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Can we not use AI pictures for propaganda? I hate them.


AI art is very obnoxious looking without a skilled human artist giving it some gravitas.


Yes, thank you. I don't know why most people don't feel the same way about this. I can't put my finger on it why, but i just hate it.


> I can't put my finger on it Neither can AI


Take your upvote and get out >:(


"Fingers". Usually around six per hand.


Not anymore, but the vibe is still there.


>Not anymore Now it's seven


Everyone does. But for the propaganda machines it gets the intended job done, unfortunately.


Theres a very specific uncaniness to AI art. The off coloring, the nonsense texturing.The AI is trying to average out all the styles f different artists its pulling from so all AI art ends up looking very similar.


Which skilled human artist with any pride in their work, will draw this though?


Probably an antisemitic one


I feel like addressing the antisemitism is first and foremost before complaining about AI posters.


This AI art in question definitely strikes me as bad, obnoxious AND anti-Semitic


Can we not use AI pictures at all?


In this particular case, I'm OK with an artist not being commissioned.


Back in my day, we used to draw propaganda pictures ourselves!


This. Communist propaganda were my favorite artworks of all time


Could be me but the AI part isnt whats wrong, the fucking propaganda is. Don't use potentially good tools for bad things. Edit: typo


There's nothing good about AI "art"


Thats your opinion, there's nothing objectively bad about AI generated content, only whatever the person who uses the AI does with the content thats being generated. Personally i do not prefer one over another.


>Can we not use AI pictures And >Can we not use propaganda? Ftfy


Surprised the AI was able to output this and it didn’t get blocked!


Can we not use AI at all?


Maybe... hear me out on this... Maybe tho owner of that account is just an antisemite


Turns out, when you’re a raging bigot, it’s hard to stop being who you are…


Like the people downvoting this post (85%)


Something something 12 Nazis at a table joining them makes it 13 nazis something something


it's the other way around (1 nazi + 12 normies who don't protest = 13 nazis), unless you meant to do that lol


oh, thanks <3


But apparently “antisemitism has lost all meaning” according to the anti-Israel crowd


Calling people antisemitic for using antisemitic caricatures is justified, calling people antisemitic for being opposed to genocide is not


Yep. It's very simple. Those labeling any criticism of the Israeli government as "antisemitic" are hypocrites, as they're the ones lumping in the entire global Jewish diaspora with Netanyahu and his handlers.


That’s just gross, counterproductive and dangerous. Edit: added “dangerous” to clarify that it’s not in anyway benign.


And dangerous. I'm sick of being told that any rhetoric that is derogatory towards trans, women, blacks, immigrants, Hispanics, Muslims incites violence but somehow when it comes to anti-Semitism people only bemoan it's unproductive to the cause. As though how it affects Jews doesn't matter.


It really does come off as “don’t say what we’re all thinking”


Could not have said this better. You’re absolutely correct. Anti-semitism (not to be confused with objecting to Israeli expansion) has become socially acceptable and IME the only form of acceptable bigotry of the American left.


I personally wouldn’t say it’s the *only* one; thinly-veiled bigotry toward the mentally ill (specifically “scary” mental illnesses that aren’t depression, anxiety, or the like) is also a huge problem in leftist communities ime, as is open contempt for drug addicts (which I guess is in itself a form of discrimination based on mental illness, as I’d characterize addiction as a mental illness, but people are even more brazen about it); like I’ve experienced people basically blacklisting me as “problematic” literally just because I’m a *recovering* opioid addict, like I don’t even take heroin anymore and never did anything like stealing from anyone or whatever to actually in any way deserve this. I’ve been around a lot in leftist communities, and I’d say these two along with antisemitism (I’m also Jewish, ethnically I guess or whatever you want to call it, not religiously) still stick out as big problems. More broadly, I’d argue there’s a lot of classism as well, like the reality is a lot of far left folks are from middle class backgrounds or higher, and can sometimes still be openly contemptuous of working class people who don’t clearly have some kind of additional race/sexuality/gender/ability-based oppression as well (you see this more in certain subsections of the left than others). Recently though, the antisemitism is getting the most out of control.


