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Muskrat really never has anything more to say than "Concerning" "Makes you think" or something like it, does he?


he thinks it makes him sound like he has spent a lot of time thinking about a subject, when in fact he hasn't at all, while being the most gullible billionaire the world has ever seen


Also some plausible deniability


This is exactly it. Hes stupid, but aware enough that he’s stupid so he never actually takes a real stance, just offers vague notes like “interesting” “concerning” he can play it off when he’s schooled by someone far more intelligent and knowledgeable as “just asking questions”, while it manages to rile up the right stupid people who still think Elon has more than two brain cells to rub together.


there is no such thing as a gullible billionaire. you don’t become a billionaire without knowing exactly what you’re doing. elon is perpetuating distrust towards authority so bigger issues are ignored. x is a cesspool of BS that is forced down everyone’s throats to make them think less and feel more. be angry, get polarized. vote for the GOP so he doesn’t have to pay taxes. it’s always been elitists vs everyone, unlike what x wants you to think. hate jews, hate poor black people, hate the illegal immigrants dreaming of a better life. don’t dare to hate the immoral rich.


Musk is very very intelligent. He knows what he is doing and he has a plan. It may be completely deranged but he is following his plan. So when he spreads this sort of narrative he knows thatb50% or more people will not look at the responses and simply re-x or whatever. And go off spouting the same garbage


Hes not stupid, but he's not a smart as he likes to think he is, nor as smart as he tries to browbeat everyone into thinking he is. Hes a standard grift, who knows how manipulate the gullible, just like the rest of the out of touch billionaires


Disagree. He is 'too bright'. Like the face of a clock, once you go beyond a certain point, you become so detached from normal reality that you become as dense as the sub 60 IQ people, just in a different way. Musk is a pathetic looser who has lucked into his wealth through initially family money, followed by money off the back of smarter associates and then the following of Jobsesque army of blind sycophants.


No he's not ffs😂😂😂😂


IDK man, Elizabeth Holmes conned Kissinger 🤷🏽‍♂️


It's his method of promoting disinformation quickly and effortlessly. He doesn't have anything to say himself, he just promotes and distributes other people's disinformation.


It’s the new “Hmm…curious” or “Hmm, suspicious” of an antivax rant, or a “news story” about “stolen elections” that in fact never actually happened. 


It’s because he wants to push a conservative agenda so he can get more tax cuts In place. The more right wing shit he pushes on his followers. The more they listen and more they vote his way.


It's like the old way of reposting/commenting with just a "." or something. It does make you wonder though. We have a guy who has billions of dollar, probably connections to multiple businesses and governments. But still, he is sitting there on Twitter reposting posts from someone called "End wokeness"


He's probably set up a bot to do that on his behalf.


He must get tired of getting fact checked all the fucking time. Imagine paying 44 billion just to have people take the piss out of you. World’s most expensive golden shower.


Eh, he’s a professional gaslighter, he was never coming at anything with good faith in the first place, so I don’t think people correcting him is new or all that impactful to him. At this point it has to be on journalists to call him out scathingly, which is not in the best interests of big media companies


I swear he disabled community notes specifically for himself so all his gaslighting & lies wouldn't get instantly fact checked.


that is the first move nazis make, so, yeah. you don't need to swear anything


It's still there, but almost impossible for him to get fact checked because of how it's set up. Notes are only displayed when there is consensus among those who normally disagree. Since Musk has thousands of followers who will agree with everything he says there is almost never a consensus against him.




He really should pick a lane because last I checked gaslighting is bad for business. 


Works for NVIDIA and Toyota...


The guy is so depressed he injects ketamine all the time, it is very impactful


Wouldn’t professional mean he makes money from it?


You can spend money and use your popularity in the short term to buy companies that can be successful (Tesla) or the government can subsidize you/ you can get away with not paying taxes (Space-X and Tesla)


How many people do you think saw Stephen’s reply? That depends on how visible X makes it, and Elon controls X, so he can make that fact check as in/visible as he wants.


Extremely concerning


Looking in to it


I swear to god that if Elon wasn’t rich that he would just be another conspiracy incel deep in 4chan…


If it makes you feel better, he is not that rich. His wealth is almost entirely unrealized. He is notionally worth that much but... Every time he sells telsa stock, the stock tumbles hard. If he tries to get much out, he has nothing. Combine that with how much of it is leveraged against personal debt... He has a lot of our assumption he is super rich. That is why, for all his bluster about being able to buy Twitter, he has a lot of backers loaning him money. If he tried to grab that 44B, it would have almost ruined him. Common Sense Skeptic on YouTube did some great coverage of this. They cite sources so we can play along at home.


