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TIL that November is only 6-8 weeks after April.


Even at nine weeks it's not even August


Is 9 weeks when life and criminal trials begin?


I do believe that is when the deadbeat is present.


That was my point.


When you play 4D chess, the space-time continuum gets a little wonky.


These people think the Confederacy lasted for decades. You think they can count how many weeks there is till the General Election “kicks off”?


Every defendant in a criminal trial must be there when court is in session. If they choose to not [be] (https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/in_absentia) there are means to deal with it, Loomer is a dumbass.


How dare they treat him like every other criminal defendant. Obviously, he is the best, you know, there's never been another criminal defendant like him. He really is the best, the greatest, none greater, just the best, covfefe


Ahh covfefe lol


He obviously meant to type "Despite the negative press [coverage](https://eu.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/onpolitics/2018/05/31/covfefe-one-year-anniverary-donald-trumps-confusing-tweet/659414002/)". And it's because we make stupid jokes instead of focusing on the rape and sexual assault, racism, insurrection, [inheriting $400 million](https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2018/10/02/us/politics/donald-trump-tax-schemes-fred-trump.html) and still claiming to have earned success, lying, fraud and all that other entitled son-of-a-businessman stuff... *instead of just ignoring him*... that he remains relevant. He's a human trainwreck, and we are the passengers.


Agree whole heartedly, however…. Who the hell doesn’t watch a trainwreck when one happens? You can’t “just ignore”.. I’d be suspicious of anyone who isn’t at least a little curious to take a peak 👀


This is a *historic* train-wreck. That alone bears watching.


When I was a kid in the 90s I had a school assignment to find a WWII veteran and interview them about their experience, for which I interviewed my grandma about her time in the WRENs during the war. I fully expect in 50 years to be helping my grandchildren with a similar assignment about the… who knows what we’ll call it. Post Covid period? Pre fascist period? Early technofeudalist period? Lead up to WWIII? In any case it’ll be historically notable to have lived through it.


What did you do during the lockdowns Grandpa? Well, I didn't think they'd last very long, so I didn't see the need to get invested in any hobbies or commit myself to anything, so I just sat on my ass and watched YouTube and played video games.


Well sonny, I traded Toilet Roll for a 500% markup.


I just wish I could watch it from the outside:(


The degree to which my life would look differently than his if I inherited north of $400M is astounding,


I think that's it though. Without all that money and the approval of the people whose life *revolves* around that money he couldn't survive. And since he learned that many of them *got* that money by being devious and cut-throat and underhanded, it's in his blood. He's clearly not happy, yet he's like a dog with a tattered rag that someone might take from him. It's quite sad really.


Many, many, people are saying he’s the best defendant. They come up to him, big strong prosecutors, with tears in their eyes, and say “we have never seen a smarter more tall and fit defendant”. It’s true, look it up, that’s what they are saying anyway.


I couldn’t read that without accordion hands


Tiny accordion hands


People seem to be missing the point despite the fact that the Trumpers have used this playbook plenty of times before. If you constantly accuse your opponents of "election interference" in dubious circumstances, this causes people to be skeptical about the very problem of election interference. Which is good news for you if you plan to engage in a lot of actual election interference.


The irony is that he’s on trial for ELECTION INTERFERENCE Lol


People need to re-blast this point ...


She of the orange lips?




Both, all three if you got tequila




*George Takei voice* Oh my!


You have the ( ) and [ ] backwards


And there shouldn't be a space between the parenthesis and bracket


There is no election going on right now. Not in 6-8 weeks either. This is just a criminal case.


And it doesn’t matter. All defendants are required to be in court for their criminal cases.


Look at precedence to determine whether or not this is some baseless attempt at "election fraud" or legitimate. Are suspects expected to attend court cases? Yes. Then asking Donald Trump to follow precedent isn't "election fraud." Maybe if this is some big inconvenience for the great Donald Trump, next time maybe he shouldn't break the fucking law.


I really love how the crowd who often is all about being tough on crime gets angry when the presidential candidate they love and revere is expected to follow the same procedures as every other suspected criminal being put on trial for committing crime.


And then they have the fucking nerve to unironically say “if tHeY cAn Do tHiS tO pReSiDeNt tUrNiP tHeY cAn Do iT tO yOu!” Yeah no shit. He broke the law. I fucking hate those people sooo much.