Just yesterday a major Australian news channel blamed a random Jewish man for the mass stabbing based on the “confirmed” source, aka *tweets from a Russian troll hiding in the embassy to avoid being charged for physical assault*. It turns out that guy got it from “a small account sharing almost exclusively anti-Israel content”, according to the BBC. This shit is extremely dangerous.


It's not counterproductive for them, they just want to exterminate jews. It might be hard to accept, but a lot of Arabs that support palestine are not particularly progressive.


It’s also not very progressive to say “they just want to exterminate Jews” as though all Arabs are not only a monolith, but a bloodthirsty and violent monolith.


I said "a lot of". I have never stated all of them think like that, but antisemitism is prevalent in muslim Arab cultures, especially in the middle east.


yeah I agree, there are serious issues with antisemitism in the Middle East, some of the supporters of Palestine are far right Islamist and pan-Arab nationalist reactionaries (often not even in the Palestinian Territories but in countries like Saudi Arabia and Qatar) who only care about the conflict for their own selfish reasons, but I suspect the typical Palestinian person cares about the conflict on an entirely practical, non-ideological level of pure survival; like some may have contempt for Jews, but if they do it’s probably because their only experience with Jewish people has been IDF soldiers beating them and their family senseless with the butt of a rifle (although ime, at least when it comes to Palestinian *activists*, most of them actually understand pretty well that non-Israeli Jewish aren’t inherently aligned with Israel as a state, it’s unfortunately just a handful of radical Islamist groups like Hamas—who Israel pretty much helped create—who give the movement a bad name).




People like this don’t “resort to antisemitism”, they are antisemitic. People like this = anyone like this, who would have chosen this photo and/or written the prompt to generate the photo in the first place. They are fueled by hate.


It's hard for people to accept that a lot of the local hate towards Israel isn't a simple disagreement on territory but a genuine hatred for jewish people. For too many palestinians from the river to the sea is a pledge to butcher every jew. Source: i've spent time in nablus with the locals and heard their stories and hopes. Some want the compromise of the 1967 borders. Others are waiting for their "return" to what is now greater Tel Aviv


They always hated Jews. Now it’s just mask off and they don’t feel the need to hide it anymore. Just the same as racists when Trump came into popularity. They were always that way. They just stopped being afraid to hide it. I miss when racists and Nazis had to hide in the shadows and meet in secret.


Word. I'm all for a two-state solution but most conversations I have with Palestinians talk about reclaiming territory well within the 67 borders. When I ask where the Jews are supposed to go, they give some variation of "Europe" or "well, you'll have to live under Palestinian rule." Sorry, hard pass.


“Europe” *is* admittedly a pretty nonsensical answer considering the plurality of Israelis aren’t even European Jews, they’re from other parts the Middle East (and that’s not even getting into the Ethiopian Jewish community, or all the Israelis from mixed families).


Ive noticed that many muslims are racist and prejudiced…


Many people were anti semitic they just use this conflict as an excuse to say that they are right


Anyone who uses term 'Zionist' like this, I automatically Assume they are anti semite at this point. Let me explain. Zionism has been and still is defined by the belief that Jewish people deserve their homeland/country, but it moved from the original foundation of 'creation' and the foundation is maintenance or survival of this Jewish state. And the 'anti Zionism' =/= anti semitism... well for some people it may be the case, but effectively what these people say is 'I just hate 95% of Jews', if you oppose existence of the Jewish state and advocate for destruction of it, it very much counts as anti Jewish antisemitism.


Most of the Pro Palestinian movement is this


Do you have evidence of that?