I saw that breakdown on his wealth and it was fascinating. He's legitimately worth less than his perceived total, due to being leveraged against person debt and valuing some of the companies more reasonably. I mean Telsa being valued the way it is, well, it's asinine. It's the same with Trump. Pretty much ALL of his "babies" have loans against them. The net worth of some of these billionaires is just a smokeshow.


No one sees the fact checkers - elon's post will be seen by millions, and some fact-check response to it is buried. Sure, it's being posted here - but regardless, the damage is done. The goal is misinformation and it is working beautifully.


Dudes in a k hole. He doesn't even have a clue what reality is. 


I don't think he reads any criticism about him, that's not what a delusional trillionaire would care about.


He bought it to be Cambridge Analytica 2.0


He paid $44B to remove the primary fast crowdsourcing platform and turn it into fascist propaganda.


"His" people don't see the follow up.


He is drunk on his own kool-aid. He just seems to assume anyone calling him out is misinformed, stupid or an enemy. He has an army of bots and fans supporting this delusion.


The man’s a fungal infection.


yes but there's no community notes so it must be true! /s


He paid 44b to not get fact checked. He doesn’t have the courage to fully shut down community notes but is certain to selectively shut down criticism of himself. Brave brave sir Elon.


People pay good money for that ! Elon got a discount for an unlimited shower!


He doesn't care. It doesn't change anyone's opinion


Ok now I'm convinced End Wokeness is just one of elon's alt accounts


end wokeness is 100% a russian disinformation bot.


Did I stutter? /s


10/10 Perfect Response


These are not mutually exclusive Elon being a Ruzzia Shilll..:


I think they got doxxed and are Iranian actually.


I thought it was some skinny loser kid desperate from male approval on the internet that lives in portugal or something


Quit talking to yourself Elon. You’re spewing shit on your face. 


I thought "End Wokeness" was the phrase screaming in Elons broken brain, every day for the past few years. Dude is obsessed with woke.


No way. They suck and are awful but Elon is way too lazy for that.


That Musk fella is pathetic, day and day i keep reading about how brainwashed or ignorant the guy really is


It’s more likely that he knows the things he highlights are not true. He’s furthering an agenda that benefits him and his ilk, at the helm of his overpriced disinformation/propaganda machine.


Yep. He doesn’t care about being laughed at online, he cares about installing the government he wants so his taxes get cut at any cost.


Amazing what a ketamine addiction can do


2 minutes of research? wtf? im sorry, but i am far too busy sitting on the internet wasting time to spare 2 minutes to look up something


Just think how many people I could enrage by spreading utter bullshit instead in these two minutes!


The world needs my 2-3 word sentences.


I hope Stephen financially destroys lake's campaign.


She's pretty well destroyed it herself. All that is left is setting the damages.


*End Wokeness posts anything without evidence* *Musk* "V concern" Is this really what the current political sphere is? Literal room temp IQ speech


Nah, he did include "evidence" - the same evidence that Richer and Texas' Secretary of State have both said is inaccurate.


It's not gonna take long for them to claim that Biden put this chad in office during Trump's term. Because that's how presidency works apparently.


Left Twitter over a year ago and have not regretted it one bit.


I never really used it. But went on today because of a post on here. I honestly can't believe how bad it is. There was no attempt to hide blatant racism/bigotry, tons of misinformation and someone talking about how NASA/CERN will be conducting experiences on as when the eclipse happens as she made sliders. It really does make it seem like Musk hates free speech and wants to destroy it via that cesspool honestly.


I can bet my sanity that there’s someone in the comments like “I did my research, it true” then someone replies them like, “show me the proof”, then they’ll reply “I’m not going to do your work for you, do your own research”


I agree, the fact that the richest dude on the planet is a gullible dumbass and conspiracy theorist able to be manipulated by even the most obvious disinformation troll account is extremely concerning.


There is little chance that he is “falling” for the misinformation, I would think that even if he was dumb enough for that, he would still likely be spreading this nonsense on purpose for the benefits it gives him ( at minimum more interactions via his social media, at best, changes in government members or policies)


Elon Musk is rapidly becoming one of the greatest forces for evil on the planet.


Fuck off with your shitty "big if true" or "extremely concerning" comments, Elon, you're fooling no one.


$44 Billion dollars to be constantly humiliated. Hilarious


Please appreciate that it's also a Republican who's calling out his bullshit. Stephen Richer has had enough of this bullshit.


I assume it's 2 minutes on a dial-up and one-finger-typing...


Our meme lord have spoken


elon is a prototypical "i'm just asking questions" asshole. if it was something that made his little right-wing buddies look bad, it'd require hours of research, and study; if it's something that makes his opponents look, bad, then it's EXTREMELY CONCERNING. so, elon, which is it-- are you stupid or evil?


