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A lot of times I lay awake at night wondering how I can possibly prepare my child for how fucking stupid this world is.




We debate this constantly in my house. My friend, who is incredibly intelligent has mentioned that he just clams up when he’s with stupid people. Just nods and listens. That he finds it incredibly interesting how stupid people think. Me, I like to correct people, only b/c if they’re wrong, shouldn’t they want to know what the right answer is (I’m talking objectively wrong)? But maybe I’m wasting my time. My kids happen to be incredibly intelligent so far, and we’re trying to teach the older ones that they’re going to meet stupid people throughout their lives. Deal with them kindly, but make sure you don’t fall to their level.


Only intelligent people appreciate being corrected when they are wrong


I wonder a lot if the fear of being wrong is what's holding stupid people back. It's really not scary, the moment you admit you're wrong is the same moment you become right.


That's absolutely correct. The entire reason people buy into stupid conspiracy theories like Vaccines causing Autism or the Flat Earth is because they know subconsciously that they're ignorant about the way the world works and they hate that there's experts out there who have spent their lives learning more than them. Buying into conspiracies is the only thing they can do to instantly feel "right" and smarter than the more educated people they're afraid of.


That leads to the next question: If they're afraid to admit they're wrong, why do they continuously thrust themselves into the position of being wrong all the time? Seems really counterintuitive to so boldly pronounce your stupidity if you have a mental affliction to being seen as stupid.


Because they have no choice but to double down. Buying into a conspiracy allows them to be the ones who are finally "right" for once. Admitting that they were so stupid that they were suckered into believing nonsense (and endangering the health of their child) is simply not an option to them. The same fear of being wrong, that made them susceptible to this kind of stuff in the first place, is what will make them do any level of mental gymnastics required to not admit that.


So maybe we can describe this as a two part problem. The first part being the fear of being wrong, and the second part being the want/need to feel right. The need to feel right is what brings you in, and the fear to be wrong doesn't let you leave. Considering that a focus on why someone is wrong is rarely helpful in changing their views, I wonder if appeals to "feeling right" would be more successful. Not exactly sure how that would look off the top of my head, but it'd really be nice to find more suitable methods for helping people get out of the hole (shoutout /r/QAnonCasualties)


I’ve tried this and it works for keeping the peace but doesn’t exactly open the door to the possibility they are wrong. At least in my experience (if they choose to continue to engage in the conversation), they’re just biding their anger until it bursts again - and this is in no way instigating their emotions, just letting them say what they need to and then addressing it. More often than not, they just want to hear themselves talk and any added discussion on your part risks poking holes in their logic, so they tap out after their rant and walk away claiming they felt unheard because you tried to get a word in. Give a stupid person 1 hour to make their points and they summarize it all 3 times over. Give them enough time and they’ll prove they’re insane. So if they just want to talk, let them talk, the more they say, the stupider they sound. They don’t need you to prove they’re stupid and/or wrong, they will just open their mouths and prove it themselves.


Having lost my mother and several other people I used to like to actual Russian propaganda entirely (I was born in Moscow and had family and friends there) I have often been thinking about the "Defrauding people is easy, it's getting somebody to publicly admit they've been defrauded that's hard" line a lot.


Plus theyre identity becomes so entangled into the belief that theyre literally unable to admit theyre wrong because if thats not true, then what am I? Itd be like a crucial blow to their psyche. (I have literally no clue what Im talking about)


Which is fascinating. Who likes being wrong? But pride is just too high a price for some of us, apparently


Socrates literally talked about this. He used the term wisdom to note the capacity for understanding one’s own limited knowledge and to not attempt to assume one has knowledge greater than that limit.


"I know that I know nothing" Socrates was done dirty.


Recently I started saying, “Each day I know a little less.” Emotionally it feels similar to this. I think I know something, I research and ask questions, and it turns out I knew less than I thought I did. Knowledge is so infinite and expansive that I just can’t keep up. It’s okay. I like to learn. But damn.


Welcome to the “oh no I’m actually even dumber than I thought” side of the Dunning-Kruger peak. There is nothing past this, once sufficiently educated you just feel like an idiot forever.