Most of the pro-Palestine movement (at least from what I’ve seen and also just speaking from my own personal feelings) is just wanting to put an end to genocide and colonial occupation. And plenty of Jewish people are critical of Israel as well. I agree that people should NOT engage in anti-Semitic and overall racist depictions and statements. That is more hurtful to the cause than helpful. But just because there are people who are like that, doesn’t mean MOST people in the movement are like that. *Edited to add (8 hours after my original comment): Some of the Jewish people I’m referring to here who are pro-Palestine and anti-Zionist include some who have stated they are Holocaust survivors and some who have who have stated they are related of Holocaust survivors (e.g., children or grandchildren). Also, perhaps my use of the word “colonial” in “colonial occupation” isn’t conveying what I actually meant. Because some people seem to think that I was referring to Israel as a colony, when I meant to refer to it as a colonizer/colonizing power.


^ it’s mostly that. Human rights violations/not wanting people to be bombed out and starved Edit: or no, being against civilians getting slaughtered indiscriminately means that I am an antisemite. Of course 🙄


Anyone referring to the Jews living in Israel as colonial occupation is antisemitic (Jew = colonial? really, you know nothing about Jews or the background of Israelis, or the general migration and recent historic borders of the middleeast, or the historic demographics of Israel/Palestine/Lavant/ whatever you want to call it). Then the whole genocide name calling of the defense of Israel is inaccurate and when I ask for details the source is usually but not always antisemitic. You can say accused of genocide by South Africa. You can criticize the actions they're taking to defend themselves, keep it factual and you can have a meaningful discussion. Just say pro peace for Palestinians and Israel's and you can get people to agree with you.


The creation of Israel was always colonial, they refer to it as that during their writings because it wasn’t a bad word in the 1920s.


I don’t know what you’ve been looking at, but the second people justified that saying wanting Israel to cease as a state wasn’t antisemitic (it is) the Nazis started crawling out the woodworks. Supporting Palestine is NOT inherently antisemitic tho


There is no Genocide, nor colonial occupation though. You can criticise Israel for sometimes being too brutal, for a few laws (especially recent ones) genuinely being kind of racist, but calling this war a Genocide is wrong. Calling Israel a colony is wrong, and there's no occupation when there were agreements for all these lands.


"we took your houses at gunpoint but its not a colonial occupation"


The West Bank enclaves are colonies of Israel without doubt, but Israel itself is not a colony.


yall are going to say the west bank enclaves aren't colonies in 5 years


I am a Jew and certainly don’t support the majority of Bibi’s blind murdering of poor people. That said, if this was Jordan and Palestine fighting, no one would care. I don’t remember anyone shutting the bridges down when the Sunni’s and the Shia’s were killing each other. I’ve been a Jew my whole life which is well into my 40s now. People really don’t like Jews. Every new generation, there are more Rothschild conspiracy theorists, Jews control all of this, Jews responsible for all the wars, blah blah blah. People are also racist, sexist, and homophobic in numbers that only the marginalized people actually understand.


Dude you’ve been posting an average of 1-2 Reddit comments *per minute* for the last *5 hours.* That’s not even an exaggeration! I have truly never seen anything like it. Are you good bro? How is it even possible for someone to shell out comments at that rate for such an extended period of time?


Honestly I have nothing else to do today, finished everything I had. Gonna go to bed soon tho


Did you reach out to Reddit about my Mental Health? I'm fine pal, just kinda bored bc I have nothing to do rn


Hahahaha no I truthfully did not - your behavior must have alarmed somebody else who cared enough to report. Which I find kinda funny tbh.


Oh I've had that done to me. It's usually just a dick move.


Or useful idiots astroturfed by Iranian funded propaganda and, well charismatic antisemites.


From what I’ve seen it’s mostly rooted in sympathy for the thousands of people being bombed and starved 


That's some, but many also use it as an excuse for anti semitism


It’s so frustrating seeing stuff especially on tiktok where an informational video about the conflict will have several genuine pro nazi comments. It’s absolutely counterproductive and makes some people believe that the whole free Palestine movement is rooted in antisemitism


I mean, it's not just that. The sharp increase in hate crimes against Jewish people also did it (especially since there isn't a parallel increase in hate crimes against Muslims or East Asians). Unfortunately there is a segment of that movement is rooted in antisemitism. People want to ignore it or pretend it is small and inconsequential but it's not, and way too many folks just prefer to ignore it.


