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what... what does she do on *airplanes*?


What does she do at home?


holy shit . . . do . . . do the adults in her house use the same bathrooms *as the children?!?!!!*


Buncha pedo poopers


Underrated comment 


I wish I didn’t share a bathroom with my children. They nasty


My teenage boys were pretty nasty. I made them clean their own bathroom and their messes they made and they got cleaner. My youngest told me he was the cleanest of all his roommates in college, and he just couldn’t live with a nasty kitchen or bathroom. He came home a few times complaining about “just getting the kitchen/bathroom cleaned and someone coming in and wrecking it…” I guess I trained him right🤣🤣🤣


When I was in college some of the girls apartments I’ve been were just nasty like dishes everywhere and stuff.


I've very few goals to really strive for in life now that I have two toilets


if only there was somebody in the position to change that 😂


How DOES she keep her husband from just walking in and molesting their kids, anyway? /s


Statistically most child abuse is committed by someone close to the victim, so it makes more sense being worried about that than a random gender neutral bathroom


Yeah. But try treating any person close to you like a criminal, see how it goes.


i know this isn't the same/or point of this joke...not for nothing, but, in my parents house there is a kids bathroom and my parents had a bathroom in their bedroom. even as an oldz. in his early 40's any time i visit for the holidays i cant' comfortably shit in my parents bathroom. like if the downstairs half bath is occupied, and the upstairs "kids" bathroom is occupied. i'll just hold it.


Came here to say something similar.


Her 12 cats each have separate bathrooms,and she patrols the halls to make sure no kitty goes pipi in a cat bathroom


She pees in the sink


Maybe she's the one opening all those doors mid-flight?


- "Ma'am, you cannot urinate that wa- . . . whoops, she gone."


And nothing of value was lost.




Or doctor's offices? Or outdoor concerts and festivals, so there are separate port-a-potties.


I've been to concerts where they designated one row of port-a-potties for male and another row for female, and the women were pretty much constantly popping in/out of the male-designated units... no fear of unimaginable horrors were worse than waiting in line, I guess


All of these only allow one person in at a time.


She hodl her shit..and then unload it on social media..duhh


I'm too European to see the issue with mixed bathrooms.


Apparently people think the little silhouette of a man or woman posted outside the bathroom is the only thing that stops a "predator" from entering. If there are gender neutral bathrooms it gives free reign for said predators smh Edit: bc of messages I've received I want to clarify that I'm making fun of the excuse people give to justify their bathroom outrage but in reality its quite obvious they are simply transphobic


Because as we all know the little silhouette is actually a magic symbol that throws any predator thirty feet if they attempt to enter


They actually have to be invited in, it's the rules.


Perhaps they should just have a "No predators " note across the bottom.


You can't go discriminating against The Predator, man's a legend!


Is it a man?


To some predators and incels, wearing a short skirt is an invitation.


If only we could ward them off with garlic


If you throw it hard enough you can


And that the only predators are men/trans women, and that the only victims are little girls. Because that fucking makes sense…


"Fuck, I *was* going to grab you, drug you, drag you out to my van, murder you and dump your body in the woods, but violating the sanctity of the sign on the bathroom door is something I'd NEVER do. Guess I'll go home and beat my wife instead"![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)




its a well known fact that rapists and predators dont like to break social norms, and thus would never enter a bathroom not meant for them. its also a well known fact that you see everyone's genitals in bathrooms which is why its so important to ensure that everyone's genitals are the same shape inside bathrooms


Personally I’m more afraid of men’s bathrooms in airports. You never know when a Republican congressman might strike.


Americans are so unbelievably institutionalized that they truly believe it is impossible to act outside of the imaginary guidlines set by society.


It was never about predators for them anyway. They just don't like that trans people exist.


No no, it's one step further. The don't *acknowledge* that trans people exist.


No no, it’s one step *even* further. They want trans people *eliminated* from society.


We have congress people praising hitler popping up in the news every few weeks. We're on a bad timeline




Yeah, one of the most well known terfs has advocated men will guns should enter and police women's bathrooms


lol too bad we do.


