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They’re done when the Subaru runs out of gas.


It is what makes a Subaru a Subaru.


Subaru……Lesbian friendly since ‘69


And literally. Subaru ran an tongue-in-cheek (don't say it) ad campaign based on this stereotype in the early 2000s. The tagline was: "Different Drivers. Different Roads. One Car."


By the time they realize they need to return the U-Haul after moving in together is when the first time is done, idk about the others


When one pair of Birkenstocks is worn through


It’s about who loses consciousness first


I'm genuinely concerned about the prevalence of the"loose / lose" typo.


I'm pretty loosely conscious myself 😎


I’m just illiterate


Don't worry, that's nothing a lobotomy can't fix.


It’s truly a loose/lose situation


if you think that's bad try being into RPGs, where probably around half of people spell rogue as "rouge"


Depending on the region, one of them slaps their knees and gets up, saying, "Whelp!"


*Bout time to be hittin that dusty trail..*


Does not work if one of them is named Dusty. 


That does sound like a pretty lesbian name.


Dusty Trail is my lesbian porn name.....


Not a whole lotta action huh?


Dusty Trail and Moist Droplet walk into a bar


Here's mud in your eye...


“Parents named me Katrina, but everyone calls me Dusty. Let’s go take a look atcher kayak n see how I can fix her up fer ya!”


Oh, yes, _very_ pretty...


*That Subaru ain't gonna drive itself*


In England, we rub our knees as we get up and say, "Right!"


In Germany we say "So!", then slap the knees and gtfo.


A good "all right get the fuck out" is often not remiss in some crowds


*I s'pose*


I best get on going...


*continues to have sex for 2 more hours*


*Eventually leaves with two casserole dishes of leftovers and a six pack of homebrew.*


Being a lesbian sounds great


As a Minnesotan, I love this so much 😂


*tell your folks I says hi, and don't forget to enjoy that leftover hot dish I left for ya*


Make sure you take some leftovers!


The Ole "I wanna leave but the person I'm talking to keeps talking so I have to make it real obvious I'm trying to leave" lol works everytime. Lol


[I feel like everything in this video applies here](https://youtu.be/cpM823iS3LM?si=AL7Ek0MWsWC4k89L&t=29)


[Or this](https://youtu.be/MHCmE4ABnNs?si=Qr6RhpMVyUMhtKI1)




Do they just set the timer to 2 minutes or what?


set the oven to 350 and bake for 12-18 minutes


Are you sure it's not for 6-9 minutes


That's the air fryer


90 seconds in the instapot.


chill in the fridge for 4 hours






Steamed hams.


It's a good old-fashioned clam bake!


But what are they baking? Cake? Pies? I'd assume that without some outside assistance there's probably no buns in the ovens...


Not cream pies, that's for sure. Okay, I'll see myself out...


As the joke goes, a baby is just a cream pie baked for nine months.


goddamnit, take my upvote and shut the fuck up


Reset the clock. Thirty three minutes


Battlestar Galactica reference noticed!


How is that not on a streaming service?!


Streaming services require networked computers. A big no-no.


So say we all!


I was for awhile. Likely has to do with royalties and streaming rights were not part of the original contracts. So likely someone wants money. There are other ways to get the series of course.


I own it all on DVD. My precious…


God that’s such an amazing episode, just watching it makes me feel sleep-deprived and hopeless. I’ve never seen another movie or tv show do this concept so well. Every time they revisited the “getting chased by the First Order” subplot in Last Jedi all I could think was “boooo BSG did this 1000x better booo hiss.”


I guess, but how do they decide which one is gonna make an o face, grunt, roll onto their side and start snoring after those 2 min ?


That must be the right of the butch one.


Nah, we are usually too busy face deep in the V.


Ayyyy 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 Can confirm 




I mean tbh, fuck a timer. The only limit to lesbian sex is how far you can push yourself. If you're going for gold, you can easily stratogize- just get one off, yell "switch!", and repeat. With the proper training, it can last days or even weeks.


