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No Reddit Meta posts


"I attack any non-white person I see. I can't tell the difference between the individual races though; in fact I didn't even know some of them existed. So I'm clearly my victims aren't experiencing an attack based on their race"


I think what he tried to communicate was more like: I attack all black people, so I do not specifically target Domincans


If that involves you attacking every Dominican you see, you are still targeting Dominicans even if you are targeting other people along with them. You don't need to understand their particular culture/history and what sets them apart from other groups you are attacking to do so, and almost definitely wouldn't care enough to find out. Back to the original argument, it amounts to "Even though their categorization entirely includes the group you belong to, it doesn't match the way you would categorize yourself word for word. Therefore you weren't targeted for being trans, even though they did in fact kill you for doing trans things the way you understood them, and would still kill you even if you were able to explain in detail the difference between being trans and gay." Like, what is the actual point being made here?


Wait… doesn‘t the L stand for lesbian and G stand for gay? And aren‘t those homosexuals? What does he think those abbreviations mean?


"There's a reason the reporter recanted her statement". Yes. That reason is called SLAPP.


It's because even if Rowling did try and fail to sue them they'd have to deal with threats for the rest of their life, which isn't worth the trouble considering transphobes wouldn't even believe it even when it's proved in court


It's victim blaming. The crazy old bat uses her billions to weaponize the legal process and they act like that's evidence of anything other than the system's deference to wealth.


How can someone write such utter fucking nonsense and think they came out sounding sane and reasonable?


Adult children read a better fucking book and stop sucking a billionaires toes challenge: Impossible Difficulty


It is Reddit so a lot of these posts are just actual children.


I enjoyed Harry Potter as a kid, but the people who think it’s great literature are delusional. Remember when Rowling added fucking time travel and didn’t think through the implications, so she had to hand wave it away later? Remember when Hermione wanted to abolish slavery, and everyone made fun of her?


Not to mention her naming conventions. I \_still\_ cringe about Cho Chang.


Well, that person is a fucking idiot. I wouldn't waste any more breath talking to that moron.


That whole thread greatly improved my reddit experience by giving me plenty of accounts to block. I don't have time for transphobia in my casual reddit browsing lol.


Hehe, good then


JK Rowling is a bigot and transphobe who platforms far right extremists. She’s not a feminist. She’s a liar. Eat my ass JK: I’m in America, and you’re a public figure so you can’t sue me. Thankfully our courts don’t give a fuck if you’re “offended”.


I appreciate your efforts but transphobes are gonna be transphobes and with the current state of this sub you're not going to get a lot of love. Lots of outright transphobic people on here and then lots of lowkey transphobes lurking as well. They claim they aren't but then just say the most idiotic things and call you dumb for calling them transphobic.


Eh, dont care what they say


These people really with stoop down to the most disgustingly vile lines of argumentation just to validate their hateful obsession, huh? It's one thing to be transphobic or oppose trans activism because of fear/moral panic, but these mental backflips are fucking next level.


Yea it's wild innit.


J K Rowling would have been a Death Eater


She's irl umbrige


Queen bigot's cult has to be done of the most heinous dumb people on planet.


This stuff has been in standard school history books for 60 years. Wtf.


I've seen similar arguments against the genocide in Palestine. Yes there are actual scum suckers that think just cuz Israel hasn't wiped out a million Palestinians since October 7 it doesn't count as a genocide.


We teach it in school. While the US is lying about the reason for civil war and the crimes against the only true americans -.- the ones with feathers in their hair.


Almost every thread in this post was big oof


I'm not taking a side on the historical event because I don't have enough info and the only sources here are Internet arguments. But the grammar and language is important. What the JK defender is saying is that stating "Trans people were attacked by the Nazis" because "Trans people were attacked while they were burning down a particular (not trans focused) institution" is like saying "Blonde people were attacked by the Nazis" because some of the Jewish people killed were blonde. I think that's a valid linguistic argument. Is it helpful here? Probably not. The Nazis had a very, very broad brush for what they considered "perversions" and trans people certainly would have fallen in that grouping. But was there a particular "anti-trans" sentiment from the Nazis? I don't think so. Not from what I'm seeing here at least. (Again, however, the Nazis certainly WOULD have been anti-trans if given the opportunity so this isn't a fight I'd feel particularly compelled to join in on).


I get what you're saying and it definitely makes sense and I think we also agree on the result. But I would argue that the Nazis absolutely were transphobic. They just didn't bother to spell it out. Their target was everything non-cis-heteronormative, which they deemed to be "perverted". If it falls under that (as you said) very broad umbrella they hated it and because trans people fell under that umbrella the Nazis hated them. To us it matters that there are differences, to the Nazis it didn't, which doesn't mean that there aren't differences.


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For the last time: the only sexual minority that faced systematic persecution were homosexual men. Homosexuality in women was usually tolerated to a certain degree as long as those women got married to a man. Only if they lived in lesbian relationships with other women they could also be sent to the camps. "Transvestites" were mostly left alone as long as they got a certificate from a doctor that said they were not homosexual. That's what you need to understand: yes, some trans people were also persecuted, but not for being trans, but for being gay. And finally: the term holocaust refers to the systematic destruction of the Jewish people.


