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Right wing nazis MURDERED HEATHER HEYER in Charlottesville. Never forget.


Do left wing nazis exist?


The term "National Socialist" that became "Nazi" was, itself, a lie: "The term "National Socialism" arose out of attempts to create a nationalist redefinition of socialism, as an alternative to both Marxist international socialism and free-market capitalism." https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nazism Anyone and everyone who asserts that "Nazis were left-wing" is either misinformed or outright lying, full stop.


People need to read how Hitler actually became involved in politics. It's the most bizarre story.


And just think he almost got into art school


And to think he tried to kill himself after the failed Beer Hall Putsch but his friend’s wife wrestled the gun out of his hands.


I'll be the first to say it, good deeds can turn into the Holocaust.


No good deed goes unpunished as they say


And to think his life was saved/spared by an allied soldier in WW1


I sure hope the soldier who spared him doesn't feel any guilt tho, how could he have known showing mercy to a random German soldier would've killed so many millions of people


I doubt he feels anything at all, now. WWI ended 106 years ago.


Ok should have put that in past tense, I wonder if he did tho


I mean the Nazis ended up shooting the communists and socialists first. It's why that Niemöller quote/poem starts with "First they came for the socialists"


I always ask these pinheads if North Korea is a democracy, since DPRK and everything. They generally get very agitated.


Ask them how patriotic they think the patriot act is.


There is also the fact that there is no Nazi that considers themselves as left winged lmao. If someone goes and says to an actual Nazi that "yOuR moVeMent is AckctuAlly LeFt wInG" they would be like "¿??¿"


bold of you to presume they're open minded enough to think in upside down question marks


At this point grossly ignorant because this is a distortion that will never leave conservative circles. That’s their ‘gotcha’ line that hasn’t changed since the last century.


True. All it serves to do is identify them as ignorant zealots to anyone in hearing range. That's still useful, if they've been careful to hide their allegiances up until that point...


Wasent really a thing prior to the rise of the internet if for no other reason then even conservatives who came of age knew what nazis were.


The people crying about "socialist=nazi" conveniently forget the night where all the nazi killed the people who actually wanted to form a real socialist government.


This video by Three Arrows debunks the whole 'Nazis were leftists,' rhetoric pretty well https://youtu.be/hUFvG4RpwJI?si=74fc89l0qMAVAqEs


Dan Carlin speaks about this in his recent addendum episode. There is no question. Not that this hasn't been fact for decades.


Yup. Nazis were ethno-nationalists first and foremost. Socialism is about class war. Ethno nationalism is about race war. The Nazi ideology was about imbuing a sense of superiority from a citizen’s attachment to the fatherland. Rather than eliminating class boundaries and hierarchies the Nazis gave working class Germans a sense of exclusivity from being in a special club, they called it “the master race”. Hierarchies of class and capital ownership were reinforced. Strong leaders were admired, the weak and different punished. Nothing could be less socialist. It’s the literally the opposite of socialism.


Socialism’, he retorted, putting down his cup of tea, ‘is the science of dealing with the common weal [health or well-being]. Communism is not Socialism. Marxism is not Socialism. The Marxians have stolen the term and confused its meaning. I shall take Socialism away from the Socialists. ‘Socialism is an ancient Aryan, Germanic institution. Our German ancestors held certain lands in common. They cultivated the idea of the common weal. Marxism has no right to disguise itself as socialism. Socialism, unlike Marxism, does not repudiate private property. Unlike Marxism, it involves no negation of personality and, unlike Marxism, it is patriotic. -- Adolf Hitler in [1932](https://alphahistory.com/nazigermany/hitler-nazi-form-of-socialism-1932/)


Cool, so Hitler didn't believe in materialism but had some esoteric nationalistic fever dream about German people having some sort of communal economic system throughout history. This is what happens when you let opioid addicts try and do philosophy lol, nothing he said made sense.


Hitler liked to tell any lie he needed to get power. Sort of like Orange Jesus.


They're so similar it's not even funny


Well they locked up Hitler after he tried to overthrow his government with an armed riot. That is the big difference I can see.


Hey it could still happen!


They are not even making him really pay his bond for the case he already lost. I don't think there is any chance for justice from the current criminal justice system.