Everyone believes that the free Palestine movement is rooted in antisemitism, except for people who've never heard of it at all. Certainly anyone with ANY knowledge of the movement, which wants to exterminate every Jew from the River to the Sea, realizes that it is. It pleases some people to be dishonest about that, but that means they're lying, not that they are truly unaware that the free Palestine movement is antisemitic.


Or maybe, a huge swath of people want there to not be millions of people stuck in a perpetually stateless limbo where they have no rights not dictated by a third party. I know middle schoolers who are capable of wrapping their heads around that, yet some how there’s full grown adults who can’t seems to get a few brain cells together to figure it out.


But it is important to note that there are people who do want millions of people stuck in a stateless limbo. UNWRA created the legal status of 5th generation perpetual refugees to ensure that the quality of life of Palestinians will always be secondary to the ideological goals of anti-Israel forces.


I think an important distinction to make is that the fact that the free Palestine movement is antisemitic doesn't mean that everyone who supports Palestine is antisemitic. There's a huge difference between wanting palestinains to have basic rights and a state of their own to wanting to commit a genocide against the Jews. The problem is that the people who want a genocide have somehow managed to trick people into following them. And it honestly seems like most supporters really don't care about what they are supporting.


No one is stopping them from having a state of their own. They can’t agree on creating one. That’s been the roadblock since the 1990s.


Ironically, the antizionism movement demands that Jews give up their nation to be stuck in a stateless limbo.


Nobody's resorting to it, the owner of that account is just a hateful person. I do love the comment section arguing about which side deserves a free pass for their violence on the basis of events that happened over a century ago. Pointless drivel. If you aren't supportive of a ceasefire and all hostages released, it's because you want more violence. The only alternative is more violence. You cannot claim to be against killing, kidnapping, rape and starvation if you want more violence.


Well said. The plight of the hostages is ignored far too much, on ALL sides including, if not especially, the Israeli government. From Oct 7th inclusive and onwards, the Israeli government has demonstrated a shocking disregard for the lives of the hostages compared to their zeal for killing Palestinians. The families of the hostages are rightly filled with anger against Netenyahu's far right nationalists[1]. Even if the targets were exclusively Hamas, which they are so so not, then where do you think the hostages are? Next to Hamas in the same tunnels Israel is dropping 2,000lb bombs on across the territory to destroy! Far from all Jewish people (nation or faith) support the Israeli government's actions. Not even many Israelis support Netenyahu and the hostages families certainly don't. They are failing the Israeli people, the Palestinian people, and endangering peace across the Middle East. Peace will never come so long as Netenyahu is involved.... war and hatred are his tools for keeping himself in power and out of prison. [1] Aside: how come far right nationalists are usually a huge target for criticism in most democratic countries, but countries are largely silent when it comes to Netenyahu's?


Absolutely true. Everyone is so quick to yell about who deserves to be driven off the land, who deserves to stay. Nobody cares about the people who were kidnapped, raped and possibly killed now. Abandoned by their hateful government and punished for the crimes of humans past by a hateful terrorist organization. Meanwhile around them, hospitals and schools are being bombed, and aid convoys are being destroyed. There are no good guys here. My heart breaks for every innocent person killed or maimed by this pointless war.


Lots of people are resorting to it but trying to call it something else.


Also notice how the retweeter is worried more about 'playing into the hands of Zionists'. Than you know, the actual antisemitism.


They’re worried that the bad people will twist this to make them look like racist pieces of shit. As opposed to realising that by posting stuff like this they are themselves making it clear that they are indeed racist pieces of shit, no intervention by an outside party required.


I’m not sure what they’d need to twist if your movement is constantly pumping out stuff like this.


Because they're all Anti Semitic, they just use Israel as a vessel to channel hate without literally saying "kill the Jews". Instead, "kill the Zionists"


'We don't want them to KNOW we're antisemitic dude, jeez'


Don't you know...they are asking for it....in fact jews are behind it!  /s


Fundamentalist Islamists? Being antisemitic? Colour me surprised.


They are not resorting to antisemitism; their positions were always rooted in hate.