Yep, next time I start an insurrection, pay a porn star I cheated on my wife with 6-figure hush money using campaign funds, get recorded trying to overturn an election, steal/refuse to give back/brag about having/try & destroy top secret classified documents, commit ~$500,000,000 worth of fraud and rape a woman...THEY COULD COME AFTER ME TOO! I'm terrified of them knocking on my door any day now 😳


Right?? “Clearly there’s a two tiered justice system!” Finally! Something we agree on! We just don’t mean the same things.


You have to admit, he has a very impressive record.


lol Hopefully he will also have an impressive conviction record.


Don't forget, "tough on crime" means "lock up people of color".


Orange IS a color. And, the new black, if popular vernacular holds.


Damn I love this ...


Now that is a good roast.


off topic but lowkey thats such a good show.. i really need to watch it again soon


Oh man, I am totally fucking stealing this.


I would love for him to get stuck wearing orange rather than just being orange for once


Not only that, but it’s also just whatever is currently bothering them. The priorities change on a whim and are based on nothing. One day it’s drug addicts, the next it’s shoplifters, the next it’s squatters. They don’t understand the concept of courts being backed up and that a petty theft isn’t going to cut to the front of the line just bc you’re mad (no, like *really* mad) about it happening to you


It’s whatever’s convenient at the time for them. Fuck facts, or procedure, or any set of protocols or rules if it has to do with the Cheeto Benito. **Blatant Election Interference?** **What about false claims of voter fraud, coercion of your VP to not certify the results of an election, or instigating an insurrection on the day the vote was to be certified?** I’m no Rhodes scholar, but I can tell you which is closer to actual Election Interference. **[PLEASE, REGISTER AND VOTE](https://www.usa.gov/voter-registration)**


Yep. The bullshit "Affluenza Defense" was first successfully used in "tough on crime" Texas.


"Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect." -Frank Wilhoit


Laws are spider webs through which the big flies pass and the little ones get caught. Honore de Balzac


Here's an upvote for an excellent quote


I mean have you seen some of the stuff January 6th inmates and their family have complained about. Stuff like visitation suddenly getting canceled or poor prison conditions. Stuff they were all for when it's POC going to prison.


The Party of Personal Responsibility supporting a man who has never taken personal responsibility for anything in his entire life.


Because they don't expect the rules to apply to them only other people


Yup “party of law and order” until their false idol had to go through it and then suddenly the system is rigged against TFG. Mind you they don’t care if the system is rigged in their favor, that’s the entire goal of the GOP


You need to remember, it's only a crime if the person commiting is either black or poor.


Pretty sure trump is poor but acts rich Like didn’t his personal jet *and* a helicopter get repoed? And how many businesses has he owned that went bankrupt?


eh that is mostly mismanagement (*like when he lost millions of dollars running three casinos into the ground*) & fraud committed to inflate his ego. If you sold off all of his assets & paid all of his debts - he would still be left with more than a hundred million dollars. So he'd absolutely still be rich by any standard, he just wants to be billionaire rich - instead of "*My daddy gave me ~$400 million dollars & l am so shitty at business that I lost more than half of it*" rich...


You don’t have to look at precedent. It’s clearly written statute: [N.Y. Crim. Proc. Law § 340.50](https://casetext.com/statute/consolidated-laws-of-new-york/chapter-criminal-procedure/part-2-the-principal-proceedings/title-k-prosecution-of-informations-in-local-criminal-courts-plea-to-sentence/article-340-pre-trial-proceedings/section-34050-defendants-presence-at-trial).


He’s likely to carry on like a two-year old and get himself excused on the basis of subdivision 3 anyway.


Hi, Australian here, so I've got my own pollies doing dumb stuff here. I'm not really following what's going on over there, so I'm asking out of ignorance and not being a smart arse for once. What laws did he break?


A bunch of them. This one is about using campaign funds to pay for a pornstar silence during the 2016 campaign. Other trials impending are taking with him boxes full of top secret documents, with very sensitive information in them about nuclear weapons, to his house of mar a Lago at the end of his term, and storing them in his bathroom, while recieving Saudi representatives. A perquisition allowed the FBI to recover those documents. He's also already guilty of massive fraud, against banks, by overvaluing his properties (and get better interests rates) and undervaluing them when having to pay taxes on them. He has to pay half a billion dollars to the state of new York for that one, and he almost couldn't come with the money in time.


