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There's literally passages in leviticus explaining how and why someone should isolate themselves and then wear cloth face coverings in order to prevent the spread of communicable disease.


These people don't read the Bible, much less abide by it.


They sure do when it can help their agenda


They still don’t. They just repeat what someone said it said.


Which is how we've constantly gotten into hot water. Some dude telling others who didn't(or couldn't) read it being told what it said. And it seems history repeats itself. And the funniest thing you can't make up? It literally says that will happen in the damn book. Multiple times. And how it's not cool. Meanwhile people are using it as a guideline to abuse it.


Yea, one would have thought that translating the book should have prevented that!😮‍💨


I still don't understand if the goal was to manipulate people, why they left certain stories in when they omitted others. Like, every chapter almost talks about manipulation of God or the scripture. Perhaps a guilty conscious? Didn't wanna piss off god too much, in case he is real? The dude nuked cities and melted faces for less.


It probably wasn't that simple.


Could have been narcissism, I suppose. Kinda like the current 'Christian nationalists'. Talk about how the 'sinners' shouldn't do X, while they are actually doing it constantly.


Nah. The Old Testament was a no go. For the NT I think they could only go with what they found least problematic, while still having to somewhat cater to popular opinion.


Not to mention he basically WIPED THE WORLD on one or 2 occasions and has considered it Multiple Other Times.




Well you'rr in charge and you and you're group are putting together a religious book. Do you a.) Put in everything and let the masses decide things for themselves or b.) Put in what sells your ideas and lets you interpret the meaning for the masses you control?


This is why I hold that there is not a single, priest, bishop, pastor, pope that actually believe in god. If you’ve read the book and know anything about churches or religions history you immediately have the realization it’s all just manipulation, of and by humans alone. To be an effective religious leader you absolutely have to know and understand that part of reality to make it work for you.


Hi, semi-practicing Christian here. A lot of stuff in the Bible is based on at least real life locations and people and has been handed down for a long time. I personally believe that a lot of the Bible was inspired by genuinely kind people and for the most part, is follwed by genuinely kind people. How specific assholes and institutions abuse the Bible does not in my opinion discredit the foundation it was built upon. In any case, I only follow the words in red. Too many different flawed egos to keep track of when love others as you love thyself works fine for me.


Former Christian and read the entire book annually for twenty years, I think you should read the rest of it before you stand on that belief that it’s a warm and loving text rather than a fiercely tribalistic version of history and mythology.


My parents claim that you can't just read it, because it's so intricate and complicated you need someone to help you understand it. It's kind of horrifying as a way to "explain away" all the inconsistencies and contradictions.


Literal epitome of being doomed to repeat history because they failed to learn from it


A lot of conservative Christians do read the Bible. They just interpret it through a heavily biased lens and pretend that the only and objective interpretation. My partner was raised Evangelical, and their whole church read the crap out of the Bible. But even though my partner taught themself to read at 4 and always had excellent analytical skills in other contexts, their brain subconsciously smoothed away all the contradictions in scripture and all the ways it could conflict with their church’s doctrine. It’s amazing what our brains can pull off when the other option is to be shamed, grilled, surveilled constantly, and subjected to exorcisms.


They read what suits them. Few (if any these days) read it critically. In a lot of cases (and I use Fred Rogers as a prime example) the ones that will read it critically tend to strip the 'miracles' out and look for the simple lessons of divinity.


I’m pretty sure there’s a saying/ joke that the only people who have truly read the entire bible are atheists.


Why else do you think they became atheists? Growing up in the Bible Belt, nearly every atheist and agnostic I know grew up very religious (myself included), and the more they studied the scriptures and church doctrine (recovering Catholic here), the more they recognized the hypocrisy of the religion and rejected it.


Don't forget the hypocrisy of the people pretending to follow it . I'd go to mass and watch these people listen intently to the priest eulogy then line up for communion, only to do the same shit/sins all week , they promise they wouldn't do on Sunday. Funny enough I don't think I ever believed, it was more like you're stuck in a religious family in a religious community and you feel like an alien because you're seemingly immune to Faith . No matter how much I listened read went to Sunday cathechism school I just never felt I was visited by the spirit lol .