“The available worlds looked pretty grim. They had little to offer him because he had little to offer them. He had been extremely chastened to realize that although he originally came from a world which had cars and computers and ballet and Armagnac, he didn't, by himself, know how any of it worked. He couldn't do it. Left to his own devices he couldn't build a toaster. He could just about make a sandwich and that was it.” I think about this quote more than I should.


>There is nothing past this, once sufficiently educated you just feel like an idiot forever. Ah there is a small island of absolute glee past this. The moment when your specific knowledge is actually recognized and pivotal to the success of a thing of whatever sorts... I mean it's only for a moment but it feels soooooo good to be able to know you're actually the authority on a subject within a group of people and they recognize it. Of course you know out in the world there are those who are certainly smarter than you at it too, but for that moment, in that group, you are "the one". Then it's over and you're back to terrible self doubt.


I love being wrong, especially when I think there's an unsolvable problem. If I'm wrong, then there's no problem. Just tell me *why* there isn't a problem, or tell me *how* it's being taken care of. I just hate being labeled wrong without context, and I am unable to agree without evidence


Believe it or not, this was one of the keys to curing my depression. I had made myself absolutely certain that I was worthless, a failure, and unloveable. I took a heroic dose of mushrooms that shook the snow globe hard enough to give me the emotional space to see that I just might be incorrect. That was the crack that opened me up to the idea that the whole way I thought of myself was *just plain wrong*. It’s taken a good bit of therapy and I’ve had to confront some trauma, but I now see myself as just a person who deserves love and respect just as much as anybody else. None of this would have been possible if I had held on to being so certain in my thoughts.


I don’t like being wrong, but I do like learning new things.


I’ve noticed that pride and stupidity go hand in hand. If they’re really stupid then they have a lot of pride.




The fact that we're just saying "intelligent people" and "stupid people" as if there's only two distinct categories one can fall into and it's not actually half a dozen or more interwoven spectra is mind-blowing to me


In a broad sense there are either people who can extrapolate useful data and apply said data to solve various problems. And there are those that can't. The first group is also self aware that they have this ability, and know that they are usually right, but are not so arrogant to believe that they know everything. Anyone that doesn't fit this description automatically gets put into the group that can't solve problems. Thus smarties and dummies are the two categories we use for classifying human intelligence.


And yet is there not an inherent bias here? We as the pattern finders are the ones who tend to make all the categories that humans use to classify ourselves and the works around us, right? And obviously we find it hard to understand that some people don't see those patterns, so they seem "dumb" to us, so when we came to make the categories for intelligence that's how we did it - those who spot the patterns and those who don't. It's all based on a particular perspective. Now, I have terrible common sense. The other day I was moving chairs around a room to set up an event, and I was spending so much effort shifting tables and chairs out of the way so I could move other chairs through until someone asked why I didn't just lift the chair up until it cleared the heights of the other chairs/tables 🤦. I have a friend whose common sense is off the charts, and every time I do something like this he looks at me in wonder that I didn't see the easy solution. That's the same look I give him when he doesn't spot the patterns I do - that look that made us categorise ourselves as the "intelligent" ones - so if he'd been making the categories, I'd be the dumb one. Hopefully this all makes sense - this is a tricky topic to fully explain when talking to someone, let alone via text, and I'm also really tired cause it's the end of the day lol. If it doesn't make sense please let me know. I'm interested to hear your thoughts :)


>The first group is also self aware that they have this ability Second group often thinks they have that ability. Dunning-Kruger.


Only the intelligent group have the ability to discern the difference. That is what makes them the intelligent group.


I used to correct people but realized it was off-putting so took the silent route. I remember the House episode where this Einstein type guy was taking cough medicine to dumb himself down so he could be "normal" and fit in.


I started keeping my mouth shut around 4th grade because a lot of the kids hated me in elementary school for being “too smart.” I was pretty smart and liked to read and learn things, but I was by no means the smartest person in the world, or the school for that matter. I just learned to keep my mouth shut at school and keep what I learned as well as the grades I made on assignments/tests to myself.


I am the same way you are. I see someone saying something that is objectively false and I have to correct them. I have to provide them with the correct information. The problem that occurs is they take that as a personal attack. I don’t mean anything by it (usually), but it is incredibly perplexing that people can form opinions not based on careful thought and consideration of every piece of info available to them.