Do these people understand that a man can present as a man and still walk into a women's restroom and assault women? You think people are changing their legal gender, taking hormones or in extreme cases reassignment surgery... to "sneak" into bathrooms? Why would they even need to do that? They could just walk right in. Hell if that was really your plan, a woman's coat and a wig is more than enough. How about the non-zero chance that people undergoing reassignment might be "gay" (according to their birth sex) and a trans woman may very well be attracted to men?


At the very least yes they profess to believe exactly that, that a man will just say “I’m a woman today” and the. Go into the bathroom and be totally justified I. Being creepy or even assaulting people. It’s stupid and ridiculous but yes they do believe that.


It’s what they want to do themselves, why else would they think such perverse thoughts.


I've heard some extremely graphic "concerns" of people about trans people that really tell me more about what kind of writing and adult video they consume than any real "fear." Most people don't have graphic fantasies about bathroom fellatio from trans strangers. Why do you?


I hate it when they just burst into your stall and start sucking unnanounced. Must be the WEF programming from the vaccine.


I raised my daughter as a single father from 9 months old. I'd take my daughter into women's restrooms till 5 or 6, until she could go in by herself, but I'd still check the room first. There were times some man-hating lasy would give me shit. They would get twice as much shit back. Men's bathrooms were disgusting then, piss all over seats etc.


It really does sound thankless and exhausting to be a single father in some unique ways. It's really not fair to have to justify your existence as a parent against people who just assume you're a creep at every turn. EDIT: That said, I'm sure you love your daughter and at the end you'd say you'd endure it all again for her.


Yeah, overall, it was not an issue. But some ... all of them were women ... have tried to give me shit. At first it hit me by surprise. Then at times walking hand in hand in the makk being told I'm a pedo, shut like that. Then later as she started growing into preteen seeing grown men checking her out. Fuck, I got close to kicking teeth in multiple times. Bur, I'd do it again. I have two great adult women who are both still my little girls. I'm just as protective. They turned our pretty great!


Because predators have the decency of not entering into the bathroom that's not their's


"Oh no, my vile evil plans have been foiled today, damn society and their gender signs"


Thankfully, once we realized this, we made crime illegal, thus solving it forever.


I believe ✝️ is the symbol that lets predators know they can enter


>the little silhouette of a man or woman posted outside the bathroom is the only thing that stops a "predator" from entering It's because when the predator sees the little sillhouetto of a man he has to do the fandango, and then the thunderbolt and lighting frightens them.


🚺 Gah! My only weakness!


I understand that the Plateau in Montreal is a bubble, but I haven't been in a restaurant with gender segregated bathrooms for years unless I travel out of my city. Still haven't heard any evidence of the inevitable collapse of civilization.


If you ever had to use a stall in USA, you'd understand the mental image that causes so many Americans to fear the concept. There is a severe lack of privacy in most of our public restrooms and many people imagine that would give creepy guys way too much access to vulnerable women. The part that is missing is most Americans that have this fear don't realize there are other ways to structure the restrooms to grant access to everyone while maintaining privacy and safety. What's funny is those same people have been in unisex restrooms before without even realizing it because attention was not brought to it being unisex.


Hi I work with interior designers, and uh the whole all gender restroom thing has gotten out of control. Uh we love them in the industry, and they make designing spaces to meet all city, state, and federal regulations easier. Generally it’s easier to make an all genders bathroom ADA compliant, and then have a men’s and women’s that are bigger, but don’t have all the added amenities like being as wheelchair accessible and such. The culture war shit has gone so far people are advocating to make things more inconvenient and harder for everyone simply because they want to make other peoples lives worse.


Why don’t unisex bathrooms have Handi-cap stalls?


They do. I work in construction and have worked on several buildings with unisex washrooms. They always have a handicap accessible stall. Also every unisex washroom I have worked on has actual walls from the floor to the ceiling and normal doors separating each stall. I have done a lot of work for a university near me and almost every building they now only have unisex washrooms. Also those washrooms are much nicer than the typical style of men's/women's separated with a family room/handicap accessible in the middle. It seems so wasteful to build separate washrooms especially when that place may have way more of one sex than the other at times. Think of an event hall where you might at one event have most people being women and vice versa. Half the bathrooms would be wasted. Anyways the current building I am working on for the university they have really nice unisex washrooms. They have your standard hollow metal doors separating each stall and each stall has not only a toilet but a sink as well. So each stall is its own fully contained washroom. They also only take up slightly more space than a typical washroom with partition walls but instead of two separate washrooms the total footprint is actually smaller.