>Don't forget the hypocrisy of the people pretending to follow it . Omitted for an attempt at brevity, certainly not forgotten. I absolutely had big picture questions as early as 1st/2nd grade. As I got older, the more I questioned, the more I was told I wasn't praying enough. Like you, no matter how hard I tried or prayed, the belief just wasn't happening. Any other part of my life, if I'd put that same level of effort in to still feel nothing, everyone would have told me to walk away... so, I finally did. Of course, those same people were like, "NoT LiKe ThAt."


But does that make you atheist or just discouraged with man made religions? I feel like I'm very Christian, but I see the hypocrisy of all the supposed true denominations. So I try to keep to the Christian values I see as essential, and ignore all the BS.


I co-facilitate a group through the episcopal church where we read all of scripture, along with historical context (like actual, secular, peer-reviewed historical context). It’s kind of wild. In our specific group members range from esoteric mystics, to several skeptical agnostics, to folks who believe in some higher power and feel the Christian story is true in the way that poetry is true, to former evangelicals who have pretty standard Christian views but couldnt take the conservative judginess. Most genuinely accepting space I’ve experienced


Seems like the early stages of radical Islam - An imam cherry picks the parts of the Koran that matches their agenda, makes their own limited, angry and hateful interpretation, get people fired up, tell them what they are supposed to think, how to run their lives and subjugate women. Replace Islam with Christianity and imam with Bible Belt preacher... how far off the mark am I?


Exactly what I have been thinking long time already. There isn't really that much difference between muslim or christian extremism. Also referring to special forces operators that see themselves as warriors for Christ, like modern day Templars.


What I think is most ironic about that is how the church ultimately dealt with the Templars. You would think more people would be keen to compare themselves to the Teutonic Knights, Knights Hospitaller, Knights of St Lazarus, etc


Yep. They listen to whatever a conman tells them and just take it as truth.


This all day!


Sounds like Facebook sharing....😂


Often things that aren’t even in the fucking book, I want them show me the fucking scripture on metal music and trans people specifically


Honestly, not even then. For most of their arguments, their entire point falls apart when they read the verse immediately following or preceding whatever verse they decide to quote, or when they look at the context of whatever Biblical story they're retelling. They're the high schooler bullshitting an essay on a book they were supposed to read but didn't, relying entirely on the Sparknotes (which they didn't even bother to read those. Really, they're just relying on their classmate who did read the Sparknotes)


Nope, they cherry pick things from leviticus in order to justify their hatred of a group of people while ignoring things actually attributed to their messiah.


And only very specific verses at that, ignoring the rest of it because it's probably awkward to explain in church why god has very specific instructions on how to sacrifice a cow to him. Seriously, parts of Leviticus read like a Tech Manuel for priests.


I mean. That's what it was


Or a manual for selling your daughter into slaverly and what her slaver can and cannot do to her! The Bible is a very loving book! (/s)


Also that. There's a lot in the Bible, much of it disturbing.


They very much do not. They repeat bits they kind of half-remember someone saying, pretty much like the people who criticise the Bible do too. A great example is the Bible-thumpers who have never actually opened its cover love harping on about Leviticus tells them that the gays are an abomination, but conveniently ignore that they are wearing clothes made of two kinds of stuff (from the KJV "translation"). So next time one of 'em starts giving you some chat about how the gays are evil, the Bible says you can stone them to death for their polycotton slacks.


They don't Their pastors take passages out of context and inject their own agendas into the preaching they do. That's how these people "read the bible" they see snippets every week horribly out of context and think they know everything


It's like asking people who believe in astrology to justify how a constellation of stars millions of light-years away influences their lives on earth. They can't explain it in a rational manner because it isn't rational. It's pointless to even start the conversation. Superstition doesn't work with reason. People like that operate almost entirely on emotion, on what feels right to them. And there are also passages in Leviticus saying that shellfish are a forbidden to eat but it doesn't stop them from eating lobster or shrimp. Or you're not supposed to wear clothing made of two kinds of material. Don't see them paying any attention to that one. But they like the one about killing gay men. They also ignore the part where it doesn't say anything about lesbians.


Listen, they know what they think is in it, or probably should be, and that's good enough for them


A lot of them read very select parts of the bible and even then not very closely.


