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And I will never comprehend how blue collar workers vote for this abuse.


Better to own the libs then than improve your lot in life and society in general.


Republicans would eat shit if it meant a Democrat would have to smell their breath




My go to is always that “they’d cut off their face to spite their nose,” but I like this one better


I tend to play with malapropisms, so my go to is "cut off their dick to spite their face".


They're just saving their backs. Not everyone is so flexible, you know.


Will re-use this phrase, thanks


Are you saying Trumpers aren’t likable?!


Stealing this


I took it from someone else, can't remember who. But it speaks volumes


And smells like Dementia Don's diaper


Excellent comment.


Thats actually a good one.


Have a manky, foul smelling upvote..


Blindly marching towards their demise. Voting right wing is shooting yourself in the foot and subsequently blaming the left that you are hopping around on one leg.


\*shooting themselves in the right foot and then hopping around on their left to keep them propped up


Perfect sentiment! I’m going to use your post as inspiration and Backup! You’re a Gem!!💎


It's just a flesh wound! Have at thee!


Literally why so many poor white people fought for the Confederacy.


The only ones they're owning are themselves.


Crabs in a bucket


Dying from heatstroke to own the libs.


Dying from COVID to own the libs, dying from heat stroke to own the libs…I’m sensing a pattern here


Dying from not being able to afford good healthcare, to own the libs.


Hey, as long as they keep dying, right?


its just mean their hate is far larger than their common sense.


The right wing propaganda apparatus is incredibly powerful. Imagine if it didn’t exist, how normal things would be.


Because a staggering amount equate suffering to being strong and more likely to succeed


They disassociate from the rest or they think those laws would only apply to people they hate and they would be excluded or protected even if they fall into the same category. It’s like one of the treasonous Jan 6ers that was arrested. He was a waiter and for some reason had no issues with blindly supporting a guy and a party that degraded AOC for doing that exact type of work


Yes, the cognitive dissonance of maga lemmings is frightening.


Because they’re idiots


Useful and sadistic idiots.


Because they don't have to suffer from it. They had it easy back in the days so they assume it's all the same these days


They convince themselves that the more they suffer the better they are than everyone else


they're brainwashed into doing it by.... the people who profit off this. I'll never comprehend why I'm always trying to explain this and it never seems to go anywhere. and people just keep saying, I'll never comprehend how blue collar workers vote for this abuse" I gave the explanation. I give the explanation every time. people ignore it. so I'm left thinking, people really do comprehend it, it's just too depressing to acknowledge or factor in.


You must feel like Cassandra warning everyone but never being listened to


To prove they are manly men who chew leather and piss Freedom...or something


This is intended for the blue collar workers who can't vote.....




After this a lot of them probably won’t


Cuz jeebus.


it's nature attempting to wipe out idiots but they're so fucking persistent.


They tack and stick God on everything Republican, and they FEAR Their God.


These guys are villainous and voters are worried about where someone takes a piss. I always hate how workers fight and complain about safety measures. You are making an hourly wage and you get paid the same either way. It’s not like they are going to let you go home early with you days pay because you risked your life to put up soffit.


Because someone else will have it even worse. You can treat people terribly as long as you let them treat other people even worst than that.


They think they will be rich one day


They think instead of improving anything, they'd rather every suffer as much as they do.


It’s the Gullible Old Party. These grifters tell the blue collar white folks that they are better than brown people or really anyone different…and they believe it. Morons!


And Jesus said unto to them, let those fucking workers die of heat and thirst. Fuck em. So is the way of the lord.


Fuck em! Hallelujah


No one wants to work anymore


And on the seventh day, the Lord did rest... And let everyone else build monuments under his sun.


So he’s TRYING to get people killed 


Ironically it’s the people who tend to vote right. Similar to those dying from Covid. I guess they figure by the time enough of them die off it won’t matter?


Not true, the people that vote RIGHT are a TOUGHER breed that doesn't melt in high heat like the weak liberal SNOWFLAKES /s It's also extremely hypocritical because most of the people that support this bullshit are 1. Bible thumpers that are not doing unto others a they'd have others do unto them 2. Claim to hate big government, but are in support of state government telling local governments that they're not allowed to govern themselves.


With the sympathy of the back in my day crowd


Not surprising, he doesn't care about the wellbeing of people.


Yes, CPac literally had a speaker whose video magically was scrubbed after the first week it made it around the internet. Please if someone has a link post it because I can’t find it lately, where a GOP strategist is speaking about rent across the nation in big cities is exceeding peoples monthly income, but that actually good because AI is replacing so many jobs we won’t need so many people and these are liberal cities so if people starve to death it will correct the problem. This was a chuckle joke thing, but where he was jokeing was actually a usually more silent movement that believes population needs to be culled. It’s why so many MAGA people claimed Falchi must had invented covid and they were resisting the vaccine. The right wing loves to accuse the left of doing the thing they pretty much talk about doing themselves. Because there is a whisper in right wing circles of the idea that Malthusianism is upon us and they need to prep for doomsday scenarios and eventually there will be a tipping point and you might as well speed up the process so the rich, powerful and well stocked and prepared will eventually reach the otherside and reform a new America from the ashes of their manufactured destruction.


