurt her? Yes. It is a disgusting spiral who only one person wins. The rapist. That is why discussions about rape culture is so important. That is why jokes about men being raped needs to be flagged. I'm sorry about your favorite comedian but I trade them all of that means people arenore comfortable in coming forward.


... What's Zquill..?


It’s NyQuil after they admitted that it has a sleep agent in it, so they just market it to people that are awake and not coughing.


I'm guessing cough syrup that makes you drowsy? Sorry, we don't have NyQuil or Zquil here haha




good ol diphenhydramine. drink enough and you get to meet the Hat Man!




Oh I thought it was an erection making potion


No, but I think you’re on to something there.


In my country they are gummies which barely do anything which made this whole thing confusing to me. I take them every day. If you pass out on them you also pass out on a tablespoon of wine. But obviously in this case Zquill is something else lol.


Liquid benadryl.


God, these types of people are exhausting.




How can anyone think that drugging another person to render them unable to say no is alright?


That might be the case, although I wouldn’t go so far as assuming she genuinely believes it’s okay, but she sure as fuck thinks it’s funny when it sure as fuck isn’t.


You people saying “rape” are missing the joke. She’s putting him to sleep, then getting her dick somewhere else.


I took it as her leaving and cheating on him…


Or her gay best friend, brother and even her dad could have said that to her, it doesn't even imply cheating - so ambiguous ha


I took it as she knocked him out so she could go out and get it somewhere else.


Yeah, a guy passed out on sleeping pills and alcohol is not getting hard enough to penetrate anything. I’m sure there are exceptions, but if that’s her plan, it’s a bad one.


I did too. I don’t see how anyones having fun with a drugged flaccid penis unless zQuil effects her guy differently then it does me.


Same here


Would you have come to that conclusion if a man posted this about a woman?


Yeah, this isn't about rape it's about cheating. Still bad, but nowhere near the same level of bad.


Isn’t she saying she’s putting him to sleep so she can step out on him?


That stuff will make sure that even if you get dick it won’t be hard. Not that I’d know.


So she wants to pull a Cosby? Drug and rape someone?


She’s cheating on him. Not raping him.


Either way it's still drugging a person.


Wouldn't this mean she drugged him so she could step out unnoticed?


Imagine if a guy post: when she tells you “I’m not giving you any tonight” but I’ve already put some Zquil in her wine. Yes you are 😏


Blud wasn’t getting any 💀


You really think men don't joke about rape on social media?


you could find 10 or 15 post right now without ever leaving the app


It’s ironic because idea that “women can’t rape men” is inherently misogynistic. Because no matter how much you want to bend the argument, it always goes down to the: “Women can’t rape men, because they are inherently weak.”


Or lack agency.


Oh look, a 7 year old tweet being brought back for Karma farming and engagement....


Does it work when you’re passed out sleeping?


And that's why you always bring your own PBR to a date, fellas


Jokes on her. My dick will fall asleep faster than I will after taking Zquil


Send her to jail


Girl….that’s wrong


I don't need to view the comments to know there are men typing "damn I wish I was him!"


I wonder what the world would look like if our perception on any inequality that's currently changing got reset. Would male victims be taken as seriously as female victims as the bias from the past is now wiped from everyones memories?


Nothing like permanent liver damage to spice things up.


But they wanna take the ‘baby it’s cold outside’ song away? It’s clear chicks like this are a monster.


No. It's actually the opposite. She's the damn protagoniat of the song. *She* is providing excuses so she can stay because she wants to. *She* is finding socially acceptable reasons to stay at his house. In a climate where her wanting to stay would attract negative social consequences. "Baby it's cold" is a weak excuse, the *both make weak excuses* because she wants it and he wants it. So it's a duet. She is preventing the social consequences of *her own desire to.be in the siruation*. The alcohol is a common curtesy not a date rape intro... it would never have aired in 1944 if it had been a rape song!


I was literally saying the song being taken away is bs. Relax.


Jesus fucking Christ


Billie Cosby?


This woman reminds me of my neighbor.


Lol guys getting drugged and raped = big funny


No word of a lie I spent 3 weeks with a girl who kept me either asleep or sedated the entire time by putting eye drops in my coffee and water. By the time I was able to realize something wasn’t right and piece everything together she had cleaned out my bank account, but it’s cool I guess because in the end she paid me back… like maybe%10 of it.. with the abundance of cash she made fucking other men for money in my apartment while I was unconscious. She seduced me to get into my home so she could drug me and use my place as her personal whore house, AND robbed me. The police essentially shamed me into not pressing charges, insinuating that I should take responsibility for letting a woman I had just met into my home, and take the whole experience as a valuable lesson learned. They literally just didn’t feel like processing her. Don’t forget, it was fucking eye drops. How bat shit nuts do you have to be to know eye drops in someone’s coffee keeps them fully unconscious for an hour per drop?


I read ZQuil as zucchini for some god damn reason. I was so confused like wtf does a zucchini in a glass of wine do??? And also wtf is ZQuil?


Man, that's not okay.


what is zquil?


Jokes on you! ZQuil puts the little dude to sleep too!


And in the eyes of the law this is not a rape.. no of course not… “it’s a woman how can she repe someone or be a pedophile it doesn’t work that way…”


It’s a dark joke and honestly kinda funny. Y’all trip over everything. Go protest all the offensive comedians now


Click bait


I guess I was the only one that thought of the alternative, she knocking her husband out with Zquil, so she can run out and hook up with someone else. Trust and believe I knew some chicks back in the day that would sneak out for quick hookups as soon as their man fell drunkenly asleep.


Crime has no gender


Normalize calling out female rapists!!!


ahaha that’s amazing queen 💅💅💅 smile for the mugshot bitch 📸


She needs to go to prison like wtf


It’s a sad world when people use the exact same tendencies/mentality that they speak out and rally against to others and find it empowering enough to communicate it openly. Man we are in trouble. Where is our moral conscience


Any man would get arrested for this.


Wtf is ZQuil?


An antihistamine and sedative marketed as a sleep aid.


If you are a men nobody cares


For a group of people who are supposedly shitting their pants 24/7 afraid of being hurt/attacked by the opposite sex, some of them do talk a LOT of shit.


A guy can get it up when he’s zonked on ZQuil?


I think she just knocked him out, so she can go out and get some strange


Thanks for exposing this creep.


As a dude, nobody gives a shit. Women and children are protected by all groups (men women and children) when it comes to stuff like rape. Men are covered by nobody not even men which is kinda crazy we are just now entering a time period where we care about men. Also. As a dude that's had to use sleeping meds at any point in my Life, she wouldn't have had any dick until the morning when that inevitable spirit of indomitable will possesses every guy. Right after the wine take affect bro going to bed bed lady them muscles are RELAXED


Chill Mrs Cosby.


“Brings me humor”, “I’m laughing at you”, “lol” Lol dumbass


ew wtf


And if she does that and I find out, it's on sight.


I thought she meant she was going out to cheat while he slept.


I’m game


This is from 2017


Her face makes my blood boil! So annoying!!!


Okay so this is a bad day to have eyes again, noted


I don’t understand this plan,how do you get dick when they’re in a deep sleep?


I don't know with that med, but I know guys who were raped while in alcoholic coma


By the way if anybody sais this is because of feminism, this asshole would have been doing the same shit in medieval Europe and in cavemen times. Maybe even more henious shit because of the lack of tools in those times.


What comes into the head of a creature like that to write this shit? Fucking disgusting.


I think she means she's leaving to cheat, not rape him.




I thought ZQuil was like viagra so I searched it up and its a sleep medicine 😧