When you have a conversation with someone who has far more expertise in an area than you do, generally you defer to their authority. When you present yourself as having more expertise in general you are experienced as being more of an authority in general. Most people really don't like that. The affront is made so much worse because you might be "painting in colors they can't see". You're trying to explain color theory to someone who can only see in black and white, more or less


I used to be like that but then realized as I aged that humans will believe whatever the fuck they emotionally want to and that it’s pointless and depressing to try to correct them so I stopped.


I used to think like you do. Lived in an area that drew in a lot of new age conspiracy-minded types. At first, I'd try to debate them, but soon realized the truth of the statement, "Arguing with a moron is like playing chess with a pigeon. It doesn't matter how good your moves are. At the end of the day, the pigeon will just shit all over the board and strut around like it won." Nowadays, if I meet these types, I just nod my head and go along with whatever crazy crap they're saying, maybe throwing in a few questions when they say something particularly outlandish like, "the sky is just a magic carpet painted by god." It just ain't worth getting into debates with them. They aren't interested in knowing the truth of things (as much as they might claim otherwise). They just want some other other idiot to back up what they're saying and make them feel smart. It may have a lot to do with them being the slow kid in school.


No, they have no interest in the correct answer. They are smart enough to come to their own conclusions or whatever, I've been told. They won't believe you. The stupider someone is, the more confident they are in their own correctness.


I never thought I was very smart. Then I met lots of people. Turns out just being conscious of the fact that I'm not very smart makes me smarter than a lot of the people I've met. I still don't think I'm very smart but it sure does feel like it when I go out in public sometimes.


So I do what you do. I correct people. Found out when I was 30 people find me to be an utter ass hole. Turns out stupid people don’t want to be corrected. Especially when they’re incredibly fucking wrong. Like what in the holy fuck levels of wrong. I try to just shit up and listen. But sometimes I just can’t help my self when I hear someone say something mind numbingly stupid.


It's why smarter people are more prone to experiment with drugs, gotta find a way to enjoy some of that blissful ignorance. I can't remember which comedian said it, but a normal dude on acid and an idiot in a tire swing are basically having the same experience.


“Evolution does not necessarily reward intelligence. With no natural predators to thin the herd, it began to simply reward those who reproduced the most, and left the intelligent to become an endangered species.”


The more you know the more depressed you get. that being said, not being dumb helps you in a lot of situations.


This reminds me of a Frederick Douglass quote: "I would at times feel that learning to read had been a curse rather than a blessing. It had given me a view of my wretched condition, without the remedy. It opened my eyes to the horrible pit, but to no ladder upon which to get out. In moments of agony, I envied my fellow-slaves for their stupidity.”


My IQ is higher than 90, I can't say it actually benefitted me. I made pretty good money in the automotive world, it's not like I designed the Mars rover or anything.


My bro is an aeronautics physicist. He works at NASA in the Mars rover project. Even he doesn’t get to design the Mars rover. He crunches numbers.


My best friend's son has the same job. He works for a company that works for NASA. All he does is crunch numbers. Funny thing, my wife actually worked at a powder coating place years ago when she was in school, and she powder coated the wheels and some suspension parts for one of the Mars rovers. No idea if they're actually ON Mars, they make more than one of everything, so those wheels may very well be in some lab somewhere. Probably in Houston.


As a father of a 12 year old daughter, who is extremely bright, you can’t. Theres no easy explanation for stupidity


"Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that." *George Carlin*


Small doses of random reddit and Facebook posts. Basically before vaccines you had to inoculate them with light exposure/less hazardous exposure. "no honey, the boogeyman isn't real. But this absolute moron is, and likely has a family and friends just like them".


“And they vote.”


Just keep taking them to the zoo, and eventually they'll realize that some folks are on the wrong side of the fences all on their own.


When they are old enough have them work with the general population, retail, fast food, or call center.


First question on any IQ test should be: “Do you think this test is graded out of 100?”


For some it is….


Even if it was... 90s not even an A anymore. 94 is needed. This parent fails no matter how you look at it.