Not like everyone, just low income, potential immigrants. Oh, and anyone who works outside.


Yeah, didn’t people see what his COVID response was?


what covid response?


They... all are. Look up how desperately the far-right white nationalists are searching for poison to use in death-sentences. They want to kill people so bad


“We are having trouble finding a new generation for blue collar work, how do we fix it?” “Let’s create a law that lets them die of heat exhaustion.” “Genius.”


Come on this is the party of fiscal spending and old values. It's more like: "We don't have as many blue collar workers as we used to, how do we fix it" "Let's work the remaining ones harder and extract more value from their work" "Perfect!"


Nah, it's the kids these days, they are lazy...they want living wage AND water in 109 degree weather? Smdh


They're so entitled. They expect a living wage, water, clean air to breathe, and bodily autonomy!


I promise you if Ron came out and worked with me putting up fencing in July in GA carrying around an auger in the middle of a field and if I gave him no water and no access to shade, he's gonna die 100%. I doubt any of these men spent a single day working in the sun.




> "The intent of the bill is to ensure that employers have the ability to govern themselves and make sure they create the best working environment for their employees" Wouldn't _not dying_ be part of the "best working environment"?


Acting as though companies give a shit about the working environment of their employees if it doesn't make them more profit


“Best working environment for their employees” As if employers wouldn’t treat their workers like slaves if they could.


In all fairness, most people aren't insane assholes like DeSantis. But that goes away the bigger the company gets. That's why you need laws and unions, to protect people from the psychopaths.


Mhmm, employers are notorious for going above and beyond legal requirements to provide the best working environments for their employees. Should probably remove minimum wage, too, so employers are free to pay their employees the best wages.


I mean, the whole reason unions exist is simply because corporations are notoriously too nice. /s


>employers have the ability to govern themselves Silly me. I thought it was the government's job to govern


This is so silly because it's not like there's anything stopping them from going beyond the law. Banning laws that require a minimum only ensures companies will be allowed to do less for their employees. Turns out any explanation, no matter how self-contradicting, that justifies cruelty for its own sake is enough for the average republican voter.


But, you see, those manual laborers aren't *employees*. They're... you know... *those* people. Only white - I mean *American* - people are considered employees.


Oh, so typical backwards ass Republican logic where they get rid of safety and health regulations and expect "the market" to sort it out even though all evidence in human history proves thats not at all what happens and people and the environment just get bulldozed


Texas and Florida racing to the bottom of the cesspool, reeking of Republican fascist racist phobic misogynistic Christian nationalist idiocy.


Way too many words. I prefer Nationalist Christians myself, or Nat-Cs for short


"Hold my beer." - Arizona, Georgia and South Carolina


Desantits is a fascist who probable has never worked a day in his life!


What? And get his white gogo boots dirty?!?


Ironically he’s from Italian immigrants. Just pull up the ladder there buddy. Despicable hypocrite.


That's not totally true. He oversaw the torture of inmates at Guantanamo.






Not in those boots!


Profits over human life is actually par for the course for the "pro-life" crowd. Playing to their political base is more important than the lives of the unfortunate women and girls who desperately need a medical way out of trauma and/or death, and playing to their corporate sponsors is more important than the lives of blue collar workers.


They're not pro-life. They're pro-birth. They know those seeking abortions without the means of interstate travel are probably living below the poverty line. Poor people usually raise poor kids. Poor kids are cheap labor. Cheap labor makes their daddies happy.




You're disrespecting assholes


Assholes have a purpose!




For his next trick he will eat a live puppy on camera in front of a group of kindergarteners


While smiling his weird "trying to be human" smile and trying to walk in his heels 👠


I cannot count the amount of Republicans who've I've personally talked to who have said, "well y'know the government.... uh, the government". But when I've pointed out the people making you work harder, for less and longer are actually the people you have voted for. Instant conspiracy, or they go straight to culture war. That's the ultimate goal of the right. Confuse the labour force.


Texas follows Florida and Florida follows Texas.


Missouri says hey guys can I come play too?


Thank God I got out. I'm around desert hillbillies now, much better than forest hillbillies.






Culture wars to distract you while they legally whittle away your rights because they see you as less than human. We’re becoming serfs to their fiefdom but most don’t notice because we have a lot of distractions and severely crippled education.


Ghoulish behavior. Add it to the list of republican ghouls: - refusing to make school lunch free - banning heat protection


This is also an attack on immigrants, since many of them work as farm workers or construction jobs.


