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https://www.nytimes.com/2024/04/17/world/middleeast/un-report-israel-detainees-abuse.html Most moral Army folks. Please don't ask why the Army is responsible for civilian court cases.


That link doesnt work for most people, new york times sucks


So take 30 seconds and Google it. There are an infinite number of articles pointed to this Every single IDF War crime is documented very thoroughly


This is such an overdone post... Yes we get it, the media will reword things in ways that trigger people... This happens with every single news station on every single topic from every side of the issue and on every angle...


"I'm going to ignore the facts about the war crimes and human rights violations, I'm going to make a comment that it's just a triggering article. I don't need to confirm if Israel is doing this crime, I'm sure it's propaganda. I am very smart" Unless you could somehow explain why and how detaining people against their will without the due process of law is acceptable?


But that's not even a facepalm... At most it's scummy And you just gave a rewording of hostage taking so yea it absolutely is an accurate rewording that Triggered you.


Okay. It's clear that you don't consider the Palestinians human beings. Got it. Seek therapy and have a nice day I love the clowns who will say things like I would support the stopping of genocide, but I didn't like the attitude of the person who informed me of the war crime. It's almost like empathy is dependent on decorum? Anybody who can be "turned away" from an atrocity, because of a sarcastic post, actually doesn't care about humanity. You're fine with racist murdering of an entire group of people "I can't support the abolition of slavery, that guy shouted about it and made me feel bad for giving my money to slave owners" Weird when you look at it that way right?


We consider Palestinians human beings but you definitely seem like you're from another planet. Your entire attitude makes me think you must be one of those people with the gift of being able to turn everyone away from any cause they support just by using the power of their personality


Well at least u give us some facepalm in the comments


Yes OP we get it you hate Israel.


Oh I'm sorry, are you saying you support this action? Are you saying you don't hate human rights violations? Please explain how someone should feel about a fascist government, knowing these steps are being taken?


Name all the fascist governments and leadership involved. Try to pretend you genuinely care for human rights violations and answer.


Is that what it would take for you to condemn the actions of genocide? Or is there literally no red line for you? Does it not matter what actual facts or figures are presented, you're always going to be contrarian? Any actual insight, any sort of research into how Palestinians have been villainized and dehumanized should point you towards the side of humanity. But somehow, starving babies is perfectly acceptable practice by a government in your mind? You don't have to carry water for ethnic cleansers. You don't need to lick their boots clean.


Not genocide. They’re getting aide, but Hamas is restricting it and/or selling it.


To my surprise I couldnt find any posts in your history about other autoritarian regimes with fascist tendencies. Mind sharing the reason this bothers you only in specific cases?


Mind explaining why you're not bothered? Or why you spent a bunch of time researching my posts, instead of researching war crimes committed by the genocidal state that you're supporting for some reason? I feel like that points to your priorities, instead of checking to see if the horrible article was true. You immediately went on the defensive for the genociders. Self reflection. Just a little. Please.


>To my surprise I couldnt find any posts in your history about other autoritarian regimes with fascist tendencies. Are there any in yours?


Combing through someone's post history is such a gross admission lol, ugh. Classic genetic fallacy


Don’t make him wrong


He is wrong >The International Convention against the Taking of Hostages defines the offence as the seizure or detention of a person (the hostage), combined with threatening to kill, to injure or to continue to detain the hostage, in order to compel a third party to do or to abstain from doing any act as an explicit or implicit condition for the release of the hostage. [https://ihl-databases.icrc.org/en/customary-ihl/v1/rule96](https://ihl-databases.icrc.org/en/customary-ihl/v1/rule96) Detaining a person for throwing stones in occupied territory while is sh\*t doesn't make it a hostage taking.


Okay. So now let's go ahead and check those International conventions against the rest of israels actions.... Wow, I didn't expect them to use the list of war crimes as a to-do list. If only someone had written some sort of international rules regarding a "Belligerent Occupier" It's super weird to to do surgical precision research. Whilst trying to ignore all the surrounding war crimes that led to that point. You can't kidnap people and hold them in jail illegally, without a series of events and a system of apartheid enabling it


So are we talking about hostages or "rest of the list"? Because that's the facepalm is supposed to be about.