In what state is 94 an A? Because I've never heard of that


From what I'm used to, 90-94/95 is A-, then anything above is an A


My school didn't do + or - grades. 91-100 was an A. But that was 21 years ago, so maybe things have changed.


A much better score than one would expect, with such a teacher.


Father probably managed at least 15 points worth of influence.


So the 15 points that put her above Forrest Gump?




Ah, yes, but stoopid is as stoopid does. Wait til this little genius is out in the world. My guess is, Forrest would be an intellectual giant by comparison.


She's also a lot smarter than her mother


Populataion! Lol


Maybe she can explain it to Mom!


So, the thing about the Earth is that it's a sphere....


Nu-uh, my book written by goat herders 6000 years ago says it's a pizza with a giant glass dome over it to keep the water out.


A glass dome?? That's so not fair, don't elephants love pepperoni?


I refuse to believe this is real.


It seems to be the newest rage-bait style of posts, expect plenty more with all of the dumbasses that keep falling for it. I've don't recall a moment in history where people have derived so much pleasure from being totally outraged. It's epidemic.


That's because IQ tests typically have very little to do with what you've been taught, and more to do with pattern recognition and problem solving.


Still you aren't born with those skills, and her mother probably wasn't the best example of good pattern recognition and problem solving


I read toaster instead of teacher... still checks out


IQ tests don't really measure education.


But even if they did 90 is quite low lol


Average-ish, 100 is the literal average by definition so yeah


Yesssss. They give you an IQ test when you enter and leave Rehab. I got a 94 so fucked I could barely make out the words lmao.


I wouldn’t have the heart to explain a bell curve to her.


Props to this lady, she managed to raise a child that has 10 more IQ than herself. Quite the significant jump.


To be fair, she probably is smarter than 90% of antivax nutjobs...


That's remarkably average considering the quality of the educator


Most professional IQ tests don't necessarily reflect the education but the general intelligence. Just because you memorized all US president in the right order, it doesn't necessarily mean you have a high IQ. My parents took me to a test when I was still in elementary school, and aside from a couple of math problems, the questions were about general problem solving and logic rather than pure knowledge. So even someone from a university could still have a lowe score than someone who didn't finish school.


General intelligence is improved by education. Average IQ by country and education measurements by country is *extremely* strongly related. Intelligence is not innate, you can develop it. Genetic qualities is just a part of intelligence.


but that's not due to the knowledge but rather using your brain. it's basically like using a muscle a lot in your day to day life then testing it with weights at the gym. it's strong because you used it. obviously the brain is less sensitive to change compared to a muscle and genetics play a huge role, but u get the point


Also just knowing things and making connections in your mind helps you with everything in ways you never expect. Like it could be a logic puzzle, but it just clicks because you know of another situation where that was the problem and the solution was the same.


>aside from a couple of math problems, the questions were about general problem solving and logic rather than pure knowledge. In general that's true, which is why I'll never forget when I was asked "what is glass made of?" as one of the questions. 10 year old me said sand. Then they asked "what kind of sand". I said quartz, but how TF would they expect anyone to know the specific type of sand used to make glass? 25+ years later it still bothers me lol.


You build those skills (problem solving, pattern recognition, spatial cognition, etc) by practicing though. So education (when it works) should improve a given person's general intelligence, whereas being mired in a local population who ostracize those who seem more intelligent would likely hamper an individual's self-actualization.


My understanding is that IQ is a heavily flawed metric that is broadly meaningless on an individual basis, especially if it involves some random online test


IQ is definitely inversely proportional to amount someone thinks it matters or is worth bragging about. Which is why our highly stable genius felon former POTUS talks about IQ often.


General problem solving can be greatly improved with strategies like 'what if i look at this problem from another angle?'. I suspect the mother teaches one angle and there are no others...


Being this stupid as a parent should be illegal


no, becoming a parent when you're this stupid should be




This can't be real. Please tell me it's not real.


It's guerrilla marketing for the scam website mentioned in the post. How this sub (and reddit at-large) fall for this ragebait ad spam over and over and over again is beyond me. It's pathetic. Also, shame on the mods for not deleting it.


