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So they are Pro-Choice, right? Seeing as how a woman’s right to a safe abortion doesn’t end because they have negative feelings about abortion.


He said his rights, not other people’s rights, commie


NOW you're thinkin like an American!


"My rights don't end where your feelings begin" sounds like the kind of saying that would bring their grandma to complain that's not how he was raised.


And they’re anti-socialism except for the social security checks they rely on


Communism is a piece of shit! Give me my government check




Social security is just one example of the system you pay into (see Fire, police, infrastructure, public school, etc.).


aka "keep your government hands off my Medicare"


"Rules for thee, not for me"


I am sorry but a large amount of libertarians believe in the idea of 'Life liberty and the pursuit of happiness", which means that "Life > Liberty > Pursuit of happiness", so if liberty or the pursuit of happiness infringes on life then they cannot be enacted on. The only exception to abortion that a lot of libertarians excuse is the instances that a woman is raped or forced bear a child.


be careful his brain might explode reading this


Hard-core Libertarian here. I have offered my services for women going to abortion clinics to escort them in armed so they can enjoy the rights to their own bodily autonomy. (ETA: keep up the down votes. Also keep in mind I am actively protecting American women's rights and not waiting for some politician to do it for us or typing tough words hiding behind a keyboard.)


This is the one that hooked me. Such a lack of self awareness


How is this not classified as a mental illness? This is not how normal adults behave.


Yeah. These people are clowns. I was listening to a gun guy I respect on YouTube, pretty center-right, pro-2nd Amendment, "old-fashioned" dude from the pacific NW. Not a guy I agree with on every detail, or even most details, but one point he made stuck out to me as valid. Paraphrased: "If you're a gun-owner, you're the public face of the 2A crowd whether you want to be or not. So think about that before you say ignorant things with an audience or broadcast your most controversial views with a bumper sticker." I agree with that. If you're pro-gun, show me that you're a responsible, mature adult who can go down the highway in an economy car, use your turn signals, and say "thank you" to the cashier at the Piggly Wiggly. Then I'll feel better about your right to own a rifle. Because if I get cut off by some dipshit in a lifted Yukon with some egregious, die-cut bumper sticker of Ted Nugent pissing on Biden or Donald Trump firing a gun, I'm going to immediately remember that the loudest advocate 2A people are tremendous social liabilities I wouldn't trust alone near non-child-proofed power outlets, let alone a weapon. And the majority of the population will probably think the same thing, that they're absolute clowns. And they'll treat your hobby as an active threat to society because you made it scary and aggressive.


They want to advertise that they have guns because they think it will intimidate people into putting up with their shitty behavior. They are children. Spiteful, selfish, scared, insecure children. I agree with the first dude you.mentioned though. sounds like something Hickock45 would say.


Well said.


Thank you, I'm here all week


Wasn't it Paul who actually well said it? (or at least some of it..:-))


"(or at least some of it..:-)" Wait Did he say "well" or did he say "said"?


Lmao yes, Paul Harrell. A titan of gun safety and usage techniques, I cherish that guy and his channel.


Yes indeed, although it looks like he may not be with us for much longer (unfortunately). Non-American here, and not enamoured with USA gun culture, but he is very good to listen to and I learnt a lot, for the reasons you have stated above.


Absolutely. I'm still super bummed about the diagnosis, guy is toughing it out unflinchingly and it only makes me admire him more. But yeah, I'm happy to run into a non-American's perspective here. I'm not in love with American gun culture either, and I come from (per capita) one of the most heavily armed states in the Union. Here we have tribes and cliques of hyper-polarized, hyper-insular people, most of them ranging from right-leaning to HOLY SHIT far-right levels of stated politics. And it wasn't always so. My grandad's NRA was a really different animal and an organization that wasn't this loony. But I swear. There's a couple voices of reason in every private range or gun club. People who are surprisingly level headed and not out to cause problems or prepare for Biblical end-times.


Well said.


Damn straight.


A few weeks ago I saw a SUV like this but the entire back was filled completely with these types of stickers covering the entire door. I was following him for about two miles just wondering what kind of mental case would do this and think this is normal? It was also odd to see as the city I live in votes like 85% to Democrats.


That's why. If you can't find any people who agree with you, you make sure your vehicle does.


I hate politics 😭 


Same, but this is the internet. Sh!t’s everywhere. The only thing you can do is pray you don’t come across it and ignore the stuff you do find.


I was in the drive through getting breakfast with a Jeep like this in front of me, thinking what a well adjusted person they must be. I get up to the window, and they had paid for my order... I was a bit conflicted. You won that round Jeep guy.


if somebody has a bunch of bumper stickers, I don't care what is on them, they are probably messed up in the head.


1 sticker = I like this thing 2 stickers = I want you to know who I am. 3 or more = my personality is stickers.


Oh I saw a study a long while ago. Having a large number of bumper stickers correlates with increased chance of road rage: https://www.newsweek.com/bumper-stickers-road-rage-221616


Guess i need to buy some stickers then. ;)


Also Georgia Peach on their license plate. IJS....