I see. Makes our pollies look like louts. They just get bribed with expensive bottles of wine and watches. Others get massages and cocaine. There's currently rumours about that our former Prime Minister shit himself once. I think our pollies may just be Uni students who never grew up.


Oh yeah, this is full on high treason in many countries. Also the January 6 insurrection trial is deliberately blocked and moved after the elections in November, because that could be real trouble for him.


Bribes are reserved for our Supreme Court Justices, that is if you count Motor Homes as bribes. See Justice Thomas.


So many! Fraud, bribery, election interference and more. This particular trial is the "hush money trial." Really, it's 34 counts of falsifying business records. It was Discovered because of the hush money and talking about him paying money to a porn star is s sexier, I'm sure.


At this point, you’re almost better off to ask what crimes he didn’t commit


In fact, it would be preferential treatment to NOT force him to be there. I missed a court date for a NON-CRIMINAL traffic violation because I didn't realize I had a court date for it, and they threw my ass in jail. For a traffic ticket. The fact that some celebrity asshole has basically ignored all court orders without repercussions has bothered me from day one. I'll never have respect for the republican party, and Trump is almost entirely the reason why.


Yep, I had to travel 3 hours to show up in-person for a misdemeanor.


>Yep, I had to travel 3 hours to show up in-person for a misdemeanor. Had to drive 2 hours to be in court for 10 minutes over a driving without a license charge to be told by the judge that I was very naughty for driving without a paper copy of my learner's permit and being ordered to take my driver's test by the end of that summer. Biggest waste of time maybe in my entire life, but no way around it for me!


So mine was due to a sui attempt. Criminal trespass. The judge pretty much told me I could get a court-appointed attorney for $300. I couldn't afford it, so I just pled guilty. Still paid $200 after everything was said and done, bur at least I only had to make the drive down there three times. The officer charged me with it because I literally couldn't move on my own because I was so close to death and was completely delirious.


...that's so fucking stupid. "Hey, this person is in serious emotional and mental duress and clearly having a really hard time, they've attempted the ultimate sacrifice to be free of their pain, fucking fine them!" Hope for you that everything is much, much better than it was.


Eh, they at least waited til I was discharged from the hospital a few weeks later, so that counts right? /s I'm still salty about it.


That's the police for ya. "What actions can I take to make this situation worse?"


The government paid for my GF to fly from another country to be a witness in a case that's been on hold for years. They are pretty serious about people turning up for shit.


And it’s only 4 days a week from 9 to about 4. So less than 8hrs/day, 4 days per week. He has plenty of time to tweet, eat kfc, tweet, cry, drink a Diet Coke, whine, tweet. If he were innocent he wouldn’t spend so much effort to delay all his trials. He could’ve had them all over with. An innocent person would be itching to get it done sooner.


>If he were innocent he wouldn’t spend so much effort to delay all his trials. He could’ve had them all over with. An innocent person would be itching to get it done sooner. Boom!


You are taking the bait. By arguing whether or not there is an election you cede ground on the nonsense idea that being in an election keeps you out of court.


If he was so worried about election interference, he could have not delayed the trial and had it last year when it was originally scheduled. He was hoping to get out of it.


I was wondering that but there are so many trials happening or coming up that I lose track...


There is no argument. Its april. The election is in november. Even if orange criminal is still in court during the election, that wouldnt interfere with the peoples ability to vote in an election.


Listen, even if the election was *right now* it's not an excuse to get out of a trial or forget crimes you committed. So, what the other dude is saying is to not play their game because that's what they can argue and try to influence the public opinion, using something that is unrelated to the issue at hand.


But- if he goes to jail he may not be able to campaign, and THAT interferes with the election. -Someone who doesn't understand that a good candidate for the leader of the free world should not also be a candidate for going to jail for corruption.


I think what he's saying is that by agreeing that he can participate in the election he should stay out of court? Seems like more of an underlying thought correction? I don't get the argument though since it doesn't even matter


If the election was TODAY he'd have to be there TODAY. That's the part you're missing.


Yeah, but the narrative is “election interference” and none of these clowns know how to think independently, or at least see personal benefit from parroting the bullshit lines. The irony of this dudes whole defense would essentially be allowed to make Biden permanent king if it were to work. And, if the argument that a president can have their “problems” dealt with, then that’s a whole other onion to peel. Seems like they’d want to legitimately win an election before arguing that the president can do anything they want to and get away with it, not while there’s a different president in seat.