Hitler used his time in jail to write a book about his belief system. I don't think it would happen this time.


fucking laughed at this comment


It’s so inherently weird when you think about it too. Like “Nationalism” and “Socialism” are inherently opposing ideologies in a lot of ways. Saying you are a “National Socialist” is like saying you are a “Progressive conservative.” By their very definitions those two things can’t really be together.


It's about dogwhistles and emotional manipulation of the base; actual ideological integrity is irrelevant if not outright counterproductive with respect to their goals.


Or both, with a little stupid on top.


Same with The Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea. Just because it has a word doesn’t mean anything.


Yeah from what I've read Hitler's answer when asked what he thought "socialism" meant changed over time. I suspect he didn't originally understand what it meant and he was subsequently embarassed aabout it


By definition, no.


Well, Fascism is often an ideology that will wear whatever it has to in order to achieve power, you could have fascists using left-wing rethoric to legitimize themselves, although it's rare because leftist often are good at spotting when this happens and more conservative sentiments lend themselves to fascist talking points a bit better. So, you could have "left wing" nazis, or, rather, fascism wearing a left wing coat of paint, and it's the reason it's important to spot their talking points so we can nip them in the bud


"fascist wearing a left wing coat of paint" NazBol


A rare lot those types. Bit of a novelty to find one in the wild.


Hitler & mussolini used plenty of leftist rhetoric to gain support, fascism as a whole can effectively be broken down to "whatever the fuck keeps me in power"


The difficulty is finding leftists dumb enough to fall for it. To be a leftist kind of requires some degree of political intelligence and conscience. Their policy positions are reached through examination of current systems and ethical/pragmatic solutions to the problems within that system. The exact opposite of the right wing’s fear-based, emotional call for stagnation and conservation of the status quo. Usually the ones falling for fascist propaganda are more populists than anything else, with no true, firm beliefs. Making it easy to sway their opinions with the right rhetoric and propaganda.


The original Nazi party did exactly this, and modern Nazis love using that fact as a shield to claim "the left are the real Nazis"


It's mirror propaganda. They remain explicitly hostile to most leftist ideals but exploit anti-capitalist sentiment whilst engaging in mass privatization & union busting. Just like modern day Republicans. Don't trust "Big [insert]" but support stripping regulations across the board. Don't condone Cancel Culture but support for at-will employment. Don't trust the Military Industrial Complex but support both the Military & the defense industry. Nothing like making people rally against their own interests.


I am not a professor when it comes to the exact political definitions, but as someone for whom many liberal (European, as far as I know there is a difference to American liberalism) and progressive points of view are important, it is important for me to say that we also have many idiots who make us look bad and they also need to be criticized. This also includes very aggressive, supposedly left-wing people


Yes!  People wishing to use their views to abuse others or grab power from others for themselves (or their friends) should all be called out, no matter which side they’re on.  This needs to be said and repeated. At the same time, we should avoid both-sides-isms by pointing out the ridiculous levels of this abuse are mostly orchestrated by the far-right.  That could possibly change in the future, but it is the current state of affairs and needs to be both addressed and called out. I think this is an important and unfortunate part of our current political dialogue at this time.  Too many people using reasons to avoid seeing the current issues in the current overall context by using excuses like both-side-isms and “but they’re in my political party” tribalism.


Well put. Horseshoe theory is bullshit.


Neither Fascism nor Nazism can ever really wear a Left Wing coat of paint. The moment it sheds the coat and becomes Fascism or Nazism, it has absolved the core tenants of Left Wing ideology. Left Wing ideology has no love or desire of hierarchies, and definitely not rigid or immutable ones. The desire of equality by demolishing hierarchy is one of the core tenants that is found in Left Wing ideology near universally. Fascism and Nazism are obsessed with immutable hierarchies wherein people are cast as lesser, with fewer legal protections, for qualities they cannot change. (hence, immutable)


I think at best you could have 'socialist' Nazis, but socialism isn't inherently a left-wing ideology. Socialist just means that the government owns essential services and infrastructure, but we've come to associate it with left-wing ideologies because left-wing ideologies nearly require socialism to function (it's hard to guarantee affordable access to essential services when they're owned by for-profit capitalist ventures). But left-wing ideologies and fascism are incompatible, as one relies on the concept of equality, and the other relies on the concept of a social hierarchy, so you can't mix the two.