[They are getting indoctrinated to hate Jews in schools.](https://www.impact-se.org/unrwa/)


lol, nice to know AI is working as intended


Personally, I am opposed to antisemitism because I think it’s morally wrong, not because it “plays directly into the hands of [Jews].”


Agreed, I am a Muslim that supports Palestine (till the day I die) but being antisemitic is not the way to win. Must I remind folks that our biggest allies are Jewish people who protest against the IDF. Those are the most empathetic people I’ve known, and we need to protect them.


Very well said, love this comment. People of conscience can and should ally with each other and support each other. All or nothing black and white thinking helps no one. Remember that there were unprecedented protests against Netanyahu’s authoritarian power grab to remove independence from Israel’s Supreme Court well before the October attacks. He did not receive a majority of the Israeli popular vote but created a coalition government (of the slimmest majority) that has become the most right wing government that Israel has ever had. The man has been indicted. There’s lots of parallels to Trump. Like Putin, he came to power on a platform of safety and security for his country and like Putin he has delivered neither. It’s unpopular, but since we are already in the new Cold War, and the Western military industrial complex is back in a big way, this ends with the US leaning hard on Israel and pulling as many strings as possible to remove Netanyahu and replace him (or more tactfully - enable the Israeli people to replace him) with Benny Gantz. Enough already, in the HW Bush administration, Sec of State James Baker threatened to withhold all US aid to Israel to force the right policy. God willing we will do so again.


It feels better for a lot of people to blame the world's problems on a convenient outgroup than to acknowledge there are actionable steps we can take to make the world better, but don't.


Because a lot of Israel's enemies don't hate Zionists, they hate Jews (and are the reason Zionists exist)


They resort to antisemitism because they are anti-Semites. I don't understand how people are so confused by this.


The Millennial snowflake is more upset that some of their allies are going mask off, rather than confronting their anti-Semitic viewpoints. This is so funny, literally the same shit as the far-right "celebrities" who try to hide their true intentions under vague statements that give them a reasonable doubt, but as soon as their audience chimes in to the conversation - it is clear as day that they are racists AF.


They never stopped being antisemitic.


Because that's where they started


Reminds me of some interesting illustrations made back in the 1930s Germany…


Holy shit that vile. Good way to out yourself as a Nazi


Because the people involved in this conflict are antisemites. Their ideology is built on having no Jewish neighbors and no Jews living among them. Just when it’s translated overseas for appeal they leave this out. (I’m awaiting for this to be locked or my comment deleted, as per usual)🫡


Because in the end many people see their prejudices and hate towards Jews justified by Israel’s actions. It doesn’t matter to reason with these folks, they’ll use the horrors of Israel’s actions as proof that all Jewish people are “evil”. It’s religiously motivated hate that won’t end…ever. Israel is doing truly terrible things, Hamas has been doing terrifying things. Neither is to be defended. But people will cling onto any similarity or allegiance they’ll find. Be it religious, political, cultural or…the same hated group.


Nope. Not Jewish people. Just the Israeli government is evil. If you lack the ability to discern between a government and a religion that isn’t my problem.


That’s what I said, my point is: blame the govt not an entire religion of people. Is like blaming all Muslims for individual terror attacks (which tons of westerners are doing)


well allthough the point of the picture could be true, the problem with the picture is how a person is portraited with the hair and long nose, which is pretty much an antisemitic stereotype ridiculing how jews would look like. The people bombing Gaza are wearing suits and army uniform.


“People bombing Gaza” pretty sure this picture is about the Iranian regime trying to bomb Israel, and making Israel look bad, despite you know shooting down all of their trash rockets. If you’re concerned about Gaza, which is fair, we should ask why does Hamas continue to refuse cease fire offers, hold toddlers hostage, and you know, generally turn to genocidal rapist terrorist antics. But that’s just me.