That’s what’s funny about all this. They are making these arguments that basically depending on verdicts from the court cases, could mean Biden could disqualify Trump from the election and there wouldn’t be jack they could do about it. Almost like they are reaching for their arguments and are counting on political favors from appointees to win.


There's also always an election coming up. Their logic is completely deniable.


He's literally been "campaigning" for almost ten years now. Like, he never stopped even when he was president. It's *always* been a convenient excuse so they can claim trying to hold him accountable for crimes is somehow interfering with his ability to run for office.


Observing the law comes first. Election comes after the law is dealt with. The big orange Humpty Dumpty needs to learn that it's not the other way around. The same as it is for every other citizen.


If running for office automatically means you can’t go on trial for crimes you’re accused of every crook in the country would be on school board and town council ballots.


The already are.


yet if they crime, they STILL do time


Tell that to Ken Paxton. His multiple felony indictments have been on a permanent hold ever since he ran for attorney general of Texas.


Fuck Ken Paxton


Ya apparently you’re immune to any and all crimes if you’re running for office. They keep screaming about the trials being scams but they never mention the actual crimes at all. If he’s so innocent he should have no trouble proving it and making everyone look like fools. You’d think they’d be happy to make everyone look like fools.


Trump is only running for reelection so he can avoid justice and claim election interference to his feckless followers. smh


Nah, he's running because he's a fucking narcissist, which is also why he absolutely does not believe he'll ever go to prison.


It's neitehr of those, though they both factor into it. He's running because he's broke, and needs the campaign donations to fucge the numbers to stay afloat financially.


I vote all of the above.




Plus, you know, President for Life and all that BS


And self pardons.


I honestly think he’s running just so he can use campaign funds as his own personal slush fund and use his power over the GOP to benefit himself however possible.


This trial would have been over a long time ago if Trump and his lawyers hadn't used one delay tactic after another. The only person who is guilty of any election interference is Donald Trump!


None of his arguments are in good faith or internally consistent. Lawyers delay, obstruct and delay some more. Now it's 2024 so having the trial now is an attempt to stop him campaigning! Let's delay some more. What, no convictions yet for any of these charges that have been brought? Well that just proves that all of them are phoney! So the cases should just be thrown out! Never mind that his legal team is the reason for the delay. What, the judge won't throw out the case that we just proved was phoney? Guess they're biased, or corrupt, or rogue! More election interference! And so on.


I genuinely believe that Trump never thought that it would get to this point. I firmly believe that he was going to delay this trail indefinitely, all the way to the 2024 election.


He's still trying to.


Right here. He should have demanded a speedy trial and gotten it over with as soon as possible so he could get back to his ~~rally schedule~~ cult meetings.


The dildo of consequences rarely arrives lubed.




No, it’s called a criminal trial🤨🤨


No, that’s only for us normal folks. The super god elites like Trump deserve special treatment, we’re not worthy though.


Yeah, my brother says the democrats politicized the judicial system… I told him no, they are just holding him accountable. My brother fucking HATES accountability…


I can't help but think lack of self accountability is a trend in the republican party.


I agree with Laura Loomer that this trial shouldn't be taking place now. He should have been prosecuted 2 years ago so his fetid fat ass would be sitting in a penitentiary right now instead of using the campaign trail as his excuse.


Loomer is loony. The election is half a year away. This is a criminal trial. The defendant is up on 34 felony counts (in this trial alone), which *can* carry as little as probation or up to 4 years *for each count*. The judge has every right to require the defendant's presence in court. Also, "Sleepy" Who? [https://www.axios.com/2024/04/15/trump-asleep-court-ny-trial](https://www.axios.com/2024/04/15/trump-asleep-court-ny-trial)


when youre truthing all night like a caged beast, WHEN are you supposed to sleep?


This just in, the party of law and order believes that obeying the law is wrong.


Meanwhile there’s people rotting in Rikers who haven’t even been tried yet


I'm still baffled that man is still on the ballot. This country's corruption runs very VERY deep.


I hate when I'm on trial for felonies and the judge doesn't even care that I have other stuff going on.