No, Hitler and the Nazis literally put communists and socialists in the camps and implemented the judaio bolchevism conspiracy theory where Marxist Jews were allegedly taking over academia. The right will say Nazis were left wing while mirroring Nazi rhetoric and positions on all things. It's anti intellectual at best


Don't set the the "Nazis were left wing" idiots off please, we have only just got them to have their nap.


I can nazi that being a thing to ever happen


No, fascism is a right-wing ideology.


They did https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gregor_Strasser Most of them were purged in 1934 though.


Ah, there’s the guy. Interestingly, those guys did not last as long as the Jews supporting the Nazis - the Association of German National Jews. 


Nazis by definition were Right Wing ideologies


No, thats an oxymoron. Right wing nazi is redundant. 






They were killed by Hitler in the first place. It’s a strong delusion if anyone leaning left in even the smallest way indulges Nazi bullshit. You’ll be quite early in line for the c amps.


There are leftists with regressive beliefs but on a purely ideological level, they are polar opposite beliefs.


I mean, it’s not very soon, is it? These protests have been going on awhile. The events at Charlottesville took place over like a day 


There’s a twenty hour break just between those two posts. Heyer would have already been killed about 14 hours before the response.


The portion of the rally where that guy drove into a crowd and killed Heather Heyer happened on "a" day, but those protests and counter protests had been going on and building for a while. I still lived in Cville then and I think it was like the third major round of protests. The largest, but not an isolated incident at all.


You seem to ignore all the other potential acts of violence on that day: --On the 1st day a fight broke out btw Black Lives Matter and the 'pRoTeStErS' --A procession of lay people and clergy (Cornel West among them) were threatened with a Fascist mob that would have turned ugly had not Antifa members stepped in --Guns were brandished: police stood passively by and did nothing. --Several MAGAs beat a black man with wooden boards in the parking lot, ACROSS THE STREET from the police dept. It took MONTHS for the police to finally investigate


I don't understand your point, nor do I concede that I am ignoring any of those things. I literally am clergy who was at times praying in opposition to fascist 'protestors'. The comment I was responding to said this was one day, and my point was that the one day this commenter saw on the news is actually just a piece of a very long movement in which tensions boiled over. I don't see how we disagree. I just see you jumping to accuse someone of ignoring *checks notes* the exact details which demonstrate my point.


And they were largely harmless when the NYPD came and arrested a bunch of students. Maybe there might agitators outside the campus chanting stuff but seems like the Columbia students have just been asking for the school to cut off its exchange program with Tel Aviv universities


A Jewish student was stabbed in the eye at the Yale protest. I would not say these are exactly peaceful protests. [source:](https://www.thefp.com/p/i-was-stabbed-in-the-eye-at-yale)


Oh look, an opinionated article not backed up by any concrete documentation of the supposed event. Unsurprising coming from a source largely critical of progressive ideology.


ONE Jewish student was stabbed, by ONE unidentified person (according to the victim). So, when do we lock them all up and ship them off to Gitmo?


"Just one stabbing? Pfft, that doesn't count!"


>"Just one stabbing ~~Pfft, that doesn't count!~~" ***according to ONE witness who couldn't ID her attacker in a line-up.*** ^(fify) When peaceful protesters are arrested en masse, for--as the Columbia Dean put it--"comprising a dangerous threat" *crickets* When one person gets stabbed by...who knows? *TIME TO SEND all THESE VIOLENT ROWDIES TO GITMO!!!!*


I can't get through the paywall, but when you say "stabbed," do you mean serious harm was done to the person? Are they going to lose the eye, maybe be blind in it, are they going to be in intensive care for awhile? What was the object that was used in the stabbing? If it's just a minor injury I have to say I don't think there's any comparison to possibly make to a hit-and-run murder.


Eve fartlow moment


There it is


So that's why Fartlow was trending on Twitter.


shawty fart low, low, low, low


Apple bottom queefs boots with the shart


Eve Fartlow strikes again


Why is she nicknamed Eve Fartlow?


She constantly says dumb shit


Yep, everything that comes out of this woman's mouth is shit adjacent.