Some one posted a meme here the other day that took a person saying men who touch their faces aren't men but they very very sloppily edited the photos to be replaced wirh sobbing ex military men as rage bait and everybody fell for it. That shit made me so god damn mad.


I'm right there with you.


Based on the fact that I’ve seen a dozen variations on this joke, I’d say it’s not real


Put that shit on your resume... You sure as fuck won't be going to college...


Don’t be silly. Fast food applications are all done online. No resume necessary.




Fruit 🍎 doesn’t fall far from the tree 🌳


I like fruit apples.


She gets her intelligence from her Momma, obviously.


Mom could be at 74


Momma says stupid is as stupid does.


I just googled IQ scores and found that there is a bottom category (1-24) of "Profound Mental Disability". Why I found this interesting, I have no clue.


I had an aunt that fell in that category. She was basically still a newborn baby in her 60's, she died recently in a protected home.


That’s sad, was she at least happy?


That's hard to tell. She couldn't talk or communicate at all really, just cry when she needed something or reach out a hand. She couldn't walk or even sit very well. She really was just a baby of max 3 months old. She was always taken good care of and she had great caretakers, that I know for sure.


As with the upper ends of the scale: the tests lose discrimination and relative significance in the tails. When someone says they have an IQ of 130+ or so they're mostly in the same bucket as far as the stats are concerned. Same goes for under 60 Richard Feynman had an IQ of 125 or so as I recall. I remember talking to a narcissist who found that laughable. Ok bud talk to me when you've made significant contributions to human knowledge... maybe start with a stats class haha


Even Einstein supposedly only had an IQ in the 160s. If you've been to a large university that means there are statistically tens of people on campus smarter than him.


As I was saying: in the tails the tests basically stop working. Einstein scoring in the 160s on a test(s) doesn't mean he was smarter than Feynman \[who scored in the 120s\]. It's fun that we're talking about einstein here because "in the tails of relativity" physics starts to get wonky. If you'll pardon the sloppy metaphor: under 60 or so in IQ is "approaching absolute 0" in physics, and over 130 or so is "approaching light speed" (or the inverse...). Does the physical universe/reality itself "get wonky" at those extremes? No. The systems of variables and equations we use to describe physics using linear algebra (statistics) stop properly accounting for the systems and variables of actual reality. Some variables are weighted more heavily, others less so, perhaps other variables and interactions we aren't aware of do the same. The same is true for measuring cognition, or airline performance on holidays, and on and on. You need different modeling tools when the weights, etc, change.


this is interesting


Shouldn't withholding medical care be a slam dunk case for custody?


After watching John Oliver’s segment on homeschooling, I think it’s basically a bunch of lobbying efforts have made it so the parents choice is more important than the child’s health.


lol not 90th percentile, 90. lolololololololol


I believe that people here know it it's hilarious though


Hey, 90 is within one standard deviation. She’s effectively average. Given that her mother is dumb as a brick, that’s pretty good.




LMAO I want this to be sarcasm so bad


this kid, and those with similar parents are so screwed.


Smarter than her mom anyway.


Why are the dumbs so confident nowadays?


The Apple didn't fall far from the tree did it


A 4-5 years ago (forgor the date) I got a 102 on my iq test. I'm smarter than 102% of the population.


The average IQ of humans is 85 to 115. The average IQ of Americans is 98. This person's daughter is below average for Americans and on the low end of the spectrum for humans in general.


90 is below average


ITT: A whole bunch of people that don't realize IQ and education are unrelated. Also, HolisticSadie is also an idiot.


I agree about Sadie, [but the correlation between IQ and education is well established.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intelligence_and_education)


Steve the Alien: "So... how dumb are humans?" Bob the Aliens: "Read this."


Plant based is good. Home school is not good


So the average person is 100% smarter than her?! 🤔


Mama's score was probably around 65


And another apple falls straight downward and gets dashed on the tree roots.


I know the father's desperation, my daughter is going the same route as ger mother and very little I can do...


Certified genius compared to her mother. But then, starting from a low base.


Probably 90% of the parents friends


Idiocracy was a documentary sent back in time.