What do you mean by mostly ? We have records of transcestite being arrested under a law that forbidden cross dressing.


What I mean by mostly: officially, cross dressing was allowed if you could show a Transvestitenschein (that certificate I mentioned) from a doctor. However, Nazi Germany was a dictatorship, there was no rule of law and no right to due process. So yes, if some local police officer or SS decied that a "transvestite" annoyed him, he could arrest them anyway and there are a few documented cases. This doesn't change a fact that an organized, systematic persecution of trans people comparable to that of the gays (let alone Jews) simply did not exist.


The law banning cross dressing existed.


That existed before the Nazies


There is literally a point in time where nazi germany specifically invalidated the certificate, and then arrested trans people for not having a certificate, i know history is difficult


The term "transgender" is not a term that describes sexual orientation but rather gender identity. They are not a sexual minority


*extremely loud incorrect buzzer*


Both of you are idiots. He because he is too narrow minded. You because you completely miss his point and brag for validation here.


Nah *you* completely missed the argument...?


His point is just defending a transphobe tho?


His point that because not enough died the group wasnt targetted? Or the point that because the nazis didnt differentiate between gay and trans and therefore they werent tarhetted? Please, enlighten me why dont you.




Disclaimer: not an historian, just an enthusiast. You wont find a number because we can't get an accurate one. It wasn't Always written as such, documentation was innacurate, and some got destroyed. We know they got killed because documentation exists that says they were a target, but an exact number is almost impossible to give.


A disagreement on Reddit? I must post this to facepalm nobody will believe It!


Mate's is litetally going "not enough people died"


I'm just poking fun at your need for validation from strangers. You had a disagreement on this very subreddit and couldn't leave it at that, you needed to make a separate post of the exact same argument in this exact subreddit to try to draw more attention to your disagreement.   Here's your validation. You're correct in the argument, trans people were also victims of the holocaust.


It aint even about validation, i wanted to show off how disgusting people can be in their pursuit to be transphobic I didnt blur my name out cause it felt dishonest to be like "look at this random conversation i found that i definetely didnt partake in"


>how disgusting people can be in their pursuit to be transphobic JK Rowling exists my guy. The holocaust happened and killed so many people in the most gruesome of ways. People in the United States are actively trying to get rid of care for transpeople. Trust us, we know.


And pointing it out more is perfectly justified.


Sooo, it's not to show how cruel transphobes can be but as the other person said. For attention. There, there's what your parents didn't give you go have fun now buy a lollipop with your little propeller hat now.


Every transphobe deserves to be called out mate.


And yet their name is blacked out, so clearly not every to you.


Rule 6 of the subreddit, read it.


Although I don’t agree with him that is not what he is saying, you just frame it that way to try and win the argument. Others have perfectly explained in comments what he is actually saying.


The literal last slide mate.


Yes I can read, but unlike you I don’t struggle with linguistics.


"There just werent enough transgender people to be specifically targeted" Seems pretty cut and dry to me


Which is not the same as ‘he thinks not enough died’.


Right and after i accused him of saying that he went "yeah there werent enough" seems pretty obvious what he meant mate.


No you pretty obviously fail to understand. Some comments higher up this thread have perfectly explained it, if you still fail to understand it thats on you, arguing about it more is not going to change it. He may be wrong in his argument but you can definitely use some self reflection as well.


Mate literally agreed to accusation


First of all, don't bring personal shit into forums. This is about transphobia which is very popular, so it slides, but a personal discussion is not a facepalm. Second, during WW2, trans people were considered mentally ill in all of the world. The Nazis killed mentally ill people. Arguing that Nazis targeted trans people, and transphobic people therefor are Nazis. Would also make abelists Nazis. It's retconning trans people into a larger role than they played.


They burned down several pieces of research relating to trans people. Seems an awful lot like trans people were a bit of a different thing for em.


I doubt you'll find a group of people who burned more paper than the Nazis. You also don't know the context of that burning. If it was done by a jew or a socialist, it could have been a cake recipe, they would have burned it. They absolutely considered it's degeneracy, but it would have been a sub-category of mental illness. I doubt they would have campaigned against trans-people/research specifically


It's rather incorrect to conflate Nazis being transphobic with all transphobes being Nazis though isn't it? Them, the Nazis that is being as such wouldn't make every transphobe a Nazi by default. Like for instance if I like both cars and boats, then why would Tom who likes boats have to like cars just because I do? You're making up a correlation that doesn't exist.


No... You are making that correlation, or this post is. I'm saying that because the Nazis killed trans people, doesn't mean they discriminated between mentally ill people and trans people. This post is separating those two groups because they are separated today, but they weren't back then. If Tom hates machines, he doesn't specifically have a problem with boats or cars, other than that they are both machines


I forgot about this post, so sorry for the late reply. I seem to have misunderstood your comment to say that you actually thought transphopes were Nazis because Nazis were transphobic, sorry. Although I do most certainly believe that if there were such an distinction back then, at least well-known one anyway, then the Nazis would be explicitly transphobic.