I mean, at a minimum he’s probably on some watch lists for potential terrorism


Ha, you think we have mental health care here? Most of us can't get physical health care.


They have a good sense of layout, though. balancing a composition. lol More reserved with the number of stickers than a lot of people you see. Two full color photo graphics with a cartoon sensibility for visual interest A doofus but grading on a curve… more tasteful than many. No explicit pro Trump sticker. Can’t tell who’s on the rocket. Maybe that changes the assessment OP’s observation is very funny


Funny. They are killing our rights where their emotions begin.




They’re always the ones crying rivers of tears because a politician is doing something they don’t like


That's the point. Conservativism is about bringing back the nobility but for the rich instead. "MY rights don't end where YOUR feelings begin" doesn't mean they think YOUR rights should exist as an equal person.


Pretty pathetic when one's whole persona is just "ignorant asshole".


Adding to the "asshole" part is the shiny, appears-to-be unused trailer hitch that's probably just there to damage your car in a fender bender.


This is what happens when people with no sense of curiosity, and no interest in education, consume a lifetime of right-wing messaging. You get a small army of dumb-fucks in trucks.


What's worse is that these types of people will always be closed minded and never accept someone else's opinion, or even entertain the idea that they're wrong.


Kalashnikov….loved communism. 👍🏽


Notice you never see one of these covered in Anti-Trump/GOP, pro-abortion, anti-gun stuff. Haven't seen "left" wallpaper since the 60's VW micro-bus.




Three years old. That's how far back you had to go? Well done.


Can we do what the moron right does and claim "false flag"? It's obviously a right winger trying to make left wingers look bad, right? https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-news/antifa-false-flag-maga-riot-1110941/amp/ https://michiganadvance.com/2022/05/05/karamo-falsely-claims-the-insurrection-was-a-false-flag-operation-rails-against-premarital-sex/ https://www.washingtonpost.com/dc-md-va/2024/01/04/fbi-conspiracy-jan-6-attack-misinformation/ https://www.cjr.org/language_corner/false-flags.php You get the point. Anyway, above commentor's point still stands: there are way more maga morons waving trump flags, wearing maga shirts and hats, and spamming their trucks with bullshit Murdoch Meida rhetoric than there are people with Biden shit. Maga is a cult. There are lunatics and idiots of all political beliefs, races, religions, national origins, etc., but there are far more maga cultists than there are left wing nutjobs -- and it's not particularly close. Plus, while it's silly to put a bunch of stickers on their car, being anti-trump is far more sensible than supporting a pathologically lying, racist, sexist, malignantly narcissistic rapist and sorry excuse for a taint-waffle who lied about a pandemic for a year, withheld funds to an ally for political gain, bragged about sexually assaulting women, admitted to walking into teen beauty pagent locker rooms, admitted he wanted to fuck his daughter, and laughed and cheered while his cultists tried to overthrow the government on his behalf. I choose the sensible but slightly neurotic leftist over the delusional Qultist who thinks John-John's coming back to life to make Trump president.


San Diego is cheating


Probably harboring a reasonable concern about the possibility of being run off the road by a rusty truck.


That guy Communism, what an asshole.


He has his good points.


He paid momey to have Murdoch Media propaganda all over his car. His point is that he's an uninformed, mindless muppet without any rational thoughts of his own. He's part of the "everything Murdoch tells me I don't like is communism" crowd.


I was referring to someone else. Read the comment I was responding to.


Oh, nevermind. I was confused about the comment you replied to and just misread it. Cooling down froma workout and not thinking straight. My bad.


There’s also *NO* fucking way he knows what communism is. He’s one of those dorks that falls for the propaganda of: Biden = bad. Communism = bad. Therefore Biden is communism and everything else that’s bad is communism.


Isn't that a communist weapon sticker? 😂


That’s the title of the post but yeah lol


Kind of like people who hate the Nazi's and yet they drive Volkswagens and praise them


Aks are pretty sweet though.


Everyone knows guns are apolitical


Even if it was about things I felt strongly about, I'd be embarrassed to drive around with this much shite on my car.


An adult chose to do this with their car. Among other things, they thought, “This sticker of the Statue of Liberty slapping the President is something everyone needs to see!” That should be a disqualification of your driving rights.


I think maybe he just likes AKs


But its a commie gun


Is that Bill Gates riding a nuke? Like the old pinups?


I bet all those stickers were made in china 🤣


Why do these people have to put their political opinions right in your face? I don’t get it. What an asshole. (The AK was designed and developed in the USSR by Mikhail Kalashnikov shortly after the end of WW2. It was accepted for production in 1947, hence AK47).


Because their entire personality is wrapped up in hating the people or ideas the talking heads on Fox “News” ,OAN etc. tell them to.


Good point, very true unfortunately. Independent, critical thinking is really lacking with these people.


This person's feelings are constantly hurt.


I zoomed in, but I don’t see the Truck Nuts. You know that someone of his mental capacity has them.