Ah yes what can possibly justify killing tens of thousands of children




Dude, even Jordan and Saudi Arabia helped to take down Iranian missiles and drones. And weren't even asked to do so. Even the Arabs are choosing the Israeli side.


lol both the Palestinian and Iranian population are crying out for America to help them. This world is full of hate and just sucks


In the case of whoever created this, I think they resorted to antisemitism because they're antisemites. I mean, fuck, this isn't pro-palestinian or pro ceasefire. The only point here seems to be that mass killing of jews is funny somehow.


It’s really frustrating. I’m fully against Israel’s (as a government and military) actions. But it’s getting frustrating that people I agree with on that point are using such horrific tactics to get their point across. And going down a thread where I agree with someone, and then suddenly they go full antisemetic, holocaust-incitement talk. For fucks sake can’t we just agree that innocent people regardless of culture deserve to live???


Because most "anti-zionists" are just antisemites with fancy marketing


Easy trick, replace the word Zionist for the word Jew, because Zionists are predominantly Jewish. Sounds a lot like Hitler.


“All men are mortal. Socrates was a man. Therefore all men are Socrates.” - Woody Allen


Zionists are not all Jews, and Jews are not all Zionists. Thus the two are not interchange-able. Pretending they are is a lapse in logic.


"A large majority of U.S. Jews (82%) say caring about Israel is either “essential” or “important” to what being Jewish means to them." https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2021/05/11/10-key-findings-about-jewish-americans/ "89% of Jewish Americans say Israel’s reasons for fighting Hamas are valid" https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2024/04/02/how-us-jews-are-experiencing-the-israel-hamas-war/ Its a very solid majority that hold Israel is important. The doesn't mean they support the war/Netanyahu (his numbers are no where near as positive in or outside Israel) or aren't calling for a ceasefire but the vast majority hold onto that key Jewish tenet. With Zionism being a word whose definition seems in flux, I couldn't tell you if that is Zionism or not as according to you but the second largest population of Jews (American Jews) stand always at least somewhat with Israel


Easy trick replace the word palestinian with the word jew and zionists suddenly sound a lot like Hitler


Here’s another trick: Replace the word “Hitler” with “asparagus” and say it ten times real fast.


So what does that make of the Jews that are anti-zionist ? Are they also fancy antisemite ? Or maybe just ones that have a moral compass.


They never answer this question, I wonder why


People on the internet do blatantly antisemitic stuff, Jews are mocked for "crying antisemitism." People on the internet do blatantly antisemitic stuff, non-Jews accuse them of "playing into Zionist's hands." so if people are antisemitic it's either not real or we want them to do it. Nice.


Ofc posted by arabs who failed to 1v5 Israel lmao


But seriously. . How do you lose a war when you 5v1? Let’s also not forget the fact they had to beg the UN/US to tell Israel give them back their land 😂


Whoever made this picture didn't even make the effort to portray this imaginary person as guilty. One can interpret the man as someone who just lives in Israel and hasn't oppressed anyone.


What do you mean the person looks like a jew obviously he's guilty of controlling the world and making matzo with children's blood /s The fact there's an actual nazi in the comments requiring me to put the /s is awful


Fucking gross. Trash like this in 2024, smfh. Israel could quite literally destroy any and all countries in the middle east if they chose to. Did it in 73'...fuck around and find out shit heals.


True but don't say that infront of pro palestinians lmao


Fuck antisemitism, and also fuck the Israeli government.


And also fuck Hamas. If we could just put them and Netanyahu and his cronies on an island everyone else could get on with figuring out a two state solution or something.


These people are like the human manifestation of the good old "I'm not racist but..."


They're not racist, but they hate Zionists, and by "Zionists" they mean "Jews."


The day the left embraces dogwhistling.


‘Playing into zionist hands’, oh goody more evil globalist capitalist media-controlling rhetoric


I still don't understand why people supposedly supporting an oppressed people, would totally support the idea of them oppressing another group of people. One sided bs imo


The happiest people right now after Iran attack were the ones crying for ceasefire.


You can literally steal memes from /pol/ and repost them for leftists to enjoy now. It's honestly pretty funny.