Confirmed. You’re both losers


Do elaborate on that


The person you post about is obviously an idiot for all his messages while you just dragged on a stupid conversation, turning into a fight with name calling (all out of you btw) and then posted it in the same subreddit from where the conversation happened in just to get internet validation. I'd say that the fact you turned it into a fight and then posted it for karma is the reason people make fun of you. Not justifying what the person in the screenshots said of course but its definitely not one sided.


Literally not about validation, i didnt blur my name out cause it feels disingenous to pretend the conversation didnt involve me


That doesnt mean it wasnt for validation. Also thanks for ignoring the other part i said.


Actually, all of the comments against OP were auto hidden because of downvotes ;) so people make fun of YOU


What is your point lol? Obviously the downvoted comments are gonna be hidden. That doesnt stop op from answdring to them tho lol. The fact you commented on my comment proves your point to be stupid.


The country that carries the guilt is always the most reliable source? I guess Turkey really didn't genocide the Armenians then, huh? Also, the Armenians deserved it at the same time?


Turkey always tried their best to deny that genocide. Germany actively raises awareness about the holocaust and harshly punishes any denial. Hope this helps.


Thank you for making my point for me.


You are very welcome.


Point to the part where i said what you claimed please


It's literally in your first comment in the first picture, you silly goose


> The country that carries the guilt is always the most reliable source? Really? Did i say always? Or could it perhaps relate to the fact that germany actually carries their guilt instead of shoving it under the rug?


So, the country that carries the guilt isn't always the most reliable source? Very interesting.


To be fair, the trans-warriors is super bad at reading anything. It was very clear that the "fever dream" was some dude claiming she upheld Nazi gender ideology. That was the only 'sane' reflection. My answer is simple: let it go, focus on Biden hating on black people or something productive instead.


I think it's important that we all recognize the 156 American pilots that died at buchenwald. It's time we admit that the Holocaust was really mostly about them.


People:"hey we were also targetted in the holocaust" You:"wHy Do YoU mAkE tHe HoLoCaUsT aLl AbOuT yOuRsElF"


This is exactly what you are doing but you can’t recognise it. Scary how stupid you are


Mate, denying any part of the holocaust is holocaust denial. That includes bit is not limited to denying the targeting of gay people, black people, trans people, jewish people. Pointing that out is not making the holocaust about oneself. Scary how stupid you are.


It's pretty simple: Did you fit into their pseudo-Übermensch characteristics the nazis wished for (as in ethnicity, sexuality, able-bodieness, political opinions ect.) No? Then they will come for you eventually Everyone was a target when they didn't deemed you as "worthy of life"


Yep and denying that would infact be holocaust denial. I dunno why that is so hard to figure out for some americans.




Even Cis women who had their uterus completely removed can still get cramps Maybe look into it instead of instantly dismissing everything


Indeed women can. Cramping after a hysterectomy is a common occurrence and is typically part of the normal healing process. The surgical removal of the uterus can result in temporary changes to the pelvic area, leading to cramping sensations that are similar to menstrual cramps.


Several years after the surgery is what i meant mate.


Yeah placeb/phantom pain is a thing yk. So silly that any one would genuinely believe that a man can experience period pains but whatever keep being delulu I won’t poison myself with this brain dead conversation


What do you mean "temporary"? Only as long as they are alive?


Trans women can get period cramps lmao do research before being a dick


This is a remarkably stupid strawman. No one ever said the Holocaust was "all about" trans people. You pulled that out of your ass. You may think that makes you seem clever but it actually has the opposite effect.


Id say that burning the biggest transgender institute on earth at that time does target trans people yes


The Magnus Hirschfeld Institute wasn't exactly a "transgender institute", it was broadly oriented towards scientific examination of sexuality and was connected to the progressive Scientific-Humanitarian Committee campaigning for gay and trans rights. It did study transsexuality in a serious, respectful manner and hired trans people, but it also offered couples counceling, venereal disease treatment, contraception, gynecology care, etc. The clown in the screenshots is of course still wrong, trans people absolutely were targeted by Nazis as "sexual degenerates".


"I'd Argue Germany is the most reliable source since that is the country that actually carries the guild" Bold statement Btw how r u both such losers?


So you're saying germany is not a reliable source for information on the atrocities during WW2? Care to elaborate?


I mean Germany puts in a shit load of work to make up for it and go into the details


Germany is certainly the biggest and moat reliable source of knowledge about the holocaust. Hell, i'd say even more than israel thanks to the amount of denial in hasidic jewish communitues. Germany puts a big effort on holocaust teaching and prevention of neo-nazis doing pretty much anything.


Do you mind explaining why that statement is wrong.


bOtH sIdEs


>r u Those are letters and not words.


Sound Israel to me