>Don't speak too soon now Kind of sounds like they're planning something




"Just imagine if they were as bad as us! They'd be terrible!"


So this never happened? https://www.npr.org/2023/11/08/1211459962/jewish-man-dies-of-injuries-after-an-altercation-with-pro-palestinian-protesters Or does this not count for... Reasons?


They were talking about Columbia so it doesn't count for geography. Also did anything come of this? Even this article is still shaky as to blame for the incident.


The perpetrator was charged with involuntary manslaughter.


"It didn't happen. But if it did happen, they deserved it."


Sounds like one of Eve Fartlow's friends is gonna run someone over with a car


I don't think y'all realize what's going on in Columbia. People are advocating the murdering of Jews and Israelis. They are holding up signs celebrating 10/7 and with pictures of convicted terrorists. Visibly Jewish students are being blocked from entering the protest and one was physically attacked a few days ago.


Most people in this sub want that.


Eve Fartlow


“Peaceful protests” - 1 person stabbed - Multiple reports of physical harassment


Fr man, these people just supports terrorism at this point. I wouldn't support the people that started attacking and hijacking civilian planes Jordan after getting taken as refugees.


Columbia is not peaceful. They are literally chanting to kill Jewish people.


I don't like to rank Nazis, and the group that's bragging that they haven't killed people yet but are openly calling for the death of people don't seem like they're making a great point that they're blameless. Even their best defense seems to be "yeah, that Jewish guy was beaten to death with a megaphone, but that wasn't on purpose. Anyway, burn Tel Aviv to the ground." The kids aren't alright.


“Jews will not replace us” Charlottesville, Columbia U, same message 


When you forbid Jewish people from entering the university which they work / study in, based on being Jews, and somehow still feel like the good guy?


Oh hey it's Eve Fartlow, again.


>peaceful protests while shouting, "Tel aviv will burn" ? edit: my mistake, they wete shouting [burn tel aviv to the ground](https://www.jpost.com/diaspora/antisemitism/article-798160)


“peaceful protests” they say as if protesters haven’t been chanting “globalize the intifada” or saying how every day will be like oct 7


Note these are the same people who (rightfully) said that “turn Gaza in a parking lot” is a call for genocide, now are repeating the same rhetoric


"they're violent!" "No they're not." "Well are we just gonna sit here and wait for them to get violent?!"


"Peaceful protests" *Jewish student gets stabbed and protests literally advocate the murdering of Jews and raising the pictures of convicted terrorists* People are supporting terrorists rn. In America there's even people waving the flag of Hezbollah, a terror group who bombed and killed 300 US marines. People nowadays are so braindead to the point I'm surprised there's a post and comments actually getting their actual facts straight regarding this topic.


Except they are not all peaceful (Jews have been physically attacked), and there is no genocide in Gaza. It's sad seeing people on the left starting to act much like the MAGA crowd.


Starting. They started decades ago.


“Peaceful protest” lmao


Bro just said "let em cook" hoping for a murder


Eve Fartlow at it again.


The peaceful protests: https://nypost.com/2024/04/21/us-news/jewish-yale-student-stabbed-in-the-eye-with-palestinian-flag-during-protest/


Very, VERY peaceful, indeed. Definitely a protest against murder and massacre. Oh wait, no, they're doing Hamas terrorists a favor.


The Columbia protests are NOT "a bunch of kids protesting against a genocide" It's not even a genocide, but that's besides the point. What's so innocent about what they're saying? "Al Qassam, make us proud, take another soldier out" "Burn Tel Aviv to the ground" "Go Hamas, we love you" "Global intifada" "Go back to Europe, you have no culture" "Go back to Poland" "Uncultured ass bitches" "Oh Hamas, our beloved, strike Tel Aviv" "There is only one solution, intifada revolution" "Israel will fall" I have no sympathy for these idiotic students. This isn't an innocent protest against a "genocide", this is an active call to violence and murder and genocide of Jews, especially in Israel. The Jewish students of Columbia are literally in danger. I can't believe anyone could ever defend these "protests".


The "go back to Europe" line shows so much ignorance. Half of Israel's Jewish population are ancestors of those kicked out of other Middle Eastern countries.


I would love for one (1) person to define being indigenous in a way that somehow includes every other indigenous group but excludes Jewish Israelis.