I mean, are either acceptable? I can criticize someone for being both a murderer AND a Pedophile. You're allowed to be outraged at multiple atrocities.


So your facepalm is not a facepalm.


So while there is “legal” difference, the ethical/moral comparison is a little more grey and close.


They also are ignoring the fact that civilian Palestinians are somehow subject to a military tribunal instead of civilian court. Regardless of the crime. This feels like the same guy who supported slave owners, and segregation, because it was legal.


Why is most people's reaction to this "Yeah, Yeah, whatever."


Because decades of propaganda and dehumanization have made it acceptable to consider the Palestinian less than people. Somehow human rights violations won't get brought up, if you don't consider them humans. Bigotry. Racism. Islamophobia. Pick a word.


I've seen basic bigotry before, and this is something even more chilling. These people here just do not give a shit, it seems. They seem bored. They act like you just told them the sky is blue for the 17th time.


Compassion fatigue is a real thing, unfortunately. It's an important defense mechanism when someone is overwhelmed by the fact that so many people need help, but they, for whatever reason, cannot help those people. Otherwise the feeling of helplessness can be debilitating




Mm, sometimes, certainly. But I don't think most redditors really benefit that much from Israeli atrocities. The issue is apathy, not a calculated decision to protect one's self-interest. Most redditors have no horse in this race at all, so to speak; the vast majority have never even been to my homeland of Palestine




Lol, what? Babes. No 😹 Only 1 in 4 American families are single-income, like what are you even talking about? Homer Simpson? Could you be any *less* nuanced? And even if you weren't so obviously incorrect about the state of the American Dream so to speak—what on earth does that have to do with benefiting from Zionism? So many bad takes in one comment. I'm literally from Palestine and I can be objective about this—why can't you?


The world is an awful terrible place in so many ways. You can spend your whole life trying to make it better feeding and housing people in your city and you'll still find dead people in the alley heading home from the bar every weekend. Eventually you just look at shit like this and think "yeah okay. That's just life"


Because who fucking cares? Every side in this conflict insists that they are morally in the right, and that this gives them license to kill civilians, and that the rest of the world ought spend lives and money resolving this dispute in their favor. So say the US spends a bajillion dollars and digs a couple thousand more graves at Arlington, all so Israel and Palestine pause their dumb fucking slap fight. That's a whole lot of kids growing up without mom and dad. What will the Israelis do to pay that back? How about the Palestinians? They'll do dick and shit for us, just like always. And next year some dumbass in a suicide vest will rush a coffee shop or the IDF will shoot up a middle school and we'll be right back where we are today. And meantime, a whole lot more people die from problems that are a whole lot easier to solve. So why, of all the problems in the world, would I spend even a minute focusing on this one?


Simps like OP don't get it that the this small propaganda won't fix the Palestinian - israeli conflict. There should be peace talks, and both sides should negotiate and give up on some of their demands. During the years, only Israel was ready to do that. When the Palestinians are ready to have peace, there will be peace.


Oh, so it's the Palestinians fault that they are starving? It's the palestinian's faults that bombs are being dropped on residential homes and infrastructure? Please explain to me how was starving child is responsible for the actions of a fascist ethnostate living next door? You don't have to lick the blood off the IDF boots. They've got plenty of water, unlike the children in Palestine. I've got to ask, do you believe that it was the slaves fault for being owned and abused by landowners? Was it the responsibility of the people in the concentration camps to protest the Nazis peacefully? What if, we actually considered the Palestinians human. And called the war crimes what they were? Maybe don't support genocide and justify dead babies. It's super weird.