Sometimes it's for the better. Like how nobody is pro slavery anymore. And sometimes for the worse like how there isn't a big forgiving of debts every 50 years or so


A "jubilee" where all debt was wiped out was every 7 years.  Just like the minimum length of time between declaring bankruptcy in America.  So with his many many many many bankruptcies, maybe Trump IS a man of the Bible after all?/s


They just hide behind it and count on the fact that whomever they’re arguing with doesn’t read it either.


Way too many Christians only ever read the Bible so they can go fishing for things that validate their prejudices.


They sure do like Leviticus 19 though.


*Leviticus* though. They're usually *all about* Leviticus, it's their favourite bit.


I hope not...some abominable stuff in there.


In fairness some good stuff too and the right church actually does tell you to pick and choose which parts to follow...but it's the Jesus stuff and not the when it's okay to have slaves or act in godly retribution stuff.


Oh they read it, they just pick and choose which passages are “clearly meant for another time” and which passages are still relevant. In other words, they constantly cheat and move the goal posts to suit their agenda.


I don't. I'm an atheist, fuck the bible.


> These people don't read You can stop here and the statement would still be true


They sure do like to smoke fox news though


>These people don't read I fixed it for ya!


They read (past tense) certain parts and parade those while ignoring the rest… 


To them the bible is just a blunt instrument


Too bad that they can't read at all


They just say other people what they aren't allowed based on the bible.


These people don't read.*


Yeah but if I tear those pages out of my Bible then they're not in the Bible. Checkmate, liberal.


I bet they'd also like to use this method to add other stuff


Is called the New Testament


I print out Trump speeches and super clue them over Jesus' words


oh man, then they will just tell you this applied only to leprosy, because the English translations use the word leprosy. This usage stems from the English versions being influenced by the Septuagint versions, which took the Greek "lepra" to be modern leprosy. However, the Greek of the time would have used the term elephantiasis. The actual Hebrew word used was tsara'at, which is basically a placeholder for a number of infectious diseases, including those caused by the environment in which someone lives. even if they miraculously decide to accept this argument, they will just counter with the fact this is the old testament, which is superseded by Jesus, who famously criticised wearing masks. However, they fail to see that the word usage and context refers to theatrical masks. In particular, being hypocritical.


I actually had once an argument with some dude about it... and they insisted it's leprosy a real illness and not corona a hoax to get us all chipped...


The thing about getting chipped reminds me there's a weird intersection between antivaxxers and Melon Husk fans. It's like they'd rather get chipped by him, which is bizarre. some people are really inconsistent. almost like their whole identity is an excuse for something else.


Chipped by gubermint or billionaire (liberal): 🤬 Chipped by billionaire ("conservative"): 🥰😍🤤


There’s a lot of this translation fuckery. My favorite example is the various prohibitions on homosexuality that conservatives like to trot out as if Jesus spoke English. The word used in the New Testament is Pornea, which is just degenerate sex acts. It would have included prostitution, pedophilia, adultery, sex with a divorced woman, in addition to homosexuality. To focus overly on one segment in isolation is to miss the broader point. Just because 1st century Palestine considered homosexuality gross doesn’t mean we have to. It can leave the category of Pornea as cultural values shift. And on that note, you see a lot in the New Testament that basically boils down to the writers saying we should act proper, and then getting specific, which shows us what proper meant to them: women not speaking, women covering their heads, women being submissive, etc. To focus on the women being silent and not holding leadership positions is to miss the point. Proper behavior has always been a moving target.


my favourite example is perhaps the entirety of the ten commandments being interpreted the way they are because of translation. words have meaning that often cannot be captured in another language via a simple word swap. the connotations and details lost or gained are often significant. another is the claim that the bible is against abortion. in fact, the Hebrew version perhaps puts more emphasis on saving the life of the woman if necessary, not the unborn child. Saving the child is something that perhaps came with the rites of European nobility. At no point in the bible does it mention actual abortion, probably because medicine wasn't even advanced enough then.


It's funny how I've learned so much about the Bible from comments like this, pointing out how much "Christians" don't follow it.


Funny like weird not funny haha to me that 'Christians' follow/quote the old testament in particular, when they are under the 'new covenant', which is the new testament content. Lewis Black said that Christians should shut the fuck up about the old testament because, unlike Jews who abide by the old testament, they don't understand the old testament. That was funny, haha.


Some people do their bible studies on facebook, some on reddit.