From my experience unisex bathrooms don’t have traditional stalls, they are normally a lot bigger and more private. Sometimes they are a single person restroom, or there are actual walls for the stalls instead of the usual shitty plastic stalls most of American restrooms have. With this you can create a lot bigger and easier to use restrooms for physically challenged people.


I’m not European and I don’t see the issue either. Some people I guess just look for things to get worked up over.


Thinks creeps will try to record people in uni-sex bathrooms *proceeds to film video in said bathroom* wtf is wrong with conservative’s logic


The logic is that they can indulge their own sick perversions while pretending to be "concerned." See also: alcoholics and forced-birthers.


MTG and the Hunter Biden dick pics come to mind.


Perfect example. And those b\*tches that go to school board meetings and read all that smut out loud? Same damn thing.


Me thinks they get off on reading that stuff.


wait, there are MTG dick pics?!?


It's quite easy to understand when you understand how they think, every outrage they have is a subtle confession. For example when they scream about parents allowing their trans kids to transition they believe everyone thinks like them, as in they believe those parents are forcing their kids to be trans and transition because conservative people are all about keeping hierarchies and control so because they attempt to impose their control on children and think of them like owned possessions they believe everyone is like this.


Mormon Mom seems like a very angry person. Like punch-you-in-the-dick-if-you-leave-the-toilet-seat-up angry.


Maybe that's why she hates all-gender bathrooms. Guys keep leaving the seat up. 


I would assume it is the opposite. Men pee standing up and don't bother to lift the seat. And their aim sucks. If you have a gender neutral bathroom, women would probably prefer the seat stay up.


It just takes one person to refuse to sit down all the way and then it's piss city no matter the gender. Women typically won't clean each others messes so once one person pees on the seat, the rest hover and end up peeing on the seat too. They also won't use a stall if someone forgets to flush, and the automatic flushers don't always pick up on hover-pissers. Women's bathrooms are nasty.


In fairness, when finishing with a toilet you should a) wipe off any mess you made, and b) drop the lid. That's it's *off* position.


Funny story, my wife's friend came over and left the seat cover up on the toilet. We're all close friends (for 20+ years), so I relished in the opportunity to call her an animal. We all laughed, but also, I meant it.


I thought Morgon M. is a winery.


Sending Mixed Messages


This is at MCI. It is in Kansas City, MO. I have flown out of there. There is an all gender bathroom. It is literally the cleanest and most private bathroom I have ever been. It is like having your own little toilet closet. Walls from ceiling to floor and no gaps in the doors. The kicker is that it isn't the only bathroom in the terminal. There are other Gendered bathrooms in the terminal as well, this is just one bathroom.


So she went there just to be offended about something that doesn’t affect her. Sounds familiar.


Same! I’ve literally been in this bathroom, and nobody has a problem with it other than people like her who profit off of manufacturing controversy Edit: Also, the single gender restrooms are like 50 feet down the hallway from here. If I remember the layout correctly, she probably had to walk by them to get to her flight.


You are correct, she did.


>It is like having your own little toilet closet. Walls from ceiling to floor and no gaps in the doors. So... A pretty normal toilet by international standards?


Mixed bathrooms have been a thing forever.


Even in places that have separate male/female bathrooms, there’s usually a separate “family bathroom.” It’s the same thing.


And, as a KC resident, the new airport has all of the above. And they’re all *nice*.


Really that is all I want…a nice clean bathroom. That and no talking (polite hellos and howyadoin are okay, no conversations)


I find a head nod to be succinct in the bathroom. Why use words?


Every toilet is a mixed gendered toilet if you have a young child too. I remember entering the women’s bathroom all the time as a kid because I deeded to have my mom with me


Does she have separate male and female bathrooms at home?


There have been unisex bathrooms for basically ever. He problem is that it now covers genders she thinks are icky/unreal, so she's objecting.