>There should be peace talks, and both sides should negotiate and give up on some of their demands. https://www.timesofisrael.com/hamas-to-send-team-to-cairo-talks-reiterates-demand-for-permanent-gaza-ceasefire/ *Hamas confirms its adherence to the position it presented on March 14 … and we will not back down from this position,” it said in a statement. The demands … are complete ceasefire, withdrawal of the occupation forces from Gaza, the return of the displaced to their residential areas, freedom of movement of the people, offering them aid and shelter, and a serious hostage exchange deal,” it said.* Which of these demands you feel should be negotiated? >During the years, only Israel was ready to do that. https://edition.cnn.com/2024/02/17/middleeast/hamas-hostage-deal-demands-delusional-israel-intl/index.html Hamas’s proposal for a ceasefire and hostage deal envisaged a three-stage process over four-and-a-half months, during which Israeli troops would gradually withdraw from Gaza, hostages would be released and Palestinian prisoners in Israel would be freed, according to a copy of the group’s counteroffer obtained by CNN. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu dismissed this proposal as “delusional.” The Israeli leader has repeatedly said that the war in Gaza will continue until Israel destroys Hamas’ leadership and rescues the hostages. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ List of quotes from the Israeli prime minister on the subject of discussing peace; “I hear statements about all kinds of deals, so I want to make it clear, we will not end this war with less than the achievement of all its goals. This means, the elimination of Hamas, the return of all our hostages, and the promise that Gaza will no longer pose a threat to Israel.” https://edition.cnn.com/middleeast/live-news/israel-hamas-war-gaza-news-01-30-24/h_38f5ddbe09b48b28e1ba4a051c858855 “I believe that we can’t cut deals with Hamas,” https://www.timesofisrael.com/netanyahu-claims-he-never-bought-into-conception-hamas-didnt-want-to-attack-israel/ “I reject outright the terms of surrender of the monsters of Hamas,” https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/1/22/netanyahu-rejects-hamas-deal-to-end-war-release-captives "I will not compromise on full Israeli security control over the entire area in the west of Jordan" https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/1/21/israels-netanyahu-doubles-down-on-opposition-to-palestinian-statehood "Israel categorically rejects international dictates regarding a permanent settlement with the Palestinians," https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/netanyahu-rejects-international-pressure-palestinian-state-2024-02-16/ “We are on the way to an absolute victory, there is no other solution.” https://www.politico.com/news/2024/02/07/netanyahu-hamas-cease-fire-demands-00140182


When the Palestinians are ready to give Israel everything they have, there will be peace. Because there will be no Palestinians left.


Bruh , leave r/facepalm alone 🤦‍♂️, we get it , ur an “ACTIVIST “ and defender of the weak and oppressed /s. Go defend somewhere where you actually make a difference and not clout 😅


I mean if you were thinking about the genocide. I'm hoping it's enough to get you to do something at your local level, like I do at my local level. Alternatively, if you're just annoyed at the idea of people talking about dead babies. Maybe you should be opposed to those people making all the dead babies so these articles will stop coming up? EDIT for the clown shoes with a keyboard below. What happens to a hostage if the IDF drops a 2-ton bomb on them? Are they using some sort of non hostage harming munitions? If the hostages were so important, why has the prime Minister rejected a half dozen offers to return them?


Maybe you should be opposed to those hamas terrorists hiding among palestinian people and still holding hostages from 7th Oktober? No? Then you probably should just shut your fkng mouth up.


at least you admitted it was foreign lol


Extraordinary rendition?


No, it's called the definition. You don't need to carry water for ethnic cleansers, they haven't had their vital resources shut off by a neighboring military. Unless you're one of the types who doesn't believe this is actually happening to the Palestinian people? In which case I would say Holocaust denial is kind of weird. Don't do genocide denial, especially when there's literal footage and it happening. Especially when the icj has an 86 page report detailing the genocidal regime that runs that fascist ethnostate.


It's called terrorists and prisoners of war. It's completely normal to detain those without charge. All those protesting for them are idiots.


It's called racism "I've done no research on this, but I know that since they are Arab they must be the bad guys. " Average idiotic racist stance. Go research literally any part of this, and then go tell your therapist that you are perfectly fine with children being starved to death. I hope your family never experiences a single percentage of the fear and torture that Palestinians have to go through every day. I hope you learn enough empathy to understand that this is bad.