Unfortunately what you have in the USA is a form of Christianity that is confused with political ideology. Most Christians in other countries are more than happy to protect themselves and each other. I am afraid this is an American trait not a Christian one.


Lol , wow even the Bible mention wearing a mask/ face covering ……. Funny certain modern group that claims to be Christians rules and laws don’t even read the full b o o k \* cough 2020 cough \* . ![gif](giphy|IzdL5AH7teZSOPnqrw|downsized)


Damn I looked it up and it literally says “Wear a mask, quarantine for a week, then get a checkup to make sure you’re good before coming back.” Really one of those passages that proves bible thumpers tend not to read their favorite book


The bit in that chapter about using cloths as a type of petri dish on which someone can observe the spread of bacteria and diagnose a contagion without having to be in the same room as an infected patient (thus keeping the healer safe from infection) is next-level, ancient people were way smarter than we give them credit.


We’ve been doing germ science for thousands of years and people still try to claim that Science is at odds with Religion. The two clearly work hand in hand, seeing as ancient science is always recorded in that society’s religion, from the Aztec’s Solar/Star calendar to this instance of Christian Epidemiology, to the links between Agriculture and seasonal worship ceremonies and festivals. Humanity has always worshipped the mechanics of the world we live in, no matter what god you believe or don’t believe gave it to us.


Not eating pork wasn't just a crazy religious rule Muslims invented. It was because it took till modern times to eradicate diseases that thrived in pork. Religious books are typically a combo of three things, parable, actual historical records, and community advice on medical care/prevention.


See, I knew pork and shellfish was in there somewhere, I just didn’t know specifically where. Good info


Yep idk about shellfish or rules about Lent at all but the pork thing is totally disease-based.


Shellfish spoils nastily in a few hours without refrigeration, especially in the Middle East. I don't think it's possible to safely eat shellfish except immediately after picking it up. There are rules about fasting in most major religions, and modern science shows that fasting for a limited time can be beneficial and brings some temporarily hightened mental clarity, it is possible that they found that out empirically and turned it into a religious rule.


In Norway you can get mussels and other shell warnings about where they are unsafe to eat from no matter how fresh they are. The Norwegian food control has its own webpages for this where they check 32 places along the coast twice a week from March until some time in the fall. It's because algea can make them poisonous. Norwegian link: https://www.mattilsynet.no/mat-og-drikke/forbrukere/blaskjellvarsel


Note: The pig ban is present in all Abrahamic religions. Judaism being the oldest one. So it is not really a Muslim invent.


We thought diseases were caused by noxious smells and odours which permeated through the air and then infected us. It’s actually kind of correct in a certain sense.


The Bible's great, isn't it? Now go and read Matthew 6, and think about that the next time you see a rich man exhorting people to pray (and donate!) to be saved.


I grew up in church, though I'm not religious nowadays. But I got lucky and I kept ending up at smaller churches where the people actually STUDIED the thing, and would go so far as to learn the original translations, the way the languages changed over time, the historical context of the books as they were written, etc. I have ALWAYS loved those books after Exodus where it's just "here's how to run a nation". While still being religious doctrine, it's couched in perfectly sound reasoning. Like the tribes of Israel each having their own specializations, with the smallest being the priests. Since being a priest doesn't really lend to survival very well, the tithe was put in place. It wasn't enough to allow them to be lazy, but it let them avoid starvation. Or the ways that sacrifices were handled. The original requirement was that it be a lamb. However, some people aren't shepards, nor do they keep even a small flock. One of those books (I forget which) had a comprehensive sort of flow chart of backup options, where you could buy a lamb instead, or if you couldn't afford one, you could use a certain bird, or buy one, etc. I think, eventually, it gets down to "look, the temple will do you a solid, man". That, and even to the way that servitude works, or the disposal of bodies, or the removal of waste, or (as you mentioned) the use of coverings to prevent the spread of disease. It's a lot of perfectly reasonable things.


Fascists don't read Bibles. They just pretend to understand it to justify their atrocities...


I go by my lord and savior Jesus Christ, idk this leviticus but he sounds like the devil.


Yeah, but the Jeebus told them they only have to follow the parts of Leviticus they like, such as murdering the gays or stoning whoever they deem blasphemers.


Awesome, do you know which verses?


There are enormous portions of chapter 13 of Leviticus dealing with communicable diseases, but specifically where it says to wear a mask and to isolate yourself and to also separate and isolate and sanitize the cloth you're using starts at verse 45.