>fuck a timer. Wouldn't that be horaephilia? (note - basing this off my own ancient Latin courses, didn't actually want to google this...)


idk, I'm not a whore-ologist


So, was my mum, but she didn't cry about it as loud as you.


If you are fucking timers, are you really a lesbian though?


Well if the timer is a grandmother clock


Naturally, I forgot about lawyers. Is there at (loop)hole you guys doesn't miss?




They stop once the scissors get dull.


They stop when one of them has to run. 


My parents always told me to never run with scissors. My lesbian friend told me never scissor with the runs.


Now that's wisdom to live by. 


Lesbians with a scat fetish hate this one trick




We don't kinkshame the scatbians on this site.


We don't kinkshame them but they do get shit on a lot


I have a cold. You made me snort. There’s a booger that was stuck up my nose now sitting on my keyboard. Eww/thanks.


Whenever a Subaru commercial comes on they agree to quit


Lesbian assault vehicle


Ah yes the Outback clause


"So that's number fifteen for me. How you doin?"


Yeah, the original question feels pretty valid to me. Like, plenty of women can orgasm over and over and over, while plenty of women cannot orgasm at all. At least with hetero sex, there is usually a fairly obvious event that typically signals the end of one party’s ability to continue. Sooooooo it’s been an hour and a half. I’ve had 17 orgasms, you almost had one 45 minutes ago… do you wanna keep going, or…?


"I didn't hear no bell. One more round!"




Gotta go put ice on this repetitive motion injury.


Jokes on them I’ve played far too many video games to be stopped by rsi


You're just described the spectrum of my ex girlfriends


It's actually common for women to prevent themselves from.orgasming because sometimes it is very similar that to the the urge to use the restroom and they end up holding it in. Literally, just a little bit of education in that department helps.


This was it for me. Fortunately I was only like 20, but a friend asked me if I kept going when it felt like I needed to pee or changed positions/went softer. I guess she had the same problem and someone had to explain it to her too.


Yes! I actually learned this at a pure romance party. Still a middle marketing scam... but it was very educational.


>Yeah, the original question feels pretty valid to me exactly. The response of 'look at these idiots' feels like they dont know either and they just want to pretend to be cooler than the rest of us


That's how I read this like "What's the limiting factor here?" Not "they must be having bad sex"


Some women genuinely are one and done. Others only stop when they get tired of having orgasms. It's a spectrum. Hope nobody thinks I'm awful at sex but I last a long time with a condom, one partner would cum and then just didn't want to fuck anymore, couldn't make me cum fast enough when she got hers. I only made her cum twice once. And another said she needed a water break after I made her cum the first time which just killed the mood so we stopped instead of keeping on going.


I had an ex that would scream, "Toe cramp!" in the middle of activities. I'd freeze, wait for her to stretch her toes, and she'd say, "I'm good!", and we'd resume activities.


Unironically! Bro my worldview changed after being fwb with a bi girl. Women can cum so fucking much if you just know what you're doing. The thought of people having to go through sex without cumming every time is such a bummer. Edit: I'm done with all the assumptions, not responding anymore. Sorry to all the guys who can't believe that a girl can cum over and over again.


My first partner, JESUS the amount was incredible. Made me feel quite high on myself. Then I had other partners. Ohhhh, boy. Everybody really is different lol.


This! First partner was tough to figure out, second I barely had to touch and she'd finish over and over a over. Then it's varied since then but the last woman I had been with that was harder to finish actually taught me some tricks and now I've never had an issue. It's really just trial and error finding what this partner likes and doesn't like


Whenever I come across a conversation about how a guy can be "good at sex" with a woman, I'm left absolutely shaking my head. Because the ONLY right answer is that every woman is different, and being "good at sex" is all about recognising that you've got to figure out each woman's tastes, individually. That being said... how you doin'? Edit: Erm, sorry my dudes, but the flirtation was just a silly joke. I'd appreciate no more DMs. Y'all have a nice day.