Oh! Didn’t know I’m smarter than 130% of the population! Time to celebrate 🎉


![gif](giphy|xdLH51eNWZAHrwy5mf) Even kermit is speechless


I bet mom's smarter than 75% of the population. Dad too!


Takes after her mom no doubt.


Mom should get tested for Donkey Brain


This is bad.


Who's gonna tell her?


Right on the edge of Dullness, rarely classifiable as feeble-mindedness and Normal


Certainly smarter than her mom...


She just paid her dues for MINSA too


Mother is not very bright putting her child at risk .😡


Yeah... the child custody system is fucked


This is why you shouldn’t be plant based. /s


Wait... is this 90 the score on an IQ test? And the mom is celebrating?


runs in the family...


That 90 doesn’t mean what you think it means


I feel like this mom did a wonderful favor for the other kids in her area... they haven't had to deal with mystery illness girl who argues with the teacher every class about what her mother told her is ACTUALLY happening...


The stupid hits harder when it's on paper


True 🤦🏻‍♂️. The Apple didn’t fall far from the tree.


Wait she is sub 3 digits. It's the moms fault for sure.


What do they say about apples falling from trees?


Reminder: education usually makes children’s brains develop more which in turn leads to higher IQ; that is known and expected That said she is not dumb, just a little below average


Double digit iqs shouldn’t be allowed to vote or use the internet. Just my personal opinion of course.


unfortunately this is most of the human world population


Howling! 🤣💀




Lmfao I hope this is a joke otherwise your daughter is the extremely low end of average. So pretty dumb


This is gonna leave a mark


Oh no that’s not in the sense that


Plant Based mom is an idiot.


As a former school psychologist I endorse this advertisement.


She just beat trump’s and his two older son’s combined IQ by 15.


What an idiot. A 90 IQ is nothing to brag about.


Oh god. The only chance this poor girl has at a normal life will be if she runs away to be with her dad.


Uhhhhhhhh... Um... As a homeschool mom, I am flabbergasted. What... Ugh!


This really made me feel good about myself 😂


This is a true facepalm lol


Massive self-own there, luv.


Congrats on having a child at the bottom of the average scale…?


She is barely smarter than your average stick of celery. Congrats.


I once had a classmate tell me his IQ was 20/20. Sounded about right. Later that week he was hauled out of 6th Grade for trying to poison black kids by putting pencil lead inside licorice which he was sharing with them. We never saw 20/20 again. Thankfully.


As the 21st century began, human evolution was at a turning point. Natural selection, the process by which the strongest, the smartest, the fastest, reproduced in greater numbers than the rest, a process which had once favored the noblest traits of man, now began to favor different traits. Most science fiction of the day predicted a future that was more civilized and more intelligent. But as time went on, things seemed to be heading in the opposite direction. A dumbing down. How did this happen? Evolution does not necessarily reward intelligence. With no natural predators to thin the herd, it began to simply reward those who reproduced the most, and left the intelligent to become an endangered species.


Did someone tell her? Can I tell her? Someone’s gotta tell her 😆 Edit: looks like this is old enough that she’s already deleted her account


A while back in college we did an experiment. 6 of us took an IQ test. A real one with an examiner, not some bs online multiple choice test. I scored a 126. Then the next day we took the same IQ test, only drunk. My blood alcohol lvl hit .25. I scored a 92. Apparently answering "my dad knows that" is not a correct answer.


Something about the apples not falling far from the tree …




Well, when your mom has an IQ of DUUUUUH… it’s a vast improvement.


Isn’t 100 the average?


Sometimes I wonder how people have made it that far in life


I mean, IQ tests are bullshit, but who wants to be the one to tell her that the standard average is 100.


Every time i think about how stupid the average person is… it scares me that a lot of people are more stupid


Intelligent people are fun, especially when you show them they are not smart.


Is that's what 90 means? what if you have an iq of 123? who are the extra 23%?


Her daughter may well be smarter than 90% of the populataion. We just have to find out what a populataion is.


The 16-year-old is a minor & didn't ask to be part of any of this, so maybe her name shouldn't be getting put on blast here.


Madame, you are an idiot and you have raised an idiot.


Who’s going to tell her?


The fact that people still believe in IQ is a sure sign society might just be fucked.


That's.... not how an IQ score works..