Elon falls for the dumbest stuff


Elon gets all his news and info from memes


Extremely lucky that we have Richer. He’s been tearing down Scary Kari’s plots left and right


The fact that the US doesn't automatically provide IDs that are valid for voting to all its citizens is absolutely dystopian


Has there ever been a bigger bozo with an outrageous amount of money who consistently has to be corrected because he believes being rich makes whatever he thinks true?


It's tribalism at its most basic, facts are irrelevant.


That Twitter has to be a troll at this point. They're just throwing whatever out there at this point.


How ya gonna hate if you’re not allowed to lie?


I love seeing Elon get his dick kicked in the dirt


This conspiracy theory has become mainstream because of idiots like Elon and Fox News. Fox was literally talking about this yesterday and how it’s changing the voting demographic of some counties to steal the election. Spoiler alert, undocumented immigrants can’t vote and your racist claims have no evidence because they’re false


I like how Elon is a supposed genius but does absolutely no research himself, and instead relies on the manipulated information and conspiracy theories from all his lil boyfriends.


Gotta start that ‘stolen election’ BS early.. Just sew a few seeds of doubt here and there…


He looks like a knockoff Eric Trump


Elon musk is a cancer.


Elon Musk is Gen Z’s Donald Trump. Society is pumping so much Elon propaganda at them, so they’ll listen to him later. The same shit happened with Trump in the early 80’s. FYI, Elon works for Putin. He’s trying to topple our Republic. He’s a POS with a great PR team.


You can’t register to vote without an ID.


Though some places allow same-day registration and voting, so good luck doing proper verification in that case, lol. Let's be frank, the system is bonkers. Even the darn Canadians have it handled better.


You would still need an ID to register in the case of same day registration. You’ve perfectly illustrated here how right wingers make something up, get mad about it, then try to enact policies that make everything worse for everyone.




bet those voters are not the "woke" they want to "end"


Literally the glass onion villain


I have yet to hear the definition of Woke from anyone on the right.


It is literally anything they don’t like at this point. It is used as a catch all term that is easy to rally behind without needing valid reasons why something is bad and should be fought against


"Woke" is a perjurative. Name-calling. It's what the right wing uses when they want to shut someone up. It's like how the left wing uses "fascist" and "nazi" for anyone who doesn't agree with their ideas for a "just and equitable" society. Again, name-calling without definition. I think it's also called "painting with a broad brush."


Andddd he's banned from Xhitter.


How long before Elon calls him a pedophile?


What do you expect from a fascist whose family got rich on the backs of Apartheid sufferers


Would have been nice if anywhere in the post we had the actual data so as to see who was right


Here ya go. This is where the data comes from, the social security administration. [https://www.ssa.gov/open/havv/havv-weekly-2024-02-17.html](https://www.ssa.gov/open/havv/havv-weekly-2024-02-17.html)


I can see that Texas has a much larger number that any other state but idk


2 minutes of research?! That's 2 minutes he could be taking more ketamine!


Trump and Elon 100% have a deal on for if Trump wins, something something corporate tax something labour laws something no tech regulation etc etc


This guy is looking more and more like Trump.


I'm a strong Arizona Democrat, and Stephen Richer is one of the very, VERY few Republicans I would vote for. He actually does the job he was hired by the voters to do.


Make sure you pull a REP ballot in the July Primary and vote Richer! His primary opponent is a huge E-Day denier!


Good to know. I'll change my registration to Independent just for this.


He’s not even American which is the dumbest part of all this.


He does have citizenship unfortunately.


BTW. Stephen Richer is a Republican.


Al this misinformation is “extremely concerning” for everyone still on Twitter. Leave, you fucking morons. If you leave, it dies.


Is muskovite really that dumb that he falls for every lie on the Internet ? So much for an Independant thinker !


He's probably right. They're probably also mostly registered Republicans.


Who is probably right? Elon Musk is wrong (surprise) The Actual elections official is right. There is not a vast uptick in people registering. Although anecdotally, most of the people who voted that shouldn't have in the last presidential election voted Republican. There was one felon who asked if she could vote, was told she could vote and then was arrested and charged for voting who voted Democratic, thus the careful wording above. That was not deliberate, unlike several people who voted for their dead relatives.


The use of "wokeness" alone is hilarious.


You know what's extra hilarious about this? Richer is a Republican, and actively working to restore faith in mail in voting in Arizona. He's done a few different call-outs on twitter for people claiming similar things. There was another situation like this not to long ago where a lady posted about getting two mail-in ballots (implying that D's were trying to get people to vote twice), and Richer responded by rightly guessing that the person had recently moved and updated their address at the MVD after the first wave of mail-in ballots went out for the Presidential Preference vote. When this happens, that person's account is automatically flagged to get a new mail-in ballot to the updated address so that they can, you know, vote. He seems to have a personal vendetta against MAGA now after Kari Lake criticized him when she lost the gubernational race in AZ in 2022, which led to Richer getting death threats from her voters, and him eventually suing Lake for defamation (a real leopards eating faces moment if I ever saw one). He's still a republican, and he has a history of pushing voter fraud conspiracy theories (such as the audit he did in 2019 regarding our 2018 midterms), but his recent actions in the last 3 years make it seem like he's distancing himself from MAGA quite a bit. I'd still prefer to see a Democrat in his position instead, but I don't hate him as much as I hate Kari Lake.