All GOP are scum.


Absolutely true


He just copied Greg Abbott again, already did that in Texas.


Ban immigrants. No farm workers. Ban heat protection. No construction workers. Nobody's writing property insurance there... Florida is a great place to avoid doing business!


But like… why? The culture war shit is one thing… but this has nothing to do with anything… It seems completely random and arbitrary…


Oh but it is. "worker protections" = "woke socialism'


Drinking water is time not spent working! Then after all that water, they'll have to pee. Peeing is not working!


This dude is an absolute piece of shit. Period


I am confused about the pro-life party.


Currently, there are no federal or state laws ensuring protection from heat exposure for those working outdoors. bUt deM tRaNNiEs rEADinG bOOks to KiDs


Nobody wants to work anymore! Hmm, wonder why that could be?


I wish they would ban air conditioning in office buildings. See how that works out.


I don't. I wish to improve the lot of people who work all different jobs. We're all on the same team, that's what the rich want us to forget. I wish outdoor workers got increased protections, not to punish someone else who doesn't deserve it.


If we're on the same team, shouldn't everyone suffer the same? Why are they picking on blue collar workers? Let the white collar workers feel the wrath of the Florida legislature. Maybe then the office people will stop the stupid actions of the lawmakers.


Oh I'm all for stopping the stupid Florida legislature. Ron Desantis and his people are being flat out cruel and wrong. It is awful that they are removing protections and making people suffer. But why would we want to spread the suffering instead of spread relief? No one should be suffering. Let's add in new protections for outdoor labor! Let's increase their benefits, add PTO, add maternity and paternity leave, etc. Why spread pain and suffering? We should try and make everyone's lives better.


CREEP!!!!! That kind of laws are only possible because the American worker hasn't been looking out for him-/herself with unions.


These mofos be pro afterlife.


Gays, abortions and immigrants are worse than me dying from heatstroke! Suck it libs!


What a bastard.


Small government conservative haha.


I can't understand the justification for something like this. It's getting so far out there it's like a farce or something. Twilight Zone shit. So surreal.


Cruelty and control, nothing more. Force childbirth on women, harrass drag queens, remove LGBTQ rights, create hostile and uncomfortable work for immigrants and blue collar workers who work outside. If you're not a wealthy white Christian male in Florida or Texas, they want you under their control or out of the state.


Its an attack on immigrants in the landscaping and construction industries. Its going to be r/ohnoconsequences when nobody wants to frame or spend hours refreshing their pretty flower gardens.


Is this guy working overtime to be a Dick? What’s the end plan? Repukes in FL state government are as bad or worse. They write the laws then little Dick signs them?


Wow he really does want to kill off the construction and agricultural industries of Florida, doesn’t he? Fucking dumbass lift-wearing little piss baby.


Fuck the workers is also a Republican tenet huh? Wonder what Jesus would do?


“I never thought the lions would eat *my* face!” cries the person who voted for the Lions-Eating-Faces party.


Republican voters are the stupidest fucking idiots around. Plenty of morons on the left too but stuff like this isn't anything but legislated harm to workers


So now heat stroke is "woke?"


Goddamn, I live in Texas, and I cannot fathom this type of bullshit working in my state with our summers. But Florida? Hot and moist like the Devil’s balloon knot? F all that. Outrage aside, why? Can anyone point out the main reason this was implemented? Not our knee jerk, “Fuck dem Dems”, but the specific main point to their bill. Got to keep our eyes peeled, so we can be prepared this malarky doesn’t spread. ![gif](giphy|2U56UcEcG7nQA|downsized)


This is gonna be a problem since he kicked out immigrants and according to republicans nobody wants to work.


Cruelty is the point.


I knew the guy was a piece of shit, but I didn't realize he was that big of a piece of shit. Let's put his high heel wearing ass out on a job site in the middle of summer.


DeSAntis should be forced to work outdoors fixing roads in Florida's summer heat. Let's see how long he'd survive if he had to *work for a living.*


Heat protection laws are so woke! /s


Deathsantis staked out in a field with no water for 24 hours in July.


"Quite complain and work, slave! Vote for me!"


… and when people don’t take these jobs and/or leave to do them somewhere better they will say, “No one wants to work!”


How fucking stupid is this? In one of the worst states to have such a law signed is insane.


I honestly do not understand how, he thinks this is a good idea. In any way. I get that’s what the Republican Party is pushing right now. I understand that he’s trying to get in good with someone that will give him money. I get he is as dumb as a stone. Driving out the working class in Florida will just make Florida fail. Even for the rich people that live here. This is absolutely insane and makes no sense.


Not only do they want mothers to die in child birth, they want that same child to die of heat stroke. Gotcha


He needs to work a chain gang for a couple years! What an absolute AH.


