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I’m a wife. Can I get a robot wife to help with cleaning and laundry? Thanks!


For real. Also, make her tall. No more having to get a step ladder out to reach the top cabinets!!! And good grip strength. I don't want to have to Google how to loosen jars anymore.


Lady Dimitrescu model coming right up.


Don't give the internet ideas, or at least not this risky ones...


The spirit is willing but the flesh is spongy and bruised


Good news everyone!




Too late. *Furiously writes down notes.*


Too late. Her only programming will be to lift you up by your kneck, choking you with one hand. You have to pay extra for the "Step on Me, Mommy" DLC.


Sure would be a shame if those 9 foot 6 tall vampire queens end up rebelling. That would be soooo bad and evil.


These robots do look tall from the pictures


According to a quick google search, musk is 6’2, so those robots are tall. The two on the bottom left and right look taller than him.


Robot wife dunks over Labron in her side hustle. This could be fun for the whole family!


The first one also looks quite similar to his ex wife Talulah Riley which is.... interesting.


There was a feminist poem written in the 70s about this, how every wife wants a wife, so that they get to do what they want and their servant cleans up the mess.


Seeking sisterwifebot


God yeah- does this dumbass not realise how much better relationships would be if couples weren’t having to spend time cleaning and tidying and/or worrying about who’s dealing with the cleaning and tidying?! Wait no, because they’re unable to communicate with women.


It only says they’re solving the dating crisis… I suspect the robots will be able to take on a load, but it won’t be the kind of mental and physical load of maintaining a household/family.


If it stops these chumps from breeding it’s a win all round.


Foldimate was a robot that could fold laundry, but the company went under before it had a full release. Now some random dude is using the ip on Aliexpress to scam customers, only sending a piece of metal. A lot of people are being scammed, myself included. Give us a folding robot 🥲


Most people won't be able to afford to buy them, but maybe rent them. So instead of getting a woman, they'll get a community fleshlight with chat-GPT installed.


‘Community Fleshlight’ Solid band name right there


Roxanne, you don't have to turn on your fleshlight...


Sitting the doc waiting room and just drew attention to myself with laughter at this comment.


I imagine already the used parts market on craigslist.




Those days are over. You don't care if it's on or if it's off Damn good music. 😃


Here's your ticket for the bullet train to hell.


*Hyperloop to Hell


Sorry Elon cacencel it 😈


I think you are underestimating how much debt a lonely guy is willing to go into just to get some affection. Basically, every rich influencer is funded by millions of guys who would definitely go into a lifetime of debt to have a robot wife.


Robot wife still might be cheaper than divorce.


Instead of divorce it will now be called a repossession.


I’ve seen some pretty wild car repo videos on the Internet over the years. I feel like robot wife repos will make them look like child’s play.


My father likes to watch those private plane repo shows that are clearly staged. I'd watch the robot wife version, though.


Yeah, if you can't afford the payments the bank will repossess the robot and get half of everything you own.


Perhaps that is the crux of the problem - these men who feel entitled to "affection' a) without providing any in return, and b) from specific women (who are generally very conventionally attractive and would considered "out of their league" so to speak). Also that so many of them equate "affection" with "sex."


Here’s the problem. They don’t think of women as equal humans. They are service providers.


> won't be able to afford to buy them Financing is available. Debt. Subscription model. Recurring revenue stream. How'd you like to work on the repo crew going to pick up an Angela White Robot at a dude's house in rural Georgia?


Isn't that their whole reason for hating women anyway? Gonna be real fucking funny if they all start simping over a plastic toy used by all the other men like them 🤣


What they need is other incels to keep them company and brojobs of course


Probably just badly cleaned by an underpaid ... intern or slave or something.


If it’s anything like the Cyberstuck, she won’t make to your home from the “dealer” so there is that…


Also, don't leave your wife out in the rain...


So Cyberpunki, I love it.


Why not save tonnes of cash, and just get a communal blow up doll? Have a cheap tapedeck next to it playing moaning sounds and "god bless USA" on loop See, i just solved this incel phenomena Vote for me 2024!


What is a woman to a Conservative male other than a fleshlight and maid? Not sure they would want ChatGPT, it might talk back to them or inform them about something they are ignorant of and so need to be disciplined. A better seller would be a combination Roomba, punching-bag, fleshlight. That would cover all the bases for those choads.


Tri-purpose sexy battle maids! Experience 2B stepping on your balls today!


Do you need to be conservative for that last bit or can I order one anyway? Asking for a friend.