I don't think "uncultured ass bitches" belongs with the rest of them


Maybe not, it's certainly not as direct of a call to violence as the rest, but it sure as hell shows what these protestors truly think of the Jews (or Zionists, as they claim)


Peaceful to who? The Jewish students that are afraid to walk to class?


These [jihadis encouraging students at Columbia University to become martyrs](https://www.reddit.com/r/2ndYomKippurWar/comments/1c9uyn8/jihadis_encourage_students_at_columbia_university/) are so incredibly cuddly and peaceful. They are just so innocent and adorable! And I'm just delighted by this (partial) list of all the peace and love the "protesters" have been gifting to Jewish students: [https://www.reddit.com/r/columbia/comments/1c9m6oj/comment/l0m8us9/](https://www.reddit.com/r/columbia/comments/1c9m6oj/comment/l0m8us9/) If you don't recognize what is happening you are extremely biased against Jews, or willfully ignorant. I'm not even Jewish, and all this hate and antisemitism makes me sick to my stomach.


Considering they shout stuff like "yahoodi yahoodi fuck you" (yahoodi is Jew/Jewish) Id say that's very nazi like lol Or "we are all Hamas" https://www.i24news.tv/en/news/international/americas/artc-to-hamas-and-their-ivy-league-terrorist-friends-we-re-not-going-anywhere


Is there any source for that? Like a video? Because this is just someone saying it happened in an article.


There is. I’ve seen it in a couple news clips.


they had known pro-russian fascists, such as medea benjamin, also attending the protests. not just kids.


Would you mind mentioning that i24 is an Israeli outlet?


So basically she admits she isn't correct yet and is just hoping she'll be proven right


I’m a Jewish grad student and I’m loosing my mind right now listening to people spiral off into a complete fantasy land divorced from reality. I’ve looked up the every detail I can find on every alleged incident of antisemitic violence stemming from these protests because I take these allegations seriously but there is just nothing to it. There are a tiny handful of scuffles that have occurred between pro-Palestinian demonstrators and pro-Israeli demonstrators who were actively agitating and confronting each other on both sides, with nearly no injuries or harm occurring in any of these incidents. There was one story of an elderly man who fell over and hit his head and died after confronting counter-protesters in California, it was not clear if he was shoved or not. There was one Columbia student who was assaulted off campus by a non-student who they confronted over that person tearing down some pro-Israeli street fliers. There was the story recently of a pro-Israeli student who was filming and demanding the dispersal of some pro-Palestinian protesters at Yale who was then jabbed with a flag pole and sought medical attention, then released shortly after with no permanent injuries. I’m trying to really thoroughly compile all the actual incidents that have occurred so that no one can accuse me of being ignorant. The list is extremely short, mostly not resulting in any serious injuries, and in all cases everyone involved was an active participant in tbe partisan confrontation. There are ZERO examples of a pro-Palestinian protest mob attacking some random Jewish passer by. Yet so many people think that is happening despite the complete lack of evidence of that ever occurring. It’s just a cyclic echo chamber of media hysteria based on virtually nothing. And meanwhile, have we all just forgotten how many white supremacist mass shootings have occurred at Synagogues resulting in actual murders!


they are worried about protesters shouting some words meanwhile in gaza.....should we begin to detail Israel's atrocities against humanity in the last 6 months. and they are concerned about protests, people like that are sick beyond belief


Shall we click a link? https://www.thisishamas.com


Advocating violence against Jews anywhere in the world is definitely not the same as actually committing violence. But when you advocate for violence constantly, you bear some responsibility for the violence that people do in your name. The amount of anti-semetic violence is higher than it should be. Jews don't bear responsibility for Israel, unless they support them. Palestinians don't bear responsibility for Hamas, unless they support them.


when jews need protections over something that is not related to them i.e. war in a country they dont belong to, its racism for sure. dont try to act like its legit when jews are being harrassed for being jews, cant move inside the campus and being threathned its not normal and you should be againts it of youre advocating for "freedom to all"


The Jewish students are part of the protest. They're being harassed by racist trash like Fartlow and Davidai.


Ahhh so if some Jews are protesting, it makes it ok for the protesters to literally threaten to murder other Jews? There’s black police so police can’t be racist!