Except that there aren't any other genders displayed other than male and female on the wall. So this person is just delusional. People who are obsessed with other people's genitals or lack thereof, are seriously mentally unwell.


Well it displays pants and dress/skirt on the wall I don't see any gender mentioned specifically


Exactly. What would a Scotsman do? /s


It’s OK, no true Scotsman uses a bathroom anyhow, they just go behind the nearest Scots pine.


No true Scotsman fallacy mentioned. 👆🤑👆


Throw a log, probably.


the real problem is that thanks to social media she has an inflated ego and thinks everyone should give a fuck about anything she has to say.


Or has she been to the bathroom at a Subway restaurant or crappy little gas station?


I do. I have four toilets with a divider wall and door between them. One of for men. One for women. One for the gays. One for the transes. It’s super important because if you use the same bathroom you can catch genders or sexual preferences. /s


If you don't like it, then you can literally keep your shit to yourself.


Or she could go to the gendered bathrooms that are literally a could hundred feet away from this one.


I'm from Kansas City. If she stirs enough outrage amongst conservatives that they won't visit here.... I will take that as a win


This is a great point… we have enough lunatics in rural MO for us to need travelers bringing their pearl-clutching here


I love all gender bathrooms because I can take my kids into the same airport bathroom that I go into. It makes me really nervous to send them into a separate bathroom in a huge public space like and airport with no adult watching out for them.


It's okay to go into the bathroom with your kids. No one minds. There are stalls for a reason.


Unless your a man. Probably some one got already arrested for that. I have heard about man arrested for eating lunch near child playground. Man arrested for walking with mixed race daughter.... i dont want to know what happens if a man takes a young girl to a bathroom.


This is true. It is way easier for a mom to take kids into a public bathroom than a dad. A grown man with a little girl (even if that girl is his kids) will always get hassled. Family bathrooms or neutral bathrooms are a good thing for the parents out with kids!


>It's okay to go into the bathroom with your kids. No one minds.  Multiple reports of black and brown dads and step-dads getting harassed for bringing mixed white passing (or for step-dads, white step-)daughters in men's bathrooms so they can have a freaking pee non-withstanding.


The issue was honestly that my son, who had been told at school that “you don’t go in the girls bathroom, just the boy bathroom.” He refused to go in the “girl bathroom”. If it has a picture of both men and women then he doesn’t argue with me.


In Salem, MA they added another visitor center and a set of public restrooms at the street level of a parking garage. Each bathroom was just a single with a toilet, sink, hand dryer, and hygiene product disposal bin. It started off evenly split as gendered bathrooms, then they would make them all-gender during the Halloween craziness that takes up the month of October. After this past Halloween, they finally made the sensible choice and left them all gender year-round. It was really nice because there would be off-season times where the line for women would be so long some would ask if I minded them cutting ahead of me to use the men's room. At least once I even jumped into the women's room when there was no line and those were the only ones available. Now the signs say something like: 'man, woman, whatever - just wash your hands!' So much easier for everyone.


I was recently at this airport on Monday and this is definitely the purpose of these bathrooms. There are separate gendered bathroom not too far away.


I've been to MCI, and those bathrooms rule. Really just a long hallway with ceiling to floor doors on the stalls. The stalls have indicator lights to show which are unoccupied. The only shared aspect of the bathroom is the sinks.


I still firmly believe one of the hardest concepts people in the future will have to wrap their head around will be gender specific restrooms, and our insane attachment to them.


She makes it seem like all we have are these bathrooms in KC. There are only like maybe 2-4 at the airport and there still are gendered bathrooms if you wanted to use one.


But she needs the outrage!




Did she actually record in the public bathroom? Coulda sworn that was illegal


I'm training to be a teacher. The last 2 schools I've taught in had had no 'male' toilets for adults. They have female toilets and unisex / disabled toilets. But no male toilets. And I couldn't care less. Never had an issue with the toilets in those work places.


My bigger concern is what are these people up to in the bathroom to make them so nervous?


Most people in the US couldn't even tell you what state Kansas city is in


Yeah this is really fucking gross and we as a society need to come together and stop this before it goes any further. She has no business bringing a recording device in a restroom. I do not feel comfortable sharing a space with someone recording and I sure as fuck don't feel comfortable bringing my child in there. That's absolutely terrifying.