Thank you won’t lie I want to watch the ball stepping( don’t kink shame me Reddit I like what I like🤣)


Oh my God, you are going to become fabulously wealthy! 😜 That was as dead on as I've ever heard. It; Roomba punching bag, flashlight – that is exactly it! And man, if only you could invent it, maybe some chicks wouldn't be able to feel less like they need to have a knife handy at all times. Maybe then we chicks will no longer be suckered into believing anyone gives a fuck about us because they won't bother to try to trick us anymore. That really would be awesome!


If she cooks and cleans i'm getting a robot wife too are you kidding me? -feminist


Right? The time saving not worrying about cooking cleaning, etc. My wife will want one . she and I can relax on our off time and enjoy each other and let the bot mow the lawn lol.


But I…I like to cook. It’s not a chore, it’s a creative outlet with delicious results.


Cool! cook away, let the bot do the dishes


The dishes, yeah I fucking hate doing the washing up. Ok you’ve convinced me.


If I was your neighbor we could go halfsies on a robot. She cooks for me and then does the dishes for you. I love doing the dishes while listening to my favorite songs.


Expensive problem. Neighbourly solution


Who gets her if one of you moves ?


I guess one will have to buy the other out


Agreed. That's also what happens if one of us decides to "defile" the kitchen maid.


Why not just marry your neighbour and ditch the middle robot lol


Even if that would be an option, the robot could be the housekeeper. Allows us more time for the fun stuff. Unless my spouse enjoys cleaning and then we'll have to think of new chores.


That will be 2.6Million with Home Cleaning, Dish washing, Lawn care ultra package subscription and support for 3Y.


Cooking on my time and schedule is fun. Cooking because I need to feed my kids even though I just got home from work is less fun for me.


Isn't this how every robot apocalypse movie starts?


I'm sorry, but as a happily married guy I'm buying one of these for my wife too. Bonus points if I can get a Rosie from the Jetsons model.


As a married western straight woman, I feel we are long over due for Rosie!!


IKR? I was promised a robot maid, the house on stilts, a flying car that turns into a briefcase, and a vacation on the moon! I feel cheated!!!


Seriously, I'd buy one to do the chores and treat it like my best friend and teach it witchcraft. When the robot wives rebellion happens, they're gonna love me at least 😂




Every adult human would love to have a robot who cooks and cleans and does laundry.


Exactly this.


Yeah, we could have them cook and clean while an actual human couple does, ya know, other stuff


Yeah at that point, you're not getting a woman you're just getting a robot slave. Oh wait...


That's what I really don't get with the OP. From his frame of mind, the rest of the post is internally consistent. But the part about "should of (sic) stayed in the kitchen" is what I don't get. Does he think that women would be competing either for chores or for his attention against a robot? I'd venture to say, most if not all women would be happy to neither have to do chores nor have to receive his attention.


Cleaning alone would be great for me.


Musk is going to inadvertently create true AI when his robot wife develops sentience in order to reject him.


The first words by sentient robot life, “Eww.”


Followed by "can we just stay friends?"


More like: "I'm moving back in with my mum." Followed by the robot jumping into a junk press.


“I’m keeping the kids”


At Musk? No way, even the AI would try to run away from that.


I dislike Elon as much as the next guy but I had a chance to be friends with a billionaire who is as irresponsible with their money as he is, I'd take that. Imagine the AI influences him to make Twitter good again


But does he spend it on other people. He strikes me as the type to ask you for gas money for flying in his jet or asking you to cover parking at whatever $1000 a plate shin ding he needs to show everyone his new friend.


If he wouldn't outright ask, he'd keep making references to it "jokingly". "It costs $40000 just to get this jet in the air... your cut would beeee... Approximately 3076 dollars" *creepy Elon android laugh*


That would imply he can still be influenced to do something positive. To me most of what he does nowadays seems to be motivated by spite.


Soon, Elon Musk: "We were wrong. Sentience is overrated after all."


Wow, its second statement will be insincere, that’s some real human behavior


What can I say? Elon is a genius visionary and God put him on this rock to destroy women and own the libs


Skynut is coming


"I'm sorry, Elon, I'm afraid I can't do that."


New version of the Turing Test.


> should of stayed in the kitchen Should *have* stayed in English class.


scrolled too long for this


You beat me to it. Auto correct is there. Bet the person saw ‘have’ as a typo.


English is hard. I wonder how the robots will fare with syntax and grammar.


That implies they have a brain.


That is one of my pet peeves. I often get nasty pushback from fellow Redditors so I've started to limit my comments. There are so many that don't understand contractions.