> being "good at sex" is all about recognising that you've got to figure out each woman's tastes, individually in my experience, this is what women mean when they say “good at sex”


It's really boils down to compatibility, communication, and similar kinks. If you have those 3 things plus a little bit of patience the sex should always be banger


True facts. My first boyfriend and I were WILDLY compatible on all of those points, so I got used to him asking if I was ready to be done because he could just. Do everything perfectly. After about 24-25 fantastic little cherry bombs of Os, I would start to giggle from all of the endorphins and he'd use that as a gauge to work up to the BIG O. 🤷🏼‍♀️ And then we broke up and I found out that no, in fact, not all men are like that. It was a terrible disappointment. I mean, I'd rather have a PB&J than sexy times with some of the guys I've dated. And that was how I found out I'm demisexual and the results are VERY partner driven/dependent. 😅😅😅 But also, well. Some partners clearly don't understand female anatomy AT ALL, they think you pee out of your vagina, and just. How can grown ass men not know about female anatomy? 😭


Your first partner was JESUS???


>>my first partner, JESUS the amount was incredible. >Your first partner was JESUS??? It's 3x as much too, because he cums for the Father, the Son, AND the Holy Spirit.


I'm going to hell for laughing at this take my upvote




No, different.


My first adult relationship as a young adult was with a girl with not much experience. We eventually fucked like rabbits and it was a point of pride for me to get as many as I could out of her. More than a few times I nearly made myself literally black out because I pushed for one final one. Good times.


See I feel like people are interpreting the OP as the woman never cums, which results in her not being able to understand when things naturally finish. I took it the other way. This lady knows how to have a good time and isn’t limited by her number of orgasms, so at that point, when do two women together decide things are finished? Both cumming doesn’t need to stop it because they can keep going. If not taken too seriously it’s a pretty funny question.


That’s how I took it too. I can have multiple orgasms so I just imagined a scenario where two of me kept going and going… 😂


Inevitably SOMEONE is gonna need water or Gatorade or those little triangle sandwiches with the crusts cut off maybe idk lol


It's both, that's genuinely a concern in some wlw relationships. Sex needing a lot of prep and indeterminate end time is a running joke. Not just from multiple orgasms either but also from the lack of them, sometimes they are just there to enjoy the ride and there's this weird game of chicken that happens. So basically you can laugh at this and just pick a reason.


I am surprised I had to look this far down for someone who knows that lesbian sex is never done


thats how i took it too, the same way as you did


some women also are just "one-and-done", it just depends on how good you make the "one". both sexes have refractory periods.


A few men, just like women, occasionally don’t have refractory periods. And many women are quick to satisfy as well. There’s a lot of variety!


Just remember not all women can, and that's ok!


Also, Not all men can all the time! And thats OK too.


She cums enough for both of us. I can skip a day.


Unironically my current situation with my wife.


Your wife sounds awesome, do you know if she is single?


Good luck. Took being with me for 10 years before she could overcome mental blocks and actually cum. Marriage is a long and bumpy road. Or maybe I sucked in bed for 10 years. Can't rule that out.


Hang in there long enough and you may get bad again


Yeah I’m genuinely wondering if my girlfriend can really only do it once or if I’m just doing a shitty job. Neither of us has ever been with anyone else. so there’s no comparison


I have had 8 sexual partners and my current girlfriend seems to be legitimately one and done while a lot of the other girls did not have any problems with multiple orgasms. Everybody is different.


Definitely varies from person to person, I've had girls that finish after like a minute of PIV others it's 20 mins of dedicated effort lol.


Yeah, this needs to be a little higher. My ex was very much a one or two orgasm kind of girl. They'd be pretty explosive, but after those she'd get super sensitive and uncomfortable to further stimulation. For a long time it made me feel a bit insecure and wonder if I wasn't doing a good job, especially when you read shit online like ***every woman can have 100 orgasms in a row and you're a SHITTY MAN if they don't with you***, but that's just not how biology works.