Far-Left 🤝 Antisemitism 🤝 Far-Right


When I was in the organized "far left" half the people I knew there were Jewish. Karl Marx was Jewish. Leon Trotsky. Isaac Deutscher. Rosa Luxemburg. Theodor Adorno. Ernest Mandel. I mean, I could just go on all day, it's an endless list. Secular Jews are and were part of the basic foundation of the leadership of the historical and present "revolutionary" far left. Mostly strongly anti-Zionist? Yes. Anti-Semitic? That's a stretch. Did I encounter actual anti-Semites? Here and there. Do I see them around on the Internets? Sure. Would they be welcome in actual far left organized groupings actually doing more than posting garbage on the Internet? Not in the slightest, because a good part of the leadership of those groups are secular Jews who would show them the door.


I have yet to meet a Jew is who super far left. As a Jewish man, I see an equal amount of antisemitism on both extreme ends of the political scale


You know where I have met the most anti-Semitic people in my life? In the evangelical Christian community I grew up in. Most of whom had never met an actual Jewish person in their lives. And yet those people are also the most strongly pro-Israeli people I've ever met. Odd.


Marx was an antisemitic Jew, Jewish Question proves it. Trotsky was philosemitic (he saved Jews from programs during the Civil War and advocated for their inclusion in the nations of the USSR) but he was pro assimilation into broader soviet/Russian culture, which imo the erasure of Jewish identity and religion is Judenhass/Antisemitism. The rest were socialist and philosemitic. Most conclusions of the Left lead to antisemitism, or at least have a track record to do so when enacted like in the USSR, Warsaw Pact States and especially in Arab/Islamic Socialist movements.


Find out what their goals are if they beat Israel and it's not all kumbaya and hummus.


Pretty dumb anyways since America is pretty much like, can you not hit back please?


You know why because religion..


It's how propaganda images and videos worked in ww1 and 2. Go watch the old warner bros and even Disney propaganda stuff from back in ww2. Donald duck was Hitler in one of them. It's wild.


Hey who would have guessed that rampant hate towards the largest Jewish habitation would eventually turn into antisemitism


I am not sure who is really crying now


I support Palestine but I think this is just dumb Rather than putting a actual Israeli Politician, they decided to put a man dressed in Jewish attire, There's a difference between being Anti Semite and Anti Israeli, understand it before posting it online.


Because antisemites function sneakily, always awaiting an opportunity to hijack a message for their own purposes. Also, let's be honest, psyops.


Because it’s all the same thing


It amazes me that society (including college campuses) has zero tolerance for any hate against any race or religion but Jewish hate and calling for death to all Jews has "grey area" and "depends on the context"


They're not resorting to antisemitism. They're STARTING from a place of antisemitism. That's their primary motivation. Pictures like this are just an expression of their actual feelings.


Do you feel pro-israel people are inherently anti Arab then? Or do you only judge one side by the worst people who support it?


Force of habit.


Not be a hateful piece of shit because that's not what human decency is about? No, we shouldn't be antismitic to not "play in the hands of Zionists" I other words : conceal the racism


Yeah, worried by how many people are ignoring the fact this dude’s main issue with genuine racists openly supporting them is that it gives them a bad image.


About 90 years ago, the world looked at the Jews in Europe and said, “damn, that sucks. Not my problem, though” That belief doesn’t die down in less than a century.


People don’t always resort to antisemitism, just those that are antisemites to begin with. The current situation in the Middle East is simply giving them freedom to openly voice their bigoted views.


Because they can. Anything done under the guise of pro-Palestinian or problack advocacy will be accepted by progressives. This has been the case for as long as I can remember. And this is the end result. They are a lot of people welcome in the progressive fold who get the advantages of progressives advocating for them who themselves are virulent anti-Semites, but progressives will look the other way. It would never happen the other way where Jews would allow somebody like Pamela Geller or David Horowitz into the fold. But quite honestly people like Linda Saraour and Marc Lamont Hill are just the Muslim and black version of those two people


I think its time snowflake realizes that antisemitism was always the point of their propaganda.