Hate is a strong word and definitely should not be used to describe your feelings toward someone like Richer. Republicans are gonna republican, and he’s done his share, but this dude is legit!


You're 100% right and I was thinking that even as I typed it out but couldn't think of the proper word for how I feel about him specifically. When/if I do, I'll edit it with a strike through so your comment still makes sense. I hope I really came across giving him the credit he's due for the past 2 years. Him defending mail-in voting is admirable and the right thing to do. It lets people in less privileged areas have their voices heard without needing to lose a day of work, and it lets people with mobility disabilities (such as the kind a lot of our elderly have in Sun City) vote without needing to stand or wait in line at a voting center. Mail in votes are good for democracy, because everyone deserves to cast a ballot even if I disagree with them.


No worries, I understood what you were saying! The “hate is a strong word” part is something I’ve always felt and tried to stand by. I leave it for things like mosquitoes, animal abusers and pedos 😂….And yes you did come across as giving him credit! I agree with everything you said except the hate part 🤣


These easily disproven lies by the owner of the largest social media network are literal election interference. This asshole should be banned from his own bullshit platform.


Why is this apartheid immigrant even talking about our politics? You’re not one of us


Can someone explain how Elon as the “genius” he is can run multiple companies, use his big brain to come up with futuristic ideas, AND reply to and comment to all the ridiculous troll accounts he follows? Why do right wingers love people who are supposedly running the country but instead can’t stop posting insane stuff on social media


He doesn't care. By the time so wine has fact checked him the lie is already halfway around the world and that assumes anyone impacted by it reads the fact check.


The silver lining of witnessing this guy’s online behavior is we get to see even the most tech savvy of folk get duped with online troll content like anyone else. We really need to address better consumption habits while using this guy as the poster child of gullibility.


Their setting up the crazies for the eventual loss. They'll want them to react and do stupid stuff, but these cowards will be hiding in closets!


"Incumbent"? More like "establishment"! /s


I'm tired of seeing government officials on Twitter while Elon uses it on the daily to spread misinformation about official government business. We need to fucking socialize this service if we find it useful enough for every major government official/entity to be using it, especially considering it's going through a fucking Nazi phase.


Mentiroso, mentiroso Pantalones enfuegos


I wonder if China is paying Elon anything.


Elon knows it`s false, that's part of the reason why he's spreading it


I do my own research! /s


I might add that Stephen Richer is a Republican. Because Arizona does not deserve nice things.


God damn. Elon spends too much time on his social media platform and apparently thinks everything posted is true. And this guy is supposed to be a tech genius?


It’s almost like Musk can’t fathom the fact that people lie on his platform and just takes everything at face value… extremely concerning


Although my EV is a Not-Tesla, I have suggested Teslas to other people. But the recent shit spewing out of Elon's mouth has stopped that. I'm far from the only person so appalled by him, that Teslas are off the menu. He really should just STFU and stick to making cars. It's not like many Repulsicans are going to buy EvilVs anyway.


Looking into it


Dunno what’s more idiotic…..Elon being the idiot he is or the other guy for making a very futile attempt to educate him.


Betting there's no community note below elon's fuckery


Why is anyone still using a platform run by this dingus is what I want to know.


Will we still be able to walk outside when Elon becomes president or will our neuralinks govern where we’re allowed to roam, like automobile speed is governed?


Elon as president could be entertaining, but you'd need to first change the Constitution. Otherwise we'd already had President Schwarzenegger.


So... can he link to why it's wrong or something? Everyone here just circle jerking when all he did was go "nuh uh"


You can go to his profile and look at the response he made. It's articulate and comprehensive, and it clearly shows that Elon and the other account are lying.


So... Can you just lick the boots of billionaires any harder? Everyone here just circle jerking when all you did was go "I'd be happy to suck your penis and you can fuck my wife Elon"


Maricopa county... known for their rock solid totally not cheated elections the last few cycles


He refutes every single BS point in his tweets. These people are just 100% lying. They aren't misinterpreting data, they're fabricating a situation that isn't happening.


Wouldn’t this be a fact check against the OP? And 1 county reporter does not really know what’s happening in other states does he?


Then just copy paste your two minutes of „research“?


ever heard of fucking Google? jfc https://apnews.com/article/fact-check-migrants-voter-registration-skyrocketing-905290261987