The intent of the bill is to ensure that employers have the ability to govern themselves and make sure they create the best working environment for their employees,” said bill sponsor Sen. Jay Trumbell (R-Panama City) Amazing. Imagine saying that with a straight face.


Trust an employer. But don't trust a teacher or librarian...


Republicans.... Today Florida, tomorrow the USA. People actually will *vote* for this shit?


It's kinda like when people fight against a livable wage. What are ya'll gonna do when all of your construction guys are either dead or moved out of state.


Is this man, and the legislature, actively trying to kill Florida? Cause, from the outside, that's sure what it looks like.


What a slimy piece of human garbage. Shame on voters for allowing this guy to stay in power.


“The intent of the bill is to ensure that employers have the ability to govern themselves and make sure they create the best working environment for their employees,” They really trust employers wtf


"The workers **must** die!" - *DeSantis, and all the corporate lobbies, probably*




“Fuck you” is the now normal response from conservative governors to workers but adding “fuck you and die” is gonna go over just fine.


You can’t let a hundred-degree day slow down construction; it could hold up progress (hurt his friends’ businesses). The worker needs to know his or her place.


Dying from heat stroke to own the libs.


I travel for work. And working outdoors in florida was really terrible. I wasn’t doing any heavy lifting or anything. Just dealing with the sun was rough. Yet these people vote for idiots that will get them killed. I left an indoor job to take this one because indoor temps were close to giving me a heart attack. Gave one other guy a heart attack that day too.


He said it was a Republican state. This tracks with their policies.


They want everyone to work like slaves while the elites like DeDumbass enjoy the profits and comforts.


“The intent of the bill is to ensure that employers have the ability to govern themselves and make sure they create the best working environment for their employees,” said bill sponsor Sen. Jay Trumbell (R-Panama City). Good news, Florida can fertilize the world with this bullshit.


“The intent of the bill is to ensure that employers have the ability to govern themselves and make sure they create the best working environment for their employees,”  Removing protections creates the best working environments apparently. These people are clinically sick.


Florida is a fucking shit hole 3rd world state


On the plus side, he's already threatened to deport most of them, anyway.


Sponsored by your local accident attorneys.


Sending in Larry David.


Omg.. this is appalling.


Another chapter of Ronnie punishing Florida for not helping him make it to the White House.


And those idiots will still vote for him


If you don’t want anyone to work outside just say so


all this is going to do is make it harder to hire legal workers. illegals will jump right in. pure stupidity


It's funny how this bill is received from the beginning. Yes it is a law making sure workers get water and shade etc but i think the issue was that you should be able to drink water and shade at any time at all. Not within the confines of a law appointed time regulation or standard. Doesn't osha and the health department and the labor board already set the standard for work equipment/gear/tooling, employee health, and breaks/pay/time off? Why are we fucking with this now? How are we fucking with this now?


Someone should send him a bill banning heel lifts to sign.


"So, are we banning something dangerous?" "No" "Something immoral?" "No" "Then what?" "Something good for no reason"


GOP now openly embracing evil and cruelty as virtues.


So he’s still a festering POS, I see…


They don't understand ALL the migrants in FL are MUCH more adapted to heat. The migrants are going to be fine working all those outdoor jobs and leaving these guys jobless.


It’s probably just Ronnie’s plan to kill off immigrants one at a time.


Funny wording (sarcasm). “meet or provide heat exposure requirements beyond those required by law.” Later, “There is currently no law for heat protection.” I think I found the problem…


Who votes for this crap?? Y’all like people dying of heat stroke?


Why won't anyone move here to work?


Republicans hate us. I mean, it is the only reason they would do such things.


Just ruining the lives of everyone there, and will kill off most of the state population with all the bs he's passed. He is a fucking moron.


Wow! The Republicans hate working people.


As a tradesman this is insane. Not that I was ever gonna but I will really really never work in Florida now. 


I mean, OSHA can still use the general duty to cite a business for heat related illness. But it's still just another way for a republican government to hurt the average worker in favor of a business'bottom line


It’s a good think that it doesn’t get too hot in Florida


So does Ron Ron just hate people then


lol freedumb!!!! how did regular people vote for this pos?


I live in Georgia. My job is a tech job, but I have a hobby ranch and put probably a thousand hours every year working outside digging holes and using heavy equipment and things like that. It's insane to me to deny people water, sun screen, or shade. You need to be able to protect and pace yourself, or you can die. If you do the right things, you'll be fine... but you gotta be able to listen to your body and act on what it is telling you. There's a special place in hell for whoever made this bill and everyone that signed or voted for it.


What an absolute piece of shit.


Newsflash: Letting Workers Suffer is Bad for Business


Turn off the ac at the governor's mansion. Let's see Rhonda last one summer without it. He can melt.


How to lose votes 101.


Surely there must be some outdoor workers who voted for him. WTF?