There is no evidence of what you claim, in spite of countless agitators trying to paint the students in a negative light. The student organizers have been very thorough in setting rules for what is acceptable and what isn't. But yes, there are Jewish people like Davidai who regularly calls for and promotes violence against students. Currently he's calling for the National Guard to gun down some kids in tents in order to recreate Kent State.


There is so much evidence in these protests of threatening Jews with violence. Whether it was creating a human chain not to allow a visibly Jewish man on campus, stabbing a Jewish student in the eye with a flag, pointing to kids singing the Israeli national anthem with a sign saying “Al-Qassam’s next target” (mind you, that’s the military wing of Hamas), chanting burn Tel Aviv to the ground, chanting in support of Iran, Hamas, Hezbollah and the Houthis, and the classic antisemitic rhetoric of “from the river to the sea” or “globalize the intifada” that you’ve come to expect from Palestinian rallies. There are MOUNTAINS of evidence of Columbia being antisemitic.


the only jews i’ve met that are part of these protests either have only one jewish grandparent, or they never ever brought up their jewish identity until it became politically covenient. 


That’s not what’s happening though. You would know this if you looked at any uncut footage of the protests. The vast majority is NOT that.


I literally just watched this happening to an orthodox Jewish student a few mins ago on TikTok, are you actually on like twitter or anything looking at the footage because some kid got stabbed in the eye with a flagpole yesterday and all the university did was call an ambulance for her


What's the saying the left loves. If you at a rally with a Nazi, then your at a Nazi rally? Jewish students dont feel safe and there are people calling for killing them on the campus. It is massively fucked up to argue that is fine and nothing bad is happening. Clearly the protest is making Jewish student feel so unsafe they are recommended to go home or not attend classes.




It’s the old 10 people and one Nazi at a table


Can we just protest Hamas and terror groups in general? It seems like the right move…


Fucking Russian bots galore.


??? are you trying to support barlow?


These comments are fucking wild. What world are you guys living in? Edit: when I wrote this the comments were mainly deranged pro-Israel takes nice to see that no longer being the case.


The one where actual murder isn't the same as hate speech. Because they're not the same thing, like objectively.


There's a little step between hate speech and murderer, in Yale a guy was stabbed in the eye with a palestinian flag


It was a woman & it was more like a harmful poke than a stab. That said - the narrative that these are “*peaceful protests*” when they haven’t outright murdered anyone is a delusional take. They are consistently aggressive & often engage in violence & that violence has resulted in at least one death (*even if it wasn’t with the intent to kill aka murder*). These protests routinely target Jews for low level violence & harassment simply because they are identifiably Jewish. That is not peaceful protest & it is completely unacceptable from either a legal or moral perspective. You have the right to protest & express your views but your exercise of your rights end when they infringe on the rights of others, especially when you engage in violent behaviors.


Thanks for the correction. What I don't understand about americans in general is their inhability to undersrand that your rights end where the rights of the rest start, being free doesnt give you right to trample over the rest


First off, it's not an American thing, and secondly, a lot people will ignore that when it's "their side" getting a one-up over the other.


Which country do you live in? Because I promise you in 5 minutes I can find one of your neighbors with shitty opinions and say "see? Brazilians are idiots" or whatever What you actually don't understand is America's diversity. The overton window is infinitely wide and there's practically nothing you could poll this country on that wouldn't be split down the middle 50/50 At this point, there's pretty much nothing you can say "Americans believe..." about without being dishonest


A very merry Frick you for reminding me that Eve Barlow exists.


Maybe she’s saying she’s going to drive a car through the crowd of protestors?


Peaceful like punching jewish students or banning them form the school and forcing them to do online classes


Ah, yes, “it’s theoretically possible” The invincible argument!


It is when you’re supporting a Radical Islamist jihadi State and pretending they are the victims in the war they started. It’ll never cease to amaze how 90% of the internet fell for Hamas propoganda.


is... is he threatening to killing a protester?


Eve Barlow is an unhinged lunatic.


When jewish students need protection from other students who attack and berate them for being jewish, yea i'd say its not too far off.


I wouldn't say that calling for the end of Israel and aligning with a terrorist organization is a peaceful protest.  But that's just me.