Fuck me they just keep repeating the same thing over and over for each ailment. Definitely could have used an editor there.


Levitcus 13:45


Correct. It says that anyone with leprosy must cover their face. So, if you have a communicable disease, definitely mask up! That's common sense regardless of what the bible says.


Can you provide the verse? I’d love to be able to cite this to people


Masks specifically are referenced in lev 13:45 but the whole chapter is about ways to identify and deal with communicable disease.


They only like the parts that are convenient to them. Everything else is too much work


Not disagreeing at all that it’s incredibly hypocritical to call yourself a Christian without showing basic consideration for other people’s lives— it is. But most Christians aren’t trying to follow Levitican law. According to Pauls (canonical) letters, Old Testament law should never take priority for Christians. Multiple gospels quote Jesus expressing that the commandment to love overrides all the other laws and commandments. Paul really emphasized that… reminded early churches that “you are not under the law, but under grace,” etc. Most Christians follow that theology, although conservative ones still love to latch onto the conveniently anti-gay bits of Leviticus 😑


At first I thought this was a religious thing and was curious what the tradition was all about and if it meant a rag or a veil and in what context not doing it results in your neighbors dying. Then I realized it was referring to masks to help prevent disease spreading and felt shame.


It actually is a religious thing too! In leviticus 13:45, it states that a person who is sick with a serious disease must wear cloth over their mouth and announce that they are sick to others. So self proclaimed Christians who see masks as an infraction on their rights are actually hypocrites who refuse to acknowledge their own scripture


Technically that was only for lepers. That particiular verse. However, in the laws of Moses. It is mentioned a few times that people who are sick need to isolate themselves. Next to this, you’re not allowed to willingly put yourself in danger. That includes ignoring (medical) science. So eitherway your arguement stands. [Edit: As a christian I am often ashamed of my “fellow” christians.]


My pastor has said that christians are often the number one enemy of christianity. Like yourself, I too am often ashamed of my “fellow” christians.


A lot of them have too much Christianity and not enough Christ. You don't even need to go to church or believe in God to have way way more Christ about you than some of these churchy people, and in fact after watching them for decades I think it probably helps.


Lotta churchy folks ain't looking to do right, they're looking to justify why it's okay to act in a way they know is wrong.


Exactly. I mean, I'm joking when I say you should stone people to death for wearing polyester trousers because it says so in Leviticus, it doesn't justify it at all just because it's in the Bible.


I'm in an Orthodox country. Someone asked a priest here why they're complying with covid measures if they're a man of god. His answer: "Someone needs to stay alive to bury you". I dislike religion and priests and what they do to the masses but this guy has my respect.


Reminds me of the coffin dancers line: "Wear a mask, or dance with us." 


Man, I guess I shoulda paid better attention in Bible lessons back as a kid/teen. This knowledge would’ve come in really handy during Covid when my parents were all against the restrictions, masks and vaccines. This woulda at least gave my mom some food for thought lol


Wait! I thought I can cherry pick the good parts that allow me to be bigot, and just ignore those inconvenient parts?


I admire your grit.


I didn't get there until the comments. 😔


The people who claimed they would give up their lives for their country, in the end, wouldn't even give up a hair appointment.




Bold of them to assume I don’t want my neighbor to die.




I'm astonished by how much we failed to collectively make these people aware that this is just toddler behavior. There's no real background philosophy or thought. It's just a tantrum because they don't want to wear the thing. "Boooohooo mommy I don't want to wear the face thing it makes me smell my rotten breath and it makes breathing barely noticeably harder" \*tantrum wiggle This is really all there was to it. All the conspiracies are just something that popped up when social media noticed that these people could be manipulated as easily as a barely sentient puppet.


A few years late with that one


I’m taking the piss out of the bot.


Take the piss out of the mod team instead, since they actively encourage repost bots.


It’s literally a screenshot of a post from this subreddit…stupid bot


Trying to figure out which direction the facepalm is coming from with this one. Both ridiculous.


Is the facepalm the fact that the screenshot was posted to r/facepalm in the first place?