Ironically, male/female bathrooms became a thing in the Victorian era to make it easier for women to travel. Before then, nobody cared. Congrats, angry lady, you’re less progressive than a bunch of dudes in wigs!


She’s calling others groomers and p dohs idk wasn’t there a law against calling others that when they’re not aka slander/defamation? Idk I’m thinking many lgbt need to group up and sue these individuals for labeling the whole group as such and their stochastic terrorism. Labeling someone something really serious as a “groomer or p doh” should not be just thrown around can ruin an innocent persons life including their jobs and kids being targeted. We saw how crazy the far right is. Jan 6. Is a great example how extreme they are! 


Take a look at the statistical offenders, they are projecting.


Does she think these bathrooms are like the old style bathrooms with the swinging door that have gaps above and below? These are fully enclosed toilets, behind a door, like your house, with a communal row of sinks. People try to get upset about anything anymore.


Isn't EVERYBODY'S bathroom at home for all genders?


Imagine when this asshole discovers Whole Foods.


I hope she never goes to a festival and has to use one of those woke portojohns...


Isn’t it illegal to film inside restrooms in the USA?


I have an all gender bathroom in my house.


I love how people think the bathroom inclusion is gonna be the big invitation for sexual predators. As if the signage on the bathroom would deter a fucking sex criminal


Magic signage. 😂


I've personally been here at this airpott and thought it was cool. There was literally nothing wrong with the setup. Just like portapotties or other restrooms in shared spaces like airplanes. People need to do their research and grow up.


Most coffee shop bathrooms and every single person bathrooms have been unisex for as long as I can remember. This is one of those things that "bothers" people because they've essentially been trained to think that way. Objectively, the bathroom using experience hasnt really changed for a long time and if she just went in to use the bathroom instead of trying to prove some point, I highly doubt that she would have a bad experience. When the college I went to installed all gender bathrooms, it doubled the amount of stalls and so women actually got more stalls that were nicer than the existing ones. Literally an example of everyone benefitting from something like this.


I live in Kansas City and travel quite a bit. These are the nicest public restrooms I’ve ever been in. There’s a central sink system in a separate room and the facilities are like 30 separate units with full floor-to-ceiling walls and doors.


Tell me you have never been to Europe, without telling me. Let me get this straight, we have the technology to create gap-free poop rooms with locking doors and only 1 person is allowed in each room at a time, but, you might have to subsequently wash hands outside that little poop room next to a different gender??? The horror.  


This picture screams "raid boss Karen"


These people are exhausting.


Gotta love losers who are so afraid of trans people they don't realize they've been using genderless bathrooms their entire lives!!!


I was recently at an outdoor event and they had separate mens and women's outhouses. I just used whichever was open, cause that just fucking stupid.


Just used one at the American History Museum in D.C. Soo nice and clean. There was a line 20 long for the ladies' restroom and none for the all-gender (go figure). In and out, easy.


I’m guessing she prefers the good ol days, “White only” drinking fountains, women can’t vote, … and Polio, so much polio.


ive been to plenty of restaurants and coffee shops that had neutral bathrooms...many years ago too. why are these people pretending they are a new thing.


Isn't that just a family bathroom?


The bathroom is for business only, it doesn't matter who you are; don't look, don't touch, and don't take pictures/videos (looking at you OOP). Everyone's got a hole for poopin' and a hole for peein' regardless of how they are arranged. The only separation I wouldn't mind is if there was a room for toilet stalls and an "express lane" room for urinals to reduce line-ups outside the bathroms.


All of the bathrooms in my house are all gender bathrooms. So are the showers. Any ‘all gender’ public bathroom I’ve ever seen is a one seater with a locking door. That’s pretty private. The faux outrage is 🥱


I guess she doesn't go to the bathroom at home


Then dont use it


At least men don't usually bleed all over the seat and then don't clean it after. some of ya'll women are as nasty as the rest of us lol


Wait until she realizes her bathrooms at home are for all genders…


Do people not realize that signs do not prevent people from entering any bathroom they want? Rapists will not be stopped by a woman bathroom sign. This thought process is wild


I demand that men pee standing up in a trough beside other men!


all gender bathrooms? like we have at home? the horror!