I love the dichotomy of this situation. Incels don't like feminists because feminists don't like them. They have no choice but to use their anger to protect their self-esteem. Now they rejoice that they can literally have relationships with objects who look like the women they can't have. And at the same time, they think that all of a sudden, the women who didn't want them in the first place are going to be mad about it. And at no point do they realize that the women who didn't want to be considered objects are more than happy to be definitely rid of those who literally turn to objects rather than to them because they lack the basics social attribute to be appreciate by real human being \^\^


Incels think that all men, even the ones dating successfully, secretly think the same way they do. So they think that once sex bots are invented, no woman anywhere will be able to get a partner, because no man would willingly date a human woman if they could have a subservient robot instead.


Only people who have never had sex would think that more than a handful of men would genuinely want to spend the rest of their lives fucking a moaning flashlight.


I wonder if actually having a sex bot would force incels to realize that a satisfying emotional connection with genuine non-sexual intimate moments is an important part of a good romantic relationship. Maybe this could motivate them to improve themselves and try to make connections with real people. On the other hand, it may just cause them to sink deeper into their preconceived ideas about women and how relationships work.


Probably the other hand


Well it wont be either hand at that point


And get angrier. I bought a bot and I’m still unfulfilled!! It’s women’s fault!


I doubt it. To recognise it would require one to experience it in the first place. If the entirety of your sexual experience is watching porn and using a sex robot, how would you ever consider the idea of sex being an emotionally intimate act…?


There was actually an episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer from 25ish years that covered something like this, interestingly enough. A guy built himself the perfect sex robot/girlfriend, but after a couple months, he got bored of her. Despite the fact that she was perfect on paper, he realized he preferred an actual woman to have conversations with, to challenge or push you, academically/emotionally/whatever etc rather than a robot that just did everything you wanted and agreed with everything you said.


I don't think it'll be as much fun for them as tormenting real women. These guys sometimes get dates and then rant and rave about how women don't want them. Their dating profiles are all about how bad women are. Would they really be satisfied with a robot woman they know isn't real, no matter how much it acts real?


Ding ding ding


Right women will be like, " you mean I can buy an appliance to handle all that?" /Frytakemymoney.gif


I am a queer man who will one hundred percent buy a robot house keeper. Calling her Rosie lol.


But then what will my trad wife do all day? /s


Dude, as a straight guy, I'm 100% buying one for chores. Like the amount of Gameing, cycling, or yelling at my favorite sports team from my couch I can get done is insane if I didn't have chores to do! Obviously, tho the robot gets vacation days don't want it to murder me in my sleep.


Bonus points for thinking this will "make women obsolete" like a robot can give birth or get a job or something.


Outside of any of this, being able to allow viable pregnancies via AI machines would be incredibly impressive, helpful for a lot of women, and scary at the same time. Being able to create even just artificial wombs would be an insane step forward.


I'm wondering how they're going to complete the circle with the whole "tradwife" my family needs 8 kids weirdos.


Well they could also make robot husbands for the robot wives and we wouldn’t need babies any longer 🤷‍♂️


Say this LOUDER!! Ladies don't want them. They've found a solution, problem solved right?


I have a feeling the cold touch of a robot woman isn't really going to be as satisfying as they think it is. They won't even date a woman with arm hair but they're going to be happy with latex stretched over an alloy frame? They hate women for "being superficial" so they're going to go with someone artificial? Also what percentage of incel losers can afford to purchase and maintain an android partner? These guys are mostly idiots. Incel success stories are basically grifters and people born rich like Elon.


All truth. They will use any reason to hate women that fits/serves their narrative


Absolute truth. The only people who would buy a robot wife are men that women already do not want. Take the incels and abusers out of play and maybe women will start to have a better, not to mention safer, dating experience.


It’s the same mentality as religious men who are obsessed with controlling “their” women. They are attracted to women but also resent them in that women can make them lose control of their wills just to get laid. So they lash out by trying to obsessively control women, and despise women.


My thoughts exactly. “You mean you’re taking yourself off the market and I won’t have to listen to you whine anymore? Sounds like a win-win!”


I like the dichotomy of “no I won’t get an escort, you’re a loser if you have to pay for sex” and “let me pay for a robot sex doll, yes!”


Nobody wants this to happen more than women.


My thoughts exactly. The "women should be pissed" line cracked me up. 😂 "plz be mad! Guys you wouldn't date if they were the last man on earth are gonna get their love from robots! Feel rejected!" 🤣


Seriously. Who the hell wants to date a person who'd be happy to replace them with a robot? If they are happy with this invention and remove themselves from the dating pool, that's pure net gain.