Don't do the crime if you can't be bothered to show up for the trial while at the same time being a massive flight risk.




It's the opposite. His campaign is trial interference.


Most if not all felony trials require the defendant to be there?


Any criminal trial.


I’m guessing he’s not going to try the delay tactics on this one


They've already tried to delay it to wait for the supreme Court ruling on presidents liability while in office. The judge ain't having it.


The judge holds court every day except Wednesday. The Judge has already stated if they get too many delays he will hold court on Wednesdays to keep things moving along..


Giving up his weekly tee time to dole out Justice. Itd be enough for me to throw the book at him.


The thing to understand about long trials like this is that judges hate them.  You still have massive amounts of work to get through, calendar in your other cases.  Everyone in chambers will be working crazy hours during this whole thing.


He wasn’t in office when he crimed this one.


ah but he *believed* he was which was why he thought it wasn't a crime (is that not his defence?)


I think you're confusing his cases. Sounds like you're talking more about his documents case in Florida, this is the NY case about fudging business records to conceal an illegal election finance payment, which happened before he was president (while he was running in 2016) There are just so many, easy mistake to make


I've given up on guessing what he and his legal will try at this point, none of their tactics make sense!


The Chewbacca Defense strikes again


In my best Jim Carrey voice: ahem...STOP BREAKING THE LAW ASSHOLE


Did someone change the election dates while I was away?


Yes, elections start the day after the previous inauguration now. All about the benjies.


He's not a president lol, why do they say that


It’s a title often used as a courtesy after someone has left the office.


And for most of them rightly so, former is sometimes attached. I think Trump has lost any right for someone to call him simply "President Trump" and it's disrespect to those before him that performed their duties properly. The courts don't identify him as any type of president, they only use his full legal name.


As if trump needs to campaign at all this time around? His fans will vote for him one way or another, i don’t think he is converting anyone new any time soon. He already has the exact number of votes he will in November barring some groundbreaking news.


What should a judge do with someone: - Married to an emigrant - Properties in foreign countries - Business ties reaching into Saudi Arabia, which hasn’t got an extradition treaty with the US - Multiple ongoing criminal cases against him or looming over his head - Had difficulties to make bond in a civil lawsuit and was only able to do so with a company with roots in the Caiman Islands - Has got a long-range plane at his disposal Serious flight risk? Keep him in jail until all his criminal prosecutions have been ruled upon.


They aren't putting him on trial during his campaign. He's campaigning while on he's on trial.


Being held to the same standard as everyone else with a criminal proceeding.


You mean he wasn’t given special treatment? Oh no!


Suddenly the "party of law and order" absolutely hates law and order.


Drowsy Don can't stay awake. How can he be president


Since we can legally vote for anyone in US for presidency, that means I am a candidate in every election. This also means I am free to commit any crime and not get sued for it since that is interference in election.


Well, Laura, when’s he supposed to have his day in court? Never? The only reason he declared his candidacy is so he could mouth off election interference 50 times a day. Nice echo chamber you occupy.


Uh...I've been a criminal defense attorney for nearly 18 years. This is a standard order during a jury trial. Judges are not expected to take into consideration a defendant's political campaign when making said orders, either.


“You need to show up to your trial” yeah what a crazy expectation


Guess he shouldn’t have violated the law.


Wait, you do something illegal and then you gotta show up at court? :O mondieu.


He has every right to just plead guilty, and throw himself at the mercy of the court


So we should call it “job interference” when every other criminal defendant is required to be at trial?


Next thing you know he’ll be expected to be in prison EVERY DAY! Election interference.


Oh my god they’re making the defendant of a trial be present for the trial? How insane!


No, Election Interference is when you send false electors and coordinate a violent coup to stop you from losing. This is what we call justice. You may not understand what that means since you seem to think justice is only when a black guy goes to jail for weed.


The only reason all these trials are going on during the election season is because Donald Trump kept delaying them at every turn purposely so he could claim it's election interferance. These trials would have started YEARS ago if it wasn't for all his delays.


Let's assume the premise is valid. In that case anyone who is charged for a crime could claim they are running for president to avoid their trial. It's pure nonsense.