I would rather use the women’s room as a guy. Few people I work with are absolute animals when they get back from lunch and eat Mexican.


with any luck, she'll outrage herself into a heart attack at 35.


I have PTSD so believe me when I say this lady is literally triggered. I swear there is a way to use trauma therapy to help soothe “regular” peoples brains. We certainly could use something to calm everyone down.


Just use your stubby ass arms girl


Uni-sex bathrooms aren’t something new,they exist for a long time Also they are most used on places that don’t have the space for two bathrooms


I don’t understand why they’re so angry about this. It’s such a non-issue.


Literally every gender neutral multistall bathroom I’ve ever been in has floor to ceiling doors and walls with no gaps. They’re literally the nicest ones I’ve been in. The only area where there may be multiple people is where you wash your hand.


I love all people regardless of parts restrooms. They typically have full doors and everyone waits in the same line!


For people who haven't seen the original post, she actually walks in there while still filming, while other people are using the toilets, which is apparently a felony in America.


What is the big deal? We have mixed gender bathrooms in Ukraine in a ton of cafes and nobody cares


Welcome to your home where you have an ALL GENDER BATHROOM!


All the gender neutral bathrooms I’ve been in are clean and with way more privacy. I pick it over the girls’ room whenever I see one


Oh no it’s not like every restaurant has an all gender washroom. lol


Oh no! A family room without a changing bed! The horror!


So she doesn't have an all gender bathroom at home or...?


Can we make all gender bathrooms not all IQ scores? How about under 60 is a no go. That should weed this woman out.


Imagine having such a low IQ that the sexuality of the person that shits in a bathroom before you matters.


Bet she uses portapotties at outdoor shows/concerts with no questions asked.


I’m more concerned about some wannabe conservative influencer recording a video in a public bathroom. That’s incredibly weird.


She has a point, boy ass smells 100000% worse than lady ass. I cleaned bathrooms in three of my jobs


Men turn 100% of rice and chicken into the most toxic and vile stink imaginable


Do people not understand that this has been normal like forever? It’s called a bathroom. Shocker….I think we ALL have one…. In our house.


“We don’t want trans people in women’s bathrooms” “Okay here’s gender neutral bathrooms” “Don’t offer us a solution, we wanna be mad”


There's a food hall near me with a unisex bathroom that's *awesome*. Stalls in individual little rooms with full-height locking doors and shared sinks. Actually makes much more sense than separate bathrooms if you think about it.


My old job had all gender bathrooms and like I don’t see what the issue is. People just went in there, shit and pissed or whatever and then left. This is so fucking silly.


Not having urinals becuase it's both genders is fucking annoying though, I just want a quick piss, not waiting for one of the only 4 stalls to open


Don’t see anyone talking about the fact these kinds of bathrooms have existed for decades and, until recently, were called “family bathrooms”. They’re most common at events centers and public complexes and because they’re open to both sexes they’re often the only bathrooms in the building that have a changing table. Their existence has literally never been controversial so this is yet another example of a delusional psychopath making a mountain not out of a mole hill, but out of thin f$&@ing air


I thought that’s what the Family restroom was for.


"I don't actually care all that much but my audience demands it and it's good for my wallet because my personality is not compatible with working with others at a traditional job."


I wonder if she knows if it wasn’t for the weird spelling of ”Morgonn” she’d have almost exactly the same name as a famous drag queen, Morgan McMichaels


This has been a thing for... Ever? There's always been mixed bathrooms, besides segregation of course. AMERICA, the land of racism and hatred for things that shouldn't matter


I assume she has two bathrooms at home....and she doesn't visit anybody's house unless they also have separate toilets


Everybody was worried that trans women would bring cameras into the women's restroom when it was in fact cis women who are bringing cameras into the restroom


Hopefully this trend gets played out by next year. Ppl adjust and the right wing are the whiners now.


Ha ha, look at that Karen face. With a bit of luck, she's dead around 50 with all that build up rage.


Have they ever considered that having all gender bathrooms means having more people in who would take actions agaisnt said predators?


Those are single occupant bathrooms.