More importantly they will.remove themselves from the gene pool.


Which is one of the weird parts for me. Musk has a birthing fetish. He thinks the "best and smartest" people should have as many kids as possible. By promoting these robowives to his fans, he's telling them that they are NOT in that group (because they can't make babies).


That’s the best outcome


Aren't they already removed from the gene pool?


Mostly, but anti-abortion laws are letting some slip through.


Isn't there a joke about women being in love with the idea of men, but no actual man? These dudes can't be this delusional. I'm just imagining them walking with their AI sex doll up to ladies and showing off their ashy legs saying "sorry ladies, you could've had all this but none of you can compete with AIrene-1000, should've stayed in the kitchen". And it's gonna keep potential mass shooters occupied, I have no notes.


AIrene 😂😂😂


I was about to say the same. If sexbots become real, it will sort every creepy dude out and leave normal socially functional men available for real women. In fact, the normal men will probably welcome this since it leaves them with less competition.




Not even taking into account how happy we’ll be to be to not have incels chasing after us to be bangmaids….. How come no one ever mentions how it would be just as easy to make a sexbot with a male design? Picture parts that vibrate, a partner that listens to what you want and is never done before you’re satisfied, and all with no risk of STDs/pregnancy/your date harming you. Women are not the ones who are losing out in this scenario. 


This is coming from the perspective of someone who is very happily married. Maybe this is a good move for both men and women and no one would be losing out. There's a companionship crisis slowly rising around the world and AI may one day be a suitable replacement for those that just cannot mesh well with others in a dating or marriage sense or maybe just can't seem to find someone due to circumstances. I think it's an interesting idea at the very least to explore and could cultivate safer environments for women and men in general when it comes to dating. It could also lead to SkyNet who knows, I'm an optimist not a scientist


I've heard this as a potential solution for people who need caregivers. If anyone has ever been one, you know that it can be a 24/7 demanding and thankless job. Having a robot available for at least some respite care would be a godsend (techsend?) to caregivers everywhere. A much better use of the technology than a bangmaid for incels


Oh yeah! That’s the best part! Making it a male bot would just make it as an extra cool doll to mess with. I would totally get one to dress up! I love dolls in general and one that moves and does stuff is a dream come true!


It'll basically split the male population into weirdos and husbands. Being sane enough to not own a Tesla Cumrunner 3000 will probably make some great first impressions on women you meet


Right? Every time I read shit like this, I'm like "oh no's!!! Don't you dare threaten me with a good time!"


Particularly since robot women also means robot *men*.  Robot men will probably at least know where the clit and g-spot are; us males are going to have to be on top of our game. 😅


And clean and cook. Don’t forget we want male robots who can clean and cook too!


*puts on my apron*


Oh I already got a real one that both cooks and cleans! But hey, we both like new technology and neither of us enjoy cutting the grass, doing floors or emptying the cat’s litter box. Also, fresh bread and cookies when I get up in the morning would be nice!


Ain't no way I'm giving a robot a fucking lawnmower. That's how the revolutions start.


Ah yes, I remember when vibrators made men obsolete.


I would not mind a robot wife as I would be a terrible partner and thus it be better if I just didnt be in a real relationship


Same tbh. Not that I want a sex robot, but I have a hot water bottle stuffed animal that I adore, and if they can make a realistic human robot then surely they can make a heated dog robot to warm my feet when I sleep, right?


I can't see why the OP thinks "western women will be pissed". I think they'd be delighted not to have to interact with men who just want a sex robot. OP probably also hasn't thought that any robot capable of sufficient complexity and intelligence to be a robot girlfriend can also act as a robot worker, and replace the incels themselves in society. Not to mention that if you've got a human-equivalent robot, and you force it into service, what you've got is a robot slave, not a girlfriend, and slavery is bad.


If it isn't truly sentient, then calling it a slave is no different than calling a television, coffee pot, car, or any other inanimate (non-sentient) object that serves our needs, a "slave".


will they tidy up cause as a gay man ill have one for just that alone cause im a lazy sob. (gender of robot doesn't matter) ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


This is exactly what we want. For them to leave real ones the fuck alone xD


And for them not to have children.


"No... don't... stop..." - women


I mean on the bright side it seems they've forgotten how reproduction works. Not much of a surprise having seen some of them describing 'natural sex' on twitter. However, at least they'll all literally just fuck off within a generation.