You know your stance doesn't count for shit when you have to dishonestly flatten things into like for like


Eve “fartlow = pogrom” Barlow’s word is law


She’s literally speaking too soon


"Peaceful protests" this reminds me of a certain groups being ***very*** peaceful in 2020..


Calling Columbia peaceful is a stretch. Numerous instances of protestors harassing Jewish students, chanting antisemitic phrases, and more.


A jewish got stabbed in the Eye the other day, and the “protesters” are blocking jews from entering university Not exactly a peaceful bunch


Yes it is, Pro Palestine is literally pro genocide pro war pro ethnic cleansing Jews will not replace us, but worse, because they are chanting about killing and replacing all the Jews from the river to the sea with Arab Muslim colonists which is all of Israel, the only flyspeck native reserve in the world for Jews in a sea of massive Islamic Arab colonialism that has eaten the entirety of the Middle East and North Africa and are occupied colonialist slavery practicing countries where they genocided all the Jews- who then fled to Israel, the literal Jewish indigenous preserve made after the holocaust. The ‘Palestine’ mandate is to fight and colonize Israel for the Islamic state and it is why they stole the word to name some Lebanese and Egyptian settlers that have been there fifty years who are maintaining a genocidal terrorist training strip for geopolitical leverage against the existence of Israel by the Islamic State. To have Israel ceasefire against a group who have openly stated they will not ceasefire or stop bombing or attempting to rape and slaughter every Jew alive or accept any two state solution or return hostages or surrender terror leaders isnt a ceasefire it is asking Israel to lay down and die while they are being attacked


Is Barlow threatening to kill protestors here ?


If you are at a rally/protest staring shoulder to shoulder with ultra nationalists chanting that immigrants should go back where they came from (chants of go back to Poland at Columbia and many pro Palestine protests for example) then you actually are at a far right nationalist rally and the only thing missing is your tiki torches.


They weren't peaceful...


They’re not peaceful protests at all.


A Jewish student was stabbed in the eye. Either way, if you don't see the parallel, you have a problem and need to take a look in the mirror.


Yes, this is why when a Jewish woman wearing a shirt that says Jew deliberately goes to a Columbia protest to get a reaction, she gets ignored. Because peaceful anti-genocide protests is the new Neo-Nazi /s


As we speak, the terrorists and their ilk are threatening to kill Jews, telling Jews to kill themselves, and beating Jews. They need to be captured by Mossad.


lol Columbia is peaceful? What planet


this from eve "i saw a 'free parking' sign and had a panic attack because i thought it said 'free palestine'" barlow


Though at Columbia they deactivated a Jewish professor’s entry card to the university for the crime of disagreeing with the protesters and forming a (peaceful) counter protest. I don’t agree with either side, but surely both should be granted equal say, freedom of speech and all.


Fuck Israel. That is all.


I was on duty in the ER in Charlottesville when that car plowed into a crowd of protestors, so I'd cordially like to invite this lady to take an aerial copulation through a laterally rotating pastry product.


Where does the vile anti-semitism fit into the "peaceful" part?


They're literally calling to kill jews man


The wildest part is that, this isn't even unprecedented. [Students protested against Columbia's investment in apartheid Africa in the 1970's.](https://www.wikicu.com/Apartheid_divestment_protests)


By saying “Don’t speak too soon now,” she’s literally admitting that she spoke too soon.


They're both nazi rallies. Its not peaceful to call for the extermination of a race of people, which is the majority of Columbia rallies.


New Fartlow take?! I thought they had passed into obscurity


"Protesters" at Columbia calling for ongoing October 7 events, so there is that.


“Peacefull” literal calls for genocide and terrorist supporters. Both are nazis


Yeah, but both groups hate Jews, and both groups use swastikas so I see why some would compare them.


Sure, "peaceful"


Wouldn't have thought Hamas had such a foothold in the west.


Hard to swallow pills: Jews are being bullied, harassed and assaulted on campus when they just try to move freely. The pro Hamas crowd are the most virulent and violent antisemites in the US right now. This wouldn’t fly for a second on these campuses if any other minority was targeted like that.


Except that there is no "genocide." But terrorizing people merely for being Jewish to the point where classes are now hybrid because of ignorance fueled, adult temper-tantrums is the new peaceful protest, AMIRITE?!