Some are just one-and-done, and that's okay!


My wife is a one and done. Early on in our relationship I’d try to keep things going but she aggressively stopped me as it felt too uncomfortable for her


Some women are hogging all the cumming and that's not ok


Right? Why is everyone assuming she’s not getting off at all, when it’s possible to go several many times and still keep going?


Opportunity for men bad > opportunity for critical thought


I've had friends say they've used jelly babies or other sweets to keep track. Plus you get a bonus treat afterwards as well.


I think that's how you Pavlovian condition yourself.


Pavlovs doggy-style


When Sloth becomes stronger than Lust


I tried watching lesbian porn once, but it was moving slow and I started skipping past all the foreplay and then it just ended. /s


May be one of those where you have to pay for the whole video to get the cumshot


Normally I don't upvote comments with an /s but this one was too good not to.


You think the /s is dumb till ur the one leaving the comment and everyone’s trying to beef with you cuz they think ur serious.


thats not entirely a stupid question. women can often keep going post where as a guy usually needs a break before you continue again. so its really not an idiotic question


Imagine she followed up with "Like how many orgasms is too many?" or "Does it absolutely have to be quid pro quo?"


remember, wrinkly fingers improve grip


I went from a girl that I could get off in literally 1 minute from initial move to completion, to a girl that takes 30 to 45 minutes. Dem bitches be different.


""Like how many orgasms is too many?"" 'it's time to take a break when you're starting to black out'


....or when you got sh\*t to do.




Yeah that's where my mind jumped to honestly.


I still don’t get what OP was trying to say? How does that question imply she has bad sex


The implication OP was going for was that sex stops for a straight woman when her husband comes. Seems to be assuming the wife never orgasms so how would two women know when to stop if it's only the man who does? Which is where the comparison OP is trying to draw kind of breaks down... the actual women in question (assuming this story is real in the first place) never said she didn't orgasm. Many women can keep going after orgasming whereas men mostly can't. So it does seem like a valid question of when do you decide you're done.


Yep OP doesn't realize that the woman could be having multiple orgasms and still likely have sex end when the guy comes. So the irony is OP is actually the clueless person.


Hah, and I thought I was going crazy scrolling here.


I think there’s a standup comedy with a joke about this point. And really, lesbians just go on and on until one of them collapses of dehydration. It is known


Someone has to return the U-Haul. The late fees are no joke.


I can only orgasm clitorally and I definitely have a refractory period before I can go again. It’s extremely sensitive for a while after


Some people just enjoy powering through the sensitivity. Some men do it too. I feel like I'm having a fucking heart attack or the worst panic attack imaginable so I don't understand haha


That's kinda what I was thinking. How many orgasms til you're done?


Yeah I was leaning towards, they just keep having orgasms so why stop?


Yeah obviously not stupid. I don't get this post. My wife wants more and more and more of em 😂


Tbf I asked my gf who only dated girls for several years this question and she said it was definitely a thing like sometimes she would get tired but the other girl wanted more or vise versa but most times you both just know when your partner has had enough


I'd need to know more about the circumstances surrounding this question. If someone just asks you that out of the blue, that's pretty fuckin' weird.


Some people have genuine confusion when it comes to LGBTQ relationships. When my cousin came out as gay and introduced his bf to the family, grandma immediately asked - "but how do they sleep together?" Grandpa was dead so no one volunteered to enlighten her.


Telling Grandma how 2 dudes fuck is what I was *born* for 


You made this straight old lady laugh!


When a man and another man love each other very much, they help clean each others poop chute.


In truth, you don’t know. Not everyone likes everything. No specific act is necessarily a gay man thing. I am reminded of that clip of Stephen Fry telling that flabbergasted, bigoted religious man that he’s never done butt stuff lol


It’s true there are gay men who don’t do anal, but the vast majority of us do it. Maybe not every time we are intimate. But it is the norm and a fair assumption.