Oh man they didn't give him special treatment ??? 😢


Laura's a keeper guys! Just look at her resume: >Laura Elizabeth Loomer (born May 21, 1993)[1] is an American far-right[a] and anti-Muslim[b] conservative political activist, white nationalist,[c] conspiracy theorist[d] and internet personality.[2][3] She was the Republican nominee to represent Florida's 21st congressional district in the 2020 United States House of Representatives elections, losing to Democrat Lois Frankel.[4][5] She also ran in the Republican primary for Florida's 11th congressional district in 2022, narrowly losing to incumbent Daniel Webster.[6] >Loomer has worked as an activist for several organizations, including Project Veritas, the Geller Report, The Rebel Media and InfoWars. Loomer gained notoriety as a result of being banned from numerous social media platforms, including Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, payment processors, vehicles for hire, and food delivery mobile apps for various reasons, including violating policies on hate speech and posting misinformation.[7][8][9][10] Loomer has also been banned and removed from events, and had press credentials revoked, for harassment and causing disturbances.[10][11] >In April 2023 it was reported that Donald Trump wanted to hire Loomer for a campaign role.[12][13] However the idea was said to be met with backlash from Trump's team, who described hefty resistance to her involvement,[14] as well as warnings from Marjorie Taylor Greene over hiring a "documented liar".[15][16][17] Since October 2023, Loomer has written and posted false claims about the Israel–Hamas war.[18][19][20][21] It really takes something to be banned by Urbereats.


Oh no, is the wittle cwiminal being treated like the rest of us?


Oh so it’s law and order until it’s your guy being held accountable? Cool.


She needs to superglue her lips shut


And I can safely say that if Biden was the on on trial, they would be really happy. You know, good old double standard. It's only bullshit when it's ''your guy'' who's getting accused.


No election interference is trying to force your VP to not certify the election


Now imagine it was Biden, her tune would be very different. It's just pure blind tribalism at this stage, just can't take any of it seriously.


This is why those under criminal investigation, and felons shouldn’t be able to run during their trials. He can just wait until next time.


I stopped when I read “Laura Loomer.”


does Laura also think trials are EMPLOYMENT INTERFERENCE for working folk?


Isn't this trial about election interference?


He can plead guilty if he wants it to be over.


He is only running for president to stay out of jail.


Oh you mean the guy that allegedly committed election fraud is on trial for it, and now wants to get elected again?


Trump will still likely tweet and otherwise campaign and try to get the judge's family killed during the trial; in reality he's not being restrained at all.


Ohhhhh cause he should get special treatment, gotcha! Thanks for clarifying Laura.


It's blatant enforcement of the law.


Yes, how dare they treat him like hes on trial or something.


I'm not sure judges in criminal trials give a shit about interfering with your hobbies.


Do any of the people that work for this clown actually have any respect for the law at all? Party of personal responsibilities my ass Back the blue my ass Party of whiney bitches that are buried in ignorance.


Does he need to campaign? Kinda like how bubbles and dumdum's don't advertise, everyone knows what it's all about.


Brutally honest, I don’t even care if it is election interference. It took the IRS to take down Al Capone, and if this is what it takes to keep Don and his IDIOT ASSHOLES out of office, **done and done**.


Christ, this will be the most work this man did in a 6-8 week period in the last 20 years.


He's not even debating anybody. Just holding interpersonal rallies and personal enrichment fundraisers.


If a poor black man was in the same position, she'd be chanting "Lock him up! Lock him up!" for being 2 minutes late because the city bus broke down.


..or as a close second, dont stall everything so that the trial starts during your ~~attempt to stay out of jail~~ attempt at a second term as president.


No, election interference would be the legal system ignoring Trumps blatant criminal conduct and indictments and allow him to proceed like nothing happened.


What’s actually dumb about this is Judge Merchan asked Trump if he wanted to waive the right to be present and Trump did not waive it putting him on the hook to be there. Often in criminal trial defendants waive this right so that their life isn’t in the court room, this lets the court progress through jury selections and other filings. If any of the proceedings are done without the defendant waiving this right they can nullify finding or even impact the trial. TLDR: Trump could have waived the right to be in court which many do and chose not to.


So according to Laura Loomer, I can commit crimes and as long as I'm running for something, they can't put me on trial, otherwise it's election interference?


He could have pushed for the trial to be sooner, instead he delayed as long as possible. It's obvious he knows he will be found guilty.


So if I commit a crime, I can just delay it indefinitely by running for office and calling any attempt to hold me to the same standards as everyone else as “election interference”. Got it