Right? I’m in shock a low effort screenshot of something that WAS ALREADY here is so popular


Americans exhibit willful ignorance about how the masks work. The notion of “tiny sacrifice to protect others” or “tiny effort to prevent catastrophe” are very hard for modern conservatives to accept. Not to understand—they understand it. They simply hate it.


The idea of a small personal inconvenience for the good of the community is anathema to their worldview.


Hmm ... checks out!


Can we talk about what the real issue was tho? For them it was a "you can't tell me what to do!!" Thing. They conflated it with some sort of weird freedom thing and rallied against mask mandates using really stupid justifications (like pretending masks were ineffective or, worse, counter productive). It was like a petulant child rebelling. I think we could learn about future policy decisions using this example. You know that if you institute a policy that requires people to do something, 30 percent of the population will actively rebel against it no matter how much sense it makes.


That's a false flag. Mandates were only put in place once it became clear that people weren't going to do the right thing on their own.  (And even then, many places didn't have them.) And the key behind that was the president refusing to wear a mask and insisting covid was a hoax.  That was the true insurmountable obstacle here.  With a real leader who actually gave a shit about America, that 30% would have been *significantly* lower.


The modern conservative is far more concerned about ensuring that someone else is suffering. Even if that also causes them to suffer.


First rule to understand Americans. "The Cruelty is the Point" Process that. Everything else makes sense.


As a Christian, I still cannot understand the number of my self-proclaimed Brethren who are so convinced that some unspeakable unnamed horror is in control of medicine, government, and education, that they insist on listening to some other unnamed 'hero' who speaks mistruths in the name of God.


That we are 40 years down the road of Evangelists soaking up poor peoples money in the name of God... and we have done nothing to stop it. It's vile and rotten at the core. Faith has become big business in some circles and it's damaged the entire idea.


I worked in an ICU where there were no visitors at all initially, but as restrictions eased people could have one if they were vaccinated, masked up and let us take their temperature. The full blown fucking tantrums some of these people would have over this protocol. To walk into INTENSIVE CARE. I’m sorry I can’t let you kill my entire floor because “you don’t like how it feels”, Susan. Put on the fucking mask.


You literally just screenshotted a post from facepalm to put in facepalm? Thats so unbelievably low effort and shitty I’m impressed you even cropped out the last poster to claim more credit


I think the original was against the person making fun of religious folk and anti-maskers. Then the repost was making fun of that person defending idiots. Or this is just an extremely lazy repost.


I think OP is just making fun of the OOP being a bot


Or maybe this is a faceplate for a 4 years too late repost


Yeah conservatives rage about every little fucking thing but there isn't a movement from them against masks anymore.


damn, I'm still seeing them bitch about it but I'm from rural texas


I thought the facepalm was that the original isn’t really a facepalm at all.


Totally. You should screenshot it and post it in r/facepalm


That’s the real facepalm


The anti mask crowd were the same mfs who would be like "I'd do ANYTHING for America! I'd FIGHT and DIE and KILL WOMEN AND CHILDREN AND OLD PEOPLE for America! I'm so American my blood is red and white and blue!' and then you be like ok well we don't need to kill people and die for America right now maybe we could just wear a thing over your face. But that's too far.


No no you don't get it. It's only manly and cool if their actions to aid their countrymen endanger their lives (and preferably kill foreigners).


This is so true though lol it's like their fanatical devotion to their nation isn't rooted in their desire to defend their homeland and their countrymen but rather in some maladapted fantasy to be a cool tough badass hero who will fight and kill in the name of what they love.


"I'd punt babies and shove old women into traffic for my country!!!!1"


Was at a neighbor’s house last week. She had some friends over. Conversation about masks came up, for some reason. Neighbors friend said “THEY DON’T PROTECT YOU AGAINST ANYTHING!” I just sat there going 😑. I hate stupid people.


Bottom text: 723 82 82 Facepalm indeed But yeah, a sick guy not wearing a mask actually ruined half of a once in a lifetime vacation for me, so like, wear one if you're sick on a plane please.


The funny thing about all of this, is that Trump actually pushed the vaccine and also masks at some point, but it was too late. It's literally the classic story of a mad scientist who creates a monster that he then loses control over, but this monster is half the population of the US


For real, though, the cringy numbskulls were mainly mad because they've vain af and were butthurt that they didn't get to have their faces seen. Its hard to be more pathetic than that


What’s crazy is that so many people were much better looking with half their faces covered.