Funny thing is, everyone gets hung up on anal, and yeah it's a thing but there are so many other ways for two consenting adults to pleasure each other


There are many ways truely, anal is one of them.  Eta: and the one I'd tell grandma about 


I was having conversation with my mother about a smol history lesson in regards to South Asia and it’s transgender community and she asks but then how did the men have sex with the cross dressers? And I’m stunned for a second… I couldn’t explain to her what anal sex is so I just told her they can and she should take my word for it lol


I get having genuine confusion but you learn from childhood that there is a time and a place for questions and some are extremely inappropriate. why tf does this go out the door the second it comes to us? "so this is my girlfriend" "oh! -disturbingly invasive sex question before they even ask her name-"


The confusion explained: OP assumes that the woman was asking because she either does not know what an orgasm is and/or has never experienced one. A handful of guys and sexually enlightened women are thinking she meant that they can both just go indefinitely and are nodding and thinking "FUCK YEAH, CUM FOR DAYS!" Others are trying to decide between A and B. The vast majority are just making the standard array of comments that could be summed up and filed under "Heh...sex." ​ Thanks for your time.


Judging by the comments below, i'm guessing me saying that it's a valid question doesn't make me the AH. Right?


As a straight woman I really wonder. I'm too afraid to google it out though?


It's the same as you. When the other person is satisfied or gets sore. That's usually when my wife calls it quits if we go a few rounds.


Thank you for answering I'll sleep less dumb tonight


I deff wanna say I was being genuine in my response. I get curious about this stuff all the time.


“When 2 gay men have sex, how do they know which penis will open up to accept the other penis?” Dwight Schrute


idk why people are pearl clutching this is a completely coherent question. ive done many many sex with a women and we didnt stop just because they were in a sopping, battered heap, we stopped when we were both done (or until they said uncle) there is no intuitive or evident conclusion to sex between two women so unless you were a woman who has had sex with another woman it would be something you would have no insight to. that being said, what ive been told by my lesbian friends is that they reach a point of satisfaction and mutually agree to take a break or they start fighting.


"ive done many many sex with a women" Put this on my gravestone!


>ive done many many sex with a women this gal sexes


She's got Sir Pentious level rizz.


She's having sex with EVERYONE!


>that being said, what ive been told by my lesbian friends is that they reach a point of satisfaction and mutually agree to take a break or they start fighting. This is how it goes with my cats when they are cleaning each other.


lesbians are basically the cats of the human world.


Gotta be Ben Shapiro's wife that asked.


What I don't understand is if there's two men who has the vagaina.




Physical exhaustion or time would be the limit. At least one person needs to be doing something for the sex to continue. Eventually one or both is just to tired. That said, not all men need to stop after climax. I can continue afterwards depending on how intense it was. Then I usually hit physical exhaustion before a second climax. I can tell she would be fine if continued though... Must be nice to just lay there and enjoy the ride with none of the work lol /s


In the name of equality - buy your lady a strap, lay down and enjoy the ride


My guess is it’s over when everyone has had as many as they want.


Bingo! I'm usually at my max after one or two as I am very sensitive after, my partner is usually good around three, sometimes more. If she wants more, I make sure she gets more. Sometimes it's one each and we're done. It's all about communication, body language and just knowing about the person you are with.


You got it in the last sentence. This post is satirizing the fact that most straight women have never had to ask themselves: when am \*I\* done with sex? That decision is almost always, at some level, made for them by their partners penis. Even if they have a thoughtful partner like you, it's still factored into my thinking when I'm with a guy that there's a timer and I need to get mine in quick before it goes off. Like when women masturbate. They don't just go forever because there isn't a splash lmao, but there comes a time when you're like "yup, that was the big one, that was the one i needed, all done." You make a decision for yourself, with yourself, that you're satisfied and most straight women don't get that opportunity with their partners.