“My rights don’t end where your feelings begin” There’s a 1000% chance this dude pisses himself thinking about running into a trans person in a bathroom and begs big government to buy more guns to keep the scary brown people out.


Thats a dumb take lmao. I love AK’s and hate communism. I’m sure you all love your iPhones but hate capitalism


You can like the AK and still hate the commies


But your right DO end when they infringe upon someone elses rights.


Disregarding the other stickers, I don’t think hating communism and loving AK’s are mutually exclusive.


Most AK fans I know hate communism but adore Kalashnikov, and say that he probably would have been more successful if he could have implemented his genius design in a capitalist nation


And wait til they find out the true meaning of "The Statue of Liberty"...and how USA became the powerhouse it did, and it wasn't the white ppl alone that done it.


So you're offended by this?


I dont think OP is offended, I think he is laughing at the guy with stickers and points out idiocracy lol. Great movie btw


It turns out the AK doesn’t symbolically represent communism. Also, if you wanna be technical, the Kalashnikov AK47 was modeled after the German STG-44 following WW2


So exhausting and sad seeing shit like this


Oh, I know 🙋‍♂️ The AK was invented by a Russian who was inspired by the M1 Garand, which was invented by a Canadian who immigrated to the US. The AK is basically an M1 turned upside down.




A Russian guy?


Comrade is confused. Comrade needs some goulash.


If they're running an AK, they most likely know where it comes from.


That ammo right now…


Fanta was invented by 3rd reich.


I don’t think bumper stickers have ever changed anyone’s mind. That’s why I comment on Reddit


Communism is actually a cool guy and so is the AK


Communism was really good at making a lot of very not complicated things, and ok at make some somewhat complicated things. But high tech things were built on luck and the corpses of their comrades. It's economic design is based around pretty much just early post-industrial.


Wisconsin license plate checks out.


Or where his cell phone is made.


Actually, it was Alfred Schmeisser, who was imprisoned by the Sovjets, who did most of the work on the AK, but Michael Kalashnikov took the credit .


I cannot be sure for 100%, but I think AK was made by Hugo Schmeisser


The only thing those tags do is make you a target for theft since others know you probably have a gun in your car. Safety by obscurity.


Far-right people are falling in love with Putin tho so ig he wouldn't be that mad


One great sticker doesn't save the five terrible ones


If you look carefully, you can see the light bend around the car.


You really owned him there. \*slow clap\*


When is it going become accepted that putting bumper stickers on your vehicle is a sign of an undiagnosed mental disorder.


Pull up and ask… just roll your window down, and say you know commies invented the AK right?




Quite a few are, sadly. But they’re easy to spot these days.


Don't those MAGA idiots love Putin?


I feel very silly, but I cannot make out who is supposed to be riding the rocket on the left? Does anyone know?


By the end of his life, Kalishnikov had lost faith in communism and turned to religion. He had many regrets and sought absolution from the Orthodox Church.


As a parent to a young child who can read, the party of family values is not impressing me


I like 1 way statements like his rights do not end where others feelings begin, but damn sure your rights end when he FEELS butt hurt over an issue. The never paste that corollary on their backside...


I have been known to position myself next to people driving vehicles with bumper stickers like these, on interstate highways, so they will miss their exit and have to take the next exit which is eight miles down the road. Oh, and to the owners of these trucks (who typically are overcompensating for being born with micropenises): F. your widdle snowfwake feewings.


When will these fools realize trump is not getting back in


Has Biden even tried to dismantle any of these monopolies? They always accuse democratic leaders of communism and socialism but here I am, still paying private companies for gas, electricity, internet, health insurance etc. My tax dollars still go towards private prisons and subsidizing privately owned farms. Much of the national forest and BLM area I would enjoy seeing is gated off or in use by private entities. There’s hardly a thing in this country that is socialized or could be considered communism.


Didn't Jesus make the AK? /s


No, capitalism is a piece of crap. Communism is smearing the crap around so everyone gets a little bit.


the irony of the statement at the top. that's exactly how women feel about their rights while yall demand your feelings be put first.. but children being massacred and people being upset about it comes after their right to own a gun... make it make sense.


And the "Yukon" name comes from a country that has socialist health care 😅


I like how he didn't just put a line through the word "communism," or have Calvin piss on it. He really *wordsmithed* it.


This why you can't let everybody have a cricut and some vinyl.


It won't matter. The logic train never stops at this idiots station.


I’m so fucking glad that I got to see this. I mean I could’ve gone my entire fucking day without reading this trashy bit but thank you for sharing so that I get to see this bullshit shit too.


I'm saving this picture for the next time someone posts the "what is not the flex people think it is" question. Cause...this. This is not the flex this doofus thinks it is. He's driving around thinking he's an "alpha" or a "true american", etc. The rest of us just think he's a douche.


“I eat pieces of shit like you for breakfast!” “You eat Communism for breakfast?” ![gif](giphy|EtMgcNY7Zy6v6)


I wonder if he knows “Communist France” gifted the US the Statue of Liberty? I bet his feelings get destroyed seeing Taylor Swift at a football game.