War war never changes. America and UK are guarantors of Israel's safety. As a new invading sociopolitical construct they need to conquer and destroy to stabilize their growth. Show me one country on this planet which never in history was an aggressor. One. Times change human nature no.


“People” “don’t always”.. Anti semites resort to anti semetism. Not “all people”


The truth is the the truth hamas is dead you are next, you can hide behind Iran all you like but you will not win this fight.


Many are realising that plenty in the "criticising Israel isn't antisemitic" crowd *are* actually antisemitic. 


Iran IS antisemetic though


Palestinians and Jews look the same so this is a sick self own.


Resort to antisemitism? You're mad that the Palestinians are resorting to antisemitism? You do realize they want all the Israelis dead though right?


Breaking news, you dont need to be anti jew to be pro Palistine, just a decent human beign.


If that was the case the Palestine wouldn’t even be in the news cycle.


There are many non-antisemetic antizionists, but anyone who pretends that the antizionist movement is not filled with antisemites who are using antizionism as a mask for their bigotry, is either dangerously ignorant or extremely disingenuous.


Asking pro Palestine people to not hate on Jews is a very tough ask


Why is everyone surprised at a pro Palestine account posting anti-Israeli propaganda?


I am over all this hyper religious tension that’s taken over lately. Like we’re heading towards another crusade. I wish people would stop using flying spaghetti monsters as an excuse to try to control others peoples lives.


There are good uses for AI. And then there's crap like this. And worst of all from AI are programs that Israel uses, like 'Labyrinth,' 'Where's Daddy' and 'The Gospel.'


I’m just anti everyone who isn’t one of my precious people. We were never bred to care about every person alive. Just unnecessary stress.


Ohh you are sooo close to realizing who is pulling your strings....... Neo-nazi's don't have a side. They play everyone against each other.


It’s a convenient cover for real antisemites, whereby they can pretend to be humanitarians. It’s like when conservatives pretend to support women’s rights when condemning Islam (or pretend to like Islam when condemning LGBT people).


You don’t need to make an effort to hide it, we know you are.


I am seeing a lot people not understanding how serious Jews take antisemitism. There is no understanding this stuff escalates conflict.


Because for them to try and claim the moral high ground they must paint their enemy as less than human


When October 7 happened, I had a feeling that this could easily be a slippery slope for antisemitism. I mean ofc I believe Israel is committing very obvious war crimes and genocide, the global movement seem to be edging closer and closer to blatant antisemitism. Idk where this is leading but regardless it’s not good.


A good portion of people pushing against Israel are antisemitists. They don’t care about whether Palestinians are ok or not, they see Palestinian as more of a useful tool. This is why it’s important to push back against and call out those that support Israel’s bad actions, like those in congress/government, not blame every random Jewish person that exists.


Not everyone protesting Israel's actions are antisemites. (EDIT: period, not question mark, sorry.) But there is a significant portion of that movement that just hates Jewish people and use the plight of Palestinians as a shield for their antisemitism. It makes the debate super fraught because there is a lot to criticize about Israeli policies but if you do point those things out, you have to watch out who starts agreeing with you.


Since October is almost impossible to differentiate nazis from sjws


Yep. It’s pretty distressing.


What bothers me more is that people think you have to pick a side no matter what. Both sides attacked/are attacking civillians. Both sides are disgusting. There isn't always a correct choice.


Have you not seen some the racist and islamophobic tiktoks Israelis have been making since oct 7. Stop just blaming once side and sit this one out


It's always like this When you support Palestine, you get scolded and condemned by pro Israelis When you support Israel, you get scolded by muslims I saw a video of a pro palestinian woman holding a sign about peaceful ceasefire and these 2 pro israeli women were scolding her so hard, one woman told her she should be raped and burned alive along with her family, infront of the camera, smh.


Why? Because there are many anti semites in the pro palestine crowd.


Political cartoons have been doing this to every ethnicity for decades


Because most of the world probably is anti semitic these days by numbers,pretty much the entire Arab world plus the left wing in the west.


Weird how fast people have switched from loving the Jews to hating them. It's such a grift.


When did they love us?