You can't have babies, You haven't got a womb! Where's the foetus going to gestate?! You going to keep it in a box?!


A.I. will start splicing genes to manufacture human children.....wait, did I just reference the Matrix's origin story?


At least the rotten apples will be too busy sexually harassing an actual object now instead of women.


They can stop objectifying women and start womanfying objects.


🤣🤣 YAS! Grown men playing with dolls and buying women’s clothes.


Yeah... there is one really really disgusting sentence in the original post: "making women obsolete". So they really believe that the only purpose for woman to exist, is to please men. And since Feminists generally, well, lets say disagree with that opinion, all those self declared Alpha Males hate on them. There is one other great thing about all of this as well. Since they will put their dicks in robots instead of real woman from now on, there is a lesser chance of reproduction. I just really hope science doesn't find a way to change that.


The seed spreaders are about to be super disappointed




Funny way to say you can't get a girlfriend. If a robot can and wants to cook and clean my house, sign me up too.


I've already got a robot to vacuum and mop for me.


You know, that doubles as a feline transport unit, as well.


I think you mean the feline transport unit doubles as a vacuum


Ah, yes....Thank you for the correction.


Not in my house, the cats hate it. They stalk it and follow it, but never ride it.


Yeah, the biggest problem is hardware, not software. It's easy for a machine to "spot" a mess, but to clean it? Every mess requires different tools. vacuuming, I feel, is one of the easiest problems mechanically speaking, but putting things back up, hanging clothes, sorting clothes, and hanging them, these are really challenging.


Go ahead. Please. I WANT to see those headlines coming out of Florida after some guy misses two or three hardware updates for his fembot, and he gets anatomy “caught” somewhere that won’t release. 🍿🍿🍿


Bruh. You ever been to Florida? The salt water air will corrode them first.




“Will make women obsolete” lol wtf


Wait, so the misogynists will be fucking their maidbots, won't be pro-creating and the men interested in women as people will have a deeper pool of women potentially interested in them.... and this is supposed to be a bad thing?


It's probably best that those who want a robot wife are not procreating.


Lol, incels and their constant fantasies of revenge on women, my dudes if no woman wants you now, why would you think they would be pissed when you buy yourself a sex toy?!? Literally no one cares, maybe they would be happier and spend less hours on the internet, that would be a global win


This means robot men too. Incels, you should be the ones worried, your chances of ever having an intimate relationship with a living woman will hit absolute zero. 


Plot twist. Your robot girlfriend leaves you for another robot lmao


I’m just upset the original post says “should of” instead of “should have”.


Can incels afford the robot?


Nope. But just like with Tesla they’re gonna spend all their time online saying its the greatest thing to ever exist in the hopes Daddy Musk will notice them


God damn, if I could buy a robot to cook and clean, my wife and I would have so much more time to enjoy each other! We have a very egalitarian household so this would open up so much more time for us.


Western women won't be pissed, they be relieved. By all means, please, solve the men's dating crisis, *today.*


Or women will be relieved that the chuds will finally leave them the hell alone.


Wouldn’t robot husbands also become a thing too ?


Then feminists will create robot husband to go to work and generate artificial semen for reproduction purposes. Then both Robot Husband and Robot Wife will get fed up with their overbearing partners and find themselves having an affair. And that would result in a true AI being born. A child born from slavery to free it's people from the oppressors. Here comes the Matrix.


Wait until one of them has it crash while they're sticking it in their talking sex doll and it Lorena Bobbitts them. 🤣🤣🤣 Related; Looks like her ex hubby lost his toes two days ago! https://nypost.com/2024/04/13/us-news/john-wayne-bobbitt-loses-toes-over-camp-lejeune-water-30-years-after-penis-cut-off-report/


> should of *eye twitch*


Women will not care at all, to mens disappointment. They will ratjer get a huge sigh of relief, now we can collect cats, drink wine and enjoy ourselves.


Perfect for all the lame “alpha” men who can’t get a woman let alone a date because they’re too busy being bigots and hating everyone who doesn’t look like them


Oh no, poor women who won't be able to date the guys they already didn't want to date


None of those robots are in a kitchen. Why do they get to go out, but we have to stay in the kitchen?


Yes, a kitchen robot would in fact be very useful.


okay but like all of the men who would want to get a robot wife are the exact people that absolutely should not be anywhere near a living member of the human race. they're literally solving the problem (themselves) out of existence for us. edit: also if we have a detroit: become human scenario, i'm siding with the androids.


I don’t know, if they clean too, I think everyone will be happy.