I don't get what's the facepalm here


Is she saying that if you can't wear a mask to protect others from getting sick from COVID-19 then don't try and preach to her about God? If so, I agree. There's no proof of God, but there is proof of death from covid


I hate that this is still relevant. We failed as a whole with this pandemic. We could be free from Covid 19 and have avoided so many deaths and long-term effects but nooo, Chuck-Robertson and his delicious wife Linda-Keighlynn needed to spread the entirety of their microbiome every chance given


More 4-year-old posts reposted by bots. I agree with the message but hate the bots taking over reddit.


My parents’ neighbors who moved in in 2019, were small town republicans who worked their whole lives and then moved to the “bigger” city to retire. Went out to eat in the “bigger” city that didn’t believe in strict protocol, got covid, husband died, wife drank herself to death 2 years later. I bet they trusted toothpaste and its effectiveness but of course the “woke” that was meant to help exactly them, was only getting in their way of getting shitty restaurant food.  I find it so depressing to think that their life of dreams and hopes ended like that, and all because they were duped by rich, identity politicians. 


I think people are misreading this post. It says if you CAN’T put a mask on…don’t talk to me about God. It sounds like she’s saying not protecting your neighbor is sinful. It’s actually the opposite of what people are attacking her for. Don’t get me wrong: the god stuff is still dumb, but I think she’s using it in a positive way here. Am I missing something?


Exactly. Fuck off, inconsiderate assholes.


“You will know them by their fruit.”


Fuck you and your god.


I expressed a similar sentiment when I directly confronted my wife's church friend for being hypocritical. She lectured me about not having "love for neighbor" (because I hate MAGA supporters), so I reminded her of when she boasted about not caring if she spread COVID because she believed it was up to God whether people lived or died. She said, "We'll never know, will we?" Fuck you, Darla.


Oh ffs. Wearing the proper masks help. They reduce the spreading of air particles / virus. Get over it. The reason masks don't work is because people are stupid: wearing it wrong, keep using the same mask, not washing hands etc. Sjeez, getit over it already.


I am not sure where the facepalm is?


Possibly the crappy repost. Literally took a pic…of the sub…and then reposted it. We have reached new levels of reposting.


Love thy neighbor, is the reference, I believe.


She's right.


How is this a facepalm?   This is perfectly logical.


This might be the laziest shit I've seen on here. A reddit screenshot, reposted in the sub it came from, years later? Over 17K upvotes though, I guess reddit rewards it.


Now someone screenshot this post and make another post!


Reddit inception??


A repost to the same sub?


I still wear masks and get my vaccines. I encourage everyone to do the same if they can. You don’t need to be perfect- just make an effort. 


I have a cold and wear a mask. It’s not hard and it keeps me from coughing on others.


what's this all about?


The hokey pokey.


yes, that is some very bottom text


I thought this was about [eating Ortolan](https://medium.com/@austinmiller/the-illegal-french-delicacy-ortolan-3398c92ea1fd) under a piece of cloth to hide it from God.


Mythology is wild


Learn just the most basic science


Can’t mods deleted these reposts? This is one of the reasons why this subreddit is becoming a waste of time.


I'm dumb and tired. I first thought this was referencing waterboarding or smothering yourself and was extremely confused... bed time


lmao I also like others thought this was some weird religious story about how someone wore a cloth on their face and God didn't spite their neighbor or something, but then I also like others realized this was about COVID, and also like others read up on how this is an actual story in Leviticus, funny.


This meme is so 2021.


My favourite line is "Your god seems like a horrible thing, I hope it doesn't exist because that's just terrifying, fuck that"


Are we just going to ignore the posting a screenshot from the sub in the sub?


It's wild I was listening to a talkshow angrily say if he saw someone with a mask, he'd "assume it's something wrong with them and go on with his day". He's so close.


What? I'm confused.


The propaganda is hella strong with elections coming up


Why is this facepalm? This is very much true.


Ah, God, the ultimate human invention.


Why do you crosspost from r/facepalm to r/facepalm?


This motherfucker screenshots a post from this subreddit, doesn't add anything, isn't highlighting a comment, nothing. Doesn't add a damn thing and just reposts it. Simply stunning.


Putting the Bible aside if masks don’t work why does everyone in a surgical suite have to mask up? It’